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Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1914, p. 8

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"isak. SUI Pt! tr' M in' I! 0' W “I w W it) it""""""""""'"""'?'" I gag; CENTRAL DRUG STORE Only 50c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers G T. R. Ticket Agency The Central Drug Store ii Prices as low a any. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! ll Field and Garden Seeds (ll Chopped Corn Chopped Corn & Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed on hand, including If you want Feed, call and see us. Our prices will please you. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Taste the Diffe: SE PURITY FLOUR for one baking u and._every member of the family will taste the' difference. Your Bread will be richer and finer fravors1 and your buns, rolls, cakes and pies will be pronounced delicious. The Grocer is authorized to refund your money if PURITY does not give you absolute satisfaction. at 1ril'.lptt illtl [it, lil, 'i' "MORE BREAD and BETTER BREAD'?. and BETTER PASTRY too Feed , Feed! Six hundred dollars is the price Ford runabout; tho touring car fifty: the town car nine hundred Ford, Ont.. complete with equi Get catalog and particulars fror C. SMITH & SONS, Local . Govt. Tested Timothy and Clover Seed We are paying 38c to fOc for Good Oats at our Elevator Headquarters for all kinds/of Ford Oatmeal Millers Runabout Smith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed Seed Oats Buy your tickets here er en car 1 5 SIX led-- f.o.b. 'quipment. from Order Early fridiifs o the tid ll Me m ft! Il m c. E. BURNING, D P Aanonto WM CALDER. Town Tieket Ant. , 'l'nl'llunn 9-2-..-A . A A A special train will run the reverse war-leaving Sarnin wharf 7.45 a m.. arriving Toronto 1.10 p. m., com men- cing June 9th, and each Tuesday, Fre day and Sand-y thereafter. Full particulm and "eSeNrtrttong from Grand Trunk Agata or write.t Parlor Cafe. parlor can m class coaches to Semis Wharf, Effectiva June 8th, Westbound Will leave Toronto 11.15 a. m. on sailing dates, making connection at Narnia Wharf for Saul: Ste Marie, Port Arthur, Frut William, Winnipeg and points in Weartern Canada. Sailings from Sarah: wharf Mondays \Vednesdnys and SMmdays for ltult Use Marie, Port Arthur, Fort William, commencing Jun 8th. Mr Willie Steme Ind Norburn Horsburgh each have purchased a fiae new unto style buggy. Miss Mary Ferguson xetumed from Mt. Fore-t on Saturday. The ladies ot Yeovil Church are giving a pancake, social this Wed. night, May 27th, followed by a Magic Lantern lecture by Rev Mr James. Important Announcement Re-. garding Canadian Pacific Change of Time, May 3lst. New train known as No. 7, will leave Toronto 10.50 p. m, running through solid to Winnipeg, currying standard sleeping cars, dining car. toururt sleep- iug cars, colonist curs. tivtrt-elass coaches, ete. Equally good service returning from the West. thtrtieu- lars from Canadian Pacific tirkol agents or M. G'. Murphy, District Pas. enger agent, Toronto, wull ntnnd for service In his own cable, lot 2 and 3 of 10. con, 1, Eg- remont, (half way between Varney and Orchard on Garnfraxa Road) for the season of 1914. Miss Christen. Cameron is at Wm. Groat'l at present. We are pleased to hear that Mr J. R. Philp, ex-teeve, has purchased a new Ford automobile. Mrs Wm. Rogers went to Toronto Saturday to spend the holiday. In connection with the coming change ortirne on the Quintin-n Pul- flu Ra-lwasy. eitective May um, many I improvettrvrtt, m train serviee have; been made, nuMhle among these being: Iht- inauguration of solid de In“! twins. carrying tompsttiaursrnt-librisry- observation Cur. "lervrar'-isuttsd Maud-L ard Heepvri lugelhvr w th sum lard, diulng cur swvicc In two“. Moutrwal, l Toronto, Dertoit, (Slut-awn via Cunn- dinn Pacitic and Mix-hum Camrul‘ Hailrnud, rnmmencing westbound: May 'dist and eastbound June lat. l These palatial trains will he knrnwn; as No. 19 and No. M, the former leav- int Montreal 8.45 a, mo. ani_ving at London 5,10 p. m., leave London 8.18 P. m. arrive Toronto 11.20 p. m., leave 'Nronto1l.4o p. m. arrive Montreal 9.003. m. I'hetsc, two ll'uini will be operated through the Michigan Cen. tral tunnel between Windsor and De. unit. The new Toronto-Winnipeg-Va n couver service should be greatly 'ap- preciated try the travelling public. No. 3, now leaving Toronto 10.20 p. ID. will leave at 540 p. m.. runnma through solid to Winnipeg and Vancouver. carrying only the highest class equip- ment. TO HORSE BREEDERS and others: The well known Coach horse, Torontu 5.10 p. IH.. leaving Toronto 6.10 p. in. arriving Windsor 1110 mm. leaving Windsor. l2 25 a. In. arriving Detroit 11.55 p.m, arriving Uhlvago 7.45 a. m. Train No. 22 will have Chicago 0.39 n. to. (central lime) arrive Detroit 3.55 p. in,, leave Detroit. 5.05 p. m. (eastern time) arrive Windsor 5.15 il: tu,, leave Windsor 5.85 . m, arrive .undon 5,10 p. m,, leave Emidon 8.18 Q. m, arrive Toronto 11.20 p. It!., leave Mr Rob McCaul, of Toronto, spent the 24th with his uncle, D. Long. Miss Lena Fates, who has been nursing Mrs Wnt, Hunter, returned home last wth. ' Mr James Wilson and family have been released from their scarlet lever imprisonment. The Yeovil Football boys have statted to practice now and will soon have a good team made up. They meet for practice Tuesday, Thursday :u‘lid Saturday night in S. Beeles' " . Mrs John Nelson. Sn. accompan- ied by ioerdaughter, Mrs Gillies, are, visiting friends in Durham for a few days, beforeleaving for Buffalo. We feel sorry to think that Mrs Nelson IS going to leave our midst. For Lanna and other ptsrtieuhtrs, Ipply to own“: - - The meeting of the ratepayers of S. S. No. 9 was postponed until July. Fire was raging in our neighbor) hood for a short time last week. W. J, Philp lost about two thousand rails and J, D. Drimmie had to stay up on his barn roof for a couple of hours. 2 Miss Ema McMillan, of Dromore, visited at J. A. Ferguson's one day last week. BROOKLANDS STOCK FARM Blmwood beef ring will begin on June 4th, with Mg, "ompsusa " butcher. -, I" ', Miss Nettie Rains is home from the city for a few weeks, Seeding is ovu- now and farmers are putting in their roots. " Young Picadore " Steamship Special UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION THISTLE TOP VALLEY EAST EGREMONT IrfoLsqllnlE)I W. L. FALKINGHAM w comma min-n Pael- ilst, many rviee have theseheing I de Inn qnd first THE DURHAM REVIEW I will name a few d eases thatp Chiropractic adjusts t remove the cause of disease, and n ture restores normal condition (health ; headache, eye disease, deafness, e ilepsy, iri- somnia. wry neck,, thr t trouble, neuralgia, goitre, nervous rostration lagrippe, dizziness, ble ing from nose, catarrh, bronchitis, t umItism, hay fever, boils, troubles the heart stomach, lungs and live asthml, gall stones. Bright's dise diabetes appendicitis. bladder troubl acidic: and many other troubles n be rt- lieved by spinal adjustmen Con. Iultation and exemination f . R. l WALKLEY; Too bad that the beautiful mill pond could not have boating facili ties ! The reason, we were told, [an that boat houses were broken into and rough usage given