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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jun 1914, p. 8

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. > ' Jo [touts on the . -,r'r-" : /. 11:103an & Holman tttrrluttoAtimatr" "--rrnnq..mur and North in Northern Ontario . Sauna Etho E Tiokojsuapebially reduced rates gooi going Jun_e mm a]?! aw, {ovum um J une 20th. See your neare§t Railway Agent or u l yortieulvl or apply to . . _ t a. J. an, DOCTORS Ilil)i)lBll lilljllflfli)'S When I doctor endorses s propu- Dr. T. A union it mum more than In ordinary I write, of big lostimolhl. Mis opinion is nlwnys'was in places that of the professional man devoted dry. sculv llli to the welfare of the people. was irsces,srtnt . all ”use inks Dr. hh, Boyd. (jovnngton. .Ten_n.., “a my mar Dr. J. J. Bord, (Jovington. Tenn., an ', l he] il my date to write this hr the belelt of then satNrtmt from ttandrutt. In the aurora-o can . few applications of Newbm’u: Herpieide will remove all dandruff. It In advis- uhlo to oontiuue its me for soveral weeks.“ tie; "I can on'y speak in praise of prbro’o Homicide. It i. all that in claim-cl and "than more. llerpicide not only clnmos the pulp hut Night- on; me lair. gives " life amd makes it an t." '""."."T.. In In. ann- .cm a tgw prhrn" Her oicide is "the original "3|“me " Naming; Homing. remedy m‘kill 'i')', dandruff germ" and will remove O" turydrtttr. It In advns- “op hllmg h ttt. The terrible itching 5|on togoontluuo as use for several . which W"'" with dandrutt is ttOreo weeks. ‘allnmt rt once- The words of J. B. Thompson. M. D. Newhro's Herpicide in 30.- and 31 No 'A Bumngh Plat“), Cor, Hollis Bt., tsizes is guaranteed to do all that is Boston. In... It: not. In. enthu-iu- claimed. If you are not SMISHHI your tic ; "I can qnfy speak . in praise ef money will he unfunded. Noybrc'u Bermuda. It ll all up: In Application: may he obtained at the damned and perhaps mote. Herplcido lending harm-r shops. Be sur" you not only clung" the pulp but Milli" et enuine Herpiesde. om me huh. gives " life and makes it g 8 ' ' . soft." MarFARLAh' Fl & Cu, bpel'lal Agents SE Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! “I vt"'"""""""""'"'"""'-"'-' iii CENTRAL DRUG STORE * 1iiomeseeherg' ”Excutsién Field and Garden Seeds (t Prices as low as any. G T. R. Ticket Agency Buy your ticket. here. 'lil The Central Drug Store 'll Chopped Corn Chopped Corn & Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed on hand,' including If you want Feed, call and see us will please you. IS) The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Feed l Feed! Six hundred dollars is the price Ford runabout; the touring our fifty; the town car nine hundred Ford, Ont., complete with cnui Get catalog and particulars fror C. SMITH & SONS, L Govt. Tested Timothy and Clover Seed We are paying 38c to f0c for Good Oats at our Elevator Headquarters for all kindsjof gin Gntsriqgnd. Quebec can the. (hand Trunk and L except Watt of Chalk R ver andWorth to Parry flllllMll)ll FOR THE HAIR G. F. A., T. & N. o. Rly, Norm Bay, Ont Oatmeal Millers Dr. T. A Moore, Duran. Aria,, write. of bis experience: "My scalp was in places covered by patches of dry, scaly material and the Itching vat inCessant. Since using Herpicide all these intervals have disappeared, Ind my hair ls soft smooth and grow- ing. Hair hasgrown on spots before but thinly corered." 'r, (it. Wal 74h? _ ”if”? Smith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed Seed Oats ocal ipment m Order Early of the gents IS SIX Our prices 0 Miss mm. mama visited’ with friends in Mt. Porest over tho we“ and Mid took in a picnic at Pike Lake. Mrs Andrew Waddell and dingh- ters Reta and En. of Sporllng, Mam, who is winning her mother, Mrs Bill, Boothville, spent a couple ot days with her nioce. Mrs J. MoMurdo. Mrs It. Rauwick, Br., Mrs B. Pat. terson and Mrs J. M. Findlay attend- ed the annual Presbyterial meeting of the W. F. M. S. in Arthur in: week and visited with friends in Mt. For. est on their tenuru iourney. Mr S. N. McLean, who has been laid up tor the past week. is able to be around again. DONALD CLARK Donald Hulk was born in Isl-y, Scotland. 