KENT Good Gateway of Dardanelles is Secured by Fleet of the Allies OUTER PORTS HAVE FALLEN th DOWN BY "130‘me (lil [HIS 0F NILWS FRON THE bthrtrirNb', tutosi?it'kis. The ttenv, of IMF" It? ttt house and s 1:6 At Ha‘ifax. a militia officer had a suit can stolen. the eorttrnts Ire. 'irtir Worth 8300. James Roan". a R, C. lt. soldier. said to be of To. "tttio. wag arrested and pleaded gzuiity to stalling it. He was re- manded fur genttrnce. A memorial tablet h u, be [when] ,n fit, Mark's church. Halifax. 1n 'Mnur oi the four Itnadiat, mid, miripmen. William Arclribald Pal. zner. Joiut Yiotor Whitman Hate- Hanks, Shops, Factories and Other Enterprises to Be Turned Over to Subjects of the Kaiscr SEOUESIRATE MI PROPERTIES " an n! Tl a mt It tl H k " Ma It M ml Te trr If 'd al Ill ly b '5 0: Ma “I? 3 th at and w ll} hined Anglo-Fren iqta of 32 ships. I ' the position» at the straits intern (I mu: " 1r nut-d Ha ‘I tiyduey Morest From " by Waves of tho Atlantic. NI tne mon at the mo b d "I no motttits.. regarded in one " the m pliiunents 4 the hr ll broke into the dead man Th " hr on and stealing 1mm are (I nth tl M d he “nuns. " was drum: Ind ltis widuv Il trritle " mam n t Hg rno. Swn “If rmitter If“: mr fl ha scat-ll "."' aliiax. in I gm fan mil ly aid l’a'-im' an Hate- an lull d Places if tar , ttl un- the Ih 3t ir I? INK d " which are lined with strong tortal and malern defensive works for al distance of forty miles on both! sides. Furthermore. the Turkish, Hem. which. under such conditions, I. wa w i " Ell ld mum th all tim " Bill Inlrmhm-ul in the Ilmm- l tiemwal Fhuhargo. l d~~lmlrh irout Wachiuutam Pil German Submarines I’n'nrh has turm Inglll'. Miered the an Planck in the IFliterraue front Muuiult says arranging to send ,ubmarinr, to Ans 'mprrees vessels Q “ding submarines NJ has a strong 'ruplanes and l, nu! In the aero " , which all trade with Euro; mmwd by the United States rewntatiw Stephen G. Por ‘ennuhanin introduced a bi wrizing the President, to d n Huhnrgn between this Ct ml the warring nations. The Inc-Mun». if it becomes ill â€mid-- the Chief Exermt whit! 1hr commercial activit li ships in the foreign hould an Huhargu he (hm (men-r. it is specifulv .f thr unk own e Med I in?" )ll Jya The " TI ill u4, Ilnill “Insult-s or Glands ritml Into hetivity rench Crew Rewarded for Sinking Submarine 11ilrl' “NHL" I h |.\l'l.|l. I‘nwalhs. Yeng ML Under the Iratrleuhips Suf in] r. Malcolm Cann and Arthur tshire Silver, who were lost with niral 1'radoek's ilagship the »(1 Hope in the naval battle off coast uf Chil" nu November lst, cc tl nk thw il Augamneur 5.0m) francs' (mum t' gisen to the crew of the ship 10 "coud light squadron which _ a German submarine at Bou- P. Th" Marquis uf Otutttno has ml a prize of 5,000 francs for ttext Zeppelin brought down in M IP cts or HP II ti t "I†run *‘spzllvh from Washl:tu,'trrt Word fur Word with the tex vd by the act of June 4, 1794 .-h all trade with Europe Etr hand em re tr an n ontrcst units under the Bri are the battle cruiser In which carries 12-inch guns battleships Agamemmm is. Vengeance artd Tri 'l't) KIWI†II N \'I'I1|\.