the boats. ‘Holmin. Msy 25th. - Glorious weather fumed the sports hero in the afternoon The wet morning caused ninety tinctured with planar. tor the blessed min, and when the clouds rolled by I feeling of walley- ed satisfaction took possession of " the young people sspscislly. and the tum out was most gratifying no less a sum than $80.00 bung secured to enrich the Commute-'3 “usury. Thu proceeds, utter exp-mes, will lmneiit the Library Ind other village utilities. Much admiration was given to the 17 acre field of fall wheat just (tttttt oi the grounds, belonging to Mr John Brown, which for forwarduess and regularity can have few equals. The ice cream booth was well pl- trouized. A crying need is for some kind of seating arrangement for vis- itors. We were glad to learn that this improvement is -to receive at. tention. We purposed publishing a list ot all the prlzewinners, but tmfortanate. ly the committee had kept Incomplete records, just awarding the prize when won. Among the young fellows present was Mr Sugg, of Clifford, father of Mrs Wm. Seamaus, who, though cou- teasing to 86 years, is still in fairly good health. The line.np of both team was as fellows: Holstein Orchard H. Drumm goal keeper J. Perry BeltEccles left back L Grind Reg. Hunt tight back 0. Thomas John Brown left halt back A. Douglas Will Cobourn centre back -J. mun c. Calder right back J. Dickson s, Smith cm. forward W McArthur John Marsh left wing J. Famine; Harold Main . B. Dickson R. Dickson tight wing D. Campbell Fulton Coburn N. Dickson As soon as darkness descended Ge fireworks brigade commenced rich- rockettiu air and sky, with showers V jtteting fire sparks. It wasabcau 3'33 sight to watch the winged balls' fizzle skywards, break, and then fall into a thousand little diamonds on the bosom at Victoria Lake. . Fred McClookliu tlid a rushing bug. iness at the gelrculuneat booth. It was a well-spent day and about $80 was taken in at the gate. A3 evening fell a generous rcpast was provided " all and thoroughly tltt. joyed in the romantic surroundings The event of the day was the foot. batt match between teams rnpresent- ing Holstein 1nd Orchard and they gave an hour’s exhibition of the game that was enjoyed amen they Were fair. ly equal. Holstein had that better combination of the two though in bath :eams than: is room for itnprcve- ment in this respect. The guns closed l-o in favor of Holstein, Al. lan Halliduy, Gleneden, being [wafer " Following this spectacular display, the program commenced. Rev. Dr. Marsh was chairman and first called on Reeve McArthur for an address. Seldom have we heard our reeve acq- uit himself so well and he was rapt- urously applauded at the close. The orchestra played some splendid num- bers and were heartily encored on each occasion. Fred McCaw is mak- ing a name for himself by his ability to recite and is not stingy with the encores. Rev. Mr. James in a neat speech thanked the workers for their efforts, A fairly full prognm of sports. run- ning, jumping, kts., war carried oat largely under the supervision of Rev. Dr. ulroh, unrated by Rev Mr James and Mr Edwin Hana. Some good records were nude, especially in the running high jump, when a height of c, feet waa cleared. This was the record of John Brown and Gilbert Durant, while Enrl Hunter and Erie Sharp in the juvenile class made good records. A ecnswoml jumping ev'ns WM thin butwaen Reeve John McArthur 3nd John A. Fergunon. It hnd not been Announced, else a very large n- tendnm would have been attracted. The Ielnlt showed that agility still lingers With the" gentlemen and they were receiving