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Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1914, p. 3

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P." mt " _ .d,lush to In“. tho defend” , Med. o Have Only 1tt that 059 q numbers I is "t,risablo I the "ii.- ' serving " wmh the 0.. who was " "'ltl o.t ". P .r 00- .v;, at" aud be. r: absolutely "-rvureobl. and “ LIFE we won” when w l by II" ths div M gator r one rm e the ancient ‘e [in 1; thnl- In» ' and \IH .11 Mt u at. rim body mm a 1m wove! n b. the few no! "dy Otto wove! myrtt " M "I. may, and ed Idlvy Our 'aal- bi lit t my Ibvey h I! and uh: up mt m- you " ith I). 'w! In! iuh 10$ Nt (I, b in." V Jl “PM! 1Htot1 )HH‘ING TRAIN ONTARIO Tmiijfjjiiiiiii'iiiiii- 32.000 Acres Cut of a Total of 694,000 Acres Have Been Winter Killed the campaign mind. await“ has bren continued with consider- able suceess.’ During the nix months 417 undeniable: were turn- od over to the Dominion immigra- tion authorities“ for deportation, which is an increase 01274 over the some period last. year. Evidently conditions in the United State. are driving this class to CM, for hint wet-k 44 undesinhlos were on- m,untered at Niagara Falls. Tho numbn- of cum handled was 789, in ornnectioit with which there were 527 (Jmictions and 136 dis- charstes. This is an increase of 279 (mew-5 handled. Kingston In Bled After Reaching the Hospital. A despatch from Brockville says: In jumping from the eastbound Grand Trunk express. on which he “as stealtng a ride, Fred McCor- mwk. at Kingston man about 25 years of an. tell under the wheels as the train was coming to a stop at. the local dopot. One arm and one 10-2 were nevered Ind other seri- ous injuries inflietod. MoCormaok died four hours Inter in the hospi- In Alberta. the other Inge tall wheat province, fall wheat has been killed to tho extent of 15.0 per cent., representing 38,000 acres, which will make the no. to be hu- vested 193,000 acres instead of MIP,- 000 acres, tho nm sown lturt tall. The total are: estimated to be Gown to fall wheat, including be- nidea Ontario and Alberta, 3,000 Acres in Manitobn. 78,000 acre. in Sukntehewnn and 2,700 acres in British Columbia, In 1,006,700, now reduced by winter killing in Ontario and Alberta to 808,700 “POE. The condition of an when. tel May 6 was in Ontario returned u 8t.3 per cent., and in Alberta " 87.3 per cent. For asll Cull-d. thol condition of I.“ wheat on Mar 6 Wu 83 per cent. of the standard; or 103 per cent. of the new con- dition of the past five years repre- sontcd by 100. The condition of tho M! wheat crop this year u, in hot, superior to that of any year since This season will see the Atlantic service of the Canadian Paeifit, aug- mented by the addition of two new steamers. These two vessels will be of tlt" one class cabin type, which are becoming so popular. Bucky Curle & Company, of Glasgow, ne- cured the contract for the building of the ships some months Mo, and the construction is well under way. They are being specially construct- ed fur the Atlantic service ind will mmtain c-wry possible convenience fur the Cunlforb of passengen. They will be of the “one class" type, with puswnger aecormnoastiort for 524) around. and 1,200 third clan. Thmu m-w vrs.seels have been med thw . .‘llwnnbi" and the "Hot.- gamn bt Their length will be of 520 t'eet, irrextest breadth M foot, whil.- the breadth of the my" (lg-k “All be 41 loot. Etch 7.0] will luau a dead weight capacity of 7.9m 'sr 2:4, with an approximate Cargo “'macliy for 6,000 M8. The Ontario Rejects over Four dred in Six Months. A dvapatoh from Toronto up: In tho half-yearly report of the Pro- vincial Po]ioe, istusd nglpu‘lgy, Two tiplendid Vessels for the Call- dinn Ptteitie. r N It [ISIRABLES DEPORTED N " ATiiNTIC LINERS. a mm. feature of the new Empress recent- .ly placed on the Pacific coast, is be, mg introduced, and the new ships will also have six complete steel decks. In order to ensure saiety the hulls are to be sub-divided by water-tight doors and bulkheads, so as to be capable of floating when three compartments ere open. These water-tight bulkheads and doors will be sutomatieaally con trolled from the bridge. The speed of each vessel will be " knots, with a draught of 27.5. As tor tho in.. terior