West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Feb 1915, p. 5

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BROP PY 4, Wt i. FiafILRAITH (sew Train Service x. Store - my your Tickets here RON T 0 MOITRHI. OTTAWA s of Produce IE yly:v'o'l'xsey'at1stai5ai', . r' 3.00 Rubbers F'd'ldleX5ilg Durham hoes Sale Sl ough Syrup Drug Store [Ill $1.99 ubbers " Sale 5t"d Small A D Profits eglect wt cough "me. guarantoo it to only at he serious con. ea ls to by 08" he _'" 2.00 T. ‘ 1.50 '", , Sli "r 'r 1.00 f ' 2.00 n will be Igent, Durban to offer n ted to a at ttreatly ...75o ..1.15 leading ea, Port How Tren too, etc. ' P R. Tiehet Murphy. D. P. Shore lurk 51110 ..9N ..900 .1.00 )1.00 ials got any 650 700 Emu; QUALITY t , PHARMACY t lil PRICEVILLB. - ONT t il YOU’LL PURCHASE il aEeaEieaartERaeEaWtatmarGGe5tit Toronto-Chicago Toronto -Montreal il Ladies l 200 aCt't'S tNremont, near column. One "I the wry best farms in the Township. Wm noon hopicked up at very low price quoted. mo ucrvs Beutimt--ttu' John Clark farm. can 3. W u R. Chen-per than ever Mien-d hem-e. lilo an»... Buntim-k he "ostttts" farm Lot 30. can 10. otrred very cheap and on wiry easy tet'ttW la) u‘r-~~ B unmvk. Int M con g, W . G. R . new Durh nu. Good tarun DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY For full particulars co-lt G. T. R Tu-krt Ag m»: or write B. E. HORN INC, Dbl. Pun. Agent. Toronto. Buy Farm You can Enter any Day at the (ti-NWlirf,tes. tyjturrtac ?7 Em the Huntsman to 8 , arcing ti. ti. MILLER, The undersigned he,” to annnunca to remnants " Durban and surrnund- ing country. that be has hid Planing Mill and hemry fully equipped and il prepared to take orders for SASH, DOORS, and all kinds of HOUSE FITTINGS DURHAM PLANING MILLS Shingles and Lath always on hand at right prices. Custom Sawing promptly attended to Also Sale Agnnt and Dealer tor ham and nanny a! sh- For Imam! of trainings-honor and cheaper than lath and planer. Fl my to handle. Cats with A - Is) my out on Cannot. fall " suns fuel No dun or - Call and use for yam-Deli Individual inwvructinn. Oar own ' hree "ttsry building and " nut-emu- !ul , MN of earperiettee. Expat in- ell-uv'rnrs po"hter the very new rv~‘u|N. Catalogue tree. C A FLEMINQ. P CA o. D. PLEMDNO (”135M .hean. YIN] k rrtrtot. t" ""1 to BUY or BELL H tititour w LEND Wlthout fVst Winter Tours to California Florida and Sunny South Farmers t 'r Pnncupal Gr 35 year: secretary WM CALDER. Town Ticket Am J. To WNER. Ticket. Agent, Fun Trains-choice of [Chutes Low Fares now in rtrect Urtezeelted Train SanIca lllKhPU'. Chan of Equipment NEW FIBRE BOARD FEBRUARY 4, 1916 ZENUS CLARK along with their other rations. In six weeks these will beyour choice hogs. If you do not cre- dit this. try it. "it fails your money will be refunded. Beautiful display of Taiwan. Face Powders,. Cold Creams, Hair Tonic: and various other toilet articles of many firms' make. There is a scrubin your bunch of hogs you are getting ready for the market. Maybe two. Separate these. Peed them Immune-u Stock PM 3 in 1 Oil for all (inns Never work so well with other oils. Trying is believing. The bug of game tells the tale. PRICEVIfL-“m OWEN SOUN D Property Now VISIT - ‘0:er Hanover 'iurs/7F9, Br 3rd--at Clark, A Mat-Low. W Inn-Lean. G mneks.- Jr 8rd-B Car- Iou. L Such-n, Esther Mclnnis. Sr 2nd-K M-cDunald, I Bineto, A Mac- . Lem. a MtcLaan. C MacLean. T 'Clnrk. 8r ist--R MacDonznll. E Inch-nu. F' MncDungnll, D Niche”. D Maann, 0 Watson PRIMARY a (.)