West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jun 1914, p. 5

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(Durham (riyycyhvsxaNiliii ooo perate arrv 3335:0133; olive Soap day only ill "erevcr known IE ug Store s notcomplu. Ve have them a one ; let a: " Face Cream osiery Mice cchnie’s ‘EAITH sstt Small Prqrl1ts ior 25c m and 1.75 traps, 8lk Ion ..Z.25 20111108. crytbing s out of m usual us here Other , it for Vermin and Disease I', (ierms in stables, poultry H houses, etc., that will cost a hut a tew cents. Ill :I’RICEVILLE. - ONT "I "iizazairssaazaairaarsaaa-aailh 315 M 5; Phone " Fred J. Welsh ili E33xwxvxxmxmgmmxxxwfiflmxmmk Here it is: Equal pm. ot corrosiveSublimate and Sodium (Mend: dissohed in one gallon of hut water. When dissolved ml. water to make " gallon. 35' / every nook and crevice v.-' _ lvavefortwo days then give '. 1 V :mugh coat of whitewnh. THE QUALITY PHARMACY i, in Up-to-date, Readrt-tarti', " Clothing for Men and Ladieséj :-:=.-::cz-zmxmmaxmzmsmflg"3. DURHAM FLOUR MILLS (,iiil',i", 'iil" " JSfi 2:5; icitiSulgiiaGdiEfii aiiiaaifaiiaifii'iEiil ‘l‘zxc correct proportions will wily be supplied by calling " It the Bar does not go where will the Responsibility rest ? Not, Save $ li) on Men's Semi-ready Suits Buy a PRICEVILLE tma'la,lor THE CITY BAKE RX Best English Raincoat: for Men and [adios Visit our The advent of hot weather [mugs a longing w. cool dishes. Refresh your palate by dropping in our parlor afternooon or evening and enjoy our pure do- icious Ice Cream. Sodas, Sundaes, Soft Drinks, etc. "tre " Ice Cru- brlck bone with you. We're Clearing Ladies' Ilack Skirts Working Shoes for Ladies Ladies' Working Sheen of good pebble. leather and nicely made. Reg. prices ell ever 2.00, upeclel.. Handguns“ for tJtudbotiionery uighm prion M an“ and U- Any Quantity of WOOL, We will pay the highest market price for Waghed or Unwashed. Weight. Our FLOURS are unsurpassed, and our [uh-cs consistent with good quality. Our Stock of FEED3 is large and of best quality. We want good GRAIN and will Fry highest market prices. F . Best Quality May foe Sale Custom Chopping and Oat Crushing M,i!ta't%'l!NEltMtl m tgtt!MBMBMell A nnw line of Men's Suits jut arrived in Ian-st tttuutetH- blue, brown and grey. bent workmanship of Semi-Rudy. Tutoring. Every garment unnamed parka: tit and prices are very reasonable. You an nvo from " to $8 on each Suit by buying it hen. You no volcano to ex- amine them before buying elsewhere and nutty yourself. Men} Christie Stiff Hats. ulna] They were regular up to 2.50 ', Men's brown tel: Hun, In.» speck! price...... ...... ..... REAL BARGAINS Men 's ltti.neoatg ot but Begin-h. walerpnofeloth guru-tad for l?. months, wntorrroot. In”! lulu all but make. Prices very ram-ab s. Lviies' Kahuna. newly arrived, of but proof clam. ruln stylo “(I I... plain. blue. grey uni tun. Priu null. from A during line of Laliu' Blue): Sun- in medium ,re'tttht, with embroidered fronts, regal" prion wore up to ..C y, 'U; We'ro cloning the. M. .... ...'.. .... .... 