“ii '/ ii) U , . R. Ticket Agency Buy your tickets here. iii v 'll The Central-Drug Store 'l' ott In En. fol†sie' ted inn th It te pe h " h I' Prices as low a my. t G T.R.Tiehet Ame, tsueds! Seeds! Seeds! (,'i 2 ttrtttfittt"fttt"""""tt Ill CENTRAL DRUG STORE li) "-6seasoqsqbt.oogsiysarqseiyasiysqsiysgsssastasoosas-,i", "w*4)ta"b6iitiitt"ieiiFitsttiysi-iviyttti-6iy), Field and Garden Seeds tl The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Just in. Come and see us if you need anything in our line In Silk Lisle, Lisle, and Mercerized Cotton. Also in White. White Cotton Socks for Children. Link Darling Hose. Some good value in We have n few Waists left, about 30 in all, which we will sell as follovs: $2.00 Walsts for. . . $1.50 I.50 Waist: ton. . . .l.20 MS Waists for. . . . . ..l.00 The†are in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40,42,44. New Goods A Clearing of 5 . LADIES WHITE WAISTS White Silk Lace Gloves Your choice of all our 12le and 150 GINGHAMS l, Prices of Feed are likely to be higher before long and as we have a large stock on hand, it will pay anyone needing feed to get our prices before buying as we are selling some lines at original prices Black & Colored SILKS THE J. o. ABRAHAM C0. Our Tlie line-on sale this week only 49 SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW C Feed l Feed l Govt. Tested Timthyhnd Clover Seed llhtr One Week FRESH PICKLIN G SPIC ES WOMENS HOSE Another Shipment of PHONES t Day si f, light f; M . L. GRANT Headquarters for all kindslof Oat-cal Mills, Durham at the Grocery Counter Order Earl y AIRAHAM FAIR SQUARE It) m t Q? (v,i,i',i a? Is" ' tii:i'si,ii," (st ti,'i',i1i, 'i)') pg: #6 grind] (i, :02; ' ‘35“? &? iii'i',i,:"i.'ii.'t.i * I A l t “If; is??? r I . ' fey: * if a; ti'iiilil'i"s.,",'ri",i, _'iiiii,'ti,'i_ w 'i,'iviit'.ii',.i'j; * excl: pi}, b",',', é. AFB. iii) . 1 iv“ N! Berth reservation. and purlicularn stall Grand Trunk ticket "tees or write 0. R. Homing. District Pusan. gar Agent. Toronto. Through his“! Tour!“ Sleep- ta Can to WINNING on above a mlosvlnk Toronto 11.45 p. In. No choose of can. Return limit two month: The Grand Trunk fhtciflc Railway is the shortest and quicken. route hr tween Winnipeg -Snkaj.oon - Edmon- tom Round trip tickets to poirrtn in Man- itoba. SMkatthwnn and Alberta ma Chicago. St Paul, Duluth m Barnin uni Northern Navianlion 1Jo. on vale out Tunday until Oct. In, .inclusivo a low fun. Signed on behalf of Ebenezer Church Sunday School and Epwonh League: We are pleased that you are still to live not far away and that we may expect to have, the pleasure of meet- ing you often in the public. We are just Low beginning to real- ize how much we have lost by your departure from our Church, our Sun day School and lipworth League, where in all departments of the work you have taken a foremost part and given faithful and continuous ser- vice, Especially do we wish th ex- press our appreciation of your work as organist in Church and Sunday! School for several years and we ask; that you will accept this clock as l; mark of the respect and 1o7iimrt'th which you hare always been regard- ed in our community. We have met to-night to express to you our best wishes for your health, happiness and prosperity in your new home and wehope that your worthy partner in life will be similar- ly blessed. A few weeks ago you changed your name from Miss Hooper to Mrs Ged. des. After the presentation,, them were), ial presumed ii" the civiliz:d.v games and songs and instrumental theinherent value of the Brit music. Among those taking pert “government. were Mrs Bumwell, sister at Mrs, "__ _- ~~-..