West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1914, p. 5

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HOG :lul delivery. 17. lent nd We each Nicest LRAITH rham twder, our ins for Me VOT les foe " s:xyygggal"i? le of ppers 13, 1914 mines the uh for this 'ure Spins s' Misses, to clear " Pros" Small Ground es at JS: ll Bi: 'ihrg' ii lot Vermin and Disease Germs in stables, poultry il houses. etc., that will cost bet a few cents. rho-y, in m d DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL AUGUST 13, 1914 fr"""? _ um. "?rsi!,?,!,,tttlllrtE,r.,t, Ll.“ IKLi'Tn. noon: tn pa- yum in m me Tho Ira-am saw” an: cbs mud - ',',ut"atlt 'ettn1t,T, In,“ "cry van - 1. A ru sud mmidm MU%'lf.t Fr.Etr.$1 per moan I “moo. l ..)u|lmrmanly - ll Mule-1 1tlye,?t/E"i v tor lull Junior Lam I: -. u Thu following can”. . mtrtdettN mama was: the“. I. rm rf lwbb. We“ it ”nun-0.12% was“ vumwu. mu 5 “I not! an . . no l ," Wm Illus- l .' w it gnu full F I 'w'Jinv'llnthO " n nwuwl'I-cho..M¢-Q ...-... r u Agent. to: ($.3an- THE CITY BAKERY iieadqumm In: cod-aim Ind tll,?,:.',',','.', good' Visit our Tho ndvent of hot wonther brings a longlng tor cool dither. Robe-h your paint. by dropping in our ;3 trlor afternooon or evening and enjoy our pure de.. mous Ice 010m. 8069, gundaea, Bott Drinks, eto. In. iiiirii-oe'e""" with you. PRICEVILLE tmgmll sun and II”..IL lull HARTLEY. Bl. I. r. tnn, is Principal nad he“ --. .. walhl. In! C.- CM I Mm. Refresh your pun.- u, -rk-" afternooon or evening and enjoy our pure iu.. 5 Ice 010m. iUdaa, Bunches, Bott Drinks, his. “hem-When. with,“ lacuna Ice Cream Parlors We won uksd by s cousin goods- msn the dsy of tho rat its-enun- tios in this town "I this wss Prior ville or London." Well by tho surg- ing us at hulls-m ml them . strong" would think it wss silhsr London or Dublin. lion"! in tak. ing on our: observstion it won only‘ Pnuvtllo. only it could net be soon} on secosnt of the crowd going hither snd thither, sumo looting this way and thst way to see d they knew ev- erybody sud sometimes s mistokr might be mods by the one thinking it was the other ontt sud " Pat said, it was Isythor of them. A long time Mo w. met s good old highlsudor. 1qrtMttgtt English wasn't first clsss.) Stopping so on the wsy he ssksd us. Us this the rod for Pruerille.t' -Yos.‘ 'And is this the term lane for Prov 'ery." 'i'es.’ ‘Tsnk you, took you, ';i'll get than I00." But on Civic i holiday there wss no questions asked I so to the roads to Pnesyillo for all I tho highways and bywsys led to the Noted town till every nook and cor- insr svsilsbls wss filled with automo- ibilss. buggies snd 's that. The crowd ehiei1y were English. Irish and Scotch. the latter “has tuletut by In of being the ohiel leader! on the bagpipes which in nut- urll for the Scotehmen to enjoy its mumc. but than were no hundred pipers and tt' and " We notice than us some other music which was morn pneious to tho ownen Linn the music of the pipes. (Youngsters) Bat we no not gomg to any much " the editor llld all that wu noses- nry Ind that in enough. We not- Ioed aomo 8 or 4 editors there and as birds of on. leather Boek together, we could see them goingin min though the crowd. Away back some time in the 60'sl, a large gathering was In Priosvills. then a young town, on a 24th May. There were all sorts M games. such as throwing the sledge, tossing the sober. _ etc. Dan McDonald. called rocky Dan. in throwing the sledge, hit a young boy, Donald McMillan, hslf brother to Arch. McMillan. of Scotch- town.and he was picked up for dead. but as the sled" was losing its force before ll struck. it was the mesns of not. killing the lad instantly. How. ever u the only doctor in a distance was present. Dr. Seaman. the wound was dressed and several stitches put in Ibo largo cavity made by tho force of the sledgs and although svsrybody ‘gayo him only a short time to live, he ;is living yes. although the accident. lhspponed MI years ago. Dan Mc- Donald is living olso and must be now an old