\'. I'P {crummy is at war this will be to shops. factoriw l , enterprises com i even in Brus: " M " 'r the 1mprwum m something we and send it alot in! vessels of n m m ler tiii, French flag pa Suffren, Gaulois th Hall] s. are " and th tnet' NHL-dun l after ths rt me R that from mirth NN mug: litv "I TI tm llll mus m “CIT fr IU sistence tt of all classes. in- es and destroyers. I detachment of sea-planes con- tuyplane ship, Ark Aush'ia ll uses comm in Brussels ans have “M l affect the l In Paris says: The in Mediterranean th nerve Assurancv Temps J Minister uf Mar nun francs ($1,000; r crew of the ship tlvux nt I!" Ill me hut " ith, Pres wit! im i bocnmes a law. I Executive to al actiVilima of foreign trade. he dvelared, Afwa!ly termi- uf the measure o ctrnvening of tlw D oi nations w The Vigor deponds up the brain mall the " h t' thr tt in)! the “was: t adj, mar n Nushmqtun th the text n in three ut t'N mum-u ands, l ntr " em w l l n- bis. 1ry re muse w a de muscle nrtor of hill au- 1ltwlare country ll lk mp s ur" " , er) Italde a r o 'd nd I†wa', RP it m rd th u t' In n ll as " 7bc; No. l N. t' [, . Montreal. N S 2 yellow. 84 t t' em. No. 2, T, tn. No, 1 fee fl I 66c; No. 3 lot ,t white, Mc. 1 8K; making. [- 2, 9br, to i wheat patenh .. ‘etrong balm I) _i' 1 Che---" 34 to 18c for large, and at " l to 18 lac for twin. ', Potatoear--0ntario, 65 to 15c per but out w of more. 60c in car lots.. New Brunswicke, {our late. 65c per bag. _ .11 I 1 Bar1ey-oood making (tuba. 35 to In outside. â€2-11.25. outside. Str" No. I quoted at $1.†to 83.â€. 0“ ll P. Corn- No. 2 new American 8K, all rail Toronto freight. . Buckwheat- No. 2 at 85 to 87e, outside. Bran and shorts -Brau, 827 to m a um and short: as 830._ _ " M FE Butter-Choice dairy. 25 to Mc; interior. 20 to my; creamer: printar. 32 to 331.K.. do., sends. so to Mc; farmers' aepnuor, 27 to 'ilk.. Fiitits -t3 to 83.10 tor prime and $3.15 to 85:90 for Jwtdo.iclsed., - - . " Green Meaty Out of pickle. te smoked. "Fid"t"ffii'aTi'iou No. 1 Northern. $1.6}; Sn 2 " ".65. and No. 3 u 81.61. flht"2 wtt1ttr-Ner.2. nominal at 81.50 to 't.56, emf-hie inia. 8'l't'ltgfd'r"i'i, 60 to 63e, outside. but! tt c, to Me. on tuck. Toronto. Water-n Cl!- Ma'? 2. quoted on " lac, Mm No. l n '"iiGi2i' Tid" IGP Iota, per bag of so lbs “.45 to $3.50. Honevarlb. tina cell It 121-29. and Ith lb. tims at 15c. No. 1 combs, $3 per down. and No. 2, 82.40. Pou1trr--Chiekenr, dressed. 13 to 150: ducks. dread. 14 to Ke; fowl. 10 to tic: Eocene. M to Ihr, turkeys. dressed, 19 to Wholesalers are selling to tho trade oti thy fqllqwhlg miles burlazf _ - .. Toronto. March t.-atanitotia tirqt vat. enter. 881njnto bags: second patent}. 57-50; Btl'on intent $7.2). anus-o wheat Bottr, ' rer can. Quanta. 36.25 to 'Ce. "attoard. 7 __ - -- .. ---- - (L Smoked and dry salted mestis-Bolhr- Smoked. " to 14 bk; ham. medium. 17 to 17 bar; heavy. M Id to 150; brmklaat bacon. 18 to Mc; lone clear baron. tone. 131.2e; cases. 13 S4 to Mc; bacus, Main. :0 122 Inc; special, 2K; boneless banks. M o a PIECES tf MII woman REPORTS "8t"' THE LEIHING TttAtt' t;ENTR" or AIERICA. ,. pa Winnipeg, 1 Northern $1.43 34 feed. 31.31. C 3 CAV.. 611-8f 1 feed, 600: Itlt :tlu‘JIain. t i, Frankfurn‘r “he priquner ',atul Austria lThis number If Ira. No 1 'ieed, 691-21}; No. 2 local whim: Mi; No. 3 local white, 650; No, 4 local} white, 64c. Harley 'Manitoba fwd. 79 to 8h-. making. 98(- to tl. Buckwheat. No. 2, 9b, to 81. Flour-Manitoba Spring wheat patents, iirssts, $8.10: sevnuda. $7.60:| strong bakvru". 87.40; Winter pan-ms. choice, $8.30: straight rollers. $7.80 tt, $8; d0., lrami, $3.70 to 83.80. Rolled oats“ mrls., $7.25; bags. 901m. $3.50. Bran, $27. Shorts, FN. lliddlings. 833. Mouillie, $34 to $37, Ray, No. 2, per ton, car lots. $18 to $19. Cheese -rinmst westerns, tt 1-4 to 1714?: tlnmst enter-us. 17 to 171-40. Butter-Choi-st creamcry. 32 to 3'dlac; nit-comm 31 to 311-242 b'aror-Frmsh, 55ml tieltcted, 281': No. 1 stock, 270; No. 2 Mock.| M. 800 " tered, $7.7... $7.90 was paid all cars, and $1.40 Cu.b. country points. Montreal. March 2x Best 'urttle suld at about 7 140. and lrum that down to 6c for medium tsrtd from 45-4 to 53-40 for the Common. Iowa, $40 to $80; 61109;). 