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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jun 1914, p. 4

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LL -iihrriiiiaijiiiiii' Is your subscription in arrow. 2 Take I look at your label, and if Bo, kindly remit toutfiicient sum to put it in ad- vnnce. Do it now. nni: - “chinks cadsQ-nd'hal: tho tlul'th luau. tt " II unu- te"""-""'"'"'"'"""'"""""' 'W ' . . (iF 'i;' Good Line of Sultsg flu. Men and Boys t f"ormsa.-yrot.,erooiroaasirsaaaoaaroT, 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Large Quantity of N? I Feeling/ly Sovereign, Eclipse and Bastryflour Phone Alljinds of gait Might at math: price. Special Reduction on Flour and Peed in ton lots. _ With the arrival of hot weather comes the need of cool footwear, and you can find what you need " Saunders' d: Aitchiaon. We have about 100 pain of to clear out at 82.00 per pair, which have always been sold at boo and 4.00. So don't fail to come and get a pair of the" shoes. Men's Oxfords In Patent, Gunmetal and Tan Calf. .3.50 to f.00 pr Men’s, Women's and children's Tennis Shoes In white or blue canvas from... .. . .76e to 1.00 pr. OUK REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped with the best materials obtainable, and we guarantee the workmanship. Guaranteed to be the beat in the land. We have secured the Durham Agency. We also have local brands of Flour and would request that you kindly leave us an order for a small sack on trial. SaundersaAitchison Also a fine line of Boots diy Shoes 3:232:33 Shoes! l3 3333:: Shoes! Shoes! of Quality The House King's Quality Flour CR'MPBD OATS for Horse Reed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates We pay Cash for Farm Produce THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Freiit and ciein at 14.50 off car. See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Eve} is" glgruntoed. If not satisfactory bring u back and get your money. C. L: GRANT Ladies' Oxfords We have received a Made by the W. B. Sanford people of Ha.. milton, one of the oldest and best manufaca mars of Clothing In the country. We ask you when in want of agood Suit, to come uni no ours. John McGowan Our usual good make. Come and see them SHOES & GROCERIES A Barless Ontario is a prosperous Ontario. Phone 45 Fishing. Hunting, Trapping & Tres. passing on those grounds will be pro- ucuted 'rcttorditrtt to law. w. & 'W. ICCEACKEN. Iots2,3,4, con, 1: WM. Nouns. lots 15, 40, 47, Ct n. 3, Old Survev. Remind; Gin. quu’rus lots (li, 62, 63. CA, can. 3, New Sun ey, Bentinck Notice ! The House of Quality , Ely: 'htrfptttt $tetsiettt t No government is sustained on the I strength oi what it has don ; it can (only rely on the strength of what it i is going to do. This it is which gives {the Opposition no moral chance in {every election. An Opposition, it it [can convince the people, may do as Igreut things as any government Sir James Whitney has promised to con- tinno his present policies. Mr Rowen promises to abolish the bar and insti- tate tax reform. The positive factor oiMr Rowcll's platiorm. will, with many people, outwr igh the premiers honorable and progressive iuistr-- I Toronto World. The following editorial a pared recently in the Toronto Vgorldm Conservative newspaper ; "Mr Rowen hits a right to tn) proud ot the tine demonstration he hue evoked in Massey Hall, and he has this reflection to give him eoatld. ence that it the Ontario voters re- spond to his appeal as they did to the Rose plebiscite of fourteen yem ago he will be returned to the Legisluture- " the head of a working majority. The situation is n more critical one tor the Government than their sup- porters generally conceive. The growth at independent elector-ti opin- ion has brought about the feeling that governments exist for the advantage of the governed, and that when ben- 'etits are required, social reforms ur- gently needed and measures adopt- ed in other enlightened communities are ripe for application in Ontario, it does not matter which party gives relief so long as reliel is given. l Hamilton Times : We doubt ifthere is any other atatesmun in Canada i who has come