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Durham Review (1897), 3 Sep 1914, p. 8

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® I ‘ ‘f:’ [f} i CA w _ With a selection of the newest good w Blanksâ€"Pencils, Penholders, Erasers * sundries of all kinds. ":G&G(»(»(»(-(-(â€"(»(-(-is5556555&653\ W CENTRAL DRUG STORE / oo e ts ns is ols e ces ol es ol t is t ce t is Ipo tp oo o opp op o 3933333 $G4 #k i %**%%**%****%*%**********& e Just in. Come and see us Prices of Feed are likely to be higher before ]ong and as we have a large stock on hand, it will pay anyone needing feed to get our prices before buying as we are selling some lines at original prices In Silk Lisle, Lisle, and Mercerized Cotton. Also in White. White Cotton Socks for Children. Little Darling Hose. Some good value in eady for Schoo! O We have a few Waists left, about we will sell as follows : $2.00 Wais 1.50 Waists for.... 1.20 1.25 Wais These are in sizes 4. 4s 4R im in A Ulearing of LADIES‘ WHITE WAISTS Black & Colored SILKS Get a ticket with every purchase. _ Save your tickets and when you have Ten Dollars worth, we‘ll give you fifty cents for them. Every time you spend ten cents, you help to make your little bunch of tickets grow. You‘ll be surprised how quickly these tickets count up to the Ten Dollars‘ worth. We give tickets with every Cash or Produce purchase. Trade with the Store that makes money for you, Feed ! Feed ! THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO PHONES : Day § 4, Night $ 26 Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Abraham ZAinother dhipment of WOMEN‘S HOSE -fA_nAo_ther Shipment .L. GRANT Oatmeal Mills, Durham A C) se e c se k wy alsts left, about 30 in all, which ows : _ $2,00 Waists for... . $1.50 1.20 1.25 Waists for ... ....1.00 34 38 38 40, 42, 44. New Goods and Prices if you need anything in our line goods in School sers and school M pening ph Pight M m ABRAH AM BQUARE AA ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO mard italy "I think I‘ll stay out Till 1 know what the row is about It‘s a far better plan Just t3 sell my banan‘, Till the isgue is plain beyond dou! Said our good Unole Bam "I swac I had better keep outâ€"of this ra0 w For with Mormons and Niggers And Greasers, J figgers, 1 have all I kin bhandlt lust new. * P, { Said Austriaâ€" ‘You murderous Serb, You the peace of all Europe disturb : Get down on your knees And agologize please, |Or I‘ll kick you right off my front curb," Bard Serviaâ€"â€"Don‘t venture too far,l Or I‘ll eall in my uncle the CZar ; f He won‘t see me licked, f Nor insulted nor kicked, J So you‘d better. leave things as they are." | Said the Kaiser, "Push in that Berb‘s face, It will teaeh him to stay in his place ;| If Russia says boo, P I‘m in the game too, l And right quickly we‘ll settle the case‘" | I The Czar said ‘‘My cousin the Kaiser: ; Was alwars a mnnib adesiet * s Sm deiht 0 uqs cigan es ooals BdE PR Joyment. _ Bascball, boating _ and pursuits peculiarly dear to youtbful bearts were indulged in and altoâ€" gether a bappy time was spent The repast ‘‘a la Varney‘"‘ provided by the ladies and spread under the pines WUoTa Thia‘ iealel Likiacolmmss ‘1 I Mr Norman Kerr is haying the old ; saw mill taken down and reâ€"modelâ€" led. _ The change will entail considâ€" erable work and money bat wher compicted will be an up to date building . ) Mr. Newnbam is kept busy these | times helping to get up the Garden | Parties and Harvest Homes in one or| other of his appointments, | Dr. anrd Mrs. Ernest Leeson and family, late of Yorkville, Wis., have purehased the old home farm Jast westof the villege and intend to deâ€" vote their time and talents to agri cultaral pursuits. We hope the change of work may be both pleasâ€" ant and