-.. _-------- Geddes, Thus. .ifo.utell, In. Har- A Unique Session grave, Thos. Weir, Agnes Mchrr - and Angus McDonald. After lunch . the [Sarty sang bg Auld Lang Syne ": No Society Funaulons. and dispersed to their homes in lhel .._ . -r" pleasant moonlight. Everyone seem. rhe SPC‘f'fll tiesston of Par ed happy and why net? The t‘u|.‘0pcned on luesday at Ottawa lowing itthe address: umque circumstances. No m . _ gold lace, but warlike Khaki To Mrs "ate.,. ttft Far'mont *gnards and earnest faces on th I I. ' 2. ' c '. L.“ m. H Dear friend l on Wednesday a large surprise‘ 1pirty irom Ebenezer congregation l dropped in about 9 p. m. " the home lui' Mr Gordon Geddi-s Their object was to present his wits with an ad. dress and a beautiful mantel clock. w, L. Dixon was appointed to the chair. He uplsiled iliutihe cause of the invasion oi their peaceful home was love and not war. Miss Bessie Weir was called on to read the ad. dress, aiter which Mr m d Mrs (Jed- des each made a suitable reply. Mr Jae. Geddcs gave a short address oi welcome to the party, aiier which the sentiments oi nil were aptly expreM- ed by s few, including Messs W. R, Watson, P. A. Harrison. Thus. Weir,Tlus. ngmby Llid others who! ex resudloy wish rthe . u ii,'liiiiiriii.v, emphasised the fact t at e " address " which is given below is no formal document. as is some times the case on such occasions. bur that it truly shwws the admiration ct all her associates " her sterling qualities. One speaker tried to con-1 sale the company by saying that our‘ loss is some one elss's gain (Gordon 'sl, oi course). but ii'Gordon can realize] his gain as much " we realize our| loss, he must be one of the happiest, men in the world. i ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO WM CALDER. Town Tick: J. TOWNER. Ticket Agent The Sacramental Services at Eben. czar on Sunday were not very well amended on uccuuus ot the ruiw Sarah Tucker has returned from a visit to her uncles and conning " Beech Hill Farm in Glenelg. WM CWI We ere pleased that Luella Ford is reeoverinx from her serious illness. A very successful Garden Party was held " Ebenezer Church Thurs day, Aug. li. Alter tea was served†an excellent program was rendered. Rev. J. A. Leece very ebly occupied the chair. The. following represent- ing the home talent performed their several parts very acceptably : Ger- tie Lawrence, Sarah Tucker, Reuben Watson, Eva and Floasis Hooper. Thou. Weir also sang and gave in strumencal mule, accompanied by Mrs Batbwell. Besides these the Misses Henderson gave several tine longs, Miss Whittaker gave selec- tions in reading and singing in ac- ceptable manner. Instrumental tries given by Mrs G. Lawrence, Miss E. Morrison and Mr Jae. llergravo were appreeluted. The receipts amounted to over $00 00, but the expenses were eomsidertible, I Miss Viola Rennie goes to attend the MI‘dcl at Hanover this week, Mina Iu‘oolln Weir, accompanied by heririesui, Miss mine Ooponhurlc (I): Tomato, Ipent a week In her home ere. Miss Sui. Tucker his return“ from attending the millmcry open- ings in Toronto and " is expected mush. will 400- open a new mil- linory parlor in Holnloin. Hear sister Mary mm home from the city oy Monday for a visit. Mm Ayn: McGirr visited the Weir ind Dixon families fast week. Jane Dixon W. B. Suttoh Bessie Weir W LEADER GLENMONT Excursions . 22, Egremont ; 12 August, 1914. We mun all than who are rnrs for subscription to a their label and remit at or amounzuecosury to bring t, up to end of 1914. We med pmomoy at was“: und- must. than who one un.