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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jul 1914, p. 4

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\. es $ C _ HTrarDWARBRE g‘“ W. BLACK j amammmwflm““g romit a suffiicient sum to put it in adâ€" vince. Do it now. Is your subscription in arrears ? Take 1 look at your label, and if so, kindly a im coughs, cures colds, and heals t ag t and lungs. S at 25 cents. i Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop On account of soime of our painters being so thuch interested in Local Option they are only able to work abeut two days each week, consequently we have been obliged to import a new staff of seven painters, which yow will see using Sherwinâ€"Williams Paint every day for a short time in the Leading Hardware Store, A number of our customers are convinced that there is no Paint manufactured to equal the Sherwinâ€"Williams, consequently some of the best houses in Durkar: are being painted at present with that materials. _ Place your order early so that we will have enough material on hand to satisfy your wants _ This Paint is manufactured for every purpose, from the finest article in your parlor to the plow, and is always kept in stock by With the arrival of hot weather comes the need of cool footwear, and you can find what you need at Saunders‘ & Aitchison. We have about 100 pairs of 500 tons of No 1 Mixed Chop wWHEAT AND BARLEY to clear out at $2.00 per pair, which been sold at 3.00 and 4.00. _ So don‘t and get a pair of these shoes. Men‘s Oxfords Ir Patent, Guumetal and Tan Calf..3.50 to 4.00 pr Men‘s, Women‘s and Children‘s Tennis Shoes Inr white or blue cauvas from ... .. . .75¢ to 1.00 pr. OUXR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped with the best materials obtainable, and we guarantee the workmanship. Guaranteed to be the best in the land, We have secured the Durham Agency. We also have local brands of Fiour and would request that you kindly leave us an ovder for a small sack on trial. Saunders«Aitchison Large Quantity of No. 1 Feeding Hay Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour All kinds of grain bought at market price. . Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Ifl";;ffiiit_ii| Shoes | | ras Shoes| Shoes! The House of Quality Buy Sherwinâ€"Williams, the Best Paint King‘s Quality Flour We pay Cash for Farm Produce CR!MPED OATS for Horse Reed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS Fresh and Clean at 14.50 off car. _ See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. 1t will pay you. Eve‘;y bsg gn_ranteed. If not satisfactory bring 1t back and get your money. Ladies‘ Oxfords See our Seven Painters SHOES & GROCERIES Phone 45 Fishing, Hunting, Trapping & Tresâ€" passing on these grounds will be proâ€" secuted according to law, W. & 8. McCrackEN, lots 2, 3, 4, con, 3 Wau. NoBu®, lots 45, 46, 47, * con, 3, Old Survey, Bentinck Gzo. MiaaroN® lots 61, 62, 63, 64, con. 3, New Suryey, Bentinck Notice ! 3 ,:-g: The House of Quality have always fail to come EY . ~. ies i’ And it did not take place at Boltn|| @ | but at Dublin, it was net a fracas beâ€" ‘;weon Catholie and Protestant, Naâ€" | tiomalists and Covenanters, but beâ€" |\tween his Majesty‘s forces and A | group of Nationalists (among w hom |\ were women,) the latter being enâ€" ingod in * guprunning,‘‘ a practice | that for months has been going cn in ‘i Ulster and no attempt made to check it. 8! This will be the bhardest nut the ‘1 Asquish government has yet tried to “\crack. It may utierly fail, for it may lose them the entire support of ! ‘ the Nationalis} party and who could l ‘1 blame them ? Redmond and his \ irlends may well ask why Nationalâ€" 8; ists should be shot down by authorâ€" % ized force while Covenanters are not giintorfered with though engaged in | the selfâ€"same practices. f % There must be one law for all parts