West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1914, p. 7

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d Almost MI} WAR Reminders. , may Do yo' ,1ieve that W ad: t,r,a,erved IA. .mi- vrto tbo ed s alphur, a M tho rur- Me. e dio. e beo [ pest biilq don“ an" " was in. B _ 4-141ch with pictures and new. ','.' mrp's movements. 1-!“me Conan the at... M "il "Human“ ot these times that Hun Lima; ret,ults of the excess ,\'; ' is tho desire of the rich to ., "w- Imuuuvs ot the poor. The _ ' . t,r r...- the new and charming The Yield in the Niagara District Will Be Poorest in Many Years PEACH CROP ENTIRE FAILURE A dv"~pltch from St. Catharines guys. ', The past two weeks have con- hruoed the repeated early predic- tinn's that the peach cmp in the Ni.- gara (livtrict will be the poorest in many years, notwithstanding the large acreage of young trees that thi, Fear would reach the bearing Map tor the first time. this state Bu, 'sUi:9iiG- Hands and Feet r, Out London Letter The Public mu. Prince of '31.. is I BPort ITince of WHlers bids fair t " the hrsst ti] well-known a rumbled dam ossibly some 14 m loud. " lhnusand in: the hum] put In with Mte of a wel um is added a tttted into to ne ean hard o'fiJ'ri"t", "iriuriteii," the {an lumping the papers with pictures and new. thuusand dollars is K the humble home. Old n In with silver hinges v of a Well-known act- is added and prlcelen ted Into rooms that are "an hardly stand up- 'Ire potato patch " then ' a tulhlunablo orchard utvh bulbs are planted Tiny laulced windows. and old tnqtenooo. y of some laborer. no trurnisiered, an the wre lac w h " the wrecking of pri- shortest (rumm- Hr. thts past in England. ms a frequent thing \' lawyer to mun " at had been left to widows and orphans. sttitton of prune wholly In the hands P", behind whom the responsible for the Ins. but for (In down homestead: mme long estab I Drink an. l‘nitml Klngdm 1y to may popu- established office «an in the nixth Sit-wart. showing as stipulation In " his office to ad- e value is over -$55t.taPl8.000, to ms". amounting .000. hate been H-t Winn _ Bi tt " the office In 5,000,000 and use value of ber, is abou o-do persons My than the tt il prominent rat, it in, m ts no I because for that, tt " w gal a gal bent the no n h! -ttartr tants The t 900 dim med. Al tt Gin FG 11 directly on these vital organs-correct ttl) d.ee--?tueye? M'li'iUCfiiiiiGciiFdiir-rutvt the gain and reduce swellingln handund I 1 dealers or sent on receipt of price. mean Kidney Trouble. Linimenta Ind blood thee,", Ire uncle“. v',','.'"',,:": must o is to cure the kidneys. Ike h Alexander Ross, aged 87 years, was burned to death in a fire which started in the home of his brother. David Boss. 107 North Bay Street, Hamilton. on Thursday. Tho fire started in the victim's mom, evi- dently from a coal oil stove. . A native of Lancashire, England, he entered the Mrviee of the Man- chester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, resigning in 1862 to come to Canada. He commenced work as a clerk with the Grand Trunk Rail. way and rose successively to the position of general passenger agent and assistant, general manager and vice-president. Deceased was in- cluded among the 23 men at the basis of Canadian finance. He served in the Fenian Raid and the Trent affair. , iii-wisrG/rdsteii with the road's interest in matters that came be- fore Parliament. _. _ . Mr. Wainwright had been with the Grand Trunk practically from its inception, and, being popular with men of all parties up Ottawa, r'e'ialrid/v,"'iirere Jith him to the and tim PILLS. the "Baron," and the two went to Warren. The "Baron" induced Ruum to hand over $550 