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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1914, p. 1

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NDromore , Nermanby niversary Services JOL, Gas .50 to 32.50 ‘SOn oats ) 50) ast have formed .'-, the enthusiasm and â€" 3 C ’"h’(;tl'llb- ay _ the order!â€" m on Monuay last in near it on the eceny versary. _ I lay in which Rey ='l * pastor took part, ray lor Monday and l go down in the ong the best of the nith, the new ist have forr ilcioths 16, 1914 its en called a ‘garden was no garden about uons tables set by r the charch were voral relays of sea did justice to the he cooks and enjoxr comaraderie of such k “““- l inything and short notice. ed choir, which in and attack, exâ€" ral of the memâ€" cader, Mr. Wm. r took solo parts, r efficient orgarâ€" ick. Theâ€"pastor ced Bawbee‘" by her uncle, Jas. the old fire and ~n and Mr. Coâ€" ~\y rendered and McAllister added veniog. l08t ue m must h-v' ver a side to bis loes not reveai, duert by Misses Holstein, "Oh | in the Vale," thing of its kind »ard lor a long he rousiog enâ€" inusual thing at W atson countrib« )llowed es, _nou; ly the to 15.00 * Cheapest r Newnbam in ® athed sentiments he churches and Rev Dr Marsh : naturally r (']ipped. uantity of : you the in either est \lu‘li" arbam, â€" Newt« ‘r. Marsh, Hol« lacked not able »v spoke on the inea blending ot : humorous, and ad old. He emâ€" s leading to the 10w, keep busy, out soom 1 urged e serious *J protanity & n he warned n D «:unnslip. starting a bawe C. NRamage was ege of addres ds and nel‘hm rantee evening was caug bt vOL. XXXV1l1, NO. 30 at We t pt pT man during the program. The chois gaye three choruses * Men of Bnâ€"‘ tech," * Suldiers‘ Farewell " and * Unâ€" der Southern Skies " whose rendering was dene most efficiently and with taste. â€" A male quacteatte composed of Mesers A. W. H. Lander, W, 8. 8gunâ€" ders, Ed. Buscblen, Peter Ramage made fine contributions 40 the pro gram and three duetts were equally effective in winning hearty applause, the pnirlboil.linll.llm’l‘ J, H. Harding, Mrs Stonehouse and Aliss Alice Ramage, W.S. Saunders and Ed. Buschion. The net proceeds are to Nupflh‘.m!m debt on Hors Dowxn.â€"A dozen Of | ; yors were present at the July | , st Thursday and about 30 g s hanged hands, The beavyy |, vnpour during tho mddle of the | , (ternoon caused less dexis than would | , berwise haye taken place. Scarcely | , s manv horses were brougbt in, and 1 rices were not as good as previous | i n conversation witbh ‘Mayor|, Black. he informed us he looks to see |. rices fall before winter, as the deâ€"|. war s not pressing and they bad 1 ither bigh. ; nuual pienic of 8. 8. No. 9 i‘nelg, came off Wednesday of last vÂ¥â€"vk in the grove opposite Mrs. John Bell‘s sidence. There was a big pm0 w sent, includiug many from Lo w !| thorougbly enjoyed the d sebali match â€"5 insings, â€"â€" V a \ween Glenelg and Durâ€" t 1 won by the latter, J M@(i:v and McLachlan were t "he feature of the afterâ€" t v .umped" race between. M a McGowan and Mr. Jas. e K ons vhich was & '.".fi | the latter tripped and 1 \rrrtax Gamo®rx PartÂ¥x.â€"In } t -s'vnlh.l‘l‘.w,*“;fi e | «. Chureh seo ne greatest 2c« ~«s on Friday ving last,. The atâ€" ndlance was large, 6 rogram g000. ind the sales at booth ':fl e .,' «:tisfactory, the proceeds amonnt U ~ $122. As ‘usual the grounds W i+ by electricity, the PrEse!s" ind was a substaatial aid to the suc ess of the % y unc it lections, <Rev. Mr Whaley was CBAIF: the orgad. 1 ~â€"~OWTYEEHz j 2:OPICS: [;ee Flon d K e Flol}\h;'mt by test. ‘s A. Begys & Son. pare Pmen and Potaâ€" liller at 1 arlane‘s Drug nantix fine -amnl eulâ€" ities, re@N\lar or 20¢ or Mactfarian Store, or roR Sauk,â€"Frame twoâ€" â€"e, 7 rooms, centrally situâ€" :arafroxa Street. _ Stable hed, â€" For particulars, apply P K sr â€" Postace.â€"Newspaper ave received notice from ster General that postage ers mailed from the office of will be charged at the rate per copy. _ If this order is vill mean ruin to many pub. ic half of the local papers : to cease publication or ce of subscription at least \otor Co.of Detroit which 6000 men because of dul! s declared an extra dividend t Sunday School are picâ€" Wednesday afternoon im ent, which means a disâ€" { $2,000,000. Henry Ford, ; per cent of the stock, will 0. _A year ago the comâ€" $10,000,000 extra dividend. quarterly dividenus are 15 What do the unfortunate Jo with the money ?