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Durham Review (1897), 6 Aug 1914, p. 5

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6, 1914 ur it Jars Us fresh, ‘. . . . .600 reputed to " goods, I possible. Iii-IEEEE'E ' Misses, 3 clear " expect- 'l': Let lil okets here tof pars delivery. 1.75 at Store 3. Small Protits As. AITH to SIDS Me and L'.M We Oe 65c st IE"mi QUALITY 1- PHARMACY g; r.rzcrc,zzaazssaaaaa-" DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL AUGUST 6, 1914 INN .-- -, livery Wold l _ n Innd .ttoaidtatqtw i .. S'id2"tira ariaiaigiaiNiGN 'ir-F-"')"."."."")";':?""'"?':"))-), IiiyySi,ii?,tt, mu IiGuri, - atlt..tt.,.C,'e.',.,t, PRICEVILLE tmal sun and Equipment. , mn'h‘y m paint.“ 'rt', x 1 3m J/dwelt “or 'r,: ' mint mum: u: lunc- ', I _ “Human; eorrtpeV “f Buy a VILLE Visit The advent of hot cool dishes. 30:10.51 p wlor afternoon or m Nous Ice Cam. I eta. 1.50 intuit! I n: V, l l -- - Hendqwtmfot U,cio,irruauBor1t'.ti,,,1t Highest ’ l" 11H.- _ ', an»: lull _. -'. . "w :luablo " I: .1; ~l I'I".V Co..m- ... " Annu- lot Canadi- t proportions will phcd by calling at 'st. 1.} 1't2tr"l"'"' A. Luv won Liarvel iflatr iluuld enter " the - able. hand can I. u- hum ll null “in: it n no“ “In . . V "I - - he advent of hot weather brings a longmg for ishes. Refresh your palate by drapping in our ztfternooon or evening and enjoy our pure de- t' lee Cream. Sodas, Sundial, Soft Drinks, like u_ lee creel brick “new!“ you. hoot in put - in ,'it'tt In pm" "tt mulls to 9.. [hit when .ulvanmlot ml pope! Mun of owiede put month I “an". nud ProrirteJnl not ; a... tenant. DB. J. r. on“, our Ice Cream “new! Successhl Beyond Expectations - A Splendid Promai Sports and Music opened with the Nationll Anthem. The weather gave s welcome to Price. ville's third Civic Holiday on Monday and Priceville and the Celebrstion Com. mittee gave a welcome to perhaps 2000 people who poured in from about ll o'elock or earlier from sll points of the compass Some 5501' 60 went by morn- ing train from Durham and spent the few quiet hours in inspecting the village and environs. Later they came by auto and otherwise till it was estimated 150 Durhamites were present. A new railway bridge is in progress, cement butments being built, to bear the immense steel structure that lies unloaded to the west of the station yard and just how they manage to transfer rails and responsibility from the present wooden structure to the new steel one. without interfering with traffic, is not apparent tothe nowce. It was worth seeing anyway. Then a new bridge ; over the Sangeen on the main highway ithrough the village is under way. to ‘cost some 33500, steel work alone being about $1000. This also is licking up cement, though in this respect it is equalled or exceeded by the great ce-' ment walls of the new Presbyterian sheds, which, now up, are waiting for the roofing. The sheds are intended to stable about 100 horses, are l54 feet long land 50 broad, all roofed in with truss root and bear eloquent testimony to the I enterprise and liberality of the congre- _ - . ' _ h .I. _"'"".""'"" _.._ - - T - gation, for when completed, there will l pleasing incident left a fine flavor, be little if anything leit of $1400.00. 