77 you :30 and passed out at this life on tho “Ssh day of May, Hill, at Cheyenne, Wyoming, U S. A. As a young mam. he emigrated with his p treats to Ciurada and settled on a far m in the township of Egremont, a unle east, of DIHIIIOPB. On the Hill d-y ol Mar: h, 1800, he was muted in mm ioge to J the McPhee at Burgoyne Cott ty Btuce. In Deceml er, 187t, the family moved to Wyemfug, whele the father established himself on a homestead 250 miles northwest of Che: . cone. Other Stotch “milieu settled in the same commu nty and one railway station was Called Inlay in honor of the old home in Scotland. Ten child- ren were born to this home, by name CU hvrinv, Neil, Flora, Daniel, Maggie Angus, Mary Ann, Duncan, Agata and Hugh. There were tire son! and as many daughters. Two of the ions and one of the daughters have passed on to the other land, by mum- Avgus, “any A, and Duncan. F." .Pt vuuu .- Mn C,i.ark “we punt. Mr and Mrs S. Kinnell, Dundulk, called on relatives in the village on Monday. Mrs, Taylor and Miss Mary are vis- ning in Toronto this week. For 22 ymis Mr Clark was Past- ruasler- at Davis Ranch. lie was aucccaaful ranchumn and as u pioneer In did much bit develop the State. In this capacity he rendered his dd) and gamut-Alon " lasting service. Mr Clark revealed to tlt" wurul runny of thow smiling Scotch quui its, fun which his people are nored. He was known far and wide tor his integrity and hospitality. Hospitality was u channel rislic of the Clark home, Like Abraham of aid. Donald Clark will be rememlwred for his interest In his family, for his faith in God, for his fairmindedrte" to his neighbors, for his honesty and for his horpittuirr. The members oflhe family and relu- Iiven have a rich heritage as they re- call his history. A special train will run the reverse way-leaving Sarnia wharf 7.45 a m.. arriving Toronto 1,10 p. m., commen- cing June 9th. and each Tuesday, Fre day and Sunday thereafter. Pu ll par-titan" and reservation! from Grand Trunk Aunts or writou At a congregational meeiing of Amos church on Monday evening. it was decided not to hold an entertain- momma evening of the induction of the Rev. D. M. Smith, Jane 18th. A lunch is to be served alter the in- duction. Ir, was also decided to hold a garden party on July Ist, for which extensive preparations are being made. EHectin Jane 8_h, Westbound Will leave Toronto 11.15 a. m. on ailing dates. making connection " Msrnin Wharf for‘BaulI: Ste Marie. Port Arthur. Fort William, Winnipeg and points in Western Canada. Parlor Cafe. parlor cars In class coaches to Sarnin Wharf, Hailing. from 83min wharf Mondays \Vedneldayl and Satuldayu for Iault Ste Marie. Port Arthur, Fort. William, c mmencilg Jul} 8th. To TRAP JUNE Bcus,--A plague of June bug: is over all the land, and un- less k gem nd campaign is made "gamut these nuimncel. gardens and flower beds are certain to sulfer. An easily made trap is to place a lighted lantern over a pmtially tilled pail of water, into which the insects drop by the thoumnds. This means that many of the females are destroyed. thus pre- venting the laying of millions of eggs. mil sand for service at his own stable, lot 2 3nd 8 of IO, con. l, Eg- remont, (hslf way between Vsrney and Orchurd on Garafraxa Road) for the season of 1914. RhRGP.AVE--1n Egremont. on Tues- day. May 26th, liu.l. to Mr and Mas James F. Burgruyey son. Reid-On Tuesday', May atith, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reid, and con., a daughter. T0 HORSE BREEDEBS and others: The well known Conch horse, BROOKLANDS STOCK FARM " Young Picadore " Steamship Special C. Ir BURNING. D PAToronto WM CALDER. Town Tick-m Ant. J. T0 WNER. Ticket Agent DROMORE illrilOLSTllE) Obituary. TORONTO BORN tnd tlest THE DURHAM REVIEW Twenty-four people. hall of their} men. the majority of those present; being undoubtedly in favor of btur. rage, attended the meeting in the ht- ricultural Hall on Friday afternoon, addressed by Mrs A. J. Collins of Mt. Forest The inception of the move- ment in Holstein was not the success that the promoters would like to have seen and taking the gathering of last week " a barometer of the public feeling, things may not go very far. Still, great movements have sttut11berinnity" and the tu- ture may have success ltored up tor the workers in abundant measure. To begin with, Mrs Collins is not a window smasher or " incendianst. Nor doe she talk like one. Other- wise, she talks in a most