West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1914, p. 4

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I" ":isi'i, W. L. Saunders'; I 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop " WHEAT AN _ ’3 ------- l --_1-- -, r :3 ' ik? .Iici The ll, 'tl.sth Phone 45 The House , ' tit, of Quality Durham, Ont. of Quality :; ”if; ,--.--* - -""-"""T-""" k "j,") was“ wmmmm 1si.):'iiC?tii)iiijsiit 11.»ng E‘Ifi'bu 'Ars"::':," MAM ,'ialliil5 NIE )4 'sr?',. :gMMMMHmMMMM [lit"' John McGowan 'lt' :33 for Men and Boys 6 er .lunponnce voter doo ' pot i"toa'ssirissaseasoos.attmoozasoe,isosasoq"4 hm much mm m hum "i")%ttilrstt*i*iFFb'tbtbir'aeflt6ti)Ntr4lrir?tri.t 1%? Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop AltAinds ofgnin bought at market price. on Flour and Feed in ton lots Large Quantity of No. I Feeding Hay Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Also a fine line of Boots hi/ Good Line of Suits CRIMPBD (HTS ior Horse Heed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . .. very reasonable rates The House of Quality, THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Fresh and Clean at 14.50 off car. See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring 18 back and get your money. '.l,i.1i.ii:1.'t,."i',r] 0penhig of New (irocery, Boot and I C. L. GRANT t fine line of Boots 6’ Shoes Our usual good make. Come and see .thrtn We have received a Made by the W. E. Sanford people of IG.. milton, one of the oldest and best manufac- tures of Clothing in the country. We ask you when in want of a good Suit, to come and see ours. a,tiafthPLs', Herds the Reason and the Cure For Headaches 2yfa"I Having opened a new4irocery, Boot & Shoe Store in Wm. Black's ow, Stand, we beg to solicit a share of your valued patronage. We will be ready at all times to supply your wants in either line, and all orders left at our store will receive our prompt attention and careful delivery. It is ur aim to keep an up=to=date Stock, and yo} will find what you want at this Store. We will continue to c shop- and we trust you M respect as you have in th TO THE PUBLIC l I: Bystem-u fe led health r a _ R", i,'ljjii,ii?si!lf'JlM Special Reduction AND BARLEY [400$ 2r trvtter from ' or bowels is woman says: " than I ever ,usness--and ke a new wo- HEP-SI Mc. a ilche Pttriptttt $tetiettt John Redmond will have an un.) dying place in Irish history. Hir' advice to " following to refrain from _ oifemsive demonstrnzions in the hour I of victory new: to be well lollowed. i The self control shown by the Naming allsta and" much provocation aivesf hope for the (more, Britain and the. Empire will granny gain with a l consented and - Ireland lying; by her side. Still greater will bef the gain when Home Rule is given; to Englnnd, Wales and Scotland also. l Por over 700 years the shadow at English overlordsbip has never been absent. Frequently there was op- pression. always there was auspicion, now both should lie in on. grave. Ireland will have 42 mambo" mun Westminster, and the new measure providers for an Irish House of Cemmons ot IG with aSemne numbering .io, and every provision made to "tutr the {can of those who 'th','."""'"'" Rule means Rome tale. Monday, 25th May, 1914, " ill be a memorable one in British history, for on this date was passed by the House m Commons for the third time, the measure giving local Belt goyern- meat to Ireland. For 114 years a patlhunentary union has existed that has Dot by any means brought about a unity ct lea-hug. The sentiment of nation. ality that exists in Ireland, and rlgmly exists, has never been incli- tied and now in spite of the stormy opposition that has been displayed of late, one would tain hope that an era of peace and good feeling would pre- Vail-its the Green Isle. The spectacle of the House of Lords standing Impotently by, with no far. ther any in the matter, shows how tar Britain has travelled towards or on the highway of Democracy. Will be Conscience for No Man. s, any: hut week's Ohrutian Gnar- dian in en article on " Temperance and the Ontario Election." After painting out that the Coneervetive Party “and to: law enforcement and the {mum use of locel option, but no radical temperenoe legislation. it con- trast: this With the Reform attitude, the immediate