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Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1914, p. 8

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n if! at? 1 w w - w w i)! Se tf.' w w W It, . w F1 ill w w W m :2, Prim 't -ePP_PP-e l ff, G T w TI g$£€E¥EEEG€E€SE§E§Eé駀€éi C . '. m I CENTRAL DRUG STORE ' :35. The Central Drug Store iii Haaaaaaaaaaaazaaaaaaaasaa”a? Shop where you are invited to Shop Chopped Corn Chopped Corn & Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats We have a good stock of all kinds hand, including If you want Feed, call and see us. will please you. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! 'l) Field and Garden Seeds (ll Prices as low as any. Bargain , Hunters It", window and every door when be only,“ with The specially dosigned and up-to-dato method now generally “opted tor effectually preventing entry of all dra nght, snow, Ilcct. rain or dust at any kind, thereby insuring an oven unper- ctun throughout the building. Why deny yourself the maximum of comfort at the minimum of um. All metal-weather strip costs less, is far more " fective than storm sub and is e permanent institution. requiring no met. loot public buildings in large cities are equipped with it. Architem specily it, the Government demands it. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Estimates cheerfully given. Work guaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Innhctmd and installed by Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Feed l Feed! . R. Ticket Agency In this community are hundreds of individuals and families on the watch for an advertisement which will offer them what they want at an advantageous price. Call them bargain-hunters if you will, but there is nothing wrong in waiting for e bargain, -ialir when the seller is ann- ous to sell at a reduced price. One family wants a new carpet-the need is not urgent. Another family is looking forward to buying a set of dining-room fu r- niture-it may not be for a twelve month. One man is thinking of buying himself a watch. x One woman a shopping bag; another an umbrella. q All can be made to buy earlier- by adver- tising. - Stimulau mu by the bier of some slow- noving in“ n "can prices. Brighten up “all.” by tavern-lug in The REVIEW some desirable to“. at "ttttset' prices. Make ad. vertigia. ham: dull Dunne”. Often you can to.” than,“ who in hiding his or her time, .0 in, Iron you at n time of your naming. EVENTUAI..LY (jovt. Tested Timothy and Clover Seed All-Metal Weather Strip We no paying 38c to fOc for Good (tttts at our C Eievator Headquarters for all kinds/of A NOTE TO MERCHANTS . Furber dk Go. Why. Not Now Oatmeal Millers DURHAM, ONT Smith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed Seed Oats Buy your ticket. here. ever made of wood wir of Feed on Order Early Our prices -il) Us? W'" Try71'?TiT ».r.% -- ’tv "uieit'is'ira'viT:, m iii In In '.0 ii) The Holstein Women's Institute co-operating with the Football Club, invite you to come to Holstein next Monday and share in the big program of sports in the Agricultural Park. FOOTBALL-orchard vs. Holstein, for " prize, Athletic Contests, Races, Lawn Tennis Match, &c. SUPPER served on the Grounds. Splendid Evening Programme of Vocal and Instrumental Music, etc, closed by FIREWORKS Sports commence at 3 p. m. _ Admission, 25c for all ; Children Lie, or 2 for Mc. t lliolstein's ' 2Sth' Celebration Victoria Day Garden Party The Walsh Dimmtahiishmeut bill has become law without tho sanction of the House of Lordr. This is made pos- sible by the Parliament Act, which provides that after being three time: passed by the Commons " three suc- cessive sessions. a measure become: law. This is the first bill to he so pus- ed, the Home Rule bill will likely be next. and VICTORIA. HOLIDAY FARES Little beams of moonshine, Lmle hugs and kisses. Make a little maiden Change her name’ to lure. Good-Bye House of Lords Only 50c for the Review' the balance of this 1 t-e . to New I P thitttlt $20132 C-F-ar-ir-C. liiote1 C-EF-LC-r: T O R O N T O In Centre of Shopping and Business District. 