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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jul 1914, p. 5

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[\1 : unexpectâ€" ends. Let tthcr. n for er box ur stock is out of season than usual Crown Fruit Jars nb aleCalacalay alacole "o a" s e o a"% 16 n your vaâ€" €y â€" it hom. one s. ... 1.50 and 1.15 ‘s with straps, 85¢ High Button. . .2.25 care WS rug Store etter prepared to All new goods, st price possible. wecde m Curran ilencia Raisins ....3 lbs for 25¢ Easy to L e a r n it works. eILRAITEH Hosiery urham eaYr JULY 80, $1 up iul delivery. r tlickets bhere 4.75 Small Profits y« fresh, erything \ AlsIG3, owder n 10¢ Other .. 10¢ 20¢ and Let E reâ€" »1% AN )C #13 JULY 30, 1914 E for Vermin and Disease Germs in stables, poultry B houses, etc., that will cost but a few cents. n ara e Toe en en en cce eaes Staff and Equipment. The school is thorqughiy ped (n ability, in chemical and clwm ln‘finu '.'3 Attings, &c., for full Junior Leaving Matri wistion work. The following competent u:'. are m charge : THO8. ALLAN, Principal and Provincial Modâ€" Intending Students shanld enter at the begtn ning of the term if possible. Boasd can be baiwed at reasonable m Dusham is & and attractive town, x it a most desira place for residence. CCC TTE LE S C BNAetF tvs esnt iomnmme stew ‘ The record of the Sohoo!l in past years isa fntrering one, . The trustees are progressive edu cational ly and spare nolpdnlnnom:w and pils have ever van! proper pn:«fluuuon and M:qusnldon o’gowhd.o. hi FEES:#1 per month in advance. REV. W. L. AARTLEY, DR.J. P GRANT, 2 DURKHAM HIGH SCHOOL 4 Many people are anxious at this season to know the Here it is: Equal parts of CorrosiveSublimate and Sodium Chloride dissolved in one gallon of bot water. _ When dissolved add water to make 25 gallons. Spray every nook and crevice well: leavefortwo days then give a thorough eoat of whitewash. Best Exterminator THE _ QUALITY The correct proportions will gladly be supplied by calling at PHARMACY PRICEVILLE, _ â€" al Sch ul Chainuo®n Save $ $ Buy a THE CITY BAKERY Visit our Ice LAN, Principal and Provincial Mod »ol Teacher. 1st Class Certificate in . @ no nd @lmmp fp Wios» R iz â€"sealod. 1t gives full ind directions invnluable y iNDSOXR SUPETL Y CO., Windsor, Ont CGoneral Agents for Canada. The advent of hot weather brings a longing for cool dishes. Refresh your palate by dropping in our parlor afternovon Of evening and enjoy our pUr© deâ€" icious Ico Gream. _ Sodas, Sundaes, Soft Drinks, eto. Take an leacru-tdeiho.c-filyn., PRICEVILLE frcmir? 1 i i hn _ C " " 1 tgves . Headquarters for GonfioohonerymdsllBflmrygoods PM o N ioe me in mneepegngks Highest prices for Butter and Rgge. Marvel »~+g Woeman ed and should know wonderful h Wairting Spray Douchs Secretary Mrâ€" and ~Mrs Walter Dixon and litle boy, of Walkerten, were the guests â€"of Mrs Graham and other triends one day last week. Mre Jas. Hewi:t and little girl are visiting at the home ot the former‘s mother, Mrs Sackett. You had a good time last Civic Holiday. You will have better this Mrs Grahain returned to her home | PKICE VILLE hll'.. siter a three mentho‘ v lgit. wikh | ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"» triends in Calgary ,Vaneouver, Vic-‘ The rain on this Menday morning, teria, Prince Rupert and other places. |the 27th July, interfered with hayâ€" . # | ® 1. t.o a y Pipe Band of 48th Highlanders will MAKiOg and now it‘s wringing wet play at Civie Holiday celebration. innd will take some time before it is fit to take in. However it‘s am l1 Miss Marguerite Hutton, of Darâ€" wind that doesn‘t blow some