West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jun 1914, p. 1

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WORK ‘&8 asas ES, SILOS. 'LVERTS t I? te3e3e3.' ER ( (iron "t Dromore? C. ;””” ll ilcloths HOLSTEIN a 18,1914 reach“ tti.", h; let:" 1 “HT. " " nature. " Jim! them ~ -r'eived . m “a d'ello. ttt 'Hey “inking. "MMM!, laugh .v'v in "with 5J5 W' " .e l kinds of to son 'I. to St., ""1 h vention HT LAND with compe- nd through with Central We do not: an doe. my All gradu- ""ettntt 5.. tited by an. the Whit 'tter gt“: 've Pnrtiet It' aholi.tt 'r' m Rev. tm to [in "ly replied mung the Col/eye [M ”Sim 32.50 u g and notice. I5.00 ed a.“ on and " d been "It g and c meet! mum may enter articular: ce Atrtir tor PM pped. Ity of 1 the yither mlity apest xteed LION :ipal ONT " -. Cha scnge as a Result of VOL. XXXVll, N0. 26 . .th Urey Temperance Association Endorses C. Ramage’s Candidature Noted Toronto Speakers heard " Friday. r' ', K madly to hide behind the t, '. Jcsk tn .leocate party politics," l'xl-nnzr yam. So that you will not need In x: I '. 1ch cmnrd's throne ot unedi- ' , J: any. and utter incendoee and ‘u'uizrw .Iguzns! ministers. I herewith _ Margy tou or Dr. Jamiuon or In! gem”! whom either you or he (2th . put ‘Ip to 'rcpreunt you and troll mat. hun on the open bublic M” in Durham before this content clout» andletthe people jud‘c u ”when any and the right ofthe can 50"“ - I ask that " you have given publicity u; "we "ntrue version, you " publinh thi, truth and let the public know the has. __n‘ - I‘M! EV The E I. as. l mo. w. coousv. 1lunovcr, June 23rd, ttrt4 J ;.:nmm you. the '"IN Previomtotho posting of the fore- , tl lt' Associal ion mulb- going, stirring temper-nee addresses, in“: in in; Town 'I.ollt which the duty of the electors on _i.y Mtvrnoor?. posted . the gnu issue now beforeihem. the T t' .1rle endorsing Mr C. abolition of the bu and clubs. were 'm- (“initiate to Inppon‘delivered " Ben. Jno. Mundane-l .r ‘ hf lmmerance legiulu- lay of the Dominion Alliance, Cooley 'l hwy. The ',u'li"CiG HnnoVer and Prudhnm of Durham. . N' Mr Thompson Boyd of The Ipenkers were a unit in declurinq .mb-d by D. Knechtel, that now mum. opportune moment l, Ir' “1‘ :H follows l for the lempeunce forces of the pro- rtt o', h.urd the report “finer, no matter of what political rrwresentintt the South stripe to rally together and united" . ‘1 t' A ssocitttioo. a”. ‘work and vole in support of their own V ‘.,,H“.\.'. the candimtn formttlated tempeunce platform, by . 1h.- Lughlative Anneln- 'ruppoetitue Howell candidates. Mr ' 'Iln’ir replies as to their Rowen bad Donia time ago adopted at " warn, tvlnperance in- this platinum. alter ropenlcd refusals l», . “hymn", of this Prov- by Premier Whitney to consider it. I reads as follows: \HIK Iward the report ol| 'srr reureorntirrtt the South t mn- Aasncinllon. up- ...wvww the cendlmtu 1 the Lnrisutive Anem- Vr' their replies u to their , Fe present temper-nee lo- t... "lectorate of this Prov- .' h Grey Temper-nee Ar. (! by declares that the In. .Luninon lo entirely w trr no, his record (upon t unis and to which he Ip- -; lu't‘ll that of reportedly 'r," Home against the pro- pre-ent plnllurm of the l 'uM'P when proposed to . m- N. w lhwell. while} .‘g- h u gin-n a clean. 11'C “I 'vely attirmatiee .DI'OI’ “va it elected to rapport ' :hr- full platform of the _ 1 mm, viz ' the nholitlon he. :nholillon of drirshuttt in Pulling system Ind of the r,' I'y requirement in local ,4. teeretore rm: this Sunth Grey Con- .