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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jun 1914, p. 7

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IURE ange the kit" " u " It.' " Kai I: hue H m tl tho Spa B' tl I TT wt 21 hree Hundred Pound Python Wrapped Its Coils Around An Attendant? " an. Two muuired Men Fight Planes at R New Lukeard. A eiespatch from Haileybury, Ont, says: An exceptionally warm spell coupled with 5 high wind kn Janna! scores of bush fires into ' flame again in the north, and while lm serious damage has been done ' to tt theta“; are alarming. In 7 New as ea the tim derparerteot ..atrtstiht Arr eight hours to an Kenn sismttu lumber yard and the T. & N. o. Mon. From all points in the "strut. smoke and has! an Ion-'1! be seen. ly the mjority of Les in Ares Ipnng up in notion! Polic" Will Try to Fled the Buiei or Radford and Street. 1 l .14 ':r)atclt from Begin. says: To nun v. f-r the bodies of Radford uni :vm-t. explorers and engi- rl. r'l - “my went into the polar re- J,. ',' nmv- three years ago and At's oorrted murdered by Eski- Tld l ct. party " moursted policemen alumni" llePt'bol' Berto lave Regina J. mt June goth. " u not yet \nw\\n lznw many men will form the mum, ‘mu supplies and equipment Hunt in mlwn for three year.. Tl. up}; they are to undertake ll :‘l l.» mw 'st' the moat perilous ever w.rnfctr',ror,l npnn by members of tho \vt 412:1: tlrtot of the North-West. I‘ln- 1mm will commence their in. \rxxmnvlww in the territory adja- will tst t 'urs,,terfield Inlet, and the ummrx uh:rh they will have to rum-r t, xln- lllvakest in all Canada. Thu {1:11;} sill maintain order it "udct " " May pasta. and patrol oos tilull~uml miltw, inland. On" llumlrod People at [mm Lost Their Lives. A dmpnu-h from St. John, N.B.. Bays: Stories of appalling loan of life on the northern coast. of New Brunswick still continue to drift in here. and the latest reports place the human toll at 100 souls at. Lead. and the damages to shipping and property on the coast amounts to hundreds of thousands of dolls”. On account. Of tho poor telephone and telegraph service in that dis.. trict details of the horrible dim- ter have been hard to obtain, but it has been practically, asoertained that nearly every fishing villlyo pn the mast from Cur-quot to Ship- pegan has paid badly in liver and prop? rty NH ll'l IUl Nit INADEQlX‘TE. 'li) HM)“ UP 'rrr,h.Whimp. (.2!) Hall Park on Friday a mu “Ml toward the Nathan Hula man and placed his hands on it. t remained that way for three llllltfn finally removmg his hat th hi, left hand, and then diap- nrml in the throng. m not» of , man “no a. signal thatthe Cu. rd Steamship Company would y 31mm rather than have one timn' ships blown up by dyms. trs Tin-y were the prelude to Ct i'a.rrrur" of Henry Westoott. a mnhn hum». in Bogota. NJ. Noun had written several watt-Hing letters and the com- n". finally agreed to throw the meg. from an express train, and Jami; their intention in the uunvr described. A package W8 Thu” from the train later and u-n the negro picked it up ho was sl tIll FOR I'ISKIMO LAND. AN RESCUE!) FROM SNAKE kmailer Caught in New York by Clever Ruse. ei, "raich from New York says: .f t',w great throng of persons " In t tll ti or BIG STORM. BIS" FIRES ALARMIN G. 1 Park by one of the My new of ytrnveling show, _ exeitintr occurrence won oi fatal termination by the adodnosa and bravery of the woman in question. A man Harry Thomas, employed as stunt in the snake exhibit, l the “nit" or enclosure oc- h; -Edward this Great," n I. sou'h American python n-wntly arrived, and whidt ,7, J,et become accustomed to surroundings. "Edmud" iltr"t" 300 pounds and men.)- 1 "r.-'rr,.os in circumference gt. LN: pant, and this udded to amch from Guelph an: , conspicuous heroism VI! I cm Tuesday at the Ex- u: “all the Sum Required m Fur Been Subscribed. n. " me High is estimated lwwl bhat 2180,000 will be fur the relief of depen- ' the Empress of Ireland, w; and crew. Towards this Wm: has already been re- |.iwrpool fund, £16,000; fund. £31,000; Canadian Emmy Muaemy assis- ill also come through legal minn. payable to the crew, ‘31qu damages, payable to ms. There is also the Mail- orrn orphatttres. With all ‘ul'ccs reckoned, however, unt so far received is quite .un- fur the needs of the /rv intractable disposi- serpent. fresh from his as, makes the big snake us opponent