West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jun 1914, p. 5

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Dru wear Ml Produce yyiv.vv,y:halkiiii.; Mc :LRAITE IE ( iurden Crepe ZCloth urham F',' Fl, 3M aers 1 ' 1914 newest and cake. st makers to but”! th of the trimmed. siery Small Proats Luxury Tu, Der lb olored , from Pure thing J L75 NK tt of sual at- ther I: b T 13:45:14; and '"a'e'i, _r, halt; "ra CmToronh. _ ,_,_,..._ - w 40% I _ v_'.i,i",./cr7,i:ria: lil, .9533 I 13...?! "uiLiiidit"?r1 T 'fayt I l l, , I in Un-to-date. i. in Up-to-date, Ready-to-wear i, 'dlothintt for Men and Ladies ”"1335 L'm"m53m' - m .._.-...... "rscauiaiasdiiizizaiiisjiii ' -_-- iaiiriiiiiis 'iiiiaiiiiiii .m" "r- may Woman :3 ". . r: . r med and would know Visit our Ice Cream Parlors THE CITY BAKERY fixgbest prion M Butter and h. il,. olquarters for thanbtstioeusrr and all Bakery goods Lave 3 S on Men's Semi-ready Suits .y'orking Shoes for Lulics .e re Clearing Ladies' Black Skirts ' / tyilish Raineoats for Men and Ladies My 'lic, mlvcnt of hot weather brings a longing for 1 balms. Refresh your palate by dropping in our , w m'temooou or evening and enjoy ottr pure de.. 415108 Cream. Sodas, Bunches, Soil: Drinks, _ t V m I fur mm!- " l _ P, I. N', gives mu . . I " - MMM invaluable n Ihipm0ttNt PPLYCO..WIM.W arm-r II Agents [or cm A.” K . .., it -_ unit: 'ii1l't'"" - ' LN I' l won: or u 7xt) o landing ”a, . .. Ma el (iii),",."" W Douche JUNE 4, 1914 Take in L Cream-brick home with you. l r', mug line of Ladies' Black Shun in medium weight, , .. 7 uxhroidered fronts, regular price: were up to 98° _ iwe're clearing them at. .... ...... .... .... ls l w" Working Shoes of good pebble, leather and i. ' T lr made. Reg. prices all over 2.00, speciaL 1-35 LEVI N E dk GO. N :mv line of Men’s am: just "rived in latest trhtuiett- ,'rl'trs, brown and grey, best workmanship of Semi-Rudy. minimum. Every garment guaranteed perfect tit Ind , 1'in s are very reasonable. You can uvo trom $5 to $8 1 'king' Mat for practically nothing t', I; , Christie t'uilf Hats, some King make in the lot 49C 1 , N wcru regular up to 2.50; we clear them " / w , lmuwn tel: Hats, latest style, regular 1.75, one a} price...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... l, mch Suit by buying it here. You are welcome to ex- mum- them before buying elsewhere and satisfy yonrulf. izzwaaazazsseaaaaaziii PRICEVILLEEMEE anion Is the bane of old Irsh cathartic: aggra- oid them and use Cham.. Tablets, the mildest and oHaxatlves--best for the _ " middle tuted and the 61d. _ _ Druzllsla and Dealer], "Mad Ind new Ina; t the wonggrfu! , . A ROWE I While listening to the peels of the l old church hell it brought as heck to I the days of old. It reminded us that its cells were to get Indy and go to 1 the old plus of worship so in dsys of 'i yore. its music is Just the some on I nearly 50 years ago. The msny voi ces that were musical then ere still tend taking s long sleep behind when the old faithful bell set up " first he earnest appeal In its own beautiful tones to those for sway from the old [kirk to get ready at 9 o'clock. for to , undertake a walk C.of some 6, 7 or 8 I miles before getting to the church. Oh. how time changes ; now if the conVeyence is not in order the result in general is that we hove on excuse to stay home for we are too tired to walk and lots of chores to do in the mornings. Then we are expected to take an extra dose of sleeping pow- ders on Sundsy mornings and sum ming " all in one lump we are too late to get to church in time so Wu stay at home and take s rest while it td possible that we miss a good sermon item the words "To day if you hear my voice harden not your hearts. l 1 We often set up a complaint that our circumstances in life are not " pros- berous as we would have them be, bat if were standing on the banks of the St Lawrence River It few nights ago we would hear the walls and the earnest appeals of those hundreds, that were hurled in a few minutes to the bottom of that mighty river. They would give all their