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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1914, p. 8

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NOT the £ hay, bet qu th bi hn '; G. T. R. Ticket Agency Buy your tickets here. 'Q“‘ ?jh‘he Central Drug Store 2 3223292322529 2222322332322 W# W tds \:1F‘SSGIES&:QGEGQG(-:ii:’i-:i‘i-fi(»:é:(v:(v;ie 4 CENTRAL DRUG STORE ; (J \g op Ip t p i o * is Jp J t ts io J t s ts ts io t cp ip ip & t t s is o o o io se t Afook P t s s iy t k B i t n # A 4 Â¥a CL Prices as low as any. Field and Garden Seeds E Seceds‘ Seeds‘ Seeds! for Men and Boys Also a fine line of Boots & Chopped Corn Chopped Corn & Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats Good Line of Suits If you want Feed, call and see us. Our prices will please you. We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed on hand, including . Feed !| Feed C. L. GRANT Govt. Tested Timothyland Clover Seed . SMITH & SONS, Local Agents fine line of Boots & Shoes Our usual good make. Come and see them Made by the W. E. Sanford people of Haâ€" milton, one of the oldest and best manufacâ€" turers of Clothing in the country. We ask you when in wart of a good Suit, to come and see ours. We have received a Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. We are paying 38¢ to 40¢c for Good Oats at our Elevator Headquarters for «l kindsfof Oatmeal Millers Ford â€" Runabout . Smith‘s Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feedqd Seed Oats $3 Order Early KA M wCC FEme SOWHLH [ But bow did you fight and why 2" Now, sir, speaking for myselt, â€" avd I am quite sure that my fellow clergymen could tell the same exâ€" pâ€"rienceâ€"allow me to say that I am usterly umrepentant and stand unaâ€" basbed ard unashamed, happier on this cecasion, to be amoog the vanâ€" quished than to be with the vietors. 1sroke some 18 times in various parts of the provinee and there is not a single statement or appeal that I made that I would recall now it l could, and belieye me hon. sir, that uader the sams leader and for the same cause, I am ready for the {ray agalnâ€" | ‘‘For it isn ‘t‘the fact that you‘re lickâ€" 1 ed thas sounts, We are quite willing to admit, bard as it is for us to understand their conduct, that you, sir, had the support of many of the best citizens of Ontario, but we aiso know that thousauds of the best men of the prov â€" ince deserted your stardard on this cceasion, and, thanks to your abuse, may neyer return to it again, â€" Tha; you did not feel the desertion of this large army is due to the fact tha: you sir, commanded the full sunport uf the liquor torces and allied trades ot the Province. Aud, again, sir, wheno you charge that these clergy men used "intemporâ€" ate, vielent and abusive language." you uv .ly pile slander upon slander, That is the one and conspicuouns thing we preachers did not do. We stuck ro our policy, ‘abolish the bar,‘ and advocated it with al!l intensity of conviction, notwitbstanding the factthat we were being siandered and abused by the government press ard Government speakers from the Premier down. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Bat, sir, when you say that these clergymen were anxious aboye all for ""the success of this party move." you utier & pusitive and palp«able slander against men quite as honorâ€" able and conscientions as yourself. Many of these men whoim you now abuse were your former supporters and weuld bave been with you on this cccasion had you not turned your back upon them and even insultad them when they wished to consult you on matters which, to them are of tirst and yital importance . And as samples of what such serâ€" mons shcu‘d be, allow me to advise you that some of us have a few which we presched back in 1905 and for which we received due praise trom ore Jas P. Whitney by nam e. These are very valuable documents and are "worthy of all commendation." We