West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Aug 1914, p. 8

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Ire T L111: Central Drug Store iii It " il it -grtgr-oiFd"i)t6tf)tiFirsiicibiF'i4i"b0ilrtc' it "t,as4sqssrtvsi-atiihoittsiyiprqr5iptiserte,taitis;y v bt' m tit b! PM Pica-alowtsmy. 25e Porous Knit Veets...........19c We have a few Waists left, about 30 in all, which we will sell as follows: $2.00 Waists for. . . $I.50 I.50 Waists Ion. . . .l.20 1.25 Waists for. . . . .'..l.00 These at: in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40,42,44. New Goods In Silk Lisle, Lisle, and Mercerized Cotton. Also in White. White Cotton Socks for Children. Little: Darling Hose. Some good value in Jus' in. Come and see us if you need anything in our line A Clearing of LADIES' WHITE WAISTS Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds ! AT THE GROCERY COUNTER Field and Garden Seeds If you want Food delivered to any outside station, write or phone for delivered prices. We hue a good stock of FEED on hand which we are selling in TON lots at following prices, at Mill : OatShods................522 perton cue». 27 perton Crushed 'ttkts.............. 27 perton Heavy Mixed Feed. ' .. .' . M per ton Corn, Wheat and Oat Chop. 25 per ton We allow in: each for all am A: 1cturncd in good condition. 'ine Black Cotton Hose SPECIAL SALE 'ruit Jars THE J. D. ABRAHAM C0. Black (iy Colored SILKS . T. R. rue, Agency Buy your ticket. but. All sizes the Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Feed l Feed l Ribbed or Plain, all sizes See these in our Window 2 pr. for 25e Any Tanglefoot To-day') C. L. GRANT WOMEN'S HOSE Another Shipment of Govt. Tested Timothy)“ Clover Seed PHONES : Day ", Night li, M idea Out-cal Mills, D when! adquarters for all kinduzof Guaranteed to keep your fruit Jar Rings Order Early WOLEI‘ BIN LE/t DBE lt! “if th' m m tty m m a: m m Treatment ot N amount inquiriel no be!" re- ceivod by the Dept. of Agrionlnxo at Markdnie furthe traumas d Ssinking Sum: of when. The fol lowing treatment is being recom- mended : m Scour: A one pound bottle at form- alin (one pound eqnnll one pi.) and mix with water in tho proportion ot one pound of formnlin to forty-two gnllons of water. Thirty gallons of water to twelve one“ ot formalin makes n handy quantity to work with ; thirty gallon at tho solution will trout thirty bushels or more et wheat. Place the need to be treated in a coarse not. a. bun look in oxoel- lent tor the purpose. Fill the not about three yum full nnd immune in the formalin solution for nbont tWenty minutes. Then Iprud tho seed out on I clean tioor to dry. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Great care mus: be taken to In that the treated send in not reinfect- ed with "an! spores. Sacks, bin. implements, em. and in handling amuued grain must. also tm disinfect- ed. The smoke may be boiled or dipped in a strong solution of formal- in (1 pint to 10 gallons) and the and drills should be cleaned and dinin- leeted with formalin or air-Ilnkod lime. The Mor on which the grain is spread out to dry should be Icrub- bed with a strong nolucion ot form-l- m. If the seed wheat to be treated contains hunted grains “smut balls" they 1mm be removed hetero trut- ing the grain. This on be don: by placing the grain about a bushel n a time in a tab of Watm'. The will! balls, being light, will the to the surface and can be skimmed off. Saw the seed as soon after treatment as possibly Sprinkliug with one-half pint of ormnlin to tive gullons of irateris also very satisfactory. With the treatment the grain should be urc- tusly stirred uncut thoroughly moist. cued. The formalin treatment willfnos kill the Loose Smut of Wheat, bin In vary satisfactory for treating Lam Smut ol Outs. The next effective remedy for this troublesome insect. is pyrelhrum in- sect powder-mm pound lhorougbly mixed with four pounds ot tiortr and placed in an air-light)“ or can tor :wanthonr hours, so that the who: may become thoroughly issoorpirrated