In. but ya: he will romnmbcr well tho noeiiom clued fro- . mir- Illp made by him In throwing the big hummer. Both than men were liv. ing in um. pull of tho world not long Mo. On Sunday. the 2nd August. the Rev. Donld Mali-y [ruched good salmon in the Prtrstrrteriatt church mom"); and owning. The Rev. Wlllet Nichol. who visit. " the old home for a. week or two, left for his home at Duudu hot week. In] would like to heat It Nichol preuch. but he cums for hols dlyl “Id he did not care for punching when not necesnrv. Dan Mclnnes. who attondod " linen funeral, " for his home In Toronto, 3130 Mr Ind Mrs Lulio. his liner and brothor-in-lnw loft um. timo. Min Haggis in saying u while With the bereaved family. In McDougull (Maggie Hooper), who spun . month uniting n be! old home It Angus Hoeper's, Top C',lifr Ind n McDaIgall‘s, left for hor bug). at Port Arthur I " dlyl ago. Bolt Fisher was helping Noll Mo. Cannol, of Durham. for a few any! Inst week, putting cement fuoring in Ins lublo. We hear of wars and tumors at In. Bat oh I tht must tt be to be there ? Miss Sara McKinnon, of Toronto, who Ipem. A month " her old home at but father’s. Mr Hugh Mokmnon's, Math line, left again last waek. NOTES BY THE WAY Harvest. Is on now and everybody will be busy and garden parties and sucbllke must. be suspended till bar- veat " done, We bend one of the Proton tug of "r pullers " the recent pull on Civic holiday " laid up by buying some in. ternal Injuries done while pulling. We do hope no serious result mll fol- low. Tom Nichol, Peter Muir and Wm. Manda Were busy men “Lending to the church pert oi the day’s sports. We met Mr Charla! Grant. of Dur- ham. after coming out from his sup- per It the church and " greeted us In gnelic. saying tbl 0 gil mama Hath nigh In and. _ Bankers Kelly 3nd Hugh“, of 2f) ham, motored outte the demonstra- tion In our town Civic holiday. Juli Hunter took n oarload of pesaengori with him no as the rest would enjoy the day's sport es well as himself. The venerable Mr and Mrs Adam Weir and daughters enjoyed a good def: outing on well an the rut did.l Mir-ad Mrs John McGowan old some! members of the lumily were amongst the number who came from Durham, Also Mr and Mrs Neil Mac-Incl en- joyed a day's outing. Mr John A. Graham and two girls took adyeutege of being out on Civic holiday end lio- body enjoyed himself better than John duiliistening to the highland pipes. iDr. Hutton, son and daughter were {there also. It is well sometimes " have . doctor or two It such gather- in s, but fortunetely their aervid’e wogre no: needed that day, Cllr' Dr, Lana makes a good trumpeter. We often heard the remark. ' sound iug his own trumpet,' but the doctor was sounded by evoryoue'u trumpet so as to make them as comfortable in possible. . The McKiunon boys are good on- tertainers on such gathenngs, they being possesmd of a gantlemnnly d13- position likes than: favorites with all who know them. Sunday last the Rev. Gilchrist, of Toronto, [notched a splendid sermon. Ho dwelt largely on faith. glvmg very llltlblo illiystrstiotus during " dis- course. Ho " one of the good old {mo punters who con preach with- out his manuscript. before " eyes. He will punch next Sunday nlso. We were pinned to no In Me. Leod, widow of the late Rev. D. Mr Leod, of Prieovillo. Si. in to make a ‘couplo of months' any with old lfrinds It Pricovillo. A few deye ego our town wee the scene of merrtment and apart and on this Friday, the 7th August, e gloom I in eeet over the town end lucelity at the widen deetlt of one of m noble beyl. who wee born and raised here, Peter Mel-tyre, who was killed by eome wey which we did not leern yet. Peter wee youngest see of Yet. Male. tyre end te. him the sudden deeth of ilug dutiful eon is e levers blew. The lremeina errived by the evening train It,', Saturday. the 3th Aug. We an. deretend the cease ol his deeth was item-g under a car on which he was worhteg. The funarel tekee place ‘lthte Mondey afternoon, the 10th Aug, 1914, to MeKeehnie‘e