as an evi, denee of good faith, and Rieven- thal then quietly purchased a $6,000 farm from a farmer mar Warren, paying 8500 down to bind the bar. gain. Ruum was introduced to his new duties, but became suspicious and caused his employer's arrest. Police Magistrate Brodie convicted the "Baron" of fraud and remand- ed him for sentence. Another young German arrived re- cently to learn Canadian farming under the "Baron," only to find that he had been duped. tion of manager, and arcr r‘nnsider. able correspondence agreed to come to Canada and manage the farm tor three years, at the end of which time he was to receive 400 acres of land beside a monetary considera- tion. Ruum came to Canada and arrived at North Bay, where he met the "Baron," and the two went to Warren. The "Baron" induced Ruum to hand over 8550 as an evi, demo of good faith, and Jlieverr Fake Baron Brought Them to Can- min to Farm. A despatch from North Bay says: A man giving his name as Baron Loner Rieventhal, who has been making his headquarters at North Cobalt, has run foul of the law, and is now in Sudhury Jail as a. result of his peculiar business trtbTttyac- tions. Rievonthai advertised in German agricultural newspapers for a. manager to conduct a Cana- dian farm consisting of 1,400 acres. He also advertised in Germany for pupils to study Canadian farming, and tp. Day $15 a month tuition fees. Rodolph Rural; apnliml for the posi- When tho children are babies the bud- aro put on their necks and not taken on again. He had seen several old women over 60 years of age who had worn these heads from their childhood any and night. - Poorest children in London wear under their dress a. neither: of common blue beads. costing a cent, with a heart shap- ed Pendant, as a. cure for cold. and bronettittm. A. W. McCubbin, Dominion Plant Pathologist, in investigating the conditions west, of St. Catharina, along the lake shore, found a. grow- er with a peach orchard of from sight to ten acres who offered to take om: dollar for his entire crop. now collected to satisfy the cravings of tht..r.ilh for tyr? old cottage. Witt/dia" ai -caarrfa, are in the swim. Once there. why there's nothlnx else in life to strive for. new to our. Ito-cum. Speaking at a meeting of the Folklore S‘ociew at l'niversny College this week Edward Lovett said um many of the Japanese plums, too, will be scarce, but a fair crop of standard variety of plums and pears is prom- ised, providing a few warm days are experienced. The smaller fruits, such as strawberries and raspber- ries, promise well. While the failure of the peach crop will be felt heavily by commis- sruu men and transportation com- parties, the blow will fall the most heavily upon the young farmers who have bought portions of farms at high figures with little capital be- hind them and have devoted all their land and energy to growing peaches instead of a mixed crop. cannot find a single bud in their orchards. VI It. M AINU Ill“ liT "El D. , SWINIHJEI) HERMANH. I” mek-HK you play any instnh mentl" Peek (sadly)---') sec- I 0nd fiddle at home." Cargo Shifted Suddenly. and 12 Sailors Were Lossed. A wlespatch from London says: The steam Collier Turret Hill has sunk. owing to the shifting of her Cayqo. off South Wold, in the North Sea. The chief engineer, who was picked up by a passing steamer, said that the steamer turned tur- tle, heeling over so ragidly that there was no chance to anneh the boats. The captain of the Turret Hill was picked up by another steamer after he had clung for sev- eral hours to a life-buoy. The re- mainder of the crew, numbering 12, are believed to have been drowned. A steam pilot cutter was sunk on Wednesday by