n Seeds 'l Vote v-y'.1voe'y'Qil5ttyte'yai CH 4, 191. er 'lF'QlllftlKiiait es abbers ale rowed Service no MONTREAL OTTAWA ug Store sale er and of Produce 1 1atters WS :33. rass and tl t-h am 99 Fickets here tgent, Durham i to go! my It will be "M, Port Hope. Twnton. no. I', P B. Tiekot i M urpby. D. P. leading to offer med to Shore Lane Blue ials 2.00 1.50 granny 1.00 2.00 ..650 ..700 ..750 1.15 1.00 900 Me il)n the Huntsman . Ill Jini0ilhtratHhttgs il Ladies t Erma thjALrrvl,! t PHARMACY h t PRICEVILLEIW T, “out lil. OJ Toronto --Chicago Toronto-Montreal DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY tumors t Fur full pu-Hrulurs ("Insult u. " n Tukrt Ag ttis' or wrun- C. E HORN INK). UN. pas,, agent. Toronto. WM CALPER. Town Ticket ARI J. TU WNER. Ticket. Agent Bay Farm no tarater " " sitt 'tee cho- luwanl All eetr pace of (“In 1 lo" gel-v9 094? -rhu ll. tip ll toâ€, $5000. M) acres Ewen-mm. near MI. “and lulu. worth an“ hat Si000 or ma, under for quid 2:00 acres Egrearult, near I? thte of the wry heal farms M -. ___ v, --E. You can Enter any Day at the I cc/i- /,',)"j1r,fstf-)'itfid y /t/C///cf?/J _r . hi0 ae Individual imvruvnun. Oar own it't't' rtot y Inuildmg and '31 uni-cost- ' wan of wxpvrio-ncv. Expo-rt let. .-..»~vur- prmlure tha w: v ' Otis. (Humane free. A FLEMING. P CA a. D. FLEMING Duncupal lor " yum Sect-nary MARCH 4, 1916 Winter Tours to California Florida and Sunny South h is lmund to increuc In vaun- VII in n position co judge any that I Luann luring today will eva- tvia we che up beef. This celtmnly mam an ersritt Inert-am- m the veiling rues of lulu Units. I tune tor we l )0 tt?rr'4 me " Dromoro, convonlenl In .. 'tto 'l. Sp! mildly ungruved. only cum " .w... lmlauce Bl. 5percem, seeing 7.351%]. SM n sum-Lyn. be H. ti. MILLER, Ttw undursiqned hog-x to to residentn at Durham and in: country. um he has h Mm and helm-y fully IS? prepared to an orders or DURHAM PLANING MILLS SASH, DOORS. and all In of HOUSE FITTINGS Never work so well with other olls. Trying In klmmm bag of game tella the. T . There is a scrubin your bunch of hogs you are getting ready for the market, Maybe two. Srpuquc these. Feed them International Stock You Mung wtth their other I’SUOM. r, mx weeks these willbeyour chm ce hogs. If you do not cre- dll thm, try it. ltit tails your money will be refunded. Shingles and Latin a hand at reght prices. Sawing promptly an: R. ' near cheap. Aurrt5ote Agent and Dealer for Dur- m and “Holly of m "eautifut display of 791cm. i. we Powders. Cold Creimu. Hutr Tonic: and various other mule: articles of many firms' make. “New $2.500 For Inn-rim- " t,ututtor--ttetter all chap" man lath and plaster. Easy t , handle Cuts with 5 law Buy mu. on Cannot [all " saves tuet No dirt or muss Call and see for rot-lt l' .u-xrrllvd Train Sonnet! "1.;th (fl ms of Equipment Him _ â€no ur wanna. ywnsnip Bonnow ou YOU'LL PURCHASE PRICEVILLE tmgmlor t 'rrni"s-Uhoioa of “ninth! Low For"! now in etreet all p u-Iwulurs (tumult Cr. T. R, Ag [IN or wrllv th E HORN- Ist. Pass tun-m. Toronto. new FIBRE BOARD thus cu,yyi,,.j OWEN SOUND vnn Property Now p. Will soon tW pnce quot VISIT IS. Egrmmm. ‘l‘dl‘d "r LI rd to BUY or SELL LEND without that ' near Ms. Forest. 3 m Irv hut nth-red er for quick sale. t, mnu' Holstein. hen farms in the soon he picked up .emortt, well pr? With “(Hither a the John Clnrk , Cheaper than and all kinds it always on ces. Custom attended to I'm; Puninz mpped and ii for In value Hanover ammunf‘P guground- 'oiiairrr' Btnst tl-tl Snake“. N 1GeDougnll, A Bittelo, J Fain. N MacLeun. M Gr. son and M Watson rnd C Hmoka. B --J lacMeekiu. D MncLem. Our hockoy players played a triondly game with a mixed team trom Prieevllle. Ceylon and Flem- A-f‘tun in Prluevillo on Suurday, Fol). 