with the Hour. The mlxtnro can be applied with a powder gun or n cheese slush hag, dusting tho plum lightly. This ponds: will kill the insems. bat it is left'?, h-rmlou " human beings. P thrttm can also bo. applied in a liquor form, u tol. lows : Dissolve tmt ounces at the puderin three gallons of lute-Int- water and spray at on“. But vnm' nppli¢d u a temperature of 130 de gma F. will kill thn worms And no: injure the plant. We want allthnue who are m u- rn.” for subseription to examine their label and remit at once the amount, necealary to bring tholabol upto end of 1911. We need ready nmnuy at. present and must look to Hume who own us. Home remit n mire, “Mixing - _ Many inquiries are also beta; re- con. d tor tho trulmem of tho tutr. bage Butterfly. At this seam”) of the.rear when no many are planning their vacation trip the question tb Whore to Go " natural- Fr nruses-What could he nan-o de- lightfnl than Great Lake: trip, where tho air in pure, the sun shine: and no] refreshing ttrPrzen blow I” Five. sailings WPfle from Port Mc- Nicull foe Saul! ii:e Marie, Port Ar. lt yum are xronterrnolathrttta trip, don't let this slip your mmnary, Cummin- Paritr: Steamshipa nuke Ibo fat-taut 'imo. have the hem of 'streommodatiort snd the tahie in annulled. lull par- siculan and rose: union: on taint sud Ihips, at "cry Canadian Ptaeifio Ticket Ottice. For S. B, No. 7. Township of Proton, telstied anchor, that. or second-cl“. tievtitieate. Dunn to commence Sept Ist. 19U. Salary $600.00 per annum. Pruteomnt preferred. Apply skating axpcriwncs to Law I Wnsol. In . -Tnnm er. Duldalk P. 0 ., Ont thue and Fort William. Steamship Esuees,, low was Toronto IMO p. m. an. ing day: making direct connection. From ull union: in Ontario, Kinny ton, Ronfrew lad we“ to null- poinls in Suburban. and Allan“ mud all pounce in Hannah. Harvest Helga ”can! tn!- will leave tom“ 2.30 p... on no" cute, via staph. Matter! and Santa. Ask u. T. R, Agestta fov full inferno Minn Handing transportation would Winntm. or write G. E. Homing, D. P. A.,9. T.. Rr., Union and». rm Harvest Help An Ideal Vacation Trip Via Great Lakes Steamship: To Subscribers in Arrears " - 35mm. r. 1'l1,WlllPs2'Ntt Attt Stinking Sum. of Wheat $12.00 to Winnipeg via Chic-go “I Duluth Teacher Wanted August 18th THE Pvumsmms Excursion rkikg2P5 In Parker, of Toronto, in visiting with her father, In John _ Sn, who in tome!!!“ improved In bully. Mr Jag. Runner] of Alberta. is :pending the “cation " " hone ere. Mr John Wilson. on route tron P. E. "landto bis homo in Edmon- ton, won I couple at any: with his mother has week. Mina Annie Fates. who ha been standing the Guelph Summor School. lg holidaying with rel-tin. hero. If!» Emmu and I!" Brooks "turn- ed to Baffalo on Saturday. Mrs mum in visiting with her soul in Warehau. _ Mrs J. M. Findlay and Manon Ed- win nod Ken-uh no visiting with relatives near London. -iirriLiiL. and tshiid'ren, oi Akron, Ohio, no visiting with her mother. Mrs Thus. Ferguson. .Thc new: this week is principally of wanton. The guests at Mr. A. Hahn's left for Toronto last Friday. - Mr and Mrs ldwird Ramage, Toronto, hive been 1r,,e, for a week of Mr. and Mrs. Wm amaze. _ - A Mrs. Roy Teat" of Toronto, in visiting at her siatcr’s. Mrs David Hooper. Mia: Marion Marshall, Durham, visi. ted last week at Tuokoru’ with her friend, Miss Viola Rennie. _ Misc Luella Ford ll improving nicely from her recent attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Joe. Moore ha been visiting her father at Mon. Road who has been poorly and returned Monday. The Review out! Tomato Daily Star for I "M-.-...-.. The Review ud Toronto Dad: Numb: one you.................. Tho Review and Toronto Dnily World (or "M---- The Review and Weekly Mail 3nd Empire iorl you The Review and Grain Growers' Gmde. Winnipeg, for one you The Review and the Fmilv Her- old and Weekly Sun for 1 you The Review Bad Weekly Witness for 1 "ar-...;-.--. Tho luriew and WW Sun for lye".......................Z............ The Bonn! and Weekly Advent- The Revivw' nod Toronto Daily Globe {a lyear..................... Tho Bee aw and Toronto Daily M ail and Empire in I you..." The Redraw and Daily Free Press The Review and Weekly Free Press for on. year......... o......'. The Review and Farming World The R511” and the l?wausm' Ad- tooub to: I new” . ............... Thulhvivw sud (Uualiiatt Farm Many Thousand Men Required for the Harvest in Western Canada. Approximately Fifteen Thousand Men will he required from Ontario to help in the great work of horvotintt the Western mun, and practically the entire task of trauspmting this great “my of Harvesters to the West WI" fall to the lot of the Canadian Pacitlo Railway. Excnrsiuna from points in Ontario to M unkuka. Saskatchewan and Amer. tn will be run and special trains oper- ated, making the lrip in about thirty- uix hours and avoiding any change of cars or tmnsfers. Thin will be . day Iborter than any other route. AUGUST ttr-From Kingston. Shar- trot Lake, Benfnw and Wert to ABO. " and Stole Ste Marie. Gum. to all points in Manitoba and certain point! in Saskatchewan and Alberta. " Going Trip West," 812 00 to Win uipeg. “Return Trip East.” 818.00 from Winnipeg. Cunnult U. P. R. Agents regarding pnrtieulurs in cunnectmn with trunl. penal-nu Well. of Winnipeg. GOING DATES AUb'Uba'ii-mom Eu! " King- ItOI. Bhutto: but. and Renfrew in Provinces of Ontario und Quebu. to I“ ruin" In Hannah; only. For full particulars, regarding tram- partition wont of Winnipeg, aux. no "no“ U, P. R. Aunt or write M. s, Murphy. District Pun-gu- Agent. Toronto. AUGUST 2t-From Eu! of King uon, Statues Lske and Renfrew in Province. of Outcrio and Quebec. to all points in Manitoba and cumin points in Sukutehowan and Album. Enquire: solicited from all desiringi mm than humus: Mutation, Nt.,' Forest Bushing (‘o'lenm , or for one "ar,......:........,...... for, your......3......._.....§; ""'t"f for 1 "sr............:................. Ft', NGRTH BOREMONT Clubbing Rates. DROMORE 8715 175 890 loo 190 160 260 196 The citizen: of Holstein have In an for (latitude for the interest the Trustees on taking in the village. They have thin week Inaugurated the following improvements and innova- Home: A In alumna be“ put in MING» iGiiYi""iiiiiiUG -,r"iiil the bell on the school. and woe betide any per- sons falsely giving this alum. The Curfew bell will ring gt nine o'dook when all children " years or under ,"ttttteaded must find their homen, or Policeman Mr Jae. Eccles will see that they do. i In connection with the Thursday week night services iit the Methodist Chuch, Rev. T. R. Ibhott pupoeee to give I neviee of lectured on the Bible. For thin Thursday the sub- (ject will be " Who wrote the Bible, now was it mitten, when we: " mit. 'rn P " Thundey. Aug. 'o-Why in the Bible diifeeiut {tom ell other The streets Hi: to be used for traffic Llld business, not tor a pasture or I runway for animals " large. Thovlidewalks are reserved for ped. ssttianl. not for bicycles; these will not be allowed on the pavement. Some street improvement in being made on the main Itreet from opposite the Presbyterian Church property northward towards the river, Mr Jas. Hunt having the contract. Miss Reta Roberts is holidaying at present with Durham triendg. Pleased to say Mr. Robt. Nickle- borough has so nicely recuperated as co be able to walk up to the Dr's once on Tuesday. The barn aimed by Mrs Tanner cook a weak spell in the storm on ruesday p. m. and collapsed. Miss Mary Marsh, eldest daughter of the Manse, is expected home for holidays on Saturday. Mr J D Main has rented a 4o-aere fruit firm with quite a portion of it devoted to fruit growing at Water. ford. for ,a turn ot years. Mr. Main will remove there from Holstein next March. Mr Petey Mapp who has had a two mouths' illness in the Suatford Hos- pital is expected home on Thursday, He will spend a few days at Mr Robt Aitken'a to recuperate. The handle factory operated by Mosul Bullet and Brebuer has closed down for a short time. N Wesley Ind Roy Seaman and Milton Seim, three former Holstein boys, were among the iirat to volunteer their service: in the Wellington Reg- iment. If they pass their medical examinations. Wey will likely be drafted for the front in the near tutti; lilo Bessie Halliday of Toronto is n. holiday guest at Mr. Jas. McInnes.’ s'eovil. For fire protection purposes, 1 large\ circular galvanized iron tank, with a capacity of 30 bbls. or 1200 gals has been erected on top of Nicholson's mill. A pump in the basement fills the tank while hose can be attached to pipe. leading lrom the tank. throw. ing qllte a stream under gravity pressure. Our teacher, Chas. C Ramage mis- led his exam last week in the teach- er! cadet course he was takingm London, being Confined to Ins bed with an attack of quinsy He re- turned home to Durham Saturday and is yet under the weather though recovering. _ Quite an extensive tire broke out' in the swamp " the back of Jas.? Lewis'farm and on Sunday thirty men were fighting it to prevent fur- ther eouiiagration. The heavy rai i put an effective end to 1t. 1 Mr and Mrs Milfon Bowling, ac- compnnied by her sister, Miss Laura Gillies, visited " their uncle's, Mr Nat. Whitman, Glenelg, the begin- ning of the week . Mr and Mrs C. Drumn visited her brottterirrUw, Dr. Thompson, of Lis- towel. who is seriously ill. My: Damn is remaining for a few days. Our popular miller, Mr L. B. Nich) Olson. is the latest to enter into auto oitcles, having, we learn, purchased a Ford car, ' hot stove upsettin; the ten kettle of boiling water. her hand than being named on the hot stove and added by the vutex.-Rop. Mr Jos Switzer has purchased Tread 1. R. Phllp's fine I50 acre farm at Maple Lane, the price we learn, be- lug $9000 Mr Philp will remove lo the village in the spring. / Mr Luna. of Toronto, a former Egumont resident. visited Bolshin friends for a few days last week. Mrs Murdoch, of Mt. Forest, was (ha aunt of friends and relalives in Holstein and Egtemont for a tew days. \ my . Miss Elda Manny is attending the miilinery openings in Toronto for a couple of weeks, after which the pur. posu taking a position. Rev, Ian. and Mrs Malcolm, of Galt announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie Wardrope, to Mr Ethelbert Milton Edwards. son of M r Jana Edwudn, Moorefield, Ont ,' the marriage to take place the latte: part of August. Mu John Lamont, of Egumont. met with a painful accident the past week. Losing her balance while " work in the kitchen. she tell on the [GIRL AID PERIOIAL§ l Grey County is nut behind the city "quirements in its roulinou to serve lid the defence of the Empire. it nor- vainly. The otBreri, of the 81d. Lieut. tlol. W. M. Chisholm commanding. were in confereturq Friday on the rout” of mobilization. The. cffitrers are in touch with tho [men and could get them mumbled in a. shorttime. in fut could winter the thaiment a. 24 hours' notice. Any numlrerotmen are volunteering - I to go intoaervier. A speck! do" in to be wage to get as manly of the rog- l intent out to tiflt, practice as possible. g Mammy“ Ont-erg and men are await- ling turft6r instructions. Willie orchard is "iferiettr from an infected hand, poisoning from a scram: Ming the can”. Miss Gladys Kerr, of Hamilton. spent I few days last week at her mother's here. New Methodist Pastor in Holstein. who is winning warm appreciation) from congregation Ind community. Miss Susie Tucker, of nut Drol mote, who has spent the last two sen- sons m Berlin, has purchased the millinery business and Mock at J, W. Hunter and will continue the busi- ness in the showroom at the rear of the store, opening up in I short time. Miss Vivian Crawford, former teacher at S. S. No. 9, has been en- gaged as teacher " Rcbb school after holiday a. The monthly meeting of the W0- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Hershey Thursday, Aug. aoth, at 2 p. m. Topica---? Laws concerning Women _“ by Mrs biiii '. Canning. Pickling Roll C -Iy best Holiday. All ladies are oordinl. lyinvited. .. Amount. many Can-dun mum who labia volunlerred tor norviceis Miss rcd.f* Lloyd of Durham, who is at proatst engaged in private nursing Shop For {in oGtTursr, mini: "mum “not w etc..m haunt QR... A or my.