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Durham Review (1897), 6 Aug 1914, p. 4

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| $ k * € ‘ HARDW ARE Is your subscription im arrears ? Take : ‘ook at your label, and if so, kindly re mit a suffiicient sum to put it in adâ€" imee. Do it now. av t the On aceount of some of our painters being so fiueh interested in Local Option they are only able to work abeut two days each week, consequently we have been obliged to import a new staff of seven painters, which you will see using Sherwinâ€"Williams Paint every day for a short time in the Leading Hardware Store. A number of our enstomers are convinced that there is no Paint manufactured to equal the Sherwinâ€"Williams, consequently some of the best houses in Durham are being painted at present with that materials. â€" Place your order early so that we will have enough material on hand to satisfy your wants,. _ This Paint is manufactured for every purpose, from the finest article in your parlor to the plow, and is always kept in stock by ook at your label, and if so, kindly 6â€"us ~ F mit a suffiicient sum to put it in adâ€" | Fisbing, Hunting, Trapping & Tresâ€" ee. Do it now. | passing on these grounds will be proâ€" | secuted according to la w aggmee mm umssn megrenes s meome en pngempoey mm uen > C ts * * | W. & 8. McCrackEx. lots2, 8, 4, con 3 | Wx. NoBL®, lots 45, 46, 47, H cun. 3, Old Survey, Bentinck "his P | Gro. Mrawrox lots 61, 62 63, 64, ; .'::i Tuafe. m G?Z #e::.: : con. 3, New Suryey, Bentinck With the arrival of hot weather comes the need of cool footwear, and you can find what you need at Saunders‘ & Aitchison. We have about 100 pairs of to clear out at $2.00 per pair, which have always been sold at 3.00 and 4.00. _ So don‘t fail to come and get a pair of these shoes. In Patent, Gunmetal and Tan Calf..3.50 to 4.00 pr Men‘s, Women‘s and Children‘s + Tenmis Shoes 500 tons of No 1 Mixed Chop wHEAT AND BARLEY In white or blue cauvas from.......75¢ to 1. pr. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped with the best materials obtainable, and we guarantee the workmanship. Guaranteed to be the best in the land,. _ We have secured the Durham Agency. We also have local brands of Fiour and would request that you kindly leave us an order for a small sack on trial. Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Saunders«Aitchison was| Shoes | |woss Shoes| Shoes! Large Quantity of No. 1 Feeding Hay Sovereign, Eclipse and !’_astryulflqur Ail kinds of graim bought at market price. i on Flour and Feed in ton lots. The House of Quality Buy Sherwinâ€"Williams, the Best Paint King‘s Quality Flour We pay Cash for Farm Produce W. BLACK s ac 2¢ #C CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS Freo‘ll and Clean at 14.50 off car. _ See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. 1t will pay you. Ev;y i)ag gn-nntaed. If not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. Ladies‘ Oxfords See our Seven Painters Te Txp Men‘s Oxfords SHOES & GROCERIES Phone 45 /C | | | 1 | | | hueh interested two days each | t a new staff of | Williams Paint | e Store. | t Paint | hat there is no '“‘ s, consequently ; nted at present Lsk oo snilÂ¥ houwr ‘ Notice ! Special Reduction The House of Quality w@an 8 | § CA K \The Durkham Review ; The vote polied by the Conservaâ€" \tives in the recent election is less | than 54 per cent of the total ; Liverâ€" | al and temperance candidates received | about 438 per cent. \ _ The attention ef politicians throughâ€". | out the province is being fecussed up~ | on the fact that if proportional repre» \sentation were in force im this Pro° | vinee the Liberals would have 48 | seats in the next House instead of 25 ; | the Independents 4 instead of 2 ; the | Couservatives 59 instead of 84. Tlus | would give the Government a majorâ€" |ity ot only six afser the appointment | of the speaker. The vote was the largeat ever pollâ€" ed in a provincial election in this province. The Goyernmeng‘s popuâ€" lar majority ovyer all its opporents 18 shown to be 8$3837. Special to the Durham Review, Torento, July 80ik, 1914. Once more has the Ontario Attorâ€" ney â€" General‘s Department been brought unfavorably before the public, this ume in reference to the Blanche York case. This makes the fourth in a s:rious of cases which bave[been handled with no eredit to the Department looked after by the Hon. J. J. Foy, At first there was the vanishing of Dr. Beatâ€" tie Nesbitt, who was ultimately locatâ€" ed in Chicago, but by the city of Torâ€" onto police. Then ~Poliman Evans, Manager of an Insurance Company, = wanted," disappeared from _ local ken, J.W. Moyes, * Fimnancier," hn] been missing for the past few woeeks and still the Provincial Police Deâ€" partment is showing the usual lethâ€" argy. Now even the Conservative ! press is roasting the Goyernment for uts dilatory aetion in Ontario‘s latest _ mysiery. Dr. C. K. Robiuson, in the . cellar of whose Tamworth house the body of Miss Yorke was found a few ?lel ago, was allowed to leaye, unâ€" | molested, for the United States. lnâ€" spector Miller, Superinteudent Rogers and others of the Attorney General‘s aides were * on the job * in plenty cf time, talked to Robinson by the bour, | bus let him slip through their fingers. \The Toronto News says in part : Proportional Representation |__*"* Liquor shall not be sold nor kept | for sale in any room or in any place | on any passonger vessel." * Remarkable circumstances . surâ€" rounded the discovery of Blanche Yorke‘s remaing............ Dr. Robinâ€" son was allowed to disappear and weeks elapsed before the real facts wore uncovered. â€" Even then the disâ€" covery was the result of an ‘aceident rather than the vigilance of the authâ€" orities. ‘The Attorney General‘s De: partment should take all the facts and cireumstances under serious considerâ€" ation.‘" Dr, Beattie Nesbittâ€"Pollman Evâ€" ansâ€"J. W. Moyesâ€"Dr. C. K. Robinâ€" somn! Next ? \_â€" Fines taken in this way are pracâ€" | tically licenses and are a method of \ winking at yiolauons of the law. To have a goyernment stooping to do | this thiog is sim«:ly w lesson in law: | oreaking by the parties whose duty it | is ta uphold the law and is worthy | of severest condemnation. Such is part of the License law of the Prevince of Ontario, yet everyone knows it is broken every day om every boat, Just recently the anuual farce of fiuing seven of these boata was carâ€" ried out. lt bhas been done once a year for the past seven or eight years, and the amount of fiame and costs aâ€" mounts to $236 for each boat. . Those in a position to know say that a trade is done on these boats equal to the best Torento bars, which have to pay $1600 for a license yearly. The fine of $236 is simply a very eheap licenge. Similarly raids are made about onee a year on illicis sale of liquor in northerm Ontario, some $3000 being collected in fines about two weeks ago. Now that Huerta has left the repubâ€" lic, Mexican matters giye wavering promise of improvement. It is reâ€" ported that General Villa is recruiting his army yigorously in Juarez, and the report comes from Torreon and other seetions that Villa 1s offering such flattering inducements to men to join bis army that the mineâ€"owners are unable to secure men. Only re cently Villa delared that he meant to see industry resumed even if he had te reduce his army to supply the help wanted. This eyident change in bis attitude is looked upon by Carranza â€"men . ags anmother evidence to eause anxiety. It is common knowledge that there are many large illegitimate if.miliu in Mexico because their parâ€" euts were never able to pay the cost of a marriage ceremony, Under Villa‘s ‘Oldfll the prieats cannot refuse. to | perform a marrage or chmstening | ceremony nor to efficiate at a funeral, | and if they exact pay for any of these Presbyterian. â€"That over 22,000 horsepower of| Express No 7 leaves Toro electrie energyâ€"is available is the re.