will gladly place them at the disposal of said Commission. in a manner distinetly worthy of their high offices, but "a few demaâ€" gogic clergymen"â€"tbat‘s the rub. Now sir, in p«ssicg, allow me to say that even a "demagogzis ciergy man‘ is quite as deserving of respect s a "‘demagegic‘‘ Premier. _ Bat, I will admit that it may haye been a grave indiscretion tor uny of us to go into our pulpits on such an occasion withâ€" out first sabmitting our manuscripts to your kindly and anbiased (?) cenâ€" sorship and for fear such a thing may happen again, I would suggest that you appoint a commission, whose duty it will te ,to prepare a few ser mons for feeble minded clergymen who ought not to have any cunâ€" yictions of their ow n, to be preached on such oceasions. " In your statement handed out to the press, re the recent Provincial elections, you make certain remarks concerning the clergyman of the Proyince who saw fit toserve under your distinguished opponent, which one finds hard to believe actually fell from the lips or pen ot the Prime Minister of Ontario. _ If it be a true, sir, that a man‘s real character is reâ€" vealed by his spirit and manner in the hour of vietory, then sir, believe me, we have your weasure The great majority of the clergyâ€" men of the province bore themselves Rev. J. W. Magwood, pastor of Euclid Avenue Methodist Church, Toronto, resents the bitter tone asâ€" sumed by Sir James toward the clerâ€" gy for campaigsing against the bar. He has aadressed the following open letter to the irate premier, who is showing more ill temper than we bad noticed in the recent contest. With such a majority it should haye been easy to maintain good hamor and serenity of spirit : Orckard played the return toot.l:gsll gaing with Ayton on Saturday night at Ayton. The seore was I1â€"0 in fu yor of Orchard boys. Mr and Mrs J. Smish gaye a party Fnday night te their many friends. All enjoyed themselyes. Mr W. L.. Pinder is baving a new rco‘ put on his house by Mr Clhristy, of Holstein. A number took in {Heneden penie on Tu # ay last. The new minister, Mr B. Newnkham preachearvery ab‘y Sunday and Isfs a good im pressiou. A number of our young people spent the 1st at Dromore and report a splendid time. Mr Faikingham moved the Rev. Mr Ward‘s effects from Varney to Conn, where Mr Ward as statiored. Mr P. Cornish bhad a sucgessfol raising last Tuesday afterncon, when he raised a driving shed. Mr and Mrs Will Orchard and their aunt from London visited at Mrs Tack‘s last Thursday. Misses Eliza and Verna Kirby is spending their holidays with cousing at Gleneden. Warm Reply to Sir James Whitney Pastor is Unashamed HoLSTEIN ‘LEADERE â€" ORCHARD snb ANNA Scott, Teacher, No. 11, EGREMONT Sr id to Jr 4thâ€"Elmer Spicer, Kthâ€" el Snicer, Keiso Dodds. Jr 3rd to 8, 3rdâ€"Mary Wilson, John Schenk, Mary Gardiner. Recommend2d, Florâ€" ence Gardiner, Effie Mclonis, 8r 204 to Jr3radâ€"Julia Myers, Tena Wilson, Lillie Watson, Ruth Robb, Recomâ€" mended, Wiiliam Gillan _ Jr 2ad to 8r Andâ€"Veima Spicer, Herman Wagner, Maria Theodort, George Gardiner, Sr( Pi2Znd to Jr2udâ€"Eirov Calder, Archâ€" ie McEachern. Royal Howse, E. F, Hussey, Teacher. No, 12, EGREMONT To Jr¢ 4th«â€"Honours, Alick Renton ; Pass, Myrtie Hooper, Maggie Lawâ€" rence. To S8r 3rdâ€"Honours, Pear] Eceles ; Pass, Maggie Fergusor, Velâ€" va Dailey, Robkie Haas, Mabel Dailey. To Jr 3raâ€"Pass, Ruby Matthews, Milâ€" fred Lawrence, Reta Lawrence, Oncill Ecoles, â€" Harold Lawrenee, _ Edgar Brown, Gertie Lawrence, â€" Recomâ€" mended â€" Allan Brown, Elva uawâ€" reace, â€"To Snd Bockâ€"HMonours, Irwin Ferguson, Mary Haas. To ist Bookâ€"‘ Pearl D‘ilog. CUlarence Du.iley, Kenâ€" neth Long, Emerson Lawrence. l AgoxeEs PETTY, Teacher No. 2 EGREMONT Sr 3rd to Jr 4thâ€"Jennic Kerr (H)’ Elizibeth Woods. Jr 3rd to 8r 3raâ€" Eiva Noble, Irene B «wbour, Ruby Mcâ€" Meekin,. 