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Durham Review (1897), 15 Oct 1914, p. 1

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ART AN ian Clhure STEIN IF S ranteod Customers <t Chure loronto Datly for 1 ve@t.....â€" S HARD oice and c ‘ erous visi oms in H e cumpli r assort Millinery â€" have nguine ir C T nier ased. vours It A mlssio..,’ t now co..:za d of Missinng % _ a E‘l‘hfli.' a il Methodist3 Rates. D. F.R.A.s, Pasto® t, of the s l preacht rntag & P’“b"flh 1 and Fairbairg are sorry T mention o:: Roholt did not nECtIOM with s« ~ Nervices ) p. MB . ureday at . 1914 urchasi Hats £ atisfact10M 3, 1914 H Uing Vik hoice. »x Duily W itne t y taking up olds. the g» ndid erop. t ZLion. visit r triend, Misg & a solo Sunâ€" appreciated. v and Mr A. day at Falk» ite ace and Norâ€" r Sunday at wt ig h bornood. pent Sunday eith. _beld theip night. wn and fagy. Robt £Y, lnis.‘ ws want, he come (‘n. aws, but in eems denieg e at 11 @0 leclares ed and On With the race ;n & 13.1.’.2'.)?_“.‘." Press on, Mat Mr and n . and .n' ) atternooy Mrs. Thos H rder now. he village % p.. Oe r Mr. angd bereave. Un t Visl Wwas the â€" Heory achige Sarâ€" 1 Mrs 3 ® 3 90 3 0 31 1 9 1 ® 1 13 1 90 1 69 3 00 the TOL . XXKXKVIlL, NO. 42 av R. L. Saunders‘ Uurbam, on Friday y. Oâ€"t. 23 and 24, we will t famous zold filled specâ€" 4 glasses for “. These it thg same as are sold imh$3.20 to 85. Remember nulpe goid fAiled frame «lX lgnses and your eyes ted Ry. Messrs Hogbson ‘~~dink% Eyeaght Specialâ€" ite. r four years we sellin these . glasses the great&r part of Ontarâ€" popularit® is attested to incressing dimand. _Owâ€" dvancing cost of material rtley on Sunday last, nuecion with Trinity w, after nearly four i‘s incumbency, ; cation *assembled at his d he took his text from un to the Jews : "*What i _Josus which is called erâ€" dilating on Pilate‘s moss he made an earnest \the question bhome with nd answer it with conâ€" wrage. _ In a personal » close of the service he * warm thanks for the «d support he had receivâ€" ‘ple and from the town | they would give like e now pastor, Rev. Mr. tskes charge on Sunday Â¥ price, aperiil lenses ling prices, _A 1 reâ€" NliciiBd and sat 100 Noticeâ€"Come early and W M l +g DNPIUCS per ty to p:turday W ail Paper at Macâ€" Gur $ avy brovd imare, d in foal, 6 years i choive filly foal, , a preominent res was sentenced in wk to eight years entiary â€" fer rape 1. The complain* a R «_ party who reâ€" from the Cental wdiy or Sunday, jucsled to return y are kaown, and it sary services will | Monday, 18th and y services will be 7.30 p. m., the pas e morning,. _A cold ed in the Orange com 6.30 to 8 and c an entertainment. . Caldweli Marâ€" 1 Bank staff was endicitis and an xC OO Rev. T. H, Ibbost v‘s Whaley and am will give adâ€" cal program is of kcllence. Chair s Tickets, ( tea last oppprtunity to ‘ds as thelabove exâ€" mice, SpecRl lenses prices. A 1 reâ€" wf the Priceyille «titute, was bheld D. Campbeli. 22 Very instructive ers were â€"read * ss E. â€" Harrow» Beauty " by Mr3 + A Little Cbild " ires coldsâ€"fully it Mactarlane‘s \ Jamieson, He ed from a simiâ€" ig and we are since the opera~ lly and is now e‘s Drug Store. Bruce St., has y to Ed. Burnâ€" rday to reside School Eouverâ€" on Friday evâ€" Rev‘s Marsh yive addresses music by chouw u&‘&u. in prepâ€" ud 15 cents. Hamilton ), Miss Stodard s on * Colds and e Nov, meeting e of Mrs Mathâ€" equested to be new member. of Duw ham ergus, as CHoRraL SOCIWTY.â€"A meeting will be held in Public Library building at 8 p. m, on Tucsday next, 20:th October, to effect the formation of a Choral Soâ€" giety, Mr R, A. Cook, Mt. Forest, is to be Instructor, The Teachers are holding forth this Thursday and Friday at their annual Convention, this year in Dundalk. CnHaNGE or CoURrIERâ€"Mr J. Pust, carmer on R, R, No.2, Durham, since its inceprion, has sold out to Mr Doss Campbell, of Weibeck, who we underâ€" stand will remove to town amnd take charge, Horss: Far,â€"â€"The next Faicr falls on October 22nd, and the bills ask for 100 light horses 142 to 15 hands and 200 light horses from 15â€"1 +o 15â€"3 hands. Mre Black assures us that certain buyâ€" ers will buy all Picador stock offering, Ar® Eurcrions CoMing. â€" Some little stir has been caused by the reâ€" port