good. ham, is visiting Miss Wright at presâ€" | The rain is the meking of roets and ent. late grain and such like. â€" We heard Mr Edward Walker, of Winnipeg, a weather wise man say that this paid a fiying visit at the summer mMoo®r is going to be a wet one, as in home of his sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs D. J. stamds pretty well on end. Conseâ€" Walker, tast week. \quently the rai::‘ bas ro basin innildo the moon to keep it from coming Dr. and Mrs Lane and baby, ‘°'1down, but we are r?on going to Youch eompanied by Miss Flora Lamont, ‘Of for the correctness of these predicâ€" Port Elgin, motered ever to Kinlough |sions. so we will have to do as they on Sunday, returning home Mord*y | go al| ever the universe whenm it rains murgikg. ; | «* letit,"‘ we camnet hinder it. Mr Alex Nesbitt and his bride, of Take it on am average and the London, Ont., called on friends here, | baying is not much more than haif previouns to goirg to their home in | done in this lozality. * Bassano, Alta \ _ Grain crops are looking well since Mr Edward Walker, of Winnipeg, paid a fiying visit at the summer home of his sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs D. J. Walker, tast week. Hsetor, Donald and Bobs McKinâ€" non are holidaying at their home here now . Mr and Mrs Mstheson and family lett on Tuesday last for their cottage in Muaskoka to spend tbheir amnual boliday. Rev. Mr Young, of Clifford ably filled the palpit last Sabbath and Rev. Donaid McKay, of Danâ€" wich, wili cecupy it next Sabbath. Mrs Alt. Watson and family, of Shelburne, spent a day at the bhome of Mrs Wii. Watson. Seome otf the pupils have heard she results of the Entrance to Normal exâ€" ams and we are pleased to say that Misses Edna Ferguson and Margaret Tryon weie suceessful in obtaining their Entranee to Normal certificates. Hearty congratulations girls ! Ample aceommedation is being provided tor the crowds on Ciyie Holiday, the Presbyterian congregaâ€" tion coâ€"operating with Mr Bilack in catering to the wants ot the people. Meals will be served in the basement of the church, dinuer from 11 a. m. till 1 p. m. sharp and tea from & to 7 Mn iitall: o fhucistuls /A Shan p, m. sharp. Those intending to take meals at either chareh or hotel will confer a favor by being punctaal, in order to allow those healping, to see the sports and be present at the conâ€" cert also. Mrs Henry E. Dietz, of Detroit, vis. ited at the bome ot her brotherâ€"in. AROUND â€" THE VILLAGE Cream Parlors law, George Tryon and with other friends for the past two weeks, reâ€" turning home on Menday. (Mrs D G. McLean returned after a month‘s trip to Winnipeg and other points. Don‘t forget August 3rd. See bills for particulars. Sports to please everyone thro‘ the day and a splenâ€" did concert at night. . We expect to see everyone out. Grain crops are looking well since the showery weather came. Potato bugs are numerous, but a good dose of paris green will soon put them out of business. ‘The Rev. Mr Young, of Clifford, preached in the Presbyteriaa churech here last Sunday. Mr Young is one oi the old style preachers who gave good solid sermons. Dhe Rev. Donald McKay of Danâ€" wich, is to preach next Sunday moerning and evening We presume he is a good Scotsman and we do ret know whether he can preach gaelic or not next Sunday, regular gaelie Sunday. but it‘s not necessary to have it, so it‘s not expected to have gaclic that day. i Principal Robertsor, of Priceville | senool, sapplicd the Methodist pulpit | in this town last Sunday . Civic holiday is to be observed in this town in geod style on Monday, 3rd Aug. The ladies of the Presbyâ€"â€" werian