FOREST COLLEGE m Church k MOON the Best ‘lstein to ot " IAIN SKY rl tcin m Shop Church m hand 1915 " Pastor N oideett nip-l osptly Pall» mo vil ra tt f VOL. XXXVIII, N0. 2 1M renew your paper or must- lino: ripcions. Marrartaneaco. BU ks, all kinds. at MacFar. llno'l Dru lure. Anyone In ring: for the coming autumn can up the rham Mills. phone in. - . For tGle--0ne colt. . in: 2 ya, one coltlinlng 3 pa l also 6 pep. D. A. Camp ' Durham Read our new serial story, "Valley Pam," commencing this week. It mine: to be of exceptional interest. Fon SALE. - Pin thoroughbred Whit ‘Yyandotte cock Is and hens, Regal I - artin) Strain. ly to J. A. LEBCB Priceville. STRAVKD.--leu Git-Drown, on Dee 85m. a black M) tan pup, seven months old, short tail Last seen at Rocky. Suitable mu . Mrs. M. Kingston. R R No. l, _ Durham LOI'I' -Between' rmory and Queen It. on Tuesday. 5th i at... two Armory he†on a ring. nu: ered. Finder will ohl-ge by rrlurnlnx o Court MCDUCGAL Queen tit. A special meeting of the Women'" Council will be held in the Annuities on Tue-sad ly, 19 it Jana "y at 4.15 p m. Alt Inn-lube†Irqunuled to he preset" to importartt business la on hand. Rev. D. Wren ot Brush!“ occupied the pulpit of the Methodist. Church Sunday but. He preached in the in- carnate; of Education. Raw. Mr. Prud- ham was preaching missionary sex- Inom in Brussells. $5 A courier on R. It, No. 3. Walker. too, was handed an envelope on New Year’s Day " one of his patrons. It contained a cash contribution and a. note thanking him for emeient ser- vice and wishing hima Huppy New Year. The lat eat 'toldiet's gong in England is entitled " sum-r Susie-'3 Sewing Shirts [or the Suldiers." lt " said to have a more nlLrnche air than .. Tip- perary." Maybe 50, but the soldier that. pwncunces the nth without a dip will need no further evidence that he in . patron of I d: y canteen. /, Li , J.,:i,Cr.: 0W Fiai2, iii,,a,jtsltij'_.v._ 9:10PICS Ata meeting of the Ladies' Patri- oue [Anne of Durham last Saturday. Iii. Luna McKenzie was appointed Trauma pro tun while Mus Dr. Jam. iuon is in Toronto. Any one desir- ing to do knitting for the Red Um: mmv gel supplies of yum at Muss McKemue's homr. The ladies alto sent 8100 to Red Gross headquarters In Toronto. The Women's Institute. will hold a I meeting in the Lihrary, Durham. on Wednesday. Jan. 20, 1915. at 2p. m, I Miss Susie Campbell. of Toronto, will , address the meeting. Mite (lampliell in an Institute worker of considerable experience and she h nurturing in her I faithful etrotts to give her hearers I noble thoughts and sentiments in I keeping with their tastes and sur- l ronndings. Every member should I endeavor to be present and all ladies Ire cordially iuym-d to attend. The death hf Lochlsm McLachlan, a highly respected employe at the Duke ot Sutherland‘s colony near Brooks, occurred very suddenly last Friday night at the colony. Heart failure Wu the come of his death. Deceased were about forty years of age and was born in Glenelg township. Grey Coun- ty. Ontario. and had lived two years in the west. He was well liked by his employers and tetfowoeorkertr and his untimely end, sadder because it came in the glad Christmas season is deeply regretted. The surviving sister: and brothers are t Mrs W Myer. Mrs Ait- hens, Butttuo, Mrs Shortreed at Price. ville. Ont. ', Alexander and John, Champion. Aéhenn. Angus at Gate. way. B. th, nod Donald at Puceville. Ont. Alexander was in Brooks on Toad -y and arranged for the sending of the body to Ontario for interment. _3mks. Atta., Bulletin. The death occurred on Sunday eve" hing last of Mrs Margaret Milligan' rellet of thelue William Millignu. at the home of her daughter, Mrs Arthur Illio, At the advanced ago of go you!" and 1 day. Deceased Will born at Lamliuh Island at Arrot, Scotland. She came to Canada with her paren ts, It And Mrs John McVIcol. in 1853 and shortly atterwmrdq came up to " bath" in Brntinek when they spent annoy you". Me Minimum died acme yours ago. They had n {13:11in of three um- and (our dumbing. two of the daugh: ten being dean“. Thou living are Chi-hunt. matron of the lufnntl‘ we-..