possessions to be allowed to accomptny us where we were standing in place of safety. Oh, the heart rending to listen to those going down to the bottom. Some of us might oium think that we are greatly behind ‘tho times when we never stepped aboard a ship but those that met wuh the end fate would like to share our lot of being behind the plow, Among those that shared the sad lot of being aboard the ill fated vessel were some of the highest class in life, tome going for pleasure. some , Neturs is setting lorth her been“. fol gsrments. The tielh end vood- jere en iodieetion the the seasons will come in turns, eech one giving its own portion of the thing: that ere er pasted for the good of the frail tiller of the soil. The so": sows the seed end scettere it ell over his fulds. In faith he looks: forwerd to be rewerded by the Greet Tiller of the and of the} universe who said that need time and] hsrveet will he till tho and of time. So the workmen death his pert es lenhful es possible end no denser of the Greet Hester Workman in do. ing His part eccording to His promise. PRICEVILEE ”mm... a... tb l ' y'." 2t? " Ei ' 3m 3724‘ - (a = NM, 3 mi innit; ot baseball which the young 1 mph hound tho 2m! with. It Melon Huntingaon and Michael, ot Owen Sound. visited with Mr C. H. loan for a tow dq I. . A hail storm accompanied with thunder and lightning wilted thin district Itat week. llias MeLnblnn. of Zion, spout last week with her tum. " T, Groan- Mrs Geo Wilson In: taken sudden- ly ill In the home of her daughter. Mrs Tho: Ritchie and medical lid had to be called in. She bu since been taken to her home sad we are glad to any improving. Mr Ind Mrs Palmer Patterson and little daughter. of Varney. were guests of Mr and Mrs Wm. Porter, on Sun- lay. Misses J. Aldcom, M. Campbell. al. so Masters W. J. McLeod and Her- bert Hanmm. of Durham. spent the holidays here. On Sunday, May 10m, to Mr and Mrs Louis Ftook, a dlughter. Miss Ethel Weir “rived home from Toronto on Saturday In: and looks " if city life "reed With her. Mm Ema McDonald of Proton. visited for aifor days recently " the home of Mr John Collier. Pleased to but that Mrl.Robt. Ectoru improving from but recent illness. Mio Marion Knox, of Fleahezton, spent. her holidays at home. Mrs Geo. Wilson of town spent the 25th at hot daughters, Mrs. Thai. Ritchie’s. We congratulnte Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie on the "rival of . young aon_ Miss K. MGFnyden visited friends in Chealey en the 24th. '\ Mines Maggie Ann and Iron) Ritchie spent the 24th with friends in mud Hound Puilloy. ' Mrs Jon. Phillipe is visiting in Han. oyer " present. Miss Ruth Stewart and her friend, Miss Allen of Durluun, visited at her home here over the week end Mr nnd Mrs D. McCormick spent Sunday with Durhlm friends. Victoria Day 18 passing quite quiet- ly in our bury, fishing being the chiol upon. Mrs Alex Ferguson is visiting in Toronto at present. The local football teams are phy- ing in Uundalk today. We wish them sum“. The inneral of the late Mrs Robert- son was largely attended. The re. mains were laid to rest beside her husband who predeceased her 30 gene ago, Mr. Robertson left his home early in the morning for the purpose of removinx grain at the stati~n " Ceylon as he dealt in grain buying. Alter working hard shov» elling grain and being warm he went out to take a drink " the spring opposite the station. He was over- taken byn tit ot apoplexy and was tonnd choked in the wnter by some of the station men. Rev Mr Mathe- son conducted the funeral services at the house and grave assisted by Rev Mr. Leece. Angus McDonald who spent. 