cemetery. Dur- hem Reed. Glenelg. where he will he lend beside his mother. whe pteie eeeeed him eome 10 yeere ego. Oh e mother's leve to her youngeet boy while in life I Ie it poeeible that mother end eon will know (the “oth- er in the home when no petting ie lkuewn, We [easy we. elthough in the heavenly home. ell ere " one (entity. le the may bereevee {eth- and bully. the eieeeu eeIJeIeeee " extended to them bathe amenity it levee. Peter He tyre wee e he. Aind ”an. men. who wee e teverite with -ere. As n citim of Priced“: 3nd one who in deeply “mum in .11 phan- u ot it: lite. and eerc I led t my . .. A: -n on ma 2. " I. VI I" - .._,, duty on behalf of III tu pop] give none slight aprreeiatio'? a nun! h whiny the meat I " Annual“ riiiirt" dire pie, io of the To those farmers end their none. who turned out and with no thought of remuneration or recognition, gave several days of splendid work on the Agricultural Field as well es on the village streets, the citizens of Price ville owe a debt which they cannot repay by mere word of month. The epirit of tetsselfish oo-operation shown during the week prior to the day of celebration was one that is seldom manifested in these days ot individ- ual and corporate t"slitsetsir. To the women of the locality who ant-did thomselves in providing in abundance for two thqnsaud people, the village (in “sell utterly incapable ot attending to so huge a crowd) is in deepest obligation. DUR ABLE-Fire grates are three-sided; last three times as long. Shaped in the To the Press, which so gladly and generouly advertised the day and to the public which so magtrifieently turned out in whole hearted support, the village and the Civic Holiday Committee tender their deepest thanks and appreciation. to grind up' clinkers Irarnace when "rocked". See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. n Sold by J. M. HARDING Kunming has started. The gram in a good crop tar the dry voucher. In J. 8. Black in spending a couple of Weekl with her (walnuts. Lin J. Bowie and Mn J. Quinn, ot Toronto. Sunshine Mr and Mn John IoMurdo. of Dromore. Spent. Sundny with Ir Geo. Campbell. A number trom here took in the Farmers‘ Club meeting held in the township hall on Friday last. They report a good time. Maura Hugh Hummond and Geo. Campbell hnve aura over the 10 foot mark, an average crop Mr Dan McDonnld spent Sunday with friends here. Mr Herman loLoan shipped a car- lead of stool: to Turoato last week. 'llalt tor Glenn]; Tug of gut team. Remember tru Glolllrtbrever. MM M. Mnybankl, of Winnipeg. is holidaying in our burg. MISS Allen, ot Durham. is visiting with her friend, Mui, R. Stewart. Mrs Letur and Mrs D. Perrin left for their home in Antler, N. D., last week. Mrs Henderson, of Clevehnd, re- turned home. Mr: H. was over at- tending thefunerai at her tuber. Mr D. Ferguson. Most of our burg Handed Civic Holiday at Prloovillo lost Monday. L. o. L. 1136 held their pionie this your in Mr Goo. Black's bash. The day was all that could bis expected andalarge crowd turned out. Ami 2.30 the program Iuartod. which con- sisted of may. radiation: and music by the S. P. orchestra and bagpipe selections by Mr Wat, MoEmhem. Tin moat interest/tng tenure on the program was an addreu by Mr It J. Ball, M. P., who delighted the nudi- enco. Tel was served " 4-p, m. and then Fluhorton and Dana-1k lined up in a. football match. Dun- dalk won easily by l -0. Swinton ladies“ bush“ And Proton than play- ed a friendly (aim, S. P. winning by 13-16. ‘Mlas Laura Beaten is visiting friends " Zion, . Miss Winnie Binnie rammed Wed. nesday from Mitchell. um spending u week with her sister, Mrs, Bait. Mr Art Linn and sister Sadie, ot Own Sound. were the guests ot Ir Jane: chillivray over the weak cad. Ir Clarke, of Toronto, "esittul Applications holiday at Mr T. DIViI'I. good bnrber sin Miss Sndie Mchilerty vineaFacFARLArut [rWestern Fair FOURTH LINE, OLENELG "r. I . Blind INCREASED PRIZE LIST . Magniffeent Frog“: ol Attuetionl. Two speed Events Daily. ' New Firework. every Night