2ud to Jr 3raâ€"Incz Meads (H), Willie Marshall, Reta Barbour, Alvia Noble, Daniel Kerr, 1st to Jr 2udâ€"Bessie McMeekin ;(H), Ella Wilâ€" son (H), Minnie Pollock. 8, S, No, 13, Raneaxoxt 8r, 3rd to Jr. 4ihâ€"Cecil Atchison, Grace Ramage, Walter Hastie. â€" Recâ€" ommended@ â€" Neilie Buniton, Sarab Tacker, Jr8rd to 8r 3rdâ€"Beryl Renâ€" nie, Iegwie Ramage, Gertic Stevenson, Perey Renwick, Kenneth Findlay. 20d to 3rdâ€"Arthur Hattie, Jas Hoopâ€" er, Perey Warrison,. Isp to2+dâ€"Eadie Smail, Irene Hooper, John Smail, David Hooper,. _ Pr, to 1st â€"Murray Allan, Aiex McMillan, Bob Smail, Luâ€" ella Foid, Geo, Hooper, Jas. Adams. Pr Bâ€"Edwin Findlay, Viola Henry, Harold _ Morrison, Pr, Aâ€"George Reuwick, Gordon Leitb, Gordon Adâ€" ams, Jeanetta Geddes, There is some curiosity ameng loca! sports as to why the three sports fiom Pioton Station motored to another township to try for the speckled beauâ€" ties on {Sunday. _ Was it they were ashamed to fish on Sunday where they were known ? Was it that the fish were bigger or was it hecause they badn‘s time other days, _ We think they should be something like the hoy who stole the bird‘s nestâ€"asbamed to baye his name told, _ So we reserye thein this time We will ask one more question, â€"â€"what class of citizens do Proton Settion people call these felâ€" lows ? Mtr Mector Campbell and dsughter of Toronto spent a few days here. THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr. Don«l4 MeCormack and Miss Jessie McM.Han returwed from thei» visit to Maumision. Mc Ewnest McGirr yisited friends here Thursday, Mrs Jao. Aidcorn went to F rdwich Tuecsday toattend the funerat of her niece, Mrs Brown, She will remain some lime. Mre RJ Porter is in Toronto aitendâ€" ing the funceral of bis sonâ€"‘nâ€"law, Mr. Richard Stoneman. A superior school with compeâ€" tent instructors and through courscs, _ Affliated with Central College, Stratford.â€" We do more for our students than does any other similar school; _ All graduâ€" ates in positions. â€"You may enter at any time. Write for particulars or ufi, at the College. Mrs Thos. Herderson, Dundalk is in staying with her father, Mr, Dugald Ferguson who is not well at present. Misses M. and V. Knox of Edmonton Alta., are home for their holidays. Mrs Geo Martin and her mother Mre Hardy are the guests of Owen Sound friends. Mes Hargraye returned Saturday after a three week‘s vacation withb Dundalk friends. Mr, Donatd McDonald and Miss Mcâ€" Donald visited Vaugban frienas lately Miss Derbv, Miss Janet Ketrr and Mr John Kerr, spent a few days the guests of Mr and Mrs. Geo, Black and of Mr. and Mrs Jos Black. Then Thussday evening the good time was continued in a social, chief feature being the ladies baseball match Swinton â€"Hopeville, resulting in a lscgre of 18 to 15 in favor of Swinton adies, Miss McLean. Toronto, evjoyed a week‘s holidays with her mother here, Sunday last Anniversary services were conducted in St Andrews Ch. by Rev Mr â€"â€"â€" of C.aiedon, and deossite the uncerta ty of weather conditions there was . good congregation at both service>, _ Monday was elecion day and § , Avdr w‘s garden party in the â€"vening. _ Tea was served i: Mre. Hairdy‘s barn. The matches, (fooiball and baseball ) whick bhad been arrangâ€" ed for had to be called off, _ Atfer tea a good program was giyen in the church, Dr Marshgave a good lecture on astronemical work, Mi Marsh also helped the program with three or four choicesolos, while the choir also did its part in its usual good style. Swinâ€" ton Parks orchestra filled the remainâ€" der of the program with some of their choice selections, V}t. Forest Rusiness College MT. FOREST, ONT. Miss Sadie Ferguson, Toronto, :« i alâ€" idaying with her parerts, Mr ana slre, John Ferguson. Mrs, T. Parslow is the guest of her a‘ster, Mrs Robb of Robb for the past fortsight. & Miss Janet McBonald spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs J LFerguson. Mre. Alex. Ferguson has returned