ig} of Ireland or there will be such an | areusing of public opinion in Britain | and outside of it that will force the â€" | hands of any goyernment to de justice or hurl it from power. | Che At last the unrest in Ireland has resulted in death to a few, pairn and agony to a score or two more and anxiety and bitterness to multitades. Unhappy Ireland ! The echoes of centuries of oppression, suspicion and hate are still sounding and until these echoes die away there can be little hops of harmony or of the proâ€" .I(rless so desirable in the. RKmerald sle. (Bpecial to the Review) g Toronto, Jualy 27, 1914 T e continued silence of Bir James Whitvey on the Gamey revelations is occasioning much adverse comment here. Mr Gamey professes to control the Provincial Government patronage on Manitoulin Island and no one justâ€". ifles or exeuses his conduct in exaetâ€" ing consributions trom holders of fishâ€" ery liconses on the Island even though it was done in the form of deâ€" manding that they purchased.stock in his mining company. Nor is any Justâ€" ification or eyen excuse offered for bis securing contributions in the same way from over 140 license Lbolders o1 men interested in the liquor business. But men are asking, why does not Sir James take action 2 It now turns out that the facts in counection with the fishery licenses were laid before Sir James months ago before ho took ill. He knew the facts from men in his own party. Why did he mot take action then 2 D.d he think that the matter could be kept quiet and the publie would learn nothing of it ? Why does he not take action now ? Why did â€"Mr Hearst, who knew the facts, go into Manitoulin and demand Mr Gamey‘s reâ€"election 2 Men are asking, does Mr Gamey kunow so much about the inside history of some of the Government‘s transactions that the Goyernment is afraid to take action ? ONTARIO ARC TORONTO Mr Gamey‘s friends will, no doubt, claim that if Mr Hanna can leyy toll on Government contractors who haye claims before him for settlement as in the case of the Taylor, Bcott matter, why shoald not Mr Gamey, Mr Hanâ€" na‘s particular friend, leyy toll on the fishery license holders and the liquor license bolders. _ The Government shielded Mr Hanna. Mr Gamey no doubt depended on similar protection. New Brunswick is invyestigating and exposing such men and (Goyerniment papers are denouncing their conduct, Why are the Government organs silent in Untario? What will Ontario do, is the question men are now asking themselves. â€"Twentyâ€"five workmen were deâ€" ported from Ottawa last week by the Borden govyernment because there was no work in Canada by which they could earn a living. _ Does any one remember deportation for such a reason in the days of Laurier ? â€"The coustruction of ships of a Canadiau navy in the Dominion, would have given . employment to hundreds of workers in these months of unemployment . andâ€" hard times. One of the first acts of the Borden government was to toss into the waste baskets the tenders secured by the Lauifer government for the conâ€" struction of such ships in Canada.. â€"When Western grain growers declared that the free wheat policy would be in their interests and the interests of the country, the Borden government treated their opinions with scorn,. â€" When manufacturers of building stone declared that increasâ€" ed duties on certain classes of build ing stone were advisable, the Govesn ment granted the increases and Hon; oo Oy en C oBa W. T. White asserted that proof of the wisdom of the‘ advance was supâ€" plied by the declaration of the manâ€" utacturers. © â€"Since hard times have come with Borden rule and unemployment has become so widespread, it may be no unmixed evil that immigration is falling off by many thousands. It is a startling commentary upon the‘ checking of Canadian progress, howâ€" ever, that in the past six months there was a decline of 59 