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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1914, p. 5

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y to ~t iery AmMm OfI(S. 1expectâ€" zxA x2 Let & Small rofits WoeladaCele se te ons ut okets here 0 and 1.75 traps, 85c ton. . . 2.25 Nan Uustu LY 9, work . The; cord uce MIGg s Store 2 AITTH 25¢ home thng 1up ot al C% a PRICEVILLE, â€"_ ONT !" 32 "2 2oe td JULY 9. 1914 Durham, & Continuation i for Vermin and Disease ‘ (Gierms in stables, poultry houses, etc., that will cost i bui a few cents. Best Exterminator Many people are anxious it this season to know the [AE _ QUALITY PHARMACY THE CITY BAKERY Visit our The advent of hot weather brings & longing for cool dishes. _ Refresh your palate by dropping in our parlor afternovon or evening and enjoy our pure deâ€" icious Ice Cream. Sodas, Bundses, Boft Drinks, ctc. Take an Ice Cream brick home with you. Highest prices for Butter and Hgg®. . Headgquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods : Students should enter at the begin rm if possible. %fll be reasonable rates. . Durham is a heal vetown, making it a most degira sidenc rd of (xtr‘c School in past years isa ne. The trustees are ve edu ind spare uo.;dnlmh lhm“chcn have ever vaD proj t ):‘L:l‘l, -,u-q&uluon omowhho. es® FEKS : g1 per month in advance. X. HARTLEY, DR. J. P. GRANT, mabman Secretary re it is; Equal parts of osiveSublimate and Sodium ride dissolved in one gallon t water. When dw vater to make 25 gallons, Staff and Equipment. every nook and crevice cavelor two days then give ugh eoat of whitewash. PRICEVILLE correct proportions will be supplied by caliing at ; thoroughly equipped (n _fls mical and elec‘l’?ctl suppmas r (ull Junior Leaving and Matticâ€" The following competent staf t for illus» mied. .t gives full rections invaluable ~~OR SUPPTL Y CO., Windsor, Ont «.1 Agzgents for Canada. Principa) and Provincial Modâ€" achor. 1st Class Certificate School ‘ Ice Cream Parlors 1 proty June wedd was solâ€" emnized at the home o‘fn{h bride‘s mother, Mrs R J McConkey of Priceâ€" ville, when her youngest daughier, Emma Winnitred, was united in marriage to JosephC. Harrisop, son of Mr_and Mre. Edward Harrison of Egremont To the :trains of Mendelssohn‘s wedding march played by the bride‘s brotber, Matthew MeConkey, while the bride entered the drawing room on the a: m of her uncle, Wm McConâ€" key of Guelph, wearing a gown af broche satin de chine with shadow lace and pearls and wearing the groom‘s gift a necklace of pearls and carryipg a shower bequet of roses and maiden bair fern. _ The bridal couple stood under an arch which was beautitully banked with ferns, peonies and marguerites. The bride receivyed many usefal gitts among which was a Mason and Risch piano from her tamily. Among those trom a distance were Wm. Mcâ€" Conkey of Guelph, Mr and Mrs Wm. Tacker of Hornings Mills, Mr. and Mrs H. A. Falconer of Darham, Robt H McCoerkey, brother of the bride trom Priceville. The groum‘s present to the pianist was a pair of cuff links and bride‘s r‘renm. to groom was a signet ring. o; Mr. Matheson, her pasior, officiâ€" ated. Alter the wedding breaktast the bappy conple leftt for Durbam, en route for Strattorda, ‘Toromte and Niâ€" agara. _ On their return they will reside in Priceyille. ‘The bride travelled in a navy blue tailored serge with white hat and plame. _ Our baseball girls attended the acâ€" cial at Swinton Park Tharsday eve and played a very good game with the bome team, having had ornly two practices sinee orgamzing. ‘The score The open air meeting of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute last Friday at Mr Wm. Dingwall‘s was a great snccoss, the weather being_ ideal. Mr Will McEachnie was present with his bagâ€" pipes. We were sorry so few of the Dromore ladies were able to attend. All report a most enjoyable time. Rev. and Mrs Huxtable are enjoyâ€" ing a month‘s holidays with the latâ€" ter‘s parents in Muncie, Ind. Crops are looking splendid, but hay will tbe light. Mt and Mrs E. T Lucas and lamily Dandalk, motored through our city Sunday. + ie 6y . orRne n is UR oi ‘s y o on U . ie eop uts on en is o on tadje s oi o eiimies e Et Lo he4 + t i eps o ooo oerqgaties . ragat e fany heay. .o elain Te e m e na se ig'«_-;__;'};;f.: t Ienle e ce n oo reaih spe w ie Souns mt o 40 t t Seane pet 'es‘-&.