--K Matheson, R Saekett, J Ferris. N Mm-Dongull. M Carson, A liir,,r,ttt,iy N Much-an. C Hinoks. M 1 Watson (b)--d MacMeekln. D Mac- . Lean. Misc C. MncKinnon is visiting friends in Durham. Mr and Mrs Aldunrn visited at the. Ianer'a mother Wednesday last. We are having "'me the days since the new year came. list ttuGloiir"""""" - vu Miss M. Barnett span: the week end with Miss B. Macmllan. Misses Mnbel und Jean Barnet visited at Joseph Ferris's one night last week. n or the Dominion Depnr meat of Agriculture in (so-ope tion with the Ontario Depart nt of Agriculture will be aid in the Mr Frank Richardson is visiting at D MacMilIan'I. Don't come ton often Elmer! She may not be home. Patriotism tl Production Age-ieultuxal Conference A number from here took in the Box Social in Priceville last week. Mr G. Suckett was wbrking with Alex MacMilIan last week. Town HAIL Durham Wednesday, Feb. 17th 3 p. m.--..."" ty and the 0p- portunity ot the nadianFarmer Pr‘ufrssorul Field lusbandrv. Unt- atio Agricultural Mega. Guelph. (h) in relmion to e Srugir--ll W. WADE, B. S. A. Mayor Hunter will preside. 7.30 p m.--In addllin to the above speakers JOHN FAR ELL, Forest, who bu unred we riusu Glen and other. will addr the meeting Warden Calder will p aide. (» in relation to arm tJropa---Wlil (iill1lith?(',,. a [A.., "Arotiere Priceville School Report. GOD SAVE THE KING ! A. MacMillan is on the sick True, Too True JUNIOR ROOM SOUTH LINE M. LITTLE, Teacher. " I dr'n'h uv-" mclvn'l" m an itlt may." 'tStrrarrtMtm But we. know that the need is greet. We know that Britain needs every man she is asking for ilshs is to hold tho Mace she has alwnys held as the champion of liberty, the friend of the “poressed and the chief among nations. This Is cot the first time she has fought the wrr'd's butmles. She has “had single-handed agamst the tyrant and ealled to her son's to rally round Ihq (r'rl Flag and they have never hailed hut nor shall they now. Her need has never been greater than it is Malay, and she needs our bear, she calls tor our host. and she Is gemng tltetu,- ~39 good as she ever sent forth and whethor you snared or fall we know thut you will be tsbln to say like Nelson. “Thank God, [have done my duty." N, a sham. remembrance from your seUoolmsteg and friends. we ask you to aocapt this purse. together mttt our good Wishes which will alvnya be )mlrs. Our prayer is that God may guard and keep you and that if It be Ills will, when the wnr is over. you may come back safe to your loved ones to spend many years of useful service an the Home Land Although we as a community have many times assembled to bid farewell mane of our number, the ooasnion wlnch calls us together tonight. is without doubt, fraught. with deeper feeling than any we hwe before ex- perlpnced. for you are the firat to go from our midst n fight the battles of the Empire. it in with mingled h-ehngs of pride and sorrow that we are here Orr-night. to bid you God speed as you an lorlh to 'scrve your king, your country you and your God. for we at a peopln trust that God who is ths, Crod of iustiee and the foe of tyranny or' oppression. is With us in tlria mule. We are proud than you hmeso lrm-ly and willingly ofbred muraelfm this time of need. while our hearts are sore that such need must. he, Sugred on behalf of School Section No, U, Glenelg,--- Alex Bell, Annie Aljoo. Jimmle Atkinson. Elizabeth 8uatt, Ernest. Maui", Tens. Nowell. On Friday ulternoou the non ihxstsed fur and wide that John Weir bad enlisted 1nd been “09pm! " 0 private in the third contingent. A: John has been I generll flvourilo hi. old schoolmates and friends felt they could not let him go without bidding him God speed and about "msntrfive guests mumbled at his home on Saturday evening. and presented him with a purse containing thirty dollars in gold. the address being rend by Mr Ernest McGirr and presentation by Jimmie Atkinson. John vary feelingly. thanked all for their kin-I new. Mr N. McCunnel very ably filled the chair. and often few chosen remarks, called on several for short epeechen. The