West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jun 1914, p. 8

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‘N was Antonina of Guan. Ind A resl- a: dent may" of tho South Riding Bet nfGroy I think perhaps I um not they “mapping my rights n such who" mile; the hbcty of reviewing and took cacti-3.1m]. "itiatam on theed. “in an. dohmad by Dr. 'hltli;teif mom-tin undid-ta and Ir.» a mm on the ”Haul questions of the m: p provinci- Holuoin on 16“ inst. Iliit1 will-mammpr go we allthe my groud “and by thou gentlemen "r forl um free to admit mu 'nantiiifi th!ryrs that were said In Very well qttol said, partieu1arly by My Janie-on. ‘1, is Mr Blnin spoke on the Temperance. hen Ir Blain a on the Tom mm be! a'there tpt-tttm, ',ir?iti"'ee, 'd2Q'fJ,'l'e,' Emmy the I at nonm- qt “I. r It random and . medical when in anything but a logical way. Ha I a patient who! dial-0d the whole question from a i to the ankle so party standpoint laying that good t save the man't to anco Insulation had been putated ; won! glllllhtt the Statute books of their three ol his Province at every union by the) Mr Blain at Whitney " ' ad-ho ukedthe alec- ather severely mutant . Whitney govt with; .'idi,' mki pow» on ongth ot the past rec- V (”rum-lob he 0rd. Ho no party all the credit| like manner lorthopaao of local option and};10 said ,‘hm tl all restrictions on the sale oi liquor inl vtls as had a. recent "an, a thing that they cer- I ','/ :16 it” iii', tainly do not dourve because every J/It, “it sCd pomn who has lullowod the trend ot 'lhaie1"L"hsl,'s" I "out: in recent years knowsthat ma 1 ”my” 1 tho conurvatlvo It! was Weed to. many mm (logo by Mr ROI$ and hie few fol- noble cw" gm lowon back“ up by public opinion. mm :ij m“. WERE"; A; Ga.'s"lll"l'l'ttliutl'i, Mr plain atmgkcd the ministers ”an". . Whitley govt wlratbet bevercly fythe. .aeuve part ' v n this cam mg". Pow" on south at the 'Git"rdClee? Ir!' ttl1ty, ~1r h P k . ord. a. 8. PM"! all the credit (to; which he was Kong tto has In toe the ot local option “an Ilka. manner by Rex. Dr. Marsh.) Bit "etrietl on the “loot liquor in l He and that there were manypthcr recon ya". . this; that they cer- owls as bad as the l:qucr 'trnthc and taint, (1.... Curve beanie every. worse that they shat their eyes on ”no. '50 ttas followed the trend ot and never ssid a wnrd ahwuc than), "n“. in noun you: known that winch makes me thiuk that Mr Blain the manual" "I was ipreed to must surely lt? been asleep. tor done by Mr 30.3 Ind his few fol: many years. Unlike not know :1. the 10.." but“ up by public opinion. noble Wot k done 10 the slums Ot the n. Idllllled ttt tl I . eltles and tyvnii.tyroughoy the Do- ood m t 'l' if? L't11' 'gl)' mlmon by the unnvsturs oi every de- a: ' or t ' H ' ' e ',',jsyP_iyyyy: ‘Uld henot hearthem , ""9." t'lllutorce. Now tha who their voices against gambling {3. the point lhy electors 1huald eou- 1';ii'ii vine and 1irankerwss in his own rm. d,lgW.,t'f, .323? has _ town .ryr,rt marry Yt'd"t't' 8WD, "Ir it otutitt .. be . mash benefpéhing} I) I the M P IVS at, 1'unmto and the Up bgvo it .bollsbcd in 3 Whole prov- IM I' s M. Ottawa has; 'ret,'is,'laiinr.1 23:51 loco. This questton should not be the supprcssl'm ot thi:w m i'sevstithctit considered by the voten ot this prov- ‘thlr uttunllnn h-u'mg ~Inc-n "tyn men from tt puny stand point " all ; totlzcm lira! by the mamstt'rls. He. there are few people who have g vote :great trodblc “tumour Al i' a and M. "' P's and many luswr ilghts 1r. the _ "r-""""-""""""'""""-"'?"""'"""' l mums, is that they guy mom atten- q--"-""-'-"""-.