rational mannep unfolds sane truths from her side of the question, and though far from being eloquent, she has the happy faéulty of convincing many in an audience that her cause is int and will ultimately triumph. I will name a few iseases that a Chiropractic ad ats remove the cause of disease, nd ture restores normal condition ealt ; headache, eye disease, deafn s, ilepsy, in. somnia,. wry neck, thr at trouble, neuralgia, goitre, ne ous rostration lagrippe, dizziness, le ing from nose, catarrh, bronchiti r umatism, hay fever, boils, troubl the heart stomach, lungs and li asthma, gall stones, Bright's dim diabetes appendicitis, bladder tron ' sciatic: and many other troubles , be re. lieved by spinal adjustmen Con- sultation and examination I . Beginning her address she gave reasons why she thought the tran- chise should be given to woman and continuing through a deductive pro- cess, she took the arguments advan- ced against the saffrage and showed them up in their true colors. There were, she said, only two organized movements, working against their interests, notably. the liquor trattic and the white slave leagues. All other organized interests were in fav- or of giving equal franchise to all. She declared that these two bodies saw their inevitable doom, if women had the ballot, hence the opposition, Mau 'ue muloC, hence u" "Wr0tu00n. l The induction of Rue. B. M. Smith' Speaking ol the English militants Itakes place at Dromore on Thursday, Mrs. Collins said she, sympathizcd I June 18. Following precedent, the with them in their efforts, but would Gewest minister in the Presbytery not have their methods adopted here, l will preach the induction Sermon and "I wouldn't have the courage tolthis time it willbekev S. M. Whaley, smash windows," she ‘said coyly, Fi Durham. JP' I'm snre I would run it that took An inquest inquiring into the sud- place 1.1-- A-..n. -t __-. l\....|...-.|..:u_ L-L.. Office in Drummond E Main St. South“ MT. Holstein has strong backers for giving women the vote. Rev. Mr. James who was chairman of the meet. ing, is heart and soul for it. Rev, Dr Marsh spoke strongly in favor of it. Mr David Allan Sr ' who seeond. ed Dr Marsh's vote of thanks to Mrs. Collins championed the leminine cause. lioneyed words from-others followed, until fearing that some- thing would crystallize to sugar this love feast, we left before the meeting was over. . CT" Automobile Agent Smith'of Aylon: The stark visited at the home ot who was brought before Magistrate'; Mr and Mrs Jas Ilaretuve, TMSMY- McInnes on a charge of driving a earl -a baby buy. without a number, last week, was; Lightning struck the barn of Mr. Ifit1ed $ao for the infraction ot the) Time Harrison Wednesday last. kil- law. This money and a couple " line a heifer. $50 fines which were recently iearis-) Mr Henry Hall, who for mine time tered, goes towards repairing the: stayed at leons' and and Horesbys' roads of the township. How about is rep Irted to have been lost on the i using some of the funds In levelling Empress of Ireland. [off Main Street, Holstein ? i We heard that one of our promin- om citizens has parehased In unto lid that others intend doing the lame.” Isn’t the Bitt'? climbing city- Mr McLuhan. of Conn, last week flniahed " contrucl oi well drilling for Mr J. Enrig. He did not reach China, but penetrated about 180 feet in that direction. Mr Eurig will erect a pump and windmill and won't the Bend have waterworks. Mr Henry Hall, who for a: me time stayed at Dixons’ and and Horasbys' is rep Irted to have been lost on the Empress of Ireland. The little daughter of Mr and Mn. Chas Reid. accidentally tell into a tab of cold water lately and bar, for the timely passing of Dr. Jamieson, results might have been a great deal worse. R. ti. WALKLEY, 110. Now June skieqaro bright . 1 d lovely Scent of blossoms an the air, Bird. are marbling their Frauen, Nature in so trash and air. Mr and Mrs George Hunt, o. S. It, visited at Jolur.Rtttit" some time ago, Mr Nylor, of Allandnlo, wan a re- cem guest at Mr J. Duran“. ward ? - Miss Maggie McKerey, Durham, is visiting her sister Mrs John McKen- ale. Women Suffrage in Holstein Mr Falconer and his daughter from Mono Road, visited his daughter, Mrs. Jog. Moore last week. Mr, Benjamin Watters from Hants. ville, Muskokn, will take the service " the Hall Sunday evening. 