ebolition of ell be: and club licensee, end I majority 'ote-- not 8ditthg--to apply to the extinction ol shop licensee, It proceeds I Now this is not all tempereueo peo- ple hive been “king tor, and it is not all that the Provinciel Legieleture could do in we matter ; bat it does include two very Important demande Ontario temperance men heve been making for e decade or more, Under such circumeleneee the men who puts temperance before petty seen! to ne to have a pretty oleer course method out es to how hie vote should be can. Mr llowell'e policy with reference " the liquor queuiou should Appeal strongly to every temperence men. not becluse it in Mr Bowen's policy. but been". no In " " gees. It repre- sents the temperance policy of Ontario for yours pest. To “probate this pol. my now would seen to some anger- eualy leer to declaring previous dec- lennons insincere. We would not try to be e conseienee for my man. but u the menu: loch to as. in a “with; eonleel between a Conun- siu who stand! by " pert] pulley on the name iuue, the mint end honest impotence voter does not seem to Ei)' [any on our repair will favor us in this Le past. Home Rule at Last and Shoe Store Fred R. Aitchison MAY 28, 1914 TEE Let our temperance men get prompt ly to work, Reformera and Conn-nu- tiyes. and see that as far as possible every party nominee is in favor of the abolition of the bar. It this is done there is no shadow of doubt that In {our next legislature we shall. have a ‘large majority of the members pledged to that progresuive program of re- liorm. We teonfidisntly believe that by a party vote or a. non-party “no. iand we care not by which, the bar 'and the club licenses may be legielut- 1 ed out of existence in our province in ythe very near future, And the mill , we make to every voter in the ploy- ince at this crisis in the history ol temperance reform is to do his very ‘best. in the fear of God, as opportun- ity offers. to bring about this consum- |minion dovoully to he wished from a (hundred points of Vinw. Eggs wlnch have been fertllized constitute the greatest. proportion of the inferior stock which. when exam- ined. proves unfit for food. It is not necessary tho: these shall have le. maincd for a time under a broody hen A temperature of seventy degrees be. ing, in itself, guftUUnt to cause the germ to commence to grow. If the heat 19 constant the development. of the chick will continue, but 1f it ceas- ea or is intermittent. putrel’action at once "la in and the egg becomes had. On the other hand infertile eggs which are free from the uctlyo germ cell, do not. under ordinary condnionm deter- iorne seriously. Few farmers leem to real‘za these facts and consequently yery few make any effort to insure infertility, The impression prevails among many. that I the presence of the male bird m the l the tioek IS essential to the production l of a maximum number of eggs. This} assumption has been proven. tune and time again. to be absolutely withoull foundation. Farmers and others selling eggs for market Ire recommendod to kill off " dispose of the malt birds arm the brooding sensory M I. result. of their remnining with the flotrk all" Juno In, Canadian farmers lose each year ll lens a million dollars, through the presence of parliully incubntcd eggs in the produce which is marketed. The {not that the best trade in many cities in Canal. offers the premium of from one to fire cenu par dozen, for aan-fertilized eggs. wages" an adds. tiounl financial tttirttnarittiou which but few can afford to overlook. Is your subscription in arrears ? Take a look at your label, and if so, kindly remit 'tsutfiicient sum to put it in ad. vance. Do it now. TORONTO In Centre of Shopping MM“ District. In 'td--- can mm. In. F MxmttmaataattrAaastecatt Pm Ahmm 'rittte (52mg: EEEE 1liotti 'c'aT-iFS"5. TORONTO Kill the Roosters MVIIW The" tGriirrGiar Gr-eo-da "Shiloh can. I. m. 2f% U Mr and In McClure visited I Miss C. llldoon'a on Sand”. Mr J. Buy and sister Bolla spent Sunday with the “on!” family Mr and In Wyle. of Kinghum Ipenl a day neatly with Mr Ind Mrs Ned Wilson. Mr and Mn Ray 8nmupd with Dnruvel'l. The mill ll In working order satin. after a main repairing, Hope taingl will " a little smoother alm- t is. The Sundny School convemiou was I grand lumen. The ago-king was good ind overyono seemed to en- joy it very much. Colluchon In taken up winch amounted to over $17.00. I‘Unnm. May 27, 1914 tnourporessrt........ 