singing of ‘God Be With You Till We Meet Again, brought the short program to a close, and after best wishes to John fora safe return, the gueets dispersed to their various homes. We regret that. lit A. Scott is con- fined to his bed as a result of a slight paralysis stroke a. week 8.20. W. hope hemu may soon be fully restored. We are pleased to report that Mn ELLuvreuca has gained iuufuuntly to be taken to her daughter's, Mrs T Millngan and we trust the change and n-sn will be benefhfus1, Mrs bucbumn and Mr C. Buohnunn " W0arnsford, spam.» few days with Mr A. Scott's. Mr Buchanan will remull tur some time. The following is the addreag,-- I'o Mr John Weir. No. , District presents In. with address and $30in gold before leaving for the trout. Form, H-L Tuasdmle. 0 Campbell H Hmnnm. D McAuley and WBsr. bout, R Mardment. Form I-R Campbell, (I Wakefield, w LnW-un and w Milne H]. A Clitte, E Ritctre, I’Uumo SCHOOL DEPARTXENT. tir Mh--dhelUMcUrae, Myrtle Koch. J Lawrence. R Brooks, E Browning. Jr 4th--ir Lamance. t) Bunhlen. 8 MeAuldte. M Valle“. B lander. ttr 8rd--Y Jamh M Helmet, A Smith, R, Snell. A Brooks, Hum Scum“. mteAwrgtttNT, Form HI-R Roberta, E Edge. 6 Petty, R Evcles. G McUunig. ' 8rd--U Wiggins. W Snell. E Svarch. , Blair, J Duvis. Sr 2nd-P Walsh. R Dwid, B Pllkey. A MeAulitre, W Jncoh. Jr 2nd--B Willis C, .VI “in. G M r- Ihall, E Levine. E Hewin. hand lc)-W Welsh. I Rind, R Me. Donald. M Urumhley,‘ G Watt, Kind Farewell to John Weir Br Int-B an». E Cameron. A Ramp, W Bryon, A McLenn. -. Jr Gt (a9-M D-vndison, K Milne. J 'tili1tssrtu.t1 Trafford, N. Llayd, L Mc- Clogkliu: _ Jr lut(h)-N McGirr. lid Jacob. H Jr lst-A Hewitt, M Brawn. Rlacot, I Welsh, A Vnauiv, J Le Fevre, 'CH'. _ n By our Green Grove correspondent. DU RHAM SCHOOL REPORT VICINITY Mr Irwin, for the nonce, was a Beotchman, and while taking second place for nothing Irish, was glad to be present at I Scottish funetion. Mr Irwin. more than some Scotehmen, has studied his Burns, and can quote greely from his poems, The speakers of the evening were Rev. Mr Matheson, Priceville. and H R. Miller, both members in full standing. The former gave a lucid outline ot what the British Empire stands for : Justice, Freedom, Fidel- ity to obligation and such like qual- ities, for which he found ample material in the present and past of the Empire to illustrate his subject, Mr Miller referred to the enthusiasm held by Seotchmen and their descend. ants for everything relating to the great poet and his works and also dropped into the war zone giving n running and enlightening review of the countries in the war. and the principles each was fighting for. Atnongrt the number who spoke ioriefly Were Duncan and Arch Sin- clair, J. W. Crawford, Arch McCuaig, Geo Binnie, Dr Lane, Neil McKinnon, Dwul Harrow, Dr Hutton, Colin Mc- Lean, P. ter McArthur and other, but an announcement coming "the oys- tera are ready" the company ranged themselves round the spacious tables and did justice to the good things movided. Before rising from the tables Dr Lane had tt telegram handed to him from Hector McKinnon. of the Globe staff Toronto, conveying fraternal greetings to the two camps, in happy memory ot a former similar occasion when he had the pleasure of presid mg. Some Itep dancing by Angus Mc- Lachlan and others to pipe music. similar dancing by pretty Miss Flor Singly, or in pairs or as a trio the Pipers named at intervals gave stir- ring music. and Ben Nevis'own piper Mr A. C. McDonald, aid a blow on his sin pipes also. While talking mus“: mention must. be made of thorns: Binnie who was generous with song, his Scottish version of ' 'its a long way to Tipperary " bring- ing him a warm encore to which he vesponded with a fine patriotic piece. He also contributed a recitation. her, and were