5 month in Mt Forest. IIoapital is home for the last couple of weeks and in getting along well now. Miss McKeown who met With a bad accidnnl. a couple of weeks ago u getting along " well as could be ex- pected and Wu hope the good lady Will be up and doing Before long. The contract for chads w" act the Presbyterian church and a num- ber are culled to move the building' so as to give the contrcctor I chcnce to go on mth the work en Monday 8th June. 1fl'JY We notice that the ladies no more faithful In standing the choir than the young men no for hurt Standby morning there wasn't. one male voice in the choir. while there were some b' or 8 ladies present. Vet. McIntyn is kept going atten- ding to the quldruped nee while Dr. Lane is Always busy attending to his numerous culls among the bipede. Mina McCormick of Bentinc]: is n present with her sister Mn Hugh " Phail, south line, Glenelg. _ Mu McLenn sud daughter Annet- u of Durham visited (mend: us Top Cliff Ind Bulnton Park tbs hm: part of last. week. Mu. Chu McInnes of Paisley vul- ted II Duncan loDomld's, D. Bond. Glenelg ut the Nth holidays. A Mm Putterson in to lecture in the Presbyurisn Ch. next Sands] evening " 7 o'clock. It is Mid she " a good apesker. Next Sunday will be guiio dar in the Pro-hymn» church at11 o‘clock. It in not yery encouraging to the good mun um is to conduoi the "rgitttt staining his lung. patching mostly to empty pews. Ba if the language it expected to be kept Alive nil than who understand it would come und patronize it, Mr Domld MoKinuon. mail clerk, was In home Saturday and Sandy. We emitted to mention he: week on minsion Hoff. All from the lore. est to the highest mu the nma in. by being plunged into I watery grave, Arrived too late for last week Imam-d for taat wot! SWINTON PARK "------_.i----- EDGE HILL 00o Tsri; ri, w, l M, [MM LAY, “ 710 Hutch. wg: Toledo: Ohio The property of the latt- Mrs Mac. Aul»). Prieeville, consisting of two urea of land. a house. barn, well and orchard. 'ttet lot eottsitrtitttt of In ICIII. Appyto _ Mr Robt Bull of this town Ins just oompletod a very handsome hearse, which will be lot out to myone re- quiring it. use. 0n and that the lat of June the stage for Walkerton will leave Dur- bun n 7 a. m. and arrive In Dutham 7.30 p. m. A social was held at Bethel church Glenelg. on the evening of the 24th liner. Mr, Thos. Davis occupied the chair. The choir with Miss AG Bank: as organist. gave several ex- cellenl pieces of music and short ad- dreuee were given by liev's Messrs Godfrey and Banyan and also by Maura Jae Bankl. Jabez Banks and Chrrlhphel Williams. A dialogue given by Mr Tho- Dayia and Wm. Edwards in good style. Mr. Geo. Binnie fayored the audience withts song --"M, am Fireside" which was received with applause. Grange 1%nia--Ns annual picnic at Egremont Grange No. 160 mll be held in the grove on the farm of Mrs. Campbell lot No 21, 3rd can. Egre- mont on Wednesday. June 5tis. A number of cur young men ware brought. before the Mayor cud Geo. Jackson M. P. charged win: abusive language. Dismissed. Jag. McMil- lan charged by Con. Johnston with furious driving was fined $1 and costs, $2.35. The ancient order of Calnhumpians performed a variety of mystic evolu- tions to the amusement of the young- “on. Men's Foot Paea--Wm Kerr, Ang- us Benton, Wm Caldwell. Isntir-- Duncan McDonald. John Kerr. Run- ning jump-Alex McDonald. P Moun- tain. Standing jump-O. Wilson, Wm Burt. 3-logged raee--C, Rom- bough and Eli Bailey, Sandie Moodie and Hugh McDonald. Prom the Rovtow of May M, 1878 The 24th Sports ; Horse race. running-A Wtleoxison, Arch Wilson. 'hotting--'l'om C'ald. well, Jos. Blythe. New tram known as No.7, will leave Toronto 10.50 p. m, running lln'ough solid to Winnipeg, carrying standard nleeping oars, dining car, Ionrut sleep- ing cars, colonial. curs. tirtst-clar, coaches. etc. Equally good service returning from the West. PMI'UCN' lain from Canadian Pacitie licks! agents or M. G. Murphy, District Pas. enger agent, Toronto. The new Toronto-Winnipeg-Van couver uervica should he greatly ap- preclated by the travelling public. No, 3, now lesving Toronto 10.20 p. III. will leave at, 540 p. to., runnxnu through solid to Winmprw and Vancouver. carrying only the highest class cquip- ment. _ The” palatial trains wlll be known as No. IO and No. M, the former teas. ink Montreal 8.45 a, m., arriving at Toronto 5.40 p. m.. leaving Toronto 6.10 p. m. arriving Windsor 12.l0 mm. leaving Windsor 12.25 a. m. arriving Detroit 11.55 