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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jun 1914, p. 4

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,)r"iHtsirqFiriyFirsiti)tsitebtiecittieiirais- 3:: ii ii,; for Men and Boys ls your subscription in arrears? Take ( --No Candidate is yet out In N. alook at your label. and if so, kindly‘Grey. The Conservative Conven- remit a.uftiicient sum to put it in ad- mm is called and Cameron will again an", lar, it not l be eandidate--likely. vnnce. Do it now mick» um coughs. can! GG.aa -tae me on“ and lungs. " .: an cents. 'ibitsos1raeasirqsoairoi-oirs,asosesevssssitsii" 81111.0" ' Alijriada ofguin bought at market price. on Flour and Peed in ton lots 2yt John McGowan Men's, Women's and Chiidren's Tennis Shoes 'In white or blue canvas from... .. .75c to 1.00 pr. 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Large Quantity of No. I Feeding Hay With the arrival of hot weather comes the need of coo! footwear, and you can find what you need at Saunders' & Aitchilon. We have about 100 pairs of to clear out at $2.00 per pair, which been sold at 3.00 and 4.00. So don't and get a pair of these shoes. Good Line of Suits In Patent, Gunmetal and Tan Calf. 3.50 to 1.00 pr Also a fine line of Boots gy Shoes OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped with the best materials obtainable, and we guarantee the workmanship. Guaranteed to be the best in tl,e land. We have secured the Durham Agency. We also have local brands of Flour and would request that you kindly leave us an order for a small sack on trial, Saunders&Aitchison _o,1l1ilii1i't'ir,] Shoes ! $32323: Shoes! Shoes! The House of Quality King's Quality Flour CRIMPBD OATS for Home Reed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . .. very reasonable rates We pay Cash for Farm Produce THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Fresh and Clean at 14.50 off car. See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bug guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring 1t back “a get your money. C. L. GRANT Made by the W. E. Sanford people of Ha- milton, one of the oldest and best manufac- turers of Clothing in the country. We ask you when in want of a good Suit, to come and see ours. We have received a Ont usual good make. Come and see them Ladies' Oxfords Men's Oxfords stt0fis & fi ROGERIES Phone 45 --Good candidates are being brought oat in support at the Rowen platform and the great resting time for temperance men is cluse at hand. Special Reduction The House of Quality have always fail to come sie i We M ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The governtnent_wag asked to give attention by commission or otherwise , to the high cost ofliving, refused. It ' was asked to create A Department of 'l, Labor to study and promote legisla- I tion for the betterment of Industrial [conditions but We! asked in vain. , It rclused to puss a. modern Factory r Act entorclng better sanitation for the advantsge of youths and girls. It refused to prosecute combines re- ilponsible fur the high cost of living I The Toronto Star says "we are dovling to-day with a tired Govern- Iment. A plea for rest is really the (only reason for the premature disso- ;intion. It is not a call to action, it flurnishes paruzuns with an excuse. I It brings no encouragement to social 3 reformers and enthusiasts far pro- {greSs. Such enthusiasts are looking iior leadership to Rom“. Ft I Rowe“ is the hope of Onturio to i which clean men oi both parties look. l He has touched springs pf progress that hove revealed good things , through the partly open door, bat the government have jumped on the lid. ', A serious check to Howell in this elee. gtion. would be a signal for rejoicing by all the forces ot reaction and send iOntario on the down grade, while 1 more progressive communities are: i rising by trampling reuctionaries un- i {den foot. 1 1 Saturday last the Provmeial gov- [ ernmsnt slipped the ropes on the se- , oret they have been nursing for some 1 weeks and let the public know ottiei- jsriy that an election was on, a yesr and a halt stiesst before sn election was necessary. The haste " chry- ‘one is swsre is to snatch a. verdict lfrom the people " long as Sir Jsmes ;\\'hitney is at the helm. His recent severe illness has lslt his health an inncertsin quantity and it may well be that he is desirous ot retiring lrom the Premiership, That action on his part would lend to contusion in his cabinet, where