230 -r-iit0 with Print. Baths EUROPEAN AND Autumn fun A la cute Restaurant i Order a sack of PURITY! Test it by actual baking. You'll find it makes the tastiest, most appetizing Bread you’ve ever baked, and the buns, rolls, cakes and pies you’ll make with PURITY will delight the whole family. Hill ll R Stop worrying about the high cost of living. The " Staff of Life " is cheap. Good, plain, wholesome Bread-Bread made with PURITY FLOUR is more nutritious than meat. Bake' Bread with PURITY 1tLOUR--and buns, rolls, biscuits, cakes, and pies. Give the children plenty of Bread. It's the beet food for growing boys and girls. And better than heavy meats for all of us. And-attest" far. Reduce the cost of living by eating more bread "MORE BUMP and BETTER BREAD" and 1‘3an PASTRY too. filltyLSrrEIl)iil Come for a Big Oay's Fun and Outing. SAM. H. TMOMPSON. Plot 0.. THE DURHAM REVIEW Rev, Mr. Kendall and Master Doug- las of Dundalk, spent the week end in the village. _ Mi‘. tsthheu Boakes is visiting with friends in and wound the burg this week. lorry lo report that Miss Nellie Atchison is laid up with tonsilitls. Mr R, Taylor had the misfortune to lone two valuable cow: last Week. Mr A, Milne also lost one recently. Bicycling seems to be all the rage nowndaya. Why not. huya double- ieuter Fred ? Mr. and Mrs. S. McLeau'sfriends at Sholburne motored uvsr on Sunday and spent the afternoon with the aged couple. Ere returning they Wert' treated to a short motor ride. The Dromore Women's Institute held their annual] meeting at the home all“: Patterson, Mu. Husteuer of Holstein gave u report of the Gunven- nun held in Toronto and Mrs. Dr. Marsh guve an interesting talk on "Health Hints for better livmg." The ottieers elected for lull Are. Pros , Mrs Wm Philp : Vice Presidents, Mn Aitchison, Mrs Findlay ; tiecy. Twas, Mrs s, Patterson l Dist. Director, Miss Agnes lienwick; Direetors--5irs Wm Brown, Mrs And. Remy; Audntura. Hurts R.'Nyior, Mo, John Mehiutdo 0n. of our old pioneers passed away on Friday May 15th in the person of Mr John Nelson tir. utters lengthy illness of heart disease. The funeral on Monday was conducted by Rey Mr Kendall and was very largely attend- Id. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved widow and fanvrily. -t"" Mr and Mrs mu. Runs“? spent Sunday with J, D. Drimmie. Set-ding is once more a thing of the pant, Our farmers are all finished and wishing fora good shower of "In. . The Yeovil Grange held a meeting Monday night to distribute their seed corn. We regret to announce the death of one of Egretttont's early pionecrs in the person of Mr John Nelson. who passed away on Friday last, [his ra- nmins worq lwed in Amos ceme- tery, the {Mal service being con- ducted by our former paslor. the Rev, Mr Kendall. The community extend their warmvst sympathy to the be raved widow and family. EAST "iiiiiiidrir DROMORE we , an: “I 'hai" AND PERSONAL hgéw-umt Mm Rid: luxury " home "on: ". Cmtherinem _ A Mr. Petrie, of CHEN)". iqlbo guest of Mn Btuce. Mr and Mrs Geo. Freeman of Mt. qust, were visitor. in Holstein Int week. A pancake social is being held in the YeovirMethodist church on Wednes- day evening next week. A " bot " time is expected. hii%tortw Hosteteer, trayeller. ttttne home from the went for his mum! " gation last week. Is your subscription in mean "t Take a look at you! lube]. and if so. kindly remit a lumiaicnt sum to put it In ud- vance. Do it now. The Holstein " Never-lint. " mil engage in deadly football confliet with the Orchardville team at the garden party on Mondav, Mr J. u. Mairi,left on Tuesday for I combined business and pleasure trip to Brantford and Hageraville and