West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Jun 1914, p. 8

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both have this in“ pine " tb, lea day tho, A, r dos. "pe bro. wh g}. wer ch; ht Th 1e.% all: wa ma th ' a: mo tb ne' er ha. BA on. nus wk tht w h "or Bttt to hit. bri bea the tee oy¢ pe' thr “I. the I"? lot " on N. up yo' vi". lik ym pa c0- $$SEEEEEEEEEEEE§§§§EE§E w CENTRAL DRUG STORE ii', Field and Garden Seeds w '.t.t Si' The Central Drug Store 2E: asaaaaasae 43239 .a:ece:acr.ir.e,rsa:u3sa'.eii,i We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed 4m hand, including Chopped Corn Chopped Corn & Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats If you want Feed, call and 5le us will please you. Seeds ! Seeds 3 Seeds ! G. T. R. Ticket Agency Prices as low as any. The spatially designed tad up-to-date method now generally adapted for ethctunlly preventing entry of all d-aught, snow, that. rain or dust of my kind, thereby insuring an even temper- ntm throughout the building. Every window and every door thl'e ever made of wood will be equipped with Why deny yourself the maximum of comfort at the minimum of expense. All metal-weather strip costs less, is far more ef- lectin than storm “all and is a permanent institution, requiring no remoul. Moot public buildings in large cities are equipped with it. Architects specify it, the Government demands it. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Estimates cheerfully given. Work guaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Mennfactured and installed by Feed l Feed l Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford runabout; the touring car is six fifty; the town car nine hundred---f.o.b. Ford, Ont., complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from C. SMITH & SONS, Local Agents J. G. Furber: dk Go EVENTUALLY Govt. Tested Timothy and Clover Seed All-Metal Weather Strip We are paying 38c to 40: for Good Oats at our Elevator Headquarters for all kinds Why Not Now BUREAU, ONT Ford Runabout Oatmeal Millers Smith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed Seed Oats - Buy your tickets here "w":":-:""-'-'::")":...'..'.". Order Earl y Ou 1' pric es J! f.t.t In M m ' (I! fit tty (O! In (9! (f! R! It sgill continues very dry and warm weather. Mrs Mamet and son vialtad Salut- day with her sister. Mrs Robertson, Mrs. Douglas has imprcred her burn by mingling it. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bows from lim. cardme are waiting the haters parent. Mr, Ed. Hay for a few days. Mr and Mrs Jug “chew and bob Te of town 'le,'ldliotite;'lfAuA'tlffi?i" A number of the young peeple tork m we football match at Glened en Friday evening. _ _ "r' , Lemember the Sunday Schoor puufus on Friday June 20th. Alt weleome, . A number of the young people took in a party at Puke Lake recently. Sue Ms, M: ttm age. M.ay You head thi- pull at Illa Elerllnl'. MIsJ. ()xch ud. of Lundun. waited hn-r niece, Mr, J. Uuront. for smile days recently. Dr. Ellis, of Holstein. is kept busy attending sitk cattle at the Bend and elsewhere. On Monday Dr, Junieson. of Dur- ham. nhonk hands “ith mule ul’uur animus. Elocllnn apvroaching you know. Rev. WiMield Hum. an old Bend boy, visited some of his friends here the past week. Mr Hunt entered the ministry about. two years ago, was stationed as Uchvuud, successfully pas-ed his ex uninzuiuns um] although requested to [cumin another year in his present position, was transferred by the Contetence to n elation near Brampton. Continued buce3ht' Win. tield. On Monday, Mr J. w. Hunt of Hol- stein moved his cementing outht from Arthur tp. where he built two houses and a h urn to Mr Oirie Huut.'s, Mr Edwin Gardiner, we understand' has presented himself with an auto, In the uhwnce oi a cert