West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jun 1914, p. 1

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K‘X‘MW ’SES. SI L. OS, :ULVERTS - ' _..,, ' amore ”no... T10 WORK ake H 'DLS TE I” c Joint ll kirids of T 28, Au JUIS .4 32.50 / "sh, " e _ sslttlly , nanlship. of : l Ice married 0 threu dun. in, Alex. G if! of N _ rat union, ' . ,»!:l’ of In l lions. w- on Liberal in f the Pa», _ wees he . t when "t WC... e for wane. . not“. al I NONI of vie 'Ptttrriti', t; and “N" very iairi' I Rev If. acting the 513 chunk bt Lo! He fhe pail Tson, Jas. C f Napkin, a .mg and t notice. a" do“: r!dar " " LAND o.stsiblo ulth 00.”- s', “It” nth Clnml We do m in does an All M )u may "at r partitmtam Cal/eye :tnrully lipped. ntity of son the l either 15.00 F. w: "on Principal survive hi tract arrest t sad Wait? ONT, M Prime Theoc _,1" by the Imspeetor we is imperative need ' tire alarm he secured Heed SO as to be easily '\E J” ible, I furnit e at the retina“ -- than & l echnie’s. "VK “as. E. MtiaroaN-Man, “Us will learn with regret :': ol' Mrs. E. Melligan. wile ‘;.|r conductor of the Win- w: of the Grand Trunk. She Anown here, they having re' c ior some years in the reli- vw occupied by Mr. Jas. Coler- :furc moving to Wiarton nearly _ " ugo. Hemline” extended over month.. The deaned,whoee n name was Josephine Booth, mm in Hamilton, but moved to mun! in her early girlhoodauden y 2.2.5. 18% was married to Edward E"m. Deceased has resided in i'" '1 for 14 years. The remains :u ‘.:kcn to Guelph on “and” {Ill tg. where high - we. - in 'Church 010mm arad Wt; 1' nude In the R. C. Census. Th _c.sscd IS survived - M "M-d :2. Irmilr ot " M “‘8 UN, Mrs. W. COM Tut” I, Mrs Eldridge, " b: ', ine, Edward odNtmit, ' _ ’ eodore at home. _.. "r. ll 'is'i?l iit, VOL. XXXVll, NO. 23 H "uthter tale Funnihn'e at il,e1lthii,'t',a'., Mekeettnio'r. H tt SALe.--Aato bite, in tair mr. w (-nrduion, 8125. Write or apply KM w Omer. LP iron'. of Mr, DargMcAuMe’l tt .. _, been improved by building' w‘l’li steps a d elevation. ' _ the last ipment' of articles s.) !.us arrived W. Black's, very d; .c for w dding cents. ., um Si'ly1S',',ta terms 'Y be new Pertectiorr Coat' d unstration. Nobody , It. C. b'] " 5:80“. Ape, Garage. 'vi. " c-Buggy, Cutter, Bett muss. blankets, robe, etc. lcundit . Apply to N W. w. udham, Durham f Hurt, to cal at W. slat-WI ‘51an- on Tuesday. June 9, h ILh insh, W. D. Clark. fur the Bible Society, will t' Methodist Church In the “I in the Prrsbrteeian Il \ l'u.\ ""o"r""'rs, “lasted by sparks _ mning I shingle will ivx- w" nipped on .. lefure any damage sparks fell on the, wkemizh shop near- ' h‘nze which '1. aud extinguished. » t .r again caught In I Ale more bandit: , wunded as an 1: arm gum-rally heard, and tli2 which was our the u Ullr' dashing Ill) "reet new section they were wag the the id been mtrol with tmite " , K LL' C'ochrtuae has .n mun the store nut [p sun .nne vucnledby , m-xt Gal-affix! at. tit 1" muvmg across the Cochrane'. old “and t'hronicle will not. -'; '11-. and their pus- “ugrd into a Ford ulhu south on PNPrm._.--.Mr Jos) ,icnng a proposition at g the Skating Rink to a [1 men, who would te- nmn. The Rink has «ml success in recent “mid he name“: loll to _'-, to lune it nmo‘vg, u be taken to retain N "rvs8mb-Aa unaly.