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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1914, p. 8

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9 head «tllye is Threatening rain clouds and inâ€" termittent showers did not deter a crowd of fully 600 attending the Dominion Day celebration at Droâ€" anore. â€" The surrounding eountry tirned ont well and followers of the Inotball teams trom Swinton Park, Yeovil, Hoistein as well as trom Darâ€" Fam, Mount Ferest and Orchard vrere aiso nnmerous. The carnival Uf sports was held on the farm of Mr J +mes Sne!l. The opening footbail game comâ€" meneed at 4 o‘clock between the old rivals Swinton Park and Dremore «nd ended in a victory for Swintor by a seore of 1 to 0. The teams were [ '.irlu.tcbod. but the visitors bayâ€" ing more practice this season, disâ€" p lsz:.d the better form, and their 1 18 were more effective. It was in this game that a pairfal accident cceurred to Rebert Kunox of Swinten, that player haviog two ribs broker and had to be taken home ism Dr. Sueath‘s car. The lineâ€"up was as ftollows : ®WIN1O0N PARK DROMORE ®©WINi0ONX PARK DROMORE 1. Forris goal J. Renwick Ted Seott baceks J McKenzie Jack Mills G. Geddes 1 Keox ball backs 8 Patterson & McLean A Renton I Scott E Henry W _ Black forwards W Findlay 1 MeN#ulity D. Nenry W Knox M Findlal J Webster E Renwic 6. Knox W Oliver Immediately fellowing this contest, Yeovil and Holstein played and the intter team won by a seore of 2â€"1. Y eovil seored first by some forward line play and this score woke Holstein 44 EP HARPRARAR CA t**tA*t* tA A* tA tA t# * 2R ;for Men and Boys Pe Dominion Day Celebration at Dromeore. »io ts ie Bs ie o Kn Ae e is sA se Ppoecys s ces se ce t cip is ts ts S ts Large Crowds Attend.â€"PFootball Tournament: the Peature.â€" Holstein and Swinton tied for honersâ€"R. Knox, tnjured. g&s&ee&eeefieeesaeseaeeees w CENTRAL DRUG STORE Â¥ Field and Garden Seeds VJ tw 1y ud Good Line of Suits Also a fine line of Boots &E Shoes Our usual good make. Comeand see them w2 Seeds! Seeds!â€" Seeds‘! f We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed hand, including Chopped Corn Chopped Corn & Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats Prices as low as any. If you want Feed, 'g‘all‘ G. T. R. Ticket Agency Feed !| Feed We have received a Made by the W. B. Sanford people of Haâ€" milton, one of the oldest and best manufacâ€" turers of Clothing in the country. We ask you when in want of a good Suit, to come and see ours. ._ We are paying 38¢ to 40¢ for Goed Oats at our Elevator L. GRANT Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Headquarters for all kindsfof . Tested Timothy?and Clover Seed 1, call and see us. Our prices will please you. Oatmeal Millers up. "The red and Whiite Battled Hown and seorad twice shortly after. : The second half was sgereless. The lineâ€" HoLsTXIN YEOVIL M DPrumm . _. goal _ H Groat Bert Eccles ° backs â€" J McGilliyray Reg. Hant 0 MceQilliyray W.Coburan â€" half baeks @. &.n. C C Ramage F.Reid J A Marsh P. Death U Oalder forwards Alb. Sames H D Main John Ross Bam Smith Alex White Ror Dickson Jas Nicholson Fulten Cobuarn Alex Nicholson Aiter the supper the winners, Holâ€" stein and Swinton playad@ off and the mateh was one of the best ever witâ€" nessed in Dremore. The lineâ€"ups were the same except that J. Brown fillyed in J. Marsh‘s position for olstein and S. Goheen took Knox‘s place for Swinton. _ Approaching darkness allowed but 40 minutes to be played and the game was a tie 0â€"O0. ‘Holstein was alrways on the aggressive and disinterested spectaâ€" tors state they had the better otf