that Dowinion Elections may be brought on in November, but Mr Borâ€" den is said to be against the iqea, Hon. Rogers and Cochrane would like to bave a " Khaki" election, but posâ€" sibly have difficulty in finding an isâ€" sue on war lines in which the Liberails would be less enthusiastic themselves. We think it would be an outrage to bring an election on now and men or ministers who proposeare no Riends of Canada,. One is not due for almost two years yet. Hon,. Messrs Pelletier and Nantel are reported to be giving up their portfolios, In Caigary on Sept. 14th, the weddifi was solemnized of Mr. Jas. G. Moore, formerly of Normanby, and also well known in town, to Miss Jean Currie, formerly of Ayr, Ont. _ They are residâ€" ing at Swalwell, Alberta. /*Hearty conâ€" gratulations to our old friend and one time pupil. Mr Robt McGillivary with his threshâ€" ing outft has threshed out the barns of the neighborhood. Bob is a clean thresher and can turn out more grain per hour than most of them. Miss Agnes McGirr accompanied by Miss Jean Firth of Orangeville, spent the holiday at her home here. the hoiday at her nome nere. Mr and Mrs. Frances McLeod of Colâ€" lingwood spent part of the week with her brother, Mr Neil McCannel. On Monday evening the many friends of Messrs John and Robt Hewitt gathâ€" ered at the home of Mrs. Chas. Ritchie to say farewell to them cre they take their departure to their new home in Montreal. _ As the evening advanced Mr Neil McCanne!l was voted to the chair. _ Mr. Robt. Lindsay was called upen and read the following address ; To Messrs John and Robert Hewitt ; Knowing that you are about to leave our community and make your home in a distant city, we your friends and neighhors have assembled here to night to express our regret for your departure and to extend to you our best wishes for happiness and prosperity in your new home. During your sojourn among us we have found you to be, not only good citizens, but kind and obliging neighâ€" bors as well. â€" Though quiet and unasâ€" suming in disposition you were ever ready to do a neighbor‘s part in every sense of the word. _ We are therefore sorry tolose you as residents of our community but we know that what is our loss is other‘s gain. We ask you to accept these gifts as a token of our esâ€" teem for you and be assured that the wish of the neighborhood is that the best in life be yours, wherever your lot may be cast. Signed {on behalf of your friends. Mrs. Robt Lindsay Mrs. Chas. Ritchie ‘ Robt, Lindsay ‘ Murray Ritchie Mr. Hewitt was presented with a handsome arm chair and Robert with a pair of gold cuff links. _ Each made a reply suitable to the occasion. Then followed a long program of musical selections, â€" recitations and speeches after which refreshments were served and the inmer man satisfied . The many friends departed to their own homes shortly after midnight, wishing Mr. Hewitt and Robert a happy life in Then followed a musical selections, speeches after whict served and the in their new home S+rANDARD _ We offer The REVIEW to New Subscribers to January 1, 1916, for One Dollar. The Burha BANK OoF CANADA GREEN GROVE DURHAM BRANCH, hx BB® â€"_________}] OFFICE Mr, Arch. McComb, ‘Toronto, Woliâ€" dayed over Thanksgiving with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McComb. Mrs. M. 0. Hammond, wife of the city editor of the Globe, Toronto, was a guest oyer Thanksgiving at her cousin‘s, Dr. Pickering. Miss Maggie McQinnis, Sy denham Tp, yisited over Thanksgiying with Glenelg relatives, the McGillivray‘s. Miss Kate Hewitson of Torosto Normal!, visited her sister, Mres McColâ€" wan in town and relatives in Bentinck. Mr. P. Forsyth of Essex was a Thavksgiving guest at Mr, S. Mec. Comb‘s. Misses Lena Legate and Elsie Wright of Hanovyer Model, were guests over Thanksgiving at their uncle‘s, Mr. C. Ramage. Rey, S. M. Whaley conducted Anâ€" niversary services in Ayton on Sunâ€" day. thke puipit here being supplied by the pastor there, Rey, Mr. Taylor, _ Misses A and E, Grant, M MeClock® lin and Clara Aljoe, Toronto, Margarâ€" et Grant of Beeton, were teachers who holidayed at their homes in town, Misses Peggy and Emma McCaul, Toronto, but formerly of Darham, visited old friends over the holiday. Miss Agnes Ramage, teacher at Lake Charles, North