congratulations. Mr McArthur in his flight through the air came dowu just a hula too soon, but was only about an inch behind his opponent, Owing in their mod. esty we were unable to v.,s,certain tlie ldislance cow-red. tiow Holstein spent tho 25th. CHIROPRACTIC NOTES g; l The Women's Institutes annual ‘meeting was held at the home of Mrs P. Mutch on Thursday last, There ‘were 22 members oi the society pres. ent and the reports and statistics pre- sented showed that the society is progressing favorably. The outlook is that next year there will be alarge. ly increased membership roll. A president was not appointed at this meeting. The entertainment of the Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian by the m Ci, Normanby, society on Tuesday night of last week, was an interesting event and all hands voted the Occa- sion a success. About 45 membeu of the local society were present and a number of the many talented visit- or: provided the program, while the Knoxonians were hosts in the way of giving a dainty lunch. In brief the program was as follows '. addresses by President W. ThompIon. Rev. Dr Marsh and Wm. Allen, mete nu- tette selection by Cohen Bron. , nt Marsh, T, McMillan. solo by- J. A. Hersh. recitation. by like ,1..le fl Chute.” F. the". e dttatl 'iiuya, Mo PERSONAL : The ordination and indttetion (a Messn Hugh Sinclniv and Fred Dil. lon as elders at Fairbaim Presbyter- ian church took place on Smelly. Rev. Dr. Marsh (maimed while the unbianbonrds ct Drumore and Hol. Main congregations were also repre- sented. i Mr and Mrs Rabinson and son Alum; at Toronto Span; a few days at her; 'Xutltcr's, Mr. D. Allan. ( ( Mr and Mrs. Fiddler and two sons, , Mr and Mrs Saga, all of Neustadc,; Were gurus at the Seaman home t [the hclulay. l Lon Kerr of Elan, In home for Sludny Ind Victoria Dav. ‘iaée-éw -- '" «meal Constuble Myers in showing activ- ity in rounding up autoists who per- sist in travelling without their num- ber board oat and hae the approval of public opinion in adhering to well to the law. Last week he summoned Linrymun Henry and V. Voisin oi Mt Forest for unveiling through without their numbers and this week he took Agent Smith of Ayton for a victim on Tucsdw. taking hun to the magistrnto as a requel. We did no: he" the result but by the look onthoir faces when “my returned. it mast-have been a love least all round W' Ann Rico of Hespcler was a I visitor at tho partrrtal home our the l, wceh and. I One of the closest mishaps that on bordered the fatality column inZthis vicinity took place on Saturdny when the suction - worn slowly wand-W ing their warhomeward on the hand I car. At the turn near Calder'l field, I they did not hear the approach oi as l northbound train until a short (in i tance tram them. There was time for a leap from the "llttger " and that was all. The leoomotlve tore on and landed the car ahead of it i to Holstein station. Mrs. Collins of It. Forest is giving an address on Womam Suffrage at 2.30 o’clock on Friday in the McthO' disc church. Mrs. W. If, Rogers was a. Toronto visitor our the holiday period. Mr, John ocebard is the fir t of oar' citizcns to invest in u. motor our, hav- ing purchased one from Agent Smith ot Ayton. Ex-Reeve Philp in anoth- er purchaser from the same sourced An intellectual treat of no man order is in store for those who pur- pose attending Rev. Dr. Marsh's lec- mm on Monday night. The topic is "A Trip to Labrador" and will be illustrated by limelight views. 