5 In 5 ya: lambs. 81-4 to 81-2c; hugs. 81-4 to It - a A despatch from Armste says: [fig-urea compiled by postal authorities show that _lthe beginning of the war 864 Oman nowspapm-s have snrpl Plans of Highways and Letters Found Upon Him. A (‘l‘bleC‘l iron, Mum-tun. N.B., my: Ilviuhold lie-idol, whosays he is a (Emma-n naval veservist, was nvrested all Wednesday by Li'.ll, Spawn! Agni! A. J. ngley. uf this 1'ltr, as an nlinn (-m‘my. When ar- Madman t mum-m not city, as an alion enemy. When ar- rvsted the German had nn him a package uf letters and plansof high- it ay bridges. railway tracks and bridgw through the Mutupvdiu Yu!- Milkes steady l "hoxn' and 8:30 t and lamhr WPt'ty 1.033.000 Prisoners h 1nterned Germans and Austrians Are in Ten Camps. A despatch frum Ottawa says: A return talrled in the Commons on Wedneutlay by the Minister of Jus, tice sltous that him-e the outbreak uf the war 2.177 Uri-mans and Aus, trians luau? boon taken into custody in Canada as prisoners of war. The detention camps are at Halifax, Quelwr. Kingston, Petawawa. Spirit Lake. Kapm‘skasing. Brandon, Lethhridge. Vernon and Nanaimo. 861 German Papers M u‘d All Cereal Stocks I) ard- Pure. tube. 115.4 to IK 121-40. compound. tuba. 9 5-1 In. 10 to 101-49. ll Hus‘smm From-h . Serbiuns Belgium British . SPY SI SI’ICl'T ilutr',s'TI',it. Pitt 'mfth tHts' or " l ll. Um No. 2, 7214?: do, No 1 feed. 691-20; No. 5 local white a, Mc. Harley“ matting. 980 to t w , 900 1-8; M I! m United N.W,t Live stock Markets "HIM! 2, A few Country Produce Montreal li:trcir [l 1%...............692.00() .................237.004: W .....m..'...... 50,000 ts a.............. 37,000 .r...a........". 19.000 75 pcr cent. <f tlw total is ler'mauy. March 2.-Catsh:- 81.5514; No. 2 3 Northern. $1.47 ' b, $1.39 IA; No. Outs -NO. 2 cw.. Winnipeg Grain A) tde the hull to $5.75, Provisions 8K. Oa Erasmus. per bag, our a ot uur In now number It runs. is i hrnugh an $70 to n $70 for firm Suspénd Publication states ,1 " [Th teed Claimed by Enemy fr: an rmnm ,ttuug $4.25 to t Seized by Austria Marhtrtt, Copn American No Pats J'unzuliun Wet, t., No. 3, 691ac: PX 61 Jr mints. Best 'urttle s that down to Markets. 2.~Wheut N Northern. Fl 111nm. $1.45] $90 for good to medium. Show no, fed and wa. id oft cars, and I" m nkf Mod. 61c; No, Barlop-No. 3, ). L: CAV. $1.53 rnukIm-Imn» mus: Tiw Minutes that in Germany car L031}.000. s disided as h Fresh, Mc; No. 2 Mock. lots. 50 to 3m less than Wit puilehlz M pendrd 1.8 w h 90 paid M rd am the smce iet' 7 'otiideeitm lithe “H d man who 'l1',11'l'L' popular any- where-except, perhaps. in a gath- ering of persons opposed to the free exercise of appetites. He is a big man. is Von Hindenburg. He has a big voice. He has a big appetite. He lives wholly and sincerely each blessed minute. He likes nothing quite so well as to sit at a table in a favorite cafe, with a few inti- mates about him and draw maps on the cloth with red wine. and roar argument and batter down opposi- tion, and perhaps sing 3 German song in a great roaring. bull-like bellow that is still mcludious in an overwhelming sort of way. He is peppery and goodmatuverl. He will whang the table with a ham uf a fist until the steins dance mer the edsws and the waiters stand near the (hun- and try to pretend they have not heard. And “hen he is out-argued and beaten and earlier ed he will surrender with a hum Shunt of laughter. and his blue eyos: will gleam, and his big. ruggod warty face will fairly (“plain with eujuyment. - -- _ Said to ne the .