â€"Satâ€" h ore business, we learn, is «p in the Melatyre block, Ist, im the premises now the pool room. A five . been given necessitating a Rabb, the*proprietors, :arters. _ counterfoils â€" attached jadge eounted in. The of these would have inâ€" Liberal majority. n Weos.â€"The marriage Toronto Wednesday of M, ;. cditor of the Walkerton ‘imes and Miss Edith Hilâ€" er of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. s MaJoRIPY INCREASED. . of the votes cast in the n in North Ruce was W «lkerton last Friday, orvision of Junior Judge «‘ted in the majority of to the Li beral representâ€" McDonald, being increa«â€" There were a number of Mr. Wesley is one iragraphers of the his brethern of the in extending. conâ€" iuspicious occasion. e will see that he wash day, keeps and stays at home "“‘ivfi S un VarxEey, itu ©uaver. â€"On this date all roads wil\% lead to the greas Garden Party to be WÂ¥id in Mr John Kerr‘s orchard, VarRkey, under the auspices of the MethbodiM Chursh. In addition to speeches public men and a splendid musical ram, there will be a Professional ntertainer with highâ€"class selections, \Mark the date, Admission 25¢ and 15%. Auction SaAXEr or CaTTLE.â€"R. R. Long, of Listow&p, will offer for sale|, by public auction\ 20,choice Durkham grade cows, also number of calves| from one to six wiks old, on Saturâ€" ' day, August 1st. Fdur months eredit on approved joint n J, 6 per eent per annum discount forfeash in lieu of notes, It will be a greak\ opportunity for farmers toinprove th&r stock At the Hahn House, Durham., * R, H. FortuX®E, Auctiopeer. ~ Aâ€"â€"DarcSRoOUS â€"â€"~Bn0e0#8 4 Whil paintipg steeplgâ€"on the Catholic Uhulc}Mfgfiul week, Jack Murphy, the steepleâ€"jack, fell aslzep and when discovered was laking a comfortable suooze on a rope seat about two bhundred feet above the ground. As he was reported to have been dl‘llikll\)k heayy before goiung up. fears were enterlained that the booze would make hbim topâ€"heayy and that while uader the influenace of Morpheus he would topple forward and fall into. the bands of the coftin trust, â€" Efforts were consequently made to arouse him from slumber by shaking the rope, but as these were unavailing he was left to linish his nap, there being some doubt as to which world he would ultimately w ike up in. He fnally issued safely frow his dreams and eame down, when bhe was subsequently placed on the Inâ€" dian List to avoid a similar fucure reâ€" currence,â€"Walkerton Times. / Wropep in Toroxto.â€"The marâ€" riage was solemnized at noon on Wedâ€" nesday, July 15, at the home of the bride‘s parents, Bruanswick Aye., Torâ€" ento, of Thomas HMerbert McClocklin and Miss Ethe! Edna Mooney, both of Durham. The wedding was a prelly, but very quiet event, the nuptial knot being tied by Rey. Dr, Wallace in the presence of only the immediate relaâ€" tives. The young couple were unatâ€" teuded. They left on a honeymoon trip dowa the 8St. Lawrence, through the Thousand Islands to Montreal. The groom is a native of, and one of the town‘s bestâ€"known and popular young men, while the bride is also well und favorably knewn through ber business as milliner bere. The R®:â€" vIEW joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prz-%ll'ou! puture. ' r farmers toimpro;o thifr stoc ie Hahn House, Durham., * R, H. FortuX®E, Apucti Aâ€"â€"DaNGGROUS â€"~BHNOO#E intipg 8 pl,von the C hul(‘%fglfi’fut weel On account of the crops in some disâ€" tricts being badly attacked by this pest, it is advisable for eyery farmer to be on thelookout and ready to comâ€" bat it if it comes bis way, The army werm is about one and | q oneâ€"balf inches long when fall grows. | i ard is striped wich black, yellow and | ; green, of a dingy appearance and much reseimbling the cutworimm. When |, detected, all efforts showld be centred on keeping the worins out of crops not | . yet attacked, A