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Durham Review (1897), 6 Aug 1914, p. 8

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<3. *4 4 J # *% 4 The Central Drug Store § sHzn on ofie B olle oo ofi olge afie e ie oite ofi oo ols on ol ade aie o ahe on ofe ce oo > ; WUéfo â€" Ads NPA RXA Ai % A se c ufls ols ts ue J ies t se alfe ie ie ie oc ie e is ol e s ie ie ife ap o 20e Porous Kuit Vests:.......... 19¢ Geeeeerereecercerrerceces *J g & â€" CENTRAL DRUG STORE * i VJ Fine Black Cotton Hose w1 Fruit Jars A Clearing of LADIES‘ WHITE W AISTS AT THE GROCERY COUNTER We have a few Waists left, about 30 in all, which we will sell as follows : â€" $2.00 Waists for ... _ $1.50 1.50 Waists for.. .. .1.20 1.25 Waists for... .. ..1.00 ‘These are in sizes 34, 36, 38,40, 42. 44â€" New Goods In Silk Lisle, Lisle, and Mercerized Cotton. Also in White. White Cotton Socks for Children. Little Darling Hose. Some good value in Just in. Come and see us if you need SPECIAL SALE THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. We have a good stock of FEED on hand which we are selling in TON lots at following prices, at Mill . Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!# Oat Shorts................ $22 per ton Oat Chop.â€"â€">}}.}>> > > > > > > > >> 27 pefton Crushed Oats......}..>>>> 27 per ton Heavy Mixed Feed.... .. . 24 per ton Corn, Wheat and Oat Chop . 25 per ton We allow 5o each for all sacks returned in good condition. If you waut Feed delivered to any outside station, write or phone for delivered prices. Field and Garden Seeds $ Prices as low as any. All sizes G. T. R. Ticket Agency Black & Colored SILKS PHONES : Day §4, Night $ 26 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Ribbed or Plain, all sizes See these in our Window 2 prâ€" for 25c Feed | Feed|! Any Tanglefoot To-day? WOMEN‘S â€"HOSE Another Shipment Govt. Tested Timothy"and Clover Seed . L. GRANT Headquarters for all kinds{jof Oatmeal Millis, D urkham Guaranteed to keep your fruit Jar Rings Buy your tickets here. arnything in our line Order Early 1 vypr qi s se K\ t «O Sweet and Blessed Country I heard a fime choir singing this exâ€" quisite bymn the other night and it struck me that the finest poetry writâ€" ten about heaven refers to it not as a city but as a Land, a Country, a Place of vast meadows and gardens and orâ€" chards and where the tinkling of falâ€" ling water is heard and where birds do sing ; city birds can‘t sing. True, we have hymus like "Jeruâ€" salem the Golden," with its etreets paved with the stuff they dig out of holes in the ground in the Porcupine country. _ Surely there is some migâ€" take here. _ Nebuchadnezzar walked on gold in his superb capital and to save his sonl God gave him grass, He was a better man out in the pasâ€" ture than in his gem bestudded palâ€" ace. Our grotesque ideas of heaven have glorified a city too much, I am not & bigher critiec ; rather I am a very humble and lowly ome ; but I quesâ€" tion the literal exposition of this golâ€" den street business, _ We have an old adage that God made the country and man made the town and 1 have my suspicions as to who made Bullock‘s Corners Has not the Jerusalemâ€"theâ€"Golden something to do with the depopulaâ€" tion of the rural districts ? _ To have it dingdonged into their heads from infancy up that heaven is a city and a big one at that hbandicaps the counmâ€" try. _ In the minds of many a city 18 | synonymous with pearls and gold and sapphires, ete. â€" This is not fair and 1 honestly believe that it bas done harm. _ I read a pitiful letter in a great Toronto daily the otker day, written by a man who said that last week he tramped the city for four weary days looking for work and couldn‘t get it, _ Supposing he walkâ€" ed ten miles a dayâ€"that‘s a total of forty. _ That would have taken him out to the bay felds and the ripening wheat. _ People can‘t get anyone to pick their berrres, their cherries," to hoe their turnips, to pitch hay : and here‘s this ginny trolloping around Toronto . looi\:mg' for a job! Why didna‘t be come out to the sweet and blessed country ? The pulpit and the choir can co rauch to popularize and glorily Lha‘ fields and forests, the hil}s sad plains | Nineteeuâ€"twentieths of the population : of Canada are engaged in ugricultun.