20, and Were drlealed by score 2-0 Had It been the Same teams that play ed in Swintun the Wrek before. du, acme would have been turned. The western viciwrs are going back to more homes. a number from here leaving on Monday, 8th inst. Miss Janet Lepard visited last. week Wt bit. Ir Watson‘s Mr Fred Knox and 30nd cum‘paw amended the _ tcapneetintt " Espliu In: Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J, Pattison of Ceylon Sundayed in our burg. Mr, W. Knox paid a business visit to Durham on Smirday. He seems tube in town otter). A ten " cur turmers attended the fair in Durham and disposed at some valnnbie animals. Miss M. Knox of Flesherton High School Sandayed " her home. Esplin atiuivoriory, Feb. 2lgt and 22nd. was a great success. Rev W. N Carr, Venuy did himself credit at. both sen-lees on Sundax and to a lull house both times Cedarville withdrew their services in the aller- noon undid Hupuville in the evening. The ten and program " Monday ev. ening was all that heart could wish. a!so the a Icial at Wednesday evening. the proceeds in all amountinz no inbuilt $90. Beanvi'ul Weather is stiil ours. Mulch coming in like a lamb. Mr. Plyke. Hunihon. inspecwr ot weights and measures tor Welling- tun Called an his cousin Mr Shaud, a Week azo Sunday. Miss M. Mime; M1353. Blackball andtriend. Toronto, are visitors an Mr Geo Gilkes. Cunrcxllor Hockndge wasin Tor onto Wednesday attending a meet- mg of the Hydro Electric railway. was Dodds and Mr A. sum Visi ted [lupeville fflellds Sunday. .urs Angus and Miss Marjory Fer- guson left Friday tor their homein Pause. Salk. The weatherman is still favor' ing us with spring like weather, Mr and Mrs Wm Timmins vis- ited friends in our burg one day recently. Messrs A. McLaughlin and H. Morrow were cutting wood for Mr. Carson one day last week. Miss Flora Campbell has re- turned to her home after visiting friends around Ceylon. Mrs J. Ferris and two children are visiting Mrs Harry Morrow. Mr John McLeod spent an PV- ening at Arch. Conkeys recently. Pricoville School Report March came in like a lamb and will likely go out like 3 lion. Miss Navy McMillan. of town, spent the week end " het home here. Mr T. B. McArthnr. of Ceylon, Sundayed with friends in our burg. Some attraction , Mr Dan McGnth and Miss Kate McMillan spent Sunday " the latter's parental home here, Mr Henry Benton spent. a pleasant evening last week With friends in [Mun-fa. One of the Olenelg Centre boys is I frequom. Visitor in our burg, Schooi Reports No, 1. ULENELG rr, - Angus Mchilhvrny. on- Matt MeKeown, Florence McFoulnno, _ Dania McArthur, Leonard McKee":- Br igrsr-Ctrarlie Anderson, Mary Ed. wards, Johnny "datum. Neil Mc- Farlane. Jr (Steiflllburu Hartford, Edward- Hatifofi) "Br 2nd --.Fred (Junk, All)?" Hui'ifurd. Unnwron Smellie. Jr 2ud--ktdit' Sills. Nelliu }M('Arlhur, .Mvmie McArthur, Airhiu _ McArthur, itvwsrtte.atrlie. Piimbx f-'"""'",' sftrfniiir, Hun] Benton , E. M. MCUUMo. Teacher. New Sho Repair Shop R PriCeville Next Monday, LE open up for busine boots and shoes am a liberal share of , Terms, cash. Give MAPLE GROVE HOPEVILLE SCOTCHTOWN W. GRUND‘ Attettm'tt m. WWW ------ .,~"" sine in repairing s an would solicit of y r ptstrppage. uive a can, larch 8th, I Till Agricultural The: first of these uric: of mornings for Grey County In held In the Town Hull. Darn-m. Feb. 17th. The who ject ol iueried production In nbly amassed by Me It, W. Wade. B EA... m At the present tune the United States is being scoured for horses for the when armies and the surplus stock in Canada 18 berm: reserved as an IVailable supply which can be drawn upon in case of emergency. Thus an the war progresses the allied army will eventually draw upon this supply. As for beef cattle tt would not be W188 to rush into this class of stock but the plan is to breedjudtciously and mike