profitable. Mr. Albert Morrison ot Grenfell, Sask, has been with his sister Mrs. H Grasby for some time and we underâ€" stand he purposes staying for several months at leas‘. & The pastor and the young pe of the Methodist church are busy ranging a program for an entert ment to be held shortly the proce ot which will be devoted to s patriotic fand. Mrs. Livingstome of Mt Forest and Miss F. ()‘Neill of Toronto are spendâ€" ing a few days in the village visiting their friends, Mr John Bogle hss been somew hat unwell for a week or more and is baving a rest from farm duties for a time. We hope to see him in his asâ€" ual health in the near fauture. Miss M. Petty is again on duty as teacher of Varney school. Miss Audrey Hoy bas returned trom Stratford where she spent some time visiting ber aunt Mrs A. Sewell. Mr and Mrs Chas Watson of London returned home on Saturday after spending a pleasant week or so with Mr and Mrs Wim Mountain . Miss Margaret Kerr left on Monday to resame her school duties in the neighborhood ouf Conn. Harvesting is a thieg of the past with almost everyone around here. Bat the tarmers are as busy as ever tryiog to get their winter wheat sown and attertd to threshings at the same time. _ If the quantity of grain corresponds with the time taken to thresh it some of our farmers must have good full granaries. plain beyond doubt." just now." "Onlooker VARNEY i team mara« 12 °°! "UPport from His arf a bob, _| team mates, his work went for nothâ€" er, \ing. _ The Holstein team has been. duffer, | strengthened by the addition of Foreâ€" ] "is nob." _ | man McKenzie of the G T R section men and Ab. Hunt, recently home{ y out lfrom Winnipeg. _ Three goals were| 14 about ; _ | scored, two in the first *hall and the‘ [third, a pevalty, came near the close 3 | of the game, % uo n od Am ie iuil lor an entertain rtly the proceeds devoted to some pn young people ~~I "The Presbyterian picnic held in Â¥ | the grove on Monday was marred by | a heavy downfall of rain, A large | crowd gathered early in the alternoon | and previous to the rain a delightful time was épent. _ The youngsters | raced merrily® and the older folks {looked on and cheered lustiily when their fayorite Johnny or Mary won a | contest and was given a sack of cau-} dies to nibble, Others occupied the swings and still others swung tennis | rackets ovor the green. At s o‘clock Dr Marsh who was master of ceremon.â€" ies gave the call for a retreat to the church but ere the railway track was made the whole cortingent was rac. ing in a downpour, The ladies in all their summer finery were iven a shower bath en route and wgen the goal was reached no onmne looked to see if hats were on straight. _ Mep were similarly freated but alt enjoy. ed a hearty supper, nothvitl(,atdll; the deluge, * R e eba uen | of, i6 3. o *ARW LHM It cand ‘the Holâ€" | stein defense Players had little or f nothing to do. The much vaunted | Tracy Mcluban, was with the visiâ€" | tors but with poor support from his |team mates, his work went for nothâ€" uo . The Br.rllc. cen I | _ By the Score of 3 to 0, Holsteir | Foot ball team trimmed a Pickedâ€"u; | team of Mt Foresters in a challenge ’ game of the visitors on Monday ey. |ening. _ It was a mistake that the game was ever played for never was a team so completely outclassed as those who came from the south, They simply weren‘t in it and the Holâ€" stein defense Players had little or nothing to do. _ The muan u. ‘*. °* |fhere. _ Among those ; | hood disposing of thein ‘ this purpose are ; J Manar R Irwin 2 horses | Dr Sne ams, C Drumm, $ Smith, ence, John Brown, Thos, Eckett, each one, Mapn j equines are good anim seems a pity that good m ing spent in the possibil meeting death, ® ar ’tuelr visit to Holstein. _ | _ Liveryman John