COME AND SEE ' The Dominion Expulmelul tum Exhibit and the Canadian _ Royal Dragoon' The Gen. T. Kandy Shows will _fi11 the Midway. Manic by the best null-lilo Banda . REDUCED RAILWAY RATES, COMMENCING SEPT. u Speckl Excursion Dar Sept Isth, t6th, 17th. All sickens good 1 .titi4hrt-tte' “It. LONDON. mm Ontario’s Popular Exhibition SEPTEMBER 11th to 19, /1.91.4 SAUOEEN VALLEY SWINTON PARK Til NEIL! ‘BEVIIW 1llilll.ekttyy "One in Prieeville" All inlet-nio- but the Benet-(y WEE Mr and Mrs Bob Whitmore, of town. spout Sunday at Mr N. Whit- more). Min Manda. mocks. of Prioenllo, the first of the weak. Mina Beau llillignn, from Button Kill. spans the Week and wlth Mr And In B. J. MacGillivnv. In MuKay and ahndren, Toron. to. are visiting her father, Mr Neil Mquillivny. Mu Hum-rune in recovering from her long illness. ' Min Eva Ehnrds is visiting in Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs Betty, Mr and Mr: Davis, of Toronto, spent the Week end at Mr Don. MaoFarlnno‘s. Miss Mary Edge who has been taking the summev Art course in Toronto is. home this week for tSolis days MiSS L. T. Hopkins, Toronto. vis- ited at Mr Will Edgo‘n this week. Miss Ruby Moffat, Toronto. is spending her holidays at he: cousin's Mr C. H/Moffat. Haying in over, the crop was light. Some report fall wheat light also. The spring crop is considered good though Monday night‘s heavy wind and rain will leave it hard to cut. Mrs, Jas. Edge is visiting with her sister Mrs Geo. Whitmore in Durham at present. T Misses Reta Roberts oi Holstein, and Miss Mary Mcllraith of Durham. were the guests of Misses Alix and, Edith Edge last week. The happy. tour are all at J. S. Merlraith's this: week. _ _ j Zion Garden Party was held last i the Friday night on Mr Blair's grounds, Jn I next to the church. It was an ideal _ KW night, so calm that lamps burnt on l beh the tablet and one hung from the 'lr" trees, The moon added its light my also. A game of baseball at 5 o'clock Jr“ between Dornoch and Zion broughtl'm the crowd early which the former Mm won by one ram Mr. Hughes, Dui- ‘ ma ham, was umpire. 5 ton The progrant was long and well rendered. Special mention should be made of Miss Malcolm, grand- daughter ot Mrs. R. H. Banks, who both recited and sang with clear soft voice rarely heard in one so young. In every city, vill e and town in Canada to show muup a and mail cir- culars to people liyinq u their unit- my. Potution will he armament. and [My 815 weekly for ie hours work Outfit furnished free. patience not nquired. No More Falling Hair lit More Dandruff ‘Nearly every one has dandruff, and must reconcile themselves to the idem of humming completely bald or resort to the use of Newrsro's Herplcido. The manufacturers have absolute faith in Herpicide to remove all [wees of dandrutf. Bo perfect is this belief Lint all dealers are instructed to sell the preparauon with a " money backs" asteemont. '" Such cupl-eme oortthUmttt is all best evidence-in the world ot the menu of Herplcide. They know Ihe result- beneath. guarantee. It protecug the purchaser. _ f. Used out directed. Newlno's 11erpi- cide eradicate; dandrutf and prevnnts the hair from cunning um. " stops “chins; of thé gulp, which iw so diu- grumble. Newltro's Horpwide, in 50.: and 8L00 sin" is guaranteed to do ull that it claimed. If you are not .atisMed, your money will be' refunded; Apriuetioe may be good barber shops. Talc Coswsouts' t,tg.yg,ye,' Win "t Ontario EDGE tiiLL Men Minted IE & CO., Specinl Agents obtained u. um mam urs man! [WON emu RUDE SHOCKS THEE DAYS. gixI!grxttoeittrrther_Drsr. 'ihesgtat9anWnrthorueemU .. WWyOntotEu-m One of the chase: elected by the Balhn war is the undue! elimin- tion at the harem from the territory in the Balkan which hu peeled from under Turkish control. 