LD trf " te 'Ai'F,ciiFicrr<aEF'liPGarara, “a: 't *6ibsbsi"iFqiFsbFbsetssebseiigciriseeiib:iy ' -- -- v-“ - M "" * t".a.a9ba.-i.-tsiMpsa.a-zasqsqsoi" m i.,', The Central Drug Store ll saaaaaaasaa .9.a:S'i.aaaa:ir.aT.a.er.y a; t ‘EGfi'i‘FGEEG§§§§§§§§E§EéE5‘ w CENTRAL DRUG STORE 'l, 3.00 Coats, now....... 2.19 4.00 Coats, now....... 2.89 5.25 Coats, now....... 3.89 Get busy right now and get first choice. Girls’ Coats ' 8.75 10.00 11.00 12.50 18.00 That’s the Reason Too mild weather and too many Coats on hand of Women's Winter Coats How About an Overcoat'.) When Buying Underwear Buy Stanfield}; and be happy The J. D. Abraham Co. The Largest Stock Wallets Purses Brush Cases, etc.. etc. Pipes, Cigars and Smokers' Sundries Bibles and Hymnals Fancy Box Stationery ' . The best and clean- award 8 thdlpt (8haeouto est Chocolates made G T. R. Ticket Agency Imported and Domestic Perfumes in fancy package or bulk Parisian Ivory Toilet and Manicure Sets Ebony Toilet Sets Ebony Manicure Sets Parisian Ivory and Ebony odd pieces Mesh Bags Leather Hand Bags Music Rolls Portfolios Largest Stock of Christmas and New Year Goods ever shown in Durham Are We Discouraged ? Revert ,e'lht,reel','gM',"ge"ah/',11 'pe,', he Away they go now the Price Our stock is now complete in every line, bought before war, comprising the No more shrinking : this is guaranteed by the manufacture“. We have sold the goods for year: and have had no complaints. We stand ready to make good anything they guarantee. Always buy the best. It lasts longer, feels more comfortable and will save your temper. lt is very trying on the temper to try to squeeze a 40 inch body into a 36 inch shirt. Remedy-- We have a few at bargain prices. Coats, at}. o" L. GRANT, now now now now now ' 6.49 7.89 8.89 9.49 13.89 Lowest Prices REV. D. B. MARSH, SC.D. F.R.A.S. Pastor Sunday School at 10. Service at 11 an" and 7.30 p m. Y. P. S. C. E. Tuesday at 8 p. m. Patrons of summer creameries and cheese factories, we want. your cm: {In during the winter monthn HsRheet prices paid for good cream. We sup- ply two cans free and pay twice inch month. Write for cans. The bride's travelling suit Wm of unvy blue serge, with fancy blouse and white plush hat. On their “Hum they will reside on Maple Grove fun". 0. S R ' Arthur tp, They will he at home to their friends after Dec. ict. We join in wishing them . very happy 3nd prosperous future. Tho happy couple left on the 3 o'clock tail for Hamilton, Toronto and Nia- g-n, amid Mtowets of contet Li. Many beautiful and costly gifts were recelved. thawing the esteem in which the young couple were held. The groom’s gun. to the bride wnu a um- buut at. with a diamond and pearls, to the thrwer girl a gold locket and to the ennui†and soloist. gold brooches oe.t with pearls. During the congratulations a solo, " 0 Promise Me. , was beautifully ren- derod by Mm Sophronia Armstrong, of!" which the guests repaired to the dining room. which was Iuimbly dec- orated for the occalion and where a lumptuous wedding dinner was served, Mth, who. thoir mood doubt" Brittaanie In. united in holy bonds " matrimony to Mr John A. Brown, of Arthur tp. Ibo Boy. Dr. Marsh, of Bobbin. ololuod, mined by the I". Mr Cooper. oi Mt. Forest. At 11.45 the bride, alvon "my by her father, took hor plum beneath an arch nf Ovngreono and white roses. while “no bridal ohm-no was being played by Mloo Soul: loud, eon-in of the bride. tthe I“ daintlly qowned in ivory duch' no "tin with trimming. of ShidOW luoond Mod pearls and wore a tulle all with wreath of orange blossoms and urried a bouquet of white orchids old molden hair fern. Her only at- tendtutt was her little shun-Josephine, who, dressed in pale blue atlk, acted charmingly her part as ftower gill. A very plan-t "an: took place m the board In and I!" Robt. Con- idly. Intellect. on Wednesday, Nov. Presbyterian Church Buy your tickets here. Cream Wanted Blown- (Jonson? Hymnal Palm Crc-mvuery. Palmerston, Ont Best Service ft! It! a! m ft! 