- “Amillon and Mt. Arthur El- ed Excelsior Con . ion Powders keeps your bones in fin" tetue--2se pete " Maefarlanid drug a re. Until Jan. rd we all continue giv- ing three extra otott with every dozen. Make your appoin' ent now. F. W. KELSEY, Photographer The Durham Poultry Atooeitstion are holding their Annual Show Tue-- day. Wednesday' and Tunnel-y. lan. 19, 20 and 2f, There will be a change in the Grand Trunk time table in Durham dating from Jan. nth, whereas the outgoing p. m. train which formerly left at 4, will then leave at 3.45 p. m. The interest In the week of prayer led the leaders to hyld a. second week and the meeting. are pragresaing in the same order. An importnnt meet- ing was held Wednesday evening the topic being Civics and Law Enforce- mem " which more later. Mr George Robertson of St. Outh- arines, will give two lectures in the Town Hall Thursday, Jan. 21, one It 2 30 p, m. and an Illustrated lecture M 8 p. m. m connectiun with the Dur mun Poultry Show to he held Jam 19, 20, 21. Admission to lecture, free. At the annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church Monday last, Mrs. R. MacFarlane was elected President l Mrs. Whaley, Vice Pres. l Miss Margaret Hunter, Secy. ; Mrs. Geo McKechnie, Treasurer. A good years work has been accomplished, this society being one of the most active organizations in the church. A grand Patriotic Entertainment under the auspices of the Varnoy Grange will he held in Varney Hall on thiday evening. Jim. 23. Good pro- gmm chsetiy from outside towns. songs. recitalions, instrumentals. ac. Refrwhmenta served. Admission 10 and Is trettt. Mr. J. w. Tucker hag accepted a situation in Toronto and left. town on Monday to enter upon his new duties. J. W. has been for htteett year- in the Standard Ottiee and wan a most capa- ble and ettieiettr practical printer and business man. He and his estilnahle Wife were prominent in society and will be much missed in Markdalo. Their friends wish them prosperity in their new home and canimt.--Brand- ard . " Why not form a regiment of min. isters of the gospel and send them to the front," any: the Orangeville Bun, .. khout two thousand." itudds. .. have applied to accompany the second Cun- "dian contlugent as chaplains while only twenty are required. Fortunate- ly for the welfare of Canada and Unu- adiaus [he Sun’s suggestion in not. llkely to Le acted upon. The clergy- men who ate doing their duty lee L enough of battle at home and should be the last called to the front. The Department of Trade and Oom- uwrce stated on November 10 that up to that date they had rnceived 30,000 rquests fur the booklet on how to mttrfe apples. These requests came in rto'pon'i' to the advertisement nppcat- mg in many (J caadian dailies in con- neciiun with the Government's cam- paign to increase the axle and con- ~uii-ptiiin of Canadian apples. The enquiries haw averaged a thousand a day since the first advertise-ant ap- peared. Wholesale apple deaieis and giowers' asiociations report a greatly increased demand for apples as a. re. sult of the advertising. A tine exhibition of clean hockey was played here Wednesday evening between Harrision and Durham senior teams. the score was 8--0 in Durham’s l favor. 