deep furrow, (several | | furrows are better) ploughed around J the fields with the yertical or steep side of the farrow next to the crop to f be pretected, seryes as a barrier to prevent the march of the worins, as | they will not be able to crawl up the straight side of the furrow. Holes or pits should be dug in the bottom of the furrow every ten or (welxe feet to catch the wormns as they crawl along looking for a place to get out. They can then be destroyed with a blunt stick or by burning straw over them. By thoroughly spraying or dusting small strip of the crop in advance of he worms with Paris green, and liberâ€" lly distributing poisoned bran (qaixed t the rate of fifty pounds bran and ne pound Paris green with enough vwiasses and water to aweeten i8) rge numbers may be destroyed, A field so poisoned must not be pastured until rain has thoroughly washed it. | Whatever is done must be done qfl- PnAPGaBP ie o5 on VOC may The Army Worm sn( @ e THE REVIEW to New Subscribers the balance of the ht r ECURITY fer both priacipal and C Smizh-‘fld- mvestment ; hm reakze a}".""{,-,‘!'_-.-_.k.b’..d:: Miss Irene Lennox, teacher of §t- Catharines, is visiting her sister, Miss Nettie here this week. Mrs E. A. Goodwin returnedW_cdnfs- day last from a two week‘s visit with her parents in Comber. Dr and iin Brad Jamieson and childâ€" ren are visiting Mrs. J‘s father, Mr. C. M. Bowman, in Southampton. Mrs. Jamieson will remain for a time. Miss Jessie McFarlane. Hamilton, visited at her uncle‘s, Mr Robt McFarâ€" lane‘s last week. Mr John Wylie, Goderich, is on a two week‘s holiday with his parents, Rev and Mrs. Wylie. Mr Middlebrook of Toronto was visiâ€" ting his brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr John Adarag. Mr Everard McKinnon, of Port Arâ€" thur, was in town last week on a buyâ€" ing trip and purchased four horses at, the fair here. wegaat" Mr Wi, Coleridge, Owen Sound, visited his sister, Mrs .C. Ramage Thursday last on his way to Yeovil to join Mrs C , who has been visiting her mother there. Mra Campbell and Mre, McNab, of Rochester, N. Y., arrived Friday night last to visit their sister, Mrs Dan ’M(-Anhul, nortb of towsn, for some time. Mrs Will Harding, Hamilton is visit« ing her parents, Mc and Mrs Chas, Brown. Mrs Hugh McKinnon, Priceville, is )vioitinn this week with her niece, Mrs John Burgess. Miss Kate Young Cleveland, Ohio, returned home Saturday, after visitâ€" ing a few weeks with her relatives, the Wilkies, at Rocky Saugeen, with the Heriderson‘s at Townsend‘s Lake. Miss Alice Ramage visited Mt. Forâ€" est friends Thursday. Mr and Mes Somers, of Toronto, are bholiday visitors for a @ouple of weeks at her brother‘s, Mr Ed, Limin‘s, Mrs Llioyd Mulles and sister, Miss Gertie McComb, are home from Brantâ€" ford visiting their parente for a few weeks. Miss Janet Marshall is holidaying Poronto, Miss Sadie McDonald is the guest her friend, Miss Evelyn Coutts, Viokers. Mr Will Campkeil went to Port Elâ€" gin Friday to yvisit a few days with relatives. Misses Lena and Muriel Legate of Ceylon, are visiting at J M Coleridge‘s and at the Review Ofi ce. Mr and Mrs J. P. Hunter left Tuesâ€" day on a trip to Bassano, Alta., to visit their daughter, Mrs Ohas, Mcâ€" Kinnon and will yvisit other points beâ€" fore returning. Me John Gray, Portage La Prairie, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs John McGowan, for some weeks, re, turns toâ€"day, Wednesday, aceompanâ€" ied by his nieoe, Miss Jean McGowan, who will remain indefinitely. Miss Eils Seigrist of Wiarton is visiâ€" ting her sister, Mis. J. H. Robertson. Mrs Boddy, of Hamilton, returned Tuesday, after holidaying a week at Mr John Kelly‘s. Mr Harry and Miss Helen Dunbar, of Owen Sound and Miss lone Stares, of Hamilton, were guests at Mr J. D. Abâ€" raham‘s for a few days. McGmmuvaryâ€"In Glenelg on Friday, 10th Jualy, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Moâ€" Gillivary Jr (nee Miss Mary Binmie,) a daughter. w ./. qeieletet e The Aanual Garden Party of Laâ€" tovua Presbyterian Church, Dornoch, wil} be held on the chureh grounds Wednesiay, July 20th, A good proâ€" \gum is being prepured. Tea served from 7.00 to 8.30. Admission 25e and Band Program Thursday Night 1 Marchâ€"New Ideal...... .. .Brown 2 Overtureâ€"Olympig......... Miller 3 Waltzâ€"InspirALiON.. . .. .. > .