Manarj | spending considerable time | in purchasing horses in thi s .c u. ’ t 1 s2i.20 ©" N CVH â€"1l+ SDEDL couain *3 . ":t â€" EPFC 45 animals to his| Durham last week cousin, Louis Manary of Gramd Valâ€"| x ley who is a war office Agent and ;. M‘ F4 !lcndersou left undet whom John is acting. _ The) 4aY morning to attend animals which do not Pass ingpection i his sister Mrs. Jno. Ru are taken to Toronto and reâ€"sold | passed away very sudde there. , _ Among those in neighborâ€" {dny last, h°_°d disposing of their hotses for Jas Henderson is enha this purpose are ; J Manary, § OTSES, 4 ma 1 annne AEAXL! 1. .. c R Il"l.n » hnrn..n El : 2or the war., We u; Tuesday he shipped | ment ouly 250 Adults, childrer&sc. _ Mr and Mrs Milford Robb, Mr. and Mrs Wallace Misener and Mr Jones imotored over from Troy to Holstein to visit their former pastor Rev. T H Ibbott. They stayed for the services Sunday and were well pleased with their ViSit th Haler.i.. The Methodist church make progress, two your received into church fe Sabbath morning, Mr Andrew Seim has recently reâ€" eceived word from his son Milton, enâ€" listed for the war in Europe, but now at Valcartier, to the effect that he is enjoy ing military life so far and with his mates, are only waiting for a chance to get a shot at the Kaisers‘ troops. ’ Otto Klempp of Grosvenor, Sask, formerly of Holstein, had his house and farm buildings completely demo}â€" ished by a terrific cyclone two weeks ago. _ Everything was matechwood after the blow but fortunately for himselt, he was at his brother BRd‘s at the time of the whirlwind. _ His crop was also exceedingly poor this year, only 5 acres being worth cutâ€" ting . ‘ on Tuesday with a 1 A host of little ones their school career ur of Miss Marshal), There will be no service at the Methodist church next Sabbath evenâ€" ing on aceount of Anniversary serviâ€" ces at Yeovil. The pastor will preach in the morning from the sublect ; *‘*What kind of a God haye we ?" Mrs Sutton ana family were guests in Torento from Thursday to Monday Word has been received from Mrs. W. T. Petrie that she intends to sail from England on Sept 4th, for home after spending a very unusual sumâ€" mer in Hurope, much of the time being spent in dedging the path of warring nations, School reâ€"opened for the fall term on Tuesdaw wikh a sn en on ="~ Among the Toronto Exhibition visâ€" itors this week are: J. W. Hunter and son ‘Earl, D. Allan Sr, Miss Inez Allan, Mrand Mrs Milford Dowling, Mr and Mrs R. M. Tribe and Miss Cora Gillies. . Mr. Thos: Brown and family left Saturday, returning to Regina. We regret to report that the little daughter of Rev. and Mrs Win Hunt is critically ill. No paper next weekâ€"our holiday week . Mr. Peter Troy returned to his school in Rainy River Tuesday. LOCAL AND:PERSQONAL one. Many of these good animals and it hat good money is be. the possibility of their OL_ 3 to 0, Holstein} trimmed a picked-up esters in a challenge itors on Monday ey. a mistake that the ‘ played for never was T i d ns i lhe ladi" i. y were given a and when the oue looked to raig ht, Men but all enjoy. "’Wflllamiilg hodist Church wil} hol ty services next Sab \In the afternoon at â€" DURHAM REVIEW , two young men'i)‘e‘;ng church fellowship last ening at 7.30 p. m. eaves Ibbott, Ph B, 1â€" services _ The 1XÂ¥ Sept. 7th, there a meeting and SPiendid program onsiNting of music, the cWoir and oth. addreRses by Revs ‘nham, MSmith, W D guson of: le â€" over Ye meet . tea and erMertain.