'Muivey' Uowan, Jim McLuh- lan, Al. Saunders and Geo. Cation were added to the team playing the last Junior game. making a strong local line-up. Barrister) played four of their senior Northern Mamie team and had a formidable bunch. Three 20 min. periods were played, the 'wore in Durham's favor after oath reading R-3. 6-3 and tr--0. P. tiagnon had an iiifJitt Btttliititit _ 1lharitttt 8-3. 6-8 and tr--0. easy task as referee. Canadian again Wins Coiiingwood Man Gets Grand Sweep. state It New You: Exhibition. Rochester. N. Y., Jan. 8. -A feature 1 of to-day'a session of the New York State Fruit ttrowers' Asmcntion was the awarding for the second connecu- tive time of the grand sweepstakes prise of $50 to 2. Canadian. The prize is ottered annually by the Association for three boxes of the but apples. Ab AA- .. “noun "animation of more is otfored annually by the association for three boxes of the but upples. Af. ter I careful examination of more than 400 exhibits. the Board of J mine: were unanimouc in awarding thin who to N. L. HAmIIlon. of Coiling- wood, Ont, This competition. it must be borne in mind, was open to the world. Bun- ilton entered three boxes of superb Northern Spies. He won out not only over"avidu.isrradtttt,ts1rt over exhthiu forwarded by the American and Canadian Dopedmente of Agri- “hurt. Durham Come and enjoy a rare jrrize tor Best Apples " - EnultryA Assoéiatlon’s Annual Show, January 19th to let Mayor Hunter on Monday night dispensed with the usual inaugural lpeech outlining his policy and plans for the your and without a prelimin- ary of any kind entered upnn the bus. iness. reading flrtrt the list of commit- tees appointed outlier in the day. Following reading of the minutes and pseslng accounts. the mnyor ask- ed for delegations and Rev. Mr Prud- ham stepped forward and after felici. l tations to umyor and council on their election proceeded to lay before them the advisabilitr, in theinterest of law enforcement of introducing and pass- ing a by-lsw under legislation of 1914. Such a lay-law gives powers to a. spec- lally appointed oMcer equal to A Pro- vmeinl Inspector, with this important feature in addition. that fines collect- led through him come into the town treasury. One-third of these fioets shall be laid aside as a fund for the en- forcement of the License law. the rest to he used for any municipal purpose, New Council Meets Dunng the year ending Sept. 30, 1914, no law a bum than 9540 was col- lected by lnsr. Allan fmm violators of the law in Dullmun and under the pm- p med [manure this would stay in town, Besides this in the same period 340 had been collated by town can- “able and this last though- imposed, does out and." to have been paid. He instanced several other places l where ttus law was m force and pro. ducing good results uid hoped the council wuuld uignalize Itself by grant- ing the request of the delegation, re presenting a large body of public opin- iou in town desirous of removing the shun of law-breaking trom Durham. Rev. Mr Wylie, lnsp. Campbell and C. ‘Rmnuge. other members of the delegation pressed theae and similar 1mmuuwmunn the attention of cutmetl. Reeve (Hider, for himself, was desir. ous of further information hcfme pru- ceediug. He clauued temperance people in the past had asked for changes that had not given satisfac- tion and resented what he called the interenety that past councils were to blame. The delegation were quite agreeable to furnish