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Durham Review (1897), 27 Aug 1914, p. 4

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bi l,') i..",),),:,',',,-,) It i Id. of th in: In E _ has sick tedi ing. mo th a: E b. si " , ter sta rol uh? " W Only 25c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers l mnny at present. and muatlmkti) tttom, who ovu- us. Pious remit at once. nMiging _ - We want nlllhnse who no In ar- r-mr-o for subscription to examine their la-hel 1nd remit at once the ;.mnunt neceanurv to bring thelnbel up tnond of ID”. Wy need. ready Kg u always come fresh and tlwiset 'tttthge from its perfectly ventilated oven. See the McClary dealer in your town. Roasts retain their natural flavor-- Ely hard; 3min: bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a 'eu'tsrr,c,es,rj:r,T,rss-s All kind. ot grain bought " market price. l on Flour and Peed in ton Ion. 2rt John McGowan 500 tons ot No l Mixed Chap was" AND mam Large Quantity of No. l Feeding ttay Fresh and Clean at 14.50 off car. See this Hay We purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Sovegeign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour To Subscribers in Arrears Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Muh- overyshmg "Ipiok “d ”In." Scour: bath-tubs. links, ommolwuo, hm... you. nuns. Alluminum "to, steel, copper. bun. iron, nicklanluo. porcelain. nurbln. tiling, mnmlets. mo- uin. Enunustia. Tom“. Painted walls, woodwork, fhrors, surgi- tml irutrunrenta, oil nnd In: from machinery. HARD WARE g We no hudqunou for all kinds of Silver. Granite and Tin ' vino Pan-h. _ We I" [10.5qu for all kind. of Silm. Guam and Tin in» Poll-h. V . _ _ . "Oat Mal" bu no equnl toe Pohshing Gold, Sllver. Nickel. up". Buss or any ninth moullio Induce. For cleaning - late t1laaa, Huron. Windows. Marble Susan-y, etc. nothing up- touhu it. It as units], low In unlike all emu prtrparationts, cumin. no minerals, sold. or poisins. being purely vegetable and orfoctly humlua. It in " tngtttntanem" ondncator of dirt or . Irniob. It won“ pay you to trr our Calf Meal. the Dairymatt's friend or Cl" ruining use with nkimmed or “pirated milk cr can b tit with In" only. Try so... We In" jun received . Inge phipmont of bird cagea. flott [mm and Bread bans. CR'MPBD OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Every bag guaranteed. If not Jatutaotor, bring It back and get your money. W. BLACK AND ehould we reach this production we agree to pay, us the buyer's share, from no to .60 per car (on or about August 1.1915) toevery retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August I, 1914, and Aug. i, 1915. For further particular: re 1r?,tt these low prices Ind profit sharing plan, see C. 'd.'hrh'l & SONS, Local Agts. Town Cum“. F.0.B. Ford,0nt. In Canada only FURTHER we will be able to obtain the max- imum efficiency in our production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. Buyers to Share in Profits Low" Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August I, 1914 to August 1, ML"). and guaranteed against any reduction during that time. Touring Car. .5590 Runabout. “$510 Old Dutch Clans" Chases Dirf Sold by Leash“ & Mekeehnie Tmr. Pvnuaums of Canada, Limited, FORD, ONTARIO FORD MOTOR COMPANY *mmmmmae“ a.8e8ea-8.8e3.3.8e8e8e8.e, In every city, village and town in 04mm“ to show unploa and mail cir- culnn to people living in chair territ- my. Poullon will be permanent and my " weekly for few hours work 0mm furnished free. Ex perience not required. Tn: (Fossvuuns‘ ASSOCIATION, Windsor, Ontario Special Reduction Men Wanted If?! .44 9 Fishing. Hunting, Tapping & Tres, F main. on those ground- will be pro- ucnted "eordirsg to law. 5 w. t I. ICGRACKIN. lots 2, 8, l con 8 i me. NOBLE, lots 45, M, 47, cum. 3, Old 'ir".., Bontllck ' [mirror