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Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1914, p. 5

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y," y; y',' 3:4:ng [HE l Prod-cc on, in Work- as. Stylish, urham M. 1914 Veeks May 9th They on health. . Store ieeis Pumps 33332 mall of1ts s here sum ifil ' 300 X . 3U(- x . BIN lil we to [II " " tls, lil "'T" ", T ””3"?! for Yer-Ila and Disease Germs in stables, paltry i'u)uyey, etc., that Will 0053 "M a few cents. glggmraigfimm’muwmm‘mé Best Exterminator 'i'tlcriYlLLE, ir" HE CITY BAKERY Visit our Ice Cream Parlors “no it is: Equal para of In alive§ub1jnnqtqund Sodium 'si, Up-to-date, Roady-to-wear -.,;othing for Men and Ladies 2 ..t Euglish Raincoats for Men and Ladies . .72 3% F} on Men's Semi-ready Suits Buy -"" 1llmttttit' srirtrt, ".v’orkin g Shoes for Ladies HE Hume dissolved in one gallon , a. water. When dissolved w mm to that. " 31110... . every nook and ererice m-cfortwo days than give . 4ng cont of whitetail}. r,'rontinuation, '. a} ymrters for t.ha_ttnary and all Bakrsri gouda .'.x. r: Clearing Ladies' Black Skirts ghest prim for not and he. " 1‘30, when: of hot weather brilgi I hywry', tbr a .Izszm. Refresh your plate by dropping 1tl OTIr r'. ll' ut‘rernooon or evening and Onj°y our pun? do- , as Ice Cream. Sodas, Sandals, Soft Drinks, _ Take an Ice Cream Inlet In... with "te. 'ir:' QUALITY. PHARMACY fr. . 1T,'r5'l'15%h1% m J ' i 1 11v>2033dWm' "7h." I.., n, have ' $36; Marvel MI! atatr and Equipment. '. "h"vutrtr.'tenurpprdtietmt ' .-.m_ "l 5.an el"ytriol sums!!! MAY 28, 1914 Currcct proportions will he supplied by calling " FEICEVfoffii-km \lvn'a Christie Stiff Hats, tom?! King make in the lot 'Hw were regular up to 2.50; we clear them " ll -u's brown ten Hats, latest style, regular I.75, ‘L'H It', price...... ...... .'.... ...... ..... ...... a 'King' Bat for practically nothing 1mm s' Working Shoes of good pebble, lather and ' _ 4) made. Reg. prices all over 2.00, Ip.chl.. ll t mazv line of Men's Suits just arrived in latest tthad-s-- nue, brown and grey. best worlumuulsip of Sunni-Rudy. .‘ztloriug. Every garment nan-Iced perfect tit and an s are wry reasonable, You can save from $5 to $8 (l .- wh Sui: by buying it here. You are welcome to ex- nzne them before baring elsewhere and satisfy yourulf. REAL BARGAINS mm id enter " the I am. can be at: rate m in Inc-II .n. mammal I mo" dell" a: 'w u-mmm. newly arrived, of best English water- Ir' cl. m. raglan style and 50m. 1"t Shad”, black, c', g 'it , . t . . l om k rcyand awn Price rang " r &fttt UD E. tt 1ttiieP%lliB. “" 'ni hull!!!” =:\: "t'LYco..Wtmuor,ont \.---m- toe Can-4h. LEVINE dk GO. T 'rl mg line of Ladies' Black Skim in medium weight, . submidered fronts, regain prion were " to as ;wu're clearing them at. .... ...... .... .... C Jul I1“X'.l and munch) m r, menu (New. School In put you: In maul-3 on program“. ad u no l? ftisiatibqtidetkh 'Y mm irndi - in; i mum “on?