of the vessels, each second- class state room will be fitted with a. wardrobe and chest of drawers, folding lavatory with mirror, and other conveniences. The public rooms will be [IA dining saloon, smok- f. ing room, lounge and l drawing room. The reiri- f gerating plant will be capable of making 300 lbs. . of ice per eight hours. The vessels will be heated and ventislated on the . thermo - tank system, i changing the air eight i times each hour. There ' will also be a printing .' plant on board each ship. _ l Several Have Been Killed and others Hun- Been Seen. A despabch from Minden says: Bears seem to be particularly tame just now in the North Country. It is seldom that a bear is seen at Sturgeon Point, yet one trotted past a lady recently and disappear- ed in the bushes. A big black bear, weighing 250 pounds, was allot, by Mr. Ezra King, of Belmont Lake. The skin was in prime condition. Phil Aldred, of North Harvey. shot a bear which he had previously trapped. The pelt was jet black. and valued at $18. The bear was a large one. it the entrance wiring “votes for women” banners. 1910, when the record we: over iss/ per cent. of the standard. ‘ Upon the whole, spring seeding was well udvenoed. exeept in the Maritime Provinces, where the spring this year is reported an ab- normally late, and in Quebec, where not more than from 3 to 5 per cent. of spring seeding was re- ported to have been done by May 6. In Ontario at this date about 24 per cent. of wheat, 43 per cent. of oats, and 41 per cent. of barley had been got in, and 40 per cent. of the to- tal seeding was reported as com- pletcd on May 6 as against the same proportion last year on April 30. In Manitoba 5?, in &rakatehewan 79, and in Alberta 88 per cent. of the spring wheat crop was reported as seeded by May 6, these propor- tions comparing favorably with the progress reported last year on April 30. For the five provinces of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba. Sas- katchewan and Alberta the propor- tion of seeding reported as effected on May 6 was about 48 per cent. for wheat, 28 per cent. for oats, 16 per cent. for barley and 37 per cent. for ell crops. _ _ . A despatch from Aldomhot, Eng- land. says: A serious fire, sup- posedly of sutfragetto origin on Wednesday, broke out in the UG valley close by the Royal pavilion, where King George and Queen Mary are staying for the manoeu- vres. Their Majesties had left. the pavilion when the blaze was dis- oovered. The fire was extremely difficult to combat and was not ex- tinguished for tb considerable time. When the King and Queen left the psvilion two suffrtsgtttos were seen About 14 per cent. of the area in hay and clover meadows is report- ed as winter-killed, as compared with 22 per cent. last year. The average condition of theme crops on May 6 was 86.7 per cent, as com- pared with 89.8 per cent. last year, and 74.6 in 1912. Fire Broke out Near Where King and Queen Were Staying. BEARS AT S'l‘l'RGEON POINT. MILITAN'I‘S ARE BLhWED. “203” r301 m "“110 - “Rm. or ”ISA. Paco. of cum, an}... Chum “a 0th.: hone. " Earn. an Abroad. PRICES ff FARM Millltit Toronto, May 26.--r'iour--onttsritt wheat ttours, 90 per cent.. 33.80 to $3.35. unheard. and at $3.85 to ".90; Toronto. Mtxnitobaa--F'irst patents. In Jute bugs. $5.60; do., seconds 55.10; 'stry?me_trtueri, In Ju_to bass. " -- " Ontario wheat-No. t quoted nt $1.04 to 81.05, outside and ' .00. on truck. Toronto. . 1hstss--No. 2 Ontario oattr, 39k to 40e, outside. te, at "e, on track, Toronto. Western anode. out: 43k (or No. 2. and at 41c for No. t, Bay ports. PMS-31 to 81.05 outside. Btsriey-0ood mulling barley, " to 58c. according to quality. Rye-No. 2 at " to 64e, outlide. Buckwheuass to "e, outside. Corn-No. , American, unvaried, qugted Binnie. _Toronlo. _-. _ ___ - "rthu-LUMirhrtitltrFia" m to $25 a ton. in bags. Toronto freight. Shorts, $26 to $27. Big Seizure ot Skins at a Hudson Bay Company Post. A despatch from Fort William. Ont, says: When the PnovincUl Police searched the Hudson Bay Comptrny's post at Long Lake. about one hundred miles north of Jackfish on the C.P.R., last. Sun- day, 4g4 beaver. 