West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Jun 1914, p. 5

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hymn-15:33 Mace echnie's tham for 2.5c Pi' 2'; Pi' N753"; g in 1Jp-touiate, Ready-to-wcar ‘51 Clothing for Men and Ladies 'il 'si. "r," 's " i953?! WEED?! 2"" .rr.eee.r:'rr'ATervr,r, tatMe'slgBM8By 'iriCCs55TC25.2,2dLiCa1'h7iy,uia'u m . l LiaiiLcic'2'i/aER"iET,i:Ssfiai2' Save (i) 83 on Men's Semi-ready Suits Buy a 'king' Bat for practically nothing Visit our Ice Cream Parlors Best English Raincoats for Men and Ladies THE CITY BAKERY Ti!" alvent of hot weanner Dung: a. “Justus w. (-091 dishes. Refresh your pglato by dropping in our parlor ufternooon or evening and enjoy our pure do. icious Ice Cream. Sodas, Sundus, Soft Drinks, etc. Take an lee ("an brick home with you. We're Clearing Ladies' Black Skirts Highest prion in Butter and It-. Working Shoes for ladies Ladies' Working Shoes of good pebble, leather and nicely made. Reg. prices allover 2.00, special.. Headquarters for Confectionery and :11 Baby goods PRICEVILLE i)iii,iiiliii" If the Bar does not go where will the Responsibility rest? Not on YOU if you mark you" ballot tor?Jtamage"on June 29th E No Friends C' "v Like {inc 7}. “VA o __':','.;-,,';)),:,;-: JCllrriiiilu .'os.rrrori11rvs I d I It Riven tall " _-' 'H mv‘zlnnhlo " n: 1111!! Co.,wtnderor,0n' ut Acrmuts for Canada. A m-w line of Men'g Suits just nrrlved in latest trhtuies-- h! p, hnwn and an), best workmanship of Semi-Ready. Timur“; Every garment guaranteed perteet tit and pricvs are very reasonable. You can save trom $5to $8 ' " " .ch Sait by buying it here. You are welcome to ex- amine them before buying elsewhere and satisfy yourself. Men's. Chriutie Stiff Ma's, acme King make in the lot 'l‘ln-y were regular " to 2.50 ; we clear then " Ifen's brown tel: Hats, latest style, regular 1.75, special price ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... Mun '3 ll Uncut; of best English waterproonsiothptttarantyd tor l? months, waterprool, latest shndu and but make. Priees very reasonable. Lviies'HaitusoUs, newly arrived, of best English water- proof emu. raqNn style and some plain. Shldo a, black, him. grcv and llwn. Price ranging from REAL BARGAINS A e'earine line of Ladiu’ Black Slime in medium Weight. with embroidered fronts, regular price: were up to 98c 3 L"); we're clearing them " .... ...... .... .... Q alone AN dies' Working Shoes of good pebble lather and 1 35 :on made. Reg. prices all over 2.00, special.. . LEVI N E dk GO. Jrent s' girlhood through middle to old age arewoman's nt of hot weather brings n longmg for Refresh your pglato by dropping in our 0011 or evening and enjoy our pure d.. mm Sodas, Suudus, Soft Drinks, 1erves, aid 6, keep the ood health a. a bottle mail. I Mill Metals-1min; 17.: Gini, from the tsity It present. Min Born Alden": Sundayed with iriends in Swimon Park. Dr.'Kinaoy. ot Toronto, was the an“: of Dr. Lane for a number of days, In Luce in holidtying " her home in Bt. Catherines, while Rev. Leece in attending conference In Toronto. Mrs Lane and baby LGiiitine the {owner's mother in Port Elgin for a few weeks, Oar veteran fisherman, Mr Dong- Ild McCormick, caught two(15in. Ind 11 in.) speckled beauties with one throw ot the rod. Where can this be beaten ? The work on the new C. P. ll, bridge is making steady progress. Neil McKinnon. Jr,, is being com granulated upon having obtained "special proficiency" in his first Fear