“ pe 1 per month tn odmtst, . very rasonatru r [manna ti,tlfiftb "tttly; coupe - ONT 2222.22-22: Ill, J. r. sum. Siihoot S; on tary . A ROWE Miss s. Armstrong and Mr. A Barnett were home during the holl day. Mr. H. T. Some and family, Mt F'orest, motored over bo Jun, Coal ter'o Saturday week. Mr and Mrs H. Brennan and babe, Toronto, motor cycled to Mr. Arch. McKinnons for tho holiday. Mr. G'. mm in our burg Monday a. m. Dr Margaret Patterson. Toronto, will addrm the Women's Institute at Mrs A. II. Bowen's Monday. June 8th " 2 30 p m. Iler subject “Firs! lid to Sick. " Dr. Patterson openuome ten yours in India in med. ieal walk and we are sure will give usa very profitable address. Every one Welcome. Farther announce- ments next week in regard to even- ing meeting. Oar eormmtnity was fairly repre- sented in Dnndalk Monday to see the Sports and report an eojoyable day. A number of our villagers enjoyed the 24th admiring Natttre's beauty at Eugenia. The farmers are Wearing is'rsitr smiletheae days, beautilul shower- and warm sunshine increasing the growth. Miss Annie Ferguson and Mr. G' Wynn, Toronto, holidayed at Mr, Arch Fergnscn ‘5. Many lrienda of Lazy War third daughter ot It. G. Wading moved to Moose Jaw lastsum will learn with regret other: at her home there. Particulai known let. Quitea number of visitors have been " Mrs Duncan McArlhnr'n for the I": few day a. 7 ,"_.-- -IJUII’ Alum! out points. Min Little upon: the vacat‘ her home in Own Sound. The work on the C. P. R. brit making some progress. Mn Shun-cod and daughter dayed with triends in Cumin. Mm Mary Tryon isW'homo from Medics! Collette when tthe has flac inhed writing on exam. for her third Par. Amoanhosa who a as the "c,iiii; day in Priuvllla are risen iIda and Sadie MoGIaig. Lillian Backer: and little niece. Archie and John McAr- than Jon Wine and ll B MoKlnnon. all of Toronto ; Nollie Myers accou- partied by Minus Lavina. Annie and Margaret' Smith and Bab: McKinnon all from Durham ', Mia-u Robeeca McMillan. Mary Aldcorc, Edna Fer- guson. Ella McKinnon, Myra Mo- Leon, Margaret Tryon, from differ) an! uni-u- HOPEVILLE Jaw Itustsddimer, regret other death e. Particaiars not Jetty wrung. . R. bridge is vacation at l who holi- Gonna Change of Time, Sunday, May aut er" Particulars rounding rail or ncean ticuta from Canadian Pareme Ticket Agents or mite M. G. MURPHY, D. P. A., U. P. By. Toronto. R. MicFulahe, Agent, Durban Tomnto--Winuip.tr--viteoartr train Service. effective May 31 Miss Ida Davis came home from Toronto on Sa'urday. Mr and Mrs Calf spem Snndav with their daughter, Mrs R J McGillivray. Mien Winnie Binnie was home from Hampden over the holiday. Mr A, B. McLollan of town called Ol Mr Haney Sunday. Mi.s I'ena McGillivray was home an the 24th. Miss V. McNab and Mr Harrison visited at Mr. Duncan MeNab's. Miss Mary McMillan spent the week end at her home here. Miss Annie Davis returned to Tor onto last Week. Mr M. Murphy spent Sunday at Mr John Bnaton’s. Between Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, via Canadian Paetfie and Michigan Central Railroads Effective May 31, via Michigan Central Tunnel between Windsor and Detroit Miss Laura Beeton spent the holi- day in King. Mr and Mrs Robt. Campbell and children of Owan Sound, visincd at Mrs Campbell's father, Mr Neil Ma. Giilivrav. Mr. Duncan McNab has bought a sawmill bat hum. seen it yet. We hope than Mr McNab hart good luck with it. Mr Joe Porter of Unlock and Miss Millie Hopkins oi Popular Plum called on Mr. and Mm. Herb. Allin on Sunday. Mrs Wadell and two children of Sporling. Man, are visiting at Mr. J. Hills and Mr. ll. Knox '5. Mr and Mrs G II Parilow Sunday- ed " Mr D. MeCormick's. Mrs, J. Philip Is this week visiting friends in Hanover. Miss Lizzie Binnie visited her sis ter Mrs. H. Beer of Mitchell. Mr Robbie Dwis spent 3119 holiday It his grandfathers Mr, Jas. Me0illi. vrgy. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Herb Alien long lite and happlness. Mr. ll. Ector [as Mr. JAE. Ritchie at his home at present improving the house. Miss Mary Edge of Dayton spent over the 21th at home. Mr. Hill pf Truverston IS wcrking " {recent for Ur, J, Firth. Mr John Brown of Utomare visited friends on the avenue recently. ( The majoritv ot our burg intend to celebrate the 25th in Dnndalk. The football team axe listed to play and by the way they look in prgetiee, should bring back the winning hon. Miss K. McLean spent the holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mn. D. McCormick visited ttt har father's. Mr Henry Lawrence. over the holiday. A number of speckled beauties have been landdd here, R Ferris and J. Knox having made the lucky catches. Miss Kate McNab ot Toronto is visiting at her brother's, Mr Bengal Manb. Born-On May 21th, to Mr, and Mrs W. J. Ritchie, a son. Roy. Mr. Hartley will hold a pray" meeting in the Grange Hall on Fri- day evening the 20th, at 8 o'clock. Miss Mary leage of North Egre- mont is visiting this week with her friend Mus Valarie Edge. The property of the lam Mrs Mac- Aulat, Pricoville, consisting of two acres of land. a. hon". ham, well and orchard. Also park lot consisting of tive an". Apply to on The Misses Ferguson and CMrCe Wynn spent the holiday at Mr, A, Fertrtuoit'ts. The Muses W hitemnn of Teoswut- " are vxsiling their many friends here Misses J. Aldeorn, M, Campbell, It. Stewart and N, J. McLeod, and H Hannam, spent the holiday at their homes. Miss Marian Knox and her friend Miss A. Walterof Fletrherton waited " the farmer‘s home here, Miss Elsie BORN] was home from Waudby on Sunday. " Fast Daily Trains Mr. A. McMillan Sundayed in our bum. ___ Miss V. Allen of Iyarhalh spent. the holiday with her friend Miss It Stew- art. Mrs J. Firth of town spent. the 24th mils Mrs Jan. Edge Mill Trna Ferguson is home trom Washington. tor Mary“: iihliiiGnradirf Git '1"??va All Indisl wishing to orgnnizea “chill tum no asked to Ina-Mn he village Tuesday evening. Juno nd at 7 p. m. Mill Aglog Shand vilited her sis IMPORTANT CHANGES M. MACAULAY. 710 Nichol“ Bldg” Toledo, Ohio SAUGEEN VALLEY SWINTON PARK VICINITY For Sale Cheap. EDGE HILL l In Michigan where a evmpnny in. sures only rodded buildings which have been inspected. a risk ot855, 172, 075 was carried during four years and damage claims arising from lightning daring that time totalled (ii'iiriiir: _ _ - l These and other proofs submitted bysProt, Day are practical demonltrc- lions oi the treietttiti: feet that light- ning rods properly installed am a protection. In giving direetions for the proper reading of buildings the reader is reminded that lightning is electricity. Prof. Day asserts that rods should be in metallic connection with the building and that no insula- ltors should be used. This method (ll Attachment is directly opposite to 'chaz adopted when lightning rods Were first used. Sammy DEATH.--0n Saturday last to old mm named William Fee, of Normauby, came into Durham. and going into Klornan & Hughaon 's Drug Store, comphiued of cramps in the stomach and asked for oom- brandy. Medical aid was procured, but to gradually sank and died on Monday forenoon. The deceased In one of the oldest settlers in this notion. . Farewell addreueo appear in thiI issue to Rev. Pntrick Greig from "Middle Station," Normantry, (new Knox) and from Orchardville, to whom be bad mink cred for 17 years. The signatories! Robe. Watson, Sr. Wm. Johnston, te., Thea. Acheson, John Bain, John Panama, Peter BrownManeG‘ All... Sn. Jas. m. mama: and “313mm .11 gene. Lightning rods in Iowa are record- ed asshowiug an efh'cieney of 98.7 per cent and inspected rods in Michi- gan Show an eitieierusy ot 99.9 per cent. Records in Iowa thW that for the eight years 1905-1912 the average number of insurance complains cat'- ryiog risks on rodded buildings was 55. The highest number ot compen- ies reporting in any one yur was 68 and the lowest 46, The total light- ning claims paid by all the” compan- ies tor the whole eight year! on rod. ded buildings was only $4,464.30, " average of 510.15 per company per year, Ca unroddou buildlnus they paid lightning claims amounting to the large sum of $341,066.32. which is an average or $775 15 per com- pany per year. and the number cl unrcddod buildlngs was the same as the rodded ones. That only one man in tive can get life insurance, and while you may be one of the tive, who (an; get it this weak. you may he mm of the four who tran't got it next week P That your breath and liabilities don't end at the same time? That you don't. mean you will take lbe chances, hut that, you will let your hmity take the chance 't l A Bullotin advocating the use of ‘lichtning rod: on buildinn has just ‘been issued by the Outnrlo Dept-rt- meat ot Agriculture. Prat. W. B. Day, of the staff of tho Ontario Agri. cultural Colle, in the Author of this Bulletin, and " dstttootrato, after A series of investigltionl covering thirteen years. tint lightning rods are the protection that science claim: them to be. In thttario in 1912 the eftieietrey of rods was 91}, per cent. From the reports of insurance com ponies Prof. Day found that in every 200 farm buildings insurcd. 42. were rodded, which is 21 per cent, bat out ol'every 200 farm buildings struck by lightning, o xly 3 Were rodded. In this connection Prot. Day observel It We should have expected r?. if the l rods were no good." i, That the moat war: bless assets ever found in any man’s estate are his guud Intentions? Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops yourself. In all your dealings and doiiu,rs The Empress ot Germany and the Finnnce Minister haw notified the Queen of their consent to the betroth ll of tho Duke ot Continuum to me Princess Louise, younzelt daughter of Prince Frederick Charla. of Pro- ma. The Quebec members ofthe Damia- ion Annie. are organizing for the inauguration at a campaign in favor at the submission at the new Temper- ance Act in the various counties ut’ the Province. Fucked and Called for It is in loving and not in being loved that the heart is blast. The only preparation for the morrow is the right use of to-day. Love comes and grows through serving, not through being served. It may be a little further round the corners of a square deal, but the road is better. No one is ever too poor, too ugly, too dull, too sick, too friendless to be useful to some one. If you want to be gloomy there is gloom enough to keep you glum. If you want to be glad there is glee enough to keep you glad. In all your dealings and doiUrs remember to-day is your oppor- tunity, to-morrow will belong to some one else. Life is too short to get every"- thing. Choose you must, and as you choose, choose only the best L-in friends, in books, in recrea tion, in everything. T THE DURHAM REVIEW From the Review of May 23, 1878 36 YEARS AGO Nuggets oi Wisdom Why Insure Now. bet“ r Lightning Rods -----i.