| It they went to Jerusaleim the Golden: when they die they would be like the retired farmers in Galt, Guelph, Lonâ€" duon, Peterboro and such places. eatâ€" ing ftheir hearts out for the open fields, the big roomy barn, the wide orchards, the sugar busb, the low lands, the cedar swamp, the windy bills, I ara couvinced that God made the country. _ He made it for His people, and if there is a city aboye, it is a glorified Oitawa or Washingâ€" ton, but most of the people and the best people live huandreds and thousâ€" ands of miles away in Heavenly Al« bertas and Onatamo‘s and New Brunâ€" c swicks. â€" Thats the sweet and blessed coun:â€" Iry that eager hearts expect ! THE KHAN For 8. 8, No. 7. Towaship of Proton, qualified teacher, first or second class certificate. â€" Duties to commence Sept, 1st, J914. Salary $600,00 per annum. Protestant preferred. Apply stating experienee to Les® WaTso®x®, See.â€"Treasurer, Durdalk P. O ., Ont Recommended _ and _ applications made by the best barbers and hair dressers. WM CALDER. Town Ticket Agt, * _ _J. TOWNER. Ticket Agent Herpicide makes the hair beautiful with that sheen and shimmer which is so attractiye and always indicates a healthy, natural growth. It keeps the scalp free from dandrulf and the hair from falling out. _ e Newbro‘s Herpicide in 50¢ and $1.00 sizes is sold and guaranteed to do all that is claimed. _ If you are not satisâ€" fied your money will be rafunded. A Woman Never Looks Better than her Hair Thonsands of women owe their youthful appearance to Newbro‘s Herâ€" picide. _ No matter what may be her age. a woman with a nice head of bair, hair that is soft, glossy and flaffy, alâ€" ways looks younger than she is, There are remedies said to be * just as good" but Herpicide is "the genuâ€" ine original dandruff germ destroyer," via Chicago and Duluth _ From all stations in Ontario, Kingsâ€" ton, Renfrew and west. ; $12.00 to Winnipeg Plus half cont per mile beyond. First excursion applies to all points in Maniâ€" toba. â€" Second exeursion to certain points in Sasckatchewam and Alberta «nd all points in Manitoba. MacFARLANE & CO., Special Agents (The Kban, in Toronte Btar) RKETURNINGâ€"Half cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.00 from Winnipeg to destination in Eastern Canada, Full particulars at all G. T. R. Ticket Offices or write C. E. Horning, D.P. A, @. T. Ry., Union Station, Toronto. The Grand Trank Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between W innipegâ€"Saskatoonâ€"HKdmonton. HoLSTE ONTARIO ARCHIVES : TORONTO August lith and 18th Teacher Wanted HERPICIDE 99 l _ Mi:s Annie Knox, Swinton Park, \is visiting with her sister, Mre Jno. | McMurdo. Miss J . Kinonell, Dandalk, is boliâ€" daving at Mr. R. Renwic*k‘s. Mr R. Taylor underwent a success® ful operation for appendicitis on Thursday last, Dr. Groves of Fergus perterming the operation . At present he is progressing very fa vorably. Misses Marion Calder, Durham, and Annie Russell, Toronto, spent part of last week with their friend, Miss Mary Findlay. Dr. Sneath purchased a new Ford car this week from Messrs Smith, Aytoun. Mrs Brooks of Buffalo accompanied by her two daughters are holidayâ€" ing at Joun Renton‘s. Oar community was well repreâ€" sented in Priceville on Civie holiday und everyone repurts an exctellent time. Miss Eva kenton returned ftrom Buffalo after a month‘s visit there. Real Estate is boomirg around Orâ€" chard. Mr. G. N Ruttle has purchâ€" ased John Calbert‘s fifty acres and intends going into the poult y busi Ress Mr. John Kirby has bought the store owned by Mr. Ruttle. _ We wish him saceess in his undertaking. Nr John Calbert was in the burg on business last week. Mr. Alvin Wilton has returned to his home in Walkerton after visiting his auat Mrs, W. T. Pinder for a few days. â€" His sister, Miss Gertie, came with him but remained over Sunday. Mirses Gertie Wilton and Grace Pinder left Monday for Kincardine where they will spend their holidays., Miss Fero Browa is visiting ber uncle Jro Browan in Mt Forest. Miss Emily Eddingion has returnâ€" | Miss Nettie Rogers came home ed to Toroato after visiting her