ED nt VOL. XXXVIII, N0. 18 Take 1 Kodak with you. OI up. at luluhne'o Drug Store. A "(Walnut is on foot to In" t "not lumen-hm road constructed be- lino It Ion Sound nod Uollingwood- Roam-her the united Memorial Bonin- at 7 p. I). Sunday in Prnbv- brim: Church. No service in the oth- or church". Stun“ Gun. w-.--ttne who can live " own home over nights pre- ferred. Apply to A - Booth Bruce Unnurvuiyu have nominated Mr John Punk. auction- cor ol Holyrood. as their candid-(e to oppose R. E. Truns, M. P., in the impending Domin ion election. Tttq city biologi- that the plevailing hon lbw year will a an thath to ward place to Over '300n was paid out. by our ankmcl on Tuesdw hat tor Mt cm tie and sumo-65 bani. This n n sub-lan- tlal turn over and for only one day. Not I record either tor it has been pat. seeded. q:,,lila";s'; c'p'ii,sM23Y. N39,; W£OPI€S Since the first of May arrived, local [material artists have been busy and name large catches are reported. Eddie McQueen pulled out one of the big one- above McGowan} dam, which weighed " lb. and measured 13) inches. Bum coscarrvr.---Ttut members of the Bum! pulDOIe holding . Concert. in theXt"ert Balt on Thnrndny evening, lay Gab. A gum! program conuistin 3 ot inurumrntal and vocal selection. will be given. Admission. uilver col- lection u thednnr. Proceeds in aid of s new unilorm. North Br we License Commission"- lmvo gr mud n lirenue to the village of Hepwonb. At the clecuon lust January, local option failed: to any by only 4 5 ot a Tote, tho poll standing lot-51 ugninol. an. In View or it. close- IM arsrffort w“ made to have the “can “nailed. but the com: ignox ed the protest. Pun Lin or Japxs.--Rer. Mr Whil- at the request of the Honi- cultural Society will give an Iddrou on the Punt L". or Japan. on Mon- day evening, mm Mar, in Public Li- bmry building This will be an in. “reeling lecture and the public are Ct rdially invited. t'teqins at 8 p. m. Fishing tackle and sporting goods " M "tartane's . The Don branch ot the Women's In- stitute willhold their husiueu anâ€. etllute will hold their husineu anâ€. Intt " the home " Mrs Will Timmone. Thursday, May 13th, " 2 p. m. After the election ot' ofBeers and othel busi- nm. the memhen will rehearse their prognmme for the concert they pro- pose holding in the Township Hall. May 28th. where the mn'ngmph quilt vhich was made for war puma-es. will be nuctioned on. Ladles are all cordially invited to attend. WILL HAVE New HYMN.\L.--The new Methodist hymn hook mm he ll ready tor public wsle by about mid, t summer of mm or at all events by the Il end of that yeart " will number up e proximately 650 or Mo hrauve and 000 . tunes. The hook at present in use has i M hymns and 3!}! tunes. The aim a hoe been to produce a book that will 1 contain A minimum of littte.used poet- I ry and that will be muvh richer mug. l icAlly. Those interested in the pro- 1 Men: of church union will he pleased to learn that ahout 350 hymns will be common to both the Methodist end Preehyterian hymnels. WILL Humvee is MAtMIDAkrt.-- The Operetta " A Nautical Knot " was presented in lurkdele last Fridey nicht by the Durham Chorel Society end won most favorable comment. It wee held in the titte, epacloue Armor. in. under the euepicee ot the Daugh- tere of the Empire there. who were ttrttVe in anticipating the welfare of their gueete. and utter the concert the ladies entertained the choral members end other visiting friends to a dainty lunch in the tea room of the Arnoriee. An informal deuce. perticlpeted in " hoot- and gun-u lollowed the lunch. The proceeds were .76. Eight locel can conveyed the " armhole ot the Society while e neuter at other young people drove, e total at over titty Dar. unites pee-out. Eve! close: is the to utwhe" in the H " weaned†ot nut XPe*o, Ivy-an ...