‘ Piano I once, abusing -' The Musical Ride will be at the tun. adiau Nistioniil Exhibition. Toronto. again. of course._ it. ts the biggest and best disphy of horearanetsiii on this continent. Thane a; wonderful dra. oom. on their spirited harm whirl- rng though their may tigttree to the music of the band, are old fuvoriles of "the regulars" at the Fair and it never, l, failing delight to new viuiiou. i Inspector nukeâ€. was at Meufurd Friday pruseculing a charge against the Reinhardt Bro-wing Co,, of Toronto. of solicitiug orders through an "gent in a Local Option Municipality. Mr John Bi: nie, of Collingwood, appt'ared for the defendants. who Were found guilty and orziered to pay a fine of 8200.00 and caste. The. case "use out of the recent conviction of Mr Gibbon! _wtso was held tu have acted as "tt agent for the Company in Menford. , There was ot course declaration all iloyalty to the llmme; promise ot al I "a; budget, {deluxe to the sending l lot a contingent and steps taken to! lmake the cnminal code more ell'ect-3 Fi in dealing With disloy al persons. I It is to be hoped whatever debatesi I may ensue will be Brief and free from‘ partisanship. Such dignified action! as Will imptess Germany, the British l nation and the world of the lelllLyJ of Canada " well as of her loyalty. l An American t-n'hungu tells of a noycl church eouttibution box. In is the invention of an Oklahoma mutt, If a person drops a. quarter-or more there is a. silence; it he drops " (limo in a hell ring†a nickel sounds I whistle, and a penny the: n blank cartridge. " one pretends to he unlerp when the hux " passed, it awakens, him with» wntthun'u rattle and a kodak takes his piclurv. lopcned on Tuesdav at Ottawa under] 1tiisse.s. Irene and‘l’enrl Drama]! unique crrcunvstaticcs. No mils, no l were "sum. m Mt, Pores, ovtrr the 2 'gold law, but warlike Khaki on the! week end- I guards and earnest faces on the mem- up, A. M. Durand. of Wolseler, lbers. There was neither grit t.tor,1.sa,.k., rammed home Friday, an", g3%{133â€slyl'ut‘taiuzdigni'ragxftiogittï¬niia?ll tive weeks' visit with her parents, sul l C i o " ' inn-s already taken {34y the govern-) url Mrs James Rotm, Yeorl. 7mm: and to devise new measures tcf Mr od “fl Dumsy, of Meltuiethon, fund the empire in the tinse of stress il" visiting " htsrfatiter'e, Mr J. Bu To Subscribers in Gears Ui'; Fill?†“‘""‘ vo; “u U" "oer- Mrs J. D. Main left on Tuesday tor) "a " e Ion. ' a fortnigtn's visit with her listen;t . Could there be a greater tesmnon- Mrs cum. of Alma. ial presented to the civilizcd world ofi P it d Gilb D I the inherent value of the British sys- any oo' an l ert “not! of governmet,t. “an on Honda to attend Ilodell _ ___ __ ..,,-.. __-------- (Sehoul in Hanover. Russia is at war and we find her placating the Poles within her bor. ders by promises of more freedom, assuring the Jews of equal privileges with other citizens if they will only remain loyal,' and no doubt in many ways keeping down the lid on inter- nal rebellion. I Britain is at war and we tind her engaged in touching earnestness banking her colonies and every sec- ion oi her people for loyal, hearty ‘and generous support. Canada. New Zealand, Australia, s. Africa, New. toundland, all lining up, Redmond and Carson joining hands, the Japtr in B. C. wanting to form a regimen: even the Hindoos there want to take their share though only a few weeks ago their countrymen were turned away. The old folk's picnic at the Lake for 1914 was as usual thoroughly cu- Jos ed, Strict censorship forbids us Aeseribiug ttle gyratioms and the marvellous "turning movements" at the two tleets that scoured the lake and explored the islands of the many deep. The casualties were few on the Lake but the attack by both fleets on the stores In the pine grove IS re- rorted to have been very successful. Miss Agnes Renwiek’, the valued organist of Amos Church, Dromore, visited Springbank Farm, Mr. Wm, Ramage's. on Sunday last. Miss Mary Tucker is home from Toronto. Mrs Gordon Geddes, nee Miss Ber- tha Hooper, was made the recipient of a fine present and manykind words recently. We offer hearty congratu- lations on the recognition of her fine public spirit. (See Glenmont corres- pondenee.) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smail imaged Buntinck relatives last week end. The congregation of (talcum Dromore, purpose installing a fine set of seven gasoline lights in the body and basement of the bulldigp - Miss Jessie G. Gamma}. and class professional of Ayr, has been engag- ed a; teacher in S. S. No. 13, Eye- takes No. 12. Q Miss Viola Rennie left Monday for Model School at Hanover. A; Mr, Edgar Henry is home from Toronto for a lengthened visit to his parents Mrs. Pratt leave: this week for In home in Norfolk after a month's hol- Mav with Mr, and Mrs. D. Hamilton It. the Lake. Messrs Wm. Hunter and Wm It} age brought home two loads at tile ombing for the weil at the Manse, on Monday from Mr. Whitman: of Dur- ham. _ V, Mr mi, Halter 1i remntly nude n purchase ot 19 head of young my... the cost totalling nearly 81000. _ The/special session of Parliament Music and Horses. While Miss S. Fulton, ilnlégk, NORTH EGRIMNT A Contrast - q.--------.. I 1?%_E'?2; 'F.7, Wu! . “up“... i COUNCIL AND DetrAaurte,--waieet. ‘f". Eton Town Council learned on Enum- m Arrears 'day that a U. P. It. employee. inno- who are m s1r1t?itstly but indiuwoetly had stored 75 I'l at: o'i'lt"'tityslLCif 1irmutaite in I. building m , bring the “be. 1 yard. from the town hall. Prrue “:1. 1thtt2,it?, orerd the cal-tail. ton-ht If ",!y.mt"tmoktir, 'rlt,!1uttoitttee, Mm Pia-e "e"iiiiii'ds'ietf1?fi,lt.itlyrs _ "I“ Misses Verna Ind Bin Kirby vin- ited MiIaJanct Kirby Sunday. Mr Woody-ma, of Holstein. who in movmg his la-ilv we Mr Dodds' house, has hired with it Jas. Brown to help him on the tarm. Week. Miss Maude Jasper, otTeoswator, left Monday to visit friend. In Walk. r'rtom. after spending a manila with her cousin, Mrs W. T. 1%der, Mrs Henry and daughter Jan, of Toronto. Tiaited It in Douelw the pun week. nlr Nelson (hmpbell. nephew of Mr Douglas. left Mondnyudrillnnder Capt. Fred Campbell, No, 5, 30th Run. 'to be ready for service if needed. dav Another bani!!! min came to day. it will improve the pasture. 1trund Mrs Alex Itovenl Gited " P' and Mrs Jacob Smith's on 8att- lit For“: Band bu boon engaged for Holstein fair on Sept. 30. P 2tt'e.Y anp returned last task " ter his illness in titruthsrd Hmpital. Mr Chu. C. Rumuze III in the village last. Saturdny uiterBoon. Min Susie Kelsey, of Durham. has [wen engaged " teacher " 8.8. No. ‘-l, Egremont. _,.--' Hunt Mr and Mr: llersluy spout Sunny in Mt, Foceet, _ Mrs J.G. Match and daughtcrlissi lay». at Vancouver, visited " Mr P. I Mu'ch's Yom Friday till Monday, Mr Milton Swim, If It. Forest, -let: on Monday to j in thts Canadian vol- unteer contingent. His father ao- companicd him to Guelph. 7 I Mr Mrs Thai: returned on isistttri'iry to her home in Lumsden. Susk. Mrs T. J. Hgnnigau. ot Guelph, is a guest at hrs MtrPhese'tt. - Mr and Mrs Wm. Wright and Mr Wm. Armstrong and son Geo., of Bruce Hill, Were visitors last Week at Mr J. M, Manhuws. Mr Nelson Cumpbell, nephe man. A .. .. . - __ Mm Margaret McGirr. of Durham. Halted over the week end as Mr W. il. Rogers'. immwmwmmm’ Inspector Galbraith, of m. Forest. spent over Sunday It Mr It. Irwin's. Mr Bert Brebner is holidaying a couple weeks in Thamelviilo and Pontiac, Mich. f'i'2"/l1"11'i'rri'rg,1,',',1',tTt I ELOGAL AND PERSONAL a" Ilia: Ethel Match is home from Toronto. and Mrs D. Hollldny visited at Thou. Klrbr's the In: ot the . .rtt.8rtrtt,.yt 110mm. who II FALL TERM from SEPT Our free catalogue tells about the success of our graduates and full particulars. Write for it at once. positions. IN STRUCTORS ARE COMPETENT, because of our connection our GRA I u SECURE POSITIONS. This College is affiliated with the Elliott Business College, Turnm the Central Business College, Stratford. ORCHARD Why attend? Because, we give a PRACTICAL TRAINING We prepare Senior Public School and High Schooj Pupils for . McLACH LAN, Our Graduates become prominent business men. Why AT MOUNT FOREST BUSINESS COLLEGE . -- -- r- _. 