86 otter and 1,324 muskrtrt skins were found. All the animals named are protected by law. The manager of the post, Wil- liam Thompson. when brought be- fore the Magistrate at. Nipigon pleaded guilty to unlawful posses- sion of the skins, and asked to have his case remanded. The entire number of pelts are valued at, $10,- 000, mud figuring the penalty for each skin the maximum fine would amount to $117,000. _ _ MiiiitGtG- -iFisai'-"Bur"Firrtisr-No. Nag-them $1:01t am] Ny. ' qt '9iec. Butter-Choice dairy. " to 200: tn- terior, " to 16e; tnrmers' separator prints. 21 to Me; creamer? prints, freuh. " to Mc; do., storage pr nts, 22 to Me; south]. “graze. at; to Me.. B,, ---- ;;tiiizb:ii_13' Mc5iritoaen, In case B. "rronev--Extracted, In tins. 10: to lie her lb. Combs, 32.26 to 82.50 per dol- en_tor No.1. and, " for,tfo, 2._ .. ‘__ "ciGGC-faFTuGluii" ii' To") 41c for large. andFtoA6eforipylnt. -.. .,. "iGiiriric'-fGririt"id “ iirc"r,di. 1b; chickens. " to 20c; ducks, Me; geese, 15_to, 16c; tuzhyyrr, 20 mung. A .. .. "rGiarca--UirdiiGFkrG. "317215 to $1 . 25 on track here. and Ontarlos a! $1.10 per bag. on trtteh. 1taeon--Lomr clear, " to 16c fer lb. in can lot.. Hamtr--Madtum, 8 to 18k; do.. heavy, " to 18e; roll., 16 to 15k; breakfast bacon, 18 to Ihr, backs. 20 to tte. 1aud---Tierces, 12tc; tubs. 13e; palll. "3312a" i;'tr7GF--ti/iorti, 3312? "r" . so. on track. Toronto. 2,Piiiifi?,.ii,i.frieifif "tf.'iiCio " . so be: bus el;yrlmea,_82.10 ty? ".20. .., .- V Cirfctisrces, 1 tte Iue. Baled hay-No. 1 at $14.50 to $15 a ton. on track here; No. 2 quoted u. 313 tothJS. and clover: at $A(Lto.$il.., M Minneapolis Minn., May 28.---Wheat, May. 9320; July, “to; No. 1 hard, 991a; No. 1 Northern. Mt to 98k: No. , Nor- thern, 9:1 to “to. Corn, No. a yellow. 68 to 68k. CMta, No. a white, 38t to 89he., Floggand Iran ypchNur.d.. L Duluth. Minn., May "--Linaeed, math. 81.561; July, $1.511 Clos. whamt. No, 1 hard. 9710; No. 1 Northern. 'ht't No, , Northern, 94te to 94k; July, " c. Toronto, May ".--Cattte--C'hoiert but- charm $7.90 to $8.80: good. $7.90 to 88.25; common cows, " to $5.26; can- ners and cutters. $3.60 to $C, choice fty,t to“: JJ."" to $7.25; choice bulls. 8: o u. . Sheep and tambs--Litrht ewes. 86.50 to $7; heavy, 85.75 to $6.25; bucks. 85.76 to $8.25; Spring lambs. each, " to $10; yeprlintt 39139:, ”$0.39 Al. _ I Winnipeg, May 26--ctusts:-Whstrt--- No. 1 Northern. 96k; No. I do., 94tc; No. 3 do., ”go; No. 4, 89k; No. ii, sole; No. 6, T ic; feed. "mic; No. 1 Win- ter wheat, Dole: No. 2 do., 945m No. , do., 9310. thits-No. 2 CW. file; No. , do., 37hr; No. 2 feed. “to. Btiruy- No. s. 4910: No. 4, 48k; negated. (Me; feed, 45c. Flax-No. 1 N.- "0., $1.86V, No. 2 u.w., $1.35“: No. 8 do., $1.2U. Iona“! “to". Montreal, May tir-Corn-American No. 2 yellow 800. oats-Canadian Western, No. s, m to 44c; do., No. 2, 42k. Bar- "sy-r-Manitoba feed. 50 to tite. h%nsr-- Manitoba Spring when patents, than. 06.60: do., seconds. $6.10; stronx bIK- or!” 54.90; Wlnter patents. choice. 'ii'Cis to 85.50; straight rollers. 84.70 to $4.90; do.. in bags. $2.20 to $1.85. Rolled oat-Barrels, $4.55; has of 90 lbs.. 8245. Millreed--Brtut, $23; shorts. 825: mtddltntrs, 828; moulllia, $28 to $33. Hay-No. 2. per ton, car lots, $14 to $16.50. Cheese-Fine" westerns. tst to 1230: do., ensterns. In to 120 But- ter--Cttoieest creamery. 23 to 'utr, sec- ends 22 to 2290. Rgtrsr---Frmstt, 23 to 24rr; selected. " to Me; No. t stock. Mc; No. 2, do., 21 _to 2up._1'otatoes--Per no. a. u\l., an ll) 0...». bag. car lots, Mc to 81.26 "dk'tiai--aood veal. $8.76 to tio; com mon, {4.75 to_87_. - -._ “A K. -iii'oe1ie'Ar tiiifr'eetur--stssers 800 to 900 lbs.. $7.25 to $7.75: good qualnv. 2otp.h." lbs., " to $7,50; light. $6.25 to .--'_, _ ---- --.- Hols. $8.35 to 88.40. fed and water- 1o;(l;b88.60 to $8.65, ott cars; $8 to 38.05. .0. . Montreal. May ".--Prittte beeves " to near Sic; medium. " to Tte; com- mon. “c to MC; cows. 830 to $80; calves. $e to Te; sheep. Ue to Sic; spring lambs, tt to steach; hon. " to 'Me. LIABLE Unitod Stain katl. In!