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Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1914, p. 4

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" it!) if? (i HARDWARE Sign mom "Mutation m arrears P Take ' al at youljlbel. and if Bo, kindly «can . "mama: sur". to put it in ad- wnce. Do it now. $ilttr, F a .W) ijlti/iii11.r/il/iht.i?i,,,i,,i,tl,,, Um» India-sic h aging in this loamy among the horses and lame tumors do an "dam-d win is wrong with their horses. 30-0 hm: In alum! with swelling in the Jaw, others are atueted by III-Ilia. in a. that. on." no afteet" try ditch"- |ing m. m mmu while son. an effected with coughing TI. [m Ill." in working the hem: in that they get heat- " up and later an n chill which in lone instances cause death. Buy a pang. ot our 2Utegnper Cure - you home: will not: so: {no from ttll trouble Grant I]. of Grniuwnre new ping on at The Leading End In" Item. So. on 'tttek of Preserving Kama, Fran Funnels. Pete Pu. T." Pots, Cola You. Sauce Pans, Milk and Rice Dal-3n. hum-g Pans. Dian" Pails and other articles too nttul- ems to mention. With the arrival of hot weather of cool footwear, and you cm find a Satmders' & Altchilon. . We have about 100 pnirs mf- to clear out at $2.00 per pair, been sold at 3.00 and 4.00. Sc 1nd get a pair of these shoes. Guaranteed to be the best in the land. We have leaned the Durum Agency. We also have local brands of Flour and would request that you bully leave as an order for a small sack on trial. In Patent, Gunmetal 1nd Tan can. .asd to f.00 pr with tTrireiGLieria1s obtainable, t' the workmanship. Men's, Women's and Chiidren's Tennis Shoes In white or blue canvas from lsiso tons ot No l Mixed Chop SaundersaAi‘tchison Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Large Quantity of 7N9. I Feeling, tiay Sevueign, Eclipse and gastryflqur Au kind. ol grain bought " mum price. Speeial Reduetion on Flour and Feed is tonlata. The House of Quality King's Quality Flour We pay Cash for Farm Produce on: REPAIR uranium: CRIMPED OATS for Home [zed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Fres‘l and aa, nt “.50 off car. See this tiay biota naming eisewhere. It will pay you. Eve; 7b.. gdrantoeii. If not satisfactory bring 1t but and get your money. --e--acaxascaaccxacax' Ladies' Oxfords '23-'17 Men's Oxfords SHOES & GROCERI ris Phone 45 Fishing. Hunting, Trappimt & Tree ruling G..tt"yrittitsttndtt' will be pa muted nccndluz In lug ' W. a 9. Mr("n.u~x1~)s. 4o" 2, 3, t, con War. NOBLE. "sup/P, 47, n . anther comes the need find what you need at it, which So don't WHEAT AND BARLEY Mum“)! Won " 82 OOi .0 t', NT is equipped and we guarantee 75c to l, pr. m Notice l have always fail to come The House of Quality wan ye say. neut l, 63, tu, Beam Ely: parka»: 'tetsietts FRIDAY Th British Float bl! onus“ memy who in "ported "hung to Dutch ttttttgt. - ty many and not look for it. Italy is fully determined not tojoin Germany. He! aylpltby il with Bntsin and Frame, and boforo long an” likely gin: help. An attemph Js,rsek P gang“ Ncrtbarn train by dynamite u bran. ocribed to m enemy. Tlie Mauretania and Codrio. two ocean liners, headmu from New York, found themaolvas being chuud and rurned for Hslifax. escorted by tl" b'ntish culiser Elsox. The Knobs is being rushed in ill a! upment. and would be I strong de.. 3219:}qu -it not. ban nogleotoi. V The Butish House of Common Ins plum] unanimously a war budgoi ot 5500000000. (“man's offer of an expedihonny force has been gratefully ucoepted. SATURDAY The brawn Bnlgians are Itill hold- ing baek the Germans at Liege. The delay has been ot the utmost import- unce to the Allies, for French "cops have pow come to their lid. . Unexpeeted, bat unifying nun as tuna British troops are alrudy on the continent. The silence and color- icy with which this has boon noun- plished points to Kitch-ot’a methods. German war vessel that had taken refuge in Mesina. Italy, were order- ed away or remain tied up till end of :he war. They went and appealed to Austria by wireless for protection against Britilh