-'"""""'" f tion 'wr l'x<;rnc:l-n give-n them by the 1 arty paw-cs than they tiotothat xiv! I Sh. Jiorest I351] thml by the bible " ministers, R. w. “son's Meeting a " gSeeds! Seeds! Seeds! , The Central Drug Store is mac-52933:; rireisti) .9,a.,,i9.irecS.at3iita:eit'.i tgrraaF:.:et.6t.e.ett.ett'"i"'t"re.F."6t:'"t".kui, i , g it? CENTRAL DRUG STORE 'i ii] Hekquuutuh (m J i Hunky! b' birield and Garden seeds)),' ill Price: as low as any. MT. FOREST, ONT. A superior school with comRc- tent instructor: and through cow-u. AMintod with Central College, Stratford. We do more for our indent: than does any other similar school. All gradu- ate. in poeitiotts. You may enter at any time. Write for particulars or call " the College. D. A, McLACHLAN, w. B. WILSON, President Principal SW. Jrorest (Business Cotter, G. T. R. Ticket Agency We havea good stock of all kinds of Feed on hand, including Chopped Corn Chopped Corn & Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats If you want Feed, call and sec will please you. a}?! tiiek Govt. Tested Timothyjand Clover Seed Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. We are paying 38c to 40c for Good Oats at our Elevator EDIT Oatmeal Millers but know the differemm between right and wrong and the pestiun in "In thinning right.? It so votetur it." What magma do“?! make which party - guod lawuso long mood lawn no passed. . Here is u an“ that Chr'min- nip]. have My: paying for 40 year- and. when He bu granted thoh' toque“ will they say. "You thunder-toad as Lord ; we meant it tho other part! ,took it up. " One party up they pinata!) ttte mu}. sale at intoxica- tintt ririks in cVéry vh2lage, town ' a city in the province. The oth mpnrgy any: they won't. Come now glut us be honest to God and to our selves and Vote for the party that elf, it will. Mr. Blain und the Dr. "ltinks the best wny to our. the li- rquor evil is to lgavg itjast the way It”: now, that ishy cutting oil" 9 on parties, is that they pay more atteri- tion to iustNetiortyttren them by the, party press than they do to that give l F them by the bible .or ministers. id the great trouble With too many tthe ministers is that for (game! giving offence to some wealthy man who may be a member oi their church. they allow their tongues to cleave to the roofs of their mouths rather than expose the wickedness than cx’sta among the dwellers it. palatial palaces and gilded halls. All honor to the minister who has the courage of his convictions and when he sees a thing wrong will say sound call " spade a spade." Let us work with them hand in hand in this campaign and stamp out . curse in our province that is bringing deg- radation and s‘nme to thousands nl' our Wh r. Imus do it now. We may never get the chance again and thg%%y the Dr. would do in his medical practice, supposing he had a patient who had his loot trczan up to the ankle so badly that in order to an the man‘s life it should be am- patated :wonid he just cu: offtwo or three ot his we: ? it We succ poor then the rescui known ia) teetion in poor. ttVe regret us Item, pub Smith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed Seed Oats Buy your tickets here. oed this tins in saving the We will direct our ammo to " of the rich for it is a well rt. thatthey need somelro- this respect as well “the US h them hand in ha an and smmp out a hoe that is brjnging I sh:uno to thousal Imus do it now. Tet, the chance agail d this Lima in savin m Order Early t wonde'é ll that is Our prices of space prevents g in full.--Ed) in hand in out a curse. inging dog- hens-ands nf now. We now. We sagain and saving the or 'rirortit to to! (ll "l m m a! The Dietrict Annual meeting of theI South Grey Women's Institute will held in the Town Hall, Durham, " Thursduv, June 18th. In the district there re nine branches, the total numbekf meetings held during the yenr be k' 89, With a total attendance of 2063 and 15t papers and addressee were given.’ A Teport fron each branch was given. showing all in n fiourishing condition. Dromure has put drinking (ups in four schools, they‘ planted flowers, shrubs Ind trees in the cemetery and sent a donation to the Sick Children's Hospital. Holttein has had a splendid year and with a concert and the 25th of M my celelmu tion, they have now on hand over $100 00, with which they are planning to sent the park and assist the Hol. stein Library. After the reports were given and further business discussed hire Datum. of Ayton, read a very In- atruclive paper on .. Books and their influence.