- E. I. L. nuance. unfit; tt.' a. haunt". mam, cm, in”... REV. T. H. IBBOTT, Ph. B. WWII" MW!» 'Mqtmmr.mtgremtoAstld on Quantum Tiitig','e,tlihttfrE o a P, ”not ""N'a'g all m:- iieiri,k,triiriiirriiiiiii' can! Ream, m the Prormre ‘1 l _ “New poIl 1: mos. Feret"iar-- ‘mm an my Wnqrtan, nebula». not” and at to Alum ma . Sum-gu- 'uiilf2fariiirbiririii who um w mu lu mm. ad-S',',f1"tlfll'ltfJl'l nrtr,,fff'g'fgtttpt1Pg,"'grg nlhf Fromm-1 , alarm to panel-mm to polmn mm...“ 3Ist Ready for the Front Concentration Mrs Thou. J. Reid, Secy. lllltutr1rhtyptqtyrfitmt! Laborers Wank! - FOR “Anvurma m WESTERN CANADA “GOING TRIP WEST.” “RETURN TRIP EAST." "l2.00 " WINNIPEO $i8.00 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES ---- - "-“ll. The more you Mum It“... the III who nerves "s, “I but" will “the - “turned. unwind“ up no In an um. Ito-ll! to “We" It h: m with a I." not m.“- I...“ who-tummy It is better to advertise intensively than extensively when the sum to be devoted to advertising is small. This means the regular use of the DURHAMi REVIEW-at messages a year addressed to the same con- stituency of readers. Concentration of appeal will do a work of conviction And perennial that will an rprise you when the rear's returns ere totalled up. Intermittent or divided effort is not to be resultful. One full-powered I better than two half blows. A NOTE TO TIIB PUBLIC A III-bu from here menu“. and“ Party " Vinny Thu. also In. Bll source: ”milking $1 arsd W? all exprns" “0 paid they would clear $50 In. Rum. from 5in,etraititaat m huh"? M". "Md lrom an an vintine her In Mr. C, N Rm; w. Ild In. Falkingham vi; In and In Percy Cornish “a. In of the week. The W. I. S. met at the gun“ on Wed-ad”. Mrs. J. D. I.“ Win giving an interemn. "In an» Convention that Mum“ Bmtford. Mm. Coleridge no. plated Mn. Main. Lunch m mud. lslinduy School a 10 Services at 11 ." a. m. ind 11.00 p. m. l Week night ser vice Thursday :18” A Ioding Will be had " church on the 20th hm tu mu.“ rug...“- tor their unnn'omry that will be held in the mm tum. Quinn! is proud " {mm}; - pm in their WHOM. Mr Chaa IcLollm “as In outta." neatly and puruuucd a calling I! Bob Roberta”. 1% “and.” Charlie intends to go farming. Mr and In J to Brown and Gi, mm friends in a. Fans: sum, The urn-p tires are ”any. qua. - around us and we twp. Ion Coed shower soon to prevent than from spreading any more ll coty--0es Friday, Aug. 7th, on lbl com, Egtemont, to In and In In Kenny a son. Hominy REV. T. K. IBBOXT, Ph. B., . PM m. D. B. [13811, SILL. F.R.A.S. Pastor W. J. SHARP Holstein 00"un In!» of Image Licenses Way to lotus In lowest runs. and term- to nun horrower. Fire Md elt [nut-um yluced in Humor; a companion. Deeds. on new. In“: And Willa cum-cum! m) chow-m notice. All Mull. promptly um to. War (I the tuplc of the day ndny iRM881 at to. Sprviu' at ll m and 7.30 p m. Y. P. B. 0. I. Tum-day " a p. I]. High School & Senior Pub. lie School Pupils. Attention! Mr. FOREST. ONT. " .eeoared In tit you t " I Hur. inouOu-nr. 0urtrraduatesure all in positions. Fall (pm. le. “in. Bept. I. “Mile or n.“ for punculnn. D. A, MCLACHLAN, G. M. HLNM. President Princvpll Wt. Fsrest wildness Col/eye MNC? Tort is not likely 130'on blow is Methodist Chu reh invited to Shop ORCHARD tartan Church: , 13, 1914 BORN "tttry “on ed no 3 f Inpuy v--, VOL. IXXVll. pa 'W ch th B " tl WP" Whim which tt " gage " ”A “no Fm Y Al " an y I‘l'l m urn I A W' ‘Mllt "an tttittqetrs (lung! ' "I the Kmu( !. Friday mum. l, "tod ttrouted-, KI be“, of lbs? I“ ml I ”at tro", tol “was. un- ghatthna" bond (an: - musics! sole: “an tot. the slum “it! their nun-l w¢9I10w|\ in aeirettaet md wi In.“ 1urtset, .1 6W land gum Jae. Park ot “up d on l the rsublu Us." Tere “u. proceeds sum-lying- tef 'rntr . h " ther Pl " I‘ll d ll . Brian: ho R

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