1 Dr Lane, whoia the chairman of the But sight-seeing of still life must Btop' Lsporte committee, outlined the coming for the village is tilling up and there's , events. The doctor is about in himself, mystery brewing in the west, that " and to him, the McKinnon boys, Joe. solved when a procession, headed by a Black, W. G. Watson. Hermie McLean: piper, appears and marshalled by atal- i F.Reiley and a tew others the great we. wart constable Bruithwaite goes the I cess is due. The whole village works length of the village and ret urn, Our l together in commendable harmony and reporter confesses to inability to doithey have their reward. ‘justice to do justice to the array of rag- I First and second prizes in Highland ‘3“ and bob tail that made up the pw‘iFling went to A. McDonald and - l “salon or to their activitiey l,t fulfill: l Graham respectively of the Pipe Band ed its purpose, it gave a laugh. and.alidiiiLUiLT. iiliiriiai, Angus Mc. chance at guessing who were under the 1 Lachlan, C. anage. In step-dancing disguises. Mesttrts Alex McLeod and [ the prizes were equally divided among C. C. Jamel had the serious duty of de- T. McGrath, David McAuliffe, Arch. ciding which was thefumest and awnrd- iiciiechnie. ed the prizes. Wm. Meads was given The caber was a log 16ft. long, 5 in. tirst, with an elongated buggy shaft o.ut" l3 ches in diameter at small end, Dan Mc- tit, while Angus McLuchlan m ""eil'l"f t Donald " tossed " thin thing farthest, attire pulling an express 'tNe", con ‘88 feet, Ed. Sullivan,tsecetnd. Dan Mc- Gining a baby (Bobs McKinnon) w” Donald " put " the 18 lb. Itone 37tt., .aW'AI'd'd second. _ 1 Wm. Henry next " 32 ft. There was Splendid meals were obtain Black's hostclry and at the P PRICEVILLE'S CIVIC HOLIDAY Parlors obtainable " Joe , the Presbyterian I Five members of the 48th Highland- ers' Band were present and their music and gentlemanly bearing impressed the crowd greatly. Without them the pro- ceedings would have lacked much and I their praise was in all mouths. As they i headed west playing, the crowds, auto- _ mobiles, etc ' that had been making E Priecville’s streets " busy as Broadway ( l followed them to the grounds where s l flne afternoon of healthy sport was car. ried out. The committee deserve the E utmost credit for the etttcient way they 1 carried out their program giving every- 'i, thing promised, though the failure of l the Toronto Football team to put in an 1ci',iiii'n'2 cast a shadow over them. 1 No blame to Priceville. The team act- I; ually started, but at West Toronto ': missed the train. Church and fears that the menu“ crowd would cut Pricerilie out were not realized. The afternoon proceedings were open- l, i ed by President Joe. Black from the I platform. His nddreu breathed wel- , come and thanks to the crowd for their hearty support and after hoping they would have In afternoon'l eniorment,l he referred to the gloomy new: of war) in Europe and thought that as iii) "3riritsh subjects it would be fitting at lthu anxious time to open with “God} iSave the King." This timely luggee-i ltion was heartily carried out and the f pleasing incident left a fine flavor. l Dr Lane, whois the chairman of the sports committee, outlined the coming events. The doctor is ahost in himself, and to him, the McKinnon boys, Jon. Black, W. G. Watson, Hermie McLean, F.Reiley and a few others the great we. cess is due. The whole village works together in commendable harmony and they have their reward. The cabcr was a log 16 ft. long, 5 in. ches in diameter at small end, Dan Me Donald " tossed tt thug thing farthest, 38 feet, Ed. Sullivan, second. Dan Mc- Donald " put " the 16 lb. Itone 37 it., Wm. Henry next " 32 ft. There was keen