“ Mm Grout, of Holstein, read a splendid paper on " Don't Worry " and Mrs Rogers, of Hulatein, read one (qimlly as good on tt The Oth" er Woman." The. following tdtieerts were ileclcd '. President-Mrs Dr. Eamon, A} ton ', lst Vice Prem~Mru J. W,Blyth, Durham l 2nd Vice-Pres, l _-hir, J, H. Parke, Dornoch ; Sec. 'l‘rc;‘>MIs Thus. McGYr. Strictly pure Paris Green-Me a lb at Machsrlane's Drug Store. 2it'ernont Sunday School Association The Egremont Sunday School Associ- ation held the l6th annual convention in Woodland Presbyterian church on Friday, June 19th. The attendance at both afternoon and evening session; was large, the program one of the best ln the history of the Association. The ECHOOI Association Above reports adopted and navel - ”can; $3.00. i'21c,'ie,the','idj',!,t, . , r...c'., . mime toexam net C ar o rt mes The Egremont Sunday School “W" l m the auuth of the township‘, reporzcd anon held the 16th annualconvention Arthur‘s bridge unsafe umber in in Woodland Presbyterian church on 5 abutment is decayed, (“an is crowd- Friday, June 19th. The attendance at ‘ ing in on the spiles. A cement abat. both afternoon and evening sessions l ment recommended Dretrry's and was large, the program one of the best l McQueen'B bridges fairly good. Rus- In the history of the Association. The l nell's bindge "quires rre.p.airinit, the President, Mrs Russ, was in the chair. l timber “t MeNttWa bridge badly Excellent reports were given from eight I t,1tyty,ytf altttogt worthless m." re. Sabbath Schools of the township. Mr' bailding. It ls eesid.ery.i ttttWIN) to John Phil . . . Ite! t l . try and rehulld this bridge and: re. p gave a f p u address on:eommended fencme up the bridge i', How to Prepare and Teach a Sunday l and making a road through the rietr School Lesson." Some of his remarks l lot summer travel and pile firoring wcre-prcparrln should begin as soon I and j 'ists to preSL‘l‘Ye lron1 deeay. " How to Prepare and Teach a Sunday School Lesson." Some of bis remarks wcre-prcparation should begin " soon as possible after teaching this Sabbath', lesson, while the mind is on the study and the heart warm to the work, but preparation should continue throughout the week. The teacher training class is a splendid aid, but the teacher must study the lesson in priv ate. The teach- ing of the lesson needs tact and judg- ment, in asking questions and present. ing of the most important points. Keep the pupils interested and aim to get the pupils to prepare the lesson before com. ing to the class. Rev. J. W. Rae gave czcellcnt addres. cs both afternoon and evening. His subject in the afternoon was " The Sabbath School Teachers Decalogue." He dwelt on the ten commandments. which are given in the write-up of the Glenclg Convention on page 5. In the evening Mr Rae took for his ubje ct " Truths that triumph to-day." First of the great truths is the faith we have in the living Christ ; Second. our faith in the living hook; Third, truth that triumphs is the faith of the little child. He said the future success of the church depends on the faith of the child. ren of the present. Teachers should adapt themselves more to the child than tothe lesson. All teaching is the intiu. ence of a life on a life. So the greatest thing on the part of a teacher is a con. ttecrated life. in the same relation to the church as the nursery does to the orchard. The parents have a duty to the S. School. They should attend with thn children and seek to have them there on time and an regularly as to the day school. Their duty is to have the children taught at home, as the time for teaching the s. School lenson ls short and insuffici- cnt. Also parents should teach their children to respect their teacher. They should also pray for the teachers of their children