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Durham Review (1897), 15 Oct 1914, p. 8

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DW e s + dA top 6A & x 4i itA 64 t 4 t 4 t s 4 Ind 191 ly s:seseaeseeeaéeass“’:seesg °_ CENTRAL DRUG STORE * SAY 1 Do you want your money‘s worth in Auto roR HiR®R,â€"Resonable terms and a hundred other things that we can help you to save money on Right Now Ap sn Gn o ce on ohp i oi i se se o op ioh oh se se ie t h o e she The J. D. | Abraham Co. | We have a few Waists left, about 30 in all, which we will sell as follows: _ $2.00 Waists for ... _ $1.50 1.50 Waists for.....1.20 1.25 Waists for ... ... 1.00 ‘These are in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44. New Goods 18l In Silk Lisle, Lisle, and Mercetized Cotton. Also in White. White Cotton Socks for Children. Little Darling Hose. Some good value in Just in. Come and see us if you need anything in our line A Clearing of LADIES‘ WHITE W AISTS With a selection of the newest goods in School tm Blanksâ€"Pencils, Penholders, Erasers and school # sundries of all kinds. :: Our stock is targe and Prices PRight '_}_! Dress Goods Flannellettes Flannellette Blankets Underwear Coat Sweaters Boys‘ Suiks Ladies‘® Coats Ready for Schoot Opening Black % Colored SILKS )Y 1e in and we‘ll prove it. Câ€"L. GKANT C. Smuiru & Sons, The Ford Garage Send your children here. _ We will see that they are correctly served. High and Public School Text Books All kinds now in stock. WOMEN‘S HOSE Another Shipment of Miss Viola Rennie of Hanover Moâ€" del visited relatives and at Mr. W. Ramage‘s at Thanksgiving. The storm of Thursday last was the greatest seen by oldest inhabiâ€" tants, on one hillside washing out a channel 3 it by 4 feet in width and depth, carfrying stones and gravel across the‘ rm&Py: Large quanâ€" tities of hail fell, ‘aize varving in loâ€" ealities. After the storm passed the barn of Wm Ramage was struck in two places by lightning demolishing completely a rafter and other minor damages but fortunately not setting on fire though passing down between the post aad the havy. A stropg smeil of smoke and sulphuar waste!t following the crashing report. Rev Mr Roach, an old time preachâ€" er of Priceyille cireuit some cight years ago, preached on Sunday last to a erowded Ebenezer. Messrs Chas Watson and Thos. Weir began their rounds last week taking names of those who are wil ling to assist in the patriotie contribâ€" utions of bags of oais and potatoes. Their first haif day was yery successâ€" tal. _ How any could retuse safely ‘"sitting at home while Tommy bears the bruat‘‘ is more tnan we can couâ€" prehend. Let Egremont be the banâ€" ner township in this as in other things. Gipsy Simono Smith held a series of Evangelistic services in Salem church last week and were largely attended. Mr Smith is a good speaker and lovely singer and his story of the gipsy lite was very interesting, Anniversary services will be held in auct the services, Oo the following Monday eyening a tea meeting will be held, Tea served from 6 to 8.° A go«4 program is prepared. Most of the young people attenc« d the Fair io Dundalk last Friday aod were quite disappointed, aq the ra)n came ow just as the crowd were going to the grounds. Most of them stayod {for the concert and report a good tim. . Mr Wmm Ramage. crop correspond â€" ent of the Deps. of" Agricalture, O:â€" tawa, was the recipient oi a finely bound volume of fodder and pasture plants by that body. Anniversary services will be held Salem Methodistâ€"ckarch on Sund Oc, 18 b. Rev, Mr Roach wili c The Easy Road to a Good Salary Students and graduates assisted to positions, â€" Enter any time. Fall