the play. T. H. Birnie made a most satistactory referee for all the games. The chureh was packed in the eveâ€" ning to bhear J. W . Bengough, the famous Toroato eartoonist. . He deâ€" lighted his audience with several sketches, all of a hamorous nature. Among the local characters drawu were W. W. Ramage as precentor, J, M. Findlay behiad hbis counter selling goods to a lady of large proâ€" portions and Jas. Snell in the ice cream booth. Proceeds, gate and concert $180; booth $60. Total $240 Drug Store ® Smith‘s Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed Seed Oats Buy your tickets here. forwards Alb. Sames John Ross Alex White Jas Nicholson 1 Alex Nicholson l s ae Order Early M\ W PE | . W Q) | of M: irq 6 thay, Â¥ , Alex. ; r’Pon § m E.(;lgu‘ villa:o.%.u)t' h(m° is :!:l:y;l‘lae” n is recovery. tpe 1 8008 n:: o i(‘ ) Oor Higb&h 8 $fA | «pendin i eyent Q is a ths hovad nis are all 3 * Rdgar B uys at thoir b & P odtny. e tenwick and M e (uoP Ym Anighed wrmu"" Thesday last 15 Mr Harvey Grasby has been quite poorly for some time. His friends aod reighbors would be much pleasâ€" :d tf ;u him restored to his usnal ealth. â€"Vfi-i'l;'lngsre& Kerr who has been teaching near Conn since New Year is home for the holidays. M s â€" Miss M. '"P'o-l-t_yv._ _ our teacher is spending her holidays in and around the old home near Poplar Hill. Rev. John Ward and tamily leave this week for Coun, their new feld of labor. Mr, Ward has made mnn{ friends in this locality and we wis him every success in his new surâ€" roundings. Mr. Newbam who bhas been for some time minister in Damascas cirâ€" cuit is expected to oceupy the pulpits of the Varney cireuit next Sunday, Mr Wm Bx;yanl has the foundation of his new house built and will shortâ€" ly haye the upper portion attended to. A aumber trom around here atienâ€" ded the Grange picric held in Mr. Wm Carson‘s grove on Wednesday afternoon, 24th Jane. The day was fine, the attendance large and the provisions abundant. _ The program consisted of pithy speeches by Messrs Grtay and Morriser and Rev. Mr. Smith g)ew minister at Keex). . Dr. (@. M. Leeson performed the duties of cbhairman in his usual pleasant manrâ€" ner. _ After the program and luneh were over the crowd wended their way to Mr R. Barber‘s field where a very interesting game of baseball was played between the Poplar Hili boys and the Koox team. Eleetion day hascome and has now passed into history, bringing with it joy and gladness to the majority but disappointment to the minoricy, Though _ never at all sangaine as to what the result of the election would be, we bad hopes that is would be much better than it has proyed to be. It seems strange thas in this fair provinee with all its educational faâ€" cilities and churches, all of which try to impress the public with the evils of the liquor traffic, that there should be still such a number who cannot see their way clear to yote for the abolition of the bar. Grppps â€"HoorER At the residence of the fliride‘s pareots, Mr and Mrs Abraham Hoopâ€" er, Hawthorne Avenue, Priccyille, {South Glenelg) on Wednesdiy, 24th June. 1914, a very pretty wedding was celebrated. The principals in the interesting eyent were Mr Gordor Geddes of the 20ih Con., Egremont, and Miss Bertbha Hooper, who, before Rev. J. A. Leece, Pricevilie, joined band ard heart in holy matrimony. The ceremony took piace at 6 p, m. ia the drawing room, transformed for the occasion into a bower of beauty. At the hour named the bride enterâ€" e@ on her father‘s arm and took her stand beside her lover under an arch of evergreens, decked with roses, from the certre of which hung a large