and take an interett in and encourlgc them. These were some of the many good points brought out by Dr, Marsh. " If the bar do not go throughout tt rio, on whom will the spousibil- ity rest '3" N on YOU if you mark y r ballot for Ramage on one 29th. ' Rev. Dr. Marsh also spoke in the eve. ning on " The Responsibility of parents to the S. Schools.” The S. S. stands Special music was rendered by Mia Buchanan, Mr Woods and Mr John Marsh and the choir, during the sessions sshich was much enjoyed by the undi- ence. The kind houpitality of the Woodland people was much appreciated and help- ed to make the convention a success. Next meeting is to be held at Orchard. Olliccrs for next year : President -Mr Wm. Dickson ; Vicc-Hrcs.--Mr John Sinclair: Sec..Trear--Mr John Stev- enson. With the following are Super- intendents of Departments. Secondary Division-Mr Geo. Lothian; Temper- uncc Department-Mr Wm. Allan ' Miss. Dept-Mrs J. D. Main ; Teacher Training 19ept.--Mr RT. Dodds; Adult Bible Class Dept-Mr R. Renwick. Electors of South iid, l I"ill0Ls"rE,I,ill)),tiil TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW f The clerk was instructed to notify ‘John Ross and Mal. McNair to re- _ move their fence on the 15th sidorond where they have fenced up to the old {approaches so as to leave sidoroad I clear. Council met June 18th. Minute! adopted. By-Inw No. 289 to Ippoinx a Saniury Inspector was passed. Jno W Walls was appointed. Br luv No§290 to appoint . Sheep Vuln- amr was passed. WA Lawrence was appointed Sheep Valuator for Division No 1 in place ot Wm Me- Fadden deceased. ltrbb-trtrdon--That this Council shall pay six cents per loud tor gra- vel and ii said price is not utiuactory to owners. then the Council tthall adopt means of taking the gravel ac- aording to law. The clerk was also instructed to nozity Altred Ham and D. Campbell to remove their tences off baseline Hora A can 18 and to have aid fences gemoved inside of tour months from ate. Road reports-Toe reeve reported meeting reeve of Arthur and exam- ined expenditure on T L, rating the statute labor at $1.50 per day, which gave a balance due Egremont of $07 30, which the reeve of Arthur agreed to pay, said money to be spent on ll and A townline. They also examined the grievance It drain Nu b', Conn and found a portion ot drain required to be clan-ed out and recommended that “id portion be cleaned on: and assessment made ac cording to law, Porter's bridge requires repairin g, Morris In 's bridge ls in good shape, rods and braces xequiro lizhtemngA Committee's report adopted, Comr's report adopted, each received 83,00 for his suvices. Comr Ferguson Rave a detailed ac- count of expending $66.00, Comr paid $10.00 for assisting and oversee- ing work. A _ _ -- " 1tubb--G'ordun--TUt we new ad. jotirrt to meet. on Monday, July 20th, to open tenders for cement work and general basine8r--Carried. Tenders are asked tor to build» ce- ment abutment for Arthur‘s bridge. See posters. 27.67 expenses inourred on behall ot Walter Spencer while under quarantine. Clerk is required to notify said party to refund the same according to law. Comr Gordon had expended 64 30 and received 1.50 Comr feel. also n lengdxy report on the condition of E Sc l' T Lina and recommended a grant to improve laid road and re- commended payment of 25.10 to A lcTavish tor rock elm plank. Com 2 00. A grant of 80 ()0 wan given to improve P & E T L and 25.00 to im- prove Glenelg T L. Robb-Gordon-That sundry ac- counts amounting to 229.42 be paid. Currled. A social gathering was held " the home of Mr W. T. Finder ou Tuesdny 'evening in honor of Hey. Mr Ind Mrs Ward. DURHAM, ONT., JUNE 28, 1914. I hereby appoint an my ofrieitu agent in the election to be held on 29th June, 1014, Peter Ravage. of the Town of Dmhuut, in nocordnnce with Bee, 'art 'tth-section I. of (he otttaeJittioei Aer. . '03.