information from other places and this will he done on Tuesday of nun week, Interviewed by Delegations Another delegation was present from the Public Library. headed by Insp. Campbell. chairman ot the Board. He, Librarian Elvidge and Buy. Runage presented their case and conned granted $225 which amount will just clean up liabilities of 1911. A abatement in detail of income and outlav will be presented at next meeting. That the Library and Reading Room is filling a good purpose in Durham is evident. Those 'Ilulble to secure a wide education. may improve theumelves here. The duty of the Li- hnuy is to reach evu-y one in town to whom reading would he of value. That it, tends in that direction is evi- dent tor since its formation as it free 1tbrnry the number of readers has in- creased from about 100 to 406. The newly elected members of the Town Council took the Statutory dec- laration at 2 o'clock on Mondziy last. Dr. Wolfe and F. Lenahan were ap. pointed a distribution committee and their report below was adopted on mo. tion of Lloyd-Want. FrsANce--W. Calder, Jas, Lloyd, F. Lenahan. Bu. " WORKs-F. Lenahan, Dr. Wolfe, J F. Grant. FIRE AND Lrturr--Lenahan, R. Coch. cane, Wolfe, Ijoprrttxv--tJ. P. Saunders, Lenahan, Cochrane. CT. or RswituoN--Hunter, Calder, Saunders, Lenahan, Wolfe. Comte-Wolfe, Grant, Hunter. 1ousrrttAc--Hunter, Lenahan, Calder Saunders, Grant, B. Limih, Dr. Jamieson, A. A. Canon. Bo. or HEALTH-A. S. Hunter, C. Ramage, Dr Hutton, W. B. Vallet- Checks were ordered to be issued for the following accounts ' lClcrk Vollet, salary...................8 " 00 _ t$ Returning otBcers. 6 00 '. express. ptge, coal oil as .' pristecti'g water pipe. Mt Durham Fur. Co., lumber for tants...,,..;-...,--.-:- G.A. Thompson, glazing windows John Smith, It. R. o..-.,..,, W, H. Bean " .gtrqr._....... C. Elvidge " ............... Pettigrew, constable for Deg...†__ .. I ., ._, NT--., ..ll I "i,""""' {3213570} Town Hall.. 2 " ttd Telephone Co., rental,.., .. 5 00 ,‘lunicipal World,poll books, &c. 8 " Wes. Amen, wood......... .......... " " Dr. Hutton, M. H O. salary... 66 " 8243 " cauer-Wolte--That a grant of $225 be given to the Library ‘and that they be asked to prepare a statement in full ot income and out1ar--Carried. wotte-Llord-- I hat we sell the High School Debentures to H H. mm at par and accrued interest. --Carried. On motion of Lenahan--Grant a grant of 'tooo was, given to, Sick Cpilgrpn’g Hospital, . . Wrd -iiittr"i','ld' Hall _be giten : Wi io my mama hir 19th DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 14, 19l5 M "'r'? With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader 20th and 21st "n.-aurried, Council adjourned to meet in Public Library on Tuuqay. 19th Inlt. - Mun'ieipnl otBc'ei. will be appointed next. Tuesdny night. Two accident? this week call attem‘ tin to an enclpment dancer in our hilly town. Hand" last Rorden, non of Mr Robtdturttett, was enjnyinn the 'sport of coasting on the steep hill near the Demon! walks. A mishap of some kind occurred and the lad cuue out of It with a.cut on his head requiring sevo’l snuhes. 41 Un Tuesdayuya Gnrafruxe tit. hill, l tohoggnning I in full blast and one; ot them With a. load of 5 or (i found themselves in '.snsret of dashing into a cutter that. wks meeting them. The pilot to save impact with the cutter ntted the tobakgun and in this position xhtle sweeping by, struck ll-yr old Kinny Kreue who was clinging to the cutter henmd. I He received of course a. siolent shock’ and got a severe cut in one leg, retuirits stitching, Ind dome bruises on the feet and elsewhere. ; Both boys are getting along well, 48 " IN 900 rubogganiugiu a fascinating sport. so much so that the town ottictaU wink Ill itag it vlolubion of law but on our mum street in business hours it Will have to stop to save a quite pos- sible tragedy. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO P? If a cowpnny on a. quiet evening Wish to indulge we think it might. he allowed but, one of their number in turn thould be suttioued at the rail. wa) track to snanuldunger. About. three generations of 'l,,',".,',',";,',) itea have coasted this hill. It’s in rhel, blood and will not be easily stopped. Previously ucknowledged......$299 20 Baptist Sunday School. . . . . . .. 13 50 Class No. 3, Methodist B. 8.... 1 on Futures below give the result of the1 nine (9) local option repeal contests in Ontario. We wonder hcw many of the honest, eonseierMious citizens of Durham “anâ€: “banned to see our good town in that lonely column ? Is it any wonder the Meuford Express Attributes the result as due to an in- tlax of foreign laborers ? Alas l We haven't even that eateuge. Votes Pulled Majm-ity Towns-- For L o Ag. For LO Ae. Durham 208 214 " Midland 717 322 395 Newmarket 578 325 253 Thornhury I36 m tO 67 " Viilatrmr--- Igtkefteld Shallow Lake Tara 93 52 TeesWater 118 lot Townships-- Percy d ArtemeiG--T. It. McKenzie. Bentinolr-4 Brown, W. Lunney. ' chiytiswortli--Wtrt. Bree-e. coliingwood--J. Mobeunan, A. I McColeman. . l Dundalk-J. Sinclair. I Datutn--W.CUlder, . I Derby--) C. Smith. Iinwiirtsiia--ol. T. Miller, J Murray. ' Egiemont--1. McArthur. I Ftuurrttm---D. McTavish. ll tHenelg--Thm" Nichol. Hoand--A. G. Chisholm, Jun. lies. Avoy. I Hunortrr--J. B. Wilson, J. Frock. Keppel-J: Johnston. Mektord---W. R. Sing. I Mixritilalsr---R. W. Ennis. Neutrti1t--Jois. Weber. I Normenbr--Wm. H. Ryan. JohuI Wlntefovl. I Oisprtrr-1 Thompson. Irwin Mori, risen. I Owen sound-hw. K, Leslie, Jnou F. Thompson, It, D. Little, Robt. B., Miller. I Proton-Jos, Goodfellow. Richard Cronin. F Shallow Laee--a. E. Cordincley. St. Yimsent--2aa. Lemon, I galhvisn-.-T!. Homo. R, Conan. ; tsriienum--J. G. Campbell J. L. . Boyd. g-ut-is. Agar. 5 Th 'rnburr--B. Best. i""" "STANDNRD BANE/Q sAaeethtt';e;lt1," El THE Tobogan Danger Grey County Council l9I5 Belgian Relief Fund Repeal Contests. 2iilc',s"VyjtsK1'jt'rr,t" 478 260 BB'R'HAM BRANCH.‘ ow --F M" 212 " 10 It $313.75 Mr Arthur Button left Month, for wusttham, when he has secured a school in that diatrict. Mr and Ma Theâ€. IcOlocklin are visiting a couple of wee" with their reIchtlve parents in fox-onto. Mr Dun McCormick, teacher of Le- due, Alta., in home visiting at his father's. Mr Arch. McCormick, Aber- deen. Mrs Geo. Rluhio sud son George, from Acton, no visiting a! the tor. mer's brother-in-law. Mr Andrew Bit. chic, Upper Town. Mrs Buchuu. of Edmonton. who has been visiting her mother, Mrs Chas. McKinnon. Sm. Pricovillo, for a tew days last week and this. Mr Thus. Binnie. m the Assay of- flee in Brit. Columbia, Mme homo last week after an absence ot 16 years in the western province. He finds many churns but is enjoying the trn. ternization with brother had listen here and old friends. Mr. Forbes Amos of Ohamnm. bu been visiting his aunt. Mrs. Dun Me. Auntie for a few days before lenviMl tojoin the third contingent. Miss Lunretta McAulitfe. accompanied her cousin as far as Mt Forest. Mrs. Gun Br. received a letter a few days ago trom her son Cecil on board ship " the east coast, ot South Amer- ica. They were living in a tense at.. mosphere owing to the possibilities of attack by a German mnmuder. Cecil did not know whether his ship was bound