'king' Mat for practiully nothing dies' Working Shoes of good potable leather and 1 85 =er made. Reg. pricel nil over 2.00, special” I LEVI N E dk GO. nt of hot weather brings a. longmg for Refresh your palate by dropping in our oon or evening and onjoy our pure do- nm. Sodas, Bundaes, Soft Drinks, mL, luau style, regular 1.75, Ice Cream Parlors It in with deep sorrow we chronicle the dentin of line Mary Knox. eieter of Mr J. Knox nnd Mr- Wm. Show"! of this pleoe. Mia, Knox we: in un- ul good lie-lib until o week prior to " death, She was token quite ill on Monday end no removed to St, John's Hospital, where she died the following Saturday. The remains come up Tue-d" noon and were tn ken to the home of her sister. Mo Ssewnn. and on Wedneedey were to- ken to Salem cemetery for interment. Mill Tan Ferguson is underlhe Dr's one with " snack of "imndi- chin. Mr D. McCormick is “us week via- iting friends in Hurmon. Maura W. Knox Ind Geo. Camp- bell attended the ball held in the hall, Glomlg. The Swinton Park football team drove over to the guden party and played I friendly sumo with Dundalk. The game w" clean sud lust and both tuml showed the right kind of retllpon. The Park toys had the beet of the game. although upecinlly in the lust hall the Dundnlk stalwarts eouldit break the strong defence of the lac-ls, although no goals were some King nah in tho lot 2.50 l we olur the. " A ROWE Dash and Gold arrived in lft_est _ttade-- SWINTON PARK and all BM goaihs of but Inglllh wuer- lain. Shula. black, regular 175. 'ik E: 1 _ The monthly meeting of the Wo. men's Institute Will be held Fridny, July 8rd, It 2.30 p, m. " Mrs Wm, 1Dmgwall’s. to which the Dromere branch is invited, All Indies welcome. neared, tho Dnndulk no“ Ion duty: in dattgsr. Tho totem In I River- viow Inn and gun both men equll utishction. M. Andrews 05inch lure are hold- ing their attmulgard" putty next Monday, the 29th. Tel served from 6 to 8. Lndiei’ buebsll, Quinton Park " Hopeyille, It 6 p. m., loolbnll Salmon Park we Fleshuton. After ttme Rev. Dr. Marsh, of Holstein, will give u uddmn Mid will be no- compnied will) limelight View: of tl trip to the allies. The grand shower of Sunday WIS most welcome. Mac the cloudy WOIUI- ". an" the """ from of Fridny night. Our bunch of m \Vomon'l Insti- Mitt Wtb8 very well represented at the maul meeting, Flelhenon, his! Thursdsy. Miss Essio Burnett " Visiting It Mr Jo. Mitchell's, Veutry. Our qusrtette give part oftha pro- graming " Coduvilvlo this Monday The ladies met two innings this week to pilot,“ basaball And are do- ing nxoely. We no glad to report In ROM. Culhtou on the fur wny to recovery, haying taken suddenly ill last. Sutur- day. l numb» of our young people drove over to Eugeniu a oak ago Saiurday and span: a pleasant. dly. Messrs Ramago and Bmme address ed a public meeting her. last Thurs day. Miss L. McMillan and Mr ll. Love opem Sunday at. Bethel. Mr Hum-y Firth, of Shelbourne, is visiting Ina aunt. Mrs R. Edge. On Friday night Mr and Mrs Adam Anderson had a party which was well attended. As their hospitality in so widely known. it IS not necessary to Fly all enjoyed themselves. Mr D. H, Firth, of Toronto, Brent the week end It his mothers, Mrs D, Firth. Mr Oliver Come“. of near .Dundnlk, WIS the guns over Sand-y at Mr and Mrs Geo, Ritchie's. The prayer meeting last. Wednesday night. was well attended. A tine shower ot rain was followed on Friday night by a hoavy frost, which 11.6 considerable damage to the gardons. Toronto-Vancouver Express No. 3 leaves Toronto 5.5) p. u. daily. Van- eouver--Toronto Exprns No t arrives Toronto ll " a. m, daily, Manhunt Express No 7 have: Toronto daily-u- upt Sunday 10.50 p m, anivinx Win. nipeg second day. Ontario Expresu N08 leave-s Winnipeg 9.25 pm and arrives Toronto 5 " p on daily “up! Tuesday. Particulars regarding rail or ocean tickets from Canadian t'nrOe Ticket Agents or mite M, G. MURPHY, D. P. A., U. P. Ry. Toronto. ii. ii'iihrriifieriiGt, Durham Tenders Tenders will t Ieceived till Tuudny.l June 30. till 2 p. ' for the creation ot two concrete nbu man at Allan Path} Plans and 'speeifid ions may be doll with J3me: Wanen. ‘nginnr, Wnlk- erton, or with the ndonigncd. A eertifled bank (heq to: “(MOO mutt :ccomp-ny on]: " an. parable to the Treasurer of the wnuhip of Brntinck. Tho Iowa. or y and” not numarily teamed. i. (530mm MW. ' " Mo. 4, Bland HOPEVILLE EDGE HILL h, J an: 0. 