>>+ Miller 4 Schottischeâ€"Bright Eyes.... .Beyer 5b Songâ€"Love and Roses... ... Dayues 6 Berenadeâ€"Moovrlight in Venice. Beyer 7 @alopâ€"Around the Circle. Rosenkrans 8 Hymnâ€"Nearer M_f God to Thee National Antheatâ€" he Maple Leaf purhaon Reirew. The King. a devest in the sart :dz' B:k'--idul BORN rejrieyl], With which is incorporated the in of at Miss Carrie McKsoum® ‘ As we briefly intimated last week, this well â€"known young Jady passed eway under very painful cireumstancâ€" es on Thursday, 16 July, Bhe was in her 31st year and had for" years been the light of her home and fhe stay and solace of her widowed mother, whose only daughter she was. Stricken uudoi denly with appendicitis, & serious op. eration was performed and for two‘ weeks a successful issue seemed asâ€"| sured, the patient being of buoyant | dispositiou. But death was in the up‘ and the braye struggle, which interestâ€" 1 ed many besides her owm family and. friends, ended in defeal. 1 Besides the bereaved mother, there remain as chief mournets five brothâ€" ers, Hugh of Pincher Oreek, Malcolm (deceased‘s twin brother) gt home, Al« fred and Archie, Calgary, Philip in outh Mexico. Of the distant brothâ€" rs, Archie is the only one who got home. Deeeased‘s father died 8 years ago, and a sister Katie about 16 years ago, A great concourse gathered at the fuâ€" ncral on Saturday last, services being conducted by her pastor, Rey. Mr Mills. A useful life is ended, but the memory of her usefulness in the home, her deyotion to church and Sunday School work and her genial compan: ionship will long be remembered , The Misses Magee ere visiting their eousin, Miss Myrtie Caldwell at pres: ent. is visiting ber p.s;'en!s. Mr and Ml‘l" Thos. McAlister, is spending a few days in town this week. Miss Gertrude Jackson. of Mt, Forâ€" est, spent over the week end with bher friend, Miss Mary Backus, We are sorry that Mr Geo, Webber is very ill at present, but hope to Lear of his recovery soon: Miss Edoa Reay, of Vickers, is visit" ing at Mrs George Shnrp'sg'\'_._,‘_. k Mrs Walker, Mis Robt. Walker and family, ol Owen Sound, are viaiting friends and relatives in South Benâ€" tinck. THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1014 Mr and Mrs Wo. Caldwell enterâ€" tained a number of the young people around here last Monday evening. Mr and Mrs Patterson and friends, Mr and Mrs McGiir, of Glenelg, atâ€" tended the service at KRaox Church last Sunday. Mr and Mrs George Harbottle and Mr W. G, Lander visited at Mr Thos« McAlister‘s last Sunday. Haying is almost over for anotber year and the hum of the binders is heard. Mr and Mrs John Laith, Mr and| Mrs John Backus spent last Friday | evening at Mr Theos, MeAlister‘s. | Mrs Eyerett Hoy, of Welland, who Civic Houpay roRr PRICBvILLE.â€" Monday, August 3rd, Priceville citizens are holding their 2nd annual big celeâ€" bration and the varied program of atâ€" tractions should draw all from far and near. â€" One of the events is an exhibiâ€" tion lacrosse match, Durham vs. Hanoâ€" ver. See biils for full particulars but plan now to spend the holiday in Price. ville. NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY We waut all those who are in arâ€" rears for subscription to examine their label and remit at once the ameunt necessary to brimng the label up to end of 1914. We need ready money at present and must look to those who owe us. Piease remit at once, obliging _ ____ possecqeoseannen â€"epnsneny s s ® DURHAM FLOUR MILLS & To Subscribers in Arrears Obituary. Any Quantity of WOQI_.! We wil}l pay the highest markes price for Our FLOURY are unsurpassed, and our prices consistent with good quality. Washed or Unwashed.