2, Chas Bowling of Edmonton, whois visiting Knox Normanby Mond- WI! in the village for the celebration. Mrs. Wirifuld Hunt and ohildron from Bolwood, are visiting friends in Holstein. N. Friends of Rev. Winfield Hunt oh Belwood will be ttratified co learn ol his “100.95 in the “not ministerial cums. ll. has now spent three terms in " college course and a fourth term will see him . {Mod- gag premier. ficataituairiiagi; Mrs. J. C. Nichol and daughter Florabel of Durham visited at Mr. C. Drumm’s on Saturday. Miss Eahol Match of Torertc spent the holiday with her pgrums. Mrs. W. o. Pettigrew and little daughter Gladys lot: on Tnndu morning for Moose Jaw, Sash, “here she will visit with her an Bert, and other friends. Mrs. Alex. Hamilton left on the same train for Suskntoh- ewan. also to visit for several weeks Mrs. Alex. Gillies of Butblo, who was here attending the funeral of her tether, the late John Nelson of Yeo. vil, last Week. returned home on Wednesday morning. Mrs Wm Nel. son tezurmd with her and will visit for a time. “Is the young man sate ir er's standpoint ?" This one ofa series bearing on man. Mr. J , Sumner: and sister Min Mary ot Lucknow, were guests at J. W. Hunter's over the week end. Mr Hunter a:tsoatpanied his nephew and niece home on Tuesday. Rev Dr. Marsh's mpiatur his even- lng sermon on Suudny' night will be "ls the young tttttil safe (ram tl Fath- i The Dromore Branch of Women's er's standpqini ?" This is the third i Institute will hold their mat meet- one ofa series bearing on the ytung I ing at the home of Mrs Colin McMil- man. lan on June 3rd at z 30. Paper: are Mi. Wm. Ncisnn of Yeovil has 36- to be given 03(1) Salads- Mary Tay- currd a bome buy trom (he Annie lor; (2) Warm Weather Dettaerttt-- MePherson Uhmo. Stratford, Mm ROM. Renwick, Jr., Inga Belle Mr. Chas. McImics went in Guelph I Lothian. All ladies are invited to on Saturday while Mr. Andrew Hun- attend, tar went to the same city Monday. _ ', '"'e'"er"'"et'r----r-- The oHrdinmqionl and intiucttiionDGoi‘ ----- Messrs ugh k ine air and We il. ion as eidersoi Fairbairn Preabyter- t mum ian church took plaeis on Sunday. l Rev n,. Marsh r,moioresA whiln sh. ii A m A -. A I l Rev. Dr. Mush gave hie lecture on _ " A Trip to the Sky tt to an appreci- j ative ludienee in Westminster church I Mount Forest, on Friday night. a Liveryman lanary sold 1 band- Lsmne team of sortels to Jos. Bright,, iof Mount Forest, last week. (B/iii' Min Efhe Hchllnn. of Drona", was a visitor at W. H. Rogers' In! Visitors at the mane for the hou- days were l Mr Robt. Clark, Toronto, Min L. Duncan, Peterboroutib, Miss Mary Marsh, Toronto. Mr H. West- obv, oi Guelph was a guest last week. Mr and Mrs Tlnuer, from Hamil- tou, motored through Orchard and oiled at Mr Eddington“ on that my to Owen Sound. Miss Chm Hoeilin in visiting her mother iiere. Mio Margery Stevens visited our the 21th with her grandmother, Mrs Smith, in Holstein. Miss Sclwnk is scwmg " Mn Joe. Mum A. Troupe. of Holstein. visited Sunday with Miss Mmaio Douglu. Miss A. Nickle. two niece. and I friend, from Gala. visited Sunday and Monday at. Jno. Kirby's. Mr Jno. Kirby got one of his horse- kichd and it: leg broken. _ The crops are looking fine, with he help of the iitttt wurm run. r'e'N"'P"'.5 unumm»uoow .. We also sell the DURHAM NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT. that well known brand at the lowest possible price. Cement always on hand. J. W. Hunt is prepared to takoall kinds of Cement Work----. BARN WALLS, HOUSES, SILOS, We can sell you anything um CATALOGUES get it for you on short new V TAYLOR& co. Dromore t 54"” hit“ 1} Paints, Linoleums, and Gilcloths Now the 24th of May has passed, we um :3 look for hot weather, and the sheepwill 1c (11w Now we are ready to receive tho largest quant ;:_\ Wool we have ever handled and can offer you . highest prices. In exchange for same we can ( ii, pay .' ou the Cash or give you Trade of highest (1:: all! or write and get my prices before you let your contract Llfii/s,t.li),.)l..fiijlli? Wool Season if; Schcnk is acwmg " Mrs CEMENT WORK DROMORE ORCHARD All newest patterns and quality glamntwi BRIDGES AND CULVERTS TAYLOR & CO. Bring your WOOL, BUTTER 6: EGGS .. “0|...