-h'.' q-mlmses itir C. TGm- My candidate whom atti- .. ”went Temperance is- the Inter of the BR'IIW. “'31“: of June 18, mm dialrihcs in Data 50 uuue _c to "n addrcu given is Anny: pleased to rent . i'rcshyteriatt Church. , “no appeal. to men's bi 1lr. mto my han". For I time like this. As I L MINING" of he“ and ', Chronicle tor two you“ . .ut are baseless rour%uonrthirtir like as be ', cxccls every newspa- _ "trout the pervvrteru of "-.ul during this elec-icotrstpto of monk [, Sti you were not present Lmid of late about men " and acknowledge you'icmlion In pulpit and o gummy as to what watuted the abolition ot 1 , -.ttilun, and yet proceed l ing it to be the greatest minder two ministerl.|.ocinl economic, moral ', 42: was an attack on thee, _ 1',t appeal for its abclition The Chronicle strung s'.ri:, provmcc by the only over lineman“. in th ,.,fachieving it, and in 1906, Mr. Whitney " ' 2: smtply obeying the un- clergy of Ontario to _ «an and orders of the auth. that after the election t' Methodist Church. Your publicly thanked them wit “the persona1refere"" "Ae Fou trll know tl I “on and Mr. Ball were done their duty. P' A cd for," if you had been thank: of tsit m!'"' My”: brand a. a malicious Empire at thin tuna " tinicc you were not there man cannot declmm l lune been lied to and unam- lie "on doins- wbrl me, 1 your columns to give cit. O“ ?" W. V y mi untrutly . Th. dug“.- Durham, Jane 23, 1914 ' my on principles, absolul- e.-.---- _ m1 and neither Mt. Ball or mm." crntreJOpt. A Vote for Ramage is a vote for the Abolition of the Bar Room in Ontario. m: was mentioned at all.‘ ilc' Mac is wholly a moral b- 1c uppnl is one to men’I con- .mJ thcrefore nowhcn no in m the pulpit and churches. was smce you object tothat“u ' rl--ctornl.e is mlishr. tttpet' ”we people who Hun docMedly in ad- ", itst week's Chronicle I" xrmcr's address " tbe the Pres. Church Sat l, tth, has brought forth ' sue re!utationn,which :Jul to the Chronicle rcrham Chronicle t Erroneous Chronicle Editorial L‘ooley and Prudham make Convincing Replies. :msmpresentation and s Cooley and Prudhun 5 June 18, with the Statute Mr Henry Cook. of Bentinck, spoke on local option conditions in Bentinek township and other "uuterr, and raised doubts regarding proposals of the policy adopted by Mr Rum". which Rey, Mr Muir speedily ditatpnl- ed. Ri-v. Mr Magwoud arrived dur- ing the afternoon, but spoke only a moment or two, "serving his address for the evening nus: meeting. At the "tat" meeting Rev. Mr. Mug, wood of Toronto, fhrmvx'ly of Holstein “urea stirring addrux m which be appealed to all tauperance men to support Rowen t.andidates, as be was proud to do. "I‘m still a good Tory.“ he exclaimed, "don't you Grits think rou'sre captured me. but I'm going to votein the but interests of tempu- nnce tool cannot do otherwise than Iup'polt the policy adopted luy Mr R )well.” Rev. John Muir followed. with osiid convincing facts in an hour- rddresu Along similar lines. Rey Mr. Magwood spoke at a large meet- ing in Hanover the name evening. to deceiv r. Why the editor should hay. written what he did without consulting the pom" concerned M to the corn-cine" of his ttse2sittdieates either his; or lack of mnnlineu. The accusation against Mr Cooley of indul- ging in personalities ls likewiu want. ing in fact. He made no use of the homes of Dr. Jamie-ma " Mr. Bali. Why the Chronicle should hurt the rerdotwihiiirr of wrlting on the groin issues of the day and indulge in petty diuirihes is hard to understand. One is always pleased to read candid, clear 1 none uppenln to men's better nature at '1 time like this. As B reader of the Whrotticle tor two years I cannot re-i Lcall anything like as hard things said :Almut the pervertern of youth end the 'cmruptvvs of morals as have been ‘mid of lute about men who for in gen- 'i(ralion In pulpit and out of it, advo- ‘~¢Iled the nbolilion of the heir, believ- lie it to be the greeted menace to our __. _. “nun-nip. moral and religious Ing it to be the grout-at social economic, moral lilo. "If. The Chronicle strangely forgets If it ever knew, that in the campaign of 1905. Mr. Whitney appealed to the clergy of Ontario to osstel'him and that after the election won over he publicly thukcd them In these words. "As you all know the clergy he ve done their duty. they deserve the thanks of alt men." The Mall and Empire nt that time said, "If a clergy. mnn cannot declaiat against any putt. " wrong doing. why have I pulpit at g" ali.' w w PRUDHAN Glen-lg (Jenn . 