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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1914, p. 5

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. ... 1,.50 and 1.75 with straps, 85¢ igh Button. . . 2.25 nneln ole alelel s°~ e felnts 1 +/ | poo or Face Cream McKechnie‘s oap ==â€" kes for 25¢ with produce. perate arry peole@elatals s a" do s 2s es sns day _ only Olive Soap minders 1 Produce wherever kwown on one : let us is not complete We have them n t stock is out of ason than usual clLRAITH Hosiery our tickets bere Car ug Store $ urham fttin M JULY 2, 8 Profits 11SS 11 everything AT record Small workâ€" They Other ai C f JULY 2, 1914 E for Vermin and Disease " Germs in stables, poultry H houses, etc., that will cost 4 but a few cents. 8. 23 mza Te oore lt SoH cod ds Durham, % Continuation cudin« Students should enter at the begio ( the term if possible. _ Boasd can be 1i reasonable rlta Durham is a heal ind atumactive town, g it a most place for residence t 1% t Ihe record of the Schoo past years imtering one, The trustees are progressive edu cationally and spare no pairls to see that teachers and pupils have every flvwmflm proper preschtation and acquisition of wledge. FEEKS: §1 per month in advance REV. W. L. HARTLEY, DR. J. F. GRANT, Chairman S.cretary Many people are anxious at this season to know the Best Exterminator Here it is; Equal parts of CorrosiveSublimate and Sodium Chloride dissolved in one gallon of hot water. _ When dissolved add water to make 25 gallons. Sprey every nook and crevice The correct proportions will gladly be supplied by calling at THE _ QUALITY PHARMACY PRICEVILLE, we\!: leavelfor two days then give i thorough eoat of whitewash. n charge : s ALLAN, Principa! and Provincial hodâ€" school Teamcher. 1st Class Certificate school is thorqughly equipped [n teas in ‘l"hemlcll and oleflr&d $U ppiar :, &c., for full Junior Leaving and M n work. The following competent THE CITY BAKERY Visit our Ice Cream Parlors The advent of hot weather brings a longing for cool dishes.â€" Refresh your palate by dropping in our parlor afternovon or evening and enjoy our pure deâ€" icious Ice Cream. _ Sodas, Sundaes, Soft Drinks, etc. Take an Ice Cream brick home with you. Staff and Equipment. PRICEVILLE 452 Highest prices for Butéer and Bggs. Headquarters f;r (Oonfectionery and «l1 Bakery goods School ns mippmmp n ONT Miss Robertson, Mrs Marshall and Miss Rutherford, the former two of Ottawa and the lattes of Durham Misses Myra McLean, Edna Ferâ€" guson and Margaret Tryon returned home from vacation after their strenâ€" uous studies at Owen Sound Coll. Miss Agnes Harrow has completed her course in Stratford Normal School and is spending the holidays at her home. Mrs D G McLean left on Tuesday on an extended trip to the West. Geo, Myers of town, had the misâ€" tortune to let a heavy timber fall on his foot while working at the church sheds resulting in a dislocated ankle. Misses Mary Aldcorn, Rebecca Mcâ€" Millan, Flora McMillan and Ella Mcâ€" Kinuon are holidaying at their resâ€" pective homes. The rain on Sunday afternoun and all day Monday last was quite welâ€" comed although it interfered with the election. . We cannot say anyâ€" thing yet as to the result of this Monâ€" day bu: will hear soon. The crops are hbeginning to look well and it the weather continues showery and warm for a comple of weeks things will spring up well. The Methodists are to have a garâ€" den party on the 7th Jualy, commenâ€" cing at 5 n‘clock when a good proâ€" gram will be given Rev. Mr. Burkholder of Caledon, preached tor Mr, Matheson 1«st Sanâ€" day and Mr Matheson took Mr Bark holders place last Sanday. . â€"A. ROWE