t! IR, 1918 hroat ji')', i Produce bbers Wham 1;; RAITH " I [WEAR ' 50C& SI g Store :2 '.',,yp:yyy,'MM5t ved Arrived bbers ale oc Service MONTREAL AWA dren, srrh Jolly Small Profits ice Men an head _ mun]: ages and Hosiety imulato various :ading a offer auso . omaeh '31. we ill be here 7.1% 1.16 .90c ,90(: 1.00 1.00 k and work 630 Durham 70c use t Hope 1. ete. to OS Tirert ', D. P. )n any 'ro, 53 For the remaining 53 days of March li we mar time QUALITYI t PHARMACY a 2rviizaaaaaiga-t-gaatrfai lou can Enter any Day at the CA, mix/Zea ImL'BLE TRACK ALL THE WAY Toronto-Chicago Toronto-Montreal Fast Trains-Choice of Routes Low Fares now in effect For full particular! consult G. T. R. Tsrkvt Ax nu or write th M. HORN- INO. Dist. Paws Agent. Toronto. Buy Farm It Is Imnnd to increm m vnluo 1l,rn in " paniumx to judge my thast In» tarm-ar Ilvmg urday will an" .3 no mee uhenp heel. This celtalnlv In "ant4 An run-Iv Incl-ens:- In the selling puma " farm lands. I have tor ulo l io, acres near Dromore, convenient In ~l'houl. Spl aubdir improved. only $llI10d-vwn. hat-nee u. spercem. sum dawn. balance " open-cum. t'rwe 31300. loo .ncrw l nu ur. Egromont. well pn- "erred .3000 or with another go sues, "or. H! mm“! Egremont. near Mt. Forest. Good farm. worth more but offered slum ot' tritie under for quick sale. -'th) Acres Egremnnt. neu- Balsam. !lne ml the very best farms in the l‘nwuship. MII soon be picked up .L very low price quoted. lu) acres Bentinrtr--the John Clark mum. con 3, W G R. Cheaper than lnnlilenl irvstruetion. Oar own . mm ntory hnilding um] 34 succum- " “an of "patience. Export In- _ In my»; produce the very but l NIH" Catalogue tree. , A FLEMING, PCA a. D. I'LBMINO Pnncipul for " you. Bemetnry 1 h) acres Bentinetr--ths John Um: umu. con a, W a R. Cheaper than "Yer nth-red before. lot .\('r---, Beutinek the "Coutts" farm ' a in), can to. (MI-wed very cheap .1111 um very ewy (runs. ti. ti. MILLER, A â€and u 2ie line Tooth Inn.)- PRICEVILLE. For "aldehyd'. for "an" .,-m1grain......................mc"I Emma (not liltubon) and" . _........................' forâ€: VIN-mus QUICK Poeadm............ ,....10 per com. " m. price h :ygulyll' 16e linu Mfrtttmt 155- 1 Cm fur ............13c or Storm A I [w " Bu'ernilk 80.9. Gr. - li: q..; .........................0 forgot. ll, is a. upIr-ndid buy. , mmutl~kP (Bold Uream 26e, uml-u'o-zl to..........................) L 1;. _v " 50 Coroh'omtkstt ttqt-r ml l I... and Fountain "rinttr, L r r Maroon rahber, rod. to " " Th 'oBe bolt]! white leuwnt w.........................- a 1'he untiersi nod bags to announce In resident: oIRDm-ha- and unwound- mg country, that he has his Planing Mill and factory Nur xp"'" and in prepared to “he orders or “cu man. and all kinds DURHAM PLANING MILLS SASH, DOORS, and all k1 of HOUSE FITTI'GS Shingles and Lath shay: on hand " right prices. Custom Sawing promptly attended to, I Winter Tours to California Florida and Sunny South Aim sale Mgt sud male! tor Dur- 'asm and Mg out! of an " - .. . _ _ - - For interior of tttttttrat."" and cheaper than lull and p Alter. Buy to handle Cats with I any Buy on on (15mm!l fail " suns taol No din or nus Call and no for your...“ an; W M CALDER. Town Tick-m Am J. TOWNER. Ticket Agent it - m-Ir Durham. Good turn). hea p. You tnnnn'. afford to BUY or SELL BORROW or LEND without Brst u.d 346-“er your than of the umvp during the month MARCH 18, 1916 l'nexcrlled Train Sal-Vice Highest Class ot Equipment HEW FIBRE HUM“) PRICEVILLE $10111 ZENUS CLERK OWEN SOUND Property Now 7 (may [Print tinck. lot, 51 VISIT con 2, “I . G Good farm Mt. Forest. but ottered nick sale. , Holstelp. Hanover rim I on! .