if not care- "ached. Thomas, who is n, was epgaged in sweep , den, when: without the urning, he found himself enveloped in the great eerpent’e dummy coils. Thomas was able to give one shout for assistance before the conetricting body tightened about his throat, end he lapsed into unconsciousness, wrapped from neck to ankles in the scaly mon- ster's ever-titthtening folds. Mar- guerite Still, cashier of the show. was in the ticket berth outside, and was the only one who heard the choking scream of the unfortunate Thomas. With rare presence of mind she dwhed into the snake en- closure where Thomas lav inert in the coils of the great serpent, and, seizing a small iron bar, partially pried the tropical destroyer from his victim. Then, hurriedly taking from her recticule a vial of smelling salts she poured the entire contents into the open, hissing mouth of the snake. Choking under the power- ful fumes, the huge snake relaxed his pressure. and several employees rallying to Miss Btill's call for help, succeeded in freeing Thomas from the coils which, in a moment more, l would have crushed out his lite. Among the changes contemplated by Shackleton for his antarctic expedition is the adoptlon of a "nineteen-hour day. ' He has been reported as saying that our conventional twenty-four hour day him no raison d'etre In the polar regions, and that time would be saved by estab- lishing a different and more suitable unit. lie suggests elght hours for work and exploration. three hours each for meals and their preparation. and eight hours for sleep. This schedule would save the hours a day and Bhort- cn_t_he time ot. the expedition. __ . There are those who doubt the wls- dom of the proposed polar day. It leaves little or no time for recreation, amuse- ment, rest other than sleep. It is true that there are no theatres. music halls. dances. elaborate dinner parties in the polar regions. But Scott took a gramo- phone along. and another explorer 8. planola with him. Smoking, reading, 'kgtrtitue.mt,ng; card or chess playing. foot all, baseball and other sports or amusements are. of course. swan-Me re- soun‘es even in the arctic and antarctic rexlons. ls lt more efrieient to concen. trate, cut into the part of the day set aside for recreation and sociability. than to follow the usual and habitual rout- ine'.' Would not a nineteen-hour day overtax the physlcal and mental ener- tties of the explorers? This is the real question. and " is one which members of previous polar expeditions are moat competent to answer. no 00".: aare a mu. We are a dnnclnx people. Ours is the golden age of rhythmic tripping to lllb in: music. Having fussed through a period of vulgar or: es the country Is now beginning to adopt the more rettn- ed forms of dancan as an expression of emotion. Reformers who have opposed dancing on moral grounds are swept aside bv a craze which sweeps the world with 2m unrestraln tnthuslyrT. & H WI|II all ll!“ cBll-nll tu.--uu-.....-.. Why dance? It is an interpretation of folk iore national traits. life and thouttht--a poetical expression of mood: and emotions and indulged in for pleas- ure, beauty. art and health. In the evolutionary tho dance alreturn to [no dai/ca: of notteeqbte, Leaders who are interested In con- serving the nrt and clean beauty of the pastime are trying to direct the craze In the right direction. It cannot he cannot be stopped; it can only be direct- ed and regulated. A popular crue is always attended by peculiar dangers. This is particularly true of the dance. They who sincerely believe that danc- ing is as much a part of life as singing. painting or laughing owe a duty to the public in safeguarding its standards and making It decent and delightful. 1 What Idmtion In. There are some persons who think that education requires lots of money-- grand buildings. elegant furniture. many conveniences and everything extrava- gant and rich. But such people know no more of what education means than a night owl knows art. Education is plain. simple. clean and strnixht. it doesn't put on style or want to make a [not impr-llon. Alt these little whims of elem“ an! ex- travagance tr. toes to education. They are tricks of moi-much to catch the child. education is not tinsel. [ovum grand buildings or 810,000 8813110.. 