‘ l' Hydration in On- -. -,r ending Doe. 31, , "l In 1' of automobile- «I the province to _ tsl sr'aiitttt enmity ”mudulinn for on. l number of hon, '-developed, indulged L on the evening of y “adding, nor, it it "Jir sex absent. The : d charivari we had _ g of the past, but it Human nature loan- l tuppeala. Proper- nu: learn, wuinjurcd \s should have little t'ne ringleader: and n-ning. h "kofMr Alt Rvdtord’u n "tuee St. is now up I put-grass. Founder. l prepared for the new an F, Chapman and wh- m the province: mm! parts and Tit. he property of In; "ttt " The nee of yore That danced our inf-no) upon their knee And toid on: nmrveliing boyhood legends now. How are tiny blotted from the things that I o." The pioneers are pumping away, leav- ing behind an nouns of intelligence. industry and perlevennce, that ling- ers long in the memory Deceased was devotedly Presbyteh inn and like her husband. of “ahead- ing integrity. Those who were neigh- bore to her for over half A lifetime speak of her In warm and endeari- terms. She w“ the last hm one of the founder: of the church at Hamp- den. that one being Mrs And, Derby, Sn. and her life and example any well be, no doubt ha been, an impin- tion and a guide to a younger genera- tion, To them were born a family of ten children, nine of whom survive. lhus l bum, the eldest, died about a year Ago; the others are t John, Mary, (Mrs Nichol) [Chem/24' and Elizabeth", of Owen Sound; Thomas on the home farm I Annie, Mrs tor.) Henry, Esto- van. Bask. : Wrslttsr and George in E l- monlon; Martha (Mrs Hes-cl) London. John. Ebenezer, Mrs Ntehol and Mrs I Hun sure at the funeral. Mrs Stow- iart,tstsisterof Mr Young. though 85 years of age. drove from Kinlou to be present also. Besides the family here one brother of deceased lives at the) old home in Scotland. The pull-heur- ers were her three sons John, Ebenez- er, Thomas and Messrs Wm. Sharp, James Kerr and John Cooper. Rev Mr McLean, her pastor, conducted thel uervlrn u the house and at the grave in Hampden "m.tery. I Deceaeed was born in the parish of Funnel. Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and in 1819 was married to the late John Young. who predeceased her by 131 yum. The young couple left. in 1854 to! Canada and came tirst to Nuisaga- weya, where they remained about 18 months and then moved into "the hush " on the 17th Con, at Norm-why, where their subsequent life was spent. ‘l Obituary. / C" Mm! 9mm Youx?\ Ou2tst of 34”?er paused am“ at the home of her Ion Thos., 003.17. Nonnnnby. at. the rips, ago " years. [Nine iririrTrciiriiimiiri-' Ir the had t e misfortune to break her leg and we never quite recovered fl om the shock to the system and this and tome stomach complications proved I fatal. i The great ship lies 100 feet deep, 3 miles from shore entombing hundreds. The writer crossed the ocean in her in 1910 and cm scarcely realize how the great fabric could so soon be ruined. The impact roused the sleepers, hun- deeds, women especially, stopped to dress, the lights went out and the ut- most confusion reigned. The ship all strange, what wonder if corridors and passageways proved battling. To add to the misery the ship began to list till decks became almost perpendicular, some were pitched in the sea, others clambered over the upper rail and ac- ually stood on the outside of the ship. nly a few boats could be lowered and n " minutes the great plunge was ta. ken, cotfining some 600 or more in the interior of the ship while some hundreds swam or (laundered in the cold waters, nearly all in night robes. _ The lightsoi the "Storistad," a Nor. wegian collier were seen 2 miles off and Captain Kendall of the Empress gave warning whistles. They were acknow. ledged and so was a second warning. A passing bank of fog hid the two vessels from each other. Kendall slowed the Empress down and was quite stationary he says, when suddenly they "airs sighted each other but too late, for the collier rammed the centre of the Em. press. no doubt killing many of the sleepers outright. l l uneinkable ship is a fallacy. The great C. NR. Liner, Empress of Ireland, was rammed by a heavily laden Collier just before dawn last Friday morning, and sank in " minutes, causing the death of 1024 souls. 