‘vlost Goad-Humor“! ve V__ Man in German Army. - Tuo munths ago they mum-d streets in Germany for Paul run Hindenburg. the man of the Tan- nenburg fight and the Lodz battle. and a score of other savage fights in unknown places along Germany's eastern front. One month ago they began to rename towns for him. Be is the war hero of Germany. One sees a dozen of You Hindenburg's portraits to one of any other man. And that includes the Kaiser, writes 1rerberccotet. . "More wine!" Yon Hindenburg will shout. "More Wine!†Don't think that Von Hindenburg is; a pot warrior ssho wins his bat- tles at the tables. He wears on his wide breast the Iron Cross 0f the First Class-a rarely gisen reward fur valor-whirl Ire mm wlwn he was a young lirut-cuant. Lilies as Urn-mm. (t.,h,e, Ihrssiau. And ho insisted that ',a war with Iluss:in was _citl'f' in t'otnf', I Ho had bucome pusavswd h} this IMazurinn Lakes “won while he Iwas still a pump: Miver (‘nmparm Hivoly. He had {hum wumthing. m- ilu, had failed in On unme‘t‘uing - the Stun" is .1 hit ham " ul h:- Tlah' trin- thirty years-Von Hindénhurg “a: the butt M Germany‘s military wits Not that unsunv said anything that would really hurt thv Muff old fight cr. They lmed him too well, to: one thinq. But he mu ruminant) reputed to he possessed of a “hug.' He preached the dot-nine uf the Ma zurian Luke-s in #02150" and out o season. Ho talked lakes and swamps and Russians and morass t Theory l'l'own. , Tin-rm wars ag" Von Hindemlrurg Elwin-ll that the gmernment mutenr â€dated filling up the Mazurian i Lakes ompirn. and the court cabal. 'Hv “out to “Prim with his book: innd bis maps. and his big. red. l,gooU-natured, detormlned face, Emmi that Jovian lm‘luw. He vamp led on the Emperor's dotrrr,tup. [When the Jimiretir (lei-lines to re~ iceive a person, that. poi-mu is usua’ lly expected to take a hint and go {away Von Hindenhurg wouldn't. He just made more fuss. until at 'Iast the Kaiwr told him to come in and speak his pioce. And 8.†Von jiri/i/iii/ir' thundered and inimi- nati'd until tho liaiser lhrvu' up his ihands. with a laugh: es. He insisted that this belt of mm- and mountains and 11ater mu Germany's best protection agamst story Is a. In; I pnrarily in di to tho muslnm pinto his ufl'vn dior he lwgzm vironment, I vironment, By and by he " an enthusiast. He studied lung rash-m flu-ml until he k far better than any mm M Us Hun palm wt' bis hand, He ua' ol command vle(*\\hew and r to talw it. H" wanted in more about his Mazurian Lak travelled with baskets of may documents, all ahmu the Ma Lakes region He tallied nothing New. By and In he llt't‘allll' nlmmt a nuisanee. liu-rynne liked the old chap, but they had outnplettyly lost the appetite fur his ahnminahle lakes. The tttvn who surrounded the Kaiser would have mum of his theories. Six years ago he was re- tired on a pension, greatly to his disgust. BPrlin juttrtmlh-Le: declare ed that. it was to muftle his ntm'nal preaching M thy Mazurialt Lakes. He went to Hanorer---which is a reasonably lively little Air, thank you-and began to build up a Lake cult there. 1reggtul.' go awa) When Ph ur. TON INN†RN 81116. General turn Ilimlvnlull'L Keep your twenty H lam Hunt tlt “New lo CN- filmce. Like any good sol, 1w" m study his new en. . ily and lry ho Immune K , yen-UN -ma.slw for Vnn Hirulinlsurw was rmany's military wits. me said anything that "lrt the Muff uld fight. ed him too well, for tut he mu commonly talked lakes and humans and murass tZ11 mething- the I lu. “M tvm- Hr was sent order. lo I'N- general. he lakes. Only Lake-. He maps and M a TU riau "d als, mt n m an n new It knmn = offer, refused know N " ml he In wrung: Ll nanwd Pa through (In through the length Germans. (‘arlmu load,» of gifts for headquarters. Cit0t1 