medical emu). We noticed a gentleman taking one by one of a recently bereaved funin out to " home, This, we consider real practical sympathy. A large Mundane: greeted Dr. Margaret Paterson on Sabbath eve- ning, June 7th, to hear a very inter. caning address on conditions in India, where she had laboured for ten years. On the following Tuesday ‘she addressed the Women'g Institute at the, home ot Mrs Sacha: on Social ‘ServiCe work. Her practical com- lttu.)nittmse.talkis must certainly leave ‘a lasting impression. She was most kindly taken to 1iopeville her next appointment, by Dr. Jamieson, of Durham. in his auto. congr.tulauorrs to the Editor for} receivmg the thence of the Liberal; Convention held in Durham last week. And we hope to congratulate tum in 'il more culled tnunlwr on the evening': of the 20th Jane, 1914, by addressing; him as M. P. P. As it is a delicate} matter for In rditor to say anything! concerning his abilities when placedl in a portion of honor as a public':, man to serve his country in his own': paper, we tuke the libei'ty of giving 3i small historical sketch of Mr Homage. A as a public man. since the days of bis: boyhood when he was usaocinte och-l tor of the Prieesulle Courier when its boy of some 18 or 19 years olage.‘ i'ereonaliy we have known Mr. Ram _ age since and no one can point thel finger at him but can any that he was? I straight forward men in all his of l fieral tsisptusisies,--as teacher for a; number ol years our? Editor oi thei AROUND TtitCiiLLiiiii" PRICEVILLE ROWE 1 The Presbytenan church people ‘found Inge lccommodanou for their horses on Sunday last by tying them LINN and there and all over as the old asheds are piled in a heap down near ’Black's shed. The old saying cannot. ‘be applied. "0an't throw out we dir- lly water till you get the clean im" :But. the contractors any they can hue {than ready m a month or so. Mr anngo in 3 mln who nlwuya tulle: a are“ interest in the advance- ment of meal and religious affairs As he is a strictly temperance man, be is a Mrm believer in abolishing ihnt. which tends to ruin a lugs por- tion of the human race both in body and spirit. We think that all who claim: to uphold the principles of tsltrinuynity, irrespective of any po- litiul differences, should cut their bullets in favor of Mr. Rsmage on Dnrhtm Review for over 20 years a pupal- that has a lugs circuhti'on, not only in the County of Grey bat use in for any prayinccl. June 29th. 1914. - Mr. and Mee. Ptrk of Allan Park, visited " their duughters ind son-in- lnwn, Mr and Mrs Mather. south line on Saturday afternoon and attended church on Sunday. Good weather for killing weeds but not suitable for the growing crop. We are looking for rain but has not come so for. We are now in the mid. dle of June and another month should be haying but it has to grow quite a bit yet. Fall wheat. is Leading out '. Mr. Arch. McCuaig of Top Cliff has n IO acre field of fall when which looks good and beginning to head out, and other: hove smaller field, (qually as good. Mr. lluth McAthur, Cheboygln. L'. S. A., is M. present. visiting his mother who Is dangerously tll by having an attueli:tr'paralstits stroke. """"B .... _..--..‘_. ,......,_.- _..