3nd?" party. ifaiiiivrttr'r. *.%9.'". . - ._, AGI LIMIT Lowrrttrrm-rAt their An- nual Mutlng in Quebec last week, the Canadian Order of [unner- decided to reduce the age limit of admission to the order trom c, years to 35 you". Thu Chung. prullcally makes it a young men's Urdu end will ensure a eonlinuuco of the low rate: now in (one. as the interest on lave-unem- nlrendy pmys one-third of the death Helms. BANK ir he 'iimoNTo L.,,-,:---.-.--,-,-,- DURHAM BRANCH, Inn-L all! __‘______I EflrUlu1ul‘.--,v _ I” prulically makes it a " Order and will emu" a to of the low rate: now in the interest on irsveristmenty nvs one-third of the desth Jentre Baptist Ch. wi any. Tuuduy July 7, low the clergy have '. they deserve the n." The Mall and me said, "If a clergy. sim against any putt- why have I pulpit at We! PRUDHAM will holdi , T, at Jasl Mr and Mrs Mame“. Goderich. an aunt. of Row. and Mrs Wvlie at pru- ent. Mrs Manson is I litter of Mr Wylie. Mr and Mrs Geo. Turnbull are visit- ingthis was! with their Ion Jnrneu In Bentlnck and purpooe taking In. the Picnic at Vick"- and the burn “wing at Mr "s. Hopkina' North Line, Ben- tinck. before returning. mrs Miss Margaret Grant, High School teacher At Beaten. returned homo Thur-dav from her duties. With Miss Mary Edga at“ intends taking a summer course in an at the Toronto C'nivettrity this nation. " “in Julia Weir has returned home for the vacation from her teaching duties near Ottawa. Mr Murray Legato, of Ceylon, IE viiilinl his uncle, Mr Jan. Coleridge, and aunt. Mrs C. Rum-go. for a few days. Mo Francis H. Green and little daughter Marian lert on Tuesday to spend a fnw wank: in Montreal, St. John, Sherhrooke and Bury, P. L Mia- Flo Limin left, Tuesday to mend the unnmer with her aunt, Mrs J. A. Thome at hrr summor has». th Erhnville " [mun hum Park, my?” North Bay. ' Mr Fred Aitrhiaon undorWPnt 1n op- oration at his home in Elorn Sntnrdny last and now programing fwnmbly.‘ Miss Ellu-hy. High School t who-r nf Dravton. rmnrn'd with Mu, Mart Edge for a week's visit. Mr. Jan. Ireland of Toronto spent a couple days nmung old Durham friends this week. House "P'Nct.y'lr to tr. Lonann Division Court “in he held in the Public Library at 9 a, m., 2nd July. For ttte?/t,tst/ sec W. Black's north window of Silv ware. A. B. 1ll'tghiet nave jet, rc- ceived a stock arker's Bug Killer, eeiiat A stock ttq mad" by J. R. Gd w. BIIM ma women in to appy With New rer- fection and i'j2St')E',ra1 Oil Stoves. At Mulot-k Schoolhouse Friday night and at Durnoch Hull Saturday nigh‘, public meetings will be addressed by C Ranmge. the candidate, and others. Mayor Black Is haeitttt a large gaso- line tank with 250 gnllnn opacity, placed under th, sidewalk in {was of _ . E L - ---_r_.__ ...'