| cept Sunday 10,50 pm, a port Sir Adam Beck receiyed from his| NP§S l:::g:'d‘g;‘g;“ Ong engineers. The approximate cost Of| arrives Toronto 5. 15":,,, development is $2,000,000. The Big| Taesday. a ONTARIO ARCHIVES ‘ TORONTO AUGUST 6, 1914 Failure of Justice. Mexican Matters nc ut @6 n Fining Farces they will be executedi.â€" by THE DUBHAM REVIEW geen River in Bruce 4,000 and Swift Rapids 6,000. The eeunties to be supplied from these sources Are : Bimâ€" coe, Dufferin, Grey, Wellington, Bruce and a portion of Huron. All roads led to Dornoeh on Wedâ€" nesday evening last, as this was the date of the Presbyterian @arder party and a brilliant social function it was from begi~ning to end. The evening was an ideal one, the nir“be- 3A fls s ds aiulrabe ds ts 8 4e P ce ing bracing and wholesome, and at an early bour the crowds poured in trom every direction until Dornoeh saw the largest ussemblaue_‘t‘he v!il: lage bas seen in years. The whiet | 8 sentre of aitraction was the ball game between Zion and the home | J teams. Umpire Harry Foster, ol |e Holland Centre. got the game going | 1 about 6 p. m., Zion being first ai bat. | ( Jim Claney was on the mound twirlâ€" ing for the home cine and so effective | ; was his del:yery that not a safte hit| ; was allowed the oppâ€"sing team.|j Stewart McNally, batting for Zior. | | was hard hit by the first three batâ€" ters and Dornoch scored thrice in their balf of the firss. Zion was| again blanked and the home team | tallied another three. Tosummarize, Dornech ooys showed greater batting | ability. They slagged the ball with | the yengeance of mighty Tim Jordan ‘ and many a wallop landed them ! saftely on the second and third pillow. ‘The star of the game was Olancy, who not only pitched giltâ€"edged ball but took care of every inâ€"field ball within reach and inyariably made a three bagger uor homer every time at bat. â€" HMis work did for his team what a certain brand of beer did for Milâ€" waukee. â€" Eight ionings were played and at the end of that time the seore stood 21 to 7 in tavur uf the home tnine. Umpire Foster made an ideal official, his rulings being perfectly |square and giving allâ€"round satistacâ€" Jrion, The Zion boys are a gentleâ€" manly lot of tellows and perfect good will and barmony was evident {throughout the game. ‘The return \ match will be played at Zion garden |party on Friday evening rext. | Bcore by innings : | Zion 0 0 2 0 & 1 1 0Oâ€" 7 : Dornoch 3 3 0 1 2 4 6 2â€"21 .| _ After the game all repaired to the ‘|church grounds, where the ladies , | had a tempting supper awaiting on 3 well filled tables in the basement of f the chburch This being over, the vast crowd seated themselves on the ‘\lawn and the program was started, +\ Rev. Mr Mills officiating as chairâ€" man, The home cheir renderea sevâ€" â€" | eral fine selections in a manner that , |elicited hearty applause. Thee Falâ€" . \laise, ot Durham, gave a finely renâ€" j |dered solo ; Armeita McKechnaie and ; | Esther MacLean, of Recky Saugeen, "|sang two duets i@ pertect harmony t and sweetness and our Federal Repâ€" ° | resentative, R. J. Ball, gaye a very pleasing address, emphasizing that "lhigh ideals are necessary it young d | men and women are to aitain to any â€"| measure of success in lite. A good deal of outside talent, exâ€" pected to be present, faiied to reâ€" spond and so the program was short er than usual. The gate receipts were the largest on record here, nearly $80 being receiyed tor admisâ€" sion. The booth did a flourishing trade and mearly $30 was realized, so that for a country garden party, we think this is a record breaker. We need better lighted groounds. Had it not been for the