“. than Comp Robb recommended payment of 53 00 wire tence anua and 20.20 gravellinz da} 5 labor", 00m fee91.50. ”bunk McRobb had spent $20,50aud he received 1.00 com fees. A footlnll game was pl-nyed in Geo. Lewna' field Friday evening by the Orchard and Aston teams. the Icon bung Ir-l in favor of the Orchlrd boys. Remember the Orchard Sunday School picnic on Friday. June 26th, A good time IS expected. A football game will be played by the Orchard and Holstein boys. , Mr and Mo Rom. Aitkin Visited Thursday at W. T, Finder's. Dyce--On Monday, June 15, to Mr and Mrs Geo, Dyee, twin sons. Yake--0n the moth com, Egremont, June 18, to Mr and Mrs Chas. Yake a son. By this latter went, Reeve John McArthur, of Egremont, now becomes a grandfather. HAsrttc--rn Dromore, on; Wednesday. 13h inst., to Mr an! Mrs Walter Hastte, u daughter. J“: Io, “' l". w“ m” ”M“ 2',C'l The meeting in the hall on Frills} a ti0tt, By this Ia.tt,e,r, even, Reeve!, night, in advocacy of liberal and tom Jdg,,hW11y,g'2,ig,e'm"", '"'w'ji't'jiiie' platforms was well attended H ec I J, "V d e d ,end wee conducted inesene.business- AHTII~I~ I) remote, or. e n tr ay. . . . a '/fa1/,',"'atr'iatarer,yi Mrs ‘“"".1'..'?n‘{£2 szidszéhzns'sg'sl we; ' '_'d ,-,, - linto the channels that means votes for the cause " Inks. Messrs A. W. ORCHARD lwnght. Noun Forest Ind Chi. . -- .Remege. the litterctstnptreneis can- I'lie farmers we all smiling ,eelf.?lttt end Wm. Calder were the since the rain husdcome, but it: {rosyspeekers yd 'ttht (airman; to all has done some lungs In t e gIr-‘purtrel was a enoro t a I resses. dens. {The Abolish the Ber issue was prin- Mlss Bertha Felkingbem is home oipslly dull with though many planks from Toronto for the summer. Her I of Mr Howell's splendid platform were sinner Florence returned Monday loiintelliguntly discussed. Applause Toronto to continue her course aslwes enrlsaauotie and genuine. such as nurse. lhss marked all of Mr llnmsge's meet, Mr and Mrs N. CermountI visitedlings throughcul the campaign. CV.‘_J__‘ -s ‘l_., l’\_,,_l,,r The farmers In all smiling now snnce the rain In: some, but the frost. has done some dlmuge In the gur- dens. Mr and Mrs N. Carmount visited Sunday at Mrs Douglas', Mia Schrum is now visiting Mr! Mt? Douglas'. EGREMONT COUNCIL Appointment of Agent. BURN D. ALLAN, Clerk 5"". 'II',- I "....tre...""" - Mr Alvin Durant is home from Pense, Sank. Mr and MrsKarl Butdett, of Pan- tiac, Mich” visited Mr Bert Brebner lor a couple days last week. Br and Mrs Wm. Orchard and baby accompanied by " mother, Mrs John Orchard, all from Londen, are visit. ing relatives in Hoisteiu. Bell Bros , of Robb, have the con. truer of renovating the Methodist parsonage. The ladies-are also doing considerable work prepiritttt for the new minister. - Promotion examinations we in vogue in the lccal aeademythu week, Thirteen are writing in the senior room and about the same nuttser in Nils Ker's department. e', 's, We extend wsongratuiatiq s to Mr “3““ Gordon Geddes and Miss" Bertha)?“ l Hooper, a Dromore young couple. A'00,( who are being married this 'vedit.ts.trriliet.r day. Mrs James Matthews and children were visiting in Durham this week. Rev. W. E. James has received the nomination " a socialist candidate in Toronto. We would like to see vic- tory rest on Mr James, but,-- Mrs Milford Bowling will be at home to her friends after July Ist. A merry load of picliniclitrs from here went to Pike Lake Thursday and enjoyed the romantic beauty of that summer retreat for a few hours and finished up with a hop. i Rev. D. B. Marsh delivered his semi-annual tempesance sermon on [Sunday and gave a fierce arraign. :ment of the evils of intemperauce. V ts A Street of Hell tt way the subject of the discourse and to produce the thoroughfare, he measured the dis- tance in frontage per foot of all the 'saloous in Canada and the United States, and when they were lined up ’Cluse together on bpth sides of the Mr and Mrs J. D. Main attended the funeral of the latter's uncle, Wm. Ker of Clinton, to Woodland cemetery on Friday. Mr