ready to welcome the visitors. These came accompanied by four pipers Messrs Peter KeArthur Joseph Black, Neil Cameron Arab ucDonald and to the strains ot this martial music the visitors entered the hali and were heartily welcomed by the local brethren and a few invited friends. The chair was taken by " C. Ramage and-a program of some length was carried out. He gave a warm oifieinl welcome inviting Dr Lane, chief of the Scots Greys, to a seat " hia right, and recalling similar happy re-unions here and in Price. ville, hoped that this night would add another to the list. Be rermnded‘ them that this meeting was intended tor a Brrns' Anniversary adding some: comments on the distinction accorded to Scottish Song, largely by Burns" genius. He added some information about the Camp and the Order and called on the Pipers to open the pro- gram. , F On Friday evening In: about” members of Scorn Gress Camp, Price- ville, drove over to spend eeoeial evening with their brethren of Ben Nevis. The members here met early, got through with their barium con. sisting chiet1e of inltnllntions of Mieeris 3nd initiation, of a new mem- Scots Greys of Pricevillc, spend I Social Night with Ben Nevis in barium. S. of E Camps TBS BUBBLE REVIEW "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood leads on to Fortune." Many Canadian business men are eagerly looking forward to the “turn in the tide" in Can. adian trade. Some of them are saying: "Just wait until this war is over-the country will prosper, business will boom, and we will then start advertising on a large scale to get our share of it." There is a wiser type of tttant' the man who is acting Instead of talkirtg---laying his plans now so as to have his " boat at business " headed up stream when the tide turns ', advertising NOW, because he knows that to delay until the war is over is to add a hundred told to the opposition his plea for " a share of the big business " must encounter. Public opinion is not to be won " over night." When the Canadian public lets loose its cash, the tttattithgttttNN and mmhuntsto wtttrttt the (men strain 'will most M M. at thm, W In! My M tte. a'tlttit Ittrhi HI] fur mum II M genths To take the tide of business at its flood re- quires, not days, not weeks, but months of preparation. Prepare now " advertise now " if you worm interim. Fraternize The Turn of the Tides Following is the Wtuxiert's address; To the members of the County Council of the County of Grey. G'etttiemen,--A:low me to thank you and extend to each and every one of you my hearty appreciation for the honor conferred on me by the unani- mous election to the Warden'. chair. In A large and important county such as this, the position carries with it considerable responsibilities. and I hope in tho use that the recipient of this hcuor may measure up to your expectations and till the position in the same able manner as his predeeee. sors. I any name you that the elec' tors of the municipality which I have the. honor to represent will very much trppreciate the favor which you have conferred on its repressntstive. and in their babel! I return to you hearty thanks for the position. The county ttetusurer'a slatemen‘ hes been placed before you, and you will notice that there is a necessity of puctlsingnl much economy us poe- eihle, unless nfurther issuing of de. benturea or increase of county rote is contemplated. The suggestion of the tremurer for the diupoul at par of the remainder of the present ilsue of dehentures should be acted on, AGRICULTURE This county being lumely an agri- cultural county and at present in a fairly prosperous condition, yet eyety- Lhtng poemitsle should be done to " far aslam aware, the work of thin union will be comparatively light, and only routine will engage your