p. m. arriving (‘hir-ngu 7.45 a, m. Train No. 22 Will leave Chieuto {L39 B. m. (central lune) ull'ivt' Ltettoit 355 p, m,, leave Detroit, 5.05 p. In. (eastern time) arrive Windsor 5.15 t In,. leave Windsor 5.35 p. m. arrive ondon 5.10 p. n)., leave London 8.18 t m. arrive Toronto 11.20 p. m., leave orotttoil.40 p, m. arrive Montreal 9.00 B. m. These two trains, Will be operated through the Michigan Cen. tral tunnel ltetween Windem- and Dc.. troit. In connection with tho taming change of time on the Chuvadian Paci- fic Railway. effective May 3hr, many Improvements In train beivire have been made, notable among these heing the intsugtuution of solid de luxe trains, carrying tynpartAuent-librarr. observation car. elecruc-lighted stand- ttrd sleepers. together with standard dining car service between Montreal. Toronto. Detroit, Chicago. via Cana- dian Flame and Michigan Central Railroad. commencing westbound May 3m and eastbound June Ist, -Hon. Dr. Reanme got a jolton Monday when the Conservative Con- vomion in hisown Riding turned him .down ior anothar man. This in spite of a telegram from " James Whit, ney to make it unanimous " the Dr. Important Announcement Re. garding Canadian Pacific Change of Time, May 3lst. was Jun MacGillivray is visiting get sister, Mrs D. MacArthur, ot the len. Miss Lnura Mac0iilivray, of Tar. onco and Mrs J. C. Ferguson and children. at Owen Sound. are the new ot Mr Neil MaeG'illtrrsy. Miss Glenna Campbell, tram Wel- beck, visited with Miss Mabel Beat- on. Mr Irwin and Miss Prudence Riley will visit their friends in Normnnby and Rainy River this summer. They were always the best ot neighbors and we are sorry to have them leave, bttt we wish them a plenum holiday. Miss IO Davis returned to Toronto on Monday. Min Bessie Davis is home trom Toronto. Mr Spence Hopkins. of Maloek, and Min Donnelly spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bub MacGillivray. Mr and Mrs Angus MacArthur vis- ited " the latter's father's, Mr John Benton. on Sunday. Mr A, Ford bought Mr I. Riley '3 farm and in moving in this week. We welcome Mr and In Ford to the Valley. Illla tGtst3roalrery, of Rochester, mind her liner. Mrs Allan Camp- Ilia M. A. Maanb in home from Toronto. THE DURHAM REVIEW M YEARS Mil SAUGEEN VALLEY For Sale Cheap. BRICK HOUSE and 4} acre land on George St. Comfortable, all conven- icnccs. Fruit trees. berries, etc., etc. Good Stable. Desirable location. Apply at REVIEW OFFICE Danna. Juno 3, 1914. 1nottrperort.,...... 250tt (2rtmialpor"i.... 2 40 Chopper cwt........ Iititt Pbmoes per bag. .... 1.15 tot mdeis...?.... _..... 'd Beef, dressed........ 1200tolE Hogs. live,fob..... 8 Ilriedappleis..........e... Hay, perton..... .... l200tol( List has been curetully revised, the McClary dealer or write for booklet: J. B. HARDING, Local Agent Ernécé Sunshine DUR ABLE-Fire grates are three-sided; last thet. tyes as long. Shaped in the Durham Markets. Shop where you are invited to Shop Foolish Saving the Home-Maker RANSFORM your house into a HOME with the aid of JAP-A-LAC-the Home-Maker, Finish your “den" in weathered oak. and give the tarnished bran andirons and lighting fixtures a wrought iron Gish with dull rem-ARM; fAt.1dAe,.tAti,ur,l.,tdhri', "tt 'get.?,' t - . .. t. m“;°“ztl"i?°aws..,j;m1“°rme: nag-2:120: 1'hei'll 'Sl AlwanputupinGroeaTthearingtbeu-O‘CUDDENf Twenty“ Mum. M at your local hardware nteyas_fitealAP.A,LAC Ward and a may of the little book. "A Tu-ag and One Uaea or JAP-A-LAC In Durham, JAP-A-LAC is sold by Do you resent having a merchant address his messnge to you In the form of advertisement in our columns? On the contrary " not your impulse to respond to his friendly overtures P Anything that increases favor, that adds to sales, that multiplies custo- mers is very properly regarded as a good investment. Advertising is a good investment-- just as plate glass windows are. Advertising sells more goods to more persons than shop windows do. A penny saved is not always a penny earned. Sometimes it is two pen- nies lost. The merchant who spends nothing on advertising loses much more than he saves. The money spent for plate glass win- dows is not looked on as lost ; nor is the money spent on better interior lighting. For Sale A WORD TO THE PUBLIC JAP-A-LAC-- 1200to1300l ... 