tin Mrs Ray- mud, four kids invaded her rvsim-nre and carried ott three of her babies and now what about. " fox farm for the Bend y The young pitople of Latter Breen have our thaan for an invitation to a picnic at Puke lake. Bat, alas. the en- tertaintttent, was on the Hill inst. and we did not get the invitation until the 15d). Too tsad. The residence on the MOW-l Farm was recently treated to a coat " pamt and mow, hm "it, gentleuu-n. when passing. Political meetings are most talked of at presént. Several delegates from this vicinity attruMed their respective conventions in Dark: un Iasat werk. Miqs Iriine Greaves visited at. the home. of her uncle. Mr w. J, Philp last week. Amos conpregatic.n had the pleasure of hearing ll very iuteresting address tttt Indm {mm Rev. Mr Smith, who has been r. missionary there. Mrs w. J. Phil? was in Brantfurd lv,t week. We regret In announce the death of Mr Robert. Myers, who passed away on Friday last. His remains were in. terred in Amos cemetery. the funeral [wing largely attended by his friends and neighbors. We extend our warm- vst sympathy to the bereaved widow and funily. . ' A Vote fd Ramage is a Vote, for th abolition of the bar-too in Ontario. Mark your allot for Ramage on Ju e 29th. I uuuury Imus u nun trnbtoWa. l 1ltteFARLANE, & uu, Special Agents Tenders wil eteceivud lillTuesduy, Jane 30, till 2 p. . I'm the erection of two concrete abut ems at Allan Pnlk. Plans and specific;' ions may he seen with James Warren, gineer, Walk- oton, a? with the ersigned. A certified bank cheque' for $l00.00 must accompany each te r, payable to the Treasurer of theT nship of Bentiuck. Tho lowest ora tender not necessarily necepted. ' GEORGE BRUWN, tt.H. No, 4, Elmw od Tenders Ltmlash, June fl. 1011, lilillffRi)'fMfl?la)ll SAVES THE HAIR Don't look older than you are. It is i just as easy to look younger. W bile! tack of hair or poor hair ii not always m indication of age. it is frumently accepted as such. _ Sold and guaranteed, and - sour) money back if not "tistied. l A person welladvanced in years pos- -esingngood head of hnr is always 'zpoken of as "well preserved," Ever one can retain beautiful lux- uriant hair if they make the “fort. In almost every Instance poor hair or the loss of hair may he traced to the activity of the dandruff germ. New. bto's Herpitide prevents the scale like armunulation and puts the scalp in n perfectly healthy condition. With the elimination of the dandruff the hair no longer drops out. The itching of the scalp stops almost at once. - "fl -- "_-___.. v-- n- “I.“ DUI”? " Nowbro's [lerpicide is the remedy tori Terms of Bale t 20 per l', which there are many substitutes. pro-l purchase money to be aid parations claimed to be "just " good”. i sale and remainder in Jlll'd You don’t hare to accept a Ilibuitute. l interest Insist upon having genuine Herpicide. 1 For further nuticuim mm And keeps you Looking Young TORONTO EAST EGREMONT SOUTH BEND mu? LEADER ORCHARD Bridge Abutments. nuts the scalp in n The property ivconve iently located rundition. With about 6 miles from Dar m and but a the dandrutr the I eonsiderable quandly tilled and out. The itchinirinra)rle land, a small Ira e dwelling Inst at once. and a small barn and some ruit he" eis the remedy tori Terms of Sale: 20 per nt of the y substitutes. pm:-I purchase money to hominid thy of be "inst u annd" ...I- “a ..-..