per cent in‘ the emigration from Great Britain ts the Dominionâ€" ln June, the figures were even more startling for the deâ€" cline in emigration from the United Kingdom to Canada was no less thar 70. per cent. Sincedepression, finamâ€" cial stringency and uremployment have been substituted for the prosâ€" perity and expansion which Canada knew during all the yearr of Liberal administration, <the Dominion has ceased to be theland of promise and l attraction to our fellow Britishers in the Mother Country. Auto ror Hirr,â€"Reasonable terms vdistance: C. Smuitn & Son **‘The Ford Garage. Bloodshed in Ireland Burkam . Review Why this Silence ? JULY 30, 1914 +<@ + THE DUBHAM REVIEW Sex Centenary of Bannockburn. Brauce‘s ~__ _ _ _ Government _ â€" Bb ha P #*">3 ‘The tate of a nation is seldom de: |{ cided by one battle. "Crasbhing as the deteat ot the English was at Banâ€"| > nock burn, that field did not ~end the C stroggle. ..A brilliant tactician, & | general of the Marlborough typo, such as the world has. produced in | plenty, might have won Bannockâ€" | burn and failed to carry oft the work of ~ational deliverance _ That took: other filtteen years antil the Treaty of Northampton to accomplish and it was during these filteen years that Brucedisplayea taleuts of adminisâ€" tration and organization worthy of the greatest Emporors. Ferrible as were the distraction and ehaos which for 28 years previously had filled the land, ruinous to the flourishing prosperity of the Alexandrine period, and destructive of the slowly reared ! socral and political institutions of the nation. King Robert quickly restorâ€" ed order and security in the face ot ceaseless foreign ware ; he governed a kingdem more united than it bad l|ever been before or was tor succeed â€" ing centuries atter his death and conâ€" centrated the resources of Scotland as | they never were again concentrated |until the nineteenth century. He |earried his ever yietorious armies inâ€" | to England ; in campaign after camâ€" ,| paign be or his generals inflicted countless defeats upon the English f\ and exbausted and impoyerished the l_\Somhenn Kingdom almost as cruelly | | as Edward I, had harried Seotland. § The Treaty of Noribampton was wruang from a huwmniliated governâ€" ; ment and forced upon a resental people. This was in 1329. _ The mission of the Bruce was uccomplished. _ He had liberated Scotland and raised the spirit of his people to a position of proud ascendancy. Turouglz many EC o0 mm Li e t o4 T a dark bour the memory which he bequeathed was their most priceless possession. _ Never aguain did they yield their place among among the paticns. _ Although he was not yet an old man, King Robert‘s heaith was shattered, _ The hardships of war had undermimed his strong conâ€" stitution and he became the vietim of an incurable disease. In bis last years he retired to his palace at Carâ€" doss, where he indalged in a vroclivâ€" ity singularly prophetie ol the yet distant glorious destinies of his realm. He established a sbhip yard, bauilt ships, and in the intervals of illness recreated bimselt by sailing on the waters of the Clyde and its branches. Un the 7th of June, 1529, King Robâ€" ert died at Cardoss at the age of 55, onivy a few weeks after the u arriage of the Princess Joanna of Eagiand to his s n and heir, David, the child Earl of Carrick. Who has not heard the story of the beart of Bruee ? Need we repeat the dying monarch‘s injumction to the Douglas and the fatal issue of the gade Lord James‘s mo@rntul mission ? But the story of the bloody heart is mot as some onee contended, an idle legend. Immediately after the king‘s death his hears was caken out, as he had himselt directed . He was then burâ€" iea with great state and solemnity under the pavement of the fchoir in the Abbey church of Dunfermline, and over the grave was raised a rich marble monument which was made at