250t Oatmeal per "ek. .... 2 40 Stgy.z, ttwt........ 115t B 'gig/d::::.-....: 50t man NYU........... 98; Suing Threat........ 98l 0,115, feud............. 38t Oats, aiitring.......... 38 I Peas................. 90t Burlev............... 55 I Butter................ Ihitt with Lyl. McKnight men; . few duo n home. . Mr O’Man bu been putting up n mu fence which unkel a great im- provement. There mun be none- thmg do"). Billy. The County Convention of tsocial Women held In Markdulo recently left with the Executive uppolltod that day the choosing of a date for another Convention which would tr6tretrer an- nounced. The date chosen for this new Convention is Hume: per bag. .... 115 to 1 Hidea...C..../...., 1C Hoof. dressed...... .. 12 00 to If, Hons. live,fo b..... 8 Driedupplss...... .... .... Hny, perton..... .... 1200toif List has been carutully nvisod. sii B. 'Dnrgivel called on Chats- worth frienda one eye this week. The purpose oi the meeting is to de- cide whether or not the Gannon Tem- perance Act shall he submitted in the County of Grey. There is a. proposi- tion on foot to unite Grey. and Bruce Counties in a campaign for this: pur- pose, there being - strong feeling in holh counties in favor of thi. course. The unjust and uni-British retention of the ttu-ee-fifth' clause in local option contests _!9 causing a turning to .1he Rev. W. W. P: udharn, Rev. W.W. Wylie and Means Jve. Lloyd and 0. Ranmge have been appointed dvle, sales from Durham . Rsvuzw end of year Fmdav, 29:11 May, at 2 p. m. in Fuel Methodist Church. o, Bound biiiar i%iiidr%"idir, inuwbich I. mnjnruy decides, Ilzough in some oth- " lespects it, is inferior to Local Op- lion. Durham Markets. Large Satire We have Just received a tine stock of English & Scotch Tweed: and can have your measure taken, and the Suit furnished you in a. week Now is the time to have your mot- sure taken. dh “nu Uncut"! select from. We have ‘22 pieces 4 yards irid." Ru‘s in nicest Oriental shades, having a fine nppotnnco, but not too cos: ly A fine selection of Nottingham Curtains in whirl Window Curtains and ecru, in the newest patterns. A large stock to select from, in the most approved de. signs Wall Paper composed of English and Canadian makes. Come Ind hav, a look through. Linoleum, and Floor Oilcloth See our tttw Stock of Scotch Ginghams See the E. T'. Grmet--the but in the market. A large stock of Fresh Groceries jut necked Departmental County Convention SELECT TWEEDS to DORNOCH Try phone lim I7 for that rush omen nc _lddKahnit)'iiWelrlyNasrg 3.23:: W Home Furnishings subscribers, 60c to G. & l MoKEOHNIE bf Klnghurat h Mr Ind Mrs 1200to1300 ... 05 1200101600 90tol 55 to 18 to 19to 115 to 1 40 2.60 15 to 1 30 50 to 55 98 to 1 00 98 ml 00 38 to 40 38 to 40 JESSE!“ Olt h r, 18 19 26 u , Imam-xx "gamma-iii-iii""""' 53 iii"ggaaaegsrgey,ggaag 1IXalglrf'vNh'dilll'Ah' y: in the newest designs, In the neatest patterns, of Car: udiau and Seotch make, and a very large stock 'r, select from. We have 22 niece: 4 ward. Irma with each pair pair of Fine Shoes or Oxfords purchased from us dur- ing that time at $3.00 or over. We have a larger stock than ever to select from and our prices are right. Tdke advantage of this offer AT ONCE before your size is sold. V Give us your REPAIRING. It will be promptly and neatly done, at Meliiraith's Shoe Store (on Second Floor) FREE, a pair of Men ! For the beginning H I , April 28, 1914 an , F or the Two Weeks 0 beginning Saturday, May 9th we are going to give away and put on “a, h»: In great profusion, in Work- - and the Shoes. Stylish, but yet roomy having been mam I n 08.8, fitting. lusts. A fine selection of Ladies' Pun); _ Dunlop Rubber Heels Highest price: for All Produce "'OOT'WEAR HAY M, 1914 Durham They at: beauties. g Lt E53 YI ici, E1 a do g} PM] can} -oet gr: II “we. Durha: Got Tl THE Tho adve cool dishea. parlor afterna linions lee (jh do. TOR d Visit 0 M‘ was! Manning: it Vermin Ms in m looses. ttc,, but I hw. LU Many peep It this seas Best Este HGWOWH yrt,,i' Working Buy a in est I N A MAY "

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