. I I... Ullcf‘l \Illut’l III: _t._--_ v.” w his store, above which A pump will he pluced on the sidewalk for the replen- ishment of auto tanks. Losyr,-mv. ‘nndny evening a gold cased Indies' toll. wallham Works, with chain Mm ed, between llty- wards Falls and Du am. Finder will please have at teleph Ollie». The r. hodist Chuer will hold their nnnu Garden Part, in the rink on Friday " ing, Jule M. Durham: Band willfnrn. a. musical prngram Admission 10c. Unv- Dvh'. -_'"- - party on t owning of June 20th on the lawn o r Jas. Hopkins. south line. (Henelg. and drum band in attendance. A 20 program will he rendered. Jttrrtsh nu on the grounds. Admin-ion. [IN Miss Janet Preston, Napanee, Ont,, will gm: an address. on " Sanitntiun in D;-ilv Life " at the meeting of the Durham Bram-l: Women'" Immune in the Town Hall, Durham, Smirdny, July l h, at. 2.30 p. m. All ladies cor dially invited lo be present. - l timsth Bros. have recently (“speak of Ford cars toJalues Muy.engineer at the Cement works, and to Wm. O'Mam of Durnoch. Oar northern suburb is now hecomlng quite acar centre, with tour already in the neigh- borhood and prmspeetn of more. Mr M. McAuliffe, upper town, " another, purchaser. / Last week's Chronicle “is I $6 Mr I A. A, Cation, manager of t e Furm. ture Company. has been in the West for the past couple " weeks and to comfort. our Liberal friends we may say that be may not be back for the election. This will save oar cotem, charging him with interference with the workmen in the iaetory." Let us state that to the Liberals it makes little odds whether MrUntton is back for the election or not, Dr. Jamieson, holding a huge proportion of the stock of the furniture company, ha- already visned the workmen of that institu- tion, who nreled to understand they I'm-e expected. to support him. We thVB heard of CilieS ot workmen there who intend voting for Dr. Junk-eon mmply through fear of losing their 1position should they do otherwise. Te2,ttri,Cb, I customs! in various parks of Canada or elsewhere will iiuiiiirGicesotthisbe" iii"iiiaiiiut-ineaw amen. d, Dunsmoor. No. 1192 will told a Ie.rden ------i.i---- tc-Apply to F. Lonahll iitttttrittti, 1ih)tjiititt making the majority of aaryiptit.hcNet' Per- il daughter, BORN who has With inch is ineooorntiiss Holstein $6 Mr ' THURSDAY. JUNE M, 1914 Disappeared last December ; An unsolved mystely for over a spring neat-bx Ind tho MoDonuaI nun l month: put was cleared up his: Sat! a?" 03:?“ if, "$323er 1,1h F22: . o pou ton n w c a Y urdnv.when the remains of Domld ound, it " manned death was McDonnld, 8th com, Bentinck, water ntuml and luddan. puslbly from found among a clump of willows in a! cart failure. Following is the jury'l "vamp on an adjoining farm. The' "all“ l . . ll d l . h h s . l P, l e wry. Impnnne a o eu. dog came into. l e muse ntnlduy uire into the death of Donald L. Me. afternoon carrying n shoe containing onald, find he foot bones, which Mrs McDonaldl l. That the deceased cune to hit ecogulzed Ind the it once informedl eath on Elm”, Doe. "trle,ug'e, , . “l muse! un nown to us. 0 on ence he :e'8;:°: "If; ttct, I')", Ins l lshnwe that he left the house about one tute v . " 9 t emtot "WM”? 'u’cloch on the Mterrtoqn of Dee. ti, and Mrs Alexander with Mrs McDon without leaving word with his family all] were tirrt ta tnattover the skull, aqto his intentions for the afternoon. while htty feet “my, other neighbors l The hudy was found in a swan“) about come across the remuiryiss'aWtrte. hrdyJ l tuile from the house on the Uternot a Part of an arm and leg lay turviiGl t of June 20th, Hill. nearby. Close " hand also was the 2. We desiveto pxonorate M” Mc.. hat he hndnvorn, With the haic 'trat. humid and hrw family from allsus- Pd to the inside, Dogs nl' other ttri- pirion. us the evidence shows that tlnals had doubtless found the “My nit-v buve done all in their power' to mont.hs ago. which accoums rm. the. v,silsr in fiudstut his whereahoutg, "nun“.mm3 found "vered. iydtcr-. which relnuimd u mystery until Sut- unt. none- guinea currency as to how l “mm, June 2”le death must have occurred, it cup near- Il I', l . M G' by giving rise to n wtid rumor of sul. t HX m' 1" " l Donald, Art?” un, cide. Bowman (Minuet ' Vt . u. I I -Il‘..l,....h..n , Dr. Gan, the coroner, hum-ch d tlu~ "mains on Sunday and crslled cm in. quest Monday morning to clear up the affair. Messrs R. Ledinglmm. Thus. Bell. Ed. Summon. Alex M DULKM. Don, MeDomslf, u. Alexander nod Wm. Sherman composed the coroner's Jury and evidence was furnished that the cup had been thus for 8 or 10 years, bemg used for dunking fiom a Shops more Easily Closed under Rowe" Policy Some Conservative speakers and pa- pers are now attempting to deceive the guhlie into believing that under the owell policy of closing the bars and clubs, the shops left open will be a much greater menace to our province than at present. Under Rowe”. ctizens can dispose of the shops much more easily than under the Whitney gov't. No new shops will be opened in place of bars, and an even majority v..ote will close present shops, Instead of ab'0 per cent vote required to close shops, bars or clubs, as at preterit. Mr. Temperance math where do you stand 'y \Villyou vote for Rowell and .Ramage--to "olish all banand clubs, and with only a 50 per cent vote, shops as well? or will you line up with the saloon keepers, brcwcrs and dluillcrs in opposition to this policy? As the hay op has proved a failure. Wm. Black ha ut in a stock of corn, rape and millet. ‘ow sum;- and secure a good crop of win feed. Me Jas H. Unlelidge 1Pos sold his hian on George St, to Mr. J. H. Fayden, carrier on It, It. No I. latter will not move to mm: for s time. Lotyr.--Bome era on M min Sh, Durham, a soli old ml! link, set with a little diamon . I‘m-ward Ill ite. view Ollie-e- will he held on Friday, June 26, in Mr McCullough's bush, south of Vickcrs Corner. Speeches, programme, games. Come. ' Jung Hum-w. FAtu--Was a big sue-, can hut Thursdrty for the summsr semen. 32 horses changing hands. Sellers were here from Ghesley and Rulkerton, a result of Mayor Black's extensive 'drviiiirjnk...Frlttmttrf were eagvr. one Mr’ pnrchnaing ll, and were willing to [my all theaninmls are worth. Those with horses to dis- pute of runny rest. assured that they Km“ receive the top price here as much ias anywhere in this locality. Don. Mclhmald's Body Discovered Through Aid of Dog, and Costs Less. . It is made out of Best Mttetiah, made in Canada. The quality has not to u reduced to pay the duty Frost Wire Fence is the Best Fence " carry all sfyl in stockfinoiuding Frost No. 9 Gal- vanized Citled 'lah'hr"l'. w, buy it in earioed lots, therefore IT""' all it right. ' ' We :13!!me to see you and talktover. . It Is 'm/hmse You CngQpcnd Upon No. 3, Buntinckl Schggl .Picriu: The ON JUNE 29TH, MARK YOUR BALLOT THUS: AL s. HUNTER ' SON David Jamieson, of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, physician. Charles Ramage, of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, publisher. P tPos sold his res- to Mr. J. H. Mt- ll. R. No l. The to mm: for some JA? Remains Found on Saturday RAND“ l E Hafdware Stock for-tho! Purses of Everybody M IICSON Tros fiance spring nearby and the McDonald: had never owned it or a similar cup, From the position In whlch the body Wa- ound. it " presumed death Wu aural and sudden, possibly from an?) failure. Following is the jury'- 'en not '. . 2. We desire to exonerate Mrs Mc- Donald and her family from all aus- picion. us the evidence shown that they hnvo done all in their power to susint in finding his whereabouts. which remained a mystery until Sut- urduy. June 20.