1 no WI fifth Ion. l All the world loves a lover, end when royalty steps out ot its class to wed there is a touch of genuine humanity which is lurking in the coldly calculated nuptials of princely blood. The mur- riaite of Prince Oscar. the tiernmn Kais- er's tttth son. to a. mere countess, who is his mother's maid of honor. will be the llrst morganatic union in the Ho- lienzollern family since 1853, when a great uncle of the present Emperor was the brideRroory.. It EmperorA 1Sy1le,'?, Comment on E vents An Important Discovery. _ Thrre has quite reeently Been brought to the world one of those Beientlt1c is- cuveries which may. without much ex- aggeration. be described as epoch-mak- ing. Like that of radium. it was made by " woman. and tn a laborstory in Paris Mme Victor Henri ha. establish- ed the {act that under the 1ntttMrnee ot ultra-violet rays microbes mar be madl- tied to a. degree that in virtua ly equiva- lent to trurisrrorrmsUon into a. new spe- cies. The sun-tce ot this. not mere- ly in medicine. but also for biology in general. hardly needs emphasizing. "M. and Mme. Henri conclude that it is possible to Infer that all microbes hove originally had a common origin. and that it confirms the doctrine of Do , - on.-- nut n‘vn‘ll..nn or trans- no 19-10m- nny In Polar lotions. we mung-mu... -. --"".'"-'"" as in reported. has sanctioned the love match of hits son. he gives another prout of his common sense. snn luau. u. lusssn-u..~ ..._ -_' Vries concerning the evolution or trans- mutation of species. not by gradual adaptation. but by sudden and highly contrasting transitions." says a Paris correspondent. In a. note sent to him by the discoverer she says: “It is evident that the effect produced on the microbes of anthrax is what we call. after the theories of De Vries, a ‘transmutation.’ that is to say an evolu- tion with a sudden chanxe in the bio- logical characteristics. It is in this re- spect that De Vries moditUd Darwin‘s theory of evolution. by showing that the variation of species is produced by sudden leaps or mutations. and not by profressive variations. What " observ- ed n the microbes of anthrax is a real mutation. and one is obliged to edmit that the diversity of microbes actually known either proceeded from a common origin or from s few primitive forms, which. under the action of the solar light. became transformed. and gave rise .to a wrote series of forms of mutations. and which engendered divers maladies." Queen Wilhelmina. of the Netherlands is evidently determined to do her duty as a modern monarch. Not only does she regularly visit most. if not ell. of the greater towns of her kingdom, but she is devoting special attention. ac- cording to a correspondent of the Co- logne Gazette, to trade and industry, studying the details of commerce and manufacture. interesting herself in various enterprises for the promotion of public welfare and paying aux-prise visits to factories and worhhopo. In Amsterdam she has entered cells: dwel- lings and ascended to the upper ttoo" of working-class tenements in order to see for herself, something of the hotte- in. problem. EVenlnx lectures are qiv- en at court. not unfrequently on the Dutch colonies. end she attends moon- vres of troops. This is in accordance with the traditions of the House of ___.. -- _lnl. on- irurLhterh" with the trunnion: on um ”v..- -- Orange. as well as with the aiiibuirtwt pracdce or the heads ot [rector Mates. which doubtless itt . comma-Ibis Inc- tor in that revival of the populu'lty ot monarchy which contrasts no snap]: A‘--- s... m..-- an. nan - monarcn) Inn.“ _V..W..-.r- -- __,_, _ e with the conditions in many continent- al countries a xenention or no "o. Queen lehelmlna is not alone in her conception of royal duties. Bari crowned head in Europe in hard at - getting in close touch with tho people. In Spain more In Kine Alton-o, who would certainty be the tir" Pro-Idem it there were s Spanish republic. In Germany there " m Gilmore! who, lu- tocratie though be my be. u loolod on . --- AI-A nun-O ".qg.E-" In“ Cf 371; $86613" ' In tttq counter, who are interested. in Phe iG"ireGiiuerittt century 'L"iu"7Ga"iiisaii -- "v; man is PRIBES (if ftilllll Mllllltn Toronto, June 16.--ttour--ontario wheat Hours. Ito per cent.. $3.86 to $.90. seaboard. and at $3.90. Toronto. tuMtoba--Ptrst patents. In Jute bass. 85.60' dp., seconds. 