“ my and Strum Liv. Stock Kuhn. Conan-y Plum. WINDO‘ - 'ro HUGE FINE. The gKing Was Enthusiastic Attdr Witnessing ' , Flight-Secret Will be Kept BRITAIN 's NEW AEROPLANE A deepawh from London says: It is stated that. the Government wish- es to maintain the secret of the new safety aeroplane which is the pro- perty of the War Department. While this would give a great ad- vantage to the British army aerial service. it is pointed out by some that. it would be against the inter, ests of humanity in the conquest of the air. The King is enthusiastic over the new machine. After wit- neming a flight at Aldershot ho ex- claimed: "Why haven't you a hun- dred_of these in the any?" - Col. Seely, Secretary for War, in an interview said the invention of the machine was due lo the brains of many men. Four organizations had played a part. namely: the Na- tional Physical Laboratory. the Ad- viwry Committee on Aeronautics, "ihiu, 110,343,11th you expect her 'oEt1sieTett, :4--. A- _.-.u. What In Going on m the “Inland. and Lowland. or Arid Booth. Intimtrtion has been made of a gift of 8600,000 to Dundee by Sir James K. Caird, Bart., towards the erection of a new city hall and council chamber. A man named McGowan of Glu- gow, was fatally injured whilst working in the Kingston Dock, Glasgow, through a heavy iron bucket falling on his head. "I gave her a. plush album on her wedding anniversary. It was one I had had about the house for some time, but it looked like now." "Well t" 'fNow she baa found that I hue an gingham”; span.” FROM As the result of an explosion that occurred in Mount Vernon Colliery, b'hettlestxm, two miners, Duncan McIntyre and John Brown, were se- verely injured. Owing to the slacknes‘s of trade many men are being paid off or sus~ pended at Glasgow docks, and crowds of men can be seen waiting in vain for a chance to get work. Tho death has occurred of Mr. Henry Arthur Kellen, a. prominent offieia1 of the North British Railway Company at Glasgow. He had been employed with the company for more than fifty years. _ The Sanquhar and Kirkoonnel Collieries have advanced the Kirk- ounnel Bowling Club the tic-ce-ssary amount to clean off the debt on their new green and as much as will build an up-bodate pavilion. The death has occurred at, his residence in Upper Coltbridge Ter- race, Muersyfield, Edinburgh, of Mr. Francis Braid, formerly post- master of Glasgow, in his seventy- sixth year. Damage to the extent of about $600,000 was done by a fire in the paper works of Messrs. Pirie at Stoneywood, near Aberdeen, and between 400 and 600 employes have been rendered idle. The managers of the Western In- hrmary of Glasgow announces the handsome gift made to tho institu- tion by Miss Helen Murray, Edin- burgh, of a, sum of 840,000 for the endowment of a. ward. The West District Committee oi Stirlingthims have formulated A scheme for the improvement of 46.14 miles of main roads within its area. Negotiwtions for a, loan from the Road Board are proceeding. Intimtstion has been received through an Edinburgh firm of soli- citors that Miss Chri.stina Ander- son, a native of Tutlioillan parish, his made a gilt of $6,000 to Dun.. larmline Abbey, and a similar gift to Tallioillon pugs}; church. . W“7RVeaprocate it not the word; I'm druid Che will m." At: the annual conference of the Scottish Fisheries Association, held in Buckie, resolutions were adopt- ed calling upon tho Government to make further inquiry inbo the mat» ter of State loans to fishermen. Important developments are pend, ing in the coal fields around the Bellshill district. Two now Pita are being sunk by the Wishnusn Coal Company in the vicinity of Mossend. During a severe thunderstorm that broke out over the Weston and Midland districts of Scotland, the spire and part of the U.F. Church at Blackford, Perthshire, was struck by lightning and an old mam killed. Edinburgh Council. have approved of a teconunondadion by the. Electric Lighting Committee that a. piece of gmwnd be acquired at Westbsnk, Portobello, for the erection of a. new electric light station to cost $75,000. 