to the trout so rapidly ‘as has Mr N. W. lhweil, K. C , the leader of the Ontario Opposition. lWhen Mr Rowen tirst enttred the House Sir James Whitney treated him with supei'cilious indifference, bordering Bpon impertinenee, lie apparently looked upon the new Lib- eral leader as a lightweight, as a greenhurn not worth bothering with. Bat not many weeks elapsed before lsr James awakened to the fact that l he ind no ordinary man to deal with. fThen he began to bully him and .bludgevn bun. Bat toe new and ilntricd mun soon proud that he wan Imam than a match for Sir James. illis bluilgeon blows Were met and ”hurl-xi mm a rapier-like skill that i resulted in the Premier wildly beat- iing tho air, while Mr Rowell tleliled limo under the tifth rib and made him howl and growl. So well in. _ lormrd. so clever in debate, and so i resourceful and ready did Mr Rowen (proreto be that now he is the moat ’i‘earul man in the House. He has iorgul totlie front. He is the lead. iing tigare in the, Logisllture. and l Will soon be the leading tigttre in the f provmce. (Here the Baptist prints Mr Rowell’s _ temperance platlorm. new so well known) ; "We are free to confess that we like the policy enunciated in the l above paragraphs ; not merely be- fcause It is the product of Howell and _ his followers, bat because we believe éit to be what is sorely needed in our provmae, and beosuse we buys the conviction that it is pruticnble. With such a policy before them. the elec- tors of this province surely cannot out go to the polls on the 29th June in a serious frame of mind, without political bias ruling them, end with i the determination to cut their votes I in (ever of a. policy thet is aimed at Him ohlir.oratian of the retail are of 1 igtlilCl'. Never before blVO the elec- i tors of this province bud such an op- portunity as is presented at this-time to [remoye the detestsble trtd1its in liquor as it abounds in but rooms Ind clubs ; and it is not too much to hope l the: both Liberals Ind Conseryetives ' who are in favor of prohibitive mess- ures regarding the liquor trai% Will lein forces to the extent of sending l men to the Legislature who mil sup- lport Mr Bowen’s temperance policy." ------ e _----- The supreme issue in the coming elections is that of the Howell Tern. perance policy. Other things there are to be sure, that must share the thouglitof an intelligent electorate and the'r legislators; but for the time being the Temperance issue eclipses all other issues before this {air and prosperous province. And with things as they are, we do not think it should take any christian voter very long to decide as to how his vote shall be cast. ptovidiug,lut has in his riding the opportunity to cast it for a man who gdeclares him. sell to be a supporter of the "abolish- the-bar policy." of Mr Rowell. Temperance the Supreme Issue Sr 4th-Annie Mac Carmel, Mary Mac Camel. Tenn MatrCannel, Annie Mar shall. Annie.Witten Sr 8rd-1sla Run eiman. Jr grd--Flemaie MacCaru1el, Arthur Lane, Charles Scales, Kate M " Carmel, Alice Harrison. Sr 2nd--Jea. nie MacCannel. Feleda Witter, Mary Mershall, Gordon MacCannel, Lizzie Marshall. Jr 2nd--Ada Wilson, Ell wood Kinsman. Roy Williams. Harvey Williams, Nathan Haw, Johnny Mec- Cannel. Sr Pt 2tur--Minnie Smeil. Jr Pt Ltd-Annie MeCannel, Runel Lane Pearl Williams, Alex Mchnnel, Willie Marshall. Jr B-Milticent Patric. Wil. fred Witter. Jr A-Willie Snail. The] ma Wilson, Treaie Haw, Levin Lane, Murray Smail. . Predicts Rowell's Victory (From the Canadian Bapnst) A Rowell Appreciation BOOTHVILLE SCHOOL JUNE 18, 1914 E. M. MARTIN, Teacher, School Reports WIVES TORONTO W, Rev. Mr. Whaley will hold... pnygr meeting Wednesdny night of this week It the Grange. Mr. Fred McArtbur has becn_prup. inn treel for the farmers In this dig. met. Rev. J. W. Greenwood, Noun is spending I few days with his wen". Mr and Mo T Greenwood 1nd punch- ad in the Methodxst church Inst Sun- day night, A number around here purpose " tending the Sunday School conven- tion n Zion on Tlxuradty. 