white bell,« The Mendelsohn wedding march was rendered by a sister of the bride, Mrs Thos. Bothâ€" well, Alta., whose little daughter, dressed in white embroidery, carried a basket of whiteo roses which she strewed on the pathway of the bride, The young couple were unattended and after the solemn vows were taâ€" ken, wore declared man and wife aud received hsarty congratulations from the seventy or more gu«sts pres ent. mostly relative . The beautiful bride carried a bouâ€" quet of white roses and ferns and was attired in a dress of ivory Duchâ€" ess satin, trimmed with pearl trimâ€" mings. Her has was of white braid with white plame to mateh. Her travelling suit was of blue serge, A sumptuous and finely appointod repast was then partaken of in the dining room, also beantifel with white garlands and bells, these decâ€" orations having been sent by Mrs HUerb. Greenwood, sisfer ot the groom. ‘T‘hs bride‘o cake, a fourâ€" story creation, gratified both eye and palate and fittingly crowned the festâ€" ive bbard. The presents were many and beautiful, speaking the respect entertained for the young c«ouple, w hose love and lives have been an open book. After inspection of theso an eyening of music, games and othâ€" er amasements followed, then more (l'.)ougutnlatlons and hearty. goodâ€" yes. Guests from a distance were Thos. and Mrs Henderson, Dandalk ; Dr. and Mrs A, Fettes, Tompkins, Sask. ; the Shand tamily, Hopeville ; Miss Robera Geddes, Holstein ; Mrs T. McDougali, Pork Arthar ; Mr and Mrs .Baijrd,. Markdale ; Thos. and Mrs Bothwel!l, lhlny. Alta. ; Robt. and Mrs Isaao, Darham. _ . _ The Review adds its quota cf good wishes to the young couple for a long and happy lite, k Miss Eva Renton, teacher at Redâ€" dickyille, is home for the vasation months. A Mraod Mrs. Adam Escles are visi ting with the formaer‘s brother, Mr. Dar Eccies. Miss Bessie McColl ot Toronto, is visiting with her relatives, Mr. and Nrs Wm. Hay and ftamily. The Women‘s Institute will hold their monthly meeting in Russell Hall Wednesday, July 8. Mijs Presâ€" ton of Narneo will address the ladâ€" ics on ‘‘The Women of toâ€"day." Mr Alex Findlay. of the Civil Serâ€" vice, Ottawa, is spending the vacaâ€" tion at his parentalâ€" home. HOLSTEIN _ LEADER J â€" Hy meneal VARNEY DROMORE TORONTO We all weloome the beautifal showâ€" erg. _ Mr and Mrs Pinder visited friends avd attended a pienic at Zion over Sunday. 5 9 _ Miss Nellie Carmount is visit‘ng relations im the neighborhond. Mr and Mrs J, Hoy and A« Varney, visited at Jno. K; day. §# We are sorry to r< port MrNelsom, Mrs Douglas‘ fat! or, is ver)y poorly. Mil‘ S'ad‘o Bailey visited a few days with ber jriend, Grace Pinder, and attend«d the Orchard pienic. Mr and Mrs Bob Nelson visited Mrs Duuglas‘ Saturday . _ Mr and Mrs Jno. Orchard, of Holâ€" stein and Mrs Jno. Orchard, Sr., of London, visited at W. T. Pinder‘s last Tuesday. : Our Sunday Sohool pienic is over tor another year with good succees. All repert a good time, proceeds amounting to $28.00 On Tuesday evening the members and friends of Revy, Mr and Mrs Ward met at W. T. Pinder‘s and had a soâ€" cial evening in their honor and preâ€" semted each with a beautiful bound hymn took before their departure and their son with a bible. The address reads as follows ; To Rev. Jno. Ward, Mrs Ward and son : Doar friends,â€" When you came to Orchard on this, your first charge, the people here extended to you a welcoming bhaud ard toâ€"night as members and adherâ€" ents of your congregation we have met to bid you farewell and to wish you Godâ€"speed. During the two years you have been our pastor, you have been faith{al in the discharge of your duties and have eyer held up beâ€" \fore us * the need for a Saviour, the plan of salvation," the Christian‘s Path proying the foundation of your faith from «* The Book.‘" As a frend and in your pastoral visite you luvul made yourselves as one of us and Mrs Ward has endeared herself to us by her sweet womanliness. In the Woâ€" men‘s Missionary Society yon have been very faithful and your services baye been very much appreciated, espcecially Mrs ‘Nard, who has been our Sec.â€"Treas. for some time. We all feel that we would like to give you some tangible token of remembrance and to this end please accept these Hymn Books and Bible and we hope that as the years go by. they will reâ€" call to you your many friends in Orâ€" ehard, while the friends her» wish you prosperity and God‘s bleasing. _ Mr and Mrs Ward both replied with fecling and are leaving Orchard with the remembracce of many friends. Juiy‘s sun is shining brightly Over fields of waving grain Over sparkling lake and river Over blue majestic main, Mr and Mrs George Hant, 0. S. R and Mrs R. V. Hunt and children, of Calgary, visited at Mr J . Earig‘s and John Haot‘s recently. R. V. Hust, an old Bend boy, went to the great lone land a few years ago, began business in a small way and now we understand is ore of the leading busâ€" iness men of Calgary and bas acquirâ€" ed considerable wealth. Continued success Robert. Mr Edgar Gardiner had an addiâ€" gion to his barn raised on Friday p.m. and didn‘t the sturdy yeomen of the Bend do the work in first class style. Ou Wednesday p. m. of last week the members of the Missionary Soeiâ€" ety of the Methodist chureh, Mount Forest, accompanied by their minisâ€" ter and Mrs Eddy drove to the beauâ€" tiftu} home of Mr and Mrs John Darâ€" ant, where they spent a pleasant oveâ€" Bing and were entcrtained by their bostess in her usual good style. Mrs James Darant, of Mount Forâ€" ast,; spent some days last week at Mr John Darant‘s and called at the Mod: el {arm. Sexior Drvistox From Jr 4th to Sr 4th (no examinâ€" ation) Mary Myers, Arthur. Kerr, Pearl Drumm, Ina Marsh, Anna Narss, Ruth Roid. Str 3rd to Jr 4thâ€"Margaret Main, Sadie Ranulton, ‘Mary .Bye, Walter Fatrel!, Ernis Satton. Ada~Ruce;,‘ Viâ€" ola McClocklin recommended. Jr 8rd to. 8é¢Brdâ€"=Mefion Pettiâ€" grew, Edna Haas,. Geo Brown, Rosic MeKenzie recommended, d oo haal ' Jux1or~â€"BDivision > From 2nd to 8rdâ€"â€"Kstio Baird; Martin Bye, Frank Dingwell, Melâ€" yville Hunt, huby ‘Kerr,. Madaline McClocklin, Agnes Orchard, Memie Pettigiew, Jack Button, Louis Woodâ€" yard, Geo Baird recommended, _: Ir 2ad to Stâ€"20dâ€"Burrows Bmith, Laors Hant, Pearl Dingwell, Willie MacKenzie, Marie O‘Connell.=â€" * Primer to Jr 1stâ€"Clara Matthews Grace Baird, Jean Myers, Agnesâ€" Erâ€" ans, Emma Aitken, 1st to 2ndâ€"Charlie© Button, Addie Haas, Ella Matthews, Annic Hamilâ€" ton, Llioyd Hamiiton. Ir 1st to Sr 1st â€"EIsie Reid, Tom MacKenzie, Fred Switzer. Class: B to A â€"Johkn MacKonzgie, Alfred McCloeklin. Mabe! kutton, Jolhn Heany. Ciass C to Bâ€"â€"Robena Haas, Hoe Bwitzer, John Matthews, 3 H. R. Kea, Teacher, PDURBAMâ€"«â€"RMEVIEW PROMOTION EXAMS. SsOUTH BEND ig it g mory‘s 24y tauci o en t hk Id Ah‘l-]v o' Koox‘s Bunâ€" of HMolâ€" at Hornâ€"At Yeovil on June 29th, to Mr and Mrs Alex. Calder a son. Miss Ethel Sharp has réturned from a visit to Toronto. We regret to report that Mr Mickleâ€" borough and Mrs. W. J. Sharp are both under the Dr‘s care. & Miss Anna Rice, Hespeler, is viSiâ€" ting at her home here. Ailan Robinson of Toronto is visiâ€" ting at D. Allan‘s Sr. Mrs Hugh Renwick of Ottawa is visiting her mother Mrs Jas Swanston and other friends. Rob. Eecles of Galt is home fos the holiday. Miss' Ruby Rogers of Toronto 18 home for Dominion Day. Miss Iva Murdock of Mt. Forest, spent the holiday with Miss Zeta Mceâ€" Clocklin. Mrs. St, Ledger and Miss Jean of Toromto are at Mrs Durant‘s. _ Mrs. Nelson and baby of St Paul, Minn. at Mr Durant‘s. _ Mr. Robt. Mickleborough has been serionsly ill but at time of writing is improving . Rev and Mrs Ibbott, the new pastor and his wife of the Methodist church, have arrived and we weleome them to the village. Mrs Jos. Dowling, south of the vilâ€" lage entertained the members of the Methodist W. M. 8. on Tuesday afâ€" ternoon Part of the refreshments consisted of strawberries and cream, Several of Rev. Robert and Mrs. Matheson‘s friends organized a picnic in their honor in the Park on Friday afternoon. â€" The weather was * fine and a gala time was spent by the 30 or 40 present. Mrs D. B. Marsh and daughter Ina are visiting in Walton, Huron Counâ€" ty, Mrs. M‘s old home. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kecles of Gait are guests at Mr. and Mrs James Eacles. Among the many recent improveâ€" ments noted in the village are the following ; coats of paint for the Commereial Hotel and R. Irwin‘s implement shep, a cement sidewalk in front of W G Pettigrew‘s residence and a new platform and approach to Hunter‘s store. We congratulate Miss Reta Roberts who obtained the scholarship for passing first from Form 2 to Form 3 in Durham High School in the recâ€" ent examinations. _ For a girl of 14 years Reta has distinguished herself ard brought bkonor to the village Russel Eccles of Yeovil is second on the list. Well done Egremont, On the local fosetball gridiron on Saturday night Holstein and Yeoyil juriors engaged in deadly conflict snd when the football smoke had cleared away, the members of the opâ€" posing teams found that they could sill be friends fos the score was a tieâ€"t to 1. The teams were well matehed and the game was interesâ€" ting though played in a high wind. H. D. Main was the umpire. At Gleneden on Wednesday night of last week, when H. D. Main‘s school picnic was held, Yeovil footâ€" ball team played their first game of the season and were defeated by the home team by the score of 1â€"o. While the game was far from being fast, the Gleneden team undoubtedly won on account of superior condition and more practice. Yeovil has some steady players and have the makings of a good team, H. Lamont was refâ€" eree. Rev. Dr. Marsh has been invited by the Counncil of the Astronomical and astrophysical Society of Beiginm of which he is an honorary member to be one of a government expedition of the seientific men oft Europe proâ€" ceeding from Paris to Hambourg. Germany and from there to the north of Norway, to view and make obser vations of the total eclipse of the sun on Aug. 2rst, 1914. _ Dr, Marsh was a member of the Canadian Governâ€" ment expedition to Labrador in 1905 for a similar purpose and while there set up and took observyations with the largest private: owned equipment of the party. On Monday, June 29th, Mr. John Roberts‘ horse had a very narrow esâ€" cape from fatatinjuries. ‘The animal had been tied to a post at the Q T R station just before. the 3.07.train ar rived from Durbam, a party holding an umbrella passed in front of the horse when it became frightened and spranig backâ€"breaking the bridle ard swinging around ran with great forte into a pile of green ties with such force‘as to crugh in a part 6f its nose aud bruising one shoulder veryâ€"badly:. It will beâ€" some time before Mr. Robâ€" erts will be able to driveâ€" the animal again but we are gladâ€"there was not more serious damage done. f At the Methodist church ‘picnic at Orchard on Friday‘night, Holstein played the feturn game of ball and repeated their fotmer victory‘ bver Orchard by the ‘score_of 1â€"o, â€" ‘The first half of the game was played in listtess fashion as the ball was conâ€" tinually going off the side tines and the players! on the ~visiting team eould not place their punts.~ ‘The field also was the extreme of a bilâ€" liard table. ‘The second half told a different story and Holstein woke up and ‘pelted the Orchard goal until Roy Dickson notched the victory count, â€" The town line eleven also shot consistently but failed to score on Holstein‘s goal tender, Jack Browa 8G M P _ BStation agent W. B. Suttor is in ‘Toronte this week undergoiog railâ€" way examination. Mr Wagnor is reâ€" Jieying . Mr Jack Jordan, of Toromto, is holâ€"| idaying in the village. The 12â€"yearâ€"old son of Mr and Mrs| Con. Schenk, 16th con.. underwent an operation for apg‘ndiemlu Wedâ€" nesday. His condition is critical. Drs Sneath, Ferguson and Groves ot Fergus, were in attondance. Mr J. D. Main left on Wednesday afternoon for Waterford, near Brantâ€" ford, where he intends purchaging a farm anmd if suceessiul will move to that place in the fall, Mr and Mrs J. R. Philp and Mr and Mrs Robert Aitken motored to Hopeville on the boliday. l The monthiy meeting of the Woâ€" men‘s Institate will be held in the Agâ€" ricultural Mall, Holstein, on . July 8, 1914. at 2.80 p. m. Miss Janet Preston of Napanee, will address the ladies on © The Women of Toâ€"day." Sewing * demonstrations," A kearty invitaâ€" \ tion is extended to all ladies, |\ To my custemers and friends ; Owing to the demand for cash payâ€" ments by the wholesalers from whom I buy my goods, I find it necâ€"ssary to enter into the cash system. Thus afâ€" ter July 1st, my terms will be striectly cash. Sohciting your further favors and patronage, Bincerely L. B. Nichalson. Sir James Whitneyâ€"" ‘Twas a glorious victory and juast what I exâ€" pected . C w ie c c 0980 Chc NEU to ~Waatiininar ABUNDANT FLUFFY HAR IS IMPOSSIBLE IF Y0U HAYVE DANDRUFE® How often we hear a beautifual woâ€" man referred to as haviog a regal bhead ! Denude that head of its hair and in stead of a queenly, royal bearing we have a fright. _ The hair makes all the diiference. _ To have that glorious abundance of radiant hair which alâ€" ways crowns ‘"a regal head," one should use Newbro‘s Herpicide. Herpicide represents the last word | in scientific bair culture. 1t deslroyl‘ the dandruff, checks falling bair and g Wool Season ; . Opinions of the Leaders 29000 900000000004060400 00046 Now the 24th of May has passed, we naturally look for hot weather, and the sheep will be clipped . Now we are ready to receive the largest quantity 0| Wool we have ever handled and can offer you the highest prices. In exchange for same we can cither pay y ou the Cash or give you Trade of highest quality Ladies® and Men‘s Raincoats Paints, Linoleums, and Cilcloths Men‘s and Boys‘ Suits Wire and Wire Fencing CATALOGUES We car sell you anything and get it for you on short notice, TAYLOR& CO.Dromore All newest patterns and quality guaranteed All firstâ€"class patterns and prices from ......