7 A boy named John Smith, 16 years of age, of Aberdeen, met with a terrible death when he was blown over the cliffs at Burnbamk Shore, near Cove Bay, a few miles outside Aberdeen, and fell a distance of over 120 feet. The Army and Navy Chaplain Committee of the Church of Scab land and the United Free Church of Scotland. have addressed a. let- ter to the National Rifle Association protesting against opening the mime; MA Bishgy on _B\mday. . . Campbelltown flehermen have re- aolved to protest. against the mo- tion passed by the convention of burgha, regarding a close time for herrings in the Forth of Clyde, and the closing of Loch Ryan against seine-met fishing. T KOTES " INTEREST FRO)! HEB BANKS AND mum. In Apprehension. BHNNIE SCUM!!!) the Royal aircraft factory and ex- perimental fliers. “The new aero- plane,” he said, "is inherently not automatically stable, that is to say its stability depends on the shape, not on any mechanical attwhmeut. The secret can be applied to the monoplane as well as to the bi- plane. Tle ney aeroplane,_whjoh is all British and all the product of British brains, except the engine, has been put to all mnnér of uuu.. It has beep flown in a, gale, flung at air pockets and eddies. and banked steeply, and has proved stable in all ways. A novice can quite safely control it in the air, but still the greatest problem of all remains to be solved-that of we landing. I have flown hundreds of miles, and know that this ia one thing that is checking the advance of flying." Battle of Buckingham Was Fierce], Contested. A despatch from London “ya: What the public calls the Pa,nkhuro. than maniacs gave what was per- haps the silliost of their numerous silly shows when they made a. hope- less attempt to force their way into Buckingham Palace to see King George. They can, if they wUh, boast of having caused several hun- dred police to be summoned to spe- cial duty at the public expense, and of having caused some thousands of idlcrs to stand in tho broiling Bun- shine to watch their futile antics, but their achievements beyond this amounted to practically nothing ex- cept that 57 of them were arrested. British Charge d'Ahires Has Been Asked to Report the Facts. A despatoh from London Bays'. Sir Edward Grey stated in the House of Commons that the auea- tion of the Foreign Office had been called to a. report that, a British- Canadian was being held in slavery in Paraguay, and that; the British Charge d'Atfairers had been rs- quested to report the facts imme- diately by cable. Vessel Was Pariieipating in Naval Manoeuvres at the Time. A despatch from Bizerta, Africa. says: Four men were killed and one was badly welded through an accident in the stokeholo of the French destroyer Renaudin on Wed, nesday. The Renaudin was partici- pating at the time in the annual naval manoeuvres. Like Snow-Covered Islands, ms ports Scandinavian Captain. A despatch from Boston “ya: Numerous bergs and heavy field ice on the Grand Banks compelled the Sweden-Norway Line steamzhip Texas, whiclh arrived here from Me.. vanger, to make a. long detour to the south. Capt. Hillest,rorn re- ported that some of the bergs were of enormous size and looked like snow-covered islands. Tried to Pick Dynamite Out of a Crevice With a Hummer. A despatch from Dundas, Ont., says: George Niblock, a foreman, 50 years of age, employed by the Canada. Crushed Stone Corpora- tion, was blown to pieces at the quarries here. Niblook dropped a. piece of dynamite into a rock ere- vice. He tried to pick it out with a hammer and a, terrific explosion followed. ' "Finally a. friend suggested change of food and recommended Grape-Nuts, With little or no faith in it, 1briedapacugo. Mm eight mouth: Mo and I have never been without it since. "Grapes-Nutz, did the myrk. It helped me grow strong and well. Grape-Nuts put new life into me, built up my whole spam and made another woman of Incl" Name given by Omani-n Pawn: Co., Windsor, Ont. Bond “The Road to Wollville," in pkg-s. “here's I Bacon.” -- I. an I. an. km A m " = 5...” 'dit tgr M‘s-ta [HELD AS SLAVE IN PARAGI'AY You can't grog strong by merely exercising. You muse have food--- the kind you can digest and assimi- late. "I tried one kind 'of medicine " ter another, but nothing seemed to Mayne; ', _ _ . Unless the/food you eat is dissat- ed it adds to the burden the diges- tive organsv‘have naturally to carry. This often Linear-s a nervous break- down. "About a year ago." writes an Eastern lady, "I had quite a seri- ous nervous breakdown caused, as I believed, by overwork and worry, I also suffered untold misery from dyspepsia. 