Mr and Mrs. Walker and family of Toronto are spending their bolidays for a menth or two in this town and took up the yacint house owned by Vet. Mcintyre on the other side of the bridge. Mrs MeCabe ot Torontc, (nee Mary Aun Brown, is s‘aying a while at her sisters, Mrs McKinnon a. the post ofâ€" fiee. We aresorry that Neil Mcâ€" Kinnon Jr is laid ap tor a few days but we hope to see him around again Mr. Cameron McKinnon of Maniâ€" toulin Island is spending a while with his aunt, Mrs Hugh MeKinnon, South Line, Glenelg, and other triends b:fore be will returo. Gaclic Sacrament in the Presbyâ€" terian church bere next Sanday, commencing at 14 o‘ciock forencon. English sacrament the Sunday folâ€" lowing, preparatory seryices on Friâ€" day previous at 4 o‘elock in the afâ€" ternoon. No preparatory service for the Gaelic com®munion. one day last week with relaâ€" PRICEVILLE THE VILLAGE Mr Donald MeKinnon, C P R mail clerk, spent Sunday at home here and retarned Monday morning. . Miss McCuaaig, teacher, from Tara, is home for her vacation to Top Ciiff. Reeve Nichol spant. last week at the County Council, OQwen Seaund. The sheds at the Presbyterian Ch. la this place are progressing well. The cement work will be done this week if fayorable weather continues. Miss Louisa MceDonald, D.: Road, Glenelg, intends to leave for the west on the Tth of July to visit her sister and Mrs Davies of Lethbridge and her unole, John MclIones and family of Calgary. â€" She will be aeâ€" companied by Miss Jennie Cameron of Toronto and Miss Cameron‘s ne; hâ€" ow, son of Mr Neil Cameron of some far away part of the country. Mr. Geo. Myers of this place met with a bad accident one day lately while helping to unload a stick of rimber. _ It someway slipped and sprained his ankle badly and now he is laid up from the effects thereot and will be for sox e time. A quies wedding was held at the residence of Mrs Ruobt Conkey of this town on Wednesdey 24th June, when ber daughter Miss Emma, was unisâ€" ed in marriage to Mr Joseph Crawâ€" ford Harrison, by the Rev &R‘ Matheâ€" son. _ Miss Comkey was organist in the Presbyterian church for a numâ€" ber of years and all join in wishing her and the gentleman ot her choice, long lits and prosperity in life‘s voyâ€" ages together. Miss Sickett, anothâ€" er young lady takes Miss Conkey‘s place as organist and flls the situaâ€" tion well. Dr. Lane thought that borse driv ing was too slow tor a docior and he purchased an automobile and now he can be on band on short notice. Laterâ€"The elections are over and as usual went one sided but the deâ€" feated take courage. The intentions were good but the powers that be were mighty against them. Cool, showery weather is still ours. Crups are looking splendid. _ Mrs Bill, London, is visiting her daughter, M:s W, Dingwall. Dr. Marsh, Holstein, accompanied by Mr Jas. Pailp, who motored over, gave a very able discourse at Esplin Sunday morning. Mrs Andrew Dingwall, Artemesia, visited triends here last week. Mr Arcbh. Barnett left Tharsday for a mo th‘s visis with Barlington triends. 7 Mr Ainsworth Jack is improviog his farm by erecting a fine brick d velling. A goodly naumber of our youth and beauty enjryed special service at Swinton Park sunday eye. Misses Laura and Rath McGillivray are spending the sammer imonths at Jackson‘s Point. Mr Hagh MacCau) visited friends in Egremont on Sanday. Miss Winnie Bismie is home from her school at Haiupden. Mr A. Beaton visited his daughter, Mrs Jobn Greenwood, ot Zion. Mr and Mrs R. J. Mactillivray visited 0. S. triends last week. * Mr (George Allen is having a foundâ€" ation put under his barn. Miss Millie Mighton is yisiting her cousin, Mrs