“W' M.-.--- t tatt " 2 Those who have maple bush are in "'i"/1C Ԡ. , tor was some instances making syrup :i,,ti p, .38“; ‘1‘?†{Maggy} tot no" those that have no maple trees can l 'C.,Ci,, ti,':',"',.')',',','.'),"-,", it " 'f do like the highlander after arriving} ', , ', ;.: 's,, “if we on}; “:2 ARK trom the tld 1nd Long lg: tapped i, y "n " m. y on demand: hemlocks, an: an a ot enrees, " mo man - a up wild be gotten. 'uch"1l,'it,l,'g; & fad.' There are two sides to even thing so there is this tune. the outside 'oe on, though we can always get an entrance without eating tor 1 key to unlock the doors tor to get m. The good citizens of Pricevnlle are to be congratulated for securing " able representative in the corresponding line to report the happenings that so often in the past were neglected on Iccount Ot the former writer claiming to be A country man; Nowadas s the country citizens are so highh favor- ed that they only on very necessary oocutona go to town unless some old bachelor who is out of tea. bread and tobacco wrll go for that part to satisfy the craving appettte--espeir ially for the latter. 'Agnln the country citizens go to Prieevitie on Sundays to hear the "ttood tidings" delivered by a faith lnl pastor. not to gather up anv news although accidentally We might hear of some which might prove to be too late to be reported in due time tor the press. However we often come in contact with material enough to make up a good budget from the country, Including south, north, east and went. We go south and we take in the highlands, S. L, Artemesra, and down 8. L ' Glenelg-al1 good class of people. We go north and although n\turaliy the temperature might be a little lower as it is somewhat nearer the North pole but however cold the atmosphere may be the good citizens are good warm hearted people who are always ready and who always hold to the words that "It is more blessed to give than to receive. , But the receivers generally are inclined "o think that it is a good pleasant "hing to be kindly treated by being the recipient of all tne good things given them through the liberality of _ the givers. We go towards the east on very rare occasions but we are told that good and wise men come from that direction and as a proof of their wis- dom we otten meet with a huge num- ber of them every Sunday morning sitting reverently to listen to the story told from the pulpits of our ddrerent churches delivered by faith. lul pastors. OUTSIDE OF PRICEVILLE B e go towards the west and natur.. ally before we know where to stop we are often into the town oi Durham. The west is often spoken of as the Garden of the World so We take those good old residents of the old G. road " the old Gardeners of Glenelg. Last Sundav, yesterday, was an ideal day. A large number turned out to celebrate the duties of the sac- red day by attending tn our different places of worship. In the Pres Ch. Rev Mr Matheson gave his first ser- mon on a series of services to be giv en by him during the next five Sun- days. Mr Matheson gaveau excel- lent discour:e although under a sev- ere strain as he had a bad cold. His teat last Sunday was front I Cor : 15 and 47th verse. HIS next discourse wrll be on the future extstence of the departed and we hope his cold will take a qutck turn tor the better before next Sunday. The weather has been quite spring like during the past week but by all appearance a change is brooding in the near future. A