Keppel, was home over the holiday . Mr. Duncan McKenzie, trayelling accountant for the Canada Steamâ€" ships Co., paid a flying visit to his father and sister here over Sunday. Miss Zâ€"ta Black holidayed at her home in Paisley, Mrs, , Bretz of Shelburne, yisited her parents here over Thanksgiving. Miss Mary McCannel of Mt. Forest Business College. visited her cousin, Miss Mary McQueen en route to ber home in Boothville. Mr. Alex. Hildebrandt of Stratford Normal was home over the holiday . Rev N. McCausland, former Baptist pastor bere, and who has for almost a year past been stationed in Palmerâ€" ton, received a call from Stayner congregation and has now removed chere. cuareerncl Mrs Wilson, Upper Town, ate Thankâ€" sgiving at her daughters, Mrs Duncan Smiley, Glenelg, Mr. John Black of Edmonton, is spending a few weeks at her uncle‘s, Mr. F. Keiwsey. AAONMEFRRON M6, Will Campbell left last week to resuame his studies at Queen‘s Uniâ€" versity, Kingston, Miss Ida Wilson is visiting with (ivelph and Toronto relatives for a few weeks. Misses Nellie and who are attending College were at t Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Moore McFadden of Pickering. ate Thavksgiving dinner with his parents here. Mrg. W. H. Bean returned Friday after attending the faneral of her sisâ€" ter in Fordwich. Rev. and Vrs Hartiey left the begin. ning of this week for their new charge at Delaware, Middlesex Co. Mre. Brown of Hanover visited her sister, Mrs. R. Marshali, Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Haslett of Winmpeg are visitors at Mc Gilbert McKechnie‘s. Mr. and Mrs, Wim. Heughan visited in Hanover Sunday and attended the funerad of his aunt, Mrs. Heughan in Walkerton who passed away on Sunâ€" day. Miss Anuie McKinnon, daughter of Chas McKinnon, Port Arthur, who is attending McDonald College, Guelph. visited her cousio, Miss Edna Limin over Thanksgiving. M.s C. E. Seyn ter returned last Pittsfield, Mass , investment ; quickly the second. _ Judged by these M a depofi in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal visit form of investment. Harpixsâ€" In Durbam, on Friday, Oct Oth, to Mr, and Mrs J. H. Hardâ€" ° ing, a daughter, ECURITY for both principal and ; 0. E. Seymour and baby daughâ€" turned last week to her home in flield, Mass , after a two month with her mother, Mrs D Jackson. DURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1914 at their BORN Mary McKechnie Guelph Business homes over With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader \__Mr,. Will Buchan visited ever the hol. Aday with Toronto friends. Magyor Black is at Wiarton Fair toâ€" day, Wednesday, judging the races. Mr and Mrs. J. P. Honter returned Saturday after an erjoyable three month‘s tour of the West. i ut Mr Edwin Allan of the sporting staif, Toronto Mail and Empire, and son Clifford are wisiting his parents here. Mré. R. MacFarlane and ber motber Mrs McMillan, returned last week afâ€" ter spending the summer at their old home in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Mr and Mrs Jno. Beetache, ) Mrs V, Jordan and baby, Mr R all of Hanover, and Miss Deli 1 Clifford, were Thanksgiving 1 of the Gibson families in town. Mrs. Prudbam is in Grand Vailey toâ€"day, Wednesday, addressing a meetâ€" mg of the Women‘s Missionary 80â€" ciety‘s Convention for Mt. Ferest Disâ€" triet, Mrs, N. J, McArthar, Vancouver, was a guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. T Banks and D. and A. MeArthâ€" ur, ber busband‘s sister and brotkers. It was 13 years since she was here before. Miss Tilhe Levine from St. Thomas, spent Thanksgiving with her p«rents, Mr and Mrs J. Levine. Messrs Dan McGrath, Mike McAulâ€" iffe, Jno, Murdoch and Mrs Murdoch are in attendance at Markdale fair this Wednesday, Mr Norman Brown has gone on a trip to Party Sound for fish and game. Mr and Mrs W. 8. Harris are visiting relatives in Port Elgin. Mr Iewin Reilly and sister have reâ€" turned from Emo, Ont,, and will take up residence in Durbam for the winâ€" ter,. _ He has much to say for the counâ€" try, but it did not suit his health, The Astronomical lecture by Rev. Dr, Marsb, of Holstein, on Friday last was worthy of a much larger andiâ€" ence, The subjeet is an intensely inâ€" terestiog one and it is rarely that