West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Aug 1914, p. 4

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[I Ire f ' II i Eve , reduced 1 , South wi it Great w A fa we are t , wire at t We ' Wos tt Wos For , Do all l tt y , One tt Wht g price. I tt I , ”mm. Pii'iiiti"i'ifiiiii"-a - Liu,G, JUL, irani twice un- mnge der the bottom before escapj int to chimney. See the McClary dealer. on ApProzttettxtelr Fluent Thailand f Mm will he required from Ontario to: n lp In the gun walk of [running t .- Western "on, And punk-"y the " ire tnsk of trunspmtil. this great “my of Harve.ters to the Went will f .H, to tho lot of the canadian Puma )hllvuy. Excursions from points in Ontario ' Muskoka, Sanknchuul and Alber- _ will be run and special train oper- a ed, making the trip in than! thirty- " hours and "aiding any change of c r-ttstern This will he a dny u wt" than any other route. Many Thotmattd Men Required} "Going Trip Wen," 31200 to Win tonne Barvestin Wostern liven. ' " Canada. “th“ Trip Hort, 81800 from {mum-“Wmmmmmmawm‘ Everything in baseball good, for the next ten days a reduced Price in the Leading Hardware Store. See our South window for bargains in this line. .WIRE! WIRE! WIRE! Great wire sale now going on at the same establishment,' A few coils of wavy wire that went through the .fir,e we are offering at IHC, per lb, also some coils of straight wire at the same price. We are now selling Woven Fence, 5 strands, at 18c per rod Woven Fence, 8 strands, .at Me per rod Woven Fence. 9strands, at 29e per rod Do all your fencing as long as these prices last. One only Bicycle left at a reduced price. Who would be without an O-Cedar Polish Mop at the price. For sale by W . BLACK HARDWARE i' 500 tons ot No I Mixed Chop war-2A1 AND mam Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Large Quantity of No. I Feeding tiay Fresh and Clean e! “.50 on car. See this Hey more new“ elsewhere. It will pay you. Sovereign,', Eclipse and Pastry _ Flour All kinds of grain bought at mukct price. l on Flo-r all Peed in toalou. CR'MPBD OATS for “one Reed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at . . . . very reasonable. rates t Johl THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Etfective from August l, 1914 to August 1, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. Touring Car. .5590 Runabout $510 row-c.5910. F.0.B. Ford.0nt. InCanada only FURTHER we will be able to obtain the max- imum efficiency in our production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. All) should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer's share, from 940 to $60 per cnr (on or about August 1.1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1.19H. and Aug. 1, 1915. For further partied-re regarding these low prices and prolly sharing plea, see C. MITH & SONS, Local Agte. every heat muy.' FhiiiriiihTi 'gEd 9’6 steed to travel over top of oven in 1isGr b6. “stunned. If not mtisfuoton bring It book “a get your money. Sold by but“: & Mekeehnie oi (Sign, Liniited, FORD, ONTARIO Buyers to Shun in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars FORD moron comm” W mmmmag Consult c, P. R. Agents regarding particulars in connection with tram mutatin- waut. ot Winnipeg. GOING DATES "Return Trip Mort," $18.00 from Winnipeg. AUGUS'B ZluFrom E.tst of King- "on, Sham»: Luke and Rem-ow In Provinces of Onuriu and Quebec. to all points in Manitoba and "tttbttt points in Saskutchewan and Amelia. For full pttrtieaiarr, "guiding trang.. portalion west of Winnipeg, elm. use unreal O, P. B. Agent or write M, a, Murphy, District Passengn Agent. Toronto, Spain Reduction my Bo thoroughly has an Atlantic been mar“ that the “ad. routes are dulnrod again “to. Tho Ad- miralty upon any: "the onuny'l ships Will be hunted continually and though tom. time any elapoe before all are run down they will be kept too busy to do much Int-ohm. The tom Hound Liege, Belgium. are still intact. Britain in new " w-r with Alums Hnngary for the firgt “an in history and it her "ir' .venturo to In the allies will like Ibo" work ot them. The nroplnnc in war has "tnt' to It". Both sides luv. than touring high above danger, but Ible to make obuorutlou of “my movements. A surprm in now "areelr poulble. “Trho iso, can: of Oanadn in on- dannrod by Gum“ cruism Leip- aic ud N lrnborg. Their Ipud is _ h I7L~_ ' .LJ. an: - " Iluvvu-v __ V " “parlor to tho Rainbow but their "an“: in iBterier. They In." bun lighted levcrnl than. 1 The despatcbel ITO Inlpiciously favorable to the Allin. It “Germ“. driven back " all pointl," “Germ-n arms rlght wing