-__. Anniversary services Will be held in bit. Andrew's Church. Swinton Park on SaLbuth June 28th 31.2.45 and 8 p m when the preacher will be Rev. Jenkins Burkholder of Caledon. On Monday following the Anniversary garden party or entertainment will be held. Supper will be provided from 5 to 7 p m. The program will com- mence with games of football. [buse- ball, ete, Rev Dr. Marsh of Holstein will be on hand Wllll his limelight views and Will take his audience on a trip to the skies. Come With him and get a glimpse ol the Woiksbop of the Almighty. See the great Sun spots and Sun fires 400,000 miles high and stars by the million. Mr and Mrs Ilobt Purelcw and Mrs Smith of Artcmesm accompanied by heir guests Mrs Carmichael and Mo, Edwards were Sunday guests of Mr. 3nd Mrs Jno Aldcorn. The Ladies‘ Aid of St, Andrew's church met at 'Irs, Wm. l’uwn's on Wednesday last. _, - Mrs. Alex. Ferguson is the guen of 1 London friends. j Mr. B. J. Porter is moving into his 1 tins now residence. Mum John Aldcorn and McLean attended the Liberal Convention in Durmm Wednesday last. The community was shocked to hear of the death of Miss Mary Knox in Toronto on Saturday Miss Knox w" B dauglmr of the late Mr and Mrs Wm Knox. She leayes tn mourn her demise three 'sisters, Mrs. Wm. Stewart. of Swinton Park, Miss Mar.. ion Knox ot Toronto, Mrs. fin m New Ontuio, also her brother, Mr. Jan Knox, Swrnton Pork. The re- mains mll be interred in Salem cem. etery on Wednesday of this week. Mr. Jas.1’aton of liockwcod spam the Week and hero. Mr. J. H. Richardson is arranging for I nico fishing teserye hero. The Swinton bcef ring has started for the sauna. - Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Porter spent Sunday With Hutton Hill friends. Mrs Thos. Henderson. Duadalk. is 'i "lrg e Bar 'ii'i2TiG' 'iii; "i"'i"'i"7itTis"'"rtG""'ii2" -"'. Youi‘fva’EMa‘yTS‘eEgEi‘t‘ ad‘June iiiiifi SWINTON PARK Visiting her father, Mr. Dugdd Fer- guson. 7 . Don' forget St. Andrews waiver any services June 28th and glider) puny. June 29th. Coma “d luvs a good mm. _ The wanker u cool but we feel the need of a refreshing shower. We fear the buy crop will be light. The convention m Bethany chapel closing last evening was very [succee- ful. The spelling mentioned in last week's budget was all here and their addresses were enjoyed by all who heard them. Special music wee giv. en et each service and the offerings amounted to nearly $200: Mr and Mrs Jake Schmidt received; the sad news of the death of their'; brother-in-law, Mr. Robt. Myers Fri-l; day s. m. They attended the tuneral i Saturday to Amos cemetery. All) sorrowing friends have our deepest l sympsthy. , Mr. Oscar Ostrnnder built tumult steps to the manse hurt week which adds much to Its appearance. Mr. Roy Hunter has engaged with Mr Ostnuder for the summer. Mr Edgar and Miss Reta Paterson, of Priceville, were the guests of Miss Laura Benton on Sunday. Rev. L. D. and Mrs Humble with heir helpers during eonyention,imr 0 day holidaying " Eugenia. Miss C. M. MacGillivray, of town, is visiting " home. Mr and Mrs H. Eckart called on lricnds at the Centre on Sunday. Mr Lane and Miss Harrison spent Sunday with Miss MauNab. Miss Jennie MncGillivray visited her canal", Miss A. Mae0illivray, re- canny. Mr Allen Campbell is recovering from an attaak of appendicius. Mr and Mrs It. J. 1ucGiltiyrr.y spent tbs week end in Owen b‘ and Mr MacGillivray and Mr Webber burnt their kilns last week. Mr Neil MacFurlnne fell and bruke his wrist last week. Mr and Mrs Henrv Hooper were at Mr: Juhn Benton 'g on Sunday. The Executive of the Grey County Board of Agriculture has decided to divide the money donated to them by the County Council, in the following manner '.