G. Allen. Don‘s forget to come to the garden party at Mr James Ma(illivray‘s on Mr Bert Linn spent the week end in 0. Sound. In Memory of John Furneaux, who died June Ist, 1913 (The subject of the following appreâ€" ciation was wellâ€"known in Glenelg.) While in the year that has passed since my friend and brother was calâ€"|. led from the acuvities of this life to the rest that remsineth to the people of God, he has passed from the thoughts of most men, yet his strong chwistian character is still very much of a realiâ€" ty to those of us who were privileged to know him more intimately, and it will continue to be. _ He was one of those quiet pergussivye characters which do not advertise themselves to the world but do leave an indelible impression on the lives they touch, and that impression was always and clearly for the better nobler things. It was necessary to know him to apprecâ€" iute him. _ And the better you knew bim the more vou loved and appreciâ€" ated hiwm. _ BM did not make friendâ€" ship: in a burey But a friendship once formed was a manifold cord not |easily broken. And to those of us who were bleased with ‘hat friendship life is stronger, more real, more noble, more worth the living because of the streng:h of his beautiful life, and thus his iofluence is still a living positive esset in ‘out liyes, _ And will as the years mul.iply, _ become more and Imore so. _ His is:one of the fragrant memories we all desire to retain. â€" It | would be well for burdened hamanity if there were more such men. . His touch on home life made home life more beautiful and livable. _ His inâ€" fluence on political life was always and elearly for cleain politics. His religion was of that fervent simple transparent . kind that always left the impression that be had been with Jesus and bad learned life‘s great lessons while sitâ€" ting at hie feet, ond thus his nl.iigicm‘ inspired within those who hehéld it a desivre to possess it and to live it and to commend it to others. _ And is was this element in his character which bas made Heaven seem more q» reâ€" ality to us since the Lord took him aly 7th Ee e e o io o o hom +. â€" Fromw an acqusintamce: of 20 years the writer can testifly that his memory is s‘ill « blessing to the vorld and a rich Jegacy to his family. A Friend.â€"â€"Pittsbuarg, Kan , Headlight SAUGEEN VALLEY HOPEVILLE â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"4 ¢4â€"â€"â€"â€" TOTING WAS HEAVY Contest Throughout Province the Keenest in Years. GUELPH MAN DROPS DEAD Expporter of Sam Carter Succumbs to "ieart Failure at News of Elecâ€" tion of His Candidate â€" Evanâ€" turel Is Returned In Prescott â€"â€"Mr. Rowell Issues Stateâ€" ment to Temperance Forces. TORONTO, June 30. â€" The vigor with which the election was fought throughout Ontario yesterday is atâ€" tested by the fact that the vote was perhaps the heaviest ever polled in the province. From fragmentary reâ€" ports now at hand records for high percentage of votes cast were made in neurly every riding. fee Grstavy Evanturel, who appealed from the condemnation of the Legisâ€" lature to his constituents, comes back. He headed the poll in Prescott, defeating both Liberal and TConserâ€" vative candidates. Mr. Evanturel‘s reâ€"election came as a big surprise. He returns to the Legislature as an Independent. > In Toronto the poll was exceptionâ€" ally large and the Tory metropolis reâ€" peated what it Las done for yearsâ€" returned a complete Conservative slate. The new faces in the Legislaâ€" ture from Toronto will be Wm. H. Price (Parkdale), Joseph Russell (exâ€"M. P.) (Riverdale), Mark Irish (Toronto, N.E.), and Thomas Hook (Toronto, S.E.). All, both new