â€" Cash and Gold Weight. Our Stock of FEEDS is large and of best quality. _ We want good GRAIN and will % pay highest market prices. Best Quality Hay Custom Chopping and Tus PosmsuErs Although few of the farmers in the burg bave fimished haying, a good deal of the fall wheat has been cut. The wheat in some places is badly trozen. The Sunday Schoal picmic iu Mr Davis‘ bush was a splendid success. ‘The doy was fine and a laage erowd turned out. The afternoon was spent in amusements of various kinds until tea was served about 5 o‘ctock. Then followed races and a baseball match betweesr a mnumber of our players and a team ofyoung men from Durham. The Durham team wom by a marrow margim, the score being 7â€"6 in‘ their fayor. The proceeds of the booth amounted to $38.00. Mr Thos. Allae, of Owen Saund, renewed acquairtances in this neighâ€" borhoed and took in the picuic. Miss Bessie Weir, of North Egreâ€" mout, spent the past week with her grandmother and other friends. _ Miss Florence McQueen, of Stayâ€" mer, is visiting at her uncle‘s, Mr Neil McCannel‘s. Mrs R. Offord, Stratford, spent a few days at Mr Thos. McGirr‘s and Mr Andrew Scott‘s. A number from this burg attended the barmâ€"raising at Mr Robt. Meade‘s. Mrs Ilif and two daughters, of Vancouver, are at present visiting her sister, Mrs Jas, Hopkims and Mrs Wes. Arnett. Mrs R, Willet aud ehildren, of Torâ€" onte, are visiting her father, Mr Alex Bell, who is seriously ill. Miss Oharlotte Porter, of Swinton Park, visited with her grand parents, Mr and Mrs A. Lawrence. Mra John McMillan and daughter Amnie, of Ceylon, spent part of last week with Mrs Neil MceCannel. Canadian National =Exhibition [PEACE YEAR | America‘s Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Dragoons‘ Musical Ride Autoâ€"Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts‘ Review Canada‘s Biggest Dog Show Paintings from England, Sco‘tland. United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aeroâ€"Hydropiane Flights Grand Water Carnival If Creatore‘s Famous Band Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks Aug. 29 1914 Sept. 14 T O R O NT O ie nfikpereha e 1>4 20e uh 7Grenadier Guards Band International Peace Tattoo 10 Bands 400 Musicians GREEN GROVE Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent BABYLON far year, only 25 cents Bd 1 1itlkiut 84 Th ONTARIO . §I| S.F.. MORLOCK | Only 25¢ for the Review the balance of this year ~â€" to New Subscribers Does this Concern you 50 tons barley and corn, chopped, at $24.00. . Must go within the next two weeks. â€" This is what you want to finish off your hogs. of Shorts and Feed Flour. â€" Get our price on a ton or two of this before buying elsewhere. We are in the feed busiâ€" ness and want your trade. It will pay you to call and see us. Five Roses Flour Pine Tree Flour . Purity Flour Milverton Jewel Chesley Flour _ McGowan‘s Eclipse MRS. A. BEGGS & SON THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA TORONTO Bring us your butter and eggs. _ We want them SsAVINGS DEPARTMENT Aso JOINT ACCOUNTS An account in the names of two Smommmmunmmmmmmmenmmmensmemmemmemes meNbDers Of A fAiDily Will DC {0U05 convenient. Either person(or the survivor) may operate the account. DURHAM ERANCH : S. HUGHES, Manager. New Spring Suits PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING Special Price on 5 ton Lots One Dollar. Interest is credited half yearly, We indulge in absolutely no exaggeration when we say that in these lines you will see Glothing values that haye never been exeelled in Duarham. The smart distinctive styles, the upâ€"toâ€"date exclusive materials, the perfect fit and the splenâ€" did quality of tailoring shown in these goods canâ€" hardly fail to elieit your admiration anmd your order. See them. Make a point of it. Progress Brand COlothing and Alert Juvenile Ciothing have a tremenmdously strong re putation . Every customer who has tried them usually comes back again, as the Linings, Fit and Style are superior to the erdinary run of Clothing. We have a splendid assortment in Black and Navy Worsted, also ‘Tweed Suits. During this month .we are going to give a splendid Safety Razor with every Suit from $4.00 up. s CapitalPaid Up Reserve Funds for Men and YOUI’lg Men, and A Car Load INCORPORATED 1869 Pubtished Woekly at $1.00 a veas,. C. RAMAGHE 4 3OMK.Pomgmenas Ml‘. Reader? Accounts may be opened with an initial deposit of $11,560,000 13,575,000 PHONE 50

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