particulars in free catalogue., D. A. McLacuLra®, â€"G. A. Hex®ry, President. Principal Is the one leading to a course of or 8 montbs in the Balance crowded out till next we« MOUNT FOREST BUSINESS COLLEGE NORTH EGREMONT SWINTON PARK â€"â€"4 # 4 â€"â€"â€"â€" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO £a ty\ 5\ w Wij Cxe A Misses Jennet Hay and Belle Meâ€" Coll, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the former‘s parents here. Mr and Mrs D. Christie, of Mt. Forâ€" est, visited friendr in the yvillage over the week end. Mr John Moffat, accompanied by his two daughtersâ€"inâ€"law, motored to Mr Will Hastie‘s and returoed to their home in Norwich Sunday. Several from here attended Duanâ€" dalk tair on Friday last. Mrs Brown, after a week‘s visit at her home in Torento, returned Saturâ€" day to nurse her aged father. Sr 4thâ€"Total 350. Ina Marsh 241, P Drumm 234, Arthur Kerr 229, Mary Myers 227, A Carss 221. Jr 4thâ€"Total 350. _ Mary Bye 263 5 Hamiiton 257, Margaret Main 237 Ada Rice 186, E Sution 186, V Mcâ€" Ciocklin 182. Sr 3rdâ€"Total 300. Rosie McKenâ€" zie 146, Arthur Irwin 135x, Edna Haas 108x, E Ibbott. Miss Nellie Atchison spent Thanksâ€" giviog with Swinton Park friends. Miss Floreneg Renwick, who is atâ€" tending Ssrattord Normal school, srent Thanksgiving at her home. This vicinity was well represented at the Fowl Supper held at Fairbairn Thanksgivinog evening. Mrs Jn Eccles and Miss Bena Bunston returned Monday, atter spending a week with their aunot in Markdale. Jr 314 â€"Total 300. Katie Baird 202, Jack Sutton 193, Frank Dingwall 159x, Madeline McClocklin 159. Agâ€" nes Orchard 154, Geo Baird 142, Ruby Kerr 138, Martin Bye r105x,. L Woodâ€" yard 87x, Mamie Petiigrew 84x, Melâ€" ville Hunt 84x x_1 3jâ€"~â€"_sCan Paird, Lily McCai],| YOf‘%. RKeyv s amith, Moyer and Ibbott Frank Heany, Ruth Smith,’,']e.n Eilis| £ave appropriate addresses, speaking lf you forget the Sam Brandt, Gladys Pettigrew, Rob.| @07 On the theme of Thanksgiv. ert Aitken. * ing. The proceeds for the evanine s Oar teacher, Miss Gemmel!, is atâ€" tending â€" Teachers‘ Convention at Dandalk Thursday and Friday of this week. # Mr Thos. Renwick had the misforâ€" tune of losing old Pete (a horse) this week by falling and breaking it‘s neck. â€" X and Reowick. Mr Ramage contrib uced two fine parriotie songs, Col leetors appointed were as follows 18:h con.â€"(Geo. Lane, John Eecles Poth con.â€"Noble Wilson, Gordor Geddes ; 22nd con.â€"Thos, Weir Cnas. Watson. y Those marked x have missed one examination . A most entkasiastic patriotic mee:\ ing was held in Rassell Hall Wed evening lor the purpose of appointing culleciors in this polling division, relâ€" ative to the gitt of potatoes and oats to be giyen by the connty to British government a~ an aid in the war. Mr James Snell w# ably filled the pesitten=as chaiprme« Oair reeve, Mr John McArtbur, gave a splendid ad dress, dealing with the causes ""dl events of the present war and pointed. out the necessity of our aid. O her speeches were given by Messrs Hasâ€"< tie, Findlay, Bmith, Lothian, Rumugoi Knox Sunoday School intend holdâ€" ing their annual entertainment on October 30th. Mr. W, Wallace of Ebordale spent over the week end with his parents and intends tiking in the Teachers‘ Convention in Dandalk Thursday and Friday. Sr 2ndâ€"Florence Reid, Willie Mcâ€" Kenzie, Laura Hunt, Daisy Irwin, Pearl Dingwall Clinton Rice, Marie O‘Comne 1 â€"Bu:â€"rows $mith absent. Mr and Mrs C. P. Kinnee and Mrs. Kinnee Sr. ot Durham speat Monday with friends on the 3rd. Mr Wim. Greenwâ€"od and Thes. Glencross visited friends in the burg last week. Jr andâ€"Annie Hamiiton, Lioyd Hamilton, Charlie Sutton, _ Addie Haas,â€"Cecil Brandt and Ella Matâ€" thews absent. Class Aâ€"Willie Ellis, John Mcâ€" Kenzie, Mabel Sutton, Roy Brandt, Alfred McClocklin, Gladys Rice, John Heany, Robena Haas. Class Bâ€"Mabel Orchard, Matilda Christie, Marjorie McColl, Hue Swit. zer, Edna Dyer, John Matthews, Jane Heany, Murray Huant, Class Câ€"Jean Baird, Lily McCall, Frank Heany, Ruth Smith, Jean Fllis Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Watson of Deâ€" troit are spending _ Thanksgiving holidays with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirby yvisited Saturday at Nelson Carmount‘s, Glereden. Mr, and Mrs. Pinder, Will Pinder and Mr Harry Caldwell motored to Darham Sunday. Sr 1stâ€"Elsie Reid, Joe Ellis, Tom McKenzie, Bernice Petrie, Austin O‘Connell, Ernest Kerr, Fred Switzer Jt istâ€"Grace Baird, Jean Myers, Agnes Evans, Rimma Aitkens, Clara Matthews, The farmers were glad of the rains on Friday and Saturday. W. T. Pinder returned trom the West Fiiday and was accompanied frem Toronto by his nepbew, Harry Caldwell of Dauphin who is attendâ€" ing college in Toronto. Miss B Falkingham is staying in Darnam at present. Miss Jessic Campbell returned to her home Saturday after s ending a month with her aunt Mrs fDongln. «_Mr John McNiece is home from the West for a visit with his parents here. NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY Holstein School Report. DROMORE . RAMAGE, Principal. ORCHARD HoLSTE PRIMARY n Rev T. H. Ibbott arrived home from his western trip on Friday night, Mrs D. P. Coleridge is winiting her sister near Detroit, Mich. Joan Manary was in the city for a couple days. ‘The street lights have ‘been repaitâ€" ed and Broadway is shining bright once more. Miss Auna Carss holidayed in Brantford for a few days. Mr. Bert Brebner entertained his brother from Ingersoll over Thank:â€" sgiving Day. . # 7 Miss C. Marshall and nephew, Gerald Ferguson spent a few days at the former‘s home in 8t Mary‘s. Miss Marion Coburn, though not unaccompanied â€" visited friends in Markdale Wednesday, this being Fair Day Fhere. ; f c :“i’:lil:r fg)am Ingersoll over £MAD®S*". us ninth moon of Jupiter, recently eyne ~M +3 $ \ discovered by Mr Nicholson, of the Miss Marion Ceburn, though nOt|pic; Observatory, is a very minute unaccompanied visited friends in ‘body,‘ perhaps not more than 40 miles Markdale Wednesday, this bel”!«l_in diameter and can be seen only with Fair Day‘ ere. ; f c ia very large telescope. Robb School Mouse 8. 8. No: 6,â€"â€" All kindRof cementtile from 3 inâ€" has had a fine new heating and ven‘| ches to 30 imhes, for sale. We are tilation systeminstalled during the turnimg out ° large quantity every past week. Miss Craw{ord is teachâ€" ' day. Well tilM@ a specialty,~ Call er here, | and see our plantN@ehind the Exhibiâ€" Mratoe tAGYLe Hiosahses Pmmuantinh {tton Halt, F Mn P26 ) e cieily i Egremont is Loyal of the Old Brigade ‘" and an encore followed. ~Mr W. Ramage delighted the audience with the number *‘ Towmmy . Atkins.‘‘ _ Messrs A,. Woods, C. Legge, Mrand Miss Buchâ€" anan also took an acceptable part in the programme in solo ard duet work. Rev‘s !mith._ Moyer and Ibbott Egremont‘s patriotic spirit is being tested and it is admirably respondâ€" ing at present to the ery ot need for the distress and suffering caused by war. â€" Meetings at Sinclair‘s, Drury‘s Allan‘s, Yeovil School and at halls in Holstein and Dromore have been recently held and Reeve McArthur who is devoting much valuable time to the projeet says that returns will be large and satisfactory, In this prosperous year most farmers are finding a few bags of potatoes and oats are not missed and the canvas sers are getting their lists