retreating," “Tho Franc]: upturnd 12000 prisoners." M. an con-col why this little item? “German army slowly ndnnclng acres: Bolgnim townrdl Branch." The news is heavily censored, In spite of strlol censorship, onongh as" Is lashing out " show that Ger- msny is sdvsncisg through Bolginm though meeting with nnsxpectcd " stacks FRIDAY Britain, Fun" and Rush in. made 1 than damn! on Turk” because Ibo bu bottttht the two Gor- unn Ihips ohased Into the Dardat" eiles. Turkey retort: that Britain took possession of two of her vessel- building in British ship yard: when war broke out. The cases no not. exactly similar bat enough " to make I cry ct and one writer pre- dicés a. Moslem war it Turkey in bum- b e . Holland is reported, preparing for war and Japan would donrly like someone to hit her in the face. South Africa will on] British ships tree. Tho British National relief fund is now over $5,000,000. Nothing strikingly new. Terrible stories ot tmil'tsrintt, (la-traction and min. caused by the inhuman haste of the German invador are reaching tho public. The week closes with silencc on the North Sen. Unrmnn that luppos- ed to be "bottled up tt Aha Japanese the! Slill with lenied orders, an armed German steamer reported do- tstroyed on Lake Nyaua. Central Africa. Surely a world wide war and scarcely three week’l old! It seems awn ot the little peoples. The Servians have it in Mid. repul- sed 400,000 Auscrinni and the Bel. giuna hare won undying honors. MONDAY , "Get out of China," is Japan‘s ul- simacumto Gummy. The latter has until next Sand“ to decidc whether she will dismantle her lone at Klan Chan. disarm her Ihips and withdraw from Eastern Ash. G'er. many surely won't and Japan will clear be! out. Germany has a 99-year lenae of Kino Chan, and Japan intends to give it back to China, thther " the and of 99 yen: or not is not. cer- tain. Reading batman the lines British statesman seem to tear that Japan may " get the but)“. tt ot turn- ing out European mutter: in Chin and the United Stntes is inclined to resent J npnncso activity. Germany disgreced herself by ex- ecuting the great semi-lie: leader Dr. Liebknecm sud now come reports that a revola is spreading among in- ditrnant8oeialitsus over the outrage. An “gunmen: with“: put-dent acorns imminent along 300 miles of battlefront and may lot n week or mo. " John French and the French General hnve met hm not known where. No manor which leads, the Allies will have 1"Frenh" Leader any way. The Atlantic in now doolarad ”to for ttll shipping. so effective has ban the British ole-ring process. Traw- len are cloning the minus from the North Sou, but what ot the fleets? Nothing. Turkey and Greece an buying troublo. Sonia " attacking Bum, with the nod-will of the inhabitnu, Run-is in pro-ill». to restore certain rights to the Pom, In“! is said to “mobilizing. ny old country that in not thinking at war is behind in these gory than. A German warship reported sunk off Cunt, Illa-d3. Germans said to he musing In near Waterloo, Jap Cram: on the trail of a Getmnn ship. British cruiser Glasgow cap- tured a Halibut; steamship sailing to South American ports, with $1,000.- ooo cargo. Brazil has demanded from Get- Inny an explanation of abuse, gin: to I prominent Iranian mid his wife. Will South America enter the fray ? Britain, Rance, Belgium and of course Germany. have absolutely pu- hibited we: empondenu (an: the Katee. in the field. Belgium bu moved her capital from Brussels to Antwerp. Japan, to the relief or Britain and United States, he: intimated her in- tennon to eotsOe her anti-German union to the Chin Sea and Chinese The Russian “vane. on Austria has been checked and the latter in. invaded Rania. Auto non Hmtr,--Reaotmble tem‘; my distance. C. In!“ Marg, THE WAR-MY BY BAY ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO THURSDAY. 13th AUG. Fuzlpuu 3utit1t AUGUST 20, 19M SATURDAY TUESDAY The -rhGithrag e. THE DWI“ HIV!“ The Kiln.) ourcupondom of the Arton Adyanu "pom a main: pa- triotic cannon dolivond by Rev. nth- er an... o! Anon, from which we [in tho cums ; " In thie critical hour in the bie- tery of the Britieh Empire he laid. it In our plain duty, my more. It “I our imperetive duty ea Britieh_eub- jecze to prove our Loyalty if needs be, In defending the Empire. of which we term no small part. against the inves- ion of the enemy. m said the Brit- ieh Empire being " war we are at I“. We should be loyal end patriot. 