ehurch are to provide eatables in the basemenrt of the chuarch for all those who need the nesessary teod to suppers them till they get home. The charges will be the usuâ€" al rates at such gatherings. All are welome to come amd taste the good thines provided hy the !ladies, tor Priceville ladies cannot be beat for good palatable eatables on such o¢â€" casions as this. m The sheds at the Presbyterian chureh will be in course of erection this or next week. The timber is all on the groumds and the fine baseâ€" ment wlll soen be coyered over by having a elosed in roof. dives., zmt Mr and Mrsâ€"James Blatk, of Oak Riyer, Man , who visited friends in this part during the past couple of weeks, will be loaaving for their home in a few days. Miâ€"s Jennie McLean is visiting her friends on the souch line, Artemesia, the Burnet family and McLean‘s. Mar bheil sin maith ans a bbatla so cha n nam aig a lushd teagaisg tha ehoirre, or ‘*‘if we are not good in this town, it‘s not our teacher‘s Or our preasher‘s fault." Mr. Colonel Wilson of Vancouver, B. C., is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Hugh Wilson. Mr and Mrs Sam (Goheen Sundayed at Mr Donald Campbell‘s. Mr. and Mrs. D. MeCormick, spent the first of the week at Mr. Henry Lawrence‘s. Canadian _ > National Exhibition ‘ PEACE YEAR l America‘s Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies l Grenadier Guards Dragoons‘ Musical Ride Autoâ€"Polo Matches Circusand Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts‘ Review Canada‘s Biggest Dog Show Paintings from Englgx_l(l.ASco‘tland. i Creatore‘s Famous Band eE GErm U CC P rae P United States and Canada Educational Exhibits _ Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aeroâ€"Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival % Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks Aug. 9 1 International Peace Tattoo l picide. _ un 1 10 Bands 400 Musicians .,;.‘Z,‘:.'&‘}‘;&'E:'I’,‘:;':i:::fi :‘E:“%? P t 19 elaimed. you are sA Bed will be refunded. ué. 29 1914 Sept. 14| | nea your money wil by refanded. . Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent SWINTON PARK PRICEVILLE BABYLON Band L. O. L. will ©hold their ansual picnic on ‘ August 7. . Baseball and football. . See posters. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan and Mrs J. McMilian, visited at Mr. John Aldcorn‘s. . . Mr.. F.. MeCuaig. and . his sisters, visited Sunday at Mrâ€"Net! McLeod‘s. Misses Mary and Berta® Aldcora of Priceville Sundayed in our burg. Mr. Joitnston spent last Sunday visiting Bethel friends. . _ _ Mr. Don and Miss Julia MeKinnon and Miss Meada Hincks of P riceville, spent Sunday with their friend, Miss Maude McGillivary. Miss Ella Cuff of Hutson Hill visiâ€" ted her sister, Mrs. R J MacGillivary last week. Mr, and Miss McCannel of Boothâ€" vllle, spent the first of the week at Mr Dou MacFarlane‘s. Mr, Snell and Master Willet called on Mr Geo. Binnie on Sunday. Mrs MacKachern of Toronto is yisâ€" iting the Beaton families. Miss Maude MacGillivary returned to Toronto on Tuesday after two week‘s holidays at.the parental home. Mrs. Clark of Toronto, is the guest of Mr T. Davis. Messrs Dave and Duncan Keys and Master Arol spent Sunday at Mr Jas, McGillivray‘s. Mr. and Mrs. John McCoskery of town were at Mr. Newell‘s the first of the week. Mrand Mrs T. Davis visited friends in Egremont one day last week. Owing to the correspoudent holiâ€" daying, a budget has not appeared in your valuable paper forsome time. Misses A. C. and Kathleen McMilâ€" lan are visiting friends in Toronto. Sorry to chronicle the illness of Mr Angus Morrison but hope to hear of his speedy recovery. A fine