madman“, t ion. 8, New Sunny. Beigtnee The College of Cardin“: meet on 81st August to elect a Sacceaeor, 1 prong: that generally “ken coma date. Two of his sisters. to whom he was devoted. ministered to him end one ol them two days later followed him to the great beyond, overcome with g riet and excitement. he had been Pepe for leven yearn ard in that tune hauled Igelnst modernism and had ruptures with France, Splin Ind Port. gal. He in described at] bu pieturu look tt, on one of the moat lonhle of men, of simple labile, end we: the only Pope who In the son of 3 poor peanut. Almost his lust conscious act "a to Iddren an exhumation to the faith ful of all land, to pay thlt. the thoughts of men might be turned in the direction of the Prince of Peace. I Alsace and Lorraine have been I. ‘taken from the French and on the ‘whole the advantage ot the day is [with Germany. One may adtmre ache tremendous tiehting machine {while wishing it were employed in I the “use ot t'reedom. Amid all the b are sud exoitomem of war came the thrilling news last Thursday that Pius X wna dead. his end bummed without a doubt by the spectacle of Christian unions forgot- nng every pone maxim of the great Founder of Christimity and ilyittg at each other', throats. British and Japanelo forces are on- operating in tho capture of Kiou Chow by land and an. The Kaiser nin- ed his Ashlie foothold as the apple of his eye, and may be stripped ot it all. The avalanche of linseiaus is sweeping into Prussia and u they near Berlin will make the German Emperor pause. Getting awav from Berlin was easy ' it may not be so a. sy to get back. The British nation are derply moved over the three weeks’ silence " the fleet. The agony of suspense is painful '. the dowrminnion to win is greater than ever. The aged Emueror Francis Joseph I8 rep urted dving in the midst. of the storm he raised. Austria-Hungary is not tighting with the same bitter- ness as her partner, and [my soon hue Italy sniping at her heels. Laat Thnredny the Germans aun- ed to occupy Brussels. which event has in It more ot glitter than glory ‘t'or the Belgium u I tactical move (iiy. evacuated it, not being suited tor defence. Since then, the nrmy in scores ot thousands have poured through it and no doubt have been in ')tsontiiet in many places About l2,000,000 Germans are in the tield guild more coming in such numbers when experts think every men lrom l 18 to 60 must be out. 3 Friday 'g despatehets tell of n French ‘reverse in Lorraine, but the French I, had recaken Mnelhansen and 24 runs. Germanic forces are pouring to- ward France by the routes. the Al. lies in some parts aucceedlng in blocking their progress. The cap- ture of Brussels has thrilled Germany and 't on to Paris "’ is the cry. They are gettitm beullul and claim they will retain the part of Belgium they have overrun and will have u naval base on her crastjust opposite Eng- land. German mines are still wrecking neutral ships, and more nations may join the Allies, especially since there are heartrendtng sturias oi brutality by Germans, " A Serious Ropulse " the Allies , is the all absorbing message to-day. The war oftiee censor calls it I " re- tirement " oithc British and French troops near Mons in Belgium. In ap- pears they were taking the ofiemsih, and have again occupied their pasi- tions. Canada's war budget is oat and in- creased excise and customs duties are to be imposed on liquor, alcoholic products, tobacco. coffee, sugar and trait extracts. All legislation was passed unanimously. The Russiwns are victors every step of the way. and are capturing guns. Japan has formally declared war on Germany and has begun operations on land and sea. An Austrian cruis- er at Kiao-0han has orders from Vi. ennajo disarm, bat the Germans will show tight to Japan. Not a whisper