well filled. The committee in charge of Holstein ward are Wm Eceles, Peter Mutch, W H Rogers, Alex Ross, Geo. Hunt, Geo. Rawn, Wm. Horsburg Jr, John Stevenson, And Hunter, John Walls, Heniy Cowan, Thos Kirby, Robert Robertson. i~ se The Anniversary services at Fairâ€" bairn Presbyterian church on Sunday and Monday attained a success of unâ€" usual proportions. Rev, Mr Perrin, of Moorefield, made a very acceptable preacher at the morning and evening meetings on Sunday, large congregaâ€" tions being present, the evening atâ€" tracting a capacity house. For the tea meeting and towl supper on Monâ€" day, a better time was never prepared nor a bettertime spent. Supper, the primeipal article on the menu being appetizing chicken pie, was served from 6 to 8 o‘clock in the * Sunday School Parlors *‘ as some of the clerâ€" ical speakers later amusingly termed the sheds. The programme in the church followed, Rev Dr. Marsh actâ€" ing as chairman, ‘The choir, angâ€" mented by Mr J. Marsh, Mr and Miss Buchanan, of Cedarville and Mrs Hockridge, of Hopevilie, rendered splendid ~musical seiections. â€" The: Mopeville quartette, consisting of: Mrs Iâ€"Iockti&e. Miss Shand and thei Messrs Shand gave a piece which | might be termed ** A Husband‘s Diâ€" lemna." J., A. Marsh rendered * Bovs Owing to the Teachers Convention | "9" **9"* s in Dundalk on Thursday and Friday, | J . wW. NT, Holstein, the school is closed and the scholar8 ; _ [n connection with the\Methodist Ch. are enjoy ing a couple of extra holiâ€"| at Hoistein, Rev T. Hargr®eaves Ibbott, days. | Ph. B., will giv_f_: series of ;pcci:l ad 3 | dresses every ursday night at 7:30 h‘The'“"'dfls‘g""d hes to infor® | ; m, _ The )subjecls a);c a% follows ; is manv friends and‘the publtc genâ€"/ Thurs., Oct 15th, ‘"Shall we know each l&l’n”\ that his mill at\Orchard i8§ other in Heaven ?" * W hat is Life ?" ?OW ready for business. share of "What is Death ?" ‘"What is Immortalâ€" our patronage is solicited, Nair dealâ€"| ity ?" _ ‘"What is Heaven ?" ‘"What is iny guaranteed. Hell ?" A hearty invitation is given to ( r ecwafkernx all toattend these meetings .‘ The undersign&g, offers by private sale on account of loss of his barn by fire the followinNive stock which must be disposed of ‘@t once: mare rising 3, horse rising \z2, two fillies rising 2, all heavy draug@ht animals ; five milch cows, 12 head ¢ yearlings and 2â€"year olds; York sok% with 8 pigs ready to wean, 3 Berk Bows, 4 breeding ewes. W. J LAMONT, lot 10, con.10, ‘t. R. R, No. 2, Mount Forest James Mickleborough, of Toronto, visited his relatives here over the week end. Misses Blanche Thompson and Irene Drumm, from Listowel, were guests at the latter‘s home here. The ujdersigned hes to inform his manv friends and‘the publte gen â€" erally . that his mill at\Orchard is '{mw ready for business. share of our patronage is solicited, Nair dealâ€" ‘n;: guaranteed. + The monthly meeting of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs J. W. Hunter, Thurs,, Oct. 15th, at 2.30 p. m Topicsâ€" Character Building, **Storing of Winter Vegetables."" Roll Callâ€"Seâ€" lections from Robt. Burns. All la dies cordially invited. , The glass casting for the great Telâ€" escope for Canada has been received by the John A. Breshear Co. of Pittsâ€" burg. who is to form and polish the lens The glass. casting measures 73 5 8ths inches in diameter, 13% inâ€" ches thick and weighs 4962 pounds, The Telescope when finished will be placed in B. C., Canada, and will be the largest telescope in the world . Live Stock for Sale Fairbairn Anniversary Starting Oct. 1, the Public Library are giving 15 months‘ subscription to the Library for $1.00. The