attention. The clalmn of nearly all the my“ and Continuation Sch cola. except O' Hound. Durham and Mental-d. were cut down. A very marked diaeronce in the coat of maintenance per pupil wan revealed, Durhuu being lowest and most reasonable at 18 ct... while one. Chatsworth, was about thud: limes that, Under the High Schools Act our School receivrd about 8100 more than under the old system. a recognition she tshould have got long long ago. From reports in Owen Sound paper- hoped and expected that this County the meeting at County Council for the will be prepared to give in both men tlrtst time under Warden Caider's and money, that which is required " presidency. we! harmonious end husi- us. neulike. The Advertiser any: l " Tint 3310033 election of Wm. Celdec we: a popular A! the buiidirttt nf county Midi!“ ‘5 one, " ha her been for several your. g one of our large expenditures. I would metal member cud hug been in charge “Ingest that the clmirmun oi llu of the most Important commute..." l “and and Bridge Committee or ll e He mu uomlnuted by Reeve Uordlng- county engineer should in even- mu- lay of ahgllow Lake and Deputy-trevs l .00' the eost " neurly " possible of Little of Owen Bound and when found l any eontemptnted bridge. and the can. annulment he was escorted to his sent i tract given Milli?“ to that price. If amid much applause. Among thood this is done, " will no doubt new run- on‘eiing congrutulntione w" the ret. l eidestbte "pettse. eun new of Nornmnby. W.H. lynnu In conclusion. I hope to extend to Who stated that 50 years before he tttrd I each and every member ofthlu Cotmty congntulnled the Warden of that l Council. the courtuy and freedom ot a". l Ipeech required of the choir. and The clulme of nearly all the " lt would "rnesur ask your uni-more and Continuation Sch cola. except O' and oo-operation to make our deliher. Hound. Durham and Mentor-d. were ations conductive to the belt intercul- cut down. A very marked diaerence of this great und important county in the cost of maintenance per pupil Again thankinu you. and within: etch Wu revealed, Dal-hum belng lowest “Id Pet?i'Y member l proPerou' Y’". and most reasonable at 18 ct... while , 1 hare the honor to be, one. Chntswnrth. was about the" 1 Yours train Opening Session of County Council The otheem idmlled nreeeexaet1y u nppenred elected in the Rlvmw A few mks no l Richard Bum, Chm. ueo Bunnie. Chieftain.. T C .Iotton. Put ehiet t R Torry, Secy '. C IcDougnll. Chaplain. that“ pro and con, and Add Lani Sync in the nut-landed ring. cloud an enjoyable evening in the wee m’ can. tttet, Nichol in costume. vote. of Warden Calder’s Address FINANCIAL. oNfXmo ARCHIVE.$ TORONTO COLTNYY PROREttTY-Reeve Camp- RDUOAYi0N-Reere, doodlellowt Proton. PRrNTrNG--Deputy Rave Mc‘vny. Holland. COMMUNICATIONS AND MEMOR- WAttTgtD.-A reliable man to tell Hardy Cunndiun Grown Stock in Durham and Grey Co. Start now at thr but polling time. lead lorliul of Spring Offerings and term- to sun's. Lmertticomissiontt, Hand- some free outfits. 51mm & WILL] NG'I'ON. _ Fonthill Nurseries. Toronto, ROAD AND BRIDGE-Run Ia'l‘av- The "pout. of the amid committee was presvnwd by Mr Smith. god In: adopted with n couple of null ll'II' endmenla. The ram-mm.- then retir. ed to elect their cloth-mun t Ind when this business use (Iain-had the line-up Wu. ;- PtNANU'E-Reeee Wilton. Hume:- IALFS--ile.ee Harri-on. Osprey. HOUSE OF REFUG B-Reeve Sinclair Dundnlk. WARDEN'S U05ttt1YTEE-. Reeve Smith. Derby. The rest of the moiou wu “ken up with routine bulineu, mllnly the mammalian of eotntttutgieatiom, And their raferenee to the proper commit- ten. Fon SALE. -- Fine thoroughbred White Wyandotte cockereln and hens Regal (Martin) Strain. Apply to Fall SALI-l‘our I " Bulls, from 9 to 18 mm. Rona an odl. Apply to D. M "LAN. R. R. No. Priuvillo W. CALDIR. Oran Bound. Jun. " 1015. Val": Nether exull a! m cute-l lard operation and that." but... the population. It k - that durhtttthe yea the lulu “In. lion will extend 01:90er We throughout the county. which should ensue tsmorun may [m to ”can cheap power, and will “to largely bend! mutual-cum In tom" and wills..