a steamer in Bristol Ch nnel. Five men weredrowned. and. 16 saved. - "Thertt's going to be a clean-up of just such as you," said the Magis- trate, in passing sentence. “Unfor- tunately tor yourself you happen to be the first, but there are others around the city who, if they do not mend their ways, will be down there with you." _ \lzigislrate Determined to Make Example of First Culprit. A despatch from Stratford says: Williams Abraham, " teamster, was this morning sentenced by Magis- trate Olunne in the Police Court to ten months in the Ontario Reforma- tory for the. theft of a. horse-clipper from the stable of the McLeod Mill- ing Company. He pleaded guilty. Hotra--t8.40. fed and watered; $8.60, oft cars: " f.o.b. Montreal. May ".---Prime beeves. 71 to Sic: motllum. 5A to "c; milkmen's strippers, 5 to To: common, " to Me. Cows, $35 to $80 each; calves, 3 to Te; sheep, 59 to M: spring lambs, " to " each; hogs. Me. Sheep and 'tttttbs-Light ewes, $6.50 to $7; heavy, $6.76 to $6.25; bucks. $5.75 to $8.25; Spring lambs. each. " to $10: yearling lambs. $9 to 89.50. but with 75c per head deduvtod for all the buck lambs. Toronto. May 19.---Catt1e--Choiee butchers, $7.90 to $8.35; good, 87.90 to $8.25; common cows. " to $5.25; can- new and cutters, 83.60 to $4; choice tqt congSGJO to $7.25; choice bulls. " to $7.50. Calves-Good veal, 33.75 to tio; com mon, {4.76 to " - Smokers and foederr--Steers, 800 to 900 pounds, $7.26 to $7.50; good qunl- ity, too to 800 pounds, " to $7.50: light. $6.25 to 87.25. Unltod State. Mtgrhet., Minneapolis, Minn. May 19,---Wheat--- May, 90k; July, 0MP: No. 1 hard. 9510: No. 1 Northern, 021C to Mie; No. 2 Northern. Mae. t'orn--No. 8 yellow, 66) to 67c. UMSWNU. 3 white, 375 to Mic. Flour and bran, unchanged. Duluth. Minn., May 19.---wheat--No. 1 hard. 8430: No. 1 Northern, 93lc; No. 3 Northern. 92h: July, 93| to Mee. Iain. seed closed. cash, $1.66l; July, $1.57}. Montreal. May 19.---Corn-American No. 2 yellow. " to Tue, oattr---c'ana- dian Western, No. 2, " to "tc; do., No. 3, 42 to 42k. Bartey--Manitotm feed, 50 to no. mottr-hrtutitotta Spring wheat patents, ttrstn, $5.60; do., seconds, 55.10; strong bakers'. 84.90: Winter patents. choice. 85.25 to $5.50: straight rollers. $4.70 to $4.90; do., in hugs. $2.20 to 82.35. Rolled oattr--fV rels. $4.Git to $4.55: bag of 90 1m. $2.12h to $2.15. MiHftwd--uran, $21; shorts. $25: mlddlings. $2C, tnouillie, 323 to $32. 1fay--No. 2. per ton, our lots, $11 to 315.5% Crecsos---ii'inest Westerns, let to 1234': do., s-nslerns. Itt to 12k. "utter-Choices" '".e'attlery, 23 to 23he: seconds, 22 to '12t.c. Iu"gTs--Frctsh, 23 to 24": seler'ted, " to 27c: No. 1 stock 23c; No. 2, do,. 21 to 220. Potatoes-Per bags. $2.20 to $2.35. Rom rela. $4.50 to tg.55; bag 32.1% to $3.15. Minteed shorts, $25: mlddllngs. $28; to $32. 1ray--No. 2, per I $14 to $15.50. C'tecsc---Fin In to 12%: do., easterns. "utter-Choices" "teatttetW, seconds, 22 to "325:3. Ear; to 24c', selected. " to 27c: 23c; No. 2, do., 21 to 22e. F bag. car lots, $1.05 to $1.2 Winnipetr. May 19.---Cash,r--whettt-. Nu. 1 Northern, Mc; No 2. Northern. 9249; No. 3 Northern. 90te; No. 4, Me; No. 5, 79.0.; No. 6, Tue; feed, who; No. 1 rejected seeds, 8920; No. 2 rejected needs. ioc;,No. 3 rejected seeds, 853C; No. 1 smutty, 8920: No, g smulty. 8750: No. 3 'mutty, 8590: No. 1 red Winter, 941c; I Winter No. 3 No, Wholusula seed merel recleaned seeds to the t lb. basis:--ned clover. I do., No. 2, $17 to 817.5 520.50 to $21; do, No. Timothy, No. l, $8.50 t 2, " to 87.25; alfalfa. I do., No. 2. $13 to $13,60, Bacon. long clear. " to 16c per lb. in case lots. Hams-Medium, 18 to as»: do.. heavy. I? to 18e; rolls. 