other points. Clinton and Willie Main wheeled to Alina on Friday night, returning on Monday morning. Rev. Mr James prsotched an inspiring sermon on [when onwuina'a poem' on Sunday evening, On Thur-any in company with L, H. Nicholson, he at- tended the district meeting in Dur- ham . A Luge number of members ofthe Gurislinn Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian chulch went to Knox. Noruuanlts, on Tuesday night nod were guests of the society there. At a hugely attended meeting of the w. N. S. of the Presbyteriun Church on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs P. Match and Mrs llustetter gave the del- egate-f reports of the Toronto conven- tion last week, We "'ng to announce the death of Mr Jenn Nelson, of the 16th com, in the sicinity of Yeovil. Death took place on Friday last and Rev. Mr Keudell of Dundalk. wow the omen:- ine minister at tho funeral. Beyond these facts we have no particulars. . Dr. Fetguson's little boy had tho misfortune to have a very deep [uh inflicted in mm of his wrists tybub"e' day afternoon, when he fell on the fragments of a bottle which brcke while he was holding the same. There is hut one topic current in Hoi. Hill; at 11mm ht d that is the Vtctot in Day Uatden Party on Money- next. Everybody should come'tuut get initiated into the \Vnolesale Fun Company on that day. '* Dust unto dust," was the fuderenl exduumtiun of an irate citizen who was chewed at the end of a broom. huudle unto a dust-whirled road " a iuovtse-cietutingr. wife on Mundny eye- uing We witMwprn to secrecy and cannot divulge amines at this sitting. If ttwre is one thing thet we like to see nearly as good as a roll of billl In our posses-ion, that thing in to obtarve residents cleaning up their yard! and painting their home. To date a. Allingham and W. J. Sharp are two members of the clean-up brigade, who have singed a paint brush and. can and renovated the fronts of their dwell. ingv. The monthly meeting of the BU. men I Immune will be held at the home of Mrs Peter Munch on In 2Ut a 2.30 p. m, the roll call being " Gardening. “ AI this is the non- al mowing. the tnembttrtshiptes" man be renewed. Mrs Grout will gives. reading and there will be apocinl music. A hearty invitation is ex- tended to all the Indies. During the course or an interoaling‘ sermon by Rev. Dr. Marsh on Sunday night, the preacher hit the nail Equal. on the head when he censured boys, gills, young men and women tor gly- iug their, motuer and father the up. pollution: " old man " and " old wo- man." Dr. Maul) deplored and: names being used and gave utrong reasons why they should hedioppul trom the vocabulary. It it to be hoped the uddreueeu will be taken to heart, In there seem: to he an uncommonly Inge number of " Governors. old men. old women " and the like around tho 4mm. That ll EaIrin is lacuna glove dun-l gem in th.. way of a drowning (“may or disease. of a (outagious nature, hi the opinion of certain prominent. rul- dents, who recently informally ex- pressed themselves on this topic And! suggesting that a delegation wait uni the Village tr one” to remedy the matter which In as follows: The mill pond in tlo present condition without mum craft of any kind Along in 'utores is is very apt. spot. for a watery in h tor some unfortunate swimmer. Tm " would be very easily canceled by Mining a boat plocnd near by. At. tempting to rescue would Haul be pol- Iible It ' Otherwise it ll “moot. certain that church belle will toll law. {The when menu. to publlo may Bee in the exluteizce of the In” “an.” pond of water [outed to the an of the uhool. There menu to he no out. let to this pond and ltseot-itue.t breeding place for motquitos, tiiee nod lulu-ll ot all de-crlpthul. We have and enough contagious dim In an an.” thi- yur and It would ho . who and to draitt this "eph" liquid on. A Inna -ditms would a“. lento both or the cyli- “I“ in. all "“10 to “I...