'll u a! (tt m , tt (0 tt.t a) x“: PHOTOGB 'r...-' worry over your Xmu git In year. Take udvantngo of our we I lulu Otter and ttet cum extra pho " out, dun. r. . Kelsey“ Well I will soon have to all n halt Am keeping in bully health and get.- ting fatta'is match). Am not . bit sorry loame and you could not pull me home with a logging chuin. Hope though to be but aeain after the war in our “to and mod. I bop. Hula Fairy and Lo and all the royal family " home are well. Be- member me to all the Mend- you may meet and I will roun- u B 4 Youn, Will P. Talk about Er glish hospitality. There was a emu-nan came to as last Sunny in 1)avenport and took Jim Lawson and I no dimer. What do bull think of that " I stranger? Then we had some blow outs " you been." We had rabbis, roast pork, apple pie and “can: at Devouohire cream. Have had tine weather up to three days ago. Since then it bus Kept up a ateadr dribble. The ttorses no mad up to the earl. Friday Cspt. Campbell took us to town for supplies. We eaeh took a team and got harass 1nd everything We could beg, borrow or steal. 1 am gutting to he the awfullest thiel since [joined the army, out of Jail. At th-- depot there was an awlul jumble of stuff, wagons. guns, Saddles, har- ness and everything that belongs to an army. Atl we had to do was to help ourselves, as no one aloe would Ou the road to town there is a row oi mounds, that Were made by the Druids as e burial place and there is also an old mined temple. All that is standing now in the wall: and they are propped up. The first time I get a chance 1 am going to have a look around. The villages are jun: like we see in pictures. I am getting a law days leave to vim relutwes. so will go up into Yorkshire to ate ttrtutdiather and grandmother Ind other friends. Some of the be): have gotoffalreacly bat expecni: will be some time baton I am able to get away. Most ot our fellows got on the toot, so I bad to do more picket duty that night and was kept pretty busy. Next day we left tor Salisbury Plains and arrived at Amesburv about 10 at night. From there We had to go about ten miles to comp and had to lead ths'horses of course. Well we landed in camp about three in the morning. feeling pretty sleepy and found there was no preparations for picketing our horses, it was tive a. m. when we got them tied up. We ware a pretty tired, tough looking bunch that morning. We are getting things straightened out now though and are beginning to teel more at home. Well Sunday the, roads around our lines Were crowded with people watching those gallant Canadians. You can imagine your weary Willie on the streets. The people fairly went crazy over no, bat could source- ly get down the street, without them pestering the life out oi as tor souven- us. There was an English regiment thereto help us unload. They had been waiting all day, so they were getting some tired and impatient ovcrit. When We gotutfnur mags, we had to take them No or three miles to our picket lines, got there about midnight when I was put on picket duty tor the rest at the night. ’ou can believe me it was some j.b. Two of us had to keep in bounds over a thousand horses. they just tied to a long rope, pegged to the ground. Such a kicking, biting and squealing those hungry horses raised, they would get their feet caught in the ropes a hundred times, till they tell bound tight, Tum yonr(uncle Hir am) would pull nnd tug till he got the poor brute on his pins once more. 1 I was not at all sea-sick and did not miss I meal, in tact enjoyed the trip over very much. We reached Plymouth on the 14A ot thm, hat did not land till