‘ié-f-t. C o e y + cordiea mafe B o dgreer sy 500e ts oey agaten n prapie sns ite Shiiing 66 T9k â€" M mc opraenn old a ome ie ult hn s hra it Gig. s 9i s zi iss .1\-‘_;,.;*. piakg; nds es n a Ee bug~. CEaiins 5. sun: . 2 onee Armdlante n td usn nc .. smm o + â€" Wedding Belis 309 4 A3 HOPEVILLE Miss Sephronia and Mr R. D. Armâ€" mo:g were in Dnrham last Monday week. The Swinton Park baseball girls drove over Saturday eve to play the return game and in three innings the seore was 11â€"28 in their tavor, all made in two mnings, as in their last imniugs not a run was scored. stands 1G6â€"18 in favor of the hcme teams with just a start ou the visitors‘ fith innings, as darkness came all too acon to finish..» p Adtecl Ts Mr Jeffreys, Toronto, is ably avupâ€" plying for Rev. L. D. Huxtahle for a monih, Mr Jno. McEachnie, Little Current, called on friends here last week. Miss Edith and Mr Earl Dingwall, Holstein, drove ovter for the Institute picnuic Friday. Mra Wilton, Varney, is visiting her gister, Mrs Jno. Smith. Mr and Mrs G. H. Gilkes drove over to Owen Sound Saturday. Miss Annie Sturrock was a visitor in the yillage last week. Mr Jno. Fairbairn droye over to Fairbairn last Sunday. Mr Rob*. Moffat, of Toronte, visited ;t his old home here on the 1st of aly. Mrs Marshail and Miss A. Robertâ€" son, of Ottawa, visited at Mr D. Mcâ€" Fayden‘s on the avenue one day last week. The Edge Hill U, 8. S. held their apnual picnic on Thursday of last week, when a most enjoyable aft râ€" noon was spent in swinging, childâ€" tberl\l’s racing and a good game of baseâ€" all. Miss Win. Greenwood arriyed lhome from Muskoka on Thursday ast. Miss Minnie McClocklin, of Torento: and Mrs Ed. MeClocklin. of town, were the guests of the Misses McFay den a couple of days last week. Mr Thos. Greenwood visited friends in Toronto for the last week. F4# Mr W. J, McFarlane attended the races in Flesherton on the 1st. A large number from around here took in the garden party at Mr Jas. McGitlivray‘s on Tuesday evening and report a good time. Miss Annie Graham of town is visâ€" iting this week at Mr Wm. Edge‘s. Mr W J Ritchie had a bee Saturday taking down a building which he. inâ€" tends to place on a stone foundation beside his barn. mas Miss Emma Ritchie, teacher, is home for vhe holidays. hnuce Rev Mr Prudham will hold a prayer meeting on Thursday, July 9, in the Grange Hall. Between Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, _ Chicago, via Canedian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and Detroit. Leaving Montreal 8.45 a m.; Toronte 6.10 p in, arriving Detroit 12.35 a. m. and Chicago 7.45 a m, daily. E«Luall good vervice returning. Throug E{ ectric Lighted Equipment. Toronto _ Winnipegâ€"Vanceouver cept Sunday 10.50 p m. uriVini Wigâ€" nipeg second day. Ontarie Mxpress No 8 leaves Winnipeg 9.25 pm and arrives Toronto 5.15 p m daily except VICINITY EDGE HILL To the Editor of the REeviEw ; The fight is over and the characâ€" ter of the government that will rule Ontario for the next parliamentary term has been decided, The .Govâ€" ernment aided by the full force of the liquor party has carried the day and of course they will shape the legisâ€" lation that will be passed by the present parliament. Along temperâ€" ance lines it is very easy to predict what courge it will take. _ As in the past there will be nothing done to offend the liquor interesis. Your local contemperary says that "Whitney has abolished more ~bars in nine years than the Liberals did in thirty tour.