“ i. ”In 'alk't'Grllti,h'lVllei. his: Mr uni In Snphcn sud ehlldron It" " Mr Bob Robertson] Bun. M. “it ml It: Fnlkinglnm ruited n Pimler's Sunday. “in May Douglas In saving forl, Mrs Atkins tor I few dayl but weak. Mr and Mn M. Stem}, of Durban visited last. week " Mrs M. Brown'l. Mina Norms Pmdor upom Bands! with her friend, [in June! Kirby. Mr Ind Mrs Thou. Kirby visited Sunday n J. Steven-op]. Mr ind hire Juo. Man with.“ Sun- day u Mrs Lewis. TO HORSE {EEDERS and others: The well li on Comb hone. mu sand toe new It his on stable. lot 2 and 8 of . con. l, Eg- temout. (but vny be can Vune’y and Orchnrd on Gust“ Road) for the und- of 1914. For mum and other puticulm. apply to owner. W. L. FALKINGHAM The Uourt\f vision on the Assau- ment Roll for lb Township of Rare- mont, will be 11 1d in Holstein, lay 30th, 1014, u, 1.30 o'clock p. m, All change! of properties, Lesotho: With any omissions _of munc- that should be on said Roll. or any other errorn, must he sent in to the Clank in writing, as no changes or "fund. an be ma . after the pruning of and Roll on said date. The Asuessmrn. Roll is open for inspecl ion, Hoist: in. May 11th " Young 'Ricadoro " ”O'CONWOOWO-Q Townhnkof Egremont. 1914. If you haye not received a copy, drop us a Ci We will send you one cheerfully. There bound to be something in it you want. CATALOGUES OF OUR OWN J. W. Hunt is prepared to take all kinds t Cement Work---' BAIRN WALLS. HOUSES. SILOS, BRIDGES AND OULVERTS We the sell the DURHAM NATIONAL FORTH l , CEMENT, that well known brand 'at the loves: po-" t price. Conant any. on hand. / tull “7!“. Ind “(mm-Ina I)“. rrtaSrt your com up I :EADER (iii ORCHARD Brighten Up CEMENT WORK rt of Revision s STOCK FARM In these we have wines that .cannot be equu l . Straw Mattingnt....................., lic Carpet at..................25cto75cper)d. .YLOR&: CO. Dromore TAYLOR & CO. D, ALLAN, To. Died: h, 1914. l lighest Prices for Produce "one in the matket to buy trerutn, "not or tour. " the highs» “1:1ka pehto. We supply two um frer 1.. out ol on whom. pay I“ 91w"- chugu, Par twice can: numb, ehoqm puma at par. . I , Ive out-nay (by in the In“. my. m1. eanreeeieed and and our pmmn . Moment ot "me. Write for (A... And [in our cut-wry I trial. Tatum"). a Ratpros Palm Creamery. Palmenum‘, 1m Sundty School It 10. Service:- B. m. Ind 7.00 p. m. REV. " JAIIS. thumb, Behoolat IO. Service nu H " sud 7,mp. m. Y. P. tt. C. it. Tani-y " g p. w REV. D. B, IARSH, 30.0. Pa.hs, 13.10: lawn: Conveyance: Inner of lama Licenses 'te, to loan at but rum, and em oo um borrower. Fire and Life Insumnm placed in thorouadd.s nibble complain! Deeds. M. ll. ”a. [and and Wu EXPL‘HM) »n Show!!! notice. All work prom] my "tended to. SW. Jrorert 31min: Col/aye MT. FOREST. ON T A superb: wheel with comp" not inn-morn and throuvr, comma. JUBiid with Ccnml Cette, Btratford. We do mun foe our students than does ar, othersimit.er. utool. All grad, ate: in pritiete.. You may en 1 cr " any ting. Brite for plrtlculus 3311 {Rib College. . D. A. .quCHI-AN. W. E. \VILSQK mt Principal $2 and 2.25 per yd t Presbyterian Chum-h Methodist Church Cream Wanted MAY 21, 1914 W. J. SHARP HOLSTE I N Pastor' ll "era N, M SAL: nigggt comm " Review 1 Piret Cir,, It room" Gats ', v “on at mun an hviux In. Btu-a "I? - d Bunnie-1'3 il bread on as .1 We 0mm m Mr "r" Macy x taken a pub any The " eided h even '1‘ mun” All i VOL. XXX Single ll Od ohould The t I at Mr P M's " The V " the M the ly spring I he dum G deUtret t mun. I! P" part nanny the». IR? prices low m tbr n In: “All! MG! Bot h u "we Tious at tlw I." t with Among ly - o broom lt yam " the Pet busy CH K gloriou Opol ts, “omit her. In: from D m but close tior took thm were n In At '0 FO R " rct" H In ' I: [ ["52th gratul d man: “lift; boar u: ”has ', "an :22 "tt a H I) In!

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