86.10: strong bak- ers' in jute bags. " Manitoba wheat-Bar ports-No. 1 Northern, " and No. 2, 98te. Ontario wheat-No. a at 31-03 to $1.otr, outside. and $1.06, on track. To- “PM” no. In! LEADIHO MI CERT“. OP WHOL- oattr--Nty. 2 Ontario oats. MI to 40e, outside, and at 42"., Ot track. Toronto. Western Canada oats. ”it: for No. 2, and at “It: for No 3. h"_y ports. Petur--1'rice. nominal. "uariey---aood muting barley, " to 58c, according to “unity. Byer-No. ' at " to “c. outside Htickwheat--90 to 930. outside. Corn-No. 2 American, ”to. c.i.f.. Midlnnd. Bran-Manitoba bran. 824 to $26 a tyyy in_trytrs, Toronto freight. Shorts. ronto, -t'2itisii, Butter-Choices aux-y, " to 19c; in- ferior, " to 16e; tarmers' separator grime. 19 to Me; cremery prints, fresh, , to 24c; do., solids. " to Me. Etmtr---81 to Me yer dozen In case lots. Honeyr-Rxittets, in tina, lot to tire per lb. Combs. 82.25 to 82.60 per dozen for: No. 1, §_nd 82_tor Nt.' ma' ' .. HUI UMBIIUI. IIIIIVB. 'lvlv wwe M-'-'" Fo'G'i';7-'-'-rrGe'i', " to 190 per 1b.: chickens, 19 to 20c; ducks. 20e; geese IlUto 18c; tugkgyn. 20 tags?“ ., ttt nun nu. ., m... n w. ANNr. -. che-s-Mew cheese, 14 to 141c for lame. and In to “lo for twins. 13esntr-Hand-picked, $2.25 to 82.30 no; tsqrhel;_Priritetu$l!._10 A? $3.20. m . Au l0 IVV, Tha&"Eir"' uv n: no“. Potatoes-Dei-res, 81.10 to $1.16, on track, here; and Ontarios at $1 Der iarra inc lt, Ruled hir-ko. '1 at t15 to 315.25 ton, on track. here; No. 2 at $13.60 $1:.5_0._and elevating 11tu,, "P. ' Cit It is a. curious coincidence that the Kaiger had -mly one daughter out of a large family, and his son, the Crown Prince, has not even one. King George of England has but one little Princess in his home, "£31211 'iii';a;e"f-'-é' "ar‘ioiaf‘ss on track, Toronto. Bacon, long clear, 14 to “lo per lb. In tttWe lots. Hams-Medium, 18 to 19c; do., heavg. 17 to 180; rolls. 141 to 16e; reakfast neon. 18 to 19e; backs. 22 to_Mc. _A_ A“ . qtyN n w L"irrii-.-auerees, 1 Uc ; tubs 1 3c. loan-n1 “to“. Montreal. June 16.---Corn, American No. 2 yellow, 78 to Tilt?. oatti--CUnauiitu1 Western. No. s, 44tc; do., No. It, 43*: No. 2 feed. W,'; .i]jiihe,tio-h't1i,t/l a feed, " to We F our-Man tuba Spring wheat patents. tlrtgtrs, $6.60. do., sec- onds. $5.10; strong bakera'. 54.90; Witt- ter patents choice. $5.26 to ".60; stranht roller-n. 84.70 to t4.90; do.. in bags. $2.30 to $8.86. Rolled otstB--B- rela. 84.66; has or " lbs. $2.15. Mui- feed-Ben, tsr, shorts. $25; mtddllngs. $28; mounue. sis to 888. Hay-mo. 2, per ton car lots, $14 to 815.60. Cheese .--Pinest westerns. " to man; do., east- erns. IU to 12%. Butter-Choices" 'i'i'l5."""i?i' 24) to Mc; seconds. 2:” to 23V. trtrs----Fresh. 23 to 240; seteeted, 26 to 27c; No. 2 stock. 20 to 210, Pota- toem-Her bag. cat lots, 95 to $1.1rc Winn”: (Ir-1n. i Winnipeg, June Ic-tash-vsp-l, wheat-No. 1 Northern, 943v; No. 2 do., 938e; No. 3 o, 920; No. 4. Mic; No. 5, 80he; No. B, Tlite; feed. Tobe. L)uts~~No. 2 C.W., MHe; No. ' do., Me; extra No. II feed. 390: No. 1 feed, say; No. 2 do., 3810. Barley-No. 2, 5296; No. 4. Blicz‘ rejected. tuc: feed, 4yic. Fnax--No. 1 N.-w.c., $1.40; No. 2 UAV,, 81.37; No.) 3 do., $1.25. _ $rnttqd Intel lumen. _ Minneapodls. June 16.--wheat--Jutv, $0te; September, 853C; No. 1 hard. Mt to 95te; No. 1 Northern, 90h to MIC; No. 2 do,, 90h to 92in. Corn-No. 3 yellow. 69k to 69he. oats-No. 3 white, at to Mc. Flour and tFur-tmet-treq. Duluth. June "fiC-whetit--ly1o. 1 hard. 953C: No. 1 Northern. Mic: No. 2 do.. 9931 to 933C: July, 931C. Linseed--Caah, $1.603; July, $1.61|.. In“. luck mm. Toronto. June ".--Cattle--cmoicp but- chers. 88.25 to 88.50; Rood. " to $8.15: common cows. " to 35.60: cannon; and cutters, $2.60 to $4; choice tat cows. $6.50 to $7.25; choice bulls. " to $7.50. caivea-Goqd veal. 88.25 to $10.50: common. $4.75 to " Smokers and teeitertr--Steery, 800 to 900 lbs, $7.25 to $7.76; good quality, 700 to 800 lbs.. " to 87.50; light, 86.25 to 87.25. Sheep and tamber-Light ewes. $6 to tr, heavy. $4.50 to $6; bucks. 84.75 to 86.80; Spring lambs, cub. " to 87.50; yearling iamba. ".60 to $8.15. mrtrsi-H1.tt to " fed and watered: “.20 to 58.25 " cars. and $1.50 to "iiiiiii"-At .9610 33.20 to 88.26 ott $7_.r6t.o.tr.. .___- $1.00 l.U.U. Montreal. June 16.-Prtme, beeves. sac; medium. 