thu Hub. when we of the transports had to march two miles to the Montezuma which had our horses on. The load had not docked when we got there, so we had to wait till about 11 p. m. belore we could ul- load the homes. Every dav on coming in, we would pass the Newfoundland ship-the Floremil--and snob cheers, we each tried to outdo each other. We left Quebec on the 25th, but waited in the Gal! ott Father Point till all the other transports were ready. The trip across was uneven:- fal, save for drill and concerts. Our ship. the Laurentie. proved too tut for the rest of the fleet, so after the Second ds y one was used as a scent. and every morning at dtsylight'ms would lesve the liners and cruise out about five miles awuy, returning " nightfall. It was at these times that we noticed some of the old Laurentic speed, when we would pass the other ships to regain our place. I receivod your last letter just the night before we broke camp " Val- camer. We marched out next morn- ing at four o'clock and boarded the Laurencic on the 25th of Start, I sent you a couple of cards whi 0 around [so dock, but suppose you did not get t em. 0n Salisbury Plains Interestlng Letter Home from Wm. Palkingham, Orchard. Here I am again. Innppooe you In" been looking tor a letter tor the In: month, bat it was impossible to get one off earlier. Dear father and home folks ' A Camp, ls: Bath. lat Brigade, Can-dim Expeditionary tom. Sulisbnry Plains. England. Oct. 22, 1914. HOLSTEI'N ' Lï¬ï¬ï¬ Sour-l of the youth und beauty en- joyed themselves at I dun“ at Hr A, Helium's on My Inning. I The Dromore Social Club held their org-nintion meeting on Thuredey eyening last, when a large number of member: were preeeut. end u all were - for the continuenoe of the Club daring the coming winter. the following odious were elected E Free. G. Geddee ; Vice Pmr.--Nnei, Ren- wick; See. True. - W Findley. Grmatitut--M" J. Melinda. Mn he. Allen. Bttu Hutie. If. Clark, J., Benwiok and W Hunter. l“ Jno, Gemmcl, of Ayr, who has wt "f sorry to ttear Mr Percy bean viliting hermother, Mrs Lothian Cornish " under the doctor's care. cud daughter, Miss Jessie Gemmel. bat. hope trt '09 him around soon teacher in No. 18, called on friends in I tem. the village, are returning to her home] Ar and Mrs Toner. from. Gum's, on Tuesday. Imam at hus. Brown] I.†week. " . Miss Colette mum-n, who Is drssssrtnalting in Durham. visited at be: home here over the week end. '.w-Vw.. .._.uu.u rAqa" """"* auuuuy. The Dromore Branch of Women'sibn Monday tt Bo: chicken pie supper Institute will hold their next meeting I will be seryed followed by “n ezeel. 2:1 tv", trat ttgsa'tzeznggn‘ await; i lent, program now in course of prep- e ., . . . . amnion. " . r l Ke11er"wil1 . on .The Lite o He en if]; A t The Library concert 15 scheduled be given by Mrs Wm, P I tp. “Y4 07 N . one having inexpensive Xmas gins. l for Nov. "": bpecml talent and " kindly bring them to this meeting, itor.'rt are hemp: put iorth by We com- All ladies invited to be present. imittee. Burden a . play being pre- ['iiiiii'i'i by an exceptionally well bal- lnlmdedfor' laat week laimed local cast. M; John giant). lit The Women's Missionary SocietleOhn Charles, soloists, a.? Holstein lurrl their annunl Scattered lots/PES/ir/tl,".,','],'.:,; â€10 'ltJ111' will tttke part. meeting on Thursday, Nov. 12th, at _ ' [11188100 L's m 5 cents. Min Snell’s home. A Inge number, noun Wert) preset“ um the mama“ '“ .ity IIRVJN-ln Holstein. on Nov. 21st, to wreaths: te petnr, 13'“ Mr Smith ( Mr and Mrs. R. Irvin a daughter. gave nu ma mum an encouraging ' ' . uddreu on Women’s Missionary 'i2'lil Dvtsat--rrt Holstein ou N "r. 12, to Mr. Christian wot nmong us. . I and Mrs. Dyer a tbon. A. R. Henderson bad a, hot air fur- nace inst-sled in his house by J, U. Thornhill, qt