and old members, had ample majorities. Sir Adam Beck Breaks Record. LONDON, Ont., June 30. â€" Sir Adam Beck was accorded a record fhajo>ity by the ciectors of London yesterday, defeating Dr. W. J. Stevâ€" enson, Liberal, by 1,496 votes. Sir Adam received 4,353 votes, Dr. Stevâ€" enson 2,857, and John D. Jacobs, Labor candidate, the third man in the contest, 416. The Minister of Power was given an acclamation in 1911, while in 1908 his mapority over J. M. McEvoy, K.C., Liberal, was 1,404. The total number of votes pollâ€" ed yesterday was 7,626. There were 12,050 names on the voters‘ lists. Carter Supporter Drops Dead. GUELPH, June 30. â€"The Liberal temperance workers of this city held a big celebration last night in honor of the election of Sam Carter. The majority was somewhere in the neighborhood of one hundred, probâ€" ably a little less, which was someâ€" what of a surprise even to his most coafident supporters. ° ## _ John Black, an aged retired fatmâ€" er, of Extra street, this city, could not stand the excitement consequent upâ€" on the result of the elections. He was in Samuel Carter‘s committee rooms when it was announced that Mr. Carter was electec, and without a moment‘s warning he fell over on the floor and died. Death was due to bheart failure. Kingston Swept By Ross. KINGSTON, June 30. â€" Dr. A. E. Ross (Con.) defeated Ald. T. F. Harâ€" rison (Lib.) in yesterday‘s contest b; a majority of 1,466. The majorâ€" ity was a gréat surprise to both sides. All day long it was believed Dr. Ross would have a majority of about 600, but not one of the supporters of Dr. Ross dreamed of such a majority. Ross polled a majori‘y in every subâ€" division in the city an‘ at the village of Portsmouth as well. Hamilton Backs Favorites. HAMILTON, June 30. â€" In the West riding, Col. Hendrie polled the biggest vote of his career, receiving a majority of 1,628 over Ald. Dr. Davey, the Independent Liberal and ‘ Temperance candidate, never seemed _ dangerous. In East Hamilton the figures for Allan Studbholme were 4,472 while 3,482 votes were polled for Controller Thomas W. Jutten, the Conservative candidate, which gives the Labor canâ€" didate a majority of 990, nearly 300 more than he bhad in the last elecâ€" tion. Close In North Oxford. wWOODSTOCK, Ont., June 30.â€" N. W. Ruwell was yesterday reâ€" elected in Nofth Oxford, but his maâ€" jority of 560 received in 1911 was reduced to 115. While the city gave R. E. Butler (Con.) a majority, the country went strong for Rowell and the large city majority was overcome, giving the Liberal leader a lead in the riding. Proudfoot Returned. GODERICH, June 30.â€"Centre Huâ€" ron yesterday returned Wm. Proudâ€" foot with a majority of 316, an inâ€" crease of 100 over his last election, and had it not been for very incleâ€" ment weather, which retarded the country vote, it is estimated his maâ€" jority would have been at least 400. T.e urban vote was the largest polled for many years. Sir James Says Outcome Did Not Worry Him. TORONTO, June 30. â€" " ‘Twas a glor‘ous victoryâ€"just what I expectâ€" ed," was the brief comment of Sir James Whitney last night when askâ€" ed for a statemen: for the press. The Prime Minister left his office early in the afterno0* and received the election results at his home by telephone. He followed the returns fiom each constituency wtih keen interest and occasional expressions of satisfaction, biw manifested noâ€"conâ€" cern at any time as to the outcome During the latter part of the evening, when most of the returns were in, Sir James was literally deluged by teleâ€" grams of congratulation. Beyond the brief expression quotâ€" ed, however, Sir James declined to ‘make any prongnnceq.