-tua, t_, . _ _ I THE DURHAM REVIEW In the interest .of Chas. RammeLLib- eral Cn.ndidate In South Grey, will be held in Holstein, Friday, June 19 Ncnagh, Saturday, June 20 In addition to the candidate, Messrs W. Calder, Durham, A. w. Wright, Mt. Forest and others will address the meetings. Everyone welcome. The other dat utily!r: J, W. \Iagmud L ”mar-pt Holstein and Armur 1“,. wrtpyirfto gh‘congregn- limb in 1lorohto, it qmc'ulwsnying t ' Ten \cars ago I publicly Stated that 1f the time. ever came when a political leodet' would positivclv and detinitely tace the electors ot this l’ruvin:c (n the temperance question that, whatever his p_arcy or politics, l As far as Iam concerned. it is not necessny to establish a detlnito or ;bomi tide alliance between thn party lot which Sir James Whitney is leader and 'lw liquor fumes It is enough for me to know that the liquor party. 'to the last man, will'vote and work lior the Conservative candidates. I therefure refuse to join my Voice :and Vote with the liquor forces. but, .011 the contrary, will do what lean 1 to secure the aseendaney of the party _ which is definitely pledged tea great Incasure of temperance reform. " - - - -- o _-----.-. I Would naively and earnestly sup- pott that leader. That day hascome; Naluvally I would have prelerred that the ln nor ofso doing had fallen upon the shoulders u the leader of my party. Ir, has happened other- wise, bat as a conscientous man, placing the ecoqomic. moral and Bo- 61m welfare oi the people at this Provinc- above mere party ascen- dancy. there is one thing for me to do, and that one thing I will do, and do it most huartily- namely, to use such oflirees and iMlaenee " I have in securing the election of MIN. W. Rowell Lu the, Premiership ol this Province. 1elwerlully accord to the present Government ltsjust need of praWr-- it did well for a time. Ls record in law enforcement has been praise- worthy. Bat something has hsppen- ed-its sympathies for temperance reform seem to be drying up. On tho tcmperaoee quesnion I tear lt has become reactionary. The death at waert Myers. Lot 24, Con. 15, iu'grem ht. took place at his home on Thursday of last week stl the age (A 43 years. Mr Myers' death was in many respects a sad one. He had been ailing with pleur- isy for the, past six weeks, bat his friends had the doctor‘s assurance that ho was improving nicely. On Thursday morning he had been about the barn performing light duties and feeling somewhat tired, he went to the house to rest. From his sleep he never awoke nor did his friends know that he had passed away for some time. The late Mr Myers is survived by a wile, three sons and a daughter. His muther and [our sons and two daughters also survive and are as follows : Charles in Collingwood. Georgein 1Vieeville, James in Hol- stein. Peter at home, Mrs Charles McMullen, ol Toronto and Mrs Neil McFaydeu. of Swinton Park. De- ceased was a resident born Ezremont- er, living there all his lite. The ta. ners! to Amos cemetery was held on Saturday, Rey. qutable ot Hope- ville, anointing. The family rela- ltionsfruma distance were all pres ent. 3, Consqyatiye glggy‘man l That Alchnlism is a dineatse is now romgnisvd by Science. No man in i his 5911393 brings disgrace on himself land family thrnugh choice. i “cum stops the craving' for drink. {builds up the system, studies the l nerve, It is guaranteed lo cure or ( hone fit or money refunded after a [fair trial. Alcura No 1. can he given ‘aecretlv by Any wife or mother wan- Hing to restore a dear one to health Jud usefulnew. Alcura No. 2 is the ; voluntary treatment. 5 Can he hudat our more uni $1,00 iperlmx. Ask for our Free Byooklet 'aloout Alcura. t McEhcurutx--0n Wednesday, Jane IO, to Mr and Mrs Hugh McEach- ern, lirh com. Egremont, a son. 1JcEACHER.N--0n Thursday, June 4, to Mr and Mrs James McKachern. 14th con., neon. h CURE Fort DRUNKENESS WITHIN ME REACH OF ALL Dated June 17, 1914 at 2 o'clock in the a ternoon, the well half of Lot No. l in he sixth conces- smn of the Towns ip of Glenn!