- _.V_, on! from Grey Conn". In the isth hafnium (in which are the Grey bore) bum Corp. "mes S. Wilson, son ot Been J. B. Wilwn of Ilium or, In coca“; also M. Guy Wickbun of Wdun Fills. son ot n nephew ot In id. Knickerbocker, Durham c, -te. at Flunenon. d'" vouooiuir. o sound boy, say bore '" can an L, Try The Review for any County Casualties iologiu of Detroit up ailing color in women's will attract mosquitoes. , had as ith, such In awk- ncrnteh a mmquito bile. anon, is r’ahgemmly ill from Minimum! Pte Cecil Best. an .1 boy, wulmled. Two Chel- ' were woundd. “I “In; In L, Dunno. Uorp, The r is the var applonching n the casualty list pnolish- lny of the terrible battle arpoar the name- ol m- - =N, IaAh .er, Durham. The sanction of the Department In! my†have to be secured and on Tuesday of this vis, auction- week along comes the mlonnntion candidate to that the new plans are very unsatis- . p" in the lutory. and that " nu many points" :tion. the school could never m its our?" be Detroit M" funded Not. Besides it mu lacking _ in women'. In architectural appearance. The n- , mosquitoes. chilectu any a satisfactory No. 1 school such an nuk- cannot be built for the money. What "minim bite. do" the town thi, k of it? To have perhaps 2 eta yearly tor a number of “M by our yems on eVery $101) assessment or have t for to cattle an up-tn-date- schtml, a building at“? " " suttittn- ing A I, commanding our own self- " "ne day. respect. and enhancing the vdue of tras heen “I" Durham as A piece to live in I l The town never made a “renter mu. arrived, local take than to allow the best institution been busy and in its midst to be cc uuped and skimp- ported. Eddie ed for the sake of the paltry extra. tla. " the big one. social cost. The trustees can do no vhich weighed more. the council by a majority re- nches. fused to consider a trr-law, seventeen , members of ratepayers at a public meeting took .. _ “mum". in l the same view. m†A. Jameson When the Town Council turned down the request of the High chool Thu-tees for en nddillonnl sum to col- plate the building â€cording to the splendid plum in their poueuion. they had only one recourse left ' to instruct their architect: to prepare plane of I building that could be constructed for $13,000 or less. This use done. the plans were received sud it required no expert to perceive how inferior these were to the first plane and how un- worthy of a town with the standing of Durham . In the final grouping of the Inter- mediate O. A. L. A. groups, Durham is included in District No l, along with Hanover, Owen Sound, Dundalk, Shel- burne and Orangeville. R. Booth of Orangeville is convener and the sched- ule will be drawn up in Dundalk some day next week. With a six club district it will mean a 30 game schedule and' five home league games for Durham. The team winning out this district l ought to Bnish pretty close tothe flnaU. The locals have commenced practice and intend placing on the field the strongest line up in years. With the keen competition of luch goal lacroue towns as Hanover, Owen Bound and Orangeville, there will surely be some- thing doing this summer. This I a. the most striking and hope" ful none in the splendid lecture given in ttr. Town Hall on Sunday evening last by Mr J. B. Watson, Field Sect-e. (any of the National Sanitarium As- sociation. Mr Watson is a forceful intensive speaker. titled with his sub- Ject and his lectures. aided by the fine views, must. prove exceedingly henc- ficial to the province, and he no small [actor in reducing the ravages from l the dread disc-me. consumption. The limelight pictures show the ’- tongs healthy and in ,eriorrs stages of the disease. tie explained the Latin q name of the deadly germ Hist dlscov- ered by the German doctor Koch: ' -‘ l‘uhercle Btcillus," Tuber. because J it grows and works under the surface of the lung. and lucillus troxu its rod. 1 like shape. It is of couxse exceedingly small but its Meets are soon seen l when it gets a Iodgrnent in some sub- 1 leet. whose health is not good. , He claims that the theory " runs in l the family " is all wrong. Some con- dition of the family or surroundinsrs may cause consumption to recur again and again. but it propel care is taken of cleanliness, ventilation, ae., the danger may be avoided. Keeping Windows of bedrooms closed day and night was specially dangerous. From the coughing and expectora- ion of those affected, the greatest jei'l,reor" arises. As the. disease pro- _ grosses the lung cells get into a , " cheesy " state. later this gets watery I and in expectorating along with the r liquid there are hundreds of the bacil- . Ii. which when dry are easily waited r about unseen and may get into any . system. Nature has made provision I tor protection against just such enem- . ice , these are hairs in the nostrils', as- K crotions in the nostrils. hair-like hod- _ ies in the bronchial tubes and a