cluisers. Annals re plied that she bad not declared wu- on Britain l a truth. and a phasing me, few,.people had thoaqht on. Ta. ken in connection with the {am that Italy refuses to be drawn in by Ger- many. there is cold comfort. for the Kaiser. Japan has organized a. flying sqodron and would rather like " Germany would attack her or some British possession. ' Paris has no snxiely as to food Inp- ply. tho Bank ot England bu reduc- eu its rate to 5 per cent. Britain will spend millions on road building to hciptba unemployed, so the weight of the war m not. yet crushing. Notwithstanding reports at and engagements the Brimh Admiralty dcglares the: rival tuets have not met I” tar. A bureau bl! been "tate lished to give our. only "liable no". The 1hemier of France bu appeal- ed no the women to comklete the gathering ofthe crops, and th upon says Lloyd George promises that the guvernmem will see to the harvesting at Brizish crops. Despatches received on 8“de tell at a bloody mm. in Alamo win ::(.:,000 Germans and 15,000 French mlled and wounded, also mu. King Albert was not only holding his own in Belgium, but was trying a flank- ing movement. THE WAR-MY, BY DAY MONDAY The Admiralty announced that the German war. amuptinx to dune: the British fleet by iatbttttsrittttg, No bu imh ship was injured but one u :rmau submarine was sunk. TheB‘rench haw. invaded Alma. and driven the unomy back. British troops no Indian in Fame and will immediately line " with h’rench and Belgians. Evan London did not know they had started. A liizclaeuor touch. Tho town ttt Liege in been taken by the (“Imus but not the torn. Canada. villain a git: of one mil. im lugs oi flour to Britain, to be dispessrl of " me Government u this? we fit. has upprriua spec!- auaiar gm has can“! torth wurmou t Aglcuionu at “Manda. U'ceimiirtgted "pom uy the Rain- bow in in touch wish a. German cruis- or. Noun-g vary striking in the sitin- tion, Abulum silence from the Sea, except that British naturis- aro advised to kear to the harbour. The calm baton a storm perhaps. France has decland nu on Alt ma, ‘beeauea list. troops are in Ger- many, and this stnsattthtatMrthtst eaumry. The Kaiser is laid to be planning to take charge of the Bel. ttian campaign Mun". an indication that the have and antenatal data-co ot Liege has been a painful surprise to bus Majassy. Liege town is in German binds, but me (ma are yetln the hand: of m Balsam not likely to remsln Io hr French and Britiglt troop. luv. reached the scene and will in]: the brave Belgians. . It appear- the Gonna-s 1m to homily " Liege. boon-o shay sunk to we and proccu at solid for-mu. Britain land her In». In the Boer Tor. Medan weapon favor the defence. Lord [imbue]- has trailed for n- other 100.000 volutuu. While every one In: vandal-lug how the 11mm won}; arm the alumni. Ill can“ she upon “13322000 We“ al. ready " Front or Belgian all I I Kitchener wny I Much sardonic: in bold u to danger to Andi“ Gout, bl! nul- ing untqwurd In "' marred. Bgiquwdny up”! on than“ - d the in} I The It!!!" tlt II. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO AUGUST IS, 1914 TUESDAY THE mum BIN!“ unison the the nub). rum “you! lowl- In hi 3 malnu- nonl also! on the Al- lie' ad I cone-puma dogma-in eftttet on Gunny. The luvulol of91a- by Fund. gov“! no my um . "up II (and. he Mull-u no doliriou with Joy. Liege is I city of 225,000 and hu 1 long, lwoly history. like other Bel. ttian towns. In populnion it ranks third that Bruno-ll and Antwerp. The chic! industry is the manltutnre of cannon and firearms, very useful there for the moment. The history of Liege in the Middle Ages woo o wronglo bemoan biohopo inolinod to be do-potic out! the froo bourbon-o. The long otruggloo of tho Lion mon moi-rt their rovorond Hon lord oro sumo-mo of BelttiiuC offniro today. Only loot yoor tho treneral otriko woo called into ploy to wrest a. democratic constitution from the clorionl powors In an coun- try. lt woo in 1888 that the Belgian Government hogan the ndoquno lor- Iitloation of Lloge. The Gannon: tum the twolyo forts trooblosono