Mt. Harem Dare Long is making preparations for raising his ham and cementing the lmhles next. summer. . The Yeovil Grange h nvejuat go; m 0 barrel: of coal oil and are hlliy sup- plying all its members. J D. Drimmie and Will Nelson put a roof on the latter's silo last week. J. U. Adams, of Durham, was in our midst last week, Tue Granite held their monthly meeting last. Wednesday. They re- ceived another shipment of coal oil, The young people seem to be burning a great deal of oil this fall. Mr Mllfred Benwwk. who has been engaged for the past month with Mr Chas. Bend. returned to his home Saturday, after completing 1119 term. Mr Arthur Lee has purchased Mrh John Henry's farm. John moves out In March. We are sorry to lose him from our neighborhood, as he was al- ways willing to offer a helping hand when " was needed. ' Mr Jomy Long has mored Into the house recently vacated by Mr Will Henry. "s Mrs; Sarah Fulton spent an enjoy- able time last Monday eveamg With Muss Elsie Ecclea, who is at preswt holidaying mth her parents here. Messrs John and Tom Brown were the guests of their unclo, Mr John Henry, one evening last week. MISS Bessie Weir Tent I few days the latter part. of the week with the Brown family. A number from mound here attend~ ed the partv at Mr Alex McKenzie's last. Tuesday evening and they report having spent. an enjoyable time. Misses Sarah and Maria Brown are spending a few days with their broth. er, Mr Thus. Brown, Mr Edgar Henry entertained his cousin. Mr Wm. Keith. for a few days last. week. We are sorry to report of the illness ot Mrs Hunter, Sr.. who Is at present Mnfintsd to her bed, bat we hope that she will soon be restored to "e) ngsm. Mt Arthur Lee is moving his imple- ments to the (arm which be purchas- ed from m John Henry, Mr untthew Hooper received o deal from nuskoka hot week, He feels quite proud of his possession. Some of the young gentlemen are mahlng they pouessed a den. ) ma David Gilmour spent. End!) with her mother, ms Banter. Mr John Henry is tiling adamant of the tit" roads tor moving " im. plement: to Nor-unby. mu James mum is spending the week ond with her mother, ms Hunt- er, who is improvmg'in health very slowly. Tho young people of this place at- tended a party at Me John Wilson's Fridny eyenmg. They all report hav- ing spent In enjoyable ume. was Velvu Dolley spout nonday night last with hot friend, Nil! Gertie Lawrence. The was“ Hooper entenamed uias Scrub Fulton last. Thursday evening. Mr and In Arthur Woll- were Sunday vlutorl n the bone of Mr William Wilson. . Mia. Glade Hooper spent the week end nt her home here. EAST EGREMONT Intended for last war: TORONTO DROMORE TARTAN " MI BEAM REVIEW X1 The Indie; of this community met at Mr: A. Tuck'a lest Wednuday Ind quilted a fitte uiln for the minions:- i'es to and ht It box, - _. _..-. _.-...... " u" wven, II- " “tended the .Brorrn--tunmru, wedding nan Yeoyil. Mr Falkingbsm Hold his young eutle to Mr Ed. Bo", of Kmurdino. Mr and Mrs Toner. from. Gorrie, visited at. Jae. Brown'a Inn week, " " attended the .Bromt--tunitsn, wedding neat Yeoyil. BORN InvcN-in Holstein. on Nov. 2hrt, to Mr and Mrs. R. Irvin a daughter. Dxtsat--rrt Holstein on Nov. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Dyer a son. On Monday a. hot chicken iie supp-Ir wlli be served followed by an excel. lent program now in course of prep- amtion. Dee. 6 and 7, Sunday and Monday are the days hf the Presbyterian um- niversury here. Rev It A Gun-ton, a well known and eloguent divine will preach momma and evening Sunday. Special services me being held in? the Methodist church this week slur? ing Thursday evening. Helping the ! popular pastor Rev. '1' H Ihbott me‘ Rev. J. A, Leece of Praeeville, Newn.’ ham, Varnny and Ward of Conn. A I series of similrrs. meet