“ The Best is the Chen; Two. ot our correspondent. lat" not gegeeged to the death 0m above gentlrmen on Friday islh lid and “out! ulcphoued Swine t In"! "th-ot in time for tm' t The push; of this pioncu . thy til-ore extended notice a th writer from ”sound seq-um; an unity to the worth ofthe k eaared. Ill Inn of tine may," w dilution: in " habits m ' “in; uud‘hbor and cicizcn. " He II. I lifelong mm”; in m1.- ties II‘ I member of thc rresirytev clutch. Wick services M 1!”th Coming to Egremonl whrr _ m a" n " *" largely bush, by ciearet TNU, and successfully :urmotit. ted the trials and hafdshwp ' I ttti.t hyl. He was twice Innutrd and on Ion Plu', and three 1‘. mamas In. John Rocks, In. Alex (£11le and Mn Duid Leith u: N rmlnby multod from the first tttc, F. m his mud wife. a sister oi My: nag; Allen of Durham, two mm Wm m John and two daughters SUN '.' x: hm The funeral WIS very larguiyay. tended, his old pasta! Rev Mr ke, dell, Duldnlk. conducting 1lse mm - services, Amos chunhcm w I voluntary, it Loi Hr in. but deepelh. 't The p.111 3&er m Edward undersea, Jas Caldu The. Weir, Funk Hopkin- Hug: Reid, Keil McGi1lirray. MW”)? A superior school with tent instructors and courses. Anisted witl! College, Btrattord. We for our students than J, other similar school: A? stcs in positions. You m: nt any time. Write for pm or call " the College. D. A. MCLACHLAN, w. E. l President Pr: Wt. amsst Jiharhea, Col/eye MT. FOREST, 'r'd', The Late John Nelson 2.50 to 32.50 6.50 to l5.UU HOLBTEIN '19.! 28, 11514 tttty [£1 ii) ”Down A m u't “(I mum ',.. .' " born m H; . Stntlordm I T l , lily 26th. I" Melliun. 1' Wiartonio, i, _ were taken L t. -ing, whcreh, v2. “Churchofo.” ', “win lth x . V incurs'ivc; n; . m, d Gil “I ll. W. Covert. We.“ ho T _ “Dar mar" or Mr Durham fricnd, Mthe death o! "the Popular i h branch ol l U. well Ln aided here 1 - now C ho befoh U mm ugh Tutu-rams“ An incipient ti Iron an engine t at Snub”: tout: 'domur “(also an. dune. Th "toeot use old l, brnod tuned quickly noticed Katt an hour lat, and .ude a ll I.“ IMO“. sun but Bra. ttot g 'Wec'a lean (bunt Work, r "I”. the husmo "aqred by ' I“!!! under cot 'u painted on with In", thet theta Iuiluhlr “mum! Mm OWN. And ill BOW your fu M at Lona]; l‘mml. 1rt act-oi " a! 'trt" y Tl pe 8... are owned in “(It 1.01t0 being I -. Iovum _..18i "unwed her a ttowe'. bank"! y W. L. Sumdo ttridge. ti. tie road into Mi, cum! while ll “to Scott's ol out otBce be tPrt'tte. A Clumwuu tone at then well in lame noisy we: the D-m-Pit) reputed. were the {with Practice C thought was a tin eeetgtq there is in “in: lowto which ty to me extent. nttd the luthorm tumble in fitsdittg ”ply puniduncm tin8. shown ll _ownod by pet. Ue [0.458, In” " of amen“ min for tht BM'II Is u Mt of " Company of move it to u not been a f masons. but our winter i We trust tttc B'l’". '14.. an” pram-h all morning Chanel: In The fra and hritks tin": love hon-en " Will Clank 011 tit uhould " H Md w" and " In FOR ti Single H; All in can See the which has 1 suitable for Aurc any dun awn cement "an Pt at 'tex The VOL. XXXVI On Jun , W’ " th N H

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