enough Aftor two thouoond years of Chrir i tianity. the world is involved in the most ternblo otrugglo in its history. Every mun among tho M,000,000srl" may be hghting in tho next tow weeks or months is a product of the Chris. tian era. The Kaisor, upon whom, by the common judgment of tho world, rosponoibility for tho outaolysm is placed. ll a religious man. His por- sonal " has hour blameless ond a model for all Europo. He is a devout land regular church-goon Rarely dooo ho make a public spooch that contains no handsome rotorenco " tho Deity. To-day he is calling for the blessing ol God upon the Gorman arms, and the havens have not opened to destroy him. Yet for all tho inf1utrmte Chris. tianity rooms to hovo had upon the Emperor of Gormany, the Prince of Poaco might never have walked the earth. Christianity must be reckon- od a failure In tho affairs of nations as long as it countonunoeu and support” a systom ot govornmcnt that places in the hands of a madman like Willi-m ol Germany the power to plunge the world in war. But that darkoot hour is beforo the down. Tho savagery ol militarism is ’now linking its last stand, and tho nobloit part of tho new on that will be propured for human- ity when the In is over. mll ho a ' new tsiguifietes for Christianity as a factor In thoihuris of tmokim1.--hiail and Empire, In; “a - wu- nuu on Canadian' National Exhibition I PEACE YEAR] America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Ialwven Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, via U-tnpditn Paulie “d Michigan Cantu] humus viz Michigan Dental Glgsntlc Stool In.» between Windsor lld Detroit. Lenin. Ila-tread ‘3.“ “a.- Toronto 6.10 p In. arriving Daron 15.35 I. In. ad Ohm” 7.45 a I). dag! 21ml! ttood “who running. nu; 'ht uulc Lighted lqnlpmont. Wrttttto-uhhtoeg--vatts;-er Dragoons‘ Musical Ride Auto-Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Show. in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show 1loerrtrto-vtt-stavee Endprooo No. tt ho"! Toronto 5.55 o. In. oily. Van. convor-Toronto More“ No 4 nrrivu Toronto 11.4h n. m. dolly. Innitobn Exprono No ' Invoo Toronto daily ox- up! Inndoy 10.50 p I. nrrivln Win- nipe. ucond "r. Ontario input Mis8 loovoo Tttpt 9.3 ya no £11179 Toronto ,5. p a "irr any! Pum- mun-g mil or - “that. Iro- Outdiu Pullc Tick“ .4ttrtt yt.rtir y. GRIUBPBI. D. These Christian Nations Pairttlnp irtytt Engage}: se.tland, ra"Gii States 3nd Canada Educational Exhibit. Goods in Proceu of Making Athletic Sports Aero-HydroPittue Flight: Grand Water Carnival Feruiore's Famous Band I Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway eve: Peace Year Fireworks AU. 29 1914 Sept. 14 T O R O N T O “A... I'm-iii?! . Kayne; A httensational Peace Tattoo " Band. 400 Munich";- Grenadier Guards Band Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN " BABYLON Lingo. hold. Quite . lumber orthe young folks “and took in the garden, pitty " Zion _an4 upon I good that. The Dumoch boys again won the baseball game, the Icon being t9--t8. - ‘ . ---aa.-. 'tr/stage)?), W"'"-' -__ V, 7 _ - Kill Ivy Dugnvcl left on Monday for Chlcngo. when she intondn tak- ing n position at the Iillinoty. Ree. Mr nnd In mu. Mt Monday to ”and n low weekl' "mien with (tund- In Shelbumo. Mn Neil iguana and family visited with friends, " Latinos this week. Mus Gladys chonald spent Sun- day with “in Ivy Dugnnl. . It and Mu H. Ridden Sundayed with Mr and In N. Wilson. The Dot-och mill is closed an tor a while on account of the harvest, but expects to start spin in a few days. _ -...,,p"' "i;'h""iiriiiii- GiiiGk ,3 nrden parwons. 5. No. 1 aohool ground: on Friday evening. August. 