\engulut xtl:h‘t. He retired early and will probably make a more extended statement toâ€" i day. Walking into the waitingâ€"room at Bonaventure Station at Montreal an unknown man shot himselft in the head. Before dropping dead he reâ€" placed the weapen in his suitcase,. MARRIED. C Harrisonâ€"McCo®kryâ€"At the resiâ€" dence of the bride‘s mO‘her, Priceâ€" vilie, June 24th, 1914, J, C. Harrison to Emma W, MéConkey, y Roev. J. A. Mathceon, B. D, Huppoyâ€"BRESNAHANâ€"At> the resiâ€" dence of Mrâ€"William Willians«on. south line, Arteinesia, by Rey . J. A. l | \~Mathéson,. on June 17th, 1914, Ohae, ‘ MUunddv. of Artemesia, to Kllen Bresâ€" = T563 DURKHKAM REVIEW WHAT HE EXPECTED. Mr Wm. Weir was in Proton this week on business. Mrs John Staples, of Toronto, yvisitâ€" ed at Mr_Fred Staples‘ one day last week. She intends taking a trip out west in the near future. Mr Eimnie Greenwoaod attended the Hooperâ€"Geddes wedding at Dromore last Weanesday. . _ _ Mra D, Greenmwood and Miss Clara, ot town, visited at her old home here over Sunday and left on Tuesday for a couple of months‘ visit with friends in the West. Miss Nellic Collier came home from Toronto last week and intends to reâ€" main for some time. Miss M. MeKcchnie, of the Rocky SBaugeen, 13 at present with bher aunt, Mis Robt. Ector, who is poorly. Mr and Mrs Chas. Moffat attended the Hooperâ€"Geddes wedding near Dromore iast Wednesday . Mr and iIrs Arthur Greenwood is visiting friends in Mildmay, Welkerâ€" ton and Kincardine. A number from this turg atiended the Orange garden rarty on Friday night and report a good t‘me. Sunshine Jr. 4h to 8r. 4)bâ€"Katie MeNally, Reuben Paylor. _ 8r3rd to Jr 4hâ€"Geo Williams, Cecil Paylor, Joe Morrison, Lizzie Morrison, _ Jr 3 d to 8r Sedâ€" John Rutchie. â€"Sr2nd to Jr8rdâ€"Howâ€" and Ritchie. 1st to2odâ€"Marian Boy d Wulie Morrison,. Primer to 1« â€"Eohâ€" el Aunderson, Eilla Ritchie, Melville Anderson, bavina Paylor, _ Primerâ€" Wilbert Greenwood, Mary Morrison, ECONOMICALâ€"â€"â€"â€"Heats the house well without burning all the coal you can buy. Farnace Tha e na thoil iustinn mbhor dbhuinn | a bhith comasach air na Caidheail h aicizn chbo lionmhor ann an * Ontarâ€" io." An nair a smaoimicheas sinn . mar a chaidh air eairdean s‘air luchdâ€"gao fhuadach air falbb as a Chaidhealtachd agus an cur air an n aineoil do rioghâ€" achdan cian is nadurra gun cuir e duilichinn oitnn, _ Cbaidhbâ€"moran theâ€" aplaichean a cbur air falbh as na Hâ€" Eilleainenâ€"anâ€"lar ach a dh‘aindeom sin cha do leg iad air diachainn an canan agus cleachaidhean en‘ d‘utcha. Chi sinn seo gu soilleir aun an iomadh aite do dh‘ Ontario agus gu h‘araid ann am â€"" Baileâ€"nauâ€"Caidheal " mar a bhcir ind ris faisg air Pricevilla the na fior Chaidheail an sin caoiumbneal, baigheal, agns blathâ€"chridbeach se toilâ€" mntinn da rireamh a th‘ann a bhi nam‘ measg a g‘eisdeachd ri orain gbaiilig agus ceol na " Piobâ€"mhor," An n‘uair a bbha mi dol tromh n‘aite thachair mi air dacine a dh‘thag See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 1J. H. HARDING, Local Agent * Uidhisd * clho fad air ais ris a bhliâ€" anlbna 1849 ind gua laidir falsinn fhat basd agus cuimbve mhath aig gach non dhiu air gach pairt den eileain. Toa Hâ€"vile aon ann an suidhcachedh comthurtail agus an ‘teaghlaichean mar an ciadna agus be mo dburachd gan cum iad suas a ghaidblig agus mar an ciadva na dacine oga a tha fas suas. Bhiodh e na gh‘no thach feemail ; the County c d C T D the Count f Grey, containing :lgl:’l‘l:'ngeh::;dflhlhtgl i ol?