1 The real harem is but seldom visit- "d by men outside the ismily. The lmen's psrt of the house is unique enough, though, to repsy s visit. To begin with, one does not enter B , Turkish home directly from the high- wtt--in (not there no no doors ', opening upon the street. The house is built to (see upon s garden, sur- rounded by high wslls and entered by . heavy gate. At this gate the Arlotker is set sud no one would *think ot entering without waiting lsnswer to the summons. This is ldone in order thst the Turkish wo- ‘men, should there be any in the gsrden, may either let down their veils or retreat to cover. Weslthier homes have s, porter ststioned just ‘outside the ntewsy to attend the ‘summons. - There in acareely an institution in the Orient in regard to which there are more mitteoneeptionts than the Turkilh harem. It la the general opinion in the vent that the harem oi the average Turk may be at any lite desired; that polyxnmy la limit- leu all over Turkey and thnt there is virtually no social life. However, the home life ot the average Mob-m- medan is Ideal, and the share taken by the three wives (for at three the limit in set tor everyone but the Sultan) in the management ot the houaehold makes the burden or good houaekeeping no light that the Turk- iah damea necessarily have time to idle and loll in the fashion in which we usually and them pictured. t d UHW ll Luv nun:- u"- __-_7, sent from its windows and that the ‘low little stool or injube pate, or (Turkish delight, found in every well- regulated harem. is replaced by . larger dish ot cigarettes. Cigsrettes ,nre smoked in the heroin, too, but not in such quantities. l Roth in the furnishing or the {harem end of the men's continents 101 the Turkish home, simplicity is the rule. Beds and chairs, except An the residences of some of the pro- gressive young Turks, ere unknown, theing minced by the (liven, usuully a mere bench extending sround three or the tour wells of the room end mule comfortable with cushions. a'ruty soil. pillows end log bolsters, iworked in gilt end silver thread, tedorn these and upon them the in- mates lounge. In the centre ot the Eroom is the bruier, with chemo-.1, and here the water boils perpetunlly tor the Turkish coffee. Little cones "stills, of the thicknes" of a pump handle and titted with brass, lie , about, ready tor use. _i, Doors abound, but ere always tier land are often screened by hesvy ,lleather portieres, and windows are tnumerous. Rooms are much elike l the household over; frequently there I are but two or three, the lower iloor _ l ot the dwelling being given over to -ittre owner's bazaar. A DummVI-Mu Crossing the yard, one enters the home, the harem, or the ”unlit. according " you no bound tor the women's or the men's opal-menu. Curiously enough, while the huem is mentionttk abroad count-mug; the " ”VMIIVDV‘. Tr....---- -"e-e' selnmlik, which in quite an evident, is seldom heard ot outuido or the “It. It is simply the men's unatt- raept, u the other in milady'l houdlor. It: only essential dtfter- ence in the ttust_thpt lune?! hrs Itt “It: owns: a you..." Housework in such I home de- volves largely on the first irlte; she rules, the others obey. The choice of a wife in Turkey is an interesting event. The usuax custom in the selection ot s queen of the harem is tor the mother of the groom to note the pretty girls she meets trom time to time and then tell her son_ shout them. It some of her descriptions prove par- ticularly alluring she or he will ar- nnge to meet the father of the girl and settle with him upon the dowry. Not alone that, but the emonnt or alimony to be settled on the girl in also carefully tized and put in writ- ing by the cadi. Divorces mny he lied without any cause in Itrtam--- the husband need only thrice tell the . . ., ----- _-- ha Simple Furnishing: Are the Rule. we nununuu Hwy- v_, -_-- women to go: but in every use he must then give her the Itipuleted dowry and she is forbidden to merry within three months of sevention. This, however, is the tunnel mar- I rinse. utterly the epirit ot the times he: been weeping into Euro- peen Turkey and intelligent Turks _ rate that many a little girl remain: leithtul to some childhood pleymete, ‘ Iliad Mter attaining the