1914, Bridge Abttttttetttg. Dr. Jamleun and C. Ramage in the Field Monday last the contest in South Grey wu otBciallr get racing. The nomination papers. duly signed by tltty or more vote". a new feature of the election law, were m the hands of Returning 0mm Vollet at 12 o'clock, Ind by two o'clock a large trowd bad usemhled. amongst them a spunk- liug of ladies. Routine proceedings over, Mayor Black was voted to the chnir and after some brief remarks called on Dr. Jum- iescn to open the speaking. He en- tered on a defence of the government nlong many linen. and had the tamer- ity to any that his opponenté were dragging a honing areas the Scent by the advocacy of Temperance in the present movement to Bilblall the Bar. None know better than Dn Jamieson that the movement " sup- ported by the linden in all thristinu churches. by every agency advocating moral reform. yet he affects to believe land dares to state that the movement lie tb device solely to gun: votes, The reduction of grants to rural arhuula he attempted to justify on the plea that so many had improved their standing that the grant made by the Legislature was insumcient to Intel. the claims but said nothing about the facility by which additional grants could be carried through the Legis- lature to meet the increasing demands of Government Noun. ' He deplored the work of the Fn-nch Association, insinuating that M r, Roiell had never tuken " stand on the sutritet of ln-liugualism, a position refuted by Mr. Humane when he show- ed that since 1911 liowrll'u nthmde was well known, and even tive day previous he had declared that “Quint. lo must cnminue an English sponking provinw." It would take too long to deal mlh the spetintvtrtetis of his tinanriildt- renee, his "ttentlred ileum-HI n at" Mr Rowell in su‘ceprlng cevteiu legal n N, which were honm'nhly vsrnedar,d in connection with [he ilhgulily (Ham‘- ered in the case of Howard hymn-nu and others In having ful ftutsul their seats by having dealing- with the m,- mininn Govrrnutenl, suid, "of coupe the unvommo-m passed an "rt lo l r v. tact, the members who Ht [r in volved," Mr. Runage followed for the sword hour presenting the claims " M, Ilop . "iisnd his pulley mi ouilitwd in the past wet kn in the REVIEW um] wilt! papers, dealing with the ruhju-ls ot Tu Reform, Totes for hurried wow. on With property, the weakness in the Departments of Agriculture and Elu- cation. but laying art-uni? «we on the outstanding issue in the vaurpoipn the nmveuu-m. to almli-h the b, r throughou' this proviuun II t showed as when showed Jietore thul Mr. HOW" ell had. come to the In: p mm.» trtrty ill'd not the tvaernm‘r u 4.1} 'vtt F.iao. Mr. Wltirrey hm! hul Ilia chm”. refusal it. and now u In " a h-udwr new on the lunmmmcpl Mun In " by should he not fiud suiqort {mm all who had made this issue at [u ian Ur.. i pnrlulmr. The inaccuracies of tlu.Consrtvittiie lcnmpuign "mp were pointed out; An. Jamieson took the privilrge of reply . ing and the [Heeling ndrurnvd, gm d order and attenlmu having been an " en both speakers. The Nominations S. S. Convention Durham and Glenelg Township S.S.Conventum which wus held n Zion on June 13(1). wasagrmt sur‘u- 3 There was a feeling of fru-mlshlp and union, all working toward the same goal. Rev. Mr. Punlhnmkd the devotionalvxuciws in the Mtei- noon and Rev Mr, Barclay in the uv- i. Thou shall remember the meet- ing day of the S. S. and BE THERE. 