‘"‘ Thelargest rumber were abolished by the ple themâ€" selves by means of the mul Option Act, passed by the government of Sir Oliver Mowat and amended ! by Whitney by tacking on the three fifth clause, which prevented 400 liâ€" censes from being cut off. They sent their Provincial License Inepector too, into the counties of Huron, Welland and> Peel to urge the ‘{aithtal to vote against the Canaâ€" da Temperance Act, which was being submitted in these counties and which the govyernment wished to have defeated. This act was passed by the government of Hon Alexander McKenzie, so that the chiet instruâ€" ments being used to curtail the liquor trade were passed by Liberal govâ€" ernments, with a few small changes and additions by the Whitney govâ€" ernment * That is jast where the great Conâ€" servative party stands on the Tempâ€" erance question. . The party consists of all the liqaor men of every poiitâ€" ical stripe with most of the Conseryaâ€" tive Temperance men!â€"save the mark, all working together to save the Province from the evil cffeets of liquor. _ This is surely a sight to make the gods weep. _ _ _ Form IIâ€"Scholarship : Reta Robâ€" erts. Promotions will depend on ; (1) For Teachers â€"the results of the Lower School Examinations (4) Matricula« tionâ€"Theodore Fallaise, Form Iâ€"In order to pass, 40 per cent on each subject and 60 per cent on total. Those who obtained 55 per cent *)n total, _ recommended. _ Passedâ€" Bcholarshipâ€"â€"Linda Teasdale (Honors) ; Glenaa Campbell (Honor:), Merbie Hainnam (Honérs) (Doris McAuley (Honors), Katie Kerr, Janet Kerr, Katie Ritchie, Harper McGirr, Ross Maidment, Ruth Stewart, ~Chrissie McGirt, Mabel Beatoo, Jessie Clark. James Leeson, Fred Corbett, Arthur Ramage, Brigham Livingston, John McGowan, Sadie Bailey, Cassie Mc Nally, Vera Allan, E lzaboth Murdoch Mary Smith. â€" Recommendedâ€"Anm®* Smith, Percy Barber, Frank Morlock, Alex McQueen, Violet Fallaise, Willie Lauder. on Reaca Promotion Jr 4th to Sr 4thâ€"Stellia McOrae, Harold Sharp. Willet Snell, Edra Browning, Annie Graham, Clarence McGirr, Jewmima Lawrence, Myrtle Koch, Jimmie Rutherford, Jack Mcâ€" Kechaie, Janie McLear, Ruby Carson, Raymond Search, Ethel Whitmore, Hazel Hutton, Joe Whitchurch, Ralph Catton . 8r 3ra to Jr 4 hâ€"Sheldon Absabam. eorge Murray, Florence Lawrence, Ifreda Jacob, Elvin Schutz, Caldon Buschlen, Lorne Smith, Eric Elyidge, Robbie Bell. Harry Kress, Stella Mcâ€" Aulitfe, Mildred Vollet, Flora Bell Nichol, Lawrence Chapman, Alice Meâ€" Kelyie, Frankie Burnett, Clifford Busâ€" chlep, Violet Snell, Nora Sproat, Ottiâ€" lie Limin. * Jr 8rd to Sr 3r4 â€"R Saell, V Jacob, W Koch, A Smitb, M Holmes, 8 @ust. M Isaac, J Morlock, M Snell, C Andâ€" erson, 8 Pettigrew. A Temperance Government! Jr 2ad to Sr 20dâ€"Maude Bryan, Wilhemina Collinson, Joe COrutchley, Nellie Falkingham, Occil McLean, Peter Morrie, Beatrice Pilkey, Beulah Stonehouse, Eva Wakefield, Albert Kress, Recommendedâ€"Wilbur Trayâ€" nor, James Murray. Sr 2nd to Jr 3¢dâ€"W Abraham, J Dayis, C Gordon, M MeGirr, N Mitâ€" chell M D McPhee, M Sproule, E Search, C Wiggins, B Pettigrew. Sr 1st to Jr 2ndâ€"Katie Kelsey, Mar: gares Cliff, Verbena Ryan, Milligan Mighton, Ada Allen, Gladys Marshall, Lillie MeDonald, Carrie McGirr, Esthâ€" er McComb, Royden McDonala, Edith Wiltis, Mabel Dancan, Myrtie Orr, Willie Welsh, Ggorge Armstrong, Jean Hepburn, Ethel Hewitt, May Mitchel!, Mabel Crutchley. Jr let A to Sr lstâ€"Willie Bryan, An. j nie @lark, Arthur MceDenald, Elizaâ€" beth Bean, Armetta McLean, Barbara Ritchie, Florence McKay, Clara Mcâ€" Rae, Alex Lawson, lreme Saunders® BRwily Cameron, Sadie Levine, Willic Mayne, Becky Levine, Margaret Mcâ€" Donald, Bessie @uan, Alvina Havens, ‘ Francis Hopkins, Ruby Boyle, Bianche | Traynor, Erben Sharpe, Kathleen Mcâ€" Lean, Martin Lauder: Ir 1st B to Jr let Aâ€"Anmdrew Vesâ€" sie, Harold MeFadden, M MceCaughey» A Vessie, M Mountain, H Weish, 8 Rowe, C Gordop, Eâ€"Paiconer, J Lawâ€" Primary A to Jr Ist Bâ€"Margaret irrs, Margaret Brown, Eula Burnett, t Durham School PUBLIC sCHOOL PYEDURHAM \ REVIEW Examinations DITO VERrITY lane, N Lloyd, E Kearney, G Donnel ly, M Barnett, J Billings, H Morton,â€" L Dean, G Trafford, B BFrafford, A Watt, J