16 to 1510; lgeaktuat bacon, 18 to 190; backs, 22 to 1. c. Halal ttar-No. 1 at $14.50 to $16 a ton on track here;; No. 2 quoted at $13 to913.25, and clover at $10 to 811. U U linled sririiik-ear. as.' ”.2510 33.50 on track, Toronto. ' "iouitrv-d-Powi, 16.10 tte" per chirkens. 19 to 20e: ducks, " to gag-5e. 16 to Ifry, turkeytc2(lfo 28c: - iGisGes"-beiiukirress: $1.20 to $1.25. on track, here, and Ontario: at $1.10 per bag. on track. -iurd--Tierces, 12k: tubs, 13c; pans late. CoM.IER TURNED TURTLE. -iieink-liiirurwicied," -i2Atr to 82. 30 per bushel; primes. 52.10 to 82.15. I)nul0ru_I-‘nuyl Ttt 0n TR.. “an 1h ' "kitareU-fGFi.tiast; in in Me for Iattrm and__15 lo 1ucfor, “in“. -- -- Butter-Choice dairy. 18 to 'Oc; in- ferior. 16 to “in; farmerl' separator pr!nts.__21 te "e; creamery ANNE": "tth, 5376166; -doCuioALki, prim-s, 23 io 24c suudl, “glue. " to Me.. . - ' tcthru-'21 "to' 22 lots. _ iioner--aratracted, in tins. 10. to lie per lb. Combs. $2.25 to $2.50 per dot en for No. l and " for No. g. - - oat-No. 2 Ontario oats. 89f to 40e, outside. and at 6te, pr: track, Toronto. " estern Canada. oats, 420 for No. g, and at “it: tor No. 8. Lay ports. P----$1 to 81.05, outside. Htsritry--Good mulling barley, " to "e, uccordtnx to quality. Hye--No. 2 at 63 co Mr. outside. Buckwheat--80c, outside. corn-No. 3 American, 75c. Ill-rail. Toronto. -- _ _ -- - TEN MONTHS roll THEFT. "isriirT-LMnnitobts mm, as to 826 a ton. in bagl, Toronto freight. Shani. 826 to 828. "6:11.31"; ,VGicCiG. ’2' Gilyidd it $1.03 to tl.04, outside, and 81.05, on track, Toronto. - ___ _ A BEPOB'I'I TBOM Tlot LEADING '1'an CENTRES OP AHEBXCA. Price. of cum. Chm. Chen. M Other Produco " Home and Amid. Toronto. May 1g.--Ftour-ontaNo wheat, titrurs, 90 per cent., $3.bu to 33.85, seaboard. and at 83.85 to t3.Su, Toronto. Manitoba-First patents, in Jute bags. $5.00; do., seconds, 55.10; strong bakers: in July bags, " _ . Criiiir"it.iiitirritatHy.ay -ikrin--No, Northern. 98k. angNo: 2 at. 9ftc, -. PRICES (lf FARM Mlllltfll .35c. Blariey Hex-(ed. MC; N.-w.e. 81.36: No, c.w.. 31.23. CWT, Mltr, No. 1 tded Diva Stock 'earlrettr. FO laud Ray and Stnw. loan-00.1 Harlan. ' May Pg.-Corn--Americttn Winnipeg Gram Country Produce. Proullonl. Erna-tall. Win [or oat- ' Seed; feed pgr" dozen, tn case . 2, $17 to to $9.50; do. No. 1, $14 to (.0; nisike, N trade, on the No. 1,319 to hams are selling d seeds, iirde; smutty, 8750: red Winter, 250; No. 3 red 4330. 'Flux" ll C.W., 31.33 3, 48ch0. ' 0 W ttli $15 106 lb. 18c So great was the crush to view the catafalque, containing the body of one oi the marines killed in Vera Cruz in the rotunda of the muni- cipal building at Chicago, that scores of women fainted, while men, caught in the smothering press, cried for air. _ Larges of arson, murder, man- slaughter and larceny against Major Patrick J. Hammek of the lst Regi- ment, Colorado National Guard, were filed before a general court. martial a: Denver, Imsulting from the recent strike war. United States. An earthquake was felt in Ogden, Utah. It is understood, according to the London Standard, that Sir Edward Grey advises that no useful purpose will be served by South American mediators into Mexico's ills, and that he will indicate to the cabinet a line oi policy which will go far to minimize the possibility of further bloodshed. Chief of Police Alf, Cuddy, of Calgary, is being sued by the local lodge of the Chinese Masonic Order for $1,000 for raiding their premises on the theory that it was a. gum- bling house. Referring to the desire of Bristol to hold an all-Canadian exhibition, extending over four months. in 1916, the London Financial Times approves of the general idea, but