“m,‘llbmr |83“ na‘ acres |:mn- Yn ‘I:*rf"py' kentAinIM8 ) tha rai mi‘ beach gun‘ The property isc ani cwidich I ain A, Mac.Iile Mhaoil| about 6 miles 'yfull‘lmll"‘il"r;:::n”uyv|lt;u;:u‘l‘ agus I ain Mac â€" A â€" Phiocair ind , | eousideratle quan ity <of tilled a chum a ghno thuich so, oia tl& dnX pd, x aanall drtute lb c man daome anns a bheil fior spiorad u"-.r o y "f!bhv‘;“ c n ol uy * M 1 | ecms of Sale : 20 po » nan gaidheal. Bhn.m{ toillichte Tha purchase muney 10 be p;mi.lu(f]nl é:vl ienn anna a bheil iad. thug gach #*!~ nd vemaiocer in 80 dave witho sruthan agus onoe nam‘ chuimbne a | ce ; (Gbaidhealtachd agus gu sonraichte Fortardes particalars apply 40 caoimnneos, dilseachd, agus deaghâ€" H. H, MILLER, Hanoyer run gach aon dbiubh. ud Agant for Mortgagee® _ a1Uatrd.J4ar: 0. 1914 M AKG ARET â€" MORTLEY, Teacher 8. 8. NO. 3, GLENELG EDGE BIHLL Six hundred dollars is the price of the Ford runabout ; the touring car is six fifty; the town car nine hundred â€"f.0.b. Ford, Ont., complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from C. SMITH & SONS, Local Agents The farmers should be satisfied with the rain this time. _ Crops are looking good and everything will flourish it the frost doesn‘t come. The election is over and some of our men almost wilted on hearing the result. Scarlet lever has broken oat in cur town but hepe it will be a mild form as there is a number of children bave it. The annual Sunday School picnic was held©> on Saturday afternoon. Although the day was cloudy and rain threatened, there was a large crowd and the children all enjoyed themselves with football, games and races. Mr. 8. Walker visited Mrand Mrs Neal Wilson Sunday. The mission band will meet in the basement of cbhurch on Baturday, July 4th. Schools have closed onee more for a two month‘s vacation. _ Miss War nock left for Minyvoth, Miss Reld for Dromore and Miss Frook for Hanover. Jr 4th to 8r 4th (Rec)â€"Robbie Jackâ€" son, Robhie Peart, Sr, 3rd to Jr, 4th (Rec)â€"Keith Edwards, Herbie Timâ€" mins. Jr 3rd to 8r 3rd (Passed)â€"Johnâ€" nie McGillivray, (rec.)â€"Edna McClockâ€" lin. Winnie Jackson. 8r 2ad to Jr 3rd (Dassed ) â€"Margaret? Greenwoed, Willie Gray, Jimmie Peart, Olifford Cook. Recommended ; Jr. 2nd to 8r, 2adâ€" Evelena Csok, J B Haley, Hazel Firth Mary Glencross, Herbie Hollis, Jennie Beaton. 8r. 1st to J¢ 2ndâ€"Mary Boaâ€" ton, _ Jr Ist to 8r1stâ€"Earnest McRae Sr Primer to JrIstâ€"Wiilie EAdwards, Chas Robson, Katie May Firth, Wilâ€" lie Auderson, Bessie Beaton . _ Jr. Pr. toa 8r Pr.â€"Clara Greenwood, Reta Gives steady, even hbheat on least fuel. TORONTO Glencross, Martin Haley w M R. WALLACE 8, 8. No 8, Normaxsy ‘Sr 3:+d to 4 nâ€"Nâ€"llie Anderson, _ Jr. 81c to 8r 830dâ€"May Byers, Hazel Young, Roy Thompâ€"on, Jr2ad to Sr 2ndâ€" Marguerite Whiteford, Eryin Miller, Myrtle Robinson, wertie Widâ€" meyer, Marjorie Little, Albert Pfeffor, Pt 2a4 Jr to Jr 2ndâ€"Minuie Seim, Henry Fritz, Freddie Kreller, Olifford Whitefard, Gorden Miller, Pi. 1 Jr. to Pt 2 Srâ€"Theodore Feick, Pearl Young. _ Br 1 to Part 2 Jrâ€"Nettie Byers, Marie Gilmour, Bertie Byore, Jr 1 to 8r 1â€"Davia Whiteford, Nora Brus«o, Minnic Pfeffer. Norman Fritz Luella Schilling. _ Jr 1â€"Alma Robinâ€" son, Garfield Metzger, Waito Sâ€"‘m, Gordou Thompon, Dorsthy Young. Average attendance 39. U o e ty ME n mmtP C contained in a certainmortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Hahn‘s Hotel, Town of Durham, Saturday , 18th day of July, 1914 & 2 o‘clock in the afrernroon, the west half of Lot No. l in the sixth concesâ€" in of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, containing 50 acres more or less, The property is cony sniently located about 6 miles from Daerham and has a eovsiderable quan ity of tilled and archble land, n +mail frame dw«lling and a «m «1 harn «nd some fruit trees Tecms of Sale : 20 pe_ cent of the purchase meney to be paid on day of sal> and ve:naincer in 80 d«avs without UNDER and by virtue of the powers 8. 