cement bridge is being ereceâ€" ted by the Keys Bros. of Kincardine. Mrs. O‘Gorman of Schrieber and Mrs Nichol of Jackfish who are spendâ€" ing the suminer months at their parâ€" ental home, Sundayed at Mr. P.]J. Haley‘s. «a~ Mr. Neil McMillan who bas bad an attack of rhenumatism recently, has entirely recovered again. Misses Flora and Lizzie McMillan, spent Friday evening with their cousâ€" in, Sadie McMillan Miss Effie Black, Pomona, accomâ€" panied by Misses Mary Black, O‘N«il and Dempster of Niagara Falls, visiâ€" ted friends in our burg on Saturday last. Mr Murt McMillan was seen around the corner at a late hour Sunday. Some one was heard saying *"Call again Murt. *‘ , * The Orgarization of Coâ€"operative Esg Circles‘‘ is the title of pamphlet No. 4 by W. A. Brown, B. S. A., of the Poultry Division of the Live Stook Branch, Deminion Department of Agâ€" ricultare. â€" In introducing this subject the writer defines a coâ€"operative egg circle, states the need for organizaâ€" tion and the work that can be accomâ€" plished. The benefiss, methods and details of organization are exhaustively dealt with and direcstions tor getting up and using testing appliance are given. The pamphlet, eopies ot which may be obtained upon application, from the Publications Branch, Deâ€" partment of Agricalture, Ottawa, soncludes with a proposed constituâ€" gon and byâ€"laws suitabie for an Egg ircle. At this season of the year when so many are plannieg their yacation trip the question * Where‘to Go " naturalâ€" ly arisesâ€"â€"What could be mcre deâ€" lightful than Great Lakes trip, where the air is pure, tke sun shines and enol refreshing breezes blow ? Five sailings weekly from Port Mcâ€" Nicoll for Sault Ste Marie, Port Ar. thur and Fort William, Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12.80 p. m. sailâ€" ing days making direet connection, 1f you are contemplating a trip, don‘t let this slip your memory, Canadian PaciGe Steamships make the fastest time, have the best of accommodation and the table is unexcelled. â€" Full parâ€" ticulars and reservations on trains and ships, at every Canadian Pacific Ticket Office . THE GIRL WITH BEAUTIFUL HAlR There is one sure and certain ‘way for every woman to have beautiful hair, and that is to give it infelligent care, which includes the use of Newâ€" bro‘s Herpicide, This {remarkable preparation absoâ€" lutely eradicates dandruff and preâ€" yents the hair from falling, The prophylactic action of Herpicide keeps the hair free trom disease and with the scalp sweet and clean a natâ€" ural hair growth is inevitable, Herpicide hair scintillates with bealth and vigor, light and luster, produced only ky the well known scalp and hairdressing, Newbro‘« Herâ€" An Ideal Vacation Trip Via Great Lakes Steamships Coâ€"operative Egg Circles SAUGEEN VALLEY Uses Newbro‘s Herpicide SsCOTCHTOWN T JB DURHAM REVIERW «â€"â€"â€"# @4 â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" £Co., SpecialAgents [ . . , es grimes ""m::d-;rgg nouge fog® * Rev Mr Park is absent from his charge at presont for a few weeks for the benefis of his health. Proton Ag. Show will be held at Hopeville on October 8th. Our readers will learn with unfeignâ€"| qfi&'n? ed pleasure that the Marquas of Lorne | _ tiowsst: has been appointed to the Governorâ€"| "*Fits Gemeralship of Canada. The London | * L T:mes bighly approves of the appointâ€" | sd ment, and the Toronto Globe says that | A band ‘"no seleetion could have shown greater | Canade confidence in the future of this country | N‘W and mone could be more beneficial." | L Revy Charles Cameron who spent some weeks among old friends here lately, and who preached