would have it in London. Threatening to rob several of the city's stores unless they are given work, the unemployed of Edmonton are about to live up to one of their mottqes, "Work, starve or steal." The rtrtail merchants of Prince Al- bert, Bask., following the lead of Regina and Moose Jaw, favor put- ting forward the clocks one hour from June _till September. A. Bell and J. Pickering, car in- spectors, were drowned by the up- setting of their boat in tho rapid current at White River, Port Ar- thur. Owen Sound will vote on June 6 on by-laws to aid " dry dock and shipping Company. the, Union Ce- ment Co., and the Canada Yeast Co. Mrs. Alfred Smith of Owen Sound was horrified on awaking in the morning to find her little three- months-old infant dead in the bed beside her. Canada, the Empire and the World In General Before Your Eyes. Canada. J. S. Jamieson, WA., has resign- ed the principalship of the Morris, burg Collegiate Institute, after 31 years. IE NEWS 'd A PARAGRAPH "APP ANINUS FRO.“ ALI. OVER THE GLOBE I)? A NUTSHELL Bankers, business men, lawyers, registry office officials and promi- nent farmers were relied on for the information gathered, and the tut- General. ins d The Mexican Federals evamiatodlBpard ( This financial survey of farm con- ditions, as it might be called, is in innovation in the annual report. and infurnustion Wats ascertained under the. following heads: (1) The percent use of farms mortgaged. per cent. of mortgages in value of farms, and whether increasing or decreasing; (2) the extend of deposits by farm- ers in savings banks; (3) the extent of the demand on the pare of farm- era for loans; (4) rate of interest paid on both long and short-date loans; (ii) whether the loans are on the purchasing of land only or ane ior financing farm operations. statement appearing in the report of Hon. James S. Duff, Minister of Agriculture, for the year just. pass- Cd. This conclusion is arrived at as a result of a canvass and utakcn by the thirty-seven representatives of the Department, who found that 45 per cent. of the farms were mort- gaged, tnd one-third would be a fair estimatowt the amount of the mortgages. Mount Actual in Eruption. This photograph shows the Sicilian volcano in action. Several viI Iages were wiped out. About 15 per cent. of the total value of the farm property in On- tario is mortgages. according to a $1,405,950,940 1N FARMS Half Ontario's Farms Burdened By Mortgage, But Farmers Have $100,000,000 in the Bank Great Britain. THE SICILY EARTHQUAKE TRAGEDY TIEP' A'KOT'II VES TORONTO Two Hundred Constables and Ten Deteetives Will Be Added. A despatch from Montreal says: Two hundred additional police con.- stables and ten detectives, at a cost for the rest of the year of $126,572, are to be addedat onoetn the Mons real force. Chief Camps“ zeta 81000 increaaa in salary and u: tu'rLli,1',' for his own use. This gas 4eciskd on Wednesdcy by the Several of Them Mase Started to Work Overtime. A despatch from Hamilton says: Several of the large east end manu- facturing concerns have started to work overtime. The officials of the Steel Company of Canada report that, business is picking up, and they expect to have their plant working at full capacity again soon. The Canadian Westinghouse Com- pany also reports improved condi- tions. A despatch from Washington says: The case of William S. Demon, the British subject killed at Juarez, looms threateningly on the Consti- tutionalist horizon. Great Britain has announced that it will exact adequate reparation for this event as soon as responsibility can be fixed upon authorities from whom such reparation can be demanded. lifted 40-l'ound Boy. Car and