parâ€"| from Toronto Tuesday evening. ents for a m:m'.h. C | _ Mrs James and ‘ Miss Ruth Durant, Mr John Carmonnt, visited at MTâ€""! yj porest, spent a day with Mr. J28. Joha Kirby‘s the first of the week. _ | purant, ¢ Mr Tom and Jenuoie MeMillan visiâ€" ted Sunday in the burg. Municipality of the Township of Egremont, County of Grey NOTICE is hereby given that I haye | o‘ciock, " Hiliside Farm," Hima Towr.! transmitted or delivered to lheperlnnulsmp was the scene of a very protty mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of wedding, when the marriage of Jannie‘ "The Ontario Voters‘ List Act," the K., daughter of Mrand MrsJchn Meâ€", copies required by said sections to be Cauley and William R , son of Mr and so transmitted or delivered of the list, | Mre Samuel Burnett. Tralee, was solâ€" t made pursuant to said Act of all per, | @@nized. } sons appearing by the last revised Asâ€"| The bride looked charming in a gown i sessment Roil of the said municipality | of ivory satin and shadow : lace, uim.l to be entitled to yote in the said muniâ€" | med with seed pearls. wearing a brida! cipality at elections for members of the | veil and carryiog a bouquet of bridal 1 Legislative Assembly and at Municiâ€"! roses and lihes of the yalley. Miss pal ~Eiections and that said list was | Minerva MMcCauley, sister of the bride, @rst posted up at my office at Holstein ‘phy.d Lohengrina‘s wedding march, to on the 21st day of July, 1914. and reâ€"|the strains of which the bride was esâ€" mains there for inspection. corted by her father to an arch og _ Electors are called upon to examine|evergreens on the lawn, Liitie Ho the said list, and if any omissions or| Striker, oOf Linwood, cousin of the any other errors are found ‘therein, 10| groom, looking sweet in cream lace take immediate proceedings to have| and blue silk dress and cerrying a basâ€" the said errors corrected according to | ket of sweet peas, acted as flower girl, Dated at Molstein on the 21st day of July, 1914. 3 â€" % DAYVID ALLAN: f DURBHAM REVIEW Voters‘ List, 1914 DROMORE Clubbing Rates. ORCHARD 3 90 1 75|\ 1 90 1 69 1 96 2 50 1 90 1 95 1 80 Mr. and Mrs. Geo McColl attended the funeral of his mother in Mt. Forâ€" est Friday. Miss Cbrley. Mt. Forest, spent a (&w_ days last week with Mrs. J. D. Main . Miss Grace and Master Willic Sharp, Toronto, are visiting friends in their native village. Mrs Fred MeClocklin and daughter Zeta attended Mr Burnetts wedding last Wednesday near Listowel. Mr. Burnett was a former successful teacher here. Mrs. Rupple, Berlin, visited her sister, Mrs. Drumm. Miss Belie Gillies, Woodland, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs Milâ€" ford Dowling. Mr. J. D. Main and family came home on Wednesday evening after spending a month at Waterford. Mr. Moses and Miss Birdie St Legâ€" ar spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs Jas Durant. Mrs Mark, Mt Forest, visited Mrs, Bruce for a few days. ‘Thero has been an unidentified heavenly object discovered near the 8th satellite on Jupiter. _ This disâ€" covery was made by Prof. Nicholson of the Lick Observatory. Mr John Philp and Mrs Philp with Dr and Mrs Marsh and their daughâ€" ter Ina, ran up to Meaford on Monâ€" day for an outing. Mrs. J D Main will give the report| of the anvual branch meeting held\ in Brantford in June at the _Orchard | W. M. S. this Thursday afternoon Mrs Coleridge accompanied her. Mr, and Mrs. John Orchard were| from Thursday to Saturday motoring ‘ to Waterloo, Berlin, Klora, and other | points. ]l wâ€"â€"”,;;ww#i‘ LOGAL AND PERSONAL $ auc can aapeccececceesccees PNEZTTCC The W. M. S. of the Methodist Ch held their monthly meeting in the Park Tuesday afternoon. | Miss Nettie Rogers came homai Mr, Geo. Hostetter has gone out again in the road after a few week‘s pleasant holiday in his home in the village. Mr Lou Kerr was home from Rlora over Sunday and on Monday left for Springfield, Mass, on a 2 week‘s holiday, The choir of the Holstein Presbyâ€" terian ¢hurch had a pleasant picnic in the village park on Wednesday evening. Mr John Stevenson was in Guelph last Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. Bert Recles in being successfal in his Entrance to Normal