for hew York or Liverpool but hoped it was the latter as he wu unr- >ious to get to the front, Dr. Jumueson, M. P. P., and MKS. Jamieson, Went. to Toronto on Mondny and will occupy the Bpeaker's Chum. born than during the approaching BCBIIOD. Mr and Mrs. Thos Lauder returned Monday after a month’s stay with Cleveland relatives. Mr. and Mn. P. MrArthur. formerly of Pricevillo. held the fort in the old home in their ab- sence. Mrs. R. Shortreed of Prieevitle, and brother Alex. of Champion, Alta., visited their aunt, Mrs. Allan McKin. _ non over Monday night. Mr A. C. Mc Donald of town received a letter from his son Tom in Blitish Columbia written on January 5th, in- founing him that he had joined the Army Medical Corps and was leaving in a. few days to j oin the second over- seas contingent. He regretsthar he is unable to give his address at pres- ent but promises to write. Thug does war invade [1"an homes taking the best of our youth. some of whom may never retut n. Mr. Itabt. Moftst of Toronto, it Visit, inn with his Mather John at Edge Hill and other friends. Miss EiBe Hutton has accepteda school at Mansfield, near Shelburne, leaving Saturday. Mrs Robt MacFarlane is spending the 1 week in Toronto. Mr J-ts. Comte, of Bentinck, was taken to Stratford Hospital on Thur!- day last to undergo an operation for appendicitis. We are pleased to state he ls making favorable recovery. Mr Milton Ard, Becy. of the Saw- yor-Masaey Co., Regina. is visiting his old home near Allenford A coupie [ weeks nnd paid . firing vilit to Dur. ‘ham Tuesday to Bee his sitter. Mrs l Rubt. Watt. Mr k. Proctor. of Kimberley. ac- companied Miss Mae McGowan home this week, the latterhaving resigned her schnol at Ravenna. A Colonel Robertson and an Insist- ant on behalf of the government Were m town Monday lent tn purchase hot- eea. Owing to imperfect advertising of their coming they did not do as much business-as expectad. but they picked no 8 horses 4 etch of artillery and riding clauses. They intend to ‘come again and with better publicity willdn bigger business. They no I paying better prices than the rennin buyers and if they will let Mr Bigot know in time he will easily get them a unload. stettttehi: thisUA hwhwwmd ua-r-u-aut- Army Horses 1.18 A recruiting oftiiNtr from [hoover will he in town on Baturdsr to enliat1 volunteer. tor the third Uanndinn Contingent. l Think: to some friend for a copy of I lpecial number of the Ponlmd Ore- gonian. which chum the mil-vellum development of the city um] h u trottie splendid iltustntions of the Panama and. HAIOVER mums Ur'r. - [Mu-ham} Booker Club w“ "otitied Wrdnes lay that Ennnver had decided to drop out ofthe district. In. Vina Durham and Mt Forest to tight it ou'. Nn pumice owing to luck of ioo. the rink heing used for rollot skating. in the cause- assigned. Jt'1'ed1 f,,',i,d",'"'deic"l','r'1"l'.,'fl' conjunrt on of ability in the mun and â€a." '" pulled " here last Frldu fair play to the municipnllty, should . ' y lend the council of 1915 to send the nicht, when Ht. Forest's hockey bunch Warden-hip this way uatagsimously. t: .' ttet'g'i,'pt','f, Sl "et 'r",'.:',' Besides it was held by n norlhern man in weight and to name extent in team _i';'i",i'i'i'iiiiiii',,i,t'i, (“men ubculd this tgh),ete,celt;',vi'rt;'ieee.'l. Mr cm" in w w" hay oecupi d fully penetrate the big opposition dr. the chnirmnnehip of the Finance and tones frequently. though they kept ot1tonr.'y"tt Committees of “mm- the puck boning wound the vluilow 5;: 'erllu, 'e,1,'r'r1"i',"d,1e, â€all 'f, gzzL'23 "t't:c1'tt,"to2tid'"tft ll?