harmony does not sit as a brooding dove, and so it has been thought wise trom s psrtlzsn standpoint to appeal to the people for 5 another term to settle or make up dit. lerences when s. new leader has to be 3 chosen. all}: Futigum - 3%!”in use their own money ’to pay their own datum-Grain Grower" Guide. mortgage in return. are both trillion. aires many times over. They were b 1th poor men when they commenced to build the C. N. R.. yet affidavits have been made that they have nev- er directly or indirectly made money out of that enterprioe. The Govern- ment is evidently" iust'uiied with these attiOsriti, and MacKenzie and Menu will no doubt get what they are uk- ing tor, but the SBOp‘e ot Canada will not be "tuiie till they know how hiaaKenzie and Mann acquired their millions. and why they do not no. 1 The proposal to give votes to mar- ;ried women with property tbs same in! to spinsters and widows, was Vol- l ed down. Marriage disqttalities a l Woman at once. Clementine own: i property, votes on it, but the moment "he becomes Mrs Blank, the law says Sir William MacKeuzio and Sir would Mann, who are asking the Government to back the bonds ot their railway for $i5,000,000 and take wate_red nook tutt) avalnelesa The Government makes a. premature appetl to the Electors. Church members at thisjamstare as never bolero should rightly inter- pret their duty. Many good temper- ance men “'0 among them. For ,ears they have pied for advanced temperance legislation on well. known lines. Now comes Mr ROWell, behind him a clean consistent life, accepts in its entirety the platform temperance church members hue been clamoringior. What will they do? Will they be undecided as to what party they will support? They mny rest assured no such indecision will be found in the ranks of suppon- ers of the liquor traftie. Their minds 'are made up The people of Ontario of course have no direct interest in these differences bat partizansbip leads (men and has led in the past, by both parties, to just such action. For three success- ‘mv terms the Provinoiul parliament has liyed out only three of in four years In 1011, the opportunity to win when the Federal victory feeling was jut strong. was not let slip. In 1914, the urgency is ot a different m- mre, bot (qually dictated by parti iran mouvea. Will the game work? Will the electors again return 30 pronounccdly Sir James Whitney and his followers? Daring the lite (It the parliament jam closing as never beture. weaknesses have developed and irreso1tttiott has been shown that makes the my " Time for a change " moss oppor- tune. In spite of pressure from their own triends and of course from the Liberal party they reluse to badge on Assess- ment Reform. Throe times they have rejected it, and won't, even al- low macicipalitteis looal option in the matter. There may or may not he " . nig- ger in the fence " in the retinal to let full light in on the Proudfoot tharttes and in the movements of Intpector Snider in the Swtt Aat campaign. but strong mun would at once I'd-val the inmost secret. 21 years, can enter the polling booth and mark his ballot-No, have it marked fur him. It has been pressed upon them that the 3.tUths clause is not necessary to retain local option, yet they refuse to remove this injustice. 6t you can vote no longer It while "it may be some imbecile. who has lived They liar e mismanaged grossly the new Government house. first in its location and later in tho lavish ex- penditure ot public money on its cost running well over the million dollars, while grants to the Public Schools have huen reduced 28 per cent. Elections At e 0n Voting on 29th June. Millionaire Beggars JUNE 4,1914 THE DURHAM REVIEW seem V H -ee -.-r....wu m usuuvlil. Board adjourned to meet " cull of Secretary. J, H. CHITTICK. Boo. Brown-lviucn That report of Dr Smith re Pruvinclal Board rf Hulth stating that all schools be examined, regarding school houses. clout- and vellsmd the sums to be kept in un- itary condition at expense ot section. Messrs John nd June: Lime and Chnrlu Knowlos' ot Toronto, visited over the 24th with the Byers family. Brown-Wilson That following accounts he paid: A Wilson. pounce 50e; J II Gimmick. phoning', 25e; each member $2 50 for attendance at meeting. We are planned to report thll In Honderaon is toenpcruting, met an attack ot hem trouble. Miss Jeanie Derby has returned home and bu pnionl, Mr Wm. Me. Ntnghzon. we are pleased to say, in doing well, after an gunk of pneu- monia. _ _ Mr Wm. Backus visited with 1 friend in Toronto our the holiday. Nvedless to "rd" had a most enjoy- able time. The many friends in this commun- ity will be planed to learn of Miss Alice Lendmm’a sweets in obtaining the prize awarded by the Superin- tendon! of the Hospital for Ineurablee oi Toronto, for being the best preexi- cal nurse. Miss Lendrum will leave shortly to take a poet-graduate course in New York. W ilson--Brown That Dr Smith be paid $15.00 for disinfecting premises of Wm. 1lsilev.