Paris. _ Centuries passed on, the anciâ€"ot charch with the marble monâ€" ament fell into ruins and a more modern building was erected on the same site. _ This, in our own days, gaye way to time ; and in elearing the foundations for a third church, the work men laid open a tomb which proved to;be that ot Robert the Bruce. ‘The lead coating in which tne body was found enclosed, was twisted round the hbead into the shaps of a rade crown, _ A rich cleth et geld, but much decayed was thrown oyer it ; and on examinisg the skeleton, it was found that the breast bone bad been sawn asunder to get at the bheart. NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN " Between Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, via Canedian Pecific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes bet ween Windsor and Detroit. Leaving Montreal 8.40 a m.; Toronto 6.10 p in. arriving Detroit 12.35 a, m. and Chicago 7.45 a m. daily. Equally good service returning. Through Elâ€" ectric Lighted Equipment. Torontoâ€"Winnipegâ€"Vanceuver Torontoâ€"Vancouver Express No,. 3 leayes Toronto 5,55 p. m, daily. Vanâ€" couverâ€"Toronto Express No 4 arrives Toronto 1145 a, m. daily, Manitoba Express No 7 leaves Toronto daily exâ€" cept Sunday 10,.50 pm, arriving Winâ€" nipeg second day. Ontario Mxpress No 8 leaves Winnipeg 9.25 pm and arrives Toronto 515 p m daily except Tuesday. Particulars regarding rail or ocean tickets from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. MURPHY, D. P,. A ., C. P. Ry, Toronto, R. MacFarlane, Agent, Durham Potatoes per /+iÂ¥3 Beef, dressod ...... .. Hogs, live, f o b..... Dried apples.......... Durbam â€" Markets. List has been carsfaily ragised, Faculty Een C T boys on again winning the baseball game . last. Saturday, eve, the seore being 23â€"â€"11 in faver of Dernesck.> . Messrs "ampbell and Besker, of Chesley, visited Dernoch friends on Sanday. j k _ Mr T. Smith and daughter, of Chatâ€" ham, are visiting bis brather, Mr Wm. Smith, east of the burg, Mr Dan Ray spent Saturday eve with Darkam friends. ~What‘s the aitraction Dan ? Miss Annie MeDonald, of Darham, is spending a fow days with friends around the burg. C â€"_ilâ€"r"nd Mrs J. 0. Dargavel, of Rock Mills, spert Sunday with his parents here. ri{firy to hear Mrs P. McIntesh is rot improving. â€" Mr Scoett Elliott and Miss Bella Cumming called on Dornoch friends Saturday eve. Arrived too late for last week Mrs R. McLareu and> daughter, of Peterbora, is visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs P. McIntosh. Sorry to bear Mrs Mclutosh is not improving. Mrs T. McKuight returued home Saturday, aftor spending a fow weeks with friends in Torouto and Seabringâ€" villé. We are pleased to see her lookâ€" ing so well. Mrs Galvin, of Hamilton, 1s visiting her daughter, Mrs Ed. Muldoon. Mr and Mrs Herb. and Ari. Hunt, of Vickers, and Mrs W, D. Mills, of S8t. Catherines, visited with Mr and Mrs Dargavel Sunday last. (ongratulations to the Dornoch baseball team on winning the game at Holford last Saturday evening. Tbey will play again naxt Saturday at Dorâ€" noek. _ Well done boys, Miss Bella Camming, of Williamsâ€" ford, spent a couple of days last week with her friend, Miss Ivy Dargavel Miss Minnie McGilliyray, of the Queeu City, is visiting for a few woekse with her parents here, Quite a number of the young folks around took in the dance at Mr M, Coffield‘s and report a good time. Mrs Alex Yaeck, of Southampton, spont a few days last week with her parentt. Mr and Mrs M, Coffield. Mr Jack Ray visited Williameferd friends Sunday eve. Mr Theodore Fallaise, of Durham, is spending a few days with his uncle, Mr C. Melotyre. Mrs R. Dargavel and Miss 1vy spent Monday â€" with Williamsford friends. A CoxTRAST.