5. Thou shall honor the parents and visit mom in their hmnPs. 0. Thou than not kill the Snpelin- i tendunl. 7. Thou shall liye the white life. 8. Thou nhnll not Meal but study. ll. Thou shall not make excuses. 10 Thou shall covet umeslly the best gins. . Mrs J. A. Graham for the Cradle Roll reported tr rolls with 142 members, 97 m the Iqinner'u class, 100 in Junior and 77 in primary class JH" Valerie Edge tor lbw Home Dept. repeated 4 I. s. with 1190». Dept. mod a total -tteErr ot, " In, W. W. Prud- hairrydUfiirts. a; hm hue an lup. Appointed and have a mission- m Mun-neat. There are 11 B, S. 1n the _Mnah|p. 2 having been star ted thin winner. Mr. Taylor. Isnonr. who la Umntv Pinident, wu protein and gave some ,intcreating f1gares which shows the _ South Grey B. " sro progressing. Ber I; Rue spoke on the “Adult Division,” and in the owning on the “lung! in tho Ladder- of qhtecew." Both nun-on were lengthy but (all of inmost and instruction, Boy. W. W. Wiloy a." 3 short. ad- Ber. W. W. Wiley any. a " drm_to 3h. punt. bullish!" iiiiG ilaa in iv" Llel YOU if you mark youhallot for Ramago"on June 29th at Zion 533% I mmel and Daniel and took [may lessons whi we can Ye"' from each ofthem. {2.1“ +,m../ , l 111 The fol wing office" w?” elect“ tor the ensuing year; Pas" it, T.Ed- wards ; Vice Pres., W. R. Watson ; 390.. Mr. Tho: Allan l Supt. of Teach- er,' Training-Rev. w, H. Hartley; Supt. Adult 'Division-Mr S. Puzher- b Hugh I Supt. of secondary Division, Mr, J. Weir, Supt. oi Plinmry and Cradle nun. Mrs J, A. Graham l Supt. of Home Dept., Miss V. A. Edge ', Supt Misslonnry Dept., Mrs W W l’rudham; Supt. Temperance Dept, Mr. J. A. Graham, _ _ fl") "ii/aiatple were kind and hospitnh- le and the Convention. will long be remembered which Was held there. The propony of the his Mrs Mac- Aulny. Pricuvillv, consisting of two “no: of land. a house, barn, well and orphan-6. Also psrk Int consisting of five acres. Apply to M. MACAL'LAY, 710 Nicnlas Bidg ' Toledo. Ohm CONVENIENT ----Burns coal, coke, or wood. Large feed doors make firing easy (5ilurtslliitttt 51 v - --- Water pan is filled ' arn ac 9 without removing. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. J. B. HARDING, Local Agent You get abilious attack when your liver r work. The bile does not flow. You becc Food sours instead of digesting. You hav gall" taste. The stomach becomes irsflamt _tums sick-vomiting, and violent head Ihr,'te'tt,t,."il'rl and cure for biliousnesa it nblels. They make the liver do its work . 7‘,,A =- --t.-r I-." Fer Sale Cheap. You get abilious attack when your liver refuses to do in work. The bile does not flow. You become constipated. Food soars instead of digesting. You have that "bitter u gall" taste. The stomach becomes itsflamed tvuiinflated- turns sick-vomiting, and violent 1usulachc.