commitâ€" tee purpose adding many new books at an early date and are planning their annual concert for the middle of November. §aAur THE DURHAM 2EVIEW . SWANEKTON TN Mr and Mrs St. Ledger and Miss Jean, from Toronto, visited at the Durant home for a few days. Miss < Georgina Hamilton, â€" of Georgetows, is holidaying for a few weeks at her father‘s,; Geo. Hamilâ€" ton‘s, 12th con. ‘Tribe and Dowling :?dwcl ed another load of stockers and feeders on Saturâ€" day. This makes four car loads. which they are selling ‘to farmers at right prices. Mr and Mrs J. D. Main entertained Mrs and Miss Robinson and Mr and Mis Bateman, all from â€"Mt. Forest, on Thanksgiving Day." Aifter undergoing a successful opâ€" eration for appendicitis on Tuesday night of last week, we are pleagsed to report that J. W. Hunter. is making splendid recovery, The annual social evening of the beef ring held on Oct. 6, passed off with greater success than usual. More than 100 people were present for the occasion and enjoyed a most appetizing repast and then took part in or were auditors of, a program of merit. © W. M. Groat made an able chairman for the last named function and heading the list of talented enâ€" tertainers were Mrs T. H. Ibbott who more than pleased hber audience by her musical numbers. _ Mrs. Ibbott in addition to rendering two superior selections, also took pait in a fine instrumental duet with Mr. Eakett on the violin,. _ Another number apâ€" preciated was the playing 0o: Miss Sophie MceArthur and Currie McArâ€" thur on the piano and violin : Har vey Groat gave a pleasing piano inâ€" strumental while Miss Rawn and Mr. A.G. Bell favored with solos. Orrie Hunt is winning distinction as a comedian and was well to the front with a lively song. The Misses Rice and Rogers gave a quartette and the uumber was â€" heartily â€" applauded. Messrs Troup and W. Horsburg‘s seâ€" lections were of a high order. _ The dialogue between Tena Merchant and Currie McArthur was one of the real "hits" of the evening while Arthur Matthews and his gramaphone adâ€" ded considerably to the enjoyment of the night,. Inaddition to the address of hearty welcome by host Neil Mcâ€" Arthur, speeches were delivered by Reeve McArtlhur, Chas, Robb, Chas. Hunt, Mr. Thompson, the capable butcher of the ring and others. When a‘l was said and done, it was declarâ€" ed to be the bestâ€" evening yet held and 1 o‘clock the next morning found the merry company preparing to deâ€" part for their homes. Beefâ€"ring‘s Annual Social WE need to be reminded quite as much as to be informed. Memory has been joc ularly described as " the thing we forget with." Out of sight is apt to be out of mind. An advertiser who relies on the memory oi the public leans on a broken reed, The ab= sence of its advertising from the newspapers has been the beginning of the end for many & firm. " The present suitor hath ever the advantage over the absent lover." D. Main entertained " Lest We Forget" A business that has achieved its magnitude or strength as the result of faithful advertising plays itself false if it suspends or ceases its advertising on the grounds of ecomomy. It is poor busihess vision which fails to.see the principal feeder of business, and fatal judgment which cuts it off or interrupts its flow. Economies may be warranted but they had better be effected in any other deâ€" partment than in the sales departmentâ€"the deâ€" partment of revenue. ~Any course which shoves your customer back from you or hides you from your customer is ruinous. The man with the money needs to be constantly sought. Advertisâ€" ing is the great discoverer of new customers, the great retainer of old oges. another M D. W. Cameron