7 “First I gave up my “which. then I tried to find a remedy for my troubles, something that would make me well and strong, some- thing to rest, my tired stomach and build up my worn-out nerves and brain. FOUR MEN KILLED ON SHIP. M [LITA NTS A G Al N A C'I'rTE. SIG "TED GREAT ICEBERG S. Grew b'irong.on Right Food. BLOWN T0 I'IECF',ti. DID THE WORK H There is already . volunteer mv val forms at Victoria, B.C.. which bu been financed privately. Ad- miral Kingomill is on his wgy to the wt, and this force will be at once given othcal recognition. (lhlhtl)h'S NAVY RESERVE Atlantic, Pacific, and Great Lakes the Scene of the Three Headquarters A despatoh from Ottawa says: The Government Bureau has issued a. statement which at: that an order-Ut-Council hm hm passed by the Government and was signed by the Duke of Connaught authoriz- ing the establishment. in Canada of I. volunteer naval reserve force un- der the Naval Service Department. A sum is being plmed in the esti- mates sufficient for this year‘s Hampton Court Palace bu Just been reopened under conditions which u- sure ite historic collection from dam- ug st the hand; of 'ruttrtostte. V__ An entrance fee of one shilling (24 cents) is charted. children under " In the company of adults hem? admitted for sixpenco tit cents). V anor- are not allowed to wunder through the pal- ace alone. " previously, but are con- ducted around in puma: at convenient intervals. - Apparently there will be no free days but large parties nre Idmiued at he” at". subject to prior wpllcutlon to the secretary. A great trode- union combine hu been organised in England. in which miners. railway men and transport workers, totalinu 1.850 000 men, here- after will nupport aa other in their dispute: with employer-I. The mem- bers of the Miner-r Federation tttted in {Aver of this Ivorian? agreement be- tween the three organ zaiionl and the executives have appointed a committee to_nrrungg tht genus. _ . It wu found in some of the more re- cent strikes that without a working agreement by which all would Join to- lether, in one of a dispute. not a [rent deal could be accomplished try any one orttartiBntion. When the (run-port worker. were on etrlke. for “Ample, the railwny men kept at work and the attempt to tie no the transport of Booths, except in restricted areas did not we- ceed. Also when the mine" tro on strike they cannot make " immediately effective unless the railway men refuse to handle coal. u tn many cases the collerlel have large stocu on hand and It other mine- non-union labor can be obtained. With the three working together. the leader. believe they can enforce better conditions from the em- DIOJ'QU- __ ___. _-_ .. . - it 37'th we iiifdufiiua. It was difficult to get serioul govern- mental attention to the matter, bat the “fair became an English political scan- dal because me leading cocoa-maker: using thin slave labor products are aleo pillars of nonconformity and bounleouu comributor: to liberal party tundu. Inn. ally the Portuguese government Wu brought to promise to and home then entrapped negroes. who now number 88,000. . --.-. .1 . . " . M_rpev'A_r. The rere'nt "White Book" shows thst slave raiding on the mainland for the islands is still going on, that the pro- mises of repatriation are being slackly keptjnd that with practicsl unanimity the laborers wish to "go home." Out. In am In.“ " Sir Georlge Mac-alpine. urginf the claims of mile at the Baptist M tttsion- ary society's meeting recently, said that if there was one fact clear to-day it wss that caste in Indie, wss breaking up. One learned Indian had told him that he (i'll'f cute ten years more life. after thi. it “culd no longer exist. And cast, gone, there would be a [rent tttttttx from indie into the Christian church. - for leis-tile Discos". Mr Ronald Ross. discoverer of the melsris psrssite of the mosquito, has applied to the British perilsmcnt for a pension of $5.000 s your in the ettort to estsbiish the principle that there should be public rewards for Bcirsntitie discov- eries which ere of such s. nature that thev can brint no commerriel return. How much his discovery means in money " well as in human lives is showu by the one of the Rueq Canal compsnys works at lsmslis. which were shout to be removed becsuse so msny or the workers were dying with mated s. sir Ronda went to Egypt three times without fee. As s resu t of his investigstions end ldVicO the mosquitoes were removed instead of the works, and the British nstion. which owns s mgority of the canal lhlrel. Wes saved er more than “.000 a year in public revenue. In... m.