-The best preventative and cure for biliousuess is Chamberlain'. Tablets. They make the liver do its work-strengthen the digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. Mc. that“. -JUI Dealers and Draggists. or by mail. l Chamberlain Medicine Comm. Toronto. I Shop where you are invited to Shop <9 hllllfCllim* Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford runabout; the touring car is six fifty; the town our nine hundred -f.o.b. Ford, Ont., complete wtth equipment. Get catalog and particulars from C. SMITH & SONS, Local Agents You Get Bilious pression of a master -his word of power A NOTE To nu PLBHL ahtea new“ I".',".',','?, expressed witl and wish 0!". nacho-no this community "tttttence you hmmuutart no you not go where you ”WWI? re you not very attentive new" to the 'advertisements which - ml: week in the columns of the ADVERTISING is You CAN make the public of this ty buy more goods from you. Because Your Liver is Lazy You CAN teach the point- “we. £11511th new tastes,new habits. You CAN make fhe public do what it is not in the habit of doing. Powerful and persistent Advertis- ing has revolutionized modern life. It sends people travelling. It has made them pho- tographers. It has made the motor car a necessity. It makes women change the fadhionof their apparel twice or thrice a year; It selects the very food, we eat. We want to say thi this community ; Maw ? "Can" Ford ”an / Public Auction at ahn's Hotel, Town of Durham, 1 aturday, l8th day of July, l9l4 TORONTO t 2 o'clock in the afternoon. the wet! half of Lot No, 1 in the sixlh enmes- IIon of the Township of Glen-lg in the County of Grey, containing co acres mote or has. The propert isconvaniully localed about t) mites {roux Durham and In: a considerable quandty of lillld and arable land. a small trame dwellmg and n small barn and some fruit "on Terms of Sale '. 20 per cent of the purchase money lo be paid on day " aule and remainder in so dnvs wllhout, inlelest For further particulars apply to "iiiriai% a certuinmorlguge which vsll be producrd at the time of sale, here will be mined tor sale by Daltd June 17, 1914 Runabout NOE“ and bt' virtue (If the pow?” the public 0x- Fi will and wish the MORTGAGE SALE H. II. MILLER, 1Ntrwrr, Agent for Mottgtutee' mert Commun, ants New Ones for 1914 With the Auction- out“ It!" to our Una-ding cum and Pro-hr Borden likely to be coupled (on Will“ that our What and - Product. will onwr the United - wuhoul duty, the price of Ontario farm land. In bound to advBtMto. YO! ey"" do better mun to BUY NOW. The following Ire a few of the I“! lili'llII. H. H. Mlllu- is caller-int: loo In" lmod lnlnl la grandma ttpt tel,' H. H. MILLER. OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We have a hug to select from and are moderate as we An early call is your ad- vant age OF F Personal Instruction F-ll Talc; Ben$htrr In I“ m "tbtbrdhes. ot6i--Over Jewellrv um sit: Pout Dulce. ONOR "u ll 'fehhtt'l' u " tit adent's " to enter any d i%CrcrliijRirit' avg-m; use; W. C. PICKERING I). I) S, I. I) ti Unigeruity. grulunte of Rnynl 001145 qt D-i_thtratteaufltsurrio Auo" Chi-14} ARTHUR H. Juno! Id vuncemeht ri,,',",',',,",'," ARetth, Mum” to m lusuer of arm LEMMA“. , - era! ttttqrial nu um um . D. McPHA ILA. Jdtllllltiti2'tr, ' Durin- tr="lgl'lltll no: Isl-pica“ in in n.- UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director and are a thing Licensed Auction-u- " Go. Urey rum model." . tl'ylbfa.M) tiiieiiiEhjt,ii,i, ihtliint m Picture Fanning. S ptt)-taf'r(rP,'f V. _ 7274/wa 'f/it/k, M J. [GRANT D. D.tr, L. D. S ttpNort mum)”; “knell rim rug in” N uLuy Public, ()th DURHII. ONT, (Lower Wow- tglee"'""""'" tr om J - [HILTON J. P. TELFORD . . Id] an "wiggles lights . (kip: (tit “'95! shunning a. Speciality. Exit-“WM“. ebuvnucan. up. , tor in Sunn- iti',,nllthul, Communal" “new 0 Money to an». 'h Jttt'e ttb, OM A. BELL If If Big / airy MOE my tl 1 E " urge range and prices V Shortest Notice of beauty 2iirul'll My AN Hanover " D.. of Tum noon Middautgt' apid ”and in on

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