6 to Sic: common. " to 5 c: millrrttert'ts strippers. Bic to uc; miloh cows. $30 to $80 each. Calves. " to Te; sheep. " to Sc: sprlng lambs, scarce. at from " to " each; hogs. " to 90. L Seven Former Employes of C.P.R. Convicted. A despatch from Vancouver, B.,C., says: Seven men formerly COD- victed of robbery at Kamloops aasizea and sentenced to three years each in the panitaeutiny. For some time the Canadian Pacitie divisional yards at Eam1oops have been rob- hed 3nd in all more than '10,000 worth of sooth taken. Went Into Sin-on River [though Be Could Not Swim. A mm}: from Nespaoee says: A boy named Miller, eighteen years of age, who was working on the steamer uncut, went in nim- mina in the Singlet: Rivgr..ond iii'in.TiF My was recovered . Chow m. we; aiii:.fiiir, Miller could a".?.! C Mt ROBBERS SENTENC ED . NAPANEE YOUTH DBOWNED. ruled Buy and meaw. Country mam A RECENT PHOTO OF THE GERMAN CROWN PRINCE AND " lily-4?. Provincial. The Grant! and English Royal Families Mostly Run to Boys. " to $8.50 12te; pails to in Mlil flllll'il BREE-f! ISLE NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE. LAND‘S SHORES. Mr, S. F. Morris of Waterford was thrown from his horse on his way home nmr Catsmck, and ser- iously injured. Happenings in the Emerald we ot Interest to Irish. men. After the Lapse of about nine years a. race meeting was held in Gallium over the Geraldine Course . week ago. _ Mr. George McCauley of Cliiden was fatally injured in a. bicycle amident on the road between Clif- dam and the Marconi station. Mr. H. Lowe, merchant, of Clare, about 60 years of age, fell dead in his yard. Death was due to cere- bral hemorrhage. _ . A large number of buildings are now in course of erection at the Curragh Camp, and giving employ- ment to a great mapy. A committee has been formed to take over the, tolls of the fairs and markets in Carriclruotr8hannon, and it is said the purchase price. is 81,600. _ Net whom on the Slaney are not having as successful a season as last year. Some good takes, how, ever, hay: been captured. _ The Local Government Board have issued a Provisional Order an- thorizing the erection of 37 labor- ers' houses in South Westmeath. Thirty men of the railway bal. last staff working between Athlone and Mayo ha.ve been paid off as a sequel to a disputed dinner your. Thomas Fiddler, who has been an inmate of the Gorey Union Infirm, ary for a. number of years, has just died at that institution at. the age Over five hundred acre-s of game covert on Mullaghfad Mountain, near Fil-emiletown. owned by Sir Bani} Brooke, Bart., have been de. stroyed by fire. of Ir was reported at the Wexford Board of Guardians that there were, 1,000 vaccination deiaulters in the Wexford Dispensary district, and 86 in Taghmon district. . The death has occurred after a brief illness at his residence, Ab- bey Street. Itoscormnort, of Mr. J. M. Whelan, one of the most, popu- lar solicitors in the West of Ireland. An extensive fire that. burned in a, semi-circle, covering a. distance of upwards of five miles, illuminar ted the slopes of Mourne, when, through some reason, the Mourne Mountain caught fire. . ' . On being presented with white glov at Coleraine Crown Sens- i,'da',',"i,hau'dgue Todd declared that he could nearly establish a, glove shop with the. gloves he had receive-4 since he came to County Derry. In the Dublin. registration area. the births registered during the past week amounted to 207, and the deaths to 231. There were 13 deaths in Dublin from measles, and 143 cases under treatment. Miss Emma. Henry, whose death at the age oi 101 is recorded, was the last survivor of one of the old- est families of the Deertnusrtin (County Derry) district. She was a. daughter of Captain Henry, who occupied an important position in the old Yeomanrg Service. Remains of Victim ot Empress Reaches Toronto. A despetoh from Toronto we: The remains of Mrs. John Edward Dodd, who went down in the Em. press of Ireland, arrived in Toron- to Friday night. Mrs. Dodd was formerly Miss Violet Victoria. lust- son, hiring been m.rried. on May Show» Mr. Dodd, whom“:- taut editor of the Wu Cry. She was 27 years of use. A despatch from Oshkod), Wit, says: Frederick Hines, hm agent of the Boo Una hex-cum“ and may W but new by u highwayman. A y OTHER BOD E ARRIVES. SHOT BY EIGHWAYIAN. Illi NEWS IN Hullllilllhl Canada, the Empire and the “or" to General lit-lore You! Hun. Canada. The Winnipeg Free Prgss say-s Manitoba provincial elections will be, held July 9. Quebec héahs a. rumor that: the Duke, oi Conmsughb may rmnmn m Calgada until April. 