ings wfll he held, at Yeovil commencing Sunday and) ctrutinuirsg the week. _ The change in the G T R lime-table ulfvcts Holstein. The afternoon train south In: about an hour later while the morning (min north hm also been moved back an lunar. Rev Mr Wilson of Romany preaches in the Pres. church Sunday next. lava papers by Mrs J D Mam and Mrs, D. P. Coleridge Were exceptionally good. Mrs Main spoke on "The Pos- sibilnies of the Girl of to-day."und handled her suhject well. Mrs Coler- idge's chime treated with Canadian Wotttett who have' become famous, the list including heroines, sculpture, povteuses and authors. The address, is most highly spoken of, Mrs. Ruh- erts provided a fine tea for the. ladies while Miss Annie lingers rendered a pleasing solo, Over 30 attended the Women's In. stitute nwelmgal the hospitable home of Mrs J D Ibrhetts last Thursday. It iwas a most interesting gamer-in; and UosTest--The arson ,ihu, buys the most goods for C sh in the next so days, will receive- " a Xmas box a hwely Rattan Rocki chair, worth $5.00. from J. M. M Lt! ws. 121 cent prints for 8 ce\s at Alllng ham's. _ The \Vomeu's [mutate in Holstein! unw have 65 members on the roll. In ( a recent membership contest, the 50- y cietrbeingdivided into two camps,) 37 new members We" added. IT Annie Rogers who captained .the wln-l ning side secured 2t names and Miss; Jennie Adams' team which was second i best, added 13 nannies. A treat pro-, vided by the losers is nqw in order. ( Mrs W I) Ferguson gave an instruc- tive address on Chinese missionary work to the Mission cirrle of the Pres- nyu-rian church on Tuesday. A dainty lunch followed. In the death of Bathe] Snag, age 83. of Ulitford. on Nov liith, Mrs Stave Seamm mourn: the death of father and I M Tribe bis ttratrdtather, He Was well Known and respected in this tillage. Holstein rvlativos attended he funeral. Beautifdl 6 piece stared in silk, only _ Miss Vance from Guelpl is . an": of her cousin. Mrs. L. B. Nicholson. f The Library concert is being held this Friday night. Provision for A good program has been made and a. splendid time Is stemmed all who Attend Special values i Menu and Boys' Sweaters at, Allingh o's. Wes. D, P. Coleridge ii, a delegate " the Library Institute meeting In Owen Sound this week. Jae. Allan at Moose Jaw, that" " homf. His father Mr. D. Allan Sr. " not well and will be eorttitted to his bed for a month. Wm Atkinson, formerly of Holstein has purchased the rural mail route from Durham to Qxclnu-d. D W. and Mrs, Cameron and Miss Vio_lu toe expected home from the West this week. Mrs G. P. Leith of Toronto "lived in the village Monday night. J. M, Matthews but Installed a. tric- phone, No. 10. ORCHARD ke. lor Suit, uphol. h at my: Muchbws'. 93¢? WOO-o.“ 'tef-' mug} . . 1 o ' t Change of Business Pctl instant t “o r. LII I n, 'iioistei, â€â€â€œâ€â€â€œâ€â€œâ€œ an} â€.01 Shop where you are invited to Shop Mum-y to Lean at Current Rates 0am ovor Skules Books! ore, Mt.Forest Sundny School At 10. Service- at 11 I. In. sod 7.00 p. m. Week night Ionic. Thur-thy at 8 p.m The Easy Road to a Good Salary Students and “minutes assisted to pmilionn. Eater luy lime. Full particulnm in free catalogue. D. A. ucLACHLAN, G. A, HENRY. President. Principal [a the one leading to a course of 6 or 8 month: in the remedy is Chamberlain ’s Stomach and Liver Tablet 9: trtirnulkte theliverto healthy activity, remove fermm gently cleanse the atom ach and bowels and tone the igestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Takes night and you feel bright and sunny in the mornitw C1itunberltiinu today-Hruggists 25c., or by mail in Chum-in Modicino Company. Tomato T Anyone requiring tile will do write us and secure rates. Concentrati', -:.iim A. S. CLARKE We have a large supply of Til various kinds of