1912 the Titanic. 1913the Volturno, 1914 the Empress; Navigation is having a fearful record, The fourteen hundred and odd pass- engers had emb.arked at Quebec 'it':','.,',") day evening. Nearly all had retired tol upend the first night on shipboard, Ri. mouski had been reached and passed, the last touch with land on this side. Empress ttt Round n Bottom of M. Luvrence j STANDATRD Again it has I000 00 Down to Death DURHA _ . " -‘ T -~ f _ ' é _ -" V" If“ -. - . . . V _ f . /'-'~ " " . r, ' , ' _ , * . _' a, .71.- r .. ' Vc.' ‘ NI w _, ~- -~ , ' yo l " fs" , ' .: , . f 51"! t I ‘ J, , V“ . V _ ' T -7 ".., 'l, ‘-‘ L ' . U ' 7 Q33!" V . sti.si" i , . T" C2 W , V l. . L] . . ., ". _ - l C. . , .7 A _ 4-H. _-.-" _ 4 K' j, I :5“an t l i , \\- . ' =r "" a .' K '\.: l' B. / ' . ' Ft _ cm tN _ ' _ ". 1,R. M1 . ew'" © I . t 7- Td . " ., a; w' -.-.,_' - - . " "e-tits :‘" Is:' '.s _ ", k. - t . was which is, 1i=orisoriitu ai Inuktitut“ imam, THURSDAY. JUNE rf,! 1914 _', mm been proved that the “amidst! gain-count" 1lreahaltas4-duhntihs- If2,ht'ttt,t',trit'at keerabenknezmmeinthe- ottmtremretottuteitherene Utuder--Lenahan-qhat request of Town Com-table for suit And mine ot salary be referred to property com.-- Carried. Clerk was inatructed to purchase dog tags for 1914. Saunders - Cochrane - That the School by-law No. 639 an lulled in committee of the whole be read a third time, signed. sealed and engrossed in By-an Booic-turrmt, , 1huder--WoHe-That tender of W Collinann be accepted for street water: in): an 8135 for the year and (hats proper agreement be drawn up and signed, Ipeciiying the work to ha done and limits of the district to be water- srd.--Carried, Calder-Wolfe-Tut the tax roll be extended for 10 days and in the menu tttnes.......' ....,..."..y.r.C.'.". Durham Fur. Co,, elm plank. . . W. A, Heughnn. for the prac- tice, Mar,-....-,..,",..., Aeetrs. were passed as follows I Clerk, minty for May and pttte.8 35 10 H. Pettigrew, sninry........ , .. 4107 Hardwua...................... 72 er. McKeghqje, 62 loads gravel for townhall_.'. ......".... W. Connor. tile for streets. . . . .. W. Uollinson. 40 hours with tea-streets........ '...e. "s J. Lawrence. repairs to gra- er.........................., The rote was ultimately taken with a proportion of about 3 tn 2 nguinut submission of the Canada Temperance Act this season, a strong factor in the decision being a desire to see what suc- cess Huron County will have under the newAct. Met in regular meeting on Monday lst June. Rev. duo. Muir. of the Ontario Al- liance. Was present and gave an out. line of the advantages of the two acts and disadvantages. Some of these an: Local Option, to carry, requires '3ulrtu, C. T. A. only a majority; un- der lhe latter to make a search, In- spectnr must get a warrant from a police magistrate or two Justices of the Peace, [hunt be accompanied by a cunstnhle, and can search only in day- light. Under L. o. an Inspector mm act Mane ony hour day or night. with- out a warrant. A great advantage of the wider net is Hut it wipes out many " Wet "spots that are a menace to the dry ones. Women can vote fur Local Option hut not for the Scott Act. curry than Owen Sound and. urged that more vigor be