N PPdhCr, IHI\II Geutstsa lh'spalrh Sans Ihat lie Paul-1| Iuay in "vctuOiw. Two-thires Enlist lnl'm-nmIiun Claimed In (‘opuu- lmgrn Correoondent. A demand: to the London Irtil.s Telegraph from Copenhaswn up: It is learned from a murm- imi manly cimnevted uith the (human G'oneral Staff that Germany intoud, human-1 peat" xwgutmlfum m alrout two months. Accnrdinu lo a special telegram from Hr‘an. in the mum‘s" M the dismmiun n!) the Budget in the Prussian Diet a member attacked Austria strungl). suing that Aus, tria “as unable to beat Serbia. and that c1i.ssatisttwtiou with Austria‘s wcaknrss was general. All the memhms applauded. but the offitGl, repnrt makes no reference to the ineident. IIâ€) NH)" HM! “HUI IN' .‘llll'. British Warships Capture tho Goths: in the Small 1tlantie. A despa The Gem with prm t thr Cwiu ‘11 r' 35% ll y iermau ('ulll‘ wrrmymndl'n vadds. that H Irrr- add Lin! Paul It _jt SUN LI/lr']"'"!")'"].?:):????!:??: 3x (,?,,ii?imhyiirr QUZANADA " In English Colleges I" m tl admit babm are he. rdnmnn 1872 " Ill in mournâ€: “ling Un- de fi at tle H {In spite of ttli,'g,td Pere,?, disturbance, the your Ninetem ourteen was a peri o uninterrupted progress and rtts eri for the Sun Life of Canada. p p ty At the present moment the Company occupies an even stronger position than at any tune tn i!s.fy.ty-iAr years' history,†is clearlv shown , the substantial and highly satisfactory increases registered during t e past year. burl 7 it Ac. " Assurances issued and paid for in cash duling 191 , totalLd $32,167,339 the largest Amount issued by an) Carnadou Life Company. In this respect a: “c†as in ammuul of Assris, As.,urances in Force.htcome, and butplus tlee Company again established iis position as , CANADA S LEADING LIFE th policies in the Sun Life of Canada are safe an: Profitable Policies to Buy. ROBERTSON M ACAULAY. 72 HEAD Orr-ie-tci-Gus-meat. 19l5 STRONGER THAN EVER Asa VI ut al Hi I Pity gun an mvut " It uh 345566.675 " to Policy, Pl on hated and tisid um ' . . a In Fun-e . IIN.' H (Dec. 8hst lll('( tl tterl at In?! I M lHiII 1904 "" ‘ll " Vl‘ urn "w Il TOTAL OF FOURTEEN SHIPS IN ALL dt Th Alarm Caused by German "Blockade" Threat Has Disappeared liven in Scandinavian Countries This disease ls mos! dttugerou., OM In; to its tendency to extend to th Bronchial 'ubes and lungs, “horn 1 causes Consumption. Unfortutstttel, the people have had faith in spray! olntments and mum. which can“! pm albly cure, and In consequpncv (-axurrl ttl tlisvase has become a uatlona Statistics Prove Ninety-Seven Per Cent. of ('anada'n Pop- ulutinn is Infested With the Germs of Catarrh "llFtllilll iljllllllllt ESSENCES CURE MARSH lit DRUSS lil M---l DIRESI ililflll0lil SURE ti " krd tlwtn up fi an German Officers Killed and Two Aeroplane' Shot Down by One British Airmen (I Id Catarrhoxone .5- kill tho Wt The Company's Growth 35.052275 " tt ttt ll d TORONTO " I) “00.73413! ll M D 93 A All JI' . It contains purv‘m. The complain own: 0131.4 ' health; kahuna imediattt'Mt. 500... a all “In". I9l4 ",t0T.666.ST 21.199.815.00 "l it lill’l d IOIJ 371.735,“? â€MILO“! 1.128.328 MI.“ .’ I .11“ "F ly ‘m 3M thul go I no“. lhn 11H": m I: â€mam (‘alurrhm inhalu lo and h up in: or“: "Oil Ail_ " HM 3301' £344.41“ " ",6etCukC,u $tit6.43t.67t 19m ' IAN.†l.05l.l70 547.07. “5.3†355.18! 750..“ t .l N. 714 308.666 [5.035.830 an to the rpnmnan. I . lhrcul and In“. our: 1: medic-Hun to two-r $1me or “at You rrhozoue lik" rough n le In. howling vapor . " sprawl. tll through INC“! A.F ,uniall mail I meat. it run». sooth! (‘nturrh Md, ll' “In: He mm " AY the 16,2 tb 40.6 tt It! __ 1'5 23.6 " " halib- J', that " In. to you mouth ff b ©