large number of people of all classes. old and young, are complaining with cold or grip or something else which they have no name for. The month of March al ways reminds us personally that we are another year older, it being our birth month. It is not necessary to give day and date of that far away year when we landed in old Canada West one cold and stormy night, badly clad. having no boots, stock. ings or coat or pants and immediat. ely set up a complaint of the severity of thewoather in old Canada, We were told that our good mother made _t. big loaf of maple sugar a day or ‘two before our arrival so as to give us a sweet reception on our arrival. Altho' we said a while ago that We could unlock the doors to Priceville without key or padlock, the good cit izens are not the class of people that are dubious of a countryman entering Within their gates as a spy. so now we tnke the liberty of entering in I and take a good view of those noble Scotsmen that met there one evening last week and entertained some of their Scotch brethren from the town of Durham. It's no matter whether we are English, Irish or Dutch, we all like to be Scotch on cecasions like the one in town last Friday night. A good Irish Editor stayed there till ‘noon the next day for the purpose of giving I large column to it in his 'paper this week. But as we will be onlv intruding on the town corres- lpondent we will pass onto! town to our air: countrie again. Mr and Mrs. Alex Mclnllau. S. L Arternesia, entertained a number 0 young people one evening last week Norman Mernt' " horse "Longboat' to of Bunessan last wee] auto J act that 1t.e. got Norman McInt' " sold his tine horse "Longboat' to Mr John Gray of Bunessan last week. We can as- aura Jack that he got a good faithful horse which will not be afraid of doing his share of the spring work. Arch. McDonald left this Mondas Isth March, as delegate from Lndge No. "o, A. o. u. W., Priceville, to the Grand Lodge meeting held in Toronto this week Archie intends to combine business and pleasure for I week before he returns. Taa before he returns. Norman McDougall of Top cliff is giving up farming and is to have a Id: of all his effects on the 22nd mat. Chas McKinnon who suffered from a new! Int-ck of quinsy is getting ttll right again. ._ " 7 LA GLA-5 .1. "'."" "-- _ _ We noticed mnilman Rom. Short- reed taking the when to-day for the first time. therefrom. Then he thought the people of the new country wete all liars for he was told before he left Scotland that sugar could be found in lumps of all the trees in Canada. Ach cha robh ann ach na breugan, but it was all lies. The Women's humans have been busily engaged this winter, buying lent about $55.00 to the Belgian Re- hef fund and a week ago oompluod a bale oi 17 puns such, 7 ihsnmrl day shim. 12 night shins to the Bed Cress Society. Then- April meeting mil be held Apul hh at Miss Lizzie Cbriatie's at 2.30 p. m, of Mrs Geo. Gilkas was “lied to the city Tuesday. Her mother, Mrs Rd. ington, Is critically ill. Dr. W. Laurie. London, visited recently at Mr Geo. Gilkes. Mrs E. Hoekridgo was in the city last week to purchase milliuery which unwed Saturday and mil be on sale on Wed., 17th. Mr and Mr: Huxtable left for their new home Cleveland. Ohio, this Mon. day morning. New England and Bethany congregations presented them with purses Wednesday and Suturda) eve respectively. Mr Ford, va York, IS home to take charge of this pastorate. Mrs A. H. Burnett visited Dundllk frimda last. week. Miss Peg. Ferguson resumed her duties in Mr Hockw'ge'is