- within the County. WAR. II the terrible - wlich our Bar pin in n present engaged. further menu: of nuisance will no doubt eu- g-ge your Attention . Since November 'tetutriott incidente hare occurred which forcibly remind III of the possibility of I further spread of the urea ot military ope-muons. mind it in thereby _ hoped and expected that this Counly will he prepared to give in both men1 and money, that which is required l (I BRIDGES. Al the huilding of County minim” 5. one of our huge upondituru. I would suggest that the chuiruuun of thr Road and Bridge committee or II o county engineer nhould in ovorv mu. know the cost " nvully u pnuihlo at my eontempiated hridtte, and the mu- tmet given uuhjoct to that price. If this is done, " will no doubt “we run- aidonble expense. inh. Flasher-ml bell, Bydenhnm. J. A. Llacl. Pricevillc ', " Inn. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice B-Boo-ross h l ml Ni “Mung h Boa UNDERTAKER and Funeral Dzramor "BtttBtectt--.Fivtst hum» m;- tamed. Blacksmith mop B'ph1t'tpgl'rgl"lirf: "ttull i" ,. u. (Wm can". I. l um -:1et-m-.., gum an I33 =tMtiP'ttll, Junta! her Inn and "trte. . {mummy roman-m qttf - " a I W. H. BEAN nus-mum cum " the been: “I! -ttrle 1toart PM] In uh - .m'ul'flhs I41” . -56 nt ' W. Solicitor In Supr'em Com Notary Public Comauasrouer Money w um). M on Luminary) tit., oppumln- O Wllpola'. titnules. SllirdegT,,t22a,iill?" mm mm r. ol -ttgbtsiemtrs lit n ,' . an A U amazon. malt-y. ls I 0441' n" mum.» new of the khoul 1') ; I ", .' 2llt2lffX Thou-.4 m»- "t 'tr '7: .. ' “and wan-urn“,- "t ttl . Dd 'lfaffll'd ever) u-lutmm I T '.'u 1..“ mutton “autumn: oi Am,“ mag. mm I»: Inomn u, at“ We HONOR GRADUATE t' T University. gruduau t f R- ist' t of Dental Bur mm at mm a .v t 0m J &J 'ifih'l4ihl'/, N x " 30:01 capo All Torotgto t'ntrorsity, It. Ool mum surgeon than] in um. ttltd,', oftice--over Javelin-y suue ad opp alta Post Ottiee, [nuance Agenn. Mu Issuer of Bunny» L , .., and ttaaateitst huaim " tt W. C. PICKERINU o. " 5.. i. D s ARTHUR H. Ji. TX 21m It. If he cannot supp-L the MARVELa srrvm other, but an sums) mud bmth-oeql.tt. l J.0.tnl'lyNN,.s1.0.,0, )PFICI. Ova J. P, T opposite human t ‘IIIDENCI . amount 0.0! on tttrt Jun ol s-tta a g--tpat. T--4r p... Mun-awn between one: m4 W n all noun. Guide a; - Meth J'tusil an I an knot in (kw-m. D. MoPHA/L- .o '-n. a I. ARTHUR cook in now giving lama. In Voice Prodttctiott and a”. at the homeor Mrs B. If. y b, ever! Tuwdny. from A gill I'- m mummy to: um . an“. lulu be man- u u... [know 0 Btte,tturttaan. u ‘mpoudouvc MM that or to Ceylon RU. mu he promptly mic. Tum on .wuuuun t I May you and yours LXIJM)‘ a Christmas of unfmgclable placate with health and plenty for the New Year. Compliments of the Season DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL “Wind dl/eat/GU, ttltr.r'i'rs .“ " m‘um-onwrrn 00..“ HAMBUIH m Ace-u tor mun. ? 'h"". -uikGuiuerid 'eiow new. “new Auctioneer tor Co. Grey “to! Ooh-go ray-n01.3- . l mane J. F.0HANT D. 0.5 ' L. D. & Notary Public, (7. m. WNVEYANCLR BUREAU. ONT Full litte of U.nlhmlc It I. MNKK and wlhu: I "I' for and people. “Want n Speciallty J. P. TELFORD A. BELL on" and Equipment R. I. ISAAC D IcPllAlL. Ceylon orwc. RAIAGF. Duahm OFFICL nuLua The Big R. H. ISAAC, Durham SINGING m In!“ '31.!“ 1'PtWLlt'aR'd (Lou Ill t. fltgllt, ttt . om. not") south of Si Bun ti (In!) " l: w, “I.

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