exam. The eclipse expedition under the auspices of the Belgian government to go to the north of Norway of which Dr Marsh had been chosen as a member, has been cancelled owing to the war in Europe. _ The Saugeen Presbytery had granted Dr. Marsh 4 months leave of absence from his charge to permit him to join the exâ€" pedition. The Methodists of Holstein have | much reason to compliment theinâ€"| gelves in having such talent in their| parsonage. Rev Mr Tbbott is a preachâ€"| er of no mean ability and Mrs Ibbott| is an excellent musician,. _ Both Mr. | and Mrs Ibbott, are much appreciated | not only by their own people but by | the sister denomination and communâ€"| ity in general. | Burxetrâ€"MoCaurcry On Wednesday, July 20th, at six o‘ciock, " Hillside Farm," Kima Towr. ship was the scene of a very protty wedding, when the marriage of Jannie K., daughter of Mr and MrsJchn Meâ€" Cauley and William R , son of Mr and Mrs Samuel Burnett. Tralee, was solâ€" emnized. Th_e nuptial knot Former Teacher Wedded. du About 125 guests sat down to the wedding supper, during which Miss Myitle Little sang * Because," The numerous presents show the high esteem in which the young couple are held. Mrand VNrs Burnett left for a bhoneymoon trip toâ€" Detroit, Toledo, Columbus, Ohio and other points. Among the out of town guests were Master W. Barnes and Mrse Ingram, Kincardime ; M» and Mrs Oampbeli, Mrs Klockman, Stratford ; Mr and Mrs Woeds, Brighton ; Mrs Mathesonm Woodsteck ; Mts and Miss McClocklin Holstein ; Miss Barnes and Misses Brown, Toronto. A credit Auction Sale of valuable Qattle will take place in Holstein on Saturday, Aug. 8th. N. C. Coutts ofâ€" fers for sale 5 cows, calf at foot,5 springers due to calve soon, 20 head of year olds and two year olds and 10 calves. Bale at 130 p m, rain or shine, Terms 4 mos, credit on approyed joint notes, 5 per cent per annum discount for cash. ol 1. omas " us 1f you are contemplating a trip, don‘t . let this slip your memory, Canadian | Pacific Steamships make the fastest 1 time, have the best of accomm»datien and the table is unexcelled. Full parâ€" | ticulars and reservations on trains and | ships, at every Canadian Paeific Ticket | Office. At this season of the year when so many are planning their yacation trip the question " Where to Go " naturalâ€" Iy arisesâ€"What could be mcore deâ€" lighiful than Great Lekes trip, where the air is pure, tke sun shines and câ€"ol refreshing breezes blow ? Five sailings weekly from Port Mcâ€" Nicoll for Sault Ste Marie, Port Arâ€" thur and Fort William, Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12.30 p. m. s«ilâ€" ing days making direct connection, |L_EADER |. I regret that our instructions deâ€"| mand that we should score so heavyâ€"| ily in connection with the wild oarts \ and sow thistle as some fields were| with that exception yery good in-l deed. Henry Reid 84 Robt Aitken 79 AECanlfield 82 _ ‘W Ferguson 78} And Hanter 81 _ Henry Cowan 78 Jas A Smith 80 ‘ An Ideal Vacation Trip Via Great Lakes Steamships For full particulars rogarding tramsportation west of Winnipeg, e(c., soe 1 EV FP. L. STURDEE Ani. bipcAS M*3. muRFr August 11ithâ€"From all stations, Kingston, Sharbot Lake, Renfrew and west to A Bault Ste, Marie, Ont., to all points in Manttoba. August 14thâ€"From all stations east of Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Ronfrew, in the Pr Ontario and Quebec, to all points in Manitoba, August 18thâ€"EFrom all stations, Kingston, Sharbot Lake, Renfrew and wost to A Eault Sie. Marie, Ont., to all points in Manitoba and to ceriain points i chewan and Alberta. August 21stâ€"From all stations east of Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Ronfrew, in the I‘r Ontmm to all points in Manitoba and io certain points / chewan and Al isnn _ W D. McPHAIL, Auctioneer s d40 Concentration Sale Register o# 4# Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted Aurax ® 6 SBatig, Judge It is better to advertise intensively than extensively when the sum to be devoted to advertising is small. This means the regular use of the DURHAM REVIEWâ€"52 messages a year addressed to the same conâ€" stituency of readers. ___ FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "COING