opâ€" portunity is afforded to see and hear so much of astronomicai research as is given by Dr. Marsh, himself an enâ€" thusiast in the science that Geals with the wonders of the heavens. His treatment of our moon in picâ€" ture and speech was most interesting and scarcely less so were the views and comments on our immense Sun, its sputs, eclipses, &c., the wonderfu) Mars and its snow caps, Jupiter and its betts, S iturn and his rings, comets and other features of our Solar Sysâ€" tem, Going further into the depths ef space there were showu the millions of suns, nebulae and star groups reâ€" vealed by stellar photography, which which were characterized as * the workâ€"hop of the Aimighty." Mr Jno. Marsh, son of the Lecturer, made his first appearance in Durham as a singer and won the favor and apâ€" plause of his audience to a marked det gree, He was repeatedly encored and both in execution and in the character of his selections bis ability and good taste were manifest, Miss Irwin ac» companied and at the opening gave one of her pleasing instrumentals, The proceeds wers ncarly $20â€" and the treasury of the Women‘s Institute under whose auspices the meeting was held, will not be greatly burdened after expenses are paid. Toronto young man, refine\: good references, expecting to stay htrre for month or more, would like to htrar from nice private family willing to accommodate him with furnished room (with or without board.) _ Libefal flay if suited. _ Reply to Drawer 13, Durâ€" HA M. ?-;O EQCEEEEEEEEEWEEENEMEE?EE% 3 DURHAM FLOUR MILLS § Accommodation Wanted Among the Stars Any Quantity of WOOL, Our FLOURS are unsurpassed, and our prices consistent with good quality. We will pay the highest market price Best Quality Hay ~for . Sale Custom Chopping and Oat Criishing Washed or Unwashed. Weight. Our Stock of FEEDS is large and of best quality, _ We want good GRAIN, and will pay highest market prices. aYSF 2A Mr and R. Litt, Lee, of visitors T * :. h Fred J. Weish § Edgar Lawrence, a Vickers yourng man the victim. While peacefully driving kome the cows on the afternoor of Thanksgivâ€" ing Day, Edgar, the secend son of Mr and Mrs Thos, H. Lawrence, of Vickâ€" ers, was severely wounded by a charge of shot frem a shot gun, and ‘suffering much pain, the injured lad died at 4 a. m. Tuesday, The deceased was 19 years, 7 mos, of age. c uricam t Earlier in the day it appears that Jos. Hamlet, a young Englishman emâ€" ployed with Arthur W. Hant and who was the cause of the sad fatality, went hunting with Harry and George Reay, also from the same neighborâ€" hood, It was about 5 p. m. or a little later, when they were returning homeâ€" wards across the Lawrehce farw, when Hamlet raised his skot gun and aimed at a point in the lane fence, Lawrepce was the other side In the lane and pre. sumably unnoticed by the man behind the gun, We learn the latter supposâ€" ed it not loaded, but the discharge had a terrible effect, The shot, scattering, struck the unfortunate. victim above both eyes, in the cheek, in the side of the head and near the hip, and though the young men rushed to his aid, and quickly carried him to the heuse, it was eyicent that ne hopes could be entertained. He lingered about ten ‘houm before the spark of life finally ebbed out, On Tuesday afternoon a jusy was empanelled by the Coroner, Dr. Gun to hear the evidence and bring in a verâ€" dict. The jurymen were Messrs David Adlam, foreman : John Bailey, Ernest Roseborouoh, Roy Vickers, Jas. Turnâ€" bull, Walter Bailey, Harry Reay, Robt. Johnston. _ In hearing the evidence it was brought out that Ha vlet had been about 45 yards distart from the victim when the gun was discharged, and the latter some 26 ft beyond the fence in the lane, â€" The jury brought in a verâ€" dict of accidental death but severely censured Hamlet for his carelessness in handling and using the weapon. _ The cyidence has been forwarded to the Crown Attorney at Owen Sound and on his decision, rests what sentence if any, will be meted to the Englishman. Credit Auction Sale The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructedito sell by Public Aucâ€" tion at LOT 38, CON. 8, Bentinck, on TUESDAY, 2%h OCTOBER, 1914 at 1 o‘clock, sharg, the following yaluâ€" able Farm Stock had 1mplements : Horse 5 years old, Mare 5 years old, Driyving Mare 5 vik. old, Driving mare 7 years old . 