store Mon- day, her posiuou being filled since Xmas bhber sister. Mrs 11. A. and MISS Eva Watson left 'l'hurrduy for their home Penna. tiask. Mr and Mrs Jas. Scott attended the Crestou--lhllete wedding last. week. Mr Dunn, having spent the winter mm Ins daughter. Mrs Jae, Fates, returned to Owen Sound Thursday. Married-Wed,, March 8rd, ms! Margaret Mulnnes. eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs D.ueinnee, to m F. Hrtrdtuun,1'oronto. Cnngutulalions. The yuung people assembled Wed, (we " m Mclnnis' and presented the )nung couple with a Handsome chair before leavu'g for their new home In Toronto. m and ms Geo. Sturrick, Jr., left Fnday eve to assist m Luther --r-. with [us farm work in Alberta. m Jur. Binelair, Dromore, has moved to his farm purchased Lom Dmgmll Bros. Welcome. Mr and me Jan. Mitchell and neph- ew nilcbell Burnett spent. Wad. ll. m, so Mr Will Burnett’s. m and ma Peter muTaggart moved In their new home last week on the sic'1'uggtsrt homestead. Muss J Dodds. Fmrbairn. Visited nv. er Sunday with was Agnes Sham]. Mir, Anme “weâ€, Toronto. is holl- duymg under the parental roof, Mr and Mrs Haley. Artemesin. VIEW- ed Sunday at, Mr A. ll, Burnett's. Mr Jack Mnnson spent Sunday at. Mr Jt Mxxwell Intended for Ill m! The weather remains fair and cool. wo the wmd in the cast it Is neither fit for man not beast. Mrs D, G. bleLean, of Prioeville spent. the week end With her son Her man. A number took in the hockey match in I'ruumlle on Saturday last and re- port a good time. The score was b'--',-) m favor of Priceville Miss Tana. McDonald his gone to Toronto. Messrs Archie Burnett 3nd Archie White spent Sunday in our burg, Some attraction boys , Skating is now the order of the day. There was good ice on the Sangeen for the past. couple of weeks. Miss Lena. Wilson the week end with bell. "Nothing we gave her seemed to hel , her at all until one N, Mrs. Neibert [ told me how much good incl had dorw _ her little girl, so I decided to try it for my little one, and ithu done her so much '; good she is hungry all the time, her cough is gone, she in stouter and more , hea thy in color md this in the first win- ter she has been able to ttii out in the l snow eoagtintrlutd. snow- trl mgwithout f uni; ill effects."-Mrs. mo SLACK, l Pa my“, Pn. We know Vino] will tel 'lull',", l little one: and mike {In lt thy, strong 3nd robust. than are In " Fax-ants of every fail and sickly child n this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol, l our delirious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, lf We can ir.ds. a you to trg‘ a bottle of \‘Ihwl ' a boiiy-'ouiy'er am strength, Aral-4' 'Tr ymr child, and you do not l ml Ll i, all we claim, we will return i yam l m. y on demand. MtachvrleeA Cox [Drum-ta. Illfllllill8 (lf DELIBATE tllullliill Should Read the Following Letter-Mrs. .Slack’s Story About.Her Child’s Recovery ls Entirely Reliable. Palmyra, Ps-vires ‘years ago mfy little girl had black meas.es which le t how with a chronic cough and soawfully tlml you could count all her ribs,and she couurhed so much she has) no appetite._ Glad to see Mrs FOURTH LINE, GLENELG VICINITY HOPEVILLE , of Ceylon, spent hire Geo. Camp. F. Haley around agaim She bu been lard " with In grippo for tho put not. - it Thomas Mann mat lanky with kind: on the South Line. Moat of on Quinton Park spot“ attended the dance " Mr D, Molnnu' lust Thundny night and report tn ex- cellent tune. Mr Don McPhoo called on Mandi hero one evening laat week. Miss M. Fodder! 