8. NO 5, GLENELG MORTGAGE SALE School Reports W. 8. BINNIE, Teacher DORNOCH With the American market open to Pevese Thay is in opdne ts en likely to be com legislate that our Wheat and Wheat Products will enter the United States without duty, the price of Ontaric farm lands is bound to advance, _ YoR canmet do better than to BUY NOW "The following are a few of the many bargains, H. H. Milier is Ofle!"l‘ ¢ New Ones for 1914 100 aores good land in lfu-ut. frame bank bern, comfortable dwell 'f' good soil, school very convenient, price only #3,800 for very quick sale, 100 mores Bentinck mbout 7 meres hardwood r emainder cleared. . Good frame house and frame barn and other omhulldlng. Scheo! on next lot. Well watered, Only 8,700. 100 acres near Hanover, . Exoellent sofl, well watered, good buildings, including ~brick dwelling and frame bauk barn,. Orchard. Only $5,200. 12% mcres near Hanover. Good soil, frame dw(-llmf. frame bauk barn, spring ereek, good clay loam soii. _ Offered for $5,600, Would bring $5000 easily if in Normanby. . 200 meres im Normanby, V large brick Awelling large bauk barn Iu-‘.c'zllo good soil, fige neighborhood. #11,00) and cheap at the money, 300 acres /n Egremont, The "Fettis" farm ofâ€" fered at a snap,asn sale must be made. Other farms in Bentinck, Exremont, Normanâ€" by Brant, Carrick and the Nofth West. . Manoâ€" over properties. . All kinds of property for sale orex change. DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS IP .|] Picture Framing, To lend in hundreds, thousands or millions at lowest current rates, with paympnts to suit the borrower on good mortg‘hge security. Debts colâ€" lected, C, P. R. and Qcean Tickets for sale at lowest rates, "Always promptâ€"Never Negligent" H. H. MILLER, t NORTHERIAY) /) J. G. HUTTON,M. D., C. M OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN FFICE :: Over J P. offhce, nearly 9 opposite Registry Qro‘. ES3IDENOE : Second ,me th of Registr fla on east slae of 1w:'°s:. * OFFICE HOURS 911 a. m 2â€"4 pm. 14â€"# p. 18. We haye a large range to select from and prices are moderate as awell. An early call is your adâ€" vantage. Telephone uniqation between Office and Cmdonn at all hours. Dentistry in & HoNnOR GRADUATE of Toeromo. University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Sn C io Reoms Uve 4 w 4 HERMtRHENEW Share W. C. PICKERING D. DS.,LDS Personal Instruction ie owWwEN sSoOUND Large Staif of Specialists, Positions guaranteed to Gradeates € A FLEMING, FCA _ G. D. FLBMING ARTHUR H. JACKSON at Student‘s Desk makes it possible to enter any day and ensures rapid advancement at the Insurange Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marmage Licenses A gen eral finangial business transacted. #ar Mr McePhail bas ® telephone in his res dence in Ceylon. H ce T it m viropbel «6 &fll.nfl.fl 3 :â€"% UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Meimber Colloge ornhulum and Surgeons and are a thing of beauty J. F.GRANT D. D.S., L. D. §&. Princtpal for 35 years Heeretary Money to Loan. Mce on bron Bt., opposite wWaipales Stanies: Livensed Auctioneer tor Co. Grey . McPHMHAIL_+*A Notary Public, Oommissioner, DURHANM, ONT. (Lower Town W. H. BEAN Big 4 w Roomsâ€"Across J. P. TELFORD Fall line of Gatholle Robes and black and white Caps for aged people. Embaiming a Speciality. CONYEYANCER. &e. A., BELL â€" F\ ‘a mr“.g:fh x mont, frame bank r in Suprem Commissioner Shortest Notice L, Ceylon from Middaugh Hanover Durham

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