--- For the best stallion. raised in Grey County, shown by an amateur exhitr .itor, resident of the County of Grey. Prizes, Ist $25; and, $15. For the best gelding or mare. any draught breed, raised in Grey County shown by an amateur exhibitor, res- ident of the County of Grey. Prizes, Ist, $25; 2nd, $15. For the best steer or heifer, any beef breed, 2 years of age or under, prizes, tst, $25 ; 2nd. $is, These prizes are open only to exhibits raised in the County of Grey and shown by amateur exhibitors resident of the County oi Grey. For the best sheep of a long wooled breed. raised in the County of Grey and shown by an amateur exhibitor resident of the County of Grey. Prir.. es, ist $10: 2nd $5. For the best sheep of a medium wooled breed, raised in the County of Grey and shown by an amateur ex- hibitor resident of the County of Grey Prizes, tst $ro; 2nd $5. As many as possible should make an effort to secure cue or more of these prizes and thus advertise the stock of the County and for themselves as well. For further information write T. H. BINNIE. Priceville, or H. C. DUFF, Markdale The property of the IntoI Mrs Mue- Auluy. Prieeville, consisting of tw tern of land, A house, barn, well an orchard. Also park lot consisting tive acres. Apply to M. MACAULAY. 710 Nicholas Bldg" Toledo, Ohio Special Prizes at Guelph for Grey County Farmers. SAUGEEN VALLEY tt0PiMLUi For Sale Cheap. .uou is" 'i'iWi'Ni:jiic- 13355? ? 1 Fauna. Jane 17, 1914. 1Flonrpercwt........ 250to300 0tutntrsupesrtsaek .... 240 2.50 flaya cm........ 11509130 Ba whatnnunu 50m 55 lFall ttmt........... 98to100 (thrringWtretst....-.. 98to100 gow.reed............. as to 40 10am, uittrutg.......... 38 to 40 "?sstus................. 90to100 Barlev......;........ 55 to 55 Butter................ 18to 18 1utttss.......--..-. 18to 18 Ntatoes per 1mg. .... 1.15 to 1.235 1Hides.....,.. .... 1000 (,B,efd,r,rtee1r-. 1200101300 Hogs. live.fo 15.... 8 ($0 Dliedlpples.............. 05 Hay,perton..... .... 1200101600 ' List has been can-fully revised, s. q Fietd it 5" IE " 'P. .. u .F" 1' 25 a “ 54 . “an.“ Mi ar- Ts it 33 Wi DUSTLESS- By opening dust damper and direct draft damper when shaking . _ all dust is carried up Firrnace smoke pipe. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. as J. M. HARDING, Local Agent Durham Markets. Only 50c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers hiring a repair man for the puma; Made in 2l beautiful colors, providing for your every re- quireTty.t,.lhe?.-..LAc is alw-y- put up in Green Tim bearing the name Ask forJAP-A-LAC color car% and I ropy of the little book, "A Thouun and One Ute. of JA -A-LAC,' at your local Grd. ware “on 'til/ ii l HERE are three distinct kinds of (0" cj/k-it?, Tsa‘ing in actual dollars and cents :1/ » which may be effected through the i use of JAP-A-LAC in your home. JAP-A-LAC adds years to the life and wearing quali- ties of your floors and interior woodwork--- JAP-A-LAC eliminates the necessity of replacing ex- pensive furniture. because it makes the old like new--- JAP-A-LAC enables you to do the work zourself, instead of 1llyllllfthitry's ail Mud: by The Uthtu Vnrniah Co.,Lirnsted,T'vrouto A. S. HUNTER & SON In Durham, JAP-A-LAC is sold by "GLIDDEN . 1066 General Change of Time, Sunday 120tJto13N, Mny Mat ' 8 ($0 Potitatlats regarding rail or ocean ... 