-carruk of Wm. Bsue.v.-uiUriiii'.' ,......m Wilson-Smith That A Clmpbell be paid $1.5010r iooking after Wm Bsiler--thsrried. Domoeh, May 18. 1914. Minutes oi last meeting we" read and confirmed. A meeting ot delegates and San. day Schoo: teacher: was held at Hampden church on Tnudny to mike arrangements for the convention to be held in Ayton on June 16th. Lanney--Tarntal That Council adjourn to meet at Lamlasb, Tuesdny 30th Jane, ati0 a. In. J, H. CHITTICK. Clerk. Bentinck Board of Health Mr and Mrs Byers gave I party in honor ot their two grandsons from Toronto. . Mr Derby, Sr., of Hanover, we!" a td', days with her daughter, Mrs Jae. err. 8ehmidt--stusmsIl That Council ttpun viewing Rolnnd's hill give Ganeilior Schmidt power to act as he claims necessary. -Clrried. On the 2trt oi May, another of the pioneers passed away in the person of Mrs Young, at the age of 86. She was born in Aberdeen, Scotland. She with her husband left the old land early in the fifties, and coming to Canada they resided for a short time in Nassagaweya, later on com- ing to Normanby, where she lus since resided. Her husband and one d-tughter Barbara. predeceased her some years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss John, Mary (Mrs Alex Nichol). Ebenezer, of Owen Snood. Thomas.on the homestead, Martha (Mrs Bessel). London, Mrs Ry, Henry (Annie), Walter and George of the West and Miss Lizzie, 'who waned on her mother with un- tiring devotion, being coniined to bed with a traotured leg for some montns. Mrs Young was a kind and sympathetic neighbor, always ready to lend a hand in sickness. The fa. neral service was conducted by her ‘pastor. Rev. W.l. McLean. Amongst whose trom a distance were Mrs Stew- art and nephew from Kinloss, Mrand Mrs Thompson from Mildmay. Mr and Mrs John Yong, Ebenezer and Patterson-Young and Mrs Nichol. Owen Sound, Mrs Hesse], adaugbter, London. Lanney---'Nrnbalt That statute labor ol lots 18 to 23, con 15 be per- formed as in former years. The res- olution tr'ansterrirut said lots tube cancelled. .-Carried. 8ahmidt-Tarnban That magma labor ot lots 22 and 23, con 14,' be tratsferred to division ot lots 18 to 23, con 18.--0arried. Schmidt - Lainey That gravel MeottntofOeo Westfall for 1913 be "iti,-Carried. Lunnt-y -Turnbull Tint $7.00 be; ing amount of u.pertorned statute labor 1913, be returned to lot 10 con 15. Turnbull _-.. Schmidt That Rabi: Brigham be paid $1.45 for phoning. --Carried. tihemsll-Sehmidt That Wm Sher- man be paid $1.75 for removing logs trom swamp con 3 W c, R.-Carried, Tulnbull --8hewell That each Comr receive $150 of his appropria- tion --Carried, Lanney-sttewell That $50.00 be granted to cutting Lang's hill town- line B & S, providing Sullivan give equal amount. Comr Showell to hays charge: ot work. Curried. Shewell~Turnbull That all path- masters take nctiee that all stones be lexnoved from roads daring perform- ance ot statute labor.--Carricd. The Cougcii met for transaction of general business --Carried. Court ut Ruvinion was held at Lam. lash, Wed , May 27. The members, having taken oath of otlice, took their seats at Council Board. L1ntte.v--8uewell That assess- ment ct liobr. Ledingbam be reduced 8200 on lot S Ji 6, con 3, W G Il,- Carried. Tt1rnbau--Lunmsy That assesl mam. at Rob: Urierson be eonfirtned, --Catried. The appeals being beard the Court Was declared closed. - .77. mvvnnunni‘. !ouFB, 0,1 . NOBLE. Iota 46, M, 47, m n. 3. Old Survev. m l Mme-role lou' 18, 62. 63.91 BENTINCK COUNCIL HAMPDEN Notice I Ctu7 5‘5“" , r a: 63.31." " Wedding bells Ire ringing ground our hamlet and by present “pur- aneea may continue for sum. (imp. Mr Jo Mablughlin in been some- whnt indispoacd lately but is now im- proving. Mina Mature; Campbell of Swimon Pull: spent the week and with her {mend Min F. Kerr. Mr, ind In. A. Hooper of Mt For. est. waited " Dr. M. Leesou'a the fitat of the week, Mrs. J. MeCalmon and duughter Mn Sewell to spending a few weeks around the old home. 