18th inst- at 2 9,111. and evonmg at. 7 p. m. Road work has commenced on one of the beats in this district With Mr. Adam Anderson as pathmuster. Mr Jack O'Neil, of Pittston, U.S.A. is spending a few weeks with friends and relatives here. Mrs Rubt. Carrie, of Toronto, to. companied by her daughter Mia- Jen nie, spent a few days at Mr Will Cur- rie's. Miss Owens. Cbutsworth. is hui.. daying " Mr Robt. Nrelay's, Misses F. McDonald and M: M9- Callam attended the Associnuon In Owen Sound last week. Mr and Mrs Rubt. Burclay attend- ed the Association last week and rev turned, :ccompanled by the latter’a brother. We, the members of the Craw- ford congregation, take this oppor- tunity of showing oar appreciation ot we valuable services you have ran- dered to the church by I) ably tak- ing your place an organist tor the in: two years. w. feel that in losing your shrvio- es, we are losing a wry mined ne- qaisition to the community " well as to the church and no at you to te- eept thia Imall token ot our regard and we wish you all mare success in whatever calling you may be placed. Mr and Mrs Wm. Lunney Sodas. ed with Durham friends. Miss McDoug-ll intends leaving fer Hamilton in a couple of weeks. Sorry to lose her from our commun- ity and church, bat feel that our loss may be somebody else" gain. To Miss Sara McDongall ' Mrs James Summon. Paisley, in spending a few weeks with her als- ter, Mrs Archie Brown. Irena Fischer. Gladys Cur pbell June 10th, 1914. Mr It, Barclay and Mr D. McDon- ald are appointed as a. delegation to attend the ordination in Flosherton this week by gathering together, while Mien 'Gladys Campbell read the address and Miss Vena Flsuhur presented a purse ol gold, alter which Min Me Dougall thanked her many friends for their kindness; towards her, feel. ing that she only did what was her duty to do. Mr Cook then spoken lew words in favor of their past or- ganist. He felt that one by one was aimed lrotn the church, not only those who take their departure for another place. bat also those who are called away to the heavenly heme. Alter Mr Cook spoke n few words, the evening was then spent in games. Lunch was then served, after which the good old hymn "God be with you till we meet again " was mm: by all, the crowd returned to their homes, feeling a plealant evening had been spent. "igrsed on banal! ot the congrogl‘ hon t A meeting ot the ratepayers ofthe Section is to be called to consider the matter of repairing the school well and than getting better water, which has not been of the best lately. Mrs J. U. Pieard returned to her home in Toronto on Monday. after spending a. few days with her parenu, Mr and Mn R. Dargavel. Miss Etta Twamley is trying the Emrance Exam. in Durham thin week, We wish her all success. Mr Wm. O'Hara has purchued a" Fold automobile from U. Smith. Tunes are looking up in Dornoch: there at. three new and expect. there will be In- other one soon. J On Wednesday evcnine. Jams 10th. the members of the Crawtord Presby- terian church met at the home of Mr James MeDougall, to show their kindness towards his sister Sarah. who tor the past two years acted " organist and Sunder) School teacher In the: church. They ieltit their 'tttry to show her their tappr_eeitshron Mines Lyla McKnighI and Irwin: Manley spent the latter part of the week an their home here, Mr Jack Ray visited Williumefmd friends Sunday eve. Mr B. Pugs"! called on Arno“ friends recently. i Mr and Mn Bleach. of Owen Sound, Sundnyed with Mr and In A. Hall. tosh. Mn R. Bugs"! etttertalned I num- ber of her friends on Slturduy Alter. noon, it being he: ailtieth birthdny. W e are pleased to see Mr Wm. Running nhle to be around spin. " ter n tow duyl' illness. Mr Alex Campbell. of Durham, is apendmg . week with his parents in the burg. . In And Mn Edward Boyce. ot " lock. visited on Tuesday of last rock Mr and Mn Thou. Shewcll and 1-,... " spent from Saturdny to Tieday' wllh Owen Sound friends. Address and Presentation EDGE HILL MULOCK DORNOCH WELBECK Vote for Ramgle with'ur and Dir- Barvey Boyce. Mrs Porter. ot Ciitlon Springs. " the guest of her ulnar, Mr. Alex Gunp- bell, for Ibo summer months, Mesa"; Dobuy and Plukelt. of Elm- wood, all“! on Mandi in the burg on Suudty. Mr Alfred and MI“ Nellie Shovel! took in the excursion to Guelph on Saturday