the best of the situation. Keep the calves growirg, do not let them fail dunug the dry spell In sum mer when pasture ts short. By feed- mg manage during this time the cm- nmuls Will keep gaming as well as " tiseg were on the best of pasture. Mentioning mllch cows, he gave the warning not to keep auutln-r cow bun keep cows which wsll give more milk and thus yteld a larger prutit. Do ‘not rslse dairy bred steers for beef l as these are not profiuxble. listening to a test tried out at the College It was found that enallage gave better results than fresh cut hay tor feeding during thc dry spell. The Hog sttumon is u very peculiar one as the supply us changmhle and the prtce fuuustee very readily. The provmcrs ut Saskatchewan and Albee ta have been stocked thh hogs re- cently but owmg to the crop hulare m _ 1914 It has been found necessary for the lurmera in these provtnces to mar- ket thetr hogs before they are hushed, Thus the markets of the East luv: nuen glutted wnth store hogs lrom the West and many eastern larmers are buying these hogs and tiuusumg tlem tor the market. Thus m the cause ul tut. present slump in the price at pork. It Is quite probable that there will be a scarcity of hugs m the near future. Also there Will be an iu. creased demand for pork as there 13 no food for the fighuug mun equal m value to bacon. As for sheep, it is worthy of men- uon that Grey has the most, sheep of any county In the provmoe. and thus class of [we stock prmmses to be very prufiuiblis in the future ewes there 18 a scarcity of wool for the manufacture ol woollen goodl as large supplies are being used formlllury purposes. In conclusion Me Wade congratu- lated Grey County for offering the most. prize money to It: amateur breeders at aha Guelph Winter For, of any county in we pruvmue and be claimed that this was one of the beet manna of encouraging the breeding ol pure bred stock In the County. Prof. Squirrel spoke on Farm Crops, Referring to Mr Wade’s address he wished to bring to the summon oitbe farmers th pasture mixture which could be sown In the Sprung for the Sum- mer pasture. This could be used where the grass and clover in we meadows had been Winter lulled, The mixture consists oi : oats........-..... ...51 lbs. per acre Early Amber Sugar Gut, .,..r...rr.r.'. “"30 lbs. per acrd‘ Common [led Clover, 7 lbs. per acre l ’l'otall............88 lbs. per acre The one and the sugar cane are mixed together and are sown from the gram box of the seed dull, and tbr clover Is sown from the grass seed box placed in from of the tubes of the dull. If this mixture " sown during the first week In May. it 18 usuallv ready for pasture about the 20th of June. The oats are early and rapid m growth! ', the sugar cans in lam, stools well and thrives in hot weather and the oloyer forms the principal pas- ture m the Autumn. When speaking on the subject of Movers, Mr tityorrel advnued grong as much alfalfa as posslbie, I: Is ne. ceuaury to secure the need of a hardy variety such as Gums or the Ontario Vanegated ; also inoculue the seed With the proper bacteria before sow- mg ; hate/thit. y/l well drained and in a high _svt's?'s of turhiiiition. F In is worthy itiu,ithe that man» u Lemg _ grown m Baum Yr a latitude/m: huts. tire" miles north or {4.5. . Therefore this ohm-t9 should not prevent its being grown has. ' _ The sweet clover plant is as yet in its experimental stage but considering the testimony at sevunl ngers pres out, it promises to be an sxcsllen crop for this district “it builds or tho soil. yields I good crop of buy um. pasture. It Ilsa prepares soil to: growing alfalfa as th. same kind of beaten: is found on the roots of boil. plants, Mr Squirrel aha mentioned that all I the fighters are not in the trpncbes as t the present w" IS one of exhausuun. ', Therefore it in just " neeesury that i 'L'UEI'BIOI'E " In Juan an ucvvaunu, u.