Robt. li'airbairn, druggist oi Windsor and son of Mr John Fair- bairn, Sr., of Egrcmont, was married to a Miss Jean Welsh, of Windsor, on Tuesday. ‘The bridal couple are ex- pected to visit friends here on the wedding tour, Dr. J. L. Wilson, tormerly of IIol- stein; has purchased a practice in Toronto. Since moving to the citv the doctor has had the family 'netu- bership increased, Four boys now. The football team go to Orchard, ville on Friday night for a return game and on Dominion Day at Dro- more they have entered along Dro- more, Swinton Park and Gleneden in the tournament. To my caste: and friends ; Owing to the emand for cash pay- ments by the wh Rulers from whom I buy my goods. I nd it necmary tn enter into the caah starri. Thus " ter July Ist, my term Ill be strictly cub. Soliciting you further leors tnd pnltouage. Since ly _ L. B, iushohson. Mum; Chis. and Howard. Drumm left on Wednesday morning {or Water- loo. when; they will attend the hr metal at their hither. The late Mr Drumm was "bi, unfortunate victim of a street car accident while visiting in Berlin. He wasjostled in front of the car by a bicycle tuurtlie accidex proved to be almost itnmedistelyiat . A pretty June wedding was solenrh. ized at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm, Gillies on Wednesday, r7th inst.. when their daughter Miss Mabel was married to Mr Milford Dowling ol Holstein. The ceremony took place at 5 o'clock, Rev. S. H, Mayer, of Woodland. officiating and during the playing of the wedding march by Miss Annie Whitmore. The bride looked charming in a gown of white silk, hat to match and also carried a bouquet of white carnations. While the register wos being signed, Miss Rowena Rawn farored with the num- ber " O Promise Me." About 70 guests were present, some attended from Havelock, Dundalk and Dur- ham. street, the street of hell measured from the city of Quebec to 50 miles west of Detroit. Or placing the sa- loom: on one side ot the street, they would reach 200 miles west of Min- neapolis. It would take a train tra- velling 40 miles per hour, four days to cover this distance. He furnished other startling facts and statistics concerning the great evil . One was; --that if all the funerals in one year when death was the result of, liquor, were arranged {our to a mile. they would number a million and' a half in America alone, and the procession would reach _is time. around the globe. Large congregalions attend ed bcth at Holstein and 19irrniru, and were greatly taken with Dtr Hue)”- dileouru. . - LOIAL AND PERSONAL We regret to report that Percy Mapp in Ieriouely ill with rheunn- tifm in Stratford hospital. ~_.,.Five years service as a medical missionary in China he enabled Dr. W. D. Ferguson to obtain a splendid grasp at conditions, good, “cage and bad, which prevail in that por-) tion of the oriental world. These conditions coupled with many other yutertaining facts, he elucidated in _ interesting fashion, d discourse in the IMethodist Church on Sunday even- ting. The address is being serialled _ to next Sunday night also. Lieeu I Inspector Allan conducted the nor ling service while Mrs J, D. Main an " L. B. Nicholson will give convention jand conterence reports at the morn- l ing gathering next Sabbath. ALCOHOL AND Want-Drink is one of the worst to.- any nation can hue. Carefully compiled futures about that dating from the Russo-Japanese war back to B. C. mo, the number of killed nd wounded in hulle amount. to £800,000. of whom about 700,000 were :killed and over 2,000 000 wounded, But it in estimated that alcohol is kill- ing 3 500,000 white men every you. or five limes as many as have been killed in war in 2,400 yearn In other words. alcohol hover 10,000 limes more de- (motive than all wars combined. Be- sides it Is calullaled that 125900.000 v hike men to-day are an iniured by " cubnl as to be unfitted for their but mu k and lik 'ly to die untimely death.. llev. D. F. and Ma. Smith and