from London, â€" While away she also visited Brantford and Ingersoli. PROMOTION EXAMS. ManEu E. YRo, Teacher SWINTON PARK ~roke | _ There passed away on Thursday, }an July, Alexander Hay, aged 21 years, yourgest son of William Hay ‘of this village. Deceased contracted a cold some years ago and has been ill more or less since. _ He was a bright, attraciive boy and a fa vorite with all who knew him. ‘The faneral was a yery large one, many coming lt’rom a distance. â€" Rey Mr Smith conâ€" ‘ducted the services at the house and |the grave and very feelingly touched ’on the uncertainty of life. The pallâ€" Mrs Dan Ececles is spending a few days this week in Conn, . The young people of the community iting at K. Renwick‘s Jr. ~ Miss Janetâ€"and Mr. Chas, Hay of Toronto and Winnipeg respectively, w rived home last week â€" for their broiners funeral. _ Chas, intends reâ€" turniug again Friday next. Mr and Mrs John Renton visited in Priceviuc on Sunday, Mre John Hyland and Master Edaie are visiting at hber father‘s, MrJohn Garson Sr. Theo latter, we regret to say is very poorly at present. ir and Mrs and > John and Wells Casbuie otf Mount Forest were the guests of Mr R Renwick over the 1st. M Tracy McLuhan, Mi Forest? took in Uhe celebration on the lst and spent ifew days at J. M, Findlay‘s, Fevetal of the Dromore boys enjuyâ€" ed the ladies‘ baseball match in Swinâ€" ton Park Tharsday evermiog. _ Try again Hopevilie. Mr Rob Isaac spent a couple of days in the village last week. Miss Maggie McGirr iting at R. filenwi(k'n f Mrs Saiter, Toronto, is holidaying with Mr and Mrs R. Renwick Sr. Miss Eva Renton left on Monday for a visit with Baffalo relatives. Ate! benrers were his schoolmates, Philip Harrison, Alex Findlay, Edgar Renâ€" wick, Art Renton, Al Hastic and Wm An error occurred in last week‘s writeâ€"up, regarding the Swinton Park â€"Dromore tootball game on Jualy 1st. This game instead of being w n by Swinton Park by 1â€"0, ended a tie, 10 min. play overtime not being sufâ€" ficient to break it. As the other teams cculd not come to any agreement reâ€" garding the prize, the Dromore team withdrew and allowed Holstein and Swinton Park to compe:e for it. There will be no service in the Methodist church next Sunday evenâ€" ing, as a Union Serviec, to be attendâ€" ed by the Orangenmien in a body, will then be beld in the Preebyterian church, conducted by Rev, Dr. Marsh, Holstein and MeFarlane‘s lodges, with members from other nearby lodges, will assemble at 7.00 p. m., the service commencing at 7.135. A number in our village are on the sick list at present, but hbappily all are improving. . Messrs Robert Mickâ€" lebcrough and James Hunt have been qvite low but are now somewhat easâ€" ier. Mrs W, J. Sharp is recovering her strength, after a nervous attack. Mr Allingbam‘s little daughter is progressing and Mr D, P. Coleridge though rot yet his usual self, is also feeling better, after being under t e weather a couple weeks. t Jas, Allan, one of the township‘s wellâ€"known pioneers, is we regret to hear in a d@ying condition, being at present unconscious, Later.â€"We learn he passed away at 1 p. m. on Tucsday. Mr and Mrs Miles, of Hamilton,| the former a brother of Mrs lbbott, | are guests at the parsonage. Rev.; and Mrs Ibbott‘s two youngest child. ren. Willie and Edith, accompanied, thein here. | Rev. Mr Ibbott went to Galt Tues" day by train and is driving up with his horse, buggy and dog, which he had lett at his former station Troy, antil settled here. 4P Mr and Mrs Thos,. Brown, of Reâ€" gina ang Mrs Thair of Lumsden, Sask., arrived on Tuesday to spend the summer at their sister‘s, Mrs . L. B. Nicholson, around theâ€" old home. Our Junior Football team went to Orchard Saturday night and played the boys of that burg, winniog out by 2â€"o, Mr Bieman, of Toronto, friends on the tith con. & days last week. A Royal Arch meeting of L. O. L. No 2296 was held on Monday evenâ€" ing. Twentyâ€"five members outside of the local lodge were in attendance. 