“ in the County of Gre containing 50 acres move or less. UNDEI and by virtue of the powers eenpained certain mortgage which will be pro cod at the time of sulo. there will be ered for sale by Publ Auction at' Hahn’s Hotel, Town of Durham, Saturday, 18th ay of July, l9l4 Public Meetings Central Drug Store, Durham, Ont. farther particulars Apply H. H. MILLER, Elmo . Agent for long-gee MORTGAGE SALE ROBERT MYERS Obituary. BORN itiiout d-ttttttletter?.?.' __-__- -.-.- -q.am.r.' ELOBAL AND PERSONAL: Rev. Dr. Mush was in Toronto last Week on business. Miss Ads Manny visited with friends in Harmon " a few days, Miss Ada Kinny visited withi Mr am! Mrs Frank Bye, from Saul! friends in Harrison (or a few days. 1510 Marie, 6: ,e. must: " the home ot Mrs W.J. Philp, Dromore and Mrs! M: turl Mrg Geo. Bye, J. D, Main Jere delegates P the} lu'i.rreuusnt's annual (an lair is held Women's mammary convention m " the last two dma at September Brannord last week. "his year. Tuesday and Wednesday. o,e,rgcei,li't,rr:oiy"e,t)2)ilthi, suiti.S 1.tiyprie P.sL.ygy,liry arm relmves at Valetta, near Cha'ham. Pey, lt' vmung with MrisGedttetr . i llo!stuiu lriends will be interested PM MY? [PAIESEBLm Jyl,slttep a? l to learn of the marriage M' Dr. Arth- Mrs D. Jackson and sister, Mrs Smith. " Durham, visual at C. Me tones', Yoovil, last week. The Calderwoud garden partv on Tuesday of last week was very suc- ceaslul. Bosides the Holstein talent mentioned in last week's news who took part, there was Mrs Rogers. who gave a aglendid Scotch leading. Pro. ceeds were about $50. Mr George Collins, of Toronto, vis- ited at his ttrtuydparentts, Mr and Mrs Wm. Hunt, for a tew days. "s. Messrs Robert and Wm. Aitken have installed the telephone into their homes during the past week, e" We tender hearty congratulations‘ to Mr C. Molnaes, mtgistrate of Yeo- vil, who on Sunday last celebrated his 70th birthday and to mark the evont partook ofa splendid birthday cake. May he spend many more years of usefulnesg. / Rev, T. H. Ibbott of Troy, new Brantford, will be the new Methodist minister in Holstein, successor to Rev. Mr James. Last week, we in. timated that Rev. Hendexshot of Kenilworth, might be sent here, but this gentleman remains on his pres- ent charge. Mr Ibbott comes highly commended and with Mrs Ibbott will no doubt find a congenial home in Holstein. We have been told they have three or four children. Mr Martin Walsh, oi Porcupine, bat who has lately been in the west, arrived on Monday to visit for a time with his wife and child at. her father's D. W. Cameron. Misses Edna Hunter and Elizabeth Brown left on Monday lor Owen Sound. where they are delegates for the Christmn Endeavor S ,eiety of the Presbyterian church to the Provii:eivl convention meeting in the county town this week. M Mr John Manary 's livery barn hir been entirely rebuilt utter the fire of last winter not; last week he movrd his horses an eqaipment to former premises. JP We understand that Township- treasurer J. It. Pltilp has rented his farm and has purchased the property ot Mr Wm. Orchard in the village. He will move here in the summer or curly fall. The change will be oi great benefittu him in administering oftit01 duties. Messrs David Allan, Jr, and John Stevenson were in Owen SJund last week serving on the jury. They went up with Mr and Mrs John 1Jr- chard in their car. Wedding belle are ringing merrily in the township to-day, Wednesday, when two nuptial events are being solemmzed. Miss Belle Mclnnes. daughter of Magistrate Mrlnnes. is, eeleciing Mr Alex Mauro, of lIamil- ton, as her lite partner, while Mr Mil- lord Dowling and Miss Mabel Gillies are taking similar vows. _ The stress ot examination days i), now with many ot our students while some have already iinighed. Lam week, writing on the Lower School Entrance to Normal exams were, Reta Roberta, Irene Rice, Earl llunt- er and Clinton Main and next week Bert Eccles writes on the Upprr School Normal entrance and Percy Ross, entrance to the Faculty of Edu- cation. Six High School Entrance Scholars are writing this Week. Irene Drumm. Viola Cameron Ind Mabel Reid are in Durham tor the teat and Harold Bsird, Florence and Will? Main on: in Mt. Forest too-chm. hV'lI- IIII- . -..