'u, and should if celled upon, mention level) the lost drop of our Hood in the defence of our homes. It was not for II to decide, he said, the jratifheetitut of the declaration of war hecauee these higher in authority. would bsttsi to answer to that, charge. and our 'duty was to be subject to times in authority over us. it behooved us as Cetholice he said to View the situation from c chriltlen etendpoint. Loyalty and patriotiemyere Christian virtues. Catholics in every lend and olime rvc- oguize the-e virtuee an relttioms du. tiee. m wee poeiuye that the Kaiser had no more loyal and patriotic sol- diers than his Catholic subjects. but being British eubjeete. it mattered not whether by birth or naturalization, ‘whether we were born in France or Germany. in Austrie or in Russia. if Ewe had ewern to renounce forever all allegiance to that foreign power, we were " truly British Subjects. as if born in England. m touched on the loadable and ad- mirable stood taken by the Irish peo- plo in this crisil, With the my ol " civil war " on thelipi of the status. men of that country, with two war- ring factions. preparing for a eontlief afar exhausting every possible means of a panonblo 'uattlemmt ol tin " grionncol With Bil Mujuty's and thr Prime Minister‘s avowed inability to ethmt loompromile. Suddenly the bolt descends from a heretofore clear blue aky and the foundntlous of the Britilll Empiro are threatened. What ‘then l? Carson and Redmond. the two political rivals. almost enemies. shake hands and any “ours is but tt minor Iquubble. we'll settle it Boun- other time, we must first preserve the integrity of the British Empire." Accusations hsvisg been made by a few prominent Germans that there Ins Anti- German sentiment amcvg the people the New Yotli Tribune, snakes A crushing reply. It points out that only the but forling prevails towards the German citizen. but Ill-3 only condemnation for the (human Governmsnt. and its militarist policy, that is working havoc in Europe and bringing Gummy face to face with run, It scenes u of aiming the orgy of was preparation by its tt ytur otsaerifiee," ssys " could hswe held hack Aunts“ when Benin humbled it- self and so nipped the war-5pm: in the bud. But no : the Kaiser iUU'lii'Ll on and piuoticatly challenged the world. Tho article closes thus : tr The na- nions of the triple entenle Went, into the figlit with reiucmnce that slum-m some sense of their respansilulny as cmlnzal powers. But the German Government flung Germany in wall- out counting the costs. without even "oppitrit to find out. where its all). Italy stood ; eager to strike the first blow Wllb that huge engine of der truobion m which it haul such mud ttordidetus. Amerieen public opinion is mung-l ed by the wanton attack on the Weak? neutral power of Belgium and Lhej alumni; of its subjects. it reeuile atl the coat of what the klieer has underw‘ taken. It has no sympathy With the; excuse that it is th war of self-pn-suai ntion for Germany. That is a mili. 'i, terin delusion Under peace Ger, , many we: outstripping its rivals, tll 1 ing England with anxiety on the sen end putting out oi the head of France ": it. cherished visions of a reg-med Al, nee Ind Loraine. I American opinion feels that the but thing that con happen to the world in to hue the German militaris- tic idol simmered and thrown down in- tihe dust. Without the lane: feeling I‘llnlt the Germ“ people. that is howtlu Ameriann public feels about the patent German Government and its works. Ind that sentiment is right. ly retUtsted in tho American press, .--TI" Kamr thought it wouldjust be I morning’s stroll mough Belgium before " dny'a work - in Franco. m knows boner new. Chic 0. via Unaudian PeuMe and 'litlil'glf Centrad Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and Detroit. aniug Mama-l 8.46 a m.: Toronto 0.10 p m. arriving Duran 12.35 a. m. nd Chicago 7.45 I I]. duly. Equally ttood-ree returning. Through EI- utlic Lighted Equipment NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN " Bergen Moptggal. tyranny». pulpit, Termttr--Witudpeg-yanc-er 1 American War sentiment 91 --..-s-,,.a-- A Loyal Utterauce. ---i.