468 boxes of butter, 56 lbs, to the box, is the output of the Egremont Creaimery for the month of June. For the month there were 281 shareâ€" holders and these were paid $21.60 for butter fat, nonâ€"shareholders $24 40. Three waggons are engaged drawin the creaimn. } Knox, Normagby, Christian Enâ€" deavor Secicty are this Tuesday payâ€" ing the return visit to their Holstein friends, Both Societies welearn are assisting with the program, to which we shall refer next week. to Harriston this week Holstein patrons and those with phone conuection at Holstein Central will receive better service to outside points in future, as the linemen are installing a new trank line, No. 681, Recpssenppercececceucicte" Miss Mary Mutch is holidaying with herfriend, Miss Lizzie Binnie, at the latter‘s home in Glenelg. Mr and Mrs Alvin Hopkins, of Mt, Forest, are visiting at Mr Jas,. Durâ€" ant‘s. Mrs Keith, of Toroato. visited at Wm. Pettigrew‘s over Sunday. Ns of LOGCAL AND PERSONAL desaRssdptepsabRept DRO! MORE , Durham is visâ€" visited couple Aside from combing it when they thisk necessary many prople give no attention whatever to their hair. Then whenthe hair hegins to fall out it never occars to them that their trouble is the occars to them that their trouble is the result of personal carelc=sness, An occasional application of Newbro‘s Herpicide will not only prevent loss of hair permits aluxuriant growth. Hair losses are attributal to dandruff and the germ that causes it. _ The resulis follâ€" owing the intelligent use of Herpicide The funeral on Saturday afternoon was one of the largest ever seen in klxis part. The seryices at the house nd grave were conducted by the Rev. W. W, Prugham, of Darham, assisted by Mr Newnbam, the new minister at Varney. At the close of the regular services, the Orangemen took charge LAGK 0F CARE WILL RUIN he was generaliy called, had not been geeling weli for some time, but mothâ€" »g serious was though; of until a wesk or so before his death, when a complication of troubles set in and all that medical skill and good nursing could do could not stay the hand of death. Mr Grasby wes a clever, inâ€" dustrious and progressiye young farâ€" mer and bad purchased the farm, forâ€" werly owned by Mr D. MeCrie a lite more then a year ago and was doing his utmost to make a suceess of mnis undertaking, He was married to a Miss Maria Morrison some seven or eight years ago and to them were born three children, who will never remember very much about their father, The «.community . was made very sorrowfnl last Thursday, as the news was passod along that Mr Harry Grasâ€" by hbad died in the morning of that Uay at the early age OW he was generaliy called, had not been A number from around here intend srending the glorious i2th mt either Airthar or Markdale. «l Mr McDonald;"coutractor, of Dunâ€" dalk and bhis gang of five or six men are busy getting ready to build the new bridge oyer the stream that flows through the village. â€" The bridge when completed will be quite a benefit but at present the work is a great obâ€" struction to traflic. as the temporary roid is anything tut a good one. Mies Constable, of guaess of hor aunt, Mrs Miss Maud Thompson came home from Toronto Tueeday to spend the vacation with her parents, Mr and Mra Jolhn Thompson. Mr and Mrs Dick and daughter Myrtle, of Hamilton, were welcome guests of Mr and Mrs W. 1. Piercey last week. DC 7~Q 9099000000000 08 08900 poe Wool Season | TAYLOR & CO. VARNEY was made ver ay, as the news V« , Mr Harry Gragâ€"|| | morning_of that |} | 127. / Harry, t d. had not been | =~~ Barrie, is the J. W, Blyth. Save It With Herpicide THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HAl are frequently of a surprising n>tor It remoyes the »caleâ€"\ikeaccom o. t or‘ leaving the scalp tean and free of d» and thus allowing