3pm: the wool: end " B. J. Porter'n. Mr and Mini Wilson. of the south of Proton, waited It. Mr Hunter's. Mr D. McCormick has completed hauling logs to Priceville. Mr Ind Mu J. McLean Ire mom); this week to their new home in North ma Ontario. Mrs Alex Richardaon has been laid up for the Inst week, but is now im- proving. Glad to see Mr N, G. Wilson and Mr It. Knox .ble no be oat ngam, Two registered Shorthorn bulls for sale-one 2 yrs old and one I yr. old. Apply to l?. J_. McQORMACK,. OF " tt1MPLEMENTS, etc. FIND Y, MARCH 19.11.1915 Tues, Can hell, Lot 12, con 17, Pro- mn, ha; in ructed the undersignrd o.uetioneer t sell by pultlscauetion, the toliowingC,-- Heavy ha wave 4 yrs old,aged horse, driyi mare 10 years old, heavy mare'l ears old, 2 cows tive 3eartroidduet Io in March. fresh cilved cow 5 y "a old, :fresh valved oanyears old,' cnw 9 yeals old due ia May, farm mwa 5 years old, 2 heifers two year old supposed in calf, ti heifers 2 yearn d, 6 steers two years old, t Vearlings, ll bred hull 9 mos. old, Peter Hami n hinder 6ft. cut nearly new, Mas y Harris mower 5 ftcllt,10 hoe Mass Harris drill with spring teeth, Frost and Wood Rake. Perrin single riding low, Perrin doub- te riding plow. dis barrow, Tolton harrow, walking plow, wagon with truek and high wheels, democrat with cover. set Chehoggan alt-igha with box. hay rack, set, 2000 lb scales with rods and platform for wrixhing cattle, Chatham fanning mill with hugger, " grain bags, set doullle harness, set plow harness, :horse blankets. rout pulper, wheelbatrow, 2 neckyokes. 2 net whiffierreee, sugar kettle. luulers, " sup pads and spiles. 3 barrels, cant.- hook, crow bar. post h le speen. show el, spadp, 2 scoop shnv ls, fence wire, cross wt saw, chains hoes, trrks, ncvthe. Malone cream opnrator. No. 2 neatly new, 50 " ruhlue garden hose with nozzle, 210 feet d and spruce lumber. a quantity of r "t elm plank and ucuntling. birch and sleigh runner plank 2h inches, about 20 tons welll, saved buy, a qumuny of good seed; oats, triplu wood heater with hot air pipes, small wood or coul ttetrterand pipes, cook stove, 6 diningronm ""i'"; arm chair, other "rtrclras too mum-mus in mention. No reserve as the P-oprielor has aoid his farm and is giving up farming Sale shins at, one o'clock shop. Terms of Bale; Gran: and hay and nuns of " and under cash l over that muount 12 mos credit, will be given on approved joint notes or 5 per ten: per discount " for cash in lieu of notes. D, MCPuAIL. Auctioneer "ll DURHAM REVIEW Credit Auction Sale SWINTON PARK Bulls for Sale Advertising, backed up by the right spirit, the right goods and the right service, can res= cue a sinking business, and will make a pros= perous business more masterful in its own community. B: sure oi this: those who are using our col. umns week after week do not give you poorer goods or service, or have higher prices. Shops which are illumined by advertising court with full confidence your favor. Sale 1 Mr John Cook of Manitoba, is wais I thorn bulls for ; ing his sister. Mrs Henry Lowrance. 1 I one I yr old , It " twenty-three. years amce iiil FkiiiiiA1ik . Nook was In Ontario. I Proton Staiion Mrs Wm Perry and daughter Etta! ----. of Toronto, are visiting Mrs Perrr'tsl a . Lister, Mrs Chas Ritchie. 