with such atceptarce at the uime in the Presbyâ€" terian cbhurch, has resumed bis labors in his charge at Roxborough and Finch The Uurham Dramatie Club gave their entertainment im the Town Hall Monday evening and although not so well ratronized as we think they deâ€" served, still a very good house turned out to witness their first performance. Professor Lewis, under whose able suâ€" pervision the Club has beerm formed, distinguished himself, as usual, in his laughable and faithful depiction of negro characteristics. On July 29, the byâ€"law for granting The Reyiew and Weekly Sun for a bonus of $20,000 to the Wellington I TYVCBL ... .cs 60 en en en en e en nenenan es & Georgian Bay Railway was carried | The Review and Weekly Advortisâ€" in Glenelg by 306 majur‘t , the largest | er fu,r ODG YOAF... .66 6e e en en en en n es yet obtained. The fisuro’l'ate.forgutsl‘Tb"‘( ]l:e“ Wlnfh,.l oo ns acainst 137 B + k C ,l; Giobe tor )l.il‘..r.,u.........‘..... Calnd «........ Bemtine ouncil | The Rev ew and Toronto Daily met Tuesday for the purpose of taking | _ Mail and Empire for 1 yesr...... into consideration the submission of a | Te Review and Daily Froe Prees simmlar byâ€"law. Action in the mggt.r‘ fOK 1 YORML ... ... .cc sevs enc rersarrrareees was postponed till next meeting owing | The Review and Weekly Free to irregularities in the petition. | Press fOr O0O YOBF... .ces e en e+ |\ The Review and Farming World | _ AOFI YOAKysc cce se en e en ns ee en e nes @ | The Review and the Farmors‘ Adâ€" Shlmk YOOUbC {OF I YOAL... .sn en® . (1 £ TheReview and Cavadian Farm CONVENIENT â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Burns coal, coke, .or wood. Large. feed doors make:firing easy Sunshine The f-’:i:;l‘!'y“ri-mi} Farnace "«#"® _ _ _ _ _ â€"â€" Water pan is filled T. Ilac C without removing. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. _ Western Fair From the Review of August 1, 1878 36 YEARS AGO LONDON, CANADA Ontario‘s Popular Exhibition SEPTEMBER ll1th to 19, 1914 Magniffcent Program of Attractions. . Two speed Events Daily. New Fireworks every Night COME AND SEE The Dominion Bxperimental Farm Exhibit and the Canadian Royal Dragoons The Con. T. Kenaedy Shows will fill the Midway, Music by the best available Bands REDUCED RAILWAY RATES COMMENCING SEPT, 11 Special Excursion Days Sept 15th, 16th, 17th. _ All tickets good till September 21st. Concentration J. RE ID, President It is better to advertise intensively than extensively when the sum to be devoted to advertising is small. This means the regular use of the DURHAM REVIEWâ€"52 messages a year addreéssed to.the same .conâ€" stituency of readers. Intermittent or divided effort is not likely to be resultful. _ One fullâ€"powered blow is better than two half blows . Concentration of appeal will do a work of conviction and persuasicn that will surprise you when the year‘s returns are totalled up. There‘s advice for you in this little homily to advertisers; itis: Reward with a fullâ€"not divided custom the merchant who steadfastly strengthen the hands of the man who serves you, the better will be the service returned. Sold by J. H. HARDING All information from the Secretary INCREASED PRIZE LIST A NOTE TO THE PUBLIC BBAY fOK 1 NORI ... .00 se en esn a6n® The Review and Toronto Daily NeWs for 080 YOBF.cmun ce en ee+ The Reyiew and Toronto Daily WoOrld fO® | Y@@F... cce The Reyiew and Weekly Mail and Empire f0F 1 Y@..s e cce The Review and Grain Growers‘ Guide, Winnipeg, for one year The Review and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness fOF 1 YOBF...... e rre en rne en en n e nes The Revyiew and Weekly Sun for The Review