brilliant lights on the two or three cars on the grounds, the lawn would have been as dark as a miser‘s pocket. Instrumencal mosic was conspicuâ€" ous by its absence. Next year some one bring their singing canary or a Jews harp. The crowd was one of the most orâ€" derly of any we have ever had at this annual event. Mr and Mis Heathers of Markdale, aH)em Sunday with Mr aud Mrs. Geo. ay. Mr Galvin and son of Hamilton, motored up on Saturday and spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs. BRd. Muldoon . Miss Annie MeDonald returned home Saturday after spending a week with Dornoch friends. Mr Geo. &4gnon, Darham, called on Dornoch friends the first ot the week . The monthly meeting of the Womâ€" er‘s Institute will be held on Wedâ€" nesday, Aug. 12¢h at 2.30 p. m. at the bome of Mrs Neil Wilson. idr and Mrs. Wm Smith visited friends at Elderslie oyer the week end . _Mrs. J. Skene and daughter of Pincher Creek. are visiting with her sister for a couple of weeks. Between Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, Uhicago, via Canedian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tabes between Windsor and Detroit. Leaving Montreal 8.45 a m.; Toronto 6.10 p im. arriving Detreit 12.35 a. m: and Chicago 7.45 a m. daily. Equnll{ good service returning. Through Elâ€" ectric Lighted Equipment. Torontoâ€"Winnipegâ€"Vancouver Torontoâ€"Vancouver Express No, 3 leayes Toronto 5.56 p. m, daily. Vanâ€" couver~â€"Toronto Express No 4 arrives Toronto 11.45 a,;m,. daily. Manitoba Express No 7 leaves Toronto daily g- cept Sunday 10.50 pm, arriviny Winâ€" cept sunday 10.00 p m, trrivilir ‘ nipeg‘ second day. ° Ontario Kx No 8 leaves Winnipeg 9.25 pia and NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN " DORNOCH Rey. A. Leslie returned home after his long Jemrney to B.C. and Sar Francisco. NC > Mr and Mrs Jobn Mills, of Dorneeh and Mrs Campbell and Mrs MceNab, of Rochester, visited at Mr D. Liviegâ€" stoue‘s the end ol ;sha week. Mnâ€"l';;;olinnl' daughter Velva, of Torento, visited recentlyâ€" at Mr and Mrs J. MeDougall‘s. â€"â€"‘h_dr_n-nd’ Mrs Smith and the Misses Siaith, of Torento, is visiting at Mr Archie Hastie‘s. s â€"‘Mrs Coutts, of Torento, is visiting at Mr Robs. Twamley‘s. Mr and Mrs Hastings, of Webb, Sisk., left for Toeronto, after a month‘s stay with friends here. Mr Dug. MeKinnon and Misses Jassie and Iona Black, of Chesley, enlled on the Brown family en their way to visit friemds at Darkam and Clenelg. Misa Ethel Henderson came home from Detroit last week to see her tather, who is ill with heart trouble, He is attended by Dr. Jamieson, of Darbam. Misses Tena and Sadie McDonald and Miss Alice Remage visited the Elobhirk family Friday last. Messrs D. McKechnie, Ed. Boyce aad D. McDopald were havieg their sables cemented by Edwards Bros., (Gienelg and Sholtz, of Louise. The hufvut is coming in fast. Io two more weeks it will be nearly all taken ofl. f Misses Jessie and Aunie Storrer, of Elmwood, accompanied by their triend, Miss McLennan, of Glamis, were guests at Mr Atex Hobkirk‘s Friday last. Quite a number from this vicinity attetded the funeral of the late Donâ€" ald McDonald of Durham on Monday of this week. _ Deceased was well known and hbighiy respected here and much sympathy is extended to bis wife and family in their bereaveâ€" ment. Miss Aonie Supernault of Crawford accompanied by Misses Marcella arnd Hilda Hyland of Toronto visited recâ€" ently with their cousins, the Shewell taiumilies. After spending two week‘s vacaâ€" tion with ber parents, Miss Selina UVraax reiurned to Walkerton on ‘Tuesday. Messrs Edgar and Walter Boyce of Muloek, visited over Sunday with their uncle, Mr Robt Ledingbam. Mrs Chas Shewell and daughters, Deatrice and Verntc of Brant, spent a faw days last week with friends here. Mr and Mrs J. Quesnel and family of Ower Sound are visiting with Mr. and Mrs Thos Shewell. Mrs J. Truax and Miss Selina spent a few days last week with Owen Sourd friends. Mr. Alex Campbell Jr. called on Elmwoud friends on Friday eyening. Mr and Mrs Boldt of Williamsford , visited with Mr and Mrs. Steinfeldt? on Sunday. | Messrs Alf. and George and Miss Nellie Shewell spent Sunday evening with Mrand Mrs Chas Shewell. Quite a number from here attended the Garden Party at Dornoch on Wednesday evening oi last week SS Preserving is uow in full swing and never before were we better prepared to meet the demands of the public in this line than at this season. All new goods, fresh from the manufacturer, of the best quality and at the lowest price possible. Wine half gallon Gems, wide mouth, per dozen...... ... .1.10 Imperial quart Gems, wide mouth, special per dozen . . . ..1.00 Crown Imperial pint Gems, «s «s .... 90¢ Fruit Jars Best quality Rubber Rings for all sized gems, 1 dozen in box, per box. ... ..10¢ Cox & Knox Gelatine. .. ........2 pkgs for 45e Orient and Hallowi Dates «.......3 pikgs for 25¢ Red Feather Icing Sugar â€" ++ * *a4 zo Ibs for 250 Casco Potato Flour...... «........ per pkg 15¢ Benson‘s pureCornStarch «.......3 pkgs for 25¢ Listers Halfâ€"minute pudâ€" ding, all flours, {)er package......... .10¢ Eat Ingersoll Cheese, the kind that‘s different, per lb.............. Try Boston Luxury Coffee. Get a 40c Broom for............ There is no better SUGAR in the world for preserving than 1 75 "Crystal Granulated" eyery pound guaranteed, per owt.......... 0 Let us handle your phone orders. We ensure a prompt and careiul delivery. Highest Cash price for Batter and Eggs. _ Ring phone 17. Saeles WELBECK McKechnie‘s Weekly News s Preserving Season SSNRRERSEEREERERRERRNEHENS ts s UV & % to Ee % [ersleteleenlee alevelo e ane awple vale= ols _ ale " ale ol es allle ole" ole ols aleSalabale ce le "al Sele wele eled Take one with you on your vaâ€" cation or make your stay ‘at home more enjoyable. i1 Canned Goods Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Beets, C. Milk, Pumpkin Sardines and Beans, all Salmon, â€" Campbell‘s Soupg, Clark‘s Pork and Bears, King Oscar Sarâ€" dines, Pineapple, Peaches all Added pleasure for you ; unexpectâ€" § ed pleasure for your friends. Letgi us show you how easy it works. .Â¥ Clearing â€"out Sale of White Canvas Slippers We have a limited number of Ladies‘ Misses, Children‘s and Infants White Slippers to clear at reduced prices. Ladies‘ 1.50 and 1.75 at 1.25 Children‘s 85¢ at ... .75¢ Misses‘ 1.00 at . .. ... . . 85¢ Infants‘ 75¢ at ... .. .65¢ Some broken lines in leather we are closing out as well Call early before your size is gone. MacFARLANE‘S Drug Store The Rexall Store C. P. R. Town Office Buy See our Ladies‘ Tan or Black Hose at 15¢, better ones at 25¢. Children‘s in many colors and prices . Down Town Shoe Store J. McKECHNIE THE Easy to Operate Custom Work and Repairing as usual 3 for 25¢ 2 for 25c from $1 upg J. S. McILRAITH Finest Valencia Raisins â€"***1~‘s»,..0 Hys Lor 2506 Blue Gem Currants, reâ€" cleaned ..3 lbs for 25¢ Bunkist Seeded Raisins, ib pkg.... .. .2 for 25¢ Ginger Cake Molasses, 2 lb tin . ... ..per tin 10¢ Emblem Baking Powder Our special., 2 tins 25¢ Shelled Almonds and Walnute, altways fresh, por Ib............60c AUGUST 6, 1914 h Buy your tickets here Easy to L e a r n 46 . DURHKH A M HIGH SCH Many people ar at this season tc for Vermin and Germs in stables houses, etc., that but a few cents. Best Exterminator AUGUST 6, 1914 Here it i8 CorrosiveSub Chloride diss of bot water. add water to 89‘.\ every well; leavelot a thorough c ‘The cort gladly be s THE â€" QUALITN PHARMAC) PRICEVILL! to lndies. W INI q § a Best PRIC in â€" UVUPDâ€" €Clothin Save Buy pappreree PE Een T HE © Visit ou Headgusr© e are anxious The eool dis} parlor a icious ete. Take h\ fli.‘(‘ price Butter and S&#@® know the W ultrs CA s )|

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