1 Shop where you are invited to shop. How’s Business E When John Wanamaker. the Prince of Merchants began business, be resolved to force matters. tie was not content to WAlT to be found out--- he DETERMINED TO BE found out. In short,he advertised. lie threw on his business, small as it was, the light of publicity, and the public of Philadelphia entered the shop on which the light shone. In this communlty the public is entering those shops on which the light of advertising is falling. Hm Emu. Ritchie, who in teath. ing nur Chntawortb, upon the wool and wish her nun“, Mr and Mrs G. Ritchie. Mr J no. A. McDonald. of Pritsarille, wu uound this district lust week tr Inning. Mr Fred Btsplea. we no sorry to auto. is sick with appendmitis. Drs. Junieson and Grove: operated on him on Monday night. The Germln measles hive struck thia line. Mr Ed, Pratt moved 1m well drill. mg mucbine to Mothu'g on Saturday Mr nod Mrs ihur, Staples and son Clarence. of Markdnle. are visiting Mr Fred Staples. Me Will Fvnb had a colt 20 years old dle this week. ' Me Jon. Firth was in Owen Sound u! week " I Juror. Mr Herb Hunt with his gasoline' engine and "W. cut wood for a mun-i her irr this burg last. week and alll, were well "tushed with the work. i A number from Hus Iocahty attend I rd the party at Thos Miliigan’s. Ban: Linclr, on Thursday evenmg lot Ind‘ report an enjoyable time. Mrs Jae Sharp of Manitoba, is via icing friends in this burg. Mr and MraD Mecortm"k,Swinton Park, called on Mr Henry Lawrence's on Friday. A party for the young people of the realm“ was given by Mrs C. Buckie on Friday. and a most. pleasant Been. ing was spent by all. We are pleased to report that Mrs J. Hopkins is able to be around after being eouf1aed to bed for some time. Fon S'ALtg-Four blunt Horn Bull: tom 9 to 18 mm. Imam; and Red: Apply to " It's a short way to Slipper-Hy. [Us a short way to go ', _ It’s a short way to Slippemry. Where th' bumps and bruises grow, Coed-lave, gravitation ; Good-bye, bead and feet ; It's a short, short way In Slipperary, When man and pavement, meet." WORD 10 THE PUBLIC GREEN GROVE EDGE HILL , “CUJIILIB'I.QWIHI4UH r . Mr Henry Lawrence's. “$33.â€? JS, Imam Daiir The Review and Toronto Duly " young people of thal Newton one you an by Mrs C. Ritchie,Th\:v Ip/l" tusd Town†Daily Q most lsstssmttt even, l of or you..................... , all. P I The Review sud Weekly Mail It! d t lb t Mal Empire fort PM-..-.. r,, 1h'liT, ll it ,Tbe Review and the Fun-lily Hor- ' 9 o 8 mu" " "I dd and Weekly Star for 1 you to bed for some tuna. ine Review and Weekly Witness - . - _ for l "M-..-.--. [The Review and Weekly am for "uur blunt Horn Bulls i "ev....--...............- nu. Roms and Reds. {The Renew and Weekly Advent- D. MCMILLAN. 5 9r{oroneâ€nun".................. It, It, No. 3. Priceville l The Itevirw and Toronto Daily " .,___- Globe tor l year..................... . lTlie Rev aw and Toronto Daily Timely ! Muil and Empire for I yum"... --... l The Review And Daily Free Press " to Slipperary. I fort "tbr..-........-.-. my to so ; e The Review end Weekly Free to Slippemrv. Press for one Peecr.yqi,typ; mm and bruises grow. i'RW','."il' and Iiurattutt WmId 3:319" ' l'l‘be Review and the Fumeu‘ Ad. "sl,. er r I vacate forlyeu.................... " way '0 ipp any. TrusReview and Claudia: Fun-m ad pavement meet. tor I 'e"------ gram“. “Baum nouns. Whiz-M311) tobecuredof_te3thitmati- from which he had â€and for Ff/t Just (has has of GIN ILLS It I): I has, unplug†ctyedNapandtoaaruhiootk .irtofRheurnatiari. mati,G, for LuiraiFiGaa Si.'iit' Fiiia t",'t,1i'2l','rWh" ,rhi2t lid. . in: finally advia.d by I when Pills. .lie vurdausd aAetedaarr "PI-I t1.tetrt iv; iraorra - aw...“ -iTiavi.iFi'. o,ttItttis He thenhGaGerttUGGG0GT. “if: "erethei-desrrt' lb. â€about: C'i1'l,'rd.",'.', in Whom†A“. I. and tn 'I . work. C II N M I Ill, 1313," a. a... a an 3.11..