--'"""'" - 2iiie2iiiiae.d.2iaseastd' Holstein streets and gardens are being occupied by night as well as by day, only the night invaders are cows who are committing much dam- age to several gardens they have entered. Tender young vegetables have been mowed down and eaten and we don't blame the owners for feeling blue and sure. They are also the tMUWe ot annoyance as one citizen residing in " Brondmy " north can teatity. Inthe middleol the night he was rudely awakened by a con- sistent tap, tap. tap Calls ot $t Who's there " was of no an“ and an in- ventiguzlon [bowed that a unoly in. .vador was the cause of the lracas. Holstein football team played the return game at Gleneden on Friday night, the score ending in another tie, o-o The game was late in starting owing to the fact that Mc Luhan of Mt. Forest was again on the Glenaden line-up and our boys registered avigorous protest against his presence. After more than a half hour's wrangle on the advisability of allowing this man to play, the Hol. stein boys proved the better sports of the teams and consented to play, so " not to disappoint the spectators who had gathered. It was a keen battle. The first half was fair] y even but in the second period the Holstein itee pressed their opponents hard and had much the better of the W; They could not notch a count how- ever. During thelnst half. Glened- en did not bring the ball past centre more than five times and plaved an entire defence game. With the ex- ception that J. Marsh plaved in C Caldera position, the line-up of the locals was the same as in previous genes. R, Smith refereed very ut- iefutorily. The presence at forty football fans from the village was noticeable. the ladies' room club beug especially to the front. _ Emilia t tey Ln the H leir are mo; the Sea ions Teo-i Mr. a m 2' m the ares-112; day I . lore day ot Miss anld . iii/l Wire and Wire Fencing Miss Iaez Allan is whiting friend' in Toronto this week _ Mrs Eimer‘E'lwnrds (nee Min Att- ‘gic Seam-us) of Alberta, visited at A3H uncle's, S. Seamun'l for n few I tyg. Cl to tlt haulage, the candidate. and (ll-nrl'li will speak. l Mrs W. T. Petrie left on Tuesday' for Brantford, where she will be join. ed by her iriend. Miss Wilhelmin- Plmir, en route to an extended eait to the British Isles and Europe. They are members ot the " Heads Across the Sea " party sailing this week. Mr and Mrs James Durant. Sn. re in Latutrertimle, Mich, where hey attended the innerul of Mrs Dur- ant's Sister. Mrs lune Clegg, Thurs- day of last Week. Miss Nellie Philp is the guest of friends in Guelph, Paris and other points. Miss Irene Greaves returned home on Muxday. Rev. Mr James, who leaves the Methodist ministry new and is de. parting this week to look for n place 01' residence in Toronto, is abnut to parting this week to look [or I place or residence in Toronto, is about to enter the political tield in South-west Toronto riding. He is taking up the cause of the Labor and Socialism party and is up mains: the Foy-- G oderham ticket there. Sputum w as at the mater, Mr James stated that he did not hope for election but his candidatuzo was largely to test the voting strength at his party. t CATALOGUES gm --aeaeaea-8-8.8e8e8.8e8. ""'i I CEMENT WORK a I Brown. of Vancuiiver. lormorly Holstein, to a Miss Perkins at that y, the, event taking place on June Attend lhe Puhlic Meeting in the ' lhll Friday night. at, which c. :umge, the. candidate. and others t TAYLOR& t3O.Dromore 0'... ”0'0”...”00NO-0 ., Nodpthe 24th of May has passed, we nature look for'hot weather, and the sheep will be clipw Now we are ready to receive the largest quantit) Wool we have ever handled and can offe'r you 1 highest prices. In exchange for same we can en‘ pay J on the Cash or give you Trade of highest qu -i' Men's and Boys' Suits Ladies' and Men's Raincoats Paints, Linoleums, and Cilcloths J W. HUNT J. W. Hunt is prepared to take all kind Cement Work----- We also sell the DURHAM NATIONAL PORTLA) " CEMENT, that well known brand at the lowest pow st price. Cement always on hand. Call or write and get my prices before you let your com rm I W ool e Seaso n "l: - BARN WALLS. HOUSES, SILOS. BRIDGES AND CULVERTS All first-class patterns and prices from . . . . . . . All newest patterns and quality gum-an Philp is the guest of lph, Paris and other one Greens returned TAYLOR 8600. Bring your WOOL. BUTTER & E00S We can tsell you anythim get it for you on tshort lst Rev. Mr James preach well muons in the new on Smdey end they were madly inspiring mt were on the temperance the liquor traitiic receiv demgneiation. He also " venue" of the Whitney lion in giving Lemperenc end showed the party colon. “in Kimball. ol tit smiling at Dr. l‘ergusun Dr, Jum'v-‘son held a um Tue-day owning and ttstilet .1 Shin. M. P., presented the Govt. platform. The lull. ctergrmen tor their ncllw hon in uniting with the u ha: movemerl. whereupon Marsh forced the "reakrrs t a hearing and ttrectivety Ur Bluln‘a ranges. wimn provnl oflhe audience. The South Grey Tcmpcra tion has called a Conventior afternoon of this week to cl consider the political airman cr business. Notices har, out to all parts ot the Rim interest in being tnkcn in th The Best is the Chem A superb!“ with L tent mum“. and 1? courses. Anisbd with L College, Strnttard. We a for our students than ,5 other similar school. A/ ates in positions. Your.; It any time. Write for Mr' or call " the College. D. A, McyACHLAN, w President MT. FOREST, 57/1. Fmrst 0tusimrss Congo Another Conventh JI ' JI, E 18, 1914 2.50 to 32.50 6.50 to 15.00 t no...” ..-.. HOLS TE I N we Datum“ ht try I " (In min’ 2101: . heir by it Whit it? ll also: a". hm Add It M it r' _-" Elf VOL.xxxvu. South Grey Tem Endorses Br (my led in can“ m an Fei "mightier 6| ”wage u t In the inteuw bin. in Bout was moved l Brn'im'k. " “mover, an " That In the Commit Grey Tenn! poured to I "frtosted by and row m gin-dc on “no before - “more nu igce. tttie Sou! uocl'stinn he!" "nun" ot' I mandatory which he at» M.) honing .otatrtt in HA. 'i-lmw " tht osaoits"urts All than Rouse try I! u. llama puck mud puli “gaging him, II the Ho- Donuniou Ai': ottho Inr. [In dubl. the ti, 3.5m: mun” om voting Bowls“ vmcion In “a I. the “(lean '. pue- helm tort to tl demand 1 1mm of book." The malicim lunch upon H in In cditonal based upon th - meeting day evening tl the following k they have fun for publicatio To the Editor Dear Sir : Challenge s'. " A copy of you editorial refetc by mylclf in tt Durham, hen a about: mister [or conclusion: editorial coma per item I " lion. You co; " the mectnn “all and un laid on that t to tnducc a“ whsme all. f., bar-room Ind throughout t Mblc mm: which they \\ animus deem (With of the otatcmnt th: to Dr. "m, wholly uncal present. I wc faiesehood. you must ha tmtttelr and culation to ti Loo was win sly Impersonul Dr JanieOOn Further the in: u: and the " tsciences, and t place an in th _-Nevertheless I men Ind cow sacred dull to to (MILK you, to on toriai chair. In: Mesndere against cit-Henge you c parlor to the meet tum a in Durham and let the any and the a unuuu Temper." t ronveu on Faidn Mon cm: n [he " Revds tl eiq' HI Aha pto " moat the " h Vote f Noted Toronto lr'l " Cm Err " ll

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