of the Banish Fleet, nor for that matter at me German either. Britain and France control the suns however. Saturday’s despstches tell of the bombardment of Namur, which is stronger than Liege. The Belgians from Brussels retired to Antwerp. which is reckoned iatprettttable, but willlikely be attacked. Tommuni- cation with Brussels has been out off. but it has been learned that the Ger. mans have demanded from it a war tribute ot $40,aXy,000, perhaps an indication that the German war-chest is feeling the strain. Monday brings news that the great battle is in progress and British Hoops engaged with tho French in stemming the lode. Tue Allies are contromed by almost the entire Ger. man "my along a battle front at over 200 miles. The Allies were not. idle while Belgium was fighting and have the advantage of posiron. Abont2000men leave Toronto for vsleartier Camp to-day and more will follow. '"i5tTiTaTitTt5 THE WAR-BAY BY DAY Pope Pius Xis Dead AUGUST 20, 19M Notice I TUESDAY TORONTO THE Dunn “VIEW Toronto-Vancouver Rift-es: No. 3 leaves Toronto 5.55 n. m, aily. Van. c_ouver--Torosuo Expml No 4 arrives Toronto 11.45 a. m, duly. lunch Exprus No 7 leave. Tomato daily ox- oopt Bunduy 10.50 p I. urivln Win- nipeg second a". Onurio 'tlllt Nsig leaves Winnipeg 9.25 pm And arrive. Toronto 5 lg p m daily except Tue-thy. Parueutare regarding all or New tickets from Claw-u Futile Irtekst Agent. mimic. M. G. IURDIIV .- Toronto, Le: Oats, milling.......... 45 to 50 Peas................. 90to100 Barley............... 55 to 55 Butter................ 20to 20 "stir,................ 20to 20 Potatoes per bag. .... 1_'75 to 2.00 Rider..:.... .... 1000 Btref,dremrd........ 1200to 1300 Botts.live,t.b..... 860 pritsdapeas.....,........ 05 11ar,pirirn..... .... 1200:01600 Lint has been tstrtsfttily "vised. -"""G'%BW.....,.... ilO F'atlWheat........... N Spring Wheat........ 95 t9am,ibed............. 40 Oats, milling.......... 45 Peas....,............ 90 Barley............... 55 Better................ 20 Firms,................ 20 {games per bag. .... 1.75 rtuuuts, Aug. 26, 1914. Flotsrperewt........ 280to310 Oatmeulper suck .... 2 50 2.55 Chopper cwt........ l40t0175 Buckwheat.......... 50to 50 F"atlwheat........... 95to100 §priug Ttteat--.... 95 tol 00 The 9' Liberal Monthly," usually tilled wtth arguments and material against the Conservative govern- ment and some of its policies, ha T in its August issue. completely buried all partizanship in the present war crisis. The whole issue is devoted to an admirable account of (l) the causes leading to the ti European War. '(2) The rise of nation against nation, and (3) The Alliances, Neu. trals and British Dominious. It is an admirable compendium flllirg 20 pages and accompanied with a line clear map oi the countries involved. Single copies any be had by remit- ting 10 cis. to tt Central lnlormatlon Ohicc. Hope Chambers, Sparks St., Ottawa." _ We quote a paragraph from the [last pages of the issue: sb While tne Armageddon of Europe, fills the thought of man with indescribable horror, the tragic vision is, even BOW, ', not without episodes which the world's memory would unwillingly Jorego, One isshe common patriotism ‘which cemented in an hour domestic (inferences that had brought the peo- ples of the British Isles to the brink oi oivrl war ; another is the sublime heroism of a neutral nation prepared to t3scritiiw, its entire manhood rather than allow its honor to suffer a stain, or a sister country to endure a wrong and a third is the spectacle of the young tree nations of the British Empire rising with one accord. on all the continents of the globe, to strengthen with the vigor oi youth. and even before the call of duty, the arm which has protected them through the years, and which " this moment is raised in sell-defence at home and