“ Every box of Gin rm. in said with our positive mm of “who tion or money back. Gin Pills an “M In M..- Your gale; has tttms-dk I has. I for 'tao. Sold m us, undam- nun. “GINO" Pill,, Trial "cannon! {m if you write National Drug a Ca-tgal Co. of Canada. Limited, Toronto. " my... u“ "I u "My fythee h-pu-guuq via. Rhre Clubbing Rates. ONTARIO MOORE, no ARCHIVES TORONTO 376 260 195 BIG 4, 'tst? NEW SPRING Goons [Ace Curtain 2i yd. long, I. in was .. " tt yd. long. a in wide 7km " 8 yd-lonl. 47 In wide t on pr " Och long, c, in rid. 1.50 I All 1Hetaute an tho new Iii-bod (out tuir/ili ............r.l§cpetM Table Line-m. ..2ii, so and we pet-yard Grey Cotton Sheeting 2 yd: wideS " Heavy bleached Shooting , ydc wide............ ..............40eo It... laud: Cotton Crepe, white at! Our New Spring Irina an In. Cull mud see them. any] nu Funneuem alum - whine and greyâ€... .. ...l.§0- pm Heavy P2s4 Flumellolte Blah“. 'rttiteottlr.......... .....ntBaro theme [at ultra, u uni-mu tistr um†â€â€œ09. I aid to: ko ply tor, can. trre “mum. "rate to W. H. BEAN J. ARTHUR COOK " new gn‘u .' [mono in Vain Produclur and Singing. " the hum of In I. -. . “womb. emery Tani-1y, I'm-u 2 -.n 7 Fm. Appoinuuvnu now hung booked. Licensed Auctioneer tor County Grey. Terms moderate. Arranger.: for uh data can in mrdc " Rune Ollce out: my residence nm We Mall to No. ti, Durham r. t promptly attended to. D. MOPH.AIL..’ - WMci'hail In: a wtepnune m m. f dance In Ceylon. J. G. HUI'I'JN.M.D., c. M M200“... Phyucnns and Int-sum Gnu-no OFFICE: Over J. P. Teltoed'q ollce. new, was â€In (Jame. munch second noun: wttttt of Baum." 0.03m out due of Aiken at. WIDE HOUR! F-ua. I 3-49.. 7-0 p. I. 'Wuphooe Communluuou between Olive um â€dome u Bll hum-u. [doomed Auctioneer tor Go. Urn Ma modems t,','ut'gre"ll'udie',',' . an“ m. man he unue u ' View s: .DW. 115,,, 'iIT,y1'f/'fT mam-â€o was. as; no. Ir a: - Mm. Tenn on .pp manna In HONOR GRADUATE of Toma . University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Sn eons of Ontario Ros tl n ova J & 'N'lf'l'4lhl't', Lew Bum: HONOR GRADUATE Toronto tCurve-tte , u due “of“ (Jollege [mum autumn madman: Bl m mucheo. ottice-over Jewellrv am: e nd up,“ like Pout. "ttice. Imam. Solicitor in Sup.' Court Notary Public Communal†Money to man. We on Lsmbrou at†uppom O Walpok'u Sublet. W. C PICKERING o. D ti., L D ARTHUR H. JACKSON Iowans: Agent, Money to I [antler of ammo Lm r see. oral tin-hem busiueet, mu m". _ UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Gdiiiice hm mm; C for“ mph. w [manning a Speclumy. Plenum Framing, Shot-tat Notice B-Roi-Aero" from Hiudnush Hon mg.gmmcrt---Firts! ho so south of Lime“ [inhuman em. 531mm t “mm-m 7iiFiiiiaa9uyii ___ “T --H - ' The w a! th. - in n " mm, om. Th m ti'ilikt?P:' ed: 'Eti'il.ttt'1rer'tt'iv',.h1l'ii'i' “a tll ttr. All a pollution “Amway I 'rrri.a .. "13:81 W menu: " “is nu. J. F.GRANT D. 0.5 ' L. D. s. the DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL; Notary Public, Uoounitttuottct DURHAI. ONT, Jvrer T Full line of (Lunatic Ry!" J. P. TELF -, RD. W run-Tm ends, Cream Wanted CONVEYANCER. &c R. ll. ISAAC D. MePilML, Ceylon or to C. BAIAGE. On; In. trl pummel creaageriee It a trl In. "t tttttit yuuqrcmm A. BELL - and inn-Iona“. “W ttal l tew he.) 'i',i!liqilgt'i'iiti ' tttrttmJtuttor humus it. “. (axiom comm: Lsmamu R. H. ISAAC, Barium Pala: Creamery. t'airuarr.tod, out mum}. light-M d cumin. We so ‘- Mid my twice "In“ Pt?gl2t'glIltll't"' ',iiiiii?t S'gg'Nthttt 'U'P Ill 2.t.Ti'dtt, lab: mini-Ky l 1 we d'dnblo 40:31 um