Chair ELI”: l Into the Air. 1 A despatch from London says: dt, M. Bachelet's flying train continues min to attract attention. M. iiiifi,ii.i) 03' I ‘wound up a demonstration of hisl {:33}: {invention by lifting a boy into the‘ dey ain in his model passenger car, A 1 TS; boy five years old, wviwhinir forty- ivii1 two pounds, sat in a wicker chair. fif.1 M. Bachelwt switched on the cur- to (4 rent, and car, chair and boy rose {5 if _ . . mm from the will! and remained sup- they portvd in the air in Mahomet coffin- l fur l like effect. The little p:,5tity,e/jitt,'i1,s jumped when he was suddenly tne jerked upwards, but quickly brokel Egg“ into smiles and obviously enioyedlfi,r'i'i': his experience as the first passon- IC/ ger on a flying train. The model ! L; n car weighs eighteen pounds, so that i',"n','l" the total weight lifted was sixty I we 1 pounds. he,,? BRITAIN WI N'I‘H "F'.Ph RATION. lys Allan liner Mongolia, ar- rising at St. Johns, Nfld., from Glasgow, reports the worst condi- tions regarding the number and size of icebprgs from the Grand Banks ever experienced by anybody on board. An anti-militarist, who is a, mem- ber of the army reserve, stabbed Major Correis to death in a street in Covilhau, Portugal. Soldiers raided the prim!) and lynched him. A friendly Mexican army officer has informed General Funston that seventy murderers imprisoned in the prison of San Juan de Uluoa were released by mistake by the Americans. 'l'a-mpico and the rebels are in com mand. Mh MILTON F'hCTOlt1 ES It IN". These facts are ir.tterpretcd by the department as having an optimistic tone. The demand for loans does not appear to have been heavy during the past your. The interest rate varied from 5%. to 7 per cent. on long loans and from 7 to 8 and per- haps 10 per cent. in the newer dis- tricts on short-date loans. With regard to deposits:, it is stated that these have materially increased in tux-cut years. One county estimates a 20 in 30 per cent. murmur ; another 70 to 90 per cent. ; another " per cent. No accurate figures can he given of the total amount of farmers' deposits, but from estimates furnished trom the different oountiea, it is assumed that tho farmers of flntario have one hundred million dollars at their credit. To show that this is not an exaggermd Bum, it is pointed out that the farm wealth of the Pro- vince is valued at 81,405,950.940. There seems to be a unaniumus siew that, mortgages are decreasing in number. Payments are reported as being promptly met. A propor tion of the mortgages, it is ascer- tained, have been taken to enable spvculation in western rea). estytt. MONTREAL POLICE FORCE. liable FLYING TRAIN ers are considered remand; 'ti Fut Eh K S. of the Netherlands. Her father was the yuungest son of the late Queen Victoria and his early death cast it gluon) m-c-r the people or Great Britain with whom he Watt extremely popular. Prince Alexander in a soldier and was A.D.C. to Colonel Mutton in South Africa. As such he was at the relief of Mare- king and won his 0.5.0. He is Just 40. tall and ttood-looking. lie has shown considerable organizing ability in the various duties which have {alien to him since King George's tsvcettrstort made him brother-in-iaw to the King. He has been married nine years and has two children. Thus Canada gets a royal foam; couple as representative of the (in; They will be very welcome. m. Weather. In Mexico u mean average temperw ture of " degrees in usual. and there- fore the rest entl of the North. who have been accustomed to I variable cli- th 1y th dullghlful possibilities lo momrlsls. could so m‘wr paths and tieid puma together barred to the ordinary mo and In new countviem