competition at the foothill kick, the farthest being 154 feet. TUG OF WAR ExTRA SPECIAL LOW PRICES“ The chief interest of the afternoon VICINITY Including Straw Hats, Furnishings, START] and see Straw Bats, Felt Hats, Peak Caps. Shirts and Ties Suits Trousers, Sweaters, Belts, & Pyjamas. A crash in prices-come a: Khaki Pants, Cationic Pants, - syvwgiawwavwwiwihhhhhthhhhhhhht"ho',i: , All Goods are Marked away Down t lil Take a look-it costs nothing. Come on in E '1uii'i'G"iiuGitremrurtettrt-' Marked down in price, The best possible for the least possible. Walk in and look around and take your pick while the picking is good. GENTS' FURNISHINGS W Hats, Caps, Felt Hats, Shirts, Ties, Hosiery, Um STARTING TO-DAY FOR ONE WEEK. NOW Prices that tell the tale, elm: new this exciting event, and when the no ntalwam of Glenelg and Proton lined up it would have glnddened the heart of that old Prussian King who wanted 1 regiment of big men. After elaborate conditions bed been explained the event took place, Glenelg winning by a steady pull. Away they go at slaughtéred prices Glenelg lineup-Chats. 1 Duncan Smiley, Lawrence R John McMeckin, Alf O'Neill, Wan, Jerry McAosey, Jame Wm. Andrews, Norma Mclw O’Neil, Captain. Proton line-up -Two Shamans. R. Watson, W. Wiltshire, Dan Mclnnu. Hugh McLean, Wm. Ridden. Neil Mc- Leod, Neil McMillan, Jno Moore. Jno. Aldcorn, Captain. Owing to thu failure of the Toronto t Foorball team to turn up, the commie‘ tee hurriedly got together a scrub team from the crowd and placed them against Mildmay. It must haye been a shock' to the renowned Mildmay team to find 1 e themselves " up against it" even with g1 an untrained team. Neither side scored l w but the play was good and thoroughly is enjoyed, all parties acting gentlemanly. The same could not he said of the la. . crosse teams. the game being marred by F several unseemly " scraps tt in which a [ Durham boys appeared to be the chief h aggressors. One great value of such games is the training in self restraint l , and a few of our boys would do well to o be watchful. Chesley won by 7 to 2, if largely on account of superibr condition. The teams from goal out: Chesley- 1 Green, Erdman, Patterson, Fry, John- it l, ston, Bliech, Russell, Mink, Kreugcr,: Fry. Durham-H. Blvidge. Kearney. ‘Allan. Vollett, v. Elvidge, C. Rife, A. i: lSaunders. H. Rite, R. Saunders, McGirr. I I Rundle of Dundalk refereed. l l in the baseball game, Markdale rs.‘ 1Dundalk, Markdale secured a four run lead in the first innings, largely through) " two wild throws, and always safely held I l the lead. Markdale won out by 12 runs F to s. A neat double play was the feature. ' S. Hughes of Durham, umpired at the ' plate and H. Rife on the bases. l . THE CONCERT i f As usual Watson's Hall was awarded to the doors and standing room could not be had. Mr Geo. Neil maintained , lhis high reputation and whether in the - tenderness of " Mary of Argyle " or the [ stirringness of "The 100 Pipers an a' "Ian a'" he was equally effective. Miss gl Lily Howard captured the audience in Flhcr first number while Bert Lloyd prov. 