-i---- one lire insurance policy t hecnuu's a claim. while rlicy is bound to mulurei' hburly svmpnihy for the od, but :1. lite company] 'viyttMiidt the Thoughtful UNDER and by v: me of the powers} contained in a certui mortgage which Will he produced M t e time of "le, there will be oftoed fo sale by ublic' auction by Dugald Mc bail at 'M',',',',',', Hotel in the Town of l lhlnl on the) 28th day of May A. 1 mu. at the] hour of two o'clock in t a afternoon, I the following proper ty, - ALL AND SINUULA those cer- tain pan-eh or tracts o land and pretmserioituttte, lying a. belngm the Township of Glenelg in the Coun- trmf Gwy, contalniug by measure- ment one hundred and Mt urns be the same more or less l bein compos- ed of lots numlu‘rs twenty-f0 r, twen- ty-nine and thiuly. in the n t Con. cession snub of the Durham and In (humid Township of Glenda. except portions sold to Railway Cttt puny. The property wsll he sold sub et to a run ye hid. For twins and cundilinns app ' to J. P. Trlfovd, Veuriot's Solicitor. Dult'll May (ph, A D. 1911 D. MquAIL. t Audience: Sunshine Wriggé See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. J. H. HARDING, Local Agent ECONOMiCAL-Heats the house well without_buIytg Itll the coal you can buy. Assuring Your Business Shop where you are invited to Shop 53% MORT0h0E SALE - Iiillfthitrjyy Old customers are subject to the inf1uenee of temptation---they may be induced to di- vide their custom- -to do some of their shop- ping at a competitor's. A policy of advertising is a policy of life assurance, and the protection thus secured is well worth its annual cost. Old customrrs die or move away-they must be replaced. Your competitors adveJtising is an influ- ence which must be offset if you are lo maintain your trade. It is no sign of weakness to follow the lead of advertising. You owe it to yourself to get the most for your money, the Best goods and the best service. And " you tigtd that your in- clination is to shop where you are invited to shop rather then to continue to Be a custom- er of the shop which never solicits yourgood- win, you need have no compunctiono of con- science. New comers in this community will shop with you-become. regular customers-if they are invited to do so. Not to advertise regularly to the readers of the DURHAM REVIEW is to leave your business unprotected. J. P. Terovtus) Vendors Solicin A WORD TO THE PUBLIC ".1 HEN you start on your cum of y]! W home-beautifying this Spring. don't just ask for "varnish" - ask for JAP-A-LAC: and don't be content with anything b_ut JAP-A-LAC. Always put up in Green Tins. bearing the name "GLID- DEN." Made in 2l Entiful colors, providing for every possible requirement of the housewife. JAP. A-LAC is indeed a wonder-working aid in homing furniture. floors and woodwork "spit: and span." No matter how badly watched or ”and u piece of furniture may be, a coat of JAP-A-MC will nah it look like new. It mer- up the much. and product- A ' tiful. brilliant. durable" Gish. Quickly mid Gui}, .retietl. No experience required. Ask your local hardware More foe the IAP-A-LAC color card and book entitled "A Thousand and One Une- of IAP-A-LAC." In Durham, JAY-A-LLC is “III by A. S. HUNTER & SON I The first tting of the Court of Ru vision for th Township of Glcnelg for 1914 .will be ld at the Township Hall i in and towns ip on t Saturday, t 6th day of June, 1914 [at no o'eloclt in he foreman, of which lall persons " erned will please take [notice and gov n themselves accord. .mgly. --- _ - _ Fishing, Hunting,' rapping & Trer panuing on the“ [to 060 will be pro- ntuted According to w. W. & 3. MFCRACKEN. a 2,8, 4, con. 3 Wsr.Nom,re, lot, M, 4 47, _ _ _ N - -cu.toiitiu e'y. Brntiuck GEO, Miorrroy Iotq 6t, .63. 