little son. missionaries on furlough from India, visited for a few days with their cousins here, Mr Jno Scott and Mrs J M Findlay. On Thursdu Mrs. Smith Raye an interesting " dx‘ess to the ladies at the Missionary society on the conditions oi women in India. She also addressed the Sub bath School speaking ofthe work they are doing in India. Mr. Smith Ilse gave a very impressive sermon along missionary lines. lie some 20 years i pay 5 cu th i CATALO s f, bfi; g BUT ',ae3"8.aea.aeaeaeoearaeaeaeaeaeaeae-aeaeaeaeaeix, , ‘LEADER 0°.” uwmouuuuuuom d. W. HUNT BARN WALLS, HOUSES. SILOS. BRIDGES'AND CULVERTS We also sell the DURHAM NATIONAL PORTLAM) CEMENT, that well known brand at the lowest possible price. Cement always on hand. Call or write midget my prices before you let your contract Now the 24th of May has passed, we naturally look for hot weather, and the sheep Th ill be clipped. Now we are ready to receive the largest quantity of Wool we have ever handled and can offer you the highest, prices. In exchange {Or same we can either pay 5 on the Cash or give you Trade of highest quality Ladies' and Men's Raincoats 6.50 to Paints, Linoleums, and Oilcloths Wire and Wire Fencing” J. W. Hunt is:preparerti, take all kinds of Cement Work---- . . - Men's and Boys' Suits TAYLOR& too. Dromore t Wool Season i " )a"""""e-eaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeoeae- are' CEMENT WORK DRUMORE All newest patterns and quality guaranteed All first.olass patterns and prices from . . . . . . . TAYLOR & CO. (','t1gri' WOOL, BUTT R & EGGS We can sell you anything and get it for you on short. notice. no “:0de school her. and emu,- od tor [my boy- and girls ot m: time who no now widely "att; In. John Pitrbairtt visited l,r tnetttertttmlaat weak and mum» the induction Denim Thursda y Dr. Bambi“ J. M, Findlay n cred to Woodaock on Sunni») . turning londny. In. While? Her-burg was a m can. visitor at thet bone of Mr sl' Mullah-n over the Week end . ' B. I. Smith. rn'ot,o/t.'f,/),1 , church Dromore, Ind no: Noun» _ by. was inducted on Thursdav in:- : neon " Drainage, Several mean. t, We” were present am; a urge turnout of both count-gaunt filled the church. Rev Mr Sung.“ ',, at East Normnnby prenched. li, ‘Cooper “dressed the newly maul _ ‘ednlnieter and Dr Ilanh the c “reunion. After service the lad , "rved tea in the basttttterat,theth' lea being nicely arranged and d, outed with i1oweta. No entertnz- men: was held in the evening as i; tsanttreqatiett intend hnving a ttard put“ with u lecture in the new; / on the Ist July. A meeting in the interest of a! Liberal Candidate wee held in kn eel Bali on the 18th inet. Mr Wait tnatieaoted aaenalrman. Mr. Wy, Calder, Durham and the candida: reviewed the iggtteg ofthe day. large audience listened ttttentivvi many of whom were ladies, and the canduam is one of our old b, l he is going to poll a. large prupwrl. of Mir vom. In“. Morrism of Toronto is elm um her vacation with her pun-x It. and Mn. any. Mr. John lie-wick arrived 1. trom the was: on 'ihesday when bu been for the pun four yenre. MissesColetra McMillan Mary In lay mud Florence lienwick Are h ', trom ll. 8thool tor the holidays. Some 18 pupils wrote their 1. mace exam at, 86 No 13. Mr IN Dixon presided. We wish th success. The Best is the Cheapest JUNE 25,1914 2.50 mam) HOLSTE IN st' l CO VOL. XXXVI Whitney 0ost. Returned to Br. Jameson. M. P. P. ' creased majorit Ttmrei1 More There win t “kiln! luv) cm‘tv he - " the Bogreil will b "I'Ven lulu ”haunt. MO. cxcr'pt Mame-d wit omdidule Mu qlerieseburr, " in! d " fo, , oet ot '.9i Ill}! har, Home!” "ot “MILE. ed. tht J ttl ‘reuten VI , . mnj-mty Tho ' Morel yenrh church by " "It'll v! him. "tsi [ Mt'" t MM“ behind .9!!! III' .Pl" ANT by ti, and h on the Iuok are H cru> I'll! or' . ot I [hunt tun nun 'WI pr. idt wt ttr " Th Ol ll " m are» From Ind w in our hum the t lull shit its than " The ft etttr in rece 1m

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