| Sneath, v + Bl’own' d eontinues to ses lor‘ Jas Henderson is enhar orses, , pearance of his house by V. Ad. coat of paint. _ Mr Dezell Law"r- work, Y ("/ The Misses McDonald « ‘,‘tc};eé;-t7 spent last week with their is be,-} Ruhy Pl’a"’. e we ?" Gentlemen ; We are n?w appealâ€" ing to you on a matter of great naâ€" yabe gugsts tional ill'nportauce. On the 22nd of to Monday August there was a meeting held at from Mrs, | Owen Sound by the Board of Trade nds to sail | atd a great many representative farâ€" for home| mers of the County of Grey were sual sumâ€"| Present. The movement was promoâ€" the time|ted by a number of these representaâ€" he path of | tive farmers and it was felt that the farmers o‘ the County of Grey are anxious to do something in aid of the fall term | Britigh Empire in this most serions tendance, crisis, E’°g‘.'(‘im°gl It is believed that a small donation SHCsUcET AT onts and potatoes from each and ’cvery farmer who feels able to give, or, Sask,| will mean very much to the Mother his house | Country. _ It was proposed that the ‘ly demolâ€" | Reeves bring the matter up at their wo weeks!(_‘ouncil meetings. _ As your repreâ€"| atchwood | sentative I have done so and it was | ately for J unanimously agreed to take the matâ€"| | ther 1d‘s | ter up and have the question laid beâ€" id. _ His ‘ fore the farmers of the Township otf poor this | Egremont in the near future so that orth cutâ€" | every farmer in the township will get ons in io ov en mela qL ie ie 1 P t n, enâ€"| _ The British Empire is now in the it now ' greatest war in the history of the t he is | world and every assistance rendered 1 with ‘ will be of seryvice whether great or for a}small. _ It is hoped the Township of iisers‘ | Egremont will respond nobly to the |call and be prepared when the time 1es is 'comes to sactilice a few bags of cats being | 249 potatoes for the benefit of the p lasgt ‘ British Empire. | Itis ‘mot enongh to claim we are: k Brilisp subjects and sit with our The| the Our free c; full particulars 17. â€"0¢ 97p°CLs and ~Ssit with sour| 4| arms folded enjoying the freedom, | ‘~| the blessings, the protection of the | 3| British flag. The time has nowj â€"|come when we must show we are| . | loyal people by our action. Trustiner | We prepare Senior l S IOF positions. Our Gradna; _ _ ~A‘~s advantage of last week‘s tine harvesp weather and made good use of their time _ The crops in thig locality nevyer were better, 1 PURTE â€" ~v@ud0 wo InsTRUCTORs ARE COMPETENT SECURE PostTIOnNs. This College is the Central Busina the farmers of Egrem the matter their deepe tion and that when the contribute they will do and cheerfully, believing & just cause â€"â€" Yours rea FALL TERM from SEPT | every farmer in the towns | a chance to contribute to [ needed and voluntary gift ) To the Farmers of the Township of Egremont Many Egremont sehools have changed teachers this term, Among the number are Miss Urquhart of 0. Sound who is at No. 9, succeeding Miss V Crawford who is mow at No. 6, Robb. _ Miss Susie Kelsey, Durâ€" ham, is dispensing knowledge at No.: Several of our business men are talking af buying shares of stock in a Prince Edward ‘Is‘d fox farm. Master Willie Ibbott we are pleasâ€" ed to report is almost well again and will seon be out. _ Harold Main has been engaged as teagher at Monck, Luther Tp. at a good salary. Mrs Dr Marsh and Miss Ina visited at. Waiton for a few days. erfully, believing it to be for ause _ Yours respectfull Â¥y, { JOHN McARTHUR, â€" | Reeve of Egremont ~â€"â€"â€"~+*+0%â€"_ ) EAST EGREMONT | Now Who Will Give ? vollege is affiliated with the al Business College, Stratfor attend ? ‘pare menior Public School and High School Pupils Our Graduates become prominent business men. W â€"______ prominent busine eLACHLAN spent a few days in n left for Galt M on tend the funeral of ). Rutberford, who sudden/y en Satur. enhancing the apâ€" e by giving it a Dezell is doing the atalogue tells about the success 3. Write for it at once. ir action. Trusting igremont will give deepest consideraâ€" n they are asked to of Hopeville, c cousin Miss 80 Willi'“ iy| i+ 4 kingclh)ji AT MOUNT FOREST BUSINESS COLLECGE Because we give a this much President. , Stratford, "Hectricâ€"Lighted Coaches and Cafe Parlor Gars between Toronio and Ottawa. ~ Standara Sleeping Cars and First Class Coaches between O ta wa and Quebee Cit y. Double Daily Service exeent Sunday and convenieat . week end se; vice between Toronto. Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton Picton, Belleâ€" yille, Deseronto and Yarker, Road uports'; Co‘mr C ported that he had spent : Robbâ€"Gordon--Thn account of $5 for exam Lea for inganity be paid. Council met Aug. 27th, mmut opted‘ ; am account from Dr. W Toronto was read. Weare sorry to hear of Jas Mel1â€" vride being so poorly. Hope to hear of his recovery. The school bell is ringing again, Mr. Chas McLellan on duty, The Orchard Harvest Home will be held on Sept 13 dnd 14. _ Rev. Mr. Ibbott of Holstein will conduct Sunâ€" day services and on Monday evening a hot supper will be served . A good program of outside and home talent. The buzz of the thresher is for anot her year, the grain t out very good. Eastb‘nd Misses Eva Renton and Florence Renwic® left on Monday to attend Normal sehool in Toron(o and Stratâ€" ford respectively, Mr Murray Findlay left on Weduesâ€" day for Pt Arthur where bhe has acâ€" cepted a sehool. Electricâ€" Union Station A. M 9.20 Mr. and Mrs. Bogh Renwick Rave been visiting for the past two weeks with the formers parents and return | to Ottawa en Friday, ! Miss Belle Smith, Hamilton, spent | the past week with her parents at the | Manse. |_ Miss Lucy Wilson, Hopevilie spent a |few days recently with Miss Evu‘ | Renton. ' Among this weeks yisitors to Teronâ€" to Kxhibition are Mr John Renwick. Chas Smail, J. M. Findlay and Master Hugb, Mr. J, 0. Johnston suffered froem a severe attack of appendicitis on $unâ€" but at present is somewhat i1mproved . Rey. John Wmith of Dorehester visi~ ted for the past week at J. Findlay‘s. J Between TORONTO _ OTTaAwa givea PRACTICAL TRAINING, because our , because of our connection our GADUATE s 440 6 20 Miss Mary Findlzy, Edgar Renwick and Gordon Hastie left on Monday to attend Burham High School. Our seheol reâ€"opened on Tuesday with Miss Gemilfilr of Ayr in charge. SMLTHS FALLS Ar. OTTPaAwaA 1. Egremont Council &A Cl câ€"fâ€"â€"â€". ié:: Kixasrox Ar Ev. Brireviccs A Ly. TORONTO aAr, Opening of Direct Passenger Service and VALCARTIER x= Effective At_ngust 24, Service between Ottawa Elliott Business College ORCHARD DROMORE Stations and thereafter VHIAKDU ,_ e thresher® is henrdl 1 the grain turning ) qlg lcil to hear of Jas Mcl!â€" orly. Hope to hear|. â€" n it ut e j apply to nearest Canadian Northern Railway Agent For tickets examining That Dr. Wilson‘s Central (Grand Trunk) Station of ) W Robb re. $12.50 chiefâ€" * Aite minutes ad* Carried our graduates Wedvesâ€"| Byâ€"law No 291 to leyy the rate e has acâ€"| was pasged. Rate 74 mills on the $ County rate being $4200 this year, Byâ€"law 202 to appoint &n nesessor â€"W A Reeves waa appoinced , salary $140, is heard| Rey Dr. Marsh, T. H. Ibbott, Nick turning ) olgon and Bharp addressed tho Counr. oil goliciting a grant for Labrary, io bear iaafiobhâ€"Gord That wl : to hear â€"â€"Wordonâ€"That while we ag. knowledge the uplifting force of , again, | 8008 Lsbrary we cannot see our Way ' ‘|m tâ€"e face of so many pressing deâ€" s mamnds to comply with eaid request C o 3ib*|â€"Catried, ev. Mr. uct Sun.