â€"visited Thomas over the holiday. Special, Notice Rev. T. Ibbott, Ph. B., will give his popularNecture on "A Trip to the British IslesY‘ in the Agricultural Hall, Holstein®on Wed. evening, Oct. 28th. The lectur ill be illustrated with about 350 Sterebptican views. _ Every plcture as nat! as life. lllustrated son ill be given by Mr. John Marsh, the poRplar singer of Holâ€" stein. â€" Fare for the kound trip, Adults 25c, children 10c. _ UBder the guspices of the Trusteeâ€"Board . Struck by lightning during a sev ere electrical storm which passed over thisdistrict last Thursday afterâ€" noon, the barn of Wm. Lamont, lot 10 con 10, HKgremont, was burned to the ground and much of its cortents including the season‘s crop was comâ€" pletcly destroyed. . As threshing opâ€" erations ~were goirg on at the time, it appears almost a miracle that life was not also taken since the dozen or more men remained in the buildâ€" ing. Wesley Snell‘s threshing maâ€" chine was in _barn and 18 also n/ total 1 Tmmediately after betwrf struck in one wing of the building, flaimes enveloped that portion and desperate but futile attempts were made by the men to snuff the fames out with their coats Failing in that, the stock in the building were ‘ released and taken to safety, the only bhing in this line suffering being a ’number of hens. _ While passing through a flaming doorway into the stable Dave Robb had ihe hat licked from his head and burned. _ Within 15 minutes after being struck, the structure was charcoal. _ It 1s said 'thal Mr Lamont had some insurance on the barn but notwithstanding his loss will be great. The adjoining implement shed was saved. Lightning Caused Heavy Loss Gt+â€"nal= hv lichtning during ag.sm The Review and Toronto Daily BBA IO8 1 YGRML........cccirscscscrres The Reyview and Toronto Daily NOWs fOr OM@ yQ@»F.......00s0000»» The Review and Torouto Daily World B0R | Y@BP......su0e es asee»s The Reyiew and Weekly Mail and Eiwpire Sor 1 year......... ... The Review and Grain Growers‘ Gude, Winnuipeg, for one year The Reviow and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness fOf UYBEMBncCffiiee ind iians > s raasss n +s The Reyview â€"and Weekly Sun for TYONE:.sserkiÂ¥Hb8 181 3+s rar6x+ sÂ¥e + u4 3xÂ¥44 The Reviow and Weekly Advertisâ€" OP HGP OUB YOAT .. 0s es esns en se ea e ns Te Review amd Toronto Daily GHob@ Fok 1YOUT....qs se es se ae»s The Revew and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire for 1 year...... The Review JDnily Free Press The Review and Weekly Free Preas IOP OO YORT.....»»»»60e6+++ The Review and Farming World TheReview and Canadian Farm The Review and the Farmers® Adâ€" @r11sâ€"In Holstein, Tuesday, Oct. 13 to: Dr. and Mrs W. r. Ellis, a daughter, ty tH ty fOF 1 YEAKrcerre®sss rrustr i4 Â¥y..04 + s s4i8in yooute f0Â¥ LYBAL... .. .s..ss20440+.++ for fOK A YOME cerrreris veeretves ns fanna%%8 Clubbing Rates. ‘n\Ved. ever - ill be : terebptican nats as |li d con ill 1, the poRpls ire for the Â¥o n l0oc. U BORN public, the public will i in 8 T5 2 50 1 75 1 90 1 60 1 90 1 95 Mc Presbyterian Sunday School at 10, s and 7.30 REV. D. B. MARSH, Sc.D, F.R.A.8, Pagy Sunday School at 10. a. m, and 7.0 Week night seryice Tt REV. T. H. IBBOTT, Ph. B., â€" Paw Torontoâ€"â€" Chicag Toronto â€" Montre Canada‘s Train of Sap Leaves Toronto 4.40 p. m. « troit 9.55 p m, and Chicago ®. Leavyes 11 .85 p. m., arrive © hicago 3.00 p m. daily, as: nections with principal trm and Canada, Loave Taronto 9.00 a. : daily. Berth reservatio: offices. WMâ€"CALOPER J. TOWNER. 