-. l we have men an home to grow mad I mm for than who no u m- m». l Conference Ll'? He " Ind ompbuil on the moo-my of “in: on beat mimics clued gain " this would inemu the yield with. out uddizioml labor, It in the noon. at, to an the vary best, plump. sound "ed of I army, u then will ["8 m increm'l yield over the mull u: uhmnkeu need. A _ " Eu], towing gran], inoreueu the' 'strld. " in gum probcblo that there mll be I III-go urea of Sprung when sown this coming you. This ulna of gram should be ttown firet to I profit. (ole paid no anon be insured by early sowing. “Inch J?" be gtined BT'inéig". tim, and bed. K, am no find that I urn-Ila: no: well tilled is tho moat profitable, By growing lager new of eueillge corn we con moreue the uncut of roughage tor feeding the stock in Wus. ter. The main paint in selecting I variety of com for ensuing. in lo hue one which will yield heevily. meture early and cob well. The early White Cap Yellow Dent, Wisconsin No, 7 and Looming are all good variesiee for growmg in this district. Mr John Farrell of Forest spoke on the Labor question. He outl ued the policy which had been carried on by; the Immigration Department before we war but noted that the Imperial Government had requested the Do. rniruon Government not to send over representatives the coming year to Induce laborers from Britain to emi- grate to Canada as all men would be rented at home, Therefore it is quite probable that there Will be a anarchy of farm laborers this coming reason. A few can be secured from the cities but these can not be de. pended upon unless warned men are poured and houses provided for their lemmas. if?) Frail DURHAM REVIEW tw" For information and bulletins write to The Empire Needs Many Foods In the past Great Britain has imported immense quantities of these staple foods from Russia, France, Belgium, Germany and Austria-Hungary " shown b y the following 'c-- Average Imports Millions of bushels rather By "possible" is meant the Years 1910-1913 te,ut,1lie,!'g'.t mes should be acturl rcualtg which have been 8 . 1 s', " . Wheat....,., 28,439,609 t? That there is abundant reason trot .m-d by our Experimental Oats......... 23,586,304 to expect larger returns from Farms and by many farmers. Barley....... 16,192,288 " the same area is conclusively Ttruse "possibles" have been Corn. . ...... 7,621,374 " shoWn when 1hg,"'T/' (e', obtained under intensive culti- Peas. . ...... 703,058 (', 33:3: ti,,trf"tftitft"s, gossibl: vation methods and. conditions Beans. . ' . . . . 639,603 . groduction. Note the following not altogether possible on the Potatoes.. . . . 4,721,590 " rief table which shows the average farm, yet they suggest Ottitttm...... 271,069 " average Mt 19U and possible the great possibilities of in, Meat.. . . . . . . 26,509,766 lbs. production perA.vcerrea:ge Possible creased production. By greate: Eggs. . . . . . . 121,112,916 doz. Fall Wheat.. . F . 20.68 62. care in the selection of seed - _ -- . .. at " mrm tt,r,ro,urh cultivation. fer Wheat......, 28,439,609 bush. Oats... . . . ... 23,586,304 " Barley.. . . . .. 16,192,288 " Corn. . ...... 7,621,374 " Peas........ 708,058 " Betuttt....... 689,663 " Potatoes.. . . . 4,721,690 " Onions. . . . .. 271,669 " Meet. . . . . .. 26,509,766 lbs. Eggs. .. . . . . 121,112,916 doz. Butter and Cheese, . . . . ' 91,765,233 lbs. The above mentioned sources of supply of staple foods are now, in the main, cut off as a result of the war. Great Britain is looking to Canada to supply a large share of the shortage. Every individual tanner has a duty to perform. Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada "I would urge the farmers of Canada to do their share in preventing the people of Great Britain from suffering want or privation." HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister of Agriculture. Advertising, backed up by the right spirit, the' right goods and the right service, can res" cue a sinking business, and will make a pros= perous business more masterful in its own community, Be sure of this: those who are using our cor. umns week after week do not give you poorer goods or service, of have higher prices Shops which are illumined by advertising court with full confidence your favor. MRI0TI5hfai Puriyx'fi"1jy Shop where you are invited to shop. " Fd How’s Business E When John Wanamaker, the Prince ot Merchants began business, he resolved to forte matters. tie was not content to WAIT to be found out--- he DETERMINED TO BE found out. In short,he advertised. lie threw on his business, small as it was, the light of publicity, and the public of Philadelphia entered the shop on which the light shone. In this community the public is entering those shops on which the light ot advertising is tailing. Ct/ttaft": lands. Be 'te-le-l In leClocklin. John IcGiIIiVI-uy. lwmm. Jukuon. Jr srd-Rar no.1 Clmklin. tmftord Gook. Wm any. I Sr 2ad--hetetra Cook. Herbie Hollis. ' Jennie Benton. " "d-Marr Baton Sr "t-Eartteet Menu, " Ist-Wil- [ Ila Edwards. lame Huh. Willie And- i "can; " Pr-B-ie Benton. Martin I Haloy. " Pr-Witt Anderson. Glndya l Firth No. present evesrr'at-8. Fort Barnr--rrour Short Born Bulls mm 9 tui8 mm. Bonus and Redo. Apply to D. MCMILLAN, n u Mn It â€min-"Ill. Fauna. Mar. 4. 1915. Flourperewt........ 390w450 Canned per not...†4 00 4.00 Chogper owt........ t70to200 Bae irheat...... .... 70 to " FatlWtsnt...-..-.. 140tol 50 Spring Wttettt........ 140tol 50 0m,feed............. 55 to 60 (his, milling.......... 60 to 60 Barley............... 60 to 65 Butter................ 24to 26 Eggs................. 25to 25 Potatoes per bag. .... 40 to 50 macaw... .... 1000 Beef.dressed..... .. 1200to1300 Hotm.iive,fob..-. 7 40 Driedapples.............. 50 fIay,perton--. 1200:01600 List has been csrefnlly revised, No. 5. GLINELG 8r tth-Oren Putt. Eddie Cook ad a Elva-do ml. Bobble Pfue. Durham Markets. % School Reports WORD TO THE PUBLIC That there is abundant reason to expect larger returns from the same area is conclusively shovn when we compare the average production, of the present time with the possible troduction. Note the following rief table which shows the average in 1914 and possible production per acre. Average Possible Fall Wheat. . o . 20.53 62. Fall Wheat., . _ . Spring When... Barter--, Oats.....,..... Corn, Grain. . _ . Con? Ensilage-- Peas, . . . Beans. . . . Potatoes... Tumips... Breeding stock are to-day Canada's tr outstanding feature of the world's fan. a great shortage of meat supplies. Q3 to increase your live stc ". r up: an." Canada, will pay higher -irrr- IL? bed, _ my future. Do not sacrificc n'n'. 1 ti.. " only basis for prosperous agricuifzxr. (Tons) W. B. WALLACE, Tau-her. ermza «s, ‘7 7' b/ MchLuN. R. R. No, ll, Prioeville Increase Your Live Stock 12. 15.33 18.79 119.40 421.81 14.84 16.15 TO. MO. 69. 91. 19. ST. By "possible" is meant the actuel remit: which hove hen obtained by our Experimental Farms sud by my farmers. These "possibles" have been obtained under intensive culti~ vation methods and conditions not altogether possible on the average farm, yet they suggest the great possibilities of in- creased production. By greater care in the selection of seed, mrre thorough cultivation, fer- tilization, better drainage, the ave-rage could be raised by at least one-third. That in itself would add at 1eastwi0,00th000 to the annual income of Chanda from the term. It would be tt gr. _t 51mm to the Empire, and thi ' is the year in which to do it. When people to tie so and so and TO, they ie,,ei's'il,tik't'ii Emu timeto e r's work. Mart Magtd the heavy but, the an}; min. of Duty youth. They- . " pall‘lmm --.e- -_- ___, _" work. AM I lulu- in other um. I (uraGire-Vl- as It the as " I In I fumer. now 'll an old." FRANK LBALANI) Gin Pills a! "We in Cuminâ€. 