McInnes. * 8, 4. No, 9, GurexELG Sr 3rd to Jr &thâ€"V, Ritchie, M. At* kinson, Jr 3rd to 8t 3:dâ€"V Ritchie (H) M Davis, M Whitmore, A Lindâ€" savy, M Newell, G Bell, 4A Ritchie, 0 Bell. â€" ist to 2adâ€"G Lindsay., M Aljoe, Primary to 1stâ€"M Bell (H), J Bell. EumizasBtTH ScoTt, Teacher. To 8r 4thâ€"Esther McLean, To Jr 4thâ€"Mabel Grasby. To 8r 8rdâ€"Merâ€" ron McArthur, Teddy Middleton, To Jr 3rd â€"Willie Vessie, Violet Noble To Sr 2adâ€"L, A McLean, Robbie Grase by, To Srlstâ€"Ada Middleton, Har old NoVle. Nathan Vessle. To Sr Pr. â€"Irene Grasby, Clarence Noble, Campâ€" bell McLean, Islay McKechnie, To Jr Pr, Aâ€"â€"~Florence Legate, George Legate Bertie Middlteton. Joun A. Graxar, Teacher, §. S No. 7, PROTON Sr. 3rd to 4thâ€"Mary Richardson, Kathleen McMillan, James Hardy, Gladys Campbell. Jr. 3rd to Sr 3rdâ€" Wm. J. Porter, Henry Richardson, Alex Knox. Sr. 2nd to 3rdâ€"Ethel Waites, Velma Richardson, Kenneth Ferguson. E. J. McGIRR, Teacher The Western Fair of London, Onâ€" tario, promises to be of more than usâ€" ual interest this year. Already sbout ail the available spacs hbas been taken up for exhibits and enâ€" tries are coming in to the general ofâ€" fices very rapidly. The record of this Exbibition in the past is such that exbibitors and visitors alike have fall confidence that everything will be done to make it a great sucâ€" cess in every particular. For the Poultry department twenty valuable DU R ABLEâ€"Fire grates are threeâ€"sided; last three times as long.= Shaped ‘in the ~togrind up clinkers Fb]’ MC e when "rocked". See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. :: J. H. HARDING, Local Agent Sunshine ROCKY SAUGEEN SCHOOQL The Western Fair, London September 11th to 19th INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magnificent Program of Attractions. _ Two speed Events Daily. New Fireworks every Night COME AND SEE The Dominion Bxperimental Parm Exhibit and the Canadian Royal Dragoons ~_The Con. T. Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway. Music by the best available Bands REDUCED RAILWAY RATES COMMENCING SEPT. 11 Special Excursion Days Sept 15th, 16th, 17th. _ All tickets good till September 21st, W, J. REID, P resident LONDON, CANADA Ontario‘s Popular Exhibition SEPTEMBER l1th to 1914, 1914 How‘s Business Western Fair Advertising, backed up by the right spirit the right goods and the right service, can rescue a sinking business and will make a prosperous bnsiness more masterful in its own community. When John Wanamaker, the Prince of smerchants began business he resolved to force matters. â€" He was not content to WAIT to be found out â€"he DETFR&INED TO BE found out. In short, he advertised. He threw on his business, small as it was, the light of publicity and the public of Philâ€" adelphia entered the shop on which the light shone. * In this community the public is entering those shops on which the light of advertisâ€" ing is falling. Be sure of this ; those who are using our colâ€" umas week after week do not give you poorâ€" er goods or service ar have higher prices. All information from the Secretary A NOTE TO THE PUBLIC ShilohBA | silver caps will be giyen in addition to the regular cash prizes. These cups must be won three times before becoming the property of the Exnib â€" tor. The prize list has been increasâ€" ed this year by $1500.00, Bautter: making Competition will be carried on daily in the Dairy Hall where ample seating accommodation is proâ€" vided. A magnificent exhibit wi ‘ be placed in the Agricaiturai Hali from the Dominion Experimental Farm, Ottawa. This Exbibit will occupy all one side of the Hall and will be very attractive. ‘The new Art Building will be filled with paintinge of the highest order includâ€" ing that famous $30,000.00 painting ‘"‘The Haymukers‘ from the Alâ€" bright Art Gallery, Buffalo â€" Ali inâ€" formation regarding the Exbibition given on applieation to the Becretary, A. M. Hant, London, Ontario. UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mertgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be effered for sale by Public Auction at Haho‘s Hotel, Town of Durham, Saturday, 18th day of July, 1914 a> 2 o‘clock in the afternoon, the west half of Lot No. l in the sixth concesâ€" sion of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, containing 50 acres more or less, The property is cony»niently located about 6 miles from Durbam and has a eonsiderable quaniity of tilled and arable land, a small frame dwelling and a small barn and some fruit trees Terms of Sale : 20 per cent of the purchase meney to be£nid cn day of sale and remainder in 80 days without interest For further particulars apply to H. H. MILLER, Hanoyer Agant for Mortgagee® Dated June 17, 1914 "‘The Family Friend for 40 years." A neve failing uli?ht éqrgw and ahooplll (:otu'hl TORONTO A. M. HUNT, Secretary MORTGAGE SALE WieaPi‘c With the American market oper to our Canadian COattle and Premier Borden likely to be compelied to so legislate that our Wheat and Wheat Products will enter the United States without duty, the price of Ontario farin lands is bound to advance, _ You cannot do better than to BUY NOW "‘Fhe following are a few of the many bargaine, H. H. Milier is offering ; 190 acres good land in Efrunout. frame bank bern, comfortable dwe\l nf, good soil, school very convenient, price only #3,800 for very New Ones for 1914 qiabnlt madke, : 6+ 5.0 00 00000000 N t o( . 100 mcres Bentinck mabout 7 meres hardwood r emainder cleared. Good frame house and frame barn and other Schoot on next lot. Well watered, 8,700. 100 acres near Hanover. E‘“lm“" well watered, good buildings, ng brick dw and frame bank baurn.. Orcharé. Only gooos. 12 meres near Hanover. Good soil, frame "‘“mJ' frame bauk barn, spring eréek, v.d lay loam soil. _ Offered for $5,600, ould bring ©8000 easily if in Normanby. 200 mcres in Normanby, Very large brick Awelling large bank barn large silo good soil, fine neighborhood. $11,00) and cheap at the money. 00 acres in Egremont. The "Fottis" farm ofâ€" 3 fered at a snap.asn sale must be made. Other {arms in Bentinck, Egremont, Normanâ€" by Brant, Carrick and the Nofth West. _ Hanoâ€" over propertics. . All kinds of property for sale orcx change, To lend in bundreds, thousands or millions at dowest current rates, with payments to suit the borrower on good mortg=ge security. Debts colâ€" lected, C, P. R. and Ocean Tickets for sale at lowest rates, "Always promptâ€"Never Negliigent" DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS H. H. MiLLER, J. F.GRANT D. D.S.,, L. D. &. NOR PATE Uni e ptaâ€" ies * J. G. HUTTON,M. D., C. M RIOE: Over & P. office, nearly 9’w Registry m ENCE : w,lu th of Regigtr .R. on east ctae of m:'u‘t. * OFFICE HOURS Qâ€"+11 a. m 2â€"4 pm. 1â€"9 p. m. Teephone Ogguntmication betsicen flce ant Ufficeâ€"Over Jeweliry store nd oppo site Post Office, HoNOR GRADVATE of Terano. University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Sn m Reom s Over J & J'a Btere J. P. TELFORD colt Witiry PBR onsfi W. C, PICKERING D. DS., LD S AiCNene "our Durbam u. dl l‘:l.o'fgfl has & telephoye in his re ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurai 4 lssuer ol'n:._rq D. McPWAIL.A OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We haye a large range :0 select from and prices are moderate as well. An early call is your adâ€" vantage. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director 84 Succesâ€"ful Years Staif of Specialists, Positions guaranteed to Graduates, C e‘wqfl‘, I'(_l.A G. D. E‘-lNO Mawmber Colloge _ Embaiming a Speciality, icture Framing, Shortest Notice zawRaomsâ€"Acsoss from Middaugh Iécensed Auctionser fur Oo. Grey Runctpal for 35 years Reovetary and are a thing of beauty Fall Term Opens Notary Public, Commissioner, DURKHAK, ONT. (Lower Town 22 doecsof ntlt.Hoss W. H. BEAN Big 4 wanyelgh ‘Stavies‘ CONYEYANCER. &e. September Ist at Money to Loan. A. BELL NORTHERKNy) ) OWEN SOUND »AdHOIOIEO On !lflnl and Surgeons ~Monuy to Loan. M‘V‘_‘fl Hanover a»

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