1 Leaves Toronto ® a . m m. and Chicage .40 p. n The Review to New Subsot ers to Jan. Ist 1916, for only $ Subscribe toâ€"day. Seven acres, 1} m small but comfortab woodshed. frame : shed, running water Good location for tr family. A snap fo quickly. Apply to )9 OCTOB~R 15, 1914 Ohe cfioos:hy Last Train out of your Wintor Should not be deâ€" layed any longer â€" Thanksgiving Day is over and the signs of approaching Winter should tell you tha it is time to purchase the New Winter Hat, if yo, have not already done so, Our Stock of Fine Millinery Goods is large and complete and our hats are so made to suit the taste of all. No only so, but they are the CLASS which give style ang tone to the wearer and retain omfort as well. Orders taken and made to mit. â€" If satisfied with our oods, tell others ; if not, tell 8. â€" Prices reasonahble. The International Limitd Double Track : Methodist Church iss J. Oucker MORNING =I FOR MONTREAL HOLSTEI! To Renit JOHN HEWITL R. No. 4. Durham/0 of Chureh rvice at 11 Tick» A gent e Way an whos8 of Durus fl”v‘-“ ind dn mail seme m portant Western 8 8 v. m y at Bne at Nigh 1. & Bervie arrives 1 8 at at Don‘t forget tha, big tacles and Eyt-ul.u.p\; ders‘ V ariety Store, 1« day and Baturday of h ular $8.50 to $5.00 Spec:»~ M will be sold for & your opportunity. Con Warden Breez present and : quested . A big raily sh anoual mesting « Society on 8rd of Library at 8 p. n should encourage by their presenc members. Knox, Norma®iy, tainment will '\ ening, 80th Octolha and Newnham are + and a fine program :« and children. recita« aration. Admission A J.&“. Court of | held un Monday in the 1 a darge number of cha the Voters!‘ List. The sisted of new names a moved eltogether and ferred from one part of The Junior Leaguo church conducted (| meeting on Monda was a very large at Juniors made a «u; of the topic and sory other Great success is vassing for contri potatoes in Egre: when all is summ grand total. The gladly in almost cev McArthur and his much time in the 1 Mr. M, H. V an Wy recently of Wingban a cleaning, pressing ness for ladies‘ and 1 Geo, 8, Burnets‘s sto A patrietiec meet Lamiash on Fri+ the auspices of | take into consider tributions to th You help the Can ic Fund yet it wou cent, asimply by buying at Maclar®a®e‘s Doug = Fouxp.â€"A lad y\ may haÂ¥e same by p~j vertisement and apply ne was sired by tha aore, dam Black Di says that every pers light horse can stil| ; them. A BHuxtixs Trir. son is now at han may be found feed riee ned and partrid abound in the wood plannsing their hon will visit the game | No better bunting s the province than i Mayor Wm. Bi; over the phone a h ing for a long p: raised by Mr Honr Mr Robt. H. Isaac Auctioneer‘s License Grey, Mis card appc: wmn . Stanficld‘s Unshrin} for Men and Women, Hats off to the Oct has prevailed for s Nothing so good for been seen for some yc WI*«.. aster Thos. Box, h: to the Old Land for milii; the band without a leado: ances of the Music=| So Warrant bringing in a n« cordingly the members me night and elected one of : Mr Frank Bunce, solo corn charge for a three mo# m. the time ma newed . VOL. XXXV!l1, N 20 per ceR saved on Wa Macfarlane‘s Yhis month, the province than that re Canadian Pacific Railwas Macfariezme will gladiy (0 “‘.h'-lfiun rl’gnnin'.; ete, Varneéy Anniversary Sem held on Bunday and Mon '_"be taking part aay thai goyable and inspiring. . Pa: ham . preached â€" profitable .-‘i“ and evening to gooc tions, Monday evening th« usual social and intelliectual ~N=h the Orange H: owing this in the chureh, wi _,&hlh chair, a sn l e > HPP" .“ ‘h‘ Nr Wm. A ©ram was carried out. h and Marsh, Hoilstcin, and h‘-fln appropriate : * T ~Ow N\ C c opics *'.. Mlilan. The chow & .‘- important part of t pro of the Mond Ni pnCar 13 ANn t« W

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