6 Cows supposed in calf, 4 steers two years old. Heifer P yrs eld, 2 8teers I year old, 2 Heifers1 year old, 3 spring Ualves, Thorougbpred. Ram Lamb, 2 Thoroughbred Ewe Lambs, 3 Sheep, Masseyâ€"Harris Bipder and Masseyâ€" Marris Cultivator pboth nearly new, Mas.â€"Marris Seed Dr\li, 11 Hoes nearly new, McCormick moÂ¥er, lumber wagâ€" gon with box and Steck Rack, twoâ€" seated Carriage, Fleufy walking plow, Set iron Harrows, Cut#er, Set of Bobâ€" Sleighs, Top Buggy, Hprse Kake, Set double Harness, set sirgkle harness, set Plough Harness, WheBWbarrow, Hay Rack, Fanning Mili, ot Pulper, a Standard Uream Separdtor near, new, a quantity of Hay and{Grain, 3 Spring Lambs, Brood Sow with pig a number of Hens. Some Household Furnifture and oth er articles. The Farm will also offered for sale on above date. erms made known day of sale,. _ For\urther parâ€" ticulars apply to owner. . * 'l‘v;t.l:s_';u:us of $5 and §nder, caâ€"b. Over that amount any length of time given up to 12 mos, at 6 p.c.\per annum MRS. A. BROWN, _ R. iIG HAM, Farm Stock and Implements Fatal Shooting Accident Administratri® Cash and Gold Review. valuable for uctioneer Needless to say he feels very keenly the results of his rash indiscretion, and tothe parents, brothers and sisters of the deceased, so suddenly bereft of one from the family circle, the shock comes with much more sorrow than would therwise be the case. _ Edgar was a uiet lad of pleasant disposition and vas an active worker on the farm, being 1dom away from home. _ Besides the rrowing parents he leaves two broth rs Chas F. at Torento University, Rex at Migh School in Durham and two sisters, Hattie, tcacher, near Ayton and Annie at home. â€" The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon to Hutton Hiil Cemetery. Subscribe toâ€"day. Eat Naismith‘s Breag The kind that stays fresh longer and has a flavor all its own THE ROYAL BANK OF GCANADA are all of the highest quality and can be obtained at Saunâ€" ders & Aitchison‘s store. There‘s a differenceâ€"try a loafâ€"it will tell its own story. Saunders«Aitchison New FALL Suits SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened acmmmmeenmemmmemmenmenmmmencememnmmmmmmemmmmmmen will) o1} iDitial dew'“ of One Dollar. Interest is credited half yearly. JOINT ACCOUNTS An account in the names of two sommmuneqnmmuummnmemecmememmmemmeees jmonDers Of A fADilY Will DC {0000 convenient. Either person(or the survivor) may operate the account. DURMAM BRANCH : S. HUGHES, Manager. ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING The House of Qaality S. F. MORLOCK We indulge in absolutely no exaggeration when we say that in these lines you will see Clothing values that haye never been excelled in Durham. The smart distinctive styles, the upâ€"toâ€"date exclusive materials, the perfect fit and the splenâ€" did quality of tailoring shown in these goods can hardly fail to elicit your admiration and your order. See them. Make a point of it. Progress Brand Clothing and Alert Juvenile Clothing have a tremendously strong reputation . Every customer who has tried them usually comes back again, as the Linings, Fit and Style are superior to the ordinary run of Clothing. We have a splendid assortment in Black and Navy Worsted, also Tweed Suits,. During this month we are going to give a splendid Safety Razor with every Euit from $4.00 up. ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Naismith‘s Wrapped Loaf Naismith‘s Highpan Loaf Naismith‘s Homemade Loaf Naismith‘s Brown Loaf Naismith‘s Breakfast Scan for Men and Young Men, and Groceries, Boots and Shoes Good Health is Yours INCORPORATED 1869 if you Published Weekly at $1.00 a vear, C. RAMAGE & sON,Posumazes We waut all those who are in ar rears for subscription to examine their labal and remit at once the amount necessary to bring the label up to end of 1914. «We need ready money at present and must look to those who owe us, _ Piease remit at once, obliging FoRr raad 6 Snell‘s store; A snap, To Subscribers in Arrears SALE. â€" Extra good Music an $11,560,000 13,575,000 w# # @ _ ve org Tus Pusuish®ERS xitra good second in,. Can be seen at 1 Sowing Machine The House of Quality

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