---------. Ta7.iq3F,l'E' Every In in u few " " wean ere little, It he an get eloe. with- "thttitr _ other {new ‘eeet um get, “on; with“! in. It he can iiiad ample music within hie ewe null he will discav‘r enterteinnelt‘ in everything and everywhere. lf one big book like the Bible. like Shakespeare. is e Library for him, he I will be able to excreet profit from all bee-kn. It my tree feelione for him a beautiful picmre. he will welli- a perpetual art geliery. It in let TI but we lick that mekee " Inhep pv. it in what we think we need. Uaiiienimeez is the richest possession end eeii-uiience ie the [endanentui power. This is bean-e the king- dom of Gel ie within " and net oat- lids ue and u out most preoieue goods and our Home“ relelreee are there. Happy Is the men that understands these things and 1e net 3). ll away by the temptations of ex- u riors Cantatas“ in What we Need while [laying in the fact that Britain’s unprenacy " the an. is un- mentioned and that the suprcmloy is not and for aggreuion, We think i' mun unwise that great writers and gross men should use such term H br Mistress of the seal, rt " Lord ot the ocean," &o. The arrogance cinch paras“ leads to irritation and ill-tul- mg and ittht far better be repressed. We ling Iilntt " Brigtania rule the waves." but not " Bum-in ruin the van- ., as n so commonly don. The poor: words as he wrato than: New l " When Britain first at heaven's oom- mud Arusatro- out the azure mun. This was the charter, the charter of the land And guardian angels sang the amtin. st Rule Brittania, Britannia rule the waves, &c. See the point ? The charter given to her by heaven was I command that she was tu " ruletho wuss." She’s doing it, bat there's no need to “irritating aboutit. Merit it over mudest. --bisntrts nseuming the dutiea of wu Minister, Kitchener lull done little talking. His notions however are olequent say-J the Montreal Mail. .--Ihe loveliest. plan-a in the valid Just at present. it is aid. is in tin vufnity of the Haguo Pence Palace; Pamrutr, Aug. 19, 1914. 'Atrttrperewt-. 280to Oatmeal persuck .... 250 Chgper owt......,. 140to Ha wttmt.......... 50to Fun When... Spring Wnean Om, feed. .... (his, mining“ Barlev...‘............ 55 to 55 Butter................ 18 to 18 Eggs................. 20to 20 Panto“ par hag. .... 1.75 to 2.00 llideu............. 1000 Beef, dreuod...... .. 1200 to 1300 Hum. llvo.fob..... 8 60 Dried-lets.............. 05 Hay, perton..... .... 1200:01600 List has been Carefully mvised. ff Durham Markets. I f; .,‘n,__. (u, r Jus T"".""," moth r {31088 of that famoul "ttterr""---, our Spoeial-.....-...................- " li\“--‘A"" Large Sales To Make Good Pickles v""l"'"'"u------................t o lb.) tuafortlie Also akew Stock of Extracts.all Invon.-..............3 bottles fee tlic Don't forget those Fruit Jars. The preserving season is now far advanced and in the midst of it comes the time for pickling. We think it time for some prepsration to be made for this annual occurrence by the housewife. We have stocked a full line of Pure Spices and Vinegar, unoxcelled in quality and at teasonublo prices. In bulk, we have Ground Allspice, Cloves, Pepper, Mixed Spice, Ground Cinnamon, Celery Seed, Mustard Seed, Tumoric, Mace, Curry Powder, Ginger, and whole Mixed Spice. Also Stick Cinnamon ad N utmogl. Best quality, Whole tickling Spice, in pigs. . . . . . . . . . . . .5: nnd toe cub Departmental Sing it Right. lat us handlo your phone orders. We cum I m attd metal delivery. tiighest Cash price for Butter all Ens. Rh; phone I7. We must first have and use Good Vinegar. We have the vary best, White Wine or Cider, per gallon...... ......... . . ...... . hi[dKe0hnie'tiWeelrlyNasrs .454 km Pickling Season tuto 45to 90to Use Star of India Tea 95 50m " 95b100 3 10 2.55 00 50 (ilil, Doit Forget =51 l (iitygggaggggllf@gRtiglgallilllgl sexxgss-,aagxyii. J, McKEGHNIB Clearing-out Sale of White Canvas Slippers We have a limited number of Ladies'. Misses. Children's and Infants White Slippers to clear at reduced prices. Ladies' LS. and 1.75 at " Children‘s 8lie at, . . .75c Mlsscs’l.00:t........85c hthats'7stot......tk'ic Some broken lines in leather we are closing out as well Call early before your size " gone. See our Ladies' Tan or Black Hose at 150. better ones 25c. Children's in many colors and prices. THE Down T own Shoe Store The Rexall Store c. P. R. Town Office Buy MacFARLANE'S Drug Storefé; That we are Headquarters for; We are showing a larger and better assortment than ever at the lowest possible price. . t School Supphesgc You will not make a mistake in: sending your children here lor§ their books. Young or old will g receive the same courteous atten- ft, tion Grey have in an past. g: Custom Work and Repairing as usual J. s. McILRAITH AUGU - I go, 1914 Buy your tickets here Durham Small rails " “my l" It this se G‘mncuve ___-, __... Germs in nu! hues. tic., ll batt a lot“ u fll Best Extermina an. ll, a: CM ot k St AUGUST Lyn. 191 Cla BURN KM HIGH SUM THE (lt' Al may!!!" PHARMAC‘ Hummus. --F Here mrooi i4 ra, tl am fer: “WP“ a Wor PRI Yermi season to k Were C THE Visit Hem Bu- - n t " L015 m

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