- h m For some years an Entllshwoman living 1n Pull but made a capital liv- lna u a guide. at! an ndrerthrement up- purod in a Louder Gully paper recently In which an English womnu “Ape-kin. nu Imam." altered to accmnpnny Walton ot teoyrn sex toyeceee Robert Bmillie. M.P.. president of the Miners' Federation, which with it. 800.- 000 members is the tar) organization in the combination. be love. that co- operation between the three clan-ea of workera will do away with atrlkes md lockoutl. u representations made to employers by elder: representing 1.- 500,000 men will be sure to receive every connideration. while other. con. sider that the combination will wield a great influence in polities. Social legis- lation supported by all these voters will certainly, it is argued, receive the attention of parliament Vindication o! a ”pot-tor. Ten years ago Henry W. Nevinnon, then a rather obscure London Journal- ist. investigated conditions of ulavery alleged to exist In Portuguese West Africa. eapevially with respect to the laborers of the “cocoa" islands of San Thome and Principe. He wrote what he saw and his report was received with; laughter. then with sneerv'. then with) angry denial. But the "White Book"| recently published hy tr, Britilh {OW reign office proves that ne underurtatod) rather thtp1_ovtTatsued the-truth. i more Conn-(lure In... Curenett Hone in apparently vein. prepared for the home-comm. of the Duke end Ducheu or Conneuxht. Since the Duke was tppolnted Governor- (:enerel of (and: the bl. menulon in St. Junee‘l has been shut us) and Ill the blindl drawn. and the on b' sign of life about the royal residence has been the sentry who he: delly mounted ttuard it one of the side door.. Within the lat few du'l. howaver. there he! been In lnveelon of builders and painters and lately the upper wln- down were thrown open end the blinds drawn up. Workmen ue buly making extensive alterations to the rel-ed coneervetory at the alde of the house looking out over the Mall and at. June-- Perk. Bedouin; he. been erected end none of the window. heve been removed. iiiiiFif Fiore, Our London Letter "Pluhki"m" CORPORATIMI, ”MIT”. On Witch for To Do Awty With Btu-nu. TORONTO comma-sol ur- IU'XLDXI’O - totem. O". HA. PAID 7% PER ANNUM In" arty since the securities of thin Corpornuon - {baron the market no your: Wa' Runnels "tpushed i yum. Investment any be w! drum “but! or whom AV tune atter one volt Safe u A mortgage. Full 'mr- tlcularn And booklet - fund-Ind on request. THIS INVESTMENT , There is a petition already be- fore the department for tho forma- tion of c comptny of naval remvol in Toronto, and steps will be when at once to orgunize the force. Mr. Aemilius Jervis is interested in the Toronto company. and predict. easily the formation of a company of 250 men. The headquarters of the force will be It own. but it ia proposed to orgsniu three divide“. Atlantic. Great Lakes, and Pacific. The Great Lakes division wilt likely have ita headquarters in To- mnto, and will include tho/('ppor St. Lawrence, the Great Lakes. and the territory as tar as the Rockies. The Idea of I life on the plum! In". and unduly the ' of I ure cioaely mumbling our own, nomehow IIWI)’. mIkeI I Itron: w to the Imam:- tion. Astronomer. them-elves Ire nut lmmune from the enthullum. HundredI of books the been written. pro and con.. and within recent year- I notably Inna Ind well-rewind detona- ot the Ma of Proton-or Perch'Il Lowell. on. of the most prominent of American tn. ventntor- with the teUttcopo. Tho theory mum It“! be conuldcrod to b. in the "hobby" “no. {or no Ibsolmo proof eIIIlI. It " I qua-don of welsh- inz probarbuiUers Ind speculum. from them toward poultilltips. _ =. One more fact Its: just been throw? Into the scale. sddinc to the The? o the probabilities that life may ex st on the planet. Professors Blipher and Very. or the Lowell Observstory, and that lisrs is surrounded by s wuss? "ttor, and that there is lvrobsbly one- third ll much sister in us stmosphm as tn the atmosphere of the earth. This mesns that forms of life similsr to thou we know are possible t1uo"r"',tt the probability (or the existence or t e humsn species is slight. It is. of course. slight on many other counts as well. Nevertheless here is a. very important new factor. American," an nttendunt warned tum. "Better register at from London. And here. wear tttie-tnd the attendant ptrw ned on his cont llucl a mlnhturr of tho Unlon Jack. Tho ruse worked. Tho nun pauod to and fro among the a» cited nutlvu without being molested, and, having completed hi. errand, left In perfect surety. You've got to hand " to John Butt for It least one thing who hu made Illa tua feared men'- where. If not everywhere rearperted.