â€"Stratford Beaconâ€" There is a contrast between the deâ€" pression under the present Govern ment and the prospernus days under Laurier, Then there was work for all who came to Canada, and the demand was greater than the supply. Now, so mauy are out of employment that it is said twentyâ€"six have recently died in Toronto through poverty b«> cause of lack of employment. The prospects there are not yery bright for the coming winter and the Govern: ment finds it necessary to deport men because work cannot be found for them. Mr and Mrs Hastings, of Webb, Sask., called on friends around the burg last week. . Sales Preserving is now in full swing and never before were we better prepared to meet the demands of the publiq in this line than at this season. All new goods, fresh from the mauufacturer, of the best quality and at the lowest price possible. Wine half gallon Gems, wide mouth, per dozen. . . ... .. ..1.10 Imperia! quart Gems, wide mouth, special per dozen . .. ..1.00 Croqvn Imperial pint Gems, « 2. imiste .. . Fruit Jars Best quality Rubber Rings for all sized gems, 1 dezen in box, per box .>â€"â€"â€" . 10¢ Cox & Knox Gelatine. .. Finest Valencia Raisins â€".......2 pkgs for 25e cannw Goods <4*+% .. +..0 Ibs for 2#6¢ Orient and Hallowi Dates Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, | Blueo Gem Currants, reâ€" ........3 pkgs for 25¢ Beets, 0. Milk, Pumpkin cleaned ..3 lbs for 25¢ Red Feather Icing Sugar Sardines and Beans, all | gunyist Seeded Raisin®, ~>>+~**~ ; .,0 Ibs for 250 3 for 25¢ lb pkg.. ... . .2 for 25¢ Casco Potato Flour...... Ginger Cake Molasses, 2 ...‘...... per pkg 15¢ o ies lb tin......per tin 10¢ â€".......2 pkgs for 25¢ Orient and Hallowi Dates ........3 pkgs for 25¢ Ked Feather Icing Sugar «+> +~*>% : .. 1b8 for 200 Casco Potato Flour...... ...‘...... per pkg 15¢ Benson‘s pureCornStarch «.......8 pkgs for 25¢ Listers Halfâ€"minute pudâ€" ding, all flours, per package..........10¢ Eat Ingersoll Cheese, the kind that‘s different, per lb....... Try Boston Luxury Coffee. Get a 40c Broom for..... There is no better SUGAR in the world for preserving than "Crystal Granulated" cyery pound guaranteed, per owt.......... Let us handle your phone orders. We ensure a prompt and careful delivery. . Highest Cash price for Butter and Eggs. _ Ring phone 17. McKechnie‘sWeekly News s to ; the Preserving Season XEREEAEREEEAAXEFE ZADaARACARAEAYX Salmon, _ Campbell‘s Soups, Clark‘s Pork and Beans, King Oscar Barâ€" dines, Pineapple, Peaches all With the continuance of warm weather,. everything points to a long season for BE WISE and get a pair before our stock is out of sizes. We have stocked more this season than usual and find they are moving fast. Ladies‘ Pumps, with or without straps . ... 1.50 and 1.75 Misses‘ with straps, 1.00 _ Children‘s with straps, 85¢ Infants‘ with straps, 75c. Ladies‘ High Button. . .2.25 We hay ) mo‘tos®s Children‘s Hosiery in Black, Blue, Pink and ‘Tan in Lislee: Other limes in Ladies‘ and Misses‘. Dom: Town Shoe Store J. S, McILRAITH J. McKECHNIE White Footwear 2 for 25¢ C u;.“‘ ~â€"=_â€"<â€"_â€"â€" Durham Emblem Baking Powder QOur special... 2 tins 25¢ Shelled _ Almonds and Walnuts, atways fresh, porIb.... .. . «.. ; .600 475 8. 8. JUOLY 30, 1914 The schoo) is thor @bility, in chemica fittings, &o., for ful aixtion work. . The are m charge : THO8. ALLAN, Ir el School Teac! Interding Stude w the verm if at reasona . d atumactive to w i :-rht resjden c« m t 0e a fAiettering one .fiwll ly wia for Nermin and Dis Germs in stables, por houses, etc., that will but a few coents. DURKH A M\ HIGH sSCHI Many people are anx at this season to know Best Extermina Here it is : CorrosiveSublin Cbloride dissols ef hot water. add water to m Spray every n« well; leavefor ts a thorough eoat The correct 1 gladly be suppl» THE â€" QUAUL PHARMAC) PRICEVILLE, wlly aand up(ll has lation & PRI Staff and Low; T HE Visit FEL cool dishes. parlor aftor1 icious Ioe | eto, Take Headquarters flj'“pwaa 1 Butter and #%%

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