's. The Ritchie Bros. have just can“ plated the brick work of the addition Mr J. W. Blyth he put to his house. It makes quite In Improvement to the home. Mr. Wm. Bogle purposes taking anoshertrip to tho Wen where he will remain for the nummer it home and other ties will allow him._ / Rev. B. M. Whaley of Durham v18- ioedtbe families in this loculity bo- longing to his congregation last week. The seeding for both grain Ind green crop is now “most completed and Home!“ the woods and iulih, look bountiful. May the present bright prospects continue. Mr A. MoCabo has greatly added to the appearance of his home by Inv- mg a new wire fence around his prop- erty. Mrs. Plerccy Sr. is spending I few weeks with her son, Mr. w J Pierce}, merchant of the place. Bicycles. auto wheels and automo- bileg seem to be almost as numerous as the buggies and wuggons on the roads around here. One of these automobiles seems to have quite an attraction for Varney at present, but will likely change us route for the holiday Benson. . H The Women'e Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church was held in the basemem. at the church Monday afternoon, 14 members being present. Readings were given on Home and Foreign Mission work. Mrs Mills gene a splendid report of the annual meeting in Toronto where she WM sent as delegate. --3. G. Anderson. formerly M.P.P. for South Brace, has accepted the Liberal Nomination N. Huron. No vowing was done, no other candidate and he stands to be a member of next parliament. -Wm. McDonald, Chesley, who was jerrymandered out of Centre Bruce. has been chosen Liberul can- didate tor North Bruce. It is thought he will win from his brother editor, Van Dnzon. of Tara. Mission Band will be held on Sat- urday in the basement of the church. A base bah club has been organ- ized among our young men. G'ood exercise after a herd day's work in the field or mill. Another hard frost when there was ice nearly» quarter of” inch thick. Pot r look oat for our garden stuff. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, also Mrs. Park, spent. Thursday afternoon with Mrs Dargavel. . See our new stock ot 36 in pailette silk, in all colors, 3: per yd. See our new stock of E T Corsets. See our new stock of cloth. We can take your measure and have a suit finished in a week. A fine dicplay in plain and striped in pretty patterns, 15c per yard A fine stock of ceIebra- ted Anderson ginghams, in varied patterns, 'ta, 1ifoEail1nithiWelrlyN ews 3.3:: Scotch Ginghams Our shook is very large, embracing all of the newest designs, in the m.» t , patterns Bring us thelength and breadth of the room and the heighth n f 11;: ceiling and select the paper and we will give you the correct quantity triniun i, We cordially invite you to have a look through them. spattmental Store, Reminders Try phone No. l7 for that rush order.. DORNOCH VARNEY - 10c per yard Galatea {29.79% Wall Paper 'i,igsttypxggyrgiey,'grxgyg xxxgxsegF,r/K'y.'y,y," See our new stock of Shoes, all made in the newest designs on easy fitting lasts " reasonable prices. See out fine stock of Linoleums. in the newest designs, artistically finiahetl and made by skilled Cana- dian workmen, 100 per yd Irish Dress Linen, 36 inch lh ide, 3oc per yd Canad'n Ginghams l MOKECHNIB BE WISE and get a pair before our stock is out or sizes. We have stocked more this season than usual and find they use moving fast. Ladies' Pumps, with or without straps. . . . MO and L75 Misses' with straps, Loi) Chiidrett's with straps, Mc Infants’ with straps, 75c. Ladies’ High Button.. .125 THIE Down Town Shoe Store With the continuance of warm weather, everything points to a long season foe in Black, Blue, Pink and Tan in Lisle. Other lines in Ladies' and Misses'. MacFARLANiyti' Drug Store 31‘; The Rexall Store C . P, R. Town Oifiee Buy , We have some fine lines of Irish Linen Reminders White Footwear thttest N668 " All Produce @‘mg‘: Children's Hosiery 1.8. McILRAITH Try MeKochuie's Pure . Soap. Try Star of India Tea :50 per ll, Tr y Boston Lu guy) Select Bulcuits 1nd cakes from the but tnakets In all the newest de signs in the neatest put terns. Ilic per yard. A Ge stock of colored lawns and muslin from IOC to 2lic per yard. Dolly Garden Crepe (Cloth JtWF 4 ' 1914 Buy your tickets hue Reminders Muslins Durham CS [l F-- ilt. in Up- Clothin 'il a _rl, is: L - q l, A for Vermin Germs in "l ltouser, cts.. but a kw Cs N mucu- THl Ind Chm THE Visit lici 3mm Save Headq Buy a 'ki Best En Were Cle Working at tt JUNE " Take er ll

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