â€" TAYLOR & CO. Bring your WOOL, BUTTER & EGGS organization in the great majority of the ridings, and no matter how good a cause, a good organization is necesâ€" sary to insure success. of the provisce who gave us their }:I’spon and particularly the large y of velunteer workers who also 'hnvo freely given of cheir time in this contest. " Wherever eandidates were in the field the ‘flnt oftb:fyear and had an opportunity to perieet an organiza tion, we succeedsd in winning both seats. One lesson of the campaign is we must periect the organization in all the constituencies of the province and we should commence to do so at once. I d“ire to thwk the electors New Spirit of Service * We have brought into the politâ€" ca) ~1fairs of the province a new spirâ€" n i public service and buandreds of men who have not hitherto taken an active iuterest in pulitical affairs will undoubtedly do so in the fature. This is the gaarantee af the ultimate suceess of the policy over the misrop. resentation persistently and systemâ€" atically pursued in order to misliead the elecstors. ‘* As to our ‘position and p shall not speak at present.‘‘ Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 10, Servive at 11 «.u and 7,30 p. . Y. P. 8. 0. E. Tuesday at 8 p. m REV. D. B. MARSH, Sc.D, FR.A.S, Pa corrects generally, diseases of and scalp. The positive results and its de but refreshing odor recammends bro‘s Herpicide to ladies of refin« every where, f Newbro‘s Herpicide in 50: and $) sizes is sold aad guaranteed to d» that is claimed. If you are not s« fed your money will be refanded, Applications made by the bes bers and Rairdressers. MacFARLANE & Co., Special . Ift. Forest RBusiness Co//o_yo MT. FOREST, ONT. tent instrauctors and . through eourses. _ Affiated with Central College, Stratford. . We do more for our students than does any ether similar school, _ All graduâ€" ates in positions. . You may enter at any time. Write for particulars or call at the College . _ D. A, MECLACHLAN, W. E. WiLs on President Principal JULY 2,1914 2.50 to 32.50 school with compe th A s Or [3# i VOL. XXXV!l cushi .. cov & Variery Btore for the lowest pri Durham and ear Lo@ges will celebrs Markdale on Saturds will accompany then The night of p Band program has Baturday to Thurs some of the busin« Auto ror Hir any distance . _ Bpecial tras July 11 for M wrrive about .uy them at Resipexct «topey house ated on ‘+ar and woodshed w this office. 2 aareuUvw i kc OPI , The Batrance 1 been officialy a1 published next v to Miss Margare passing every D We carmy a 10. soaps, shay bru ders, tooth poÂ¥er: fumes and toilet less at the Variery .Q‘l” to Rentâ€"Apply Strictly puroRaris G: The al Gard Poecsbyteria®y Ohu cb the manse unds July inst. . Bax® pr If you w altraciions charge of pleasant ex ber the da‘ Member Varney , Orange 1/ wl pared Bunday n «liscourse *or, Rew. hoades th Picture in loughby, © be interes Willough!} rity and ch aracter. cate in thi yonage. A letter tro merly of Sout of Great Fall of sthe maryel of the West. second ouly piying pew« the world a tric«. Crop ever known Allan has secu Model schoo! year, The ofi have recomme tion and the Board have the likelibhoo tempting offe tee 0 { perman M J "Ma Addâ€"AN 1R i Wiarr Br®ax vey Damim, who wother two ye suming . charge children here, b the home, and Phl'iu his your with various re! with the excep who will ge to ! dumb school.â€" Srnvox® Was chant who we! up the boxes «/ that the boys x the boafives on ered a hoge wi hoxes, and fox take, As expe lit on the = known that and the boys : h the blaze w box an pomp to the | emerged and howl and soa! kened awiully were in pain . Of the Durham Buesday night, tho Geo, Y irrs as band i vd and Mr Thos. past few mooaths 1 member as siide Lro +. \/‘Gef of sbili‘ ~ApproisTED ° At a special 1 Kilier at\M his training in E: 20 years has 4+« many leading \ b# the Boet War in | 1900 and experi M ret MeK er Durham p ris C reei D Mr W N q B

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