1916._ - “APP JNINUS FRO)! ALI. OYEI Tl”) GLOBE LN A _ HUTSIIELL The Commons passed a, loyal may sage of farewell to the Duke of Connaught, the Duchess and Prin- cess Patricia. The revenue of Canada. for the first two months of the current fu- cal year fell off 85.392313. and the customs 85,'220,674, as compared with the same months. Vandals entered the home of Hon. P. S. G. Mackenzie, provin- cial treasurer of Quebec, and des, troyed furnishings to the value of about $400. More than 5330.000 was subscribed in a few hours to the Empress Sur- vivors' Fund of the Montreal Board of Trade. The Bank of Montreal has headed the subscription list with $16,000. Winnipeg's Industrial Bureau wants the scalp of (LS. Consul- General Dillingham for reporting to Washington that winter in Winni peg lasts from Octmber to June, with the thermometer going down as far as 15 below zero. and that the climate is responsible fur rmeu- mania, and other diseases. Great Britain. The London building trades strike is not yet settled. 7 - The ciitiiGli.Lnat Congress of C-hambergof Commerce. favored an asrtremomieal ttrhour day. l'nitod States. The bill to repeal the. exemption of coastwise shipping from Panama Canal tollA was passed by the United Sthtes Senate. That French fashions arp not fit for good women was declared'be- fore the General Federation of Wo. men's Clubs at Chicago. -hfilriiinoiw strike has been rp- newod in Italy. and the strikers are displaying a f‘icifms mood. . Australian elections will September tr, _ German scientists are coming to Ca,nada to employ a new wireless wave apparatus for investigating the internal structure of the earth and detecting the presence of both water and ore deposits. Constable Edwards of White River Makes Another Haul. A despatch from Toronto says: Provincial Constable James Ed- wards of White River has added an- other feather to his cap. Two weeks ago he had the Hudson‘s Bay Com- pany fiued $16,000 for buying furs out of sewsgn and on Wednesday he effected 'snother haul. At a north- em place called Missamrbie, he found in the bush 181 beaver skim; and 14 otter skins. worth in all About $3,500. The furs were ship- ped towards Toronto. Attempt at SriGDestrttrtion Car-l rim! Out try Alleged Murderer. A despatch from Montreal trays:,) Joseph Beauchamp. one of the two alleged bandits being held for iii))) next September on a charge of mur- l dqring Donahue BouMon at St} Laurent on Tuesday night, tried to' destroy his own life at the Bor. deaux jail, where he is jummtr ed; He piled his gift“, time an chm nituk e door o his ':'s,ili'ei'iitr.'in thgpile. “he nn'oke gthhbon cud the lama m speech}: cut out. Mon no like needles; when they are broke men in." no me for FINDS SKINS WORTH $3,500. TRIED TO FIRE JAIL. General. be held hlllll.l'll'hl)i'rS DARING 'i'iii'iijiiii"i, Most Dramatic Scene Yet Enacted In Campaign otl Destruction ' A desputch from London says: The militant suffragettes staged one of the most dramatic new of their campnign Friday Albernoon when they exploded a. bomb hr Westminster Abbey. at the very moment thoe the Right Hon, Regi- nald McKenna. Secretary of State for Home Affairs, was delivering an optimist-10 speech in the House of Commons nearby regarding the Government's method of dealing with the "svildoromeo/1 __ - Mrs. Mary Buller who has taken up ttytme as I protetm1ott, l. Jamming to drop in literally on her frlen s for unev- noon (can from the ttyintr ground where :86 In stationed an 1 racing putt. - Mrs. Butler has Just returned from France. where she underwent a long course of tralnlnx In preptsrttttort for her present post as ttyintr roresentative of an aeroplane manufacturing concern. She has entered for the aerial Derby Hound London and will be the ttrrst wo- man who has ever competed tn lhle ram-r Mrs Butter Iayl she never lone! her head. but frequently lance her temper when she zeta tnto a tttrttt place. blue has been f1yitut for three years and has neygr hula urloup yrtrtdtrntu . . ' This latest invention is of tho mono- rnll type. but hm one of the Bachelor futures. inasmuch an " will tty utter attaining a certain speed. it do” not rely for imitation on magnetic repul- sion. but on the principles of avtatiott. tii will be a hybrid of a street rat" and un aeroplane. with In overhead trolley and mopellern. The model is driven by electricity. The invonter ctaimre thut it an attain a speed of 500 miles an hour with ease and surety. and he expects to give a demonstration soon with a work- inz model. The train is connected with tue cahlo‘ nu... - - "UV..