14th. Mrs Jag. Wnlon’n Sunduy School mu ot girl: Ipent . very plenum afternoon In their teacher‘s Dome 1m week. Me Funk Smnllmn and friend [we returned to Toronto, after upend- ilg s wook'l holiday with Mr a, Bmallman. of the 3rd. Mr Wm. Wallace, who ha: been inking I Teachers' Training Course in Toronto, returned hume to-dar, Monday. His sisur. Mrs Ed. Smith and family, sowmpunied him home to Ipend . while with her pare-u, Mr and Mn T, Wullace. Mr Wm. Watson, of Detroit, is hol- idaying It his home " Knox Cor- um. Miss Mary Backus. of Poplar Hill. intends leaving Tuesday morning m a visit with Toronto friends _ -sii, and Mrs Inc. Moria spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs John Marshall, at Knox Corners. Mr and In War. Sharp, of Hump- dem visited Sunny with their ions' on the 3rd. Miss Gnoe Wilson, at Toronto, re- turned home. utter I couple of week‘s holiday with Min Myrtle Onldwoll. Mr Peter and Min Alien leagc. Dnrhum and Mm Jessie Black. of Chelloy. wen guns of Mr and Mrs Jag. Watson Thursday evening last. -iritwer Ind Miss Mabel Mead visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Alf. Tollett. The Christina "i/rtftsisvor Obi: cwt........ Bu 'ttFit'.-':':-.'.)..'.. Fan heat........... 'prinrrneat.--. Gui, along.......... Bulev............... an“: NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY piiiitoees per hag. .... Bitte....-.....,.... 1000 Beof.dremd........ 1200t01300 1/g'tt2tl'.1.'r.: 860 D edupplu.............. 05 Hny.porton..... .... 1200t01600 List has been carefully revised, ll Durham Markets. ta,e,hhiKedu1idt3Welrlytiltmss 3.3:: The preserving season is now far advanced and in the midst of it come» KIA time for pickling. We think it time for some prepuration to, be made for this annual occurrence by the housewife. We have stocked . full line of Pure Spice, and Vinegar, unexcelled in quality and at reatsonnblo prices. 7 _ In bulk, we have Ground Allspice, Cloves, Pepper, Mixed Spice. Gfound Cinnamon, Celery Seed, Mustard Seed, Tammie, Mace, Curry Powder, tlinger, and whoU Mixed Spice. Also Stick Cinnamon and Nutmeg; Best quality, Whole Pickling Spice, in pigs. . . . . . ... . . . .6e and toe ml: J alt received-another gross of that famoul liable- Batting PM“, our Speaial..................,............... ........2 " It.) ttnafor26e Also "ewStoeirofEsrtraeh,tut "rsh................' bottle. hrrMo Don't forget those Fruit Jars. . To Make Good Pickles lat tt handle our orders. View I may! and careful delivery. ' s gllhltgl/lgt'udtttgrg,! mum".- We must first have and use Good “gem. We have the very best, White Wine or Cider, per gallou. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pickling Season NI 18to goto Use Star of India Tea " 50 55 18 20 Ft . gag MacFARLANllyS Drug Storeg, 5-3 _ ' iiiiatatgggggtglRlgltlllgll= wiaasmmasayyif: KODAKS Take one wiil, you on your va-t cation or make your stay at home gl more enjoyable. t Added pleasure for you ; unexpect- g ed pleasure for your friends. Let X . kt us show you how easy It works. It Clearing -out Sale of White Canvas Slippers We have I limited number of Ladies', Misses. Children's and Infants White Slippe's to clear " reduced prices. Ladies' l.50 and l.N " I15 Chidron’s 856 It. . . .75c Misses’l.00|t........85c Matttss'75c at......6lk The Rexall Store C . P. R. Town Othce Buy Some broken lines in leather we are closing out as wel! Call early before your size is gone. ' See our Ladies' Tan or Black Hose at 15e, better ones a 25c. Children's in many colors and prices. ooiG Town Shoe Store J, McKEGHNIE THE Easy to Operate Custom Work and Repairing as usual from $1 up J. s. McILRAITlI 1glliMnMllltiHllltlieim AUG? " 13, 1914 Buy your tickets here ik' Durham Easy to Learn at “a mum ‘monvozux Dr "no. f, -ourn ot nib}; one] 1 (no my! Many people no auzie at this season to know tl “Ell!“ Best Exterminat for Vermin and Disc-1 Germs in stables, malt! houses. etc., that will on but I few cents. Hen it is t Mqe corroHttbtim1tt Chlonde dissolved i d hot water. ll h odd wgm go make Bpmy any DOOR well; luvefor two (It I tuorough qoat of AUGUST 13, 1914 DURHA“ HIGH sum lulu. Mt " d "W ber Th glad! we 0CArrl PHARM AU pmcevuuz. "ifiiivw Tu M d - nu ma u 'vuli. - ALIAE 333'” PR1 - oeltr'ty l, THE-f The Visit 0 cool dish parlor at“ inioas 1 -'"r-'"-Y ' a Eds-ue "g-ro Handgun! on. Take mile-t pr K In. Bud G hen Equal part' nu: and Sodt ed in one gal Mr and Ct , days ther at white- Th. . he

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