|L Alexander Mnbmmld, Arthur Gun, Foreman Comm:- Burial lunk place on Monday after- noonto Sungeen cemetely. a large murmur-2:9 of neighbors and friends ”Mowing the last sad lites. Mu Mis Donald and {zunily have the deepest sympathy of the neighborhood hm. in their solrnw. may will douiniyss tind sympathy of the neighborhood but. in their smrnw. may will doubling tind some measure of comfort and who-f that the lung lllonihvuf dread euspemo and drum have come to an end. PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS, I9I4 To the Electors oi South Grey: Gtvutlcti ett,--l have been honored with the nauimous nomination of the Libera Party in South Grey and am before ou as a candidate in the election no pending. It will sAmpossible for me in the l, few days at my disposal to visit every 1 Section, but a residence of many years in the Riding. and as publish er of the Durham Review, has made me fairly well known and I hope to become better known in this brief cunpaign. 1 ask the forbearance oi all It1 unvistte parts, come to the (nomination on nd June, or to my litueetings as ann unced when it will ‘be my privilege present to you the _principles that wi 1 guide me as your (rcpresentatiye, if lected, and discuss .the issues of the d y. lain heartily i sympathy with the progressive pol y presented by Opposition Leader well especially with the measures has striven to pass in Parliament aling with the Liquor Traitic, Asses ent Reform. votes for married wom n with prop- erty, and othermeasur designed to protect the young, rai the fallen and advance the mom interests of isociety. Church meetin and Chris- }tians of all denominatio are prac- ticallya unit in suppo ing these measures and I ask you to rystalltze his sentiment into votes on 29th ', une, l Ishall endeavor to give true ser- vice to the best of my ability and respectfully ask your influence in the campaign and your vote on June 29th. leg, Monday,.29th June First}a Yours for Service. C. RAMAGE Mark your ballot for Ramage on June 29th Only 50c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers Does {his Concern you 50 tons barley and corn, chopped, at $24.00 within the next two weeks. This is what you w off Four hogs. of Shorts and Feed Flour. Get our price on a ton or of this before buying elsewhere. We are in the feed I ness and want your trade. It will pay you to call um Five Roses Flour Pine Tree Flour Purity Flour Milverton Jewel Chesley Flour MeGowan's Eclipse MRS. A. BEGGS oy SON TIE ROYAL BANK ill: CANAIA Bring us your butter and eggs SAVIMGS DEPARTMENT JOINT ACCOUNTS An account in the numb: of hm "u-i--------""". members of a family mu 1w {mm} convenient. Either person(or the survivor) may operate the m‘couut. DURHAM BRANCH: "S. HUGHES, Manager. TORONTO New Spring Suits PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING Special Price on 5 ton Lots One Dollar. Interest is credited halt yearly We indulge in absolutely no exaggeration when we say that in these lines you will see Clothing values that have never been excelled in Durham. The smart distinctive styles, the up-to-date exclusive materials, the perfect fit out! the splen- did quality of tailoring shown in these goods can hardly fail to elicit your admiration and your order. See them. Make a point of it. .. Progress Brand Clothing and Alert Juvenile Clothing have a tram: adoasly strong reputation. Every customer who has tried them usually comes back again, as the Linings, Pit and Style are supelior to the ordinary run of Clothing. We hive a splendid assortment in Black and Capital-Paid Up " . $1 1 ,560,000 Reserve Funds - . 13,575,000 Nawy Worsted, also Tweed Suits. During this month we are going to give a splendid Safety Razor with every Suit from $4.00 up. for Men and Young Men, and . F. MORLOCK A Car Load INCORPORATED 1869 trd [Mikhail Wald! a 01.00 gnu. 0. “no: t 308.“ Mr. Reader I) We want them Accounts any be opened with n initial deposit of ou want to finish on a ton or tw .n the feed bus PUUN E 50 u b. ‘V

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