tad visited over Sunday with Hamilton friends. Mr and Mrs J, Lister nnd children spent Tuesday evening with It und Mrs F. Shewell. Qaites a. number from this burg At- tended the funeral of the late Archie Browu on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Smith of India delivered an excellent. sermon in Knox church 1m Sunday. Mr 5nd Mrs. Geo Slurp spent over the week and wnh Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie of Woodland. Mr., Anon Vollet is buuy just now gmmg ready to put 3 cement, foun- dulon under his barn. Mr A Bmkua. tencher of S. S. No. 1 hae three Entrance pupils this year. JBnma. M. Petty, J. Mountain. We wish them success. - ", Mr, Guy Kearney of town passed byh our comers one day recently on route to Hampden. No doubt but name of Hampden young Indies would enjoy an auto ridn. ' The annual Ladles' Auxiliary quilting bee ism be held it me home of Mrs A Smith, Tuesday, Jane 23rd. Hey Mr. Smith. the chosen man for Knox and Dromore is expected to take charge ofthe service next Sunday. We wish Mr Ramage succela in the coming election. "s, Mr, Welter MoAliater has a fine driver and has purchased a new bug- gy. Look out girls. A Quite A number from this lane at- tended the Lauder-Blyth wedding near Varney last Wednesday. Mr. A, Pioken lost a young colt In: week. C. E. HotyrydtiiGGtiiGiGtiir"iiri,' Toronto, Ont. WM CALDER. Town Ticket Am. J, TOWNER. Ticket Agent Round trip tickets to Eoints in Mani- toba, :Alberta and Sas atchewan via Chicago, It. Paul. Duluth or Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 27, inclus- ive, at‘low fares. Kenn: limit two month. The Grand hunt Pectin: " II the a honest end quickest route between Winnipeg- St"AqtoonuMmonton, with excellent through service to Regina. Tut-s now run- ning Into “wary. Berth rcscrvations and particulars at all 9ra.ryi TrytnkTjckret Ofh'ccs or write NORTH-EAST NORMANBY Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars to Winnipeg on nbovc dates, leaving Tor- onto " . m. No cnnnge of can. 'trg, hlfdKahm1)'tiWeeklylflem :33: See our large stock of Flannelettes at 100 per yard which we bought largely so that we can sell largely at a small price. See our men's suits made no order in the new- est cuts and a good fit guaranteed " to $20 ttomeseekers' Excursions ulna uuA “-1.50 til/UUh 01 ‘> See our [law .tock of Hinths.tttrs at loo per Brooms with good corn rd whioh we bought and extra finished hand- rgely BO that we can l les worth 400, our price [l largely at a sstittsll '."'.".' ............ 280 me. See our men's suits See our large stock of ado to order in the new- Whisks, usually sold at t cuts and a good fit 16o and 200. Our price warmed $16 to $20 100. See our new wall papa» on the second floor. Bis, Reminders Try phone No. " for that rush order. Highest prices for All Produce Another lot of Walker’s Overalls, the bent in the market, made large and full and guaranteed to give good satisftusijon. - A large stock of Flmnelettes, 35 inches wide in a varied assortment of colors, 100 per yard. F ' d; J, McKECHNIE on June 29th to make it so Just Arrived organising-rain-aim"'""""?):, "iiiigtsi=xggrexxgyag 1gagigggs:ggtgllglX','/'. m.» _ /T"YH-f ' We!» oi. c'-ri Store, BE WISE and get a pair before our stock is out of sizes. We have stocked morethis season than usual and find they are moving fast. Ladies' Pumps, with or without straps. . . . Idi0 and L75 Misses' with straps, L00 Children's with straps, 85c Infants’ with straps, RK. Ladies' High Button. . .2.25 in Black, Blue, Pink and Tan in Lisle. Other lines in Ladies' and Misses'. Down Town Shoe Store With the continuance of warm weather, everything points to a long season foe MacrARLAiiiiii"' Drug Storei: The Renll Store C. P. R. Town Office Buy ; THE We have some fine lines of Reminders White Footwear Chiidren's Hosiery Highest prices with produce. J, S. McILRAITH Try gut Men's work- ing shpes " $2.10. They have a splendid record fry McKechnie’s pure Soap " 8 cakes for Mc Buy your tickets here Reminders Durham = for lc; il, Germs 1 ' houses. , but a k , Clc Em“ m Vis THE If the " lg 1 Butt

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