especially wt many and beautifully constructed h road. as yet are not, it would be tsiu: lnvuuwlo. It would luvs all the Yunnan in the way of speed und pause of running which the motor t') no“; manages over the motor cur. t IO"!M as can be Been, none of them advantagel. It ls clglmed that " d away almost entirely with the. dan of taking a (-urve at a high lute HI A two-wheeled motor bur, kept l upright position by the. use of u scope, has been constructed. and t being experimented with to 'MM' " be made available tn practice for cry use. It In only net‘ossar)’ to pure the bicycle with the trh-ycl reunze the advantages of two I' realize the u over three or that the bicy less power an those wlslc!: single track dullghtful y Comment on Events iijG ';tlir"pGil"'Gii;i%i."' '..bUFT"F " "'""i "v"Fb_vb.F_ w..... FF"' .. ' _ __ a) A. MAY & SON CO (numbed 1342) MONTREAL, Que. There is a HOME TRADE merchant Near YOU. You Cannot Lose on HOME TRADE Goods u! Flake the HOME TRADE Catalogue Your B u yin g Guide. Every dollar spent In home through the HOME TRADE Catalogue means Economy and thou“ Int-(mun: for yourself, and benefit to your district,--- h BUY AT HOME, HOME TRADE Cnulocue good. are guarantecd to glvo IuIsfncllon. Money refunded without question when not “waned. When you buy HOME TRADE merchandlu you have me uni-flcllon of knowing that you no rocelvlnt the lowest ponible who: renal-tom with good quality. You get the latest In awry line and will In dclllhlod wllh the splendid quality and Hum: received. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATUN. LIMITED. coxrnnnarrmx mu: umpire - renown. on. sl And now for the Spring clean-up. You mill find Ramsay's Paint the Index helper you ever employed. Outdoors and in. it will make min“ m “be new. For any purpose therein special Ram ftrtlsh, dinevev r n of Emily'- Pulnt there In the Al combination a}; 'l'll,hrl1e%eJl timing!- and nodal mac methods of machine mixing. Runny'n Flint: will not in you. . The Inc! My - will [in ”Imam lend-v um] cu gestthruror 3102M has!” for Mae-ting yum. manure that “Sn hi“: you a you - pubic-I. Bean. for the Dairy A Mrrotr0oP1o an: In: ark amen the t_orttrttiq. of this Carbon.“ Mt Plum; on the market 10 your- nun. Bushes: Club“!!! g years. Investment may be withdrawn in our! or who“ nnv time after one your. sh',e, an a mortgage. Putt w- Uvularl and booklet cludly urnished on request. tl del' THIS INVESTMENT 13 can be. Prop l at greater Bl". "BITE 1e tl, “I HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM en, none of ttttedit" 1:!de that " does " with the dnnxer at a high fate _of " 'luan trl tw, bod ngnw. all sort pt in th ole tn wheel" known a with What " car ordin. com. Buy Direct from Factory The kind of service " In impouiblo to receive through any other mum. 1‘th will handle your onion. look "ter 'tttttr- menu, Adm-t 'i"",'?,',','),"'.',:; if any urine. int! n the sum. t ma save you middiu- mln'n prams. nines they Thin HOME TRADE endemic in puts- iinhed by hundreds ot prom-Quin Retatt Merchants in a united ettort to 31". their runomeru lower price. on the goods they buy. It lists thOIlndl of necessary trliciel of merchandise at money saving prion. The“ merch‘ml are prepared to give you consumers’ Gulde To Economy Personal Mail Order Se rvice S'I'OIUH' TUNES 0N Pht ll TD After This - Ill-k a--- Oonlunurl' “when”. in“: good. nt low“ prion. lithe-1. rot-on.) - Emma}. rte-porn, of boost Dutxlett. A Innuendo Cur. A Reliuble Nun. on u "ated can in every- where the Modern Guu‘nue of Quality ll " It . 04th wow-M4! " Mun-t 'ot? vu! Pacitr pressed for any nu.- Inc-r0 Itim doa- " d

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