6t, con. 3, New But, y, Bentinck The second and thin] div ions of lut 30, Can. I, E, G. R., Gleuel 100 Mr", good buildings. one mile um th of Du- ham. - Gives steady, even heat on least fuel. Dated May 4}!!!“ng RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO C rt of Revision To amp of Glenelg,1914 the Furniture-Saver JAPoA.LAC- because it gives ' mm: to any household wide that no more ..rar. nish can give. JCS\'3LACK, Tp. Clerk For Rent Notice ! an yottreattqtaiqtof _ yum u A m. J. tr this Swing. don't , . 'ht'iii'ci, "varnish"---" for ‘ t 1 I‘m-rm oeft be mm with I n '.1'fd'.l"f.". 'Ile, A. M. JACKSON With the Annual market 0m,“ our out... (hula and Pun-or Bordon likely to be compelled tow “lid“. that our What and When Producu will out" the United But.- with.“ duty, the price of thttarto {um londl u bound to ad "are. You can" do better than to BU y NOW cn. following no A few of the may bunt-o. M. . lulu In ode-lac; Jun-nod und m on. much-k . unwound: "iioi_ol moo-mm". like on , 03,800 toe Yd! gulch “In. I- can ”a M , - My.“ m tti-te. out...“ and Inn. ttl"&"(dt,%'tll't't1fgt m4 at In. lot Wait M. o. 3.700. loom-cu hoover. MIN ttoil, qreit m. mod Wham. Including brick dwelling and {run- but but. Orchard. Only .6300. 125m our “Aunt. (load no“. (man dwelling, (rune tank bat-Wu wk. and any loam Boil. " “1:05.010. ould Mug Om: - " In Kurosawa 200 men In Nur-tst', Very have brick dwellinx ure, baat Irara lung ullo good no“. hue mhbomuod. t ILUUInd clump u the mun won't-Au mmmnm. The ”Huh." arm of- (and u I “my a " am- mint In made. (um-Hun. In lit‘llllul‘k. Hummuut Norman- oy, Brawl. urnck um um Noun Wm. Hum the! pun-my All lamb of x-ropgny for n10 uracil-mg». New Ones for 1914 ti. ti. MILLER. UULI J. C. HUTTON.M.D """'"""tatltttttu'tga OFFICE: 011'! A I. "ttorme I a can!“ ”I an... MD 0 I _ 'Ill,',", a? ea JtfiieAitg,"att FU mm a-gi-i:))',,',)'?,'!)?) '", / Old/016.41 iffirvt',) Hakim: Ill/ill'; E 1 iiLi2'r"d I 'ikRIts Othct-over Jewell UM Poul. om W. C. PICKERING o, D s,, L ll S HONOR GRADUATE “(iron Uni%mttr, graduate of Moral 9011.. 0100M ' of (In! (in lawn Over J 2ht9tht K,"; Bun-e r. s nor in Supn Mun mm.- Cami-sun Muney to man. e mm! hum tit., op ash 0 JUtt sullen. p mu MWW Durham - tfr mun bu I "lepton m hig u. - In Ceylon. [noun A Jim to L [nu 1'ii',,t,ivtE?iii't'ie,'s. 'd"lN'ul'll an atlicd, ARTHUR H. JACKSON D. MoPHAILJ UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Picture Framing. Shortest Notice BaowBoo-.Arerms from Middluch Em. - OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We have a 1111c range to "lect from and prices we moderate an well. All early call is your ad- vantage. Bunncu~lf t ho south at Lin-cum? r'lt:.tutiltu'tif. Personal Instruction Large t'stMr oftipt Positions gunman c A mm. F CA Rrinftml for 35 " " Student: Desk makes it pl. to outer any thy and “mun advancement at tlu, J. EGRANT D. D.S, C. D. s Mounted Auctim " Go. (in y and are a thing of beauty DURKII. ONT. (Lower Tonia Notary Public, Continuum: mborG ABS DOLL.“ Ful . " , ' I . 'it/dir, 'dit/tthm';,',' for W. Sawmill: I. Speciality J. P. TELFORD W. n. BEAN Big 4 CON VEYANCIR A, BELL OWEN op its thhdthes, $4.3 iGUT.a in Human 003M} DOLLARS NruIi‘eL Hanover VII-‘93 CM Icon! will fl]

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