'N Mother. Mrs AlbertBell, took very in and medical lid had lo be sum- moned. At Jimo of writing she is improved again. Mr and Mrs Austin Inna visited with the laster'a relaxivas an Rocklyn §ungiay,“ WAlle 3119', My. H's CHIROPRACTIC NORTH EGREMONT SOUTH BEND -- ,7 - Row Mr. James, is attending con- ference in Hamilton thisareelr. Messrs WI. Haas and Ab. Hunt lelt on Monday for Winnipeg. Mr Geo. Hamilton of Fairbaim left on Tuesday to visit in Georgetown and Toronto. 3 W. if. M. S. was held hat Friday ip St. ;Andrew's Church. Arthur, Mrs Pal i in presided at. morning and afternoon lee j,tag. The Reports presented by Ah. m Vern] secretarieq showed a little laduuce. Reports from the auxiliariée showed better attendance and inexcu- ed interest dun-in the your. Six new I) Life members were reported. ' Wm. Lougheed is visiting in the) village this week and on Fvidayi leaves for the West. 1 Rev Mr, Matheson, Mrs Matheson and baby from the West, are visiting at the home of J. D. Roberts. Miss Ethel Stfarp left on Monday to visit iriends in the city. l Rev John Little of North Morning- !ton, was last week selected as organ- Iinter for the Perth County Temper- ‘ance Alliance in the campaign to labolish the bars and shops by the 'Canada Temperance Act. A sub. committee of the executive alter Sev- eral days' consideration of the l pplicstions, decided finally on Rev. I Ir, Little, who will begin his new uties almost immediately. He will ceive a salary of $1500 per Fear and l penaes. I Fon SALF. ‘nal Oil stove, dash burn for single ow, thoroughbred white Wyandotte r sler, set of sleigh [bells and some other tides. Apply W. E. . Arms l Holitei Parsonage ', The lecture, "Off for the Frozen [Zones " delivered by Rev. w. Marsh lon Monday night in the Presbyterian church, was another link in the 7iiiiii of delightful treats that this 1 gentlemen has given to the people of ,Holstein and vicinity. His addres- I see are not only interesting but also linstrnetive to a high degree and the limelight views aid wonderfully in g presenting life in the tar ofrland dir. ‘ectly in tront of the audience. Dr. Marsh was a member of the Eclipse expedition to Labrador in 1905 and .the illustrated story that he gave. Iienlt with the life of that lone land land, details of the trip from the per. {sonal and scientific standpoints, Pic. IT,.,', of the Eskimos, Indians and _ native whites were interesting while ‘mnny of the views exhibited, showed Dr Marsh and the members' of hi. part} in various attitudes. The church was well filled and the an- dienco appreciative. . The Ladies' Sewing Circle ot the Presbyterian church held a delight- ful picnic in the Park on Tuesday afternoon. . We extend. cotogratuUtious to h N Alex. Aitken', who to-day, Wedne day, is being married to Miss Bell Ferguson, daughter of Councillor Walter Ferguson oi Dromore. Rey Dr, Marsh omciated, Mrs Gun, of Durham. rifered the dedicatory prayer. The pruidant gave an earnest address, dwelling on our individual responsibility. and out individual intNenee, ln our wonkfor the Hunter. Greelioga were received from the English and Methodist Uli- siomu-y Boole“ of Arthur. The clou- lng words were skin by Mn “our. ofose, who lunar. oar" R, M. Tribe shipped two cmload of stock on Tuesday, a greater quantity than usual considering the time of year. J, R. Montgomery, a Dundalk buyer, also shipped a lot of cattle from this station on Tuesday. Dromore will celebrate the tst of July with a large Garden Party and the Committee in charge are anang- a big bill of sports. _ The Treasurer's eta-cement showed the offerings to be .l267.l4and from Jan. to May $168 28. An inquest inquiring into the sud. den death of an Urcliardville baby was held in Rubens Hall on Tuesday afternoon. Dr Jones Sr. of Mt Forest was coroner and the jury empannel- led by him rendered a verdict of accidental death. e With a mommy; and evening ses- sion tho twent-seventh annual meet. ing of the Snugeen Presbyterinl 'of tho’ The old station hotel in Mt Forest was destroyed by the early Thursday morning of last week. The building was vacant. A. R. Hershey, barber, has moved‘ his tonsoriai parlors into R. Irvm's implement rooms, where a part has been partitioned off for his business. He wall aid Mr Irvin in looking after the interests of the Massey Harris Agency. Evidently A, R. is trying to bring the lawn mower trade to. gether. '.2"2 Saugeen W. F. M. S. Meets. PIT. c=z=F=a=tme"'"---- t . - 4‘ ‘J q _ ' ' a , , I V F .. 