'vI\‘I'l“'lU Icvyu‘u Inuit†‘REV. D. B. ELISE, 80.0. mats. PaserEV. T. a. lBBOTT. Ph B President. Sunday Soho] It 10. Hank-e at il a and 7.305) Ill. Y. P. 8. U. E. Tuerdny a tl p. m _ ..- V" -e._e"e For full annular human): Imus; E. F. 'cy's"8ll'thr, Asst. D.P.A. 7 7---- _. -_ ...- .... um“: WM. Manx“ LII w tgnxttt an. Mina-73:11.. w w pom. In Mun can“ Ind hum; “out: 'u6-rtia nu nutm- ml at Klnwnn. 811mm I. g'l,'titugNtgt.ciiai"ikiiiiti"irriiaii cnggln 1E Al -v .. -_ -.'. . -v Mun _"r'trt II Ml Knapmn, Rhuboc Luke RH)â€: w and u t an. Mme. tut to all palms to Muu'whn. _ 'titll nan-amm- ad ot Kingston, 3mm“ loser? and Runner. Inna Quebec, to nu polmn In Marimba. “I†"Mm All] gtysuorus. “mum. Khulna Tuso “mm. u .M . East b 'ttd TORONTO AND OTTAWA Concentration Preatryterian Church 1135' ‘Ar. TRENTON Le 9.20 10.42 11.35 11.45 Electric-Light ed Coaches Opening at Through Passenger Service y... tto tutu will it the “Mo: can.“ in“ _ for you In this um. hall) to tinnitus; " In: [em with 3 full - not ‘1va the In“... “Minot“! “at; you! cod-will. he - you “when the in“ of the .0. who serves n... n-- .. -.. - - Ar. TORONTO Ar, , osuum , mm HOPE l, cosounu "tr1rlmrtiiirif Farm Lahoters Wanied Intermittent or divided effort is not likely to be resultful. One full-powered blow is better than two half blows. Comsentration of appeal will do a work of conviction and persuasion that will surprise you when the year's returns are totalled up. Union Stntion It is better to advertise intensively than extensively when the sum tobc devoted to advertising is small. This means the regular use of the DURHAM REVIEW-st messages a year addressed to the same con- stituency of readers. . Effective August 18, 191f - won HARVESTING m WESTERN can." _,_,- -- “GOING TRIP WEST.†"RETURN TRIP EAST." $12.00 To WINNIPEG $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG _ "who "not w . do.“ bur-t er.“ 1Si1'df tr. G. MURPHY. 01L and thereafter - Duly except Sunday Station h NOTE TO THE PUBLIC For tickets and all information, apply to nearest Canadian Northern Raiiway Agent GOING DATES 'u.tmto tttlt',,'.?""'"'""'-"-- " r,Si'irti'ti,irlii'l?:C: ana‘mloAIld ‘d P, rrw I In (GIMME-ll Maillot). hill to mum puma " Mm- a-tmt,ttttngttotLnee-t new. In the from 4 “mum-wwmmumuu" mud Cute Parlor Care G. M. HENRY, u.m.8unday School AL lo, Won bd P. M ll " 7.h2 Between V t. “A. Mad too p id. Week night. cervic- Thursday mt lilstbd Cegttrat (Grind Trunk) Station r5e.sPatetmrarta-ttoaaneuand d. Tali " it" (b.3117 Methodist Church a (‘omrul Intim- on Thmuph Trains Buttons because our to Shop I. Art, C wret--- w c. .l., Ton-b: tHrvive " run At l veg ou and TES " " Put rt Lal LP? w I): my) â€cum! ‘0 U" - "t "attt't “eh I ." the" Mr. Sh tbe resm bud“ xrl w 'ttrt',' 't'd tttl oard mm. " thir: ( men '0 home Sept . cordi Ite, to how: cated :I sl l OW Na??? "" " -"'-0PICS' our y h 00.4 T h " " Bt ur every tier th Burg bob nus! " t (he Hchm \\ H IIEIIOI' tsept-tr' â€than of Mr J . , '3. a it ,OW' by Mr nice w. W s ted " Ttth xxxvu. tt d when JPH ed tu. ho well n' - but W th " BY M when tbr t pom" of the wtsictr Aur, min be slum Art inn-h “any Me eve-inn te an Adult ttC'til' l ol. etc M' . " $btrie I V “Q'uhnm Wu 3 M Doe; P um th phutv ' the u N B " w " ntlk r Inca ell.- TI ,uuuiu A,osctr 'm k I mtrlat tttrlAet “in: tar . ttM lily M Ind u " d {VI Meet \\ dress Meets . Bi l Je " "