'ied to be as funny as his brother and) icvoked roars of laughter. ',: I Dr. Lane was chairman and was E-lmost happy in his introductions. He A explained at length the cause of the fail., . lure of the Toronto team to be present; :9 It was no fault of the committee which a l, takes a prlde in glvinsqeverythitr rigid- ' i ly " promised. . T l Miss Rita Irwin was accompanist of I the evening and acquitted herself in her m usual brilliant manner. A tsatittfied and You only need to see the price On all ODDS AND ENDS left over in the Spring and Summer line of was Damn nannw . S. BURNETT L, Belts, Braces "up -- Chas. Kennedy. u Lawrence McKeown, t, Alf O'Neill, Ed. Sul- cAssey, James Banks, Norma McIntyre. Jno. but just as good as ever come and see the ruins :, Leather Mitts "ini.coNosucAL--Heats the house well " without burning all the coal you can buy. gratified audience left the hall and the whole day left a flavor of pleasure that in an earnest of success for 191E NOTES . The gate receipts were 8365. The Presbyterian church receipts for meals were. 8220. The concert we did not hear. i The veteran clerk of Glenelg, Mr. J. S Black, was among the number enjoying Fii' demonstration. l There were about 20 autos on or net, ‘the grounds, That was a wise arrange- ment to give them a separate entrance. l, 1n the village there were about 50. If any mm enjoyed himself more than W. E. McAllister, we would like to henr of him, His present day and old time friends are legion. Sunshine Erna“: The Agricultural Society. the school and the commtttce of sports shoold co- operate to level the grounds. k'ii, "ti7e"iYc"diiirFi'ieaner or write for booklet. Sold by J. l. HARDING Oar burg Is Well represented in Pricevtlle to day. the weather being all one could wish. Mrs Geo Sturrock Jr, returned tram ---. visiting relnivea in. Kingston . last Ha ing in new a thing ofthe past, Thnrgday acoomgjtmed by h" mater. ml'n'71"pro'r'ti'l'l' the hay crop light. Mrs buy and cm drain. Mr and Mrs. John Bowie of Toron- .Pt. W. . Barnett sritittd,,let week I to are visiting with Mr J. S Black. .withps,r,,sitsttsri"", braserwhg Mrs and Miss Kate McDonald 18 Il'." 1111: . . spent a pleasant evening at Mr. An- Iruus Edith qunlster, Toronto, 13 1 gm Black 's. Mrs (Capt.) Campbell, Owen Sound, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mina Essie Burnett returned from Ventry Sunday having spent some ‘six weeks with friends there. “in Edith Glenister, Toronto, is a msleome vislwr in our midst. In. Edington. Toronto. having visited with her daughter, Mrs Geo. Gilkes. returned homo Wednesday. Miss Margaret Holmes, Toronto is hulidayiag Lndor the parental roof, Ira. Bittort and grandchildren Arthur, are visitors " the old home No accident marred the day A,F, is"., HOPEVILLE Underwear, and all lines of Men's and Boys' JW is the Time, This is the Place ; come in Qualities, Eat-”1113153 -. the sale. Boys' Caps, regular Me for . . . . . . . . . ..13e Boys' Caps, " 50c for. . . . . . . . . .10: Men's Caps, " 50c for . . . . . . . . . .Me Fedoras, regular 2.00 for. . . ' . . . . . . . . . 70c Straw Hats, regular 1.00 for. . . ' . . .. Me Men's Shirts, regular 1.00 for. . . . . . . . . 50c Suits, regular 18.00 for. . . . . . . . ......13.90 Ties, regular1.00 for ...,............50c Ties, " 500for................25c Fine Hosiery, reg. 25c, now. .2 pr. for Me Work Hosiery, only a few left. for. .10: pt. These are only a few. Come in and see all other prices for yourself. Goods must go, as we need the room for our new Fall stock. Few Specials 't Toronto, . 'enul rout. , 4.x . C Id . old the. 1,i,ci2trir,t-Lree.