3 . . . 3 _ ' ft? Pt V "t 7 "t g " . t :5..- . . .. l T l " ' t 'O, K r ' ' _ . ' Y . . '. . , _ 4 i t l . ------.i------ G. Biol: Minn. Arugula presided very acceptahly " the evening section. . Dr. Chang mini-,3)! (duh. delivered An interesting “drum. A Me men» heuhrp commune wua "mum to Mrs Duff Morrison, of Mount Forest, and a ‘sunburot of pearls to Mrs Ree. Gen. Kendall, of Dundllk. . Rev, W. T, Penny. of autumn. presentrd greeting! from the Presby- terr. Min Anderson, Anhur. sang I tsolo at each of the union. pub glut acceptance. The harmful hospitality of the ladies of Arthur Auxiliary. I. cuudmlly txtended in union dinner und’tea to the delegates. wu very much appreciated and enjoyed_ by all. The Home and Foreign Pre.tirtertale were united. I im the followind lulu. as otBeere t Hon, Presidente, Mr. Young, M A Dutf Worrieom Mrs Puma. President M rs McMurchie, Hart-hum I (ht who. president-Mrs Rogers, Holstein l 2ad tice-president-Mrs, Donaldson, Pulm- ,erslol;3td Tori-ure Lemon. Mb I'. P.,-Mrl Buohnn. Trests,---) K. Young. Clifford; ieatUt secretary; Miss M, Weaker. Aywn l gunners- an retary-Miss Ada Morriun, Arthur: supplies, Mu Dixon. Mt. Forest; ls- .iptunt secretary-Mrs Martin, Mt. Forest ; Mission Band secrirr--Mi" Sleyeuson, Holutein. Mr and Mrs J. Smith visited San- d‘xy at Mr Jno. Ruby's. Mrs Douglas and daughter Ema pent Sunday at Cartnottttt's, ' Miss Florence Falkinghnm ir homo Irom 'rorouto visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs Pinder attended the lunexal of their niece, Min Bell.“ Pine River, last week. Mrs Jss. Hov and Audrey, of Har. my, visited Sunday " Mr Finder} Mr Jae. Brown has returacd from the West looking hale and hearty. EXze====r2======3, E=S=TCC! CATALOGUES We can sell you anything and get it for you on short notice. We also sell the DURHAM NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT. that well known brand at the lowest poulblo price. Cement always on hand. _ _ Paints, Linoleums, and Oilcloths Now the 24th of May has passed. we naturally look for hot weather, and the sheep will be clipped. Now we are 'ready to receive the largest quantity of Wool we have ever handled and can offer you the highest prices. In exchange for same we can either pay J on the Cash or give you Trade of highest quality TAYLOR&: CO. Dromore t 'J. W. Hunt is prepared to take all kinds of Cement grork---. Ctll or write and get my prices before you let your contact Wool Season I BARN WALLS, HOUSES, SILOS, BRIDGES AND CULVERTS CEMENT WORK ORCHARD h". an Kr l All newest putter-n3 and quality guaranteed a: TAYLOR & CO. Secretary. Mn Scott. Bring your WOOL, BUTTER & EGGS mmmtommy tot ur WW eitttst he III. “In kick-15. but.“ u my Fm an an tap-um; Thluulllt it the tattest may _ 't beer the -eqe. teuit. And the ttlr1 thtt lo the Must .:. " not we“ the -lieet boot. The man when brow ll highest n, .y not than how the moat 2 The hero who to have» may I t nuke the lenient bout. . The "In that It the “rouge-t HM) I ', have the (Arthur reach, And the man who hike the lung. ., I." not. make Milne“ speech The use that is the readout may I In" the sweetest went I The man whose strut lo ptoudest u "' not be most prominent ', The women who has jewels that F! measure. by the peek, Mar not he" the dunno-t. ttaaers t the mod delightful neck. The men whowoth the hardest n .. t not draw the hiuhest my; l The one with deepest knowledge m i' not hue the cloth to any ', But the nun who is moat modem g. the lat seat in then-ear. And the one who blown his buglr _ the one whom people hear. -Glsicatto ”Cord-Hm " The Best is the Cheapest MT. FOREST, ON T A superior school with Compr tent instructors sud throug! courses. AMiated with Centra' College, Stratford. We do more for our students than does am other similar school. All grads stes in positions. You msy entrr It In, time. Write for particulars or ca l " the College. D. A, UCLACHLAN, w. E.WiLEoN President Principal ttW. JGrest $11.91th Cotiese 2.50 to 32.50 6.50 to l5.00 Right You -tt' " 4,1914 HOLISTE IN VOL. XXXVI N ll M tiats H ll

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