put into the cam- paign. Brief "reechss from one representa- tive at least from each municipality Won the tirst order ot business and these revealed only two attitudes its to submission of the U. T, A,--for ttutr. mission this year, and against it. Owen Sound and Mealurd especially were decidedly adverse, the latter place having just recently come undeu Local Option and working very ismoothly, they fear another turmoil. will) a loosening of the restrictive forces. On the other hand Murkdule. Hanover, Normanby. Unaowor.h, woken strong appeal for submission of the (l. T. A. on the ground that the stung should help the West, for, through no fault of theirs, local con _ ditions are such, that it is impossible to carry Local Option with the 3 fifths handicap. UneOwen Smnd r thought some of these places were no worse to President U. A. Fleunng o. Bound, conducted the meeting which "I. held In the basement of the First Methodist Church, and (rem 2 p. m. till almost T in the evening, them was " somethin, doin'," I Such was the deemion arrived at at [the County Convention in Owen Aound on Friday last, Theatteeting wan-larger than the one in Markdale and fairly representative of the Cotm- tr, Five went from Durham. Hon- over aent80r 9. Mealord and Owen Sound were fully represented and we think every township but" Egremont and Proton and lwo in North Grey had represents! ivee the! e. Clark, 828 ft. cedar for Canada Temperance Act for Grey County Town Council At Least um Year. 8154 61 1800 il/sl/i""""""""""""""""?,', EDURHAM FLOOR MILLS§ I3. Solo.... ...... .....' ....‘The wee bit Sand'... .... I4. Dank... ...... ......‘Listto the ConventBelW ... 15. Carol...... .... ... .... ‘Now the day is over'.... . 16. Solo...... .... _... ....'The Lord is my Light'.... 17. Anthem............‘Pi1grims of the Night',... MR. ERNEST A. WARREN, Tenor Soloist of Baptist Church, Toronto, will be the assisting artist 10. u. 12. 13. 14. Ili. 16. I7. In Durham, four ac sof land, good barn and orchard, fram' house with ce- ment cellar, hard and s twater con. venicnt. Applyto A __ Leader of the Opposition in the Legislature, will be present and other Speakers also will give addresses. D. KNECHTEL, C. RAMAGE, President. Secretary The meeting will begin at 1.15 p. m. sharp, and after routine business and eleétion of officers, nomination of candidates for both the Dominion Parliament and Provincial Legislature will be pro- ceeded with, if deemed expedient. The Annual Meeting of South Grey Liberal Association falls on and will be held on The annual meetiuii, the Women's Institute will be held", it the same time and place. y LIBERAL at I 30 p m. Man rs are urgently invited to attend , business of im- portance wili be [run ctedo W, B, SOARF, GEO, President Town Hall, I) rham, on ' Thur ay, June l8th The Annua Meeting of South Grey Farmers' Inch ute will he held in the time thet the Gollector be instructed to “he the proper eteps for collection and that the Treasurer be instructed to delay the tar sale accordingly. . The long drawn out difference be. ltwoen council end Dr. Hutton as to the value of his services on Medical ottieer of Health, took up a long time, and in again postponed. The doctor came before them with one request asking them to comply with the new law by appointing one of thrir mem- hers to the Board of Health. The council in the long del itf deems has not Appointed a 00%.! OfBeer of Health, and the doctor mine buttress‘ rd with on letter from the Provincial luthoritiee, showmg lhatfboy had up- l pointed him, and no doubt. on compel the salnny of 3150,00 pet annum, " sum just tmee ea large as the Council I thinks, should be paid for the lightI duties, of this town. I METHODIST ( N. W. ROWELL, K. c., M. P. P. Phone" Wednesday, l0th June, l9l4 In Town Hall, Durham Anthem.... Wt Bolo...... ... Carol...... .. Solo......... Duett........ Carol...... .. Solo...... ... Anthem...... Organ . . Anthem Solo... ' Carol " . Duett . . . Solo . . . . Carol _ . . Solo .. Ft Organ . . In the Methodist Church Best Ginny Bay for ' Sale Custom Chopping and Out Crushing Our Stock of FEEDS is large and of best quality. We want good GRAIN and will pay highest market prices. Our FLOURS are unsurpassed, and our prices consistent with good quality. Any Quantity of WOOL, Washed or Unwashed. Cash and Gold Welght. We will pay the highest market price for \nnual Meeting I ................2. tu................ l ' .. t I I n................ CONVENTION For$ale Miss DoRoNtw BURNS ....... ......'So iers'chorus'...,... ......,'Praisethe ord, Olerusalem'. .............'Mavo neen'........... ....'Oeotnetotnshe t,LordJesus'.. ..............‘Excelsx _........,... ..........‘Fearycnot, Israel'....... ...........‘Sunofmy pl',.,....... ...........'Heliftedme'. _....... ... ..........r. TannhauserMa' h ..........2, Pilgrim'sChoru J...... ............'Praitte yetheLo '....... .... ......'TheNinety and Nin l.. ..... ...........‘Still,Still with Thee ..... 2% rt. hur h, Durham, Thursday, June 4th PR((\)XRAMME : Fred J. Eretnry JHOIll, CO"NCERT I Mr. Jas. Allan Jr. of wjnnipei"iTa,t (present Visiting his old home on the 3rd emu. Egremont. [lie father MA. Jas Allan has been very ill but hopes l, are entertained for his reco'ery. i' Mr, Rom. Laidlaw who has been ( home since completing his engineering 1 exams " Toronto, left on Wednesday in: take a position in Ottawa, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ford moved 7 this week to their farm on the 3rd i con, Glrnelg, lately haught from Mr. 'lrn'in Reilly, who with his sister is lacing to New Outurio to live, nu. u, “w. H. w. w rue, pastor at COLLECTIONS Having 37o Branches lhréughout Canada and “Ir the B xpliut Church. '""""Tfr.rr?,trHaite.west _Indies,this 'e',,1ttthi,1 unrivalled fucilitiu Ttis/cut in furniture the next :30 for handling collections with economy and capttch. ' days oitly at Inmahah . cKechnieu, LONDON. I"... Omcl. NEW YORK AGENCY, Mr and M rs John Cliff left Wednes- It" am... "that. "am. he. “I. mun. A (NEDA! stuns day to visit in Dundas. DURHAM BRANCH t S. HUGHES, Manager. Cl, Dumm. The nuptial Git-ai; tivd by Rev. W. W. Wylie, pastor of the B npliat Church. _ At the residence of the bride's par- ants. Mr and Mrs J. Pilker. (iarafraxu tit. South. the weddirg was solemn. ized on Tuasdxy afternoon of their elder' "aughttMitm Vin!» and Mr. J. Mr rem new] bpiG'ia'Gr. "'"'""', Miss Edith Allan, mtrse-itytrttininsr, is a guest of Miss Margaret Petty over King's birthday. Ur. ttrm Reid and can from "rater, loo, New yo.ry, jf visitigg his brother, Mr, Itobt Brigham. Allan Punk. left on Tuesday on a six weeks' trip through the West. He pulpotes going as far as Calgary and Edmon- ton. A Mr, J. th Adams is erecting a wind. mill on John Brown's farm in North Egremont this week. / E-‘aex On. Reeve L'aldrt is in Toronto this week on business. Mr and Mrs Geo. Collinson and four children, of Huuilton. bu moved to town and tnkcn up residence in one of B. Sharp’s houses on Elgin St. Mrs Bradford, who has spent the winter with he] daughter, Mrs J, Towner, left WeduemNr to reside with another daughter at Woodslee. Min Edith Allan, nurse in Hospital. Toronto, can" home hot Wednesday for a few weeks' holiday. Mr and Mrs Wm. Johnston. Jr., of Markdaln. are in town this week, ow- ing to the serious Ill-en of his father, who was taken ill Saturday evening last. It Guy Ink”, of Toronto, who vi:- ited at Muff". Cnmoiontq when a boy ‘Iom'iloren your: Ego. P" in ""Nla" Natl nudism _ number of old friends. In. *5 tidw a thistle?