ege ot " and putting the veil between her face end the world tor all time. she will come to " banner end chat with him, and, providing no un- friendly face be nigh, will uncover her countenance and let him lent his eyee'uponit. Once e yam couple are ectunlly ‘engaged the dar in not when the groom ehell come end get her. Thin mey be the very next dey or at most I. month later; eeldom much longer. The hndji in then summoned to the home of the bride and at: her if she _ is willing. Knowing her tote it rs- tuning a. mateh net by her (other. many an unhappy gin! remeine mute " this question, but In undone mother will choke her denghter'e bend and the low in “tilled. Thrice ehe or her representetivee nuke this l ”alumna and the low in bullied. - .. - L-_.- " ll.- hold. on. ‘Bl‘ulvawuvv -- -_-_ _ Leaving the home of the bride, the groom than repair- to the cleric atatstiatunent, when he Immanuel the tact of his marriage. Until! he brings " Vito to his parxrnta' homo to live, or, it she be u wealthy orphan. u as may Turkish girls, one will live Jn in! hee, yin him 'iiiGGiiUaiotur m’ to come. again, of course. " u the killed: and 1 but dilphy of human-hip on til. common. Thou " wonderful du- igoom. on their whim hon“. whirl- Iog though their any Mum to the J;','2';l1'lyl,",ii.7Giif';7t't1; a! *WWUtI-Mulnum- alb- “In. " In ' The Ill-In] Ride will In at the Cute Muai Nation! Inhibition. Toronto. A good hound trsduatrimmhaasd no worth told In W und. Music at! Harm. TORONTO FP: 6AtdtiP, New Ones m. 1914 Villa the Amount huh. - to on was» Gum and Pic-tor Bud.- likcly to in couple! {on I“ that on When a! Who“ Mun will out" the United In!" - duty. the price of Onurvo I“ lands u bound to “an“. You can“ do better than u BUY NOW “a MOVIE an I (a 0' the my tut-nu. I. Hitter I. uteri-g; 100mm land ll “uncut. tumult bun. mm- ','.l'se,'if; good toil, school vacuum. [not any tam toe my quick mu, " a. I.“ that , mum-nod S.” M cool In. and r'pttrta'ttattt'utX - can“ In. Wollvumd. On 3.703. Jul-luau hum Petut'f '0" VIM nod incl. n has! *rytttttt and a... hut terftu'1'ft 0.11 “no. mm. out Tu-.. Good ooil, in“ dwellmf. tune hunk horn. spun. -tr, cod on] loan "til. wanted tor 03.00). on“ luring our» all), It In Non-mung. no out. In Non-why. Very hm brick "an" has but bun mm: m. good nail. the unknowns). .1 woo and cheap u me my. “mm In humor". The "rents" (moi " [and u n summon: Isle mun be and»: (Mutual In Remind. Known-t. Nonnu- try Brant, Garrick and tho Nomi Weyt. Hum l we: mum-thou. All kinds oi properly tor “to _ oreBtttubuge, . H. ti. MILLER, DOLLARS DOLLA Rs DOLLA RS OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We have a large run ge I to select from and prices are moderate " well. An early call is your ld-l vantage. l J. G.HUTTON.M-D.. (L m: cussed-I om o"d.%Aflu/'ialfl' “ mama-ms" “ ”m orPNm now 541.. I 1-4 pm. t-o p. I m attttth'f."ltht',gt" m "" Boson Wu“! Pt'fg'.5'lll,1rl,',': an. m I W] In “W. - ott1ee--oeqr Jew-ll” IMHO nd opp , of. Pot. on“. W. C. PICKERING o. o s., L Di “axon GRADUATE or Ton-o. Univ-UM. cranium of Roan Coll.“ oeD-talthi9ptEttt9ttttrio 300-” - OWEN SOUND 34 Sum-fa! Yen's Bill of Spawn! b. Political murmured lo Graduates c A META q. D. Paulina Paw for " year: Security ARTHUR H. JACKSOI‘ human A; lung- ol “an at ttuaattaial bl nylon tat 'Nltad a"... - aw manhunt " " " can tn can. and are a thing of beattt UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Wu 0011 Ham Palm. shortest Yoticc 't-Batm+-deeo" hom mad-nub Fall Term Opens "mam-w“ ot J. [GRANT D. D.S., ”would Lacuna: tor oo. um - nod-u pup-99,!!AE 2 ' McPHAILJ Nou- Public. Dom-union". Col VIVA! QIL_&£. will, on. (Loan Town W. H. BEAN Big 4 u . ' I' 'at'Nt%iil?lhttt th',':'." September lst at I y-tter-fp/ef, 47’ war/42 2'jif _ z/ J. P. TELFORD Iiitt"ii1lgr'hit' lab-lulu . Itgttrttiultty. ”I“ "_"'--" ._- W, Q. I hip-lie In the “VIII 0 m, 9.'t', mm: {a . I I -t, 1 on. . A. BELL u a. Guano-- , in up": Winkle: “move: ”all! M

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