work. Sizes m" I 3 inches to 30 inches in bore. We have Well Tile alwav, tl", hard MOUNT FOREST' BUSINESS COLLEGE Having bought the General h'y successfully carried on for a mum Mr J. W. Hunter, I hope by kw] date stock of Goods, such as are n a first-class store and by fair (1m; continuance of the patronage aw decessor. Yours for Good (mum and a Square Deal. '. T. H. IBB0h, Ph. B., - Pastor G. P. LEITH, Notice to the Buying: Public CLARKE & MOON Burllters. Solicitors, cc. Holstein Tile \\'u1‘ks Methodist Church " :re‘e sauce (or you In this little haunt» to thermal; " Is: Revert with . full ", p' - cute- the nee-cheat who eteadtn t y sullen: your sou-will. The non , ou strengthen the he“: of the In who SCI _ t > you. the letter qlll he the service return. I Intermittent or divided effort is not I to be resultful. One full-powered I» better than two half blows. Concentration of appeal will do ll “or conviction and persuasion that will 'lll you when the year's returns are lulu] " w. HUNT, H(/cl'ein It is better to advertise intemiw , than extensively when the sum m M devoted to advertising is small. 1'11 i - means the regular use of th, DURHAM REWE,W--5t message- a year addressed to the same con- stituency of readers. A NOTE TO THE PUBLIC J, B. MOON NOVEMB To wind up a _ ful Millinery 5t holding a sale 0 ingstock, still (a large, during tl this month. been cut down and an excellen bought mammal ery hat is tielre IS YOUR OPP and come m: snaps will 11m I the best CHIC, \\ first. Hats r and Chil thar/es, JU, 0/ 2W///nes 'a J'. Couch; HUI very " son, to . our m 1?lPtiNi . balm d 'ritse u, ext to tut hat COD b Irs c, for from Mt rm†ll an! incl bat sing ml “on “PM 1914 ldi M pry Th; new It Why do 'tatesmen n- l “I. of tn“)? I’I>I.FNI I â€'u‘mhtiuu t al I M' tthuse (can r: or I 'mk'Minfu .17 mm' Aside, e 1 "Rm which t ' " " tho but in tl, .M d ML , h " m " your l- t 3" Al tboi the lo ttttGui 'mlIh I WV d U unknown 71w. topic will by .. ll; Pr-iuh pnhlnc “w bt Deco-her cum-1i. .. "tBraaet worue,,', l hmwnurdny. 3 -i I “Mb-no! In Jo-pr, ! no " "on. it in ts, "INC! Old Mruliu in In mum on h'rvr, ' "kl hupvcled to Ctrl OMC‘NIOMI by a qt) II'II. Ton-crud an 0le Foeqkiet “O t'sutrsttr.: wink-“e. Iveryhmh A with", interest, be heid ia Durham p, 'I Ix"adar "wing max! mama“ Will) th I the - hymnâ€. M; “V. "uetu (In-Ir" I. Four All) Mann â€3' NDOIIIQK, No. ' ind liking Ptevetro "ME, one of the “w. In». kuO", ha. in 1" Health at Animal. H will be â€It†lulu“). " Public-hon Bram is, Fine. an"... A (or-II Bump-1g“ - m chamber. “no. In. row-led il “and in every ten ie l “it Yet '0 many I their “Gloom. helm Ind he Illa! cumin - to â€cum. 5 [very hilly 'tt mm that Theatre on T" “u "C I." I free rm .1 .05 “Doll, Dmsple _ i bottle u III-bend n sec-um Ibo lucky nun canted with I 31.1» Dimple " perfume n Store. Tho monthly 'tteel Women's [and "le " home of In Wm. to Dee. [0h I12 p. nl, 1 to eaten-In M hmu lac-“Iv" by “iv Jenn making" by Mm Jes, ladies at oordiaily 1m Bvcnuwnv Hum {use of It. Rasmell, not on by Mr Wm. I I“) fewer thrn ten ml or “moaning pan... connection “Ln 'Ilr [usher lea-n that In. 0mm. no MA" ing on toward. Chris! spection of our lam. and Pianos. which a'r'T have been bought rug): on male terms. PatoTooRAPH llt you: friend. with 11w Km“. With The fine Mailing t a neck or ten dun we: pletcly Int nanny weather but been gimp» occasion! rains. h To“! To" !~l.u in town. We have II lee "mm. Come .A.. pick, _ T A media“ of the I the Girl Guides. mu l, mom on Monday. and cit-omen t" Bxcdmur ondmon tine click coatc cram Macfarlanc's Dru i',, We otter pl . bu'gtin ','lt, Ylm "use extra tutr YOL. XXXVll. Ii Witlar l 'ti-FK' 'NIHINt-rinl "vl u auteur ' 1' I I 'A' “China“ “er on. "In: here w.†W turn and t', . be! Us hav, “Cull to your vkdEIYT ll MHMH B