-- Cleveland Press. A novel gf,,",,",,",',',') for tho establiuh- mom of u m nimum "“2 in industry is odvunced in an article entitled "Son. Alpocll or the Minimum Wage" in . recent iuue of the Journal of Political Economy. According to the writer of the article. H. A. “Ill. a minimum wage in muny can: would benefit tho employer on much u the employe. for " would cowl both to adopt more ef- ficient meth: o of production. ' . . At the height of the crisis " cm of Mexico. before the wt: Bent men uhore M Vera Cruz. a! ark-an. trawling on Maine". In at MI coumry'l t'v'"'ft','."tr, on his from the railway In; on to u_ u... m... m... -..- ..e"" thou!!! be extirpntod. but, "Oink-ally. they no of no import-mm unless thev should succeed in upturlnx tiinnfu, the ancient eapittn of Chin; To the Chi. not. ti!- clty In mud. and its fall would In rsmd u a ternbla omen sad I: I " mm upon Yum sum-m till his rate. The cutl' melt mean In London mm- Dlnlm that the export or brohen-dow" Ind worn-out harm to Belgium hau so ruined the pried whteh he must my and which compel him to ask Huh-r mice: of MI ell-tumors, that he “HI hive to the up business ulmxellm The Bronx. he can. has fallen to Hm \‘lnll lnl point. and many of his tel- lon tit rdruMrtI to buy or Mil mu comm ty until price. are lowered There are “pout two thousand may malt man tn London. mom of whom no united In n munluunn known " "the not.“ out (hrrlors‘ Ar mum." and " My rerun to Buy or an nut I",tll prion are lowered tttg'itflttM Mtl, "'it, 1t,','%fltt “I at. u Mr', In - at r W The historic perils of Southern i have uuin become manna-L Pu Enceladuu. imsrilom-d benemh n Etnn. ha- ml . "may" oilort tor In" and bu shaken the whole is) with dinner. _ _ _ How (rent the destruction than p hu yet to be nhown. u- enem r1 be determined until more comNete ports are received ot the lsolalrd " try diltrlcu to which lxvhnblmms from the vrumbllpg gnd burning lo Buttietent I. told. hownor. u: awakr tho lym‘pnthy ot the entire World Tr loss or ite mun be (real. the ruin ( nronwrouu enterprises calamlu-uu. w deltructlon of home: mom lumenubl " 1- not expected that (M: will prm to be I tunnel of the ntupendnu- dll - a Housing In. years "o. but mill. hold n memornble ply-e tn the ion This II the wny " looks: to an I "ynie: Drink water and set t fever; drink milk and so! when cut soup and (at Bright . dimesr meat and envourue npuploxy oyster- lnd Bet Mood ransom” done" And [at paralysli an tables and Wankel! the ”sum; 'sit-ttey uld_ Aiearr.xr, dr'.in,U b At Dre-chit, tho writer points out. may tnttrtufneturertr, t,'aetPll,'i in tho and“ which are lobe ted "siweated." run their claim-lament- tn a wasteful manner. They ure lhle to keep up wm. their more up to date 5nd efficient rum- pemor- only because the was“ ther my their worker: are much smaller mm the was paid by the more re. Dummy pmployou. _ .. _ " A minimum rue luv applied to nut-I emuioyers would " in “and compel them either to discontinue their Ilovon- tr method of martunutture or get out of human. Confronted try such a drun- tic situation, these employers would no douht learn to and other means of keeping’ their business on a ptr.vtntt busi- tlimn the exploitation of their en- 9 ayes. aiidil'tTdt tho haiku know " American," an attendant Jury Comment on E vents Ono lot. we About Inn. We in . My nominal Th0 Mgtttatt Pug Mt -tco, ow- - Ooh: 0). in A I’ll to Illa-lone) Unlock: [telly has In sum to I which In: w- zrs. " ht I In!“ you that White Inc: are a run He comes of a bind"; who for you: have In“. e. and murder the latent min but carried mu- m m- Inn-storm :351613; smakl mu tt but It "I. 4:!“ Am- pped way urtt eat eat out m. My rn "

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