stretches forth to deals blow at arrogance and aggression abroad. Very striking bu been tho git" of would” Catalina: to the “MN for as: in a. War.' At tenth!” millionaire' an equipping (about: and will mu: all expanse. of trim- portuion and hung of ihe men. Hon, Ada- Boek. I noted horn- man {In gin- hia stable of 11reimt winning horse‘s to the British can". The more notable bonus. the donor is of pure German extraction. Mr John C Iihston othrrs $100,000 ior mlchiuo guns. his big yacht. beat of us kind on the Lakes and the use oiit'ut Toronto viruses station, the stronger. on “no, comment noth of Long Island. . Mr Howell's election in North Ox- ford has not been protested, His op" ponents hlied a palition but did not depoait $1000 mthin tour days as re. quired and the proceedings theraforg were declared void. The protein which will tuaitely go on are tho" by the Conservatives _ agwut Mae. Lug in cotshriunratul by the Libenls against Dr. Martyn in East Lambton. These are all princely gifts. giv_el mlliogly, as In the smaller contrib- utions of the masses. A Splendid Compendium worth Preserving. It in the general opinion that there was never any real intention of pro- testing Mr Rowell'a election. The local men in Woodstock disclaim re- sponsibility. The Mail and Empire said in their news column that the petition had been filled upon instruc- tions from Toronto solicitors. The Government. or liquor interests. or perhaps both, evidently thought they might annoy Mr ltowall by making this attack and ”Mu Wthl‘lWlng it. They also thought that that they might make a little cheap political capital out of the incident. Their plan has failed, however, and the un. fairness of the move has aroused the resentment of lair-minded Conserva- tives as well as of Liberals them- selves. Durham Markets. NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN " Gifts of the Wealthy ,_.....,.sguru|nl nu or ocean' D from Canadian Por.ttte iiitifil el our?» R: G. MURPHY, 'D. - Rowell Not Protested. P. 3;. a? fl. f 53:1,! 40 to 45 45 to 50 90 to l 00 55 to 55 17v A uro FOR Hirtm--Resonable terms any distance. “in that. Luna) in visiting ul- Itivu In Pullman. Im. Walker. Toronto and In A. Hair, Manhattan. visited In: Ink an. Me A. Hobklrk'u Ind Wm Fulton's. On Suturdly Uternooa we win buy GO horses, suitable for wagon and team horses. They must be In fair order and sound and good condition. We wlll my u good price for asuitablo horse. Mr “a Mrs John Carrie, Botlwoll. 3nd lam-a Langford and orthbert, Ore hahduymg " Will Currie'l. Mr. J. Curio punched In Baptist thatch he" very accepubly to . lug. n- dienco. Dr. Smith and son Morrison motor- ed to Arthur Tuesday. In Dan McLean, Durban. in vil- i ing at Del Ichomll's. _ immunity from Dunn Ind two “who" united n Mr. 'Wm. Lunnoy'llut wuk._ - A -. Mrs McKnight and Miss Lyla Ipeut Saturday in Williamstord. Tho funeral of the Into Mrs Super- nault w“ held in the Roman Outho- lie Church on Monday, the large zone-ours. of rigs showing the esteem in which she was held. We extend our sympathy to the lorromug friend; - TILWFIm-l' Gil, hlrkdalo, ting u Mr " Adlant'r Mimi Jennie Long and En Me anly. Wslkortou, visited it Mr. Wm 's'ulcon'l. Misso- Maggie Linney and Etta 'l‘wnmloy visited lot weak and with hair former tucker. Mill Luwrcnec. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Sullivan spent Sunday withthe lantern list" neu- Murkdnlo. in. Pour Cook Ind two uni of Flint, Miob.. in visiting " brother, Mr Wm Cook. . The trustee; luv. Quasar rencher Min Wylie from Durlum Mn Alex McGnlliuty ”Irma. Josie, Chatlworth. visited a couple days last week with Mrs Fulton. Mrs J. Park attended the Initial“ conventlon " Chatswonh In: Thur!- day. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell, Sundnyed with Mr and Mn Darnell Min Maggie Ireland spent Mud” with Mrs Neil Wilson. Dr. Ind Mrs Smith and son Merril- "m, also Mrs. Jas Ledingham, motor- ad to Paisley to visit friends fort few days. Miss Bessie Wilson and brother John is winning friends at Mnrkdnlc and other places. Mr and Mrs Neal Wilson visited friends at Kinghnrst on Saturdty. Miss Margaret Manley is spending a tew days With Willinmstord friends. Mr B Dnrznvel is spending 3 week with " sister in Toronto. Horses Wanted in Durham J mt "otsiveii--another gross of thst famous Special............................... Also a In Stock of hunts, all mm. , Don't forget those Fruit J an. To Make Good Pickles Best quality. Whole Pickling Spice. The preserving season is now far advanced and in the midst of i time for pickling. We think it time for some preparation to be 11 annual occurrence by the housewife. We have stocked . full line of and Vinegar, nnexcelled in quality and at reasonable prices. In bulk, we have Ground Allspico, Cloves, Pepper, Mixed Spi Cinnamon, Celery Seed, Mustard Seed, Tumoric, Mus, Curry Powd and whole Mixed Spice. Also Stick Cinnamon and ATM-mu- Safia Smut. & LEVINE, Durham. Let IUIOCK DORNOCH We must firet have and use best, White Win. or Cider C. SMITH & SoNs, The Ford Garage hlldlfahnidssWaslrtyNtms "h"ditgtaerereemsr,. Ween-u pro-mud ttddelivery. "'"'itcuiiriiis"uait'ir1Tl1t'l,! hll"l'dTIt W (l, 36 J. McKEGHNI Pickling Season Use 1"t"'r-r-----t (t i.)iiiTiriie" Star of India Tea ig"itiimtgggggts'ggtgggllgyggit 1lllXllXlgWCMt5tgyty,' Dowd Town Shoe Store See our Ladies' Tan or Black Hose at 15c, better ones at Me. Children's in many colors and prices. Some broken lines, in leather we are closing out As Well Call early before your size is gone. We have a limited number of Udiea'. Misses, Children's and Infants White Slippers to clear at reduced prices. Ladles' l.50 and [.75 at I.25 Chiann’s 8lk at. . . .75c Misses’ Moat. . . . . . . .85c [aunts' 75c at. . . . . .triic Clearing -out Sale of White Canvas Slippers The Rexall Store C. P. R. Town oliiee Buy , MacFARLANES Drug Storeg Don’t Forget 806d, Tumoric, hria/culrriiJliir", Ginger, Stick Cinnamon and N utmost. Good “neg“. 5 pergallon...... .. u uuvancoc and m the midst of it comes (In ilme for some prtspartxtion to be made for this ' We have stocked I. full line of Pure Spices and at reasonable prices. That we are Headquarters for We are showing a larger andE better assortment than ever ME the lowest possible price. it, You will not make, a mistake in? . . . d sending your cluldren here for a (heir books. Young or old will ta: receive the same courteous atten- r, tion {hey have in an past. § School Suppliesé Custom Work and Repairing as usual --.......3 bottles (0le 1. Ifgpper. Mixed Spice, Ground lnblc- Ytue Powder, our ............Sc:|dl0c¢ach J. S. McILRAITH We have the vory ttng an}: Buy your tickets here AUGI‘ST 27, 1914 Small from; t' 1" a Wi I. 'reea-sasis-acczrs"-2"-' ii: the time to make WAR we AUGUST i?. Fa have. my» Fir "a at m3 " P“ tit rtr ”as twire) " Ml Bandeau; m t=fff,,"l1ll', H pun- ‘mble ru- ucwww'm rmt mltt ' “and '%Y "' .“q n. he in cam-5| txt up" I-H - u have em: “Jim uld Mb” FEES}! i " kid. of Stork r u-w. .. tits" L M: v. When up the Brass H '1 , Lime Juice m. I. l HARTLEY an Line of Papetrier Writiastt Pau"" INS Public. tft Our Druu atrd tit is humming "Pl to thank our '"" who" to elm" tl Too receise when DURHAM HIGH SCHOO 1115 QUALIH PHARMACY PRICBVILLE. , V " 'er r, If“ Ga Iiiverw Pu" Cram PBI a: " - mun ”amine Ohm! mum 0 . hol tie up!“ up“! It our tra! to .ttare th rive when 1 of Bto Best English Wire Clea-hm Working THE Visit ou I In! drank awn-nur- f 1eit3tF' Iutr _ l‘ru etc. like u when F has m m 7, 1914 REAL ' Food 1 tgtock M ertdir mm van: Wu “mum." on Me Shoe " 10c ICC ll EI

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