“ (can? which ilw an! by acclnnm» . . uon so a on nl counts he would tfgl'th',t' 'id,l,et1t,"'tt,tty'J2'. worthily in the WM nnd um "" Five minute-in the hut half and Dori affirm!†FeBrs would “m""m" hum secured the lead, bur it was l t . 'PT . short-lived. The nouthernern “pin l Lot it be umâ€"â€â€"" tied end in shout I T minute spnce. l ------- oi------- added three more. doubling the were; WAR! GOOD-EVEN DI'BHA“ ir 1h V 0-3. The home boys andauated, but.“ -ot. Cecil E. Wolfe. who some inm- tied on, "cured another [round (clte,to.: WM accepted on the Hamid. ttt guns ended 0-4 for the voitortr, who l VOWNDM'! 8M8 for sen-iv.a in the " .r now look to luau bright ehtnce to zone. received on Monday 'd (Megan: , take district honors. Eugene Murphy (notifying him to report on Thur-ed tl, of Mt. Fore“, ggy. gene“! “nuke. On hi! lenvinz Wednesday afternrwn. tion "referee, and kept the penalty {the news having in tire nwanlm , mun busy with otienderm chietiy roryprefd., a crowd at two or llil'vn in.“ tripping. The line-up '. riled chi-ens. including Hie high 'l I. n [ DVRHAM MT. Fouls-r eludente. girl guidw. and the in l J. Allan goal iiiiirfitrte.?. serenaded, had nun-had ;lit , v. Elvidge point G. Murphy , "ambled at the illliim. wltrrv Illa!" y C. McClocklin cover Bttemnn Py'""e and feeling fulrwellas w i i W. McGirr rover Hmchy l given. He. left lur Montreal, n... l L. McGirr centre Duffield I thence proceeds to Halliâ€. whmr l R. Sunder: right wing ttuirriiialwiit learn when he 15 to no" :i. ', M. Blunders left wing Manmnx-A!pond. _------- THE ROYAL BANK OFEANABA SAVINGS DEPARTMENT - WI "_-'-"--'" JOINT ACGOUNTS An new“! in the names of two T.=atAi-auTofiii-""""'- members of . funny will be fotinrl convenient. Either -mior the canker) any operate the It count. DURHAM BRANCH: S. HUGHES, Manager. A Great Reduction in 40 Ladies' Tweed Coats 20 Ladies E? Gentlemen's Fur Collared Coats One Don". " JANUARY OFFERINGS Cupid Paid Up . . Reserve Fund. " . Which we must tsell-ttse greatest value ever offered. Don't wait till you hear some one else say they are going to get one. Come and get the one you want. You always nerd something warm in janunry and February Come expecting big values and we will give you better. We have also We will offer to you which were never before shown. The importance of there remarkable price reductions is only learned by personal inspection. is“ and see them and be convinced. 'dF F. MORLOCK Inmut h credited ttalt rearir. INCORPORATED 1809 Published Wukly st 01.00 gull. C. amen t 60th Fair Play Will Give County Council met-u on the 31h Jsuunry and on. of the items of bak, new an! tutu populu attention is the choice of a wurden. For $10me but a Inge section of the county Council and may coun- ty citinul has recognized in Wm, and". [have of Durham, . tittiott nun tor the position and when to personal qauitusisticns there is added the fact that Dal-bun " a (own him '"" " in in Ilium y beeohonorod with the Wurdenuhip. any thunk that the conjum-l on of ability in the man atrd but play to the municipality, should toad the council of uns to and the Warden-hip this way unulmouuly. Beside: it wan held by I northern mun lutyetr and in (nix-non uhculd this ' yen come south. Mr and" in put your! bow occupied the ettairmuetehip of the Finance and other important Committees of Coun- tr Council. For 6 consecutive years be ha been "eve at Durlum, the lat (our of which he got by Icrltluu- itiou no that on all counts he would worthily ttll the position stud Durham after nanny years would appreci-m- Durham the Wurdcnship Account! my be opened, with In mun deposit of Ind iii.