- .le-B-t-'re..e She explains that she wu forced into the ttying game, but by cirrum-umceu she could not resin. She was living quietly in the country near Shoreham on a farm. gun of which was nvquired for an new rome, and later a waierplane station was erected hear her home. This proximity proved too much and Mrs. Buller soon took up ttying, tirnt as a rad, but as she increased in protirrieney she adopted " u a. proremston. 003th line - to Public. _ Some magnificent suerilnens of Geprxigm silver gtorgd in the \auitf of a London bank tor three-quarters of . cenmry have been placed on sale. The 114 lots. ot which one clone consists ot a service including 369 Runes and forks, are a portion ot tho Couttl heirlotttrttt, which once belonxed to Harriet Mellon, Duchess otAt._Aibtuur. . . .. Harriet Mellon. who was originally an actress. had a romantic career. Hund- some and vivacious. she was one of the stage favorites of her time She mv- ried Thomas Coulis. an octogenurian banker. and when he died she inherited the whole of his fortune. and ttve runs inter married thts ninth Duke of St. Ar. bans She died In Ig$7. and during the long years since her silver hu lulu undls- turbed In the bank vaults until It was removed last week for the present sale. The wrnpplng- had been entirely eaten uvay by Insects. but the plate itself ap- pears to be entirety new. Most of the plate was made by Paul Starr. Phlllp Rundell or John Briggs, three eminent tyilvertrrttithtg of the dun 2403: of " was purctttrsed by Thoma 'ou trr. l Among the t'ourss-a where the gulf [green tty has been detected are those of I the Deuham an ts'unnintrdttle clubs where " has been rpmpomllble for a (real deal of damage. But at tho: Royal College of Science a powder has been found which [effectually destroys the golf green tu. In well u the leather jacket and the SI. 1 Mark's ny-the other known pent! whlvl. (rrbxuMte col! Breetw. The powder makes i' the greens uninttrurittrtrte by any of i,theae pens for at least a year after I” i use. one of the most striking pivot-.1 ha a pair of silver centrepieces. which Weigh 1.233 ounces. They are tttted with cir- (‘ular baskexs chased will: wreuhs of Ivy and tuttsnthurbor1terr', A The stems are fashioned to represent folluge and round them are grouped Bum-hanalian tuuretr. Thu: was one of the masterpieces of Paul Starr. und was made In 1816. _ Honor“! In“: to 25701 " 500 mm. While experts continue to discuss the prtwtlcrsbitlt.v of M. Bachelors "eruelly suspended runway. J, Essun, a Birming- ham manufacturer. announce-s that he has Invented a train which will unvel 600 miles an hour, 200 mites am hour faster than the Bachelet train. -iiujuat, was placed beside the i Hut neither Shah-spout. nor Havon‘l 33h. Trotman holds. wrote the immortal- ,sonneu- and pin-I. According to him! :they lre the work of John Trussrll. a: ‘member of a family resident for cen- liiiiii/si u Blllnley. not): turtxtrord-on-' $Avon. and Hnyor of Winrhetster. where, [he made such a charming rpeech to: lQuoen Heinrich; Maria after her mu- |rince there with Chan" 1. that she 'l'eil clued the m a pleased at it be had given her 10.000 crowns. m. 900ml "The fir-t Rape of Fur Helen." his changer: can. Wye 1.ee. aiiiiiiikitrF,r, , He has found an Insect hitherto un- known. but now named the golf green tir, which destroys the tender, dedicate grass on puumg new“. . In the eurllm' stages of Its extutpnva looklm: for all the world like a brown seed in the Chrysalis name " conceal! Itself In the Item of the arms. In the last, or tty, stage it I: a tiny dark brown insect scarcely distinguishable- from u midtre. It belongs to the sane (rout: as the wheat pest. the Benign tty. . .. Another theory an to the Mentity of the ideal pertsoruslitv Around whom Shakespeare wrote many of his now tutu ls adv-need in a \olume In which nobody would mum-t to and " The vol- ume II a cheap reprint of a sixteenth venturv devotion work. 'The Triumph; Over bath." by the Venerable Robert Southwell. n {my} priest. . Our London Letter iGCeiii"irtAiuiriiu, nnd on. h" not qu N" "T WV"-" ... w" --â€"â€"~ ttpd, may to the quvno_ tittret' In dropped . wreath over the spot which " In preserved. one is nimble to urn“ Bn opinion on the point. It is " dent that Mr. Trotmm but prepar- ed ngrmeatrte act-cue for the was or the and", _ tir Woman to PV to - cm. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATIM. Who Did Writ. Imtmn? TORONTO but It,", since the Seamus- of my Comm glue on the make! " you- wt ”In... a ' In". lava-mom. may be wit drawn In a." In! um. after one var. Sch u I new tlcuhn and booklet (In!!! “rubbed on ”out. comanuuon mm sumac . ram 0"- I?!“ fill“ Md OSL THIS INVESTMENT "V PAID 7% FIR ANNE!“ famous Oorottatiott Clair in Mr, ward the Centennial Chapel. A1- nhough it did little damage. lih‘ previous ttlempts at destruction a the same kind, in report non-$1 cd to the dumber of the glue. in-' terrupting Mr. McKennl‘s oration and bringing wine of the when into the street to learn what had happened. The detonation wan heard for may block. around, at. a. crowd quickly filled tho square ini front of the Abbey. but tht polio" were in immediate pomsnon and! closed all the doom. If use: the General Petroleum Compony.‘ through which an option in held on tho Union Oil Corporation. Qu/a."""" " whose property in now d rod. 1n the event of . Iucceui‘ul issue strong: competition will mommy be of- tered to the Rand“ on (‘ompom' and. the irdnrirjictipn,ityjte to“ ttt In“ t? IBIIIk‘Ivu up u. -.___ __ value?! ubout "5.000.000 In mouth: as the Notable devglovmont. In, tho third lock. mi. duplication i is a. feature of the lock: on the Pa- tnuna. Canal. where the Name will; I be much less in volume than At "the 72,000,000 “In ot Freight Page! Locks Last Year. _ No less than seventy-two million tons of freight passed through an locks of Sault Ste. Mario on (he Great Lakes last you. The“ lock: which connect. Lake Superior with" the lower lakes. no now hum-d of our inla,nd navigation system, fol} through them pom newly " I'", cent. of the entire him tunic, an“ the Engineering New.. _ . . - 't To increase the facilities ton' handling the (tame on the American‘ side, 5 lock of exoeptiond size in under construction, .4 m additiot to the two existing loch, while on “annual: bu been commenced tod, a. fourth lock. - ", It VI. considered dasinblo hi duplicate the new look, not so much to increuo the teaffie capacity as to provide against interruption to tragic in the event, of any midgnt Boo." The additional lock wu nu thorized by Congress in 1912, cut work is now in progress on the 'ex caution. - :iPOIII(‘Ii SEEK "y,tit'r'.Rh0oEts'. With all this work completedj there will be the unique spew]. of two pamllel and adj-mac wall with four parallel single lift ioekur.1 Express Attulmd and Many Pm. "rirr' Are nored. , A despawh from Milan Mytzl Tho Berlin expreu was attacked) near Como. All the windows were; broken and a more of injured pol-l wagers had to descend Eur medial" treatment. An attempt wa- mall».l to blow up the railway bridge at Pl-nrt with dynamite bomb-u Vast crowds of riotem (imam; lmola. station. datum-d the 1ooomo-i tives, overturned rolling stock. and; set everything on fire Between, Anemia and bulootusra many miles' of trek were torn up. A Show of, siege has been proclaimed at An-. cone. where barricades have been erected. At Naples many people, were killed and wounded when the strike-rs stormed the Ctsraloioiori barracks. and the artillery opened fire on the riotem, with quickHiret -iheid were many fimligies in tUhting at Florence and Turin. Sewn 0Nupanln Held Prim-on l'nder a Molnr far. Brownsville. Ont., June 't.---Be- van periom. all of Aylmer, 0m... had a. narrow "cap!- from death just nun-id: this village last. night. when the automobile of G. R.. Christie turned turtle and dropped into a ditch while turning out to avoid a wagon Minding in the road. FoMunm-ly u the spot where the cor cupsiud the ditch was very deep. and u a recult tho occupants were not cruelmi us they otherwise would lave been. The! weight of the mnclvinc. llowam. kept them prisoners for a long time until one of tho men of the my crawled out and obtained all sTilHiF.Rtl " \H'l0l ti M00". MACHIVI‘I 'rrrt?iF.D " Il'l'LE. Numb-1| ("shun Securing the Home In" vim-m. A despltch from Moose Jaw an: Fifty Mounted Policemen are smut-l ing this city all district in wordy of three deheedoe ifplicuo'dgn In“ ' my; unn- u.'...‘- n, of three duper-doe: implicated in the murder of J. B. Chine, 1.Po, of Ankh, Alberta. Bl' " $00 CA NAL. ad " g; L! a',

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