the hair to gros ushampered by dandruff. Newbro‘s Herpicide in 50¢ and $1,00 sizes is sold and fiu-n-ud to do all that is claimed, you are Hot s« (if ed your money will be returncd, Application may be obtaincd at good barber shops. MacFARLANE & Co., Special Agent« Lv Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Berth reservations and J;artu ulars all Grand Trunk Ticket Ofices or wri C. E. Horning, Distriot Passenger Ag Toronto, Ont. WM CALODER, Town Ticket Ag J. TOW NER, Ticket Agen: Torontoâ€"â€"Chicago Torontoâ€" Montreal ,_ The stir and exeitement . Aar provincial election |ha of the eervice and conductc d vual burial scryice. The YeoviltGrange held the : ly meeting Monday evyening goodly number present, its , ship still immereasing, someh; 60 now on the roll, Miss Ruby Philp is visiting aunts, Mrs McBDonald‘s. Miss Aggie Adams w {riends around here last week Mr A & Henderson intends » a silo this summer. Much eympathy is folt f ; ; reaved young wife and family his parents and sisters, M;; Jobhnston and Miss Mabel a },, BORN CKrEAZIRâ€"On the 19 h Con mont, on Sunday, 5th July, | Mr and Mrs John McKe daugbter. WESTBOUND Montreal 11.00p m Toronto 8 00 a m London 11.06 a m Detroit _ 1.45 pm Chicago â€" 8.40 pm Highest class of equipme Double Track all the Wa; EAST EGREMONT Important Improved Daily Service now in effect mm dlp @ & â€"â€"_._ JULY 0; 1914 Lv, L. Lv. Lw. EASTBOUND Chioago Detroit London Toronto Montrea r month & with , MeWbe hing OÂ¥e lb‘if us K M bep thlc be. 2180 ty 8 T"& OMe, v uhq by n:r:~ @cling 14 ars at write ue OÂ¥ep Agt pm pim VOL. den Farty, 1# Gool Time. Ad New Mfi{-;:n aseo leges and cities, Pegular 50 4 for §1 at Macfariases Br Dr. h'.' "' “" Threat, will be Babs ham, July 18. re 3 Byos tested and glaesenis Miss COarrie MceKechal weeks of keroic siruggle ( operation, died this, Thu ing., at nuras Carmount‘s i Rseinaexo® hok Rans.â€" storey house, 7 we, C# ated on Garafrex®Btre and;woodshed. For part at this office. Bo! For Priowsiiu® MHoilday, NMondar, Augus will lend to Pricevilie‘s | tion. More later. A epecial G, T. R. t from Durham to 81. N day, Only 13 went fro join the big Qrange dem that place. The returm Durham about midaight Strictly pare is Gree: ) Bug Killer at ar Bpecial le Friday @ July 17 and . 1 will a two days only‘> waler t per dozen in dozreMlots. ers ure of the Anert uali est pattern,. The prize i Remember (2) Gays o.‘l\ Saturday at the Variety Braxks ts Srometai ing of the great commissi over by Lord Mersoy, blai Durham The Anuual ‘Ar‘v‘ Presbyterian @kurch the manse grownds «( July inst. Bang prog attracuons. Active con charge of many depa pleasant evening is ass ber the dats. The funceral of the lat Friday last to Maplewo very largely attended the new pastor, condu services and was assi6 Martiecy of Trinity C The pallâ€"bearers were . Samuel Patterson, Alei Ferguson, Oco. Binns Trinity Chureh Gar the rink last Wednesd decided success . T rink, booths, €tc, C prettily éecorated with ting, and ice cream & ments found ready sa their first engageme! leader rendered a fine The proceeds of the ¢ The London Adve Monday with a )i upment numbe," the grow!h of the 1 to the future, when million populatio®. of the moders city of the letter preas i= a novel. With ker enterprising ciliv® to dey future. Wor TH® M ack a rinks were en tored tournament held | week, and rink '."“O uutil th fHoals narrowed d ardson, of Wlors a OQwen Seund, lh'( by 20 +e 1| * Reddy " in EESPUY! â€"Aps Hunter, Thos. All er and W,® Hu dropped early in ! reached the third . ation series. Tum Lare Jas tion to our infc week. we bare } was at work with mare giviB® wrout about to unbiuch horse, Me was and some arter bled freely. M« ram to bim but € sous. Whe eall who ...hul,hc stances and co! aves. The re the bome of b Bouth Artemes! place on Frida1 the Presb novoniq 1 and 1 Oue Das wond rot

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