05 1200to160(y 240 2.50 1151:0130, 50m " 98:0100i 98 tol 00‘ 38 to 40, as to w! 90 to 1 00| 55 to 55 18to 18l 18to 18! 1.15 1.01.25! 250to300 'Cléry’s "ith] ttyr,' mnrittr -utt.,t, ((-1 Toronto-winnipeg-V-tou- train Service. effective Many 31 General Clause of Yirrte, Sundny, - 8Ut Particulars regarding rail or nt'ean tickets trout Canadian Ptrcitic Ticket Agents or write M. G. NURPHY, D. P. A" C. P. Ry. Toronto. R. MacFarlane, Agent, Durham Between Montreal. Toronto, Datum, Chicago. via Canadian PM Me and Michigan Central Railroads lsffectiveMrtr 31, via MiehitttutCrenttnl Tunnel between Windsor and Detroit " Fast Daily Trains to grind up clinkers when "rocked". See TORONTO This Store Recommend. because of its coanence. Anyone can use it with wonderful results. IMPORTANT CHANGES m, '_-_- - v to: Cough. and Colds. to And do. to null" " "owRooaetr-Artv- hom I‘dduagh Home. T Picture Framing, Shortest." fSWd!tr2t/.1 n. I anyhow in m k UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director D. MoPHA ILJ ARTHUR H. JACKSON lucuru e A n ..M.on m1,- . Issuer 'iili,ihrtht'tjiil?,trs A l"."; ‘rul amt non wanna“; noun. ONT. _ Town '.-u B. I “when o !tttiiiiriiimTUSG'?.d Otttee--0ver J eWellrv aim Post once. cdtir%r,sflilieci'Lii,gg"en, Money to man. o"'Nutttituec oppuaite v. nun-u an l 01 In)! '10 tloom " on. g a J frthlhh'(l 29¢. sum J. G. HUTTON.M.D.. lumber Coll-Io Ingmar: In Surgeon rues: o A B I p I: n: ue a.“ not: I wee, GRADUATE 1‘0an Yum“). Gre “ . Null Burno- W. C. PICKERING o. D s,, I. D S lgpNOR GRADUATE of Tummy. Unfvenity, tttuuiutste of Ruynl Uolh no Oak‘s-my. pummel); {aqua}: Ir DeertyuAtsesarcg, Ontario Ro “was; tiiciiiiitiiliiiiiiiiii io. Go. Ur mmfl-‘i‘fi PS-i-ere-ti!')?)"),,', -- tiS)db,1Tr,jl(i',)j)sry, With tho Ancill- “in tate our Mn “do all Pu- san.- may a. u an!“ “” Ital-Into that»! What all - but.“ will an: the mm unto-t (my. tho who " Ola!” fun In“: In bound to “an“. Yoe ”mutant thin -iotMrtrNqW i-2,tteztttat.thfptt, my hum-I. I. Milk! In all“: . “autumnal: mom. mun ' ban. mole s'shlti?i,,' good all. who! VII, covalent. pace on , 03,000 tor nu gunk uh. 100 we: Banana wont 7 un- hudwood remainder clothed, Good Home houu And frame bun 5nd other outbnudinn. Hollow on Inn lot. Wall um, only 3.700. 100 scrum-u “mover. Exocllent soil, well Watered, good huildilme. Invludlug brick dwelling amt {rune bunk mm. orchard. Only $5,200. Ia', are. no" llnnover. ';uod so”, frame dwelhug. [mum hunk barn, spring (TH-k. good clny loam lull. (rm-red tor (mm, Would mun: 6W0" can“; it In Nonunuh): 200 Il'h's in Nat-mum}: N'cry larspr brick Uwolliatt Imam- lunk turn Ar.w ,tio g m l NIL nut "tstNlrUorlsood. THN’I aud vltrusp at ltte money. Sulawesi“ I-Lgreumm Thw "ll-1;» farm tti". h'rnl tut I “my .1) 'n ML! Huh! b, Mada other farm, In M unurk. Lurcmmn. Nortuatt try, hum, I‘unu k min! In: Nun“ \\ t'..l. Hum (not phylum-1103.. All Mnduvf mum-Hy for uk- urrxclmnzt H. H. MILLER. DOLLARS OWEN sou yTi D Lime Stat! of tipecittlists. Pmiliono guarantee-d to Gruduate OA “We. F CA G, D. FLEMING Fund”! for " years Security We have a large rang e to select from and . prices are moderate as well. An early call is your ad- vantage. Personal Instruction OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN It Student's Drill (nah-n it to enter Any day and emu ttdvancetueht at the J. RGRANT D. D.S, L Nanny Public, Untumissionor 'iili3iiFi',e,i,?'/s1'cl and are a thing of beauty “bum a Speciality {can asastuhfiaatEri"iii." -- "_-". orrgrm noun . I 8--4 an. 7.... p. .. tone between one: - WWm m... J. P. TELFORD consume“ &c W. H. BEAN Big 4 A. BELL DECS for l9l4 DOLLARS DOLLARS hundu-dn. (hound: or west current rates, with ' aw Hie bottower on 5- . why. Dents col- it. and Uveun Nickel. fol ”159* of My st an!» youth of Negligent mu Hanover n but-um opp; " Je 1y

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