TRIP WEST." "RETURN TRIP EAST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG ! $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG CoING DATES Concentration of appeal will do a work of conviction and persuasien that will surprise you when the year‘s returns are totalled up. There‘s aivice for you in this little homily to advertisers; itis: Reward with a fullâ€"not divided custom the merchant who steadfastly selicits your gooGâ€"will The more you strengthen the hands of the man who serves yau, th: better will be the service returncd. Intermittent or divided effort is not likely to be resultful . _ One fullâ€"powered blow is better than two half blows . A NOTE TO THB PUBLIC * y On Saturday, 1st inst , Mre J . Egr. ig went to Kenniiworth for a week‘ visit with her sister, Mrs Waters, Mrs Freeman, of Mt. FoFest, vigg;. ed at J. Hunt‘s some time ago. A fine shower on Sunday brough; relief to the Bend. Oa Tuesday evening of last week the population of the Bend wasip. sroased by the arrival of a band (f gypsies, who camped mear our oo|. legiate institute and were called op by some of our prominent citizens, Next morning in covered wagons they paraded our Main St.. going south, bound for pastures new. We bhope the war cload will soon * f“' from Europe and from troubled reland . Hew sad that in this enlightened ago Nineteen bundredth year of grace, War with its horrors has not ceased This fair earth to detace. Mrs B. F. Sharp is visitisg friends in the West. We hope she will haye a pleasant time and return much inâ€" proved in health. Word was received here late)y thap Tommy Lawson, an Eoglish bey, who iived for some years with Mr J, Earig, was suffocated by gas in Lib erty, Sask. We did not hear thom‘ particulars, but are sorry for peors Tommy. â€" On Friday evening, 24th inst, Nr and Mrs Geo. D. Hunt gave an‘ten. tertainment in bonor of Rev . Mr Dixâ€" on ard Mrs Dixon and familyv, of M 1 chester, Mass., who are spending holqays with friends here. A dainty tea was served and a pleasani time spent. â€" Mr Wiar. Goliins, of Toronto, was among the guests. Sunday School at 10, _ Services a a,. m. and 900 p. m. REV. T. H. IBBOTT â€" Pasto Sunday School at 10, Servive at 11 and 7,30 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. Tuesday at 8 p. u REV. D. B. MARSH, Sc.D, FR.A.S, Pastor Holstein Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licenses Money to loan at lowest rates, a terms to suit borrower, _ Fire a Life Insurance placed in thorougt reliable companies, _ Deeds, Mo gages. Leases and Wills executed shuivest notice, Adl work promp attended to. are invited to Shop AUCCU3T 6, 1914 High School & Senior Pub: lic School Pupils, Attention ! MT. FOREST, ON Is prepared to t you for a B ine«s Career, Oargraduates : all in positions. _ Fall term | gins Sept. 1. . Wiite or call | particulars . Ui/t. Sorest PRPusiness _ College Presbyterian Church M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P.R., Teront Methodist Church SsSOUTH BEND , MCLACHLAN President W.J. SHARP M. HEN Princip: Ar t 11 dk * YVOL. XXXV1l, The â€" pulpit o Oburch for the nex he econpied by the Pd.“-l » 1 ORM. Dr, TÂ¥o® ‘l'im:-‘\ Dorbam, A bp. m E plied â€" p.‘ent (ses Bentinck Dubam L0 showing itsel! tions to the tu Daughters of | ” O' (qul' ‘Phe local cell very short tim w‘ omittcd to Revy W. H. Hart Delaware, Midd\« Durham in Octo‘ Town citizens W Hartiey lemving. time pleased to n Frowr® © Durham Ho arranged to the Towo Hs day, Aug. 20 Bret open to ning, when : he held and horticulcura first Bower patrona ge. The prolo heat of Sun the thermo the 90%8, « Monday nig ‘welief. _ Th large bhail | ‘i‘ (‘0|I~|d‘ sorth ol us ton and wWas a1so Ohas, A Alex M Baugeer wind ow Marr are the annour Baturd Lmid)a sing in and M 11. p* tw ed y those amu is wight @ri Inx a th ®110€ tb y i Ti H 1y me NEY . *‘ Kere, n«‘ mnesday © party evo the Metho The exven ther and out, the J to over 81 thing 40 equip} men menta! which V not w# progra® Bi and after @ wch Cart Addresses h‘huu. Molstein, } night remon! a energe!i< The Fite ham gay tiens in fancy w humoris Sn OGPIC mlt #4 nan y be an AP} t le a 1 Darbh M wc

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