and Toronto Daily Anyone sending a sketch and deoaigflon may mflctl{ ascortain our opinion fuo whether an invention is probably ‘pmmah ommunica« tlons etrictly confidential, HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest nfiency for secur 108. Patents taken through Muun & Co. receive BP TPP Im e P nc P i 1 Ahndwaely ilustrated weekly, Largest cirâ€" tion cientitle Journal. Poetttin gurl a your postage Zropaias ‘Bota 67 Scientific Amcrican. handsomely illustrated weekly, Largest ci for I yoar A. M. HUNT, Secretary Clubbing Rates. ice, 62% I St., Washington, TORONTO sorsroutr= New YQTk 1 75 1 60 8 90 I 90 8 90 90 9o 90 New Ones for 1914 With the American market so Borden likely to be oo-r“ 1o so legislate that our Wheat ‘and Wheat Pn.duu ‘wtll ugr t::hl.J n.k‘olm without duty, the Our'lfi fartn landé h’bould to advanee, You ecannot do better than to BUY NOW ::'ho following are a fow of the many bargains, H. N. Milier is offering ; _ meres good land in frame "uu. comferta ble M!E. w. & wery convenient, price only for veay quick sale, 100 mcres Bentinck mhout 7 meres hardwood r emainder d'du‘d' o:oc!n-cu- ll‘. frame barn and other ou! % Schoo @1 next lot. Well watered, $,700. 100 acres near “‘“&'fi'&: lu:l-l:ildl. well watered, good ngs, us brick dvolmu”:nd frame bank M% Quly $5,200, 125 mcres wear Hanover. Good goil, frame dvellmf. frame bauk barn, spring ereek, c?od clay lowm soil. Offered for $5,600, ould bring 5000 easily if in Normanby. 200 mceres in Normanby, < Very large prick dwelling large bank barn large silo good soil, fine neighborhood. #$11,000 and cheap at the money, 300 mores /n Egremont. The ‘"Fettis" farm ofâ€" __ fered at a snap;asn sale must be made.. _ Other farms in Bentinck, &nnon. Normanâ€" by Brant, Carrick and the Nofth West. _ Manoâ€" over properties. . All kinds of property for sale orex chauge. DOLLARS DOLLARS â€"DOLLARS To lend in bhundreds, thousands or milltons at lowest current rates, with paymeuts to suit the borrower on good mot ty .z» security. Debts colâ€" lected, C, P. R. and Ocexan Tickets for saue a H. H. MILLER, OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We haye a large range to select from and prices are moderate as well. Am early eall is your adâ€" vantage. ; J. G. HKUTTON,.M. D. C M Â¥4% Member Oollege w. and Burgeons BICE : h BP oftoq nearly O’mnm r‘ OFFICE MOURS 9â€"11 a. 0 2â€"â€"4 pm. 17â€"# p. . Telephone C nh”. between Office and ('m all howrs. J. F.GRANT D. D.S,, L D. & Ho.:;.)n GRADUATE “’fl.m.f"â€""' Gra ve Reygl G nial Burgeom Dentistry m’&?‘-“mâ€". Ofticeâ€"Over Jeweliry store nd oppo siue Post Offlce, W.C. PICKERING D. DS., LDS Dental # ie Reo o vec 4 w i AUNtTRAHE ow State * HoNOR GRADUATE of Toremo. University, graduate of Royal Oollege J. P. TELFORD oditt Sotiry Poblic Colkmnmoner ARTHUK H. JACKSON Issuer of Marruge Ljcensgs “M business tnn-A.‘“ Wny D. McPHAIL._+ 4@~ l‘l-wlluow.onm re QOwWEN soUND 84 Succesâ€"fal Years Staif of Specialists, Positions guaranteed to Graduates, C A PLEMING, FCA . G. D. FLAMING Roinctpal for 35 years Becretary P in Cu may drmateat iss Mierit®‘ 6 UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director and are a thing of beauty Embaiming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Insurance Agent,. Mopey to Lean Fall Term Opens Licensed Auctioneer for CGo,. Grey ‘flcawu‘:’&%on Bt., Notary Public, Cormmissioner, CONYEYANCER.. &e. DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower Town W. H. BEAN Big 4 on . Hepppa pyieighle * tm September Ist at }w@r@%_ f MISLHEF: PA s m pl ~Neover N!.“..Il" BELL fron Middaugh Hanover opposite

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