“- Raliziug a. comparative -M"erehauts' Association. it)” an?! "ii'ir6ioro Tuvalu!” an manna“. mglaoltenl' _. of their i'i',','e,e',' Addie to Mach“. Hts-tinge P- that" of Wobbilatk" the mar- riage to ball. plau on June 17th. [a h yrtt j.............. :Lo '..............I lNin l.............., IThee ............. iand'... ............. ttBells' ....-....... ‘over'.... .......... Light'.... ........ eNight'.... ........ of Walmer Road the REVIEW ti mil . .......Wagner .. ....Adamaon ......Cnmpion .......,Warren ..........Scott ... ....Broekly ........ Marks .'..... Altman .. .. ....Nichol ... ......Lang .....,Atnbrose ..... ....Balfc .........Buck .......Tumer .......Gabtiel .. .Faust .....Hall Cider vq. Thornhury Tmmporh- lionlnd Reduction' CompMIy was an action by the pulntitt Wm. (he'd-r of Durham to recent- tin-mum at .3 925. 31 for count-don And work douP tor the (ommny. The nctiun In: ref, t" The Iittinm of Rupremeicourt of Ott. tario were held on the Court House, Owen Sound. before m, Lorlshjp. Chief Justice Mr Glonholm Falco-n. brldge, hot week. Five en's LR"" before the court, two of which were l COLLECTIONS ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING TIE ROYAL BANK OF GAMMA MRS. A. BEGGS Es? SON Five Roses Flour Pine Tree Flour Purity Flour Milverton Jewel McGowau’s Eclipse Chesley Good Luck l’uulry Flour " Our stock of these seeds is complete. We' give you any kind you want and at tho right I We are selling our Seed Corn at, a very close pri Call and see us before buying. Corn We want your Butter and Eggp, an} them, will give you Cash or Tride. I paid at all times. . Navy Worsted, also Tweed Suits. During this month we are going to give. 1 splendid Safety Razor with every Suit from $4.00 up. t, _-__ -_---- rm"..- Clothing have a tremendously strong reputation. Every custom" who has tried them usually comes bank again, as the Linings, Fit and Style are superior to the ordinary man of Clothing. WI have a splendid assortment in Black lid We indulge in absolutely noexaggeration when we say that in these lines you will see Clothing values that have never been excelled in Durham. The smart distinctive styles, the up-to-date exclusive materials, the perfect fit and the aplen- did quality of tailoring shown in these goods can hardly fail to elicit your admiration and your order. See them. Make a point of it. Progress Brand Clothing and Non-Jury Sittings . F. MORLOCK Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Total Assets . for Men and Young Men, and utter and Jugs, “our Ontario Bran Iour Shorts y Feed Flour awe] Corn and Oak-hop Eclipse Crushed Oats [I Luck Oatchop . Corn Chop Phone us for a rush order. Mangel Spring Suits INCORPORATED 1869 SEEDS (beg het “to“ Ma, " W. R, h nu, it It can: Ind tl Into J tax In $1 1,S60,000 13,575,000 180,000,000 Alert Juvenile ' Man-gar. alum. i for .pluin‘liii 9:11.]. P. Telford, than: etiott for triai. w. phintl and Mid. Io for derea,dat"ru {Fillinghum vb. Has. "ltt,'itf: set "id'emut . (yetweeu the widow in of thr willithu than: ot Durham. " Rim: of the Hide“ It'd 'll) M‘bgnwul ties md tlte'tnire w "d, _ W. ".3190! PROS E 50 ll, " , ly

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