%/Anci"g,2 t'gui'lllt; It in our Std duty to chronicle the death ot one of our pionev-Is. Mr Sam Mills, an H years, Monday, July 27th at 2 p. m. after a lingering ill- no". He had been failing in health for nearly two rear: and death was not unexpeaud. The deuaaed 'rho wan unmarried was an esteemed res- dent of Proton tor some 50 yeara and although he livad a quiet and unas- ‘auming life, he was known in the loommunlty as a man of strict integ- rity. He was born at Elora and came to this section as a young man. In religion he was a Methodist. IN leaves ro mourn his death on broth- or, W. J. Mills, Mra. Ferris. (a verv faithful attendant during his long ill- neaal and Mrs Wm Iouarda. "I‘he funeral on Wednesday afternoon to Salem was well attended, Rev Ken- dell, Dundalk, ettiaiatintr. All sor- rowing friends have our dupeauym- Gives steady, even heat on least fuel. pithy; Mr and Mrs A II Barnett attended the funeral of the late Dunk! Fer- guson to Salem Sunni-y. Kiss Juli: Myori. New England. win the guest of Miss Mary Sch-lat over Sander, iiurLid, errock went tothe Que-n City last week. - Miss Lottie Muir of Ceylon, spent a few days last week at Mr W. H. P at lemon 'B. A number attended iday celebration at Mr. D, L. Sinclair spent Sunday at Mr Geo Campbell's. August 3rd 'iitiiioh sat. no FOURTH LINE, GLENELG TORONTO the Civic Ilol- Prieeville on New Ones for 1914 With the A.“ Mu - to our um m .14 Punk Bord. “My to be so...“ to., laid-to that on Wheat and Wm Product- will on" tho (hind m with.“ duty. the - of COMO fun Inode in bond " “an... You can“ do home than to BUY 210' ...N following or. u to. ot the any human. B. I. Hillel In otreriti, 100m good had in M'.'fl','d mm. but bun. contain“. on]! f; good toll. school very mountain, prion on y 03,”) (or nu quot m. 100 mm munch about t um bud-00d remand" wand. doodtrune how And ( {rum mm And other outbuihilu‘l. School l on next lot, Wall watered, 0n y 3,700. 163w was. We?‘ nu. wall "and. good lat-cl. u - tr,tl1tLf." {flu but t',thfa'fffd Only I. . - 12.5mm not Hanover. Good poll, inn. 2'fPX [run bunk urn. opting out. and c , low sail. ow hula”). ould hung W cum " {a Norway. 230 m In Norman». Vory urge brick dwelllng large but but: Inge lilo good oail, tue noughborhood. cum: and chap u the now. ”Open; In Rumour. - .ttc."!Ptt'a' km " "a... ... "_"'"""'""" _..V . __ tend n n nun-nu ale mun be made. mum-nu In lie-Hunk. Ext-non. Not-Int a; Bum. Garrick 'tef .ue yotylrttt. . Pet n. H. MILLER, OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We have a large an (e to select from “d prices are moderate " well. An early call is your " vantage. J. G. HUTTON.I. IL, C. out“: ML A an" Mm!“- ml: ung-I ' 'SiRf.%'fdg"l,' 'eft' criminal!” Hu... '-aP"., Hotel', WAT! Prgfl.l"llll'l'JJl' o to n no: an; n. W... ottice-AHer Jowallrv “on ad opp.) sin Post. ' W. C. PICKERING B. D lk, L I i gdrttuatht8MiltMitl a??? tt HONOR URADUA" at Ton-o. Univmny. graduate at Royal College J. P. TELFOID sttita,,NlNhglull'ditd'r ARTHUR B. JACKSON lam-no- Amt- Ilnne to W luau-o! Mun-um tdi"ll'S A (on a,“ itnnatttial b "f an“. and are a thing of 1reersty It IIIIPIdIIn-ow nu. u 'n-tnoe. 0.0 Hun-bot Col 1ateyl? Fall Term Opens warm-“aw J. F.6RANT D. 0.8-. L. B. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director 2km Era-m. sttttrtert Notice Mann] to m It... "'Nutlht'L'l'c ligand Auctioneer tor pr. Urer Noun Public, 00mm". CONVIYAICII. k. ' McPHAIL.’ will. on. (Lower W. H. BEAN Big 4 September lst at ss,N0itThERtlg1 / fi'eiirdt?trti'= I-m I 1trmsulitr. HUD-Aaron (to. “m5 “BMW L l MAI: 1mm Dam-In. an I W has! ”I” we a " BELL born “ ud Cunn- Hanover |‘MWI 1-051 Ola-Id my!" no."

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