60c a box, 6 for “.50 um dealers. Sold in Ths. under the me of "GINO " Pills. Trial tgeatruent free if you write National Drug & Chemicll Co. ot Canada, Limited, Toronto. VI‘ I HI nu n u .v. .. ..__ OLD BACKS NEED HELP if HMO asset. The one mt thr re will soon be biced‘iz stock. Plea :20: 1 'c-tr e, " well as and bacon in the very _'.' Nun live stock is I , farming, not specu- TORONTO tttt BIG ' "at? NEW SPRING GOODS â€OWN,“ long. an. Tot,, " humilinwido TSe pr " "tthr' Invite LOCI" " 3‘4: long. 47 In wide 1.90 pr “out“ "the new gamma Flu In“ Cotton Orepee, white and h---.-..-..-"- yam rmm...as.soud menu-yam! {encom- tgtteeting2rde wideiSvyd - bleach“ Shooting 2 yds qeide...... ...... ..............£0cyd an" 11tt4 Flmuelleuo Bluketr whiteund smy....... ...1 .304 pm! ‘quy 1214 Flumollone Blank-M, 'ettiteosrlr........,. .....lbé)n‘ Cu Our M Spring Prints now In. I 0.1mm see them. W. H. BEAN mum: UM "ttttet' “mm â€mm pod lul wind run- ply two ulna Het. and P" month. Write tor was. J, ARTHUR COOK is now k' v3 lei-on! in Voice Purduclnu and Singing. at the ttotneof Mr: I. F Mecomb, every Tuesday. from 2 HA ?p._m._ Appointments now “may; Licensed Auctioneer for County of any. Terms moderate. Arrangements for all: dates can be made " tiouew Ollie or at my residence next door. Phone call to No. ti, Durlzlm mil be promptly attended to. o. McPHAIL-’ - lithium-u Ian A mm Hum Jenna“: Ceylon. J. (1.tNIH!0d,a1 D., c, ll A“ moment» Amusement.- lor .4 ‘n ' autumn“ henna†u the menu» . MW. 0" (Wgnmdouu' tsdatre, . M “Co Ceylon I'.0 . Wal, (K itruspslt Mm. "muroesrsppirosuoo C.. W00“... Buy-lent ', an: " Ont-no J"2fihi Over J. P. Tenord‘l ottice owdh My om. “BEIGE: mud home south m 0.0: an out aloe of Albert tit. 0"le nouns .-11 a. I r-' pm. gi+gatmitecogttqttni1mtiou "csW6' â€dance ll I†noun tple anon A2 E Toiouto l‘ux‘wrslr all. 'trl, College Dental dungeon an†In .1 “I mug-hen. ott1ee-over Jewellry tune mi o; W. C, PICKERING o. o s., L U bdoked. HONOR GRADUATE of n Univemty, graduate of [{0an LI X Dent-.18†eons MUM ario .', Um J ag 'dt'l4ll'il,'l, he: St W. 50116le a: Supt-em Court loony Pubuc Jummlsslunl“ Money w u ‘m. like on Lambrou 51., opp-" o deole'- Emblem. Licenced Auctioneer tor Co. are) ARTHUR H. JACK, 'ON airottti' uf mum‘s! [mar-nee Agent. Mme? Inner of Mun-Inge Liv. mum on] hunch! huuiuuss mum UNDERTAKER and Funeral Directo. J. F. GRANT D. D.S ' L. D. s Full line ot cutLolhr Huh: u and bl-Ckund white Cap.) tugged people. (s. 3111me u Specigiityg‘ Picture Framing. Shortczl 'b -Boo--hcto'3t, Hon WINCI - Fimt houne o-uu' h humane} Buckamith Show , ' ..tsoqlt thorough! l', <1 - -n "B,'5'll Jinks! um 'etiiletl'J Mlt11'l 33 adiiJiitFttPe full Sula! Lanna Infle- “I - Li' m known: can†- {375m _ l' w - V " "Rhtlit Ml'gi"fl"/'ll EiiriiEiiiiill, Fiiiiffird. 1ttf1it ' u a. alumnus... nus-um . J, "irirLtiiLatrem.m"tit"'o" h""‘ place for mama. new at daemon. Ix. ma r as " Seed oti. The-um“. “mayâ€. P 'r .. cum nod-wane painhwbt‘eum ' Mn Ind In.“ em t,2,i'h'tf tutti-I Hr: a p; 't"iiiikiuUsqitNttitmut â€who“. “18:31 â€non-n it -Mx m. . Notary Public. Coooutho GttWttyA_tiCiift, (cc DURHAM jrii., HIGH _Sctitj,t, um Poet (Juice. DUIHAI. ONT. (Luwel l it“. 'llrl ac.' Cream Wanted J. P. TELFORD I. I. ISAAC D. lcPHAlL. Ceylon ortoc. BAIAUE. Dunham gsmama R. H. IS\\C. Oarirsat - and Equip not: Q- Palm U: emu-I7. t'is"ubrstott, Out BELL numeric! um ’nhl P"" (Team Uh'hi. " '. hurl nun. w, up u "the ouch tottattgtitotM?r in nu w M ham omega“ meat " .qtresr"t Boar; a; tn " My Colic“ we NM- " " I. I: