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Durham Review (1897), 27 Aug 1914, p. 1

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[to Shop it Service " Trunk) an". Siw ay Agent ton as Willi“ att PAWA " nformntlon, RY, ttVA not " TRSP EAST.” RPM WINNING "onto r lucrative Not You t 19tf md ADA l‘lmrch atwe our l DUAm 'rineipal "day at V Ti I.V "r, h Train mud: n. .n smo- Alum‘ who. " etee . m. Ar 6.15 gives .q'mnto. a and] Nana tRLT West It " a!" a... 10L. --rrr"uttttt.tiiglt . 7, _d OPICS‘ --ir. xxxvn. NO. M d bi ed b ttt ple In the , we have tt By the lid ted a malic when the t II D h Mummy " q member. w ." " “has " thar nun-ham. " '" r meeting " the Wo . mll he he" as tho /s, Blyth on Thunday. In Itt. All Indies It? URIUII h Mr mm. centrally situ- 4’ x Street. Stable 'fer mrliculan. npply p.11). an - ..._ 1 to attend. 'r' i4 thin weak moving , In the double ”any -Il. Wilson. Queen St. nun, Secy. of Cement I upyilbg the house Vl- ,ha mud owned by It (-1" Towrt. ' Herbert W. Piercy. an? a recital in the m Wednesday, 2nd ' Ukcn from well-known ' Under auspices of y, \LI A Frame t'0- " anti it int thr Ii l have a boner‘ me familiar with l ‘an school starts. warn-nah. nu has purchased we Mrs, Burns Durham Road and , ck or two. In"?! ks M. mug Bioii to, the cheap rate. ition I'S Institute will tic concert in Wat- c. on Saturday CW" " d of the Hospital istott 10c or " much to this cause. Let My can, attend. From the premises d About tsth of Au. " markings and 'tlfii:ii"e.' Inform» to h recovery wiil nan-n but u mi Cen- the Vari- ASK for Sm". Admission an outlet-for plum sentiment. ', "' :31 This corps will not be part of the an: Regiment but will be a torlofhm'nc reserve force for which government will provide imstructorB. - .. . ., sue... Rally 1 Rttity l Rally l The judge, Mr Baldwin, Toronto, in an address spoke very highly of the show as a whole admitting that few place; comparable to Durham could equal it. Several individual specimens were the best he had seen. He gave lame practical hints as to habits of growth and treatment of certain plants and offered to come again to give a lee. ture if desired. He had kind words for the omcials, especially the enthusiastic i Secretary, Mr c. Firth. iiltt ' Emilfim 139 'own and cow Perhaps it would not be wrong to say that two young ladies from the out carried off the honors in the way of ap- plause, MissWhittaker of Ceylon and Miss Henderson of Flesherton. We have heard nothing so sweet nor so naively rendered as bh Beautiful eyes of Blue " by Miss Whittaker for along time. She has on attractive stage pres- ence and both are to be commended for clear enunciation. THE REVIEW to IF Hutu. u... v hel all had been y here or the inner _ d the t excellent 18 last angements , th eye t' speech and Dr. J .unleson Ito, in ed to [la chat of the priate openu at few ”PRU“, pro I could gum hunt In mime-"S It goes wit He gave oiiv fervor v min oi and speech:- l, Patriotic Concert lengthy program. ot wmcu we u... give hum; more outline. h; It goes without msyittg th it a pstrl- t our fervor mm abroad and the songs and speeches Were rluuou all " put: i- a mic nature. Amongst the speeches were Rev. Mr Harm-y. st. Mr Prud- b mun wearing the er Gross emblem ati. giving a fine history of the origin mi the Red Cross movement, Rev. Mr Wylii- Wm. liwin and C. Ramatte. s Mr Thou. Allan and Dr. Jumieson at ' the close of the program while mov- I mg it vote of thanks. took occasion " l l so to make patriotic utterances. l ' Amongst the topics of the speakers _ admiration for the “no spirit ot unity Y ~lidplnycd in the British Empire in the crisis, was a prevailing sentiment. Lo. y all factions as in Ireland had hailed t their ditrerences, parties at Ottawa " was a unit in promoting war mus- d inn-s, men of foreign origin in Camus); 'e were as patriotic and loyal as the 'rty British-horn in volunteering for ser- of vice. The glorious record nf British 1g ml to ineedom in Europenn strugglu :s- was touched upon. and condemnation or si mngly givon to the militlrist spirit. is seen esp‘ cially in the German Em- n Tor. whose ambition had led to this as, greatest woe. of lbs world. 7 . _----." M. 'i";i'i'fi=ii'fiiiii," THURSDAY. AUGUST iii/ii," Subscribers the balance With which is intimated the 'll ”full-am. MRS. Leon swarm”... . , _ T/ tl ye tt There passed away on Friday last a "'. suirattie tMJUtt't' ‘““""‘"'-' m, y the lat- . . vmie. . Mt-Uloeklia well known resident of Bentinck, Mrs. M U , Dublin Fusl- Leon Supernault at the age of 72. She r has. U. Haulage went to Pun. 1 l as an encore was born at st. John's Quebec, and " don Monday to complete his examum- l Royals.” A years ago married Mr Supernault and ttone. by Messrs A. for the past 38 years has been a resi- Mr and Mrs Allen. Robertson and Saunders dent of Bentinck. To them were born baby returned tonmllon on Monday . nine children, seven of them girls. One Mter speuditm " month with bis W" VIN“ a"? 2:" son and one daughter predeceased her, ents. 'tites(),td,',e, the others with the exception of Mrs. Miss Nellie Hepburn has been en- ," and Alice Thos Swallow, Transcona, Winnipeg, gamed as tune-her at. Corhvtton school mental duetu and Mrs. J. ticheurman, Buffalo, were after vacation. instrumental present at the. end. The tsorrow'" Mr, and Mrs. Arch, Watson, Detroit, husband and children. have the sympa- arrived Tuesday night to visit his par" crog. Social thy of many friends m thetr bereave- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson, N. E. ment. Mrs. Supernault was a devoted Normanby for a short time 'wp, Idrs Kelly wife and mother and valued by the , . ' . . " " A”-.. -u.. -.. .-ieshhrtr and friend In. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Firth visited the . ",so,.umother, Mrs. McArthur at the A quiet wedding was solemnized a the home of Mrs. Chas. Kennedy on Aug. Igth, when her daughter Susie was oined in wedlock to Mr Walter Ewing. At twelve o'clock the groom took his place st the altar, and V presently the bride leaning on the , arm of her brother Charles who gracefully gave her away, tobk her place by his side. a-temo um Rev w. W. Wyli -tiicm" a long and lair'?, Best In orlment of school aLMAL-Far ne’s. School hale. pe '13, shM bier: at bottom price Uentr r The best baseball game season was that last Wednet noon between the Bachelor Benedict: of town. The oi won 14 to 6, but the manic taking another crack at them nesdny afternoon. A Bmsx Funk-With n Thursday formoon, little hours was left the buyers t horses in the afternoon bet . I., I‘BUIA’ nu-vv.., A BRISK Fsia---Wittt ruin all last}“'“""'" --" Thursday forenoon, little over twoi Mr Richard Wtsittakrr and dumb- hours was left the buyers to purchase l" Emma and Miss Henderson. ftoru horses in the afternoon before leaving: PW“? Settlement, voited his daugh- ou the l p. m. train. In this couple tet, Mrs P. Bproat, last week. hours 27 horses were picked up by the I Mr Arch. L. McComb. Domain. is dozen buyers in attendance and bld' (bert visiting his psrcuts. Mr and Mrs ding was quite lively. A new demand i"'. McConnb. a couple of weeks. has been created by the war for the Misses Nettie and Annie Rogers, military horse and about ten ot the‘Holstcin, are in Durham and vicinity animals bought might be thus classed. Ahis week visiting friends. one otthem . fine' horse of '"e Misses Annie and Alvin's Hanan. Black ts. ' 'from Guelph. hsve been visiting their A BAD Avraus,--'Ne Delorsme cousin, Miss Ida \Vilson,for a couple Times ot August 13th. tells the story of weeks. ot the "Elm death of Mr W l" Arnott: Mrs Thus. MtClocklin left for Toron- whose wife is well-known in Booth 'toon Monda to tt dlh ,7 Villa neighborhood. Ho lemoved tot . y a. Ptt e or""'"'.".'? town but winter. being troubled with Mise Jean Brown, of Toronto, visit, . heart envision. but. this (“y “M at‘ed her parents here last week end, the (arm in his usuitI health assisting} Misses Jessie and Ions Buck, Ghee , a nephew at the harvest. He borrow. Iley. returned Saturday after holiday , ed a. gun to shoot at some wolves he ing three weeks at Mr Don. McFay I had seen and not turning up at home \den‘u and Mr Ch ttamage's. I a search was made and his lifeless' . Mr J. Forwyth, Miss Forsyth an r body WM found With indications of Miss Madeline Darling.“ Simcoe, or e suicide. Much sympathy for Mrs Ar- holidaying With the latter's father. M tt A 0.; A-“nhtnr will be felt by her J A. Din-ling, fiwm*m A SAD AFl‘AlB. -Tae I Times of August lath. tell- I' of the tragic death of Mr Wm whose wife is well-known i ville neighborhood. H. " town In. winter, being trout a heart .tNetiort, but this " the farm in his ulual heullh a nephew at. the harm-u. H ed a gun to shoot at. some l had seen and not turning up a. search was made and l Bwmtr-KoNtuw wife and mother and valued by ""'l community as neighbor and friend. In- terment took place on Monday to Dor. noch cemetery amid many tokens of respect. Rev. Father Shaughnessy of \Owen Sound conducting the funeral services. tfy menu! SEW amflfififlfiESEEQ-Dfifififlflfiflflfigflgg iii DURHAM FLOUR wusti, 625 (fl Any Quint“? -.------_- Laos SUPERNAU LT Obituary. In, slates. aorib- C'u1ls"C"to,'v"C"""' ___ . En". run more. Mr N. W. Cumprell and funny game ere thinluumed from their Muskolu.) Wednesday after- I','?,',',',:,)."" have spent w my Bachelors and the i Mi I The single boys“ lss Moan, I?,".".?",',' wag} , e married men are , ast week mth Ednh chaosick at them this Wed. I Mr A. Aitchison. Elma, is v Au brother Fred, of Smut! _ .. . A. l Ailchiuon here. We will pay the highest Wasied c, Unwashed. Welght. Our FLOURS are prices consistent wi school supplies Our Stock of FEEDS is large am quality. We want good GRAIN pay highetstrrmtrl"st prices. Jm be felt Best Quality lay Custo- Chopping nnd Mr Caldwell Marshall and Min Vid- die Caldwell weie in attendance as a Walkerton ball on Friday night. Rev. But-l. wile and family, of Ber- ilin, an spending their annual holiday the guest of Mt and Mrs V. Hahn. Mlsses Janet. and Zetta Marshall re- turned Snlurd ay firm a plenum holi- day in Toronto. __ _ n J Hum -iii" the year, only Mr and Mrs W. ll. Lauder mm mus Ed. Hay spent Sumlday in Barrutom Mr Ted. McClocklin, of the "Gar- Ion Mines.” Sulbury, is vuitmg his [olden Leader Mrs Thus. MLClockl‘m left tor Toron- to on Monday to attend the openings. Miss Jean Brown, of Toronto, visit- ed her parents hale but week end, Misses Jessie and Iona Black. Ches- I lay. returned Saturday after huliday_ iug lhree weeks at Mr Don. McFay- den's and Mr C. R-mmge’s. l _ Mr J. Foray”), Miss Forsyth and Miss Madeline Darhng, of Simcoe, are holidaying With the latler's father, Mr J A. Darling. we unsurpassed, and our with good quality. Cupt. McGillivmy, of the Salvation, Army. Toronto. spent, over Sunday with Gleuelg friends. Re Is now prin. clpally engaged in placing home boys in suitable homes throughout the Pro- Fred J. Welsh Mr and Mrs Allan Robert baby returned toHamillon on after spending a month with cuts. Miss Nellie Hepburn ts named a! teacher ut Cortw after vacation. I Mrs. John Vessic ‘visiting relatives and and Hamilton. 27, 1914 latter's mother, Glen. ' Seymour, of Pittsfield, uy. are visiting with her D, Jackson, at her old Campbell sud funny hare In their Muskolu. home, have spent no enjoyable I is large and of beat market price of WOOL, 'i'?'t'WJ'qi!rs Cash ll. Lauder and Mrs Lmduy in Harri-ton. for Sale Oat crushing Ion, is visiting or Blunders & and Gold was a. visitor and will and children are friends in Acton SJ} N, ..uv ff Ber.. t . . I hm\\\\ Midsummer Sale of i,, m: J. Shoes l. ‘1' m itEt for Mr and Mii. dig. Moore in company with Mr and Mn John Crutchky mot. ored the f1rat of the week to the farmer's old home in Egremont " his brothers', Wm and Robert. 25 cents -’ _ ' 'ah,ahf'v", "mTNew Spring Suits In order to make room for our Fall stock 01 Duucn we are offering at cost ' 50 pair Women's Oxfords 50 pair Girls' Oxfords 50 pair Men's Oxfords 50 pair Tennis Shoes 50 pair Children‘s White Canvas Pumps See our Window - - n, COLLECT|ONS aning 37o Branches throughout Canada 2'ra%rarAwii-w-"""'" West Indiu.this Bank unrivalled tbr handling collections with Economy and Soap-ten. LONDON. ‘N0.. OMOI. NEW YORK AGI “In OM "IIGCI - cat. “I. 'lLI-ll- l CID! _....u.u BRANCH; S. HUGH ES, Manager. Saunders&Aitchison THE mm 1lhlilrili: UNM PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING - ONTA ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING Capitll Paid UP We Funds Total Assets . iriiiiaiirimxNc" ' We indulge in abso1ate1i no exaggeration when we say that in these lines you will see Clothing values that have never been excelled in Durham. The smart distinctive styles, the up-to-date exclusive materials, the perfect fit and the splen- did quality of tailoring shown in these goods can hardly fail to elicit your admiration and - EN_, SL..- Mnke a mint of it. {indow display of these Shoes. Our Stock of GROCERIES is always complete MI Phone Orders given our prompt attention your order. Dc: um... --".-"" .7 ' Progress Brand Clothing and Alert Juvenile Clothing have a tremendously strong rep utation. Every customer who has tried them usually comes back again, as the Linings, Fit and Style are superior to the ordinary run of Clothing. We have a splendid assortment in Black and Navy Worsted, also Tweed Suits. During this month we are going to give a. splendid Safety Rum with every Suit from $4.00 up. S. F. MORLOCK for Men TORONTO lulu-J ....- vi - order. See them. Make a point “but“ Wonk» " 01.00 gm. G. was t 808W INCORPORATED 1 B61 Mrs. T. Banks tspent " Owen Sognd. w" a , Lenn'u Lew" I. Min Jun Mdcoi-n of Swinlon Park, visited lawn triendn we beginning n!" the week. She will probnbly “lend Owen Sound Uollcghw nu! your. our Fall stock of Shoes, orseslyanted in Durham and Young Men x In Osnpboll. Ivinton Pnk. cock and “sitar at Mr Neil Me- thing an Alert Juvenile endously strong reputation. .0 has tried them usually a the Linings, Fit and Style ordinary run of Clothing. l assortment in Black and $11,560,000 13,575,000 180000.010 "(VI YORK AGENCY. It. mun. A can "an" the week end lies at Candi and the unrinlled facilities Drug 610” rd E. Dal-bu will bl , and

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