‘ _ Bumdry accounts amount mg io evenin‘ 1 $280.06 be plid. A good | _ A special meeting ef Council wa; talent. lheld at Arthur‘s bridge on Aug. 14 1, 'ounjnideg building a cement abutmen ilson* . HENRY, Daily except Sunday 850 jAr. f 9.35 CY 10.23 'A' v and Quebee city Daily *# [ McRobbâ€"Gordonâ€"That w. said abutment if we get it bwilt : same price as the south abu: and that.the Reeve and Comr be a committee to wait upor the tractor regarding the coninct v was agreed to, Carried, Adjourned to meet on Noy. 5i 1D, ALLAN, CJ rk under the north"ex:d"o?;:i'd .I'm SEPTEM B Comr Gordon expended $91.41, including $37.50 on Proton T. Liing, the remainder being gemeral improve. ments. Com on foregoing &;, Car, Byâ€"law No 291 to leyy the rate was passed. Rate 74 mills o) the §, County rate being $4200 this year, Comr. Ferguson reported Brown 40 rods wire fence Brown, do $8, Wm. Aitie» M Hooper, 40 reds 8$8, W H 100 rds $25. Comr fees $1, Is for lucrative Why Not You ? _ Gordonâ€"Ferguson â€" 7 Robb‘s report be adopted large tile enlvert on con 13 is left over till next meey, to get measurements of on |. fees $6. Carriea. ly in grayelling and culver Inspector reported that th; Arthurs bridge was complet mended payment of [¢40( granted. Â¥ _â€" Comt McRobb reported expended $189.50 inelud.», Jmo Hincks wire fence $s of $50 in gravelling 15th :.; a grant of $71 50 on Proton all infornatiou, , Toronto, and P M . OTTAWA â€" Arjo.00 JOLIBETTE 4.00 P M Bhawinigan Jet, _8 40 * QUEBBEC â€" Ly, 530 Principal f Ar.| 5 20 ALCARTIER Ly) 4.4] Military Camp Btations gives 1914 QUEBEC _econirnact which Carried. . Station W Cuiverts , 1914 YCrLs ‘“. llfi .b.u ‘ltttd. Foans. That 1; Hay, Uy bo..h .. _A gr; !idd..,..“ 8 Cope ccept i on i I N Ordep ‘€ Agâ€" of a ' Way § deâ€" U#St. illd the Omt‘s eDt Orde vVOL. XXXVi1, NO. ~â€"â€"ft~~OW N.::; 18 Stort The Dotmin:0®a ted in Mt Forest, blackemith shop . The members ol h riston, last Priday n ed to extend a call 1 of Pinkerton and C: byien y of Bruce, While cranking Thusday week, 1a entally {ractured hi mA once set it will I fore his arm will } sling . &A BJ Mre, Robt. Al fered sgeyerely which resulted i and injuries to eoyeting and : qressed for th James in ill hes tention . | A consignmeR®‘ cattle, also fogr ©| stein beifere, i) | Publie Auction a! Darham . on Sa®ar at 2 p. m. Teru®e, md jwin( not¢s, num discount for c New LimuTrâ€"GovI from Ottawa suat« Mendrie of Hamilt to occupy the new ( Bir James would Premiership, Si° â€" voo much of his H gram so €ol, Hen« and tired of politic Mr J. C. Telford Orpheus Male Cho Mifl' musical woffered the service wny patriotic socie certs without chat already taken part concerts and has sélections, The cl ship of #wenty an< ship of Mr Geo, 1st After the rain or 23 women gather Lostittute meeting J W Biyth, Varn« that 20 pairs of p made by the Lustu given by Mi Prodh=i». drove io th be iheld next s Toroxro‘s Bio Fa I t great distraction caused . in spite of the hindrance ol yest, in spite of increased ral Roulways. the manageme "Biggest Annual Fair in the N has come out with a surplus « of an attendance of nearly @ Â¥e BEditor tast week had a goi at the Fair and was amonyg ‘ bor Day erowd, whan 135.000 through the turnstiles, som« less than same day last y« an orderly crowd and well h except by the street car 0@ whose service was wretchea afternoon, _ The exhbibits in q were greater and in quality tent judges say equal to the 1 any noyice with experience ol years, eould feel the efeet of cloud, _ ]+ had hbeen dutbbed Â¥ear‘ and by a strange irony was ever so warlike How narmme is precious to this conli will be something for uuha ape to aim at. The "Fall of 1 had hittle interest compared | warmth of the patriotic bat dl.‘llonn-lin. in tarn of | *I..‘ France, Russia taimm, all brougbt out in col« triclight bulbs, â€" He would b deed s moved by â€" Mivath mss "hoe a 0s "Amde wi Splces a Addres 1 O#3 R. R. 1 Rost OPICSE: M th eather Carg Hs R M

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