05 til-knts irout (‘nlmdinn Ptacific {50km 2 . (i Agents or write M. G. MURPH c, It, 1 001.0 1 'r00 P. A ' C. P. Ry, Toronto. New Fast Daily Trains Between Montreal. Tatum”. Drtlnit. Chicago. via (Yum-din" Perrfic and Michigan Uentvtel Railrmuis F,tfective May 31, via Michialn CHIN-l Tunnel between Windsor and Detroit Toronto TORONTO Aacrariaiie, Agent, Durham IMPORTANT CHANGES o-winnipeg-v-route train Service. effective May 31 because we Gd a woman who once uses it. is pretty sun to come back for more. JWudil: Recommends With the American Ina-ht omjn our Canadian Cutie and Pun-or Bordon likely to be compoled loco tettkute, that out What and Who“ Products will enter the United We: Intent duty. tho prior of Duty-Io “I. huh ls bound to min-co. ion ttattttot do better than to BUY NOW. "The following no a few of the any hum-I. a. H. Miller In offering; too In good land In ft,'I.'1't','g tune but ham. (untenable than 'lf; good so“. IchQOI van-"0mm. [the on , 03,800 for way quit Ile, loo um Swami about I new hur‘lwnnd r annual-r Clo-ml. Good [rune home tstsd frame bun-1m othqruutUuiluitt . tichoot on nut lot. Well “mend, o.S; 3,71». moan-s new ”mow-r. linwlllnt mm. well traMrxsd, good hulllllnxa, itteluding mick avelnug um [mum hank ham. Urchu’d. l Only 35,20». New Ones for l9l4 - tcred "isiiiisiik, (autumn In lmn try Brtuu, I' Prick an over wag-cum Al ammunyn :0) new tn Nut-mm datum: luau bunt bun tine 'mArhborhood. t H money. 3003139 In [alumni-t. , To land in tttiiluuoot I [Hymn-uh good mm trt tevted, C, I‘ tsaient Iowe, DOLLAR" H. ti. MILLER, 5 unwise” Mum‘s". " duellmf. {rum hunk bar, shod on hum soit. u: 'ould hung tuna-1!] n Delmar) in m ‘5 hum. -v 19tbu--0trer Jewellry stone ad l she Post once. J. G. IT0TTl0N,hr0.,0. M OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN t WES” We have a large range to select from and prices are moderate as well, 85:51pm Burl r. r 1 Supra: Court wmym Communal" An early call is your ad- vantage. W. C, PICKERING o. o s., L D S l) ll to Mr Herb-ll - I a]: a I- In: " dzncun (oplou. PU“ A: D. I~WCPHAIL-’ Personal Instruction UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Snow noon --Arrotm " on». Picture Framing. Shortest Notice M. Student’s Desk tank» to enter any dny and et udvnncmuem a! the - OWEN SOUND [urge Stuff of Spa-Minn Positions guurnnu-ed to G; c A Immune, PCA G. B. Fl “mu-ante f,t'ig'tl,Ntrg to Lona. sL-u--r 1-1 Mamas in!!!“ A Met tal hunmil‘ h ttee WW. WAVb J. EGRANT D. D emu mum“ E Tum! N'nubOIC and are a thing of beauty air Princi'pal a " your: m DUHXMI. ONT. (Lower Tun ml in Imudu-du. “mounds or nu t luwr-d curve-m, rule-s. with uh to um tite lmrruwrr (In mt tango- "r-ttPity, Ibo-hm rol- C, P. R. and Urn-II T'srket. for lawn! ran“. " proutt"--N'tsver Rampant" tr,",Itef')r, y' -.r" "t9cjtitcQ 'fi'iiiiiiay [It W. n. BEAN Big 4 Embnlmluc u Specumy 1hiitlf J. P. TELFORD "all ineof ‘lb It 1?lti'r",igi,i',t?lh, Money to Mun. on mhron th., omit: tut'),', Sun... CON V EYANCER. to d) it H. JACKSON ry Public. Unnuuindmn A. BELL Y enatgiaeotAltr.rttrt, - - DING! locus 8-.4 pa. 2-4 p. n. mummies“? new“: 0.0. a“ Besidenoan w noun. DOLL D, spunky-Iso- 'er I. P. m .60. - lunar: can It bin 1m MIC mun be LI (main. Hid Aittg DOLLARS "N, Ilmu-undn or ttuettt rule-u. with tite lmrrnwrr on I'IH', ”with: cot. {In mV. Hum pf pmpvrw tor «I De men. t rimming. V n W - tulle sand no“. Id chap u the IL)! from Hiddwah m ttni-St, and Burma out m. Normal rm. "we Hanover ud Incum- tun {um onset. up. Durham no: Mr, " we! bl Pt

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