qual- ity in the blood Itself. _ . - ‘-- AL... Tuberculosis Being Mastered That New High It is of the utmost importance that all persons even suspected of consump- tion should avoid spitting other than into handkerchlefe or eloths tint can be burned. There are three ways germs reach us: inhalation through month or nostrils. with our food, har- ing been deposited there by tties it I mny be. through cuts or ear-cl on the 5km. He dwelt much on the ulna of Bani. I urinate. especially the Muokoke Free Boepitel top Coneumptivu. Where any era nhle to my they Inny do no. but when IN out of 212 actually pay nothing for food and treatment it can easily be - whet I great workis being done. In T out of every 10 cases the petlent is restored to mfulneee. _ - tn“. " Lots ot Lacrosse All [6835M Commercial Printing. manual on PW 8 i',e-rT. H. '.‘-.~rs riiir2'jr)s?'vc,5s'F, , This hand points to the yellow Label as a reminder to a Number of our Subscribers who Have allowed it to get behind l And implies an earnest request Prom the Publishers to Put it in advance at once and so Balance up for delay. Fair , We thank those who have re- sponded to the accounts sent out- ( last week, but a large number have yet to respond. Will our ifriends give this their attention as early as possible, obliging Mr Lynn Grantleft on Monday for Sudbury, where he has taken a posi- tion in a dental ottiee fonthe summer. Mr Rom. Laidlaw returned home last Week. after completing his ttnal year at the B. P. s,, Toronto, in Min- ing Engineering. that Mrs Thou. Bro N0, ct w Egremont, visited her sister. Clank. last week. Rev. D. L. Campbell. of Dover Cen- tre, near Chalham. called on Mr R. lmac Monday en route to visit his tsttser-in-nw, Mr Branden ot Price- ville. Mr Campbefl baa recently ac- cepted a call to a Brantford church . Mr. J. Levine is in on business. Mr. John Snell sl Mt Forest. Mr Howard Whitmore, of Winni. peg, visited his brother Robt. this week and will spend stew weeks at his old home in Glenelg. Mr Will Lave-lie. of St. Mary’s, ls in town for a few dayI t1shiutt. Will ap- plies for reinstatement no in amateur that, he micht play with St. Muly'n lacrosse club this summer. but the committee decided that once tb profess sioual, havmg received money for his services, his request could not he granted. Mrs Heughan. of Hanover, is spend- ing a few days with her son Wm. here. owing to his illness with mumps, Mrs. McCurdy, who has spent the last six months with her sister, Mrs. R. MacFarlane, returned Tuesday to her home in New Glasgow, Nova ticotia, Mrs. P. J. Craddook of Toronto, vis. ited her sister, Mrs. John McKechnie for a few days. Dr. D, B. Jamieson is in Toronto for a month supplying for ope ot the house mrgeouqiu the hospital, where he will acquire valuable experience. Mrs. Gilbert McKechnie has been quite ill this week and last. Mrs. Don. Graham, Priceville. was a guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graham. Mr. Jas. Isaac came home Saturday last from University. Mr. Will Campbell is receivlng the congratulations of his friends these days over his success in his recent years exams at Queen's Kingston. He came clear on all exams in the special mathematical course he is taking up and took first class honors in History as well. MABBL GRASBY Sunday afternoon last, Mabel. a bright young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Grasby, passed away at the par- ental home in Glenelg, near Durham. An attack of pneumonia was the cause. Besides her_parent' four sisters and three brothers will mourn the loss of one of the lights of the home, for she was a lovable girl growtng into young womanhood, being 11 years, 8 mos. old. Much sympathy is felt for the family in their severe loss. Interment is tale ing place to-day, Wednesday toMaple- wood cemetery, Rev's Morris imam/ha- ley officiating. That Label ? MR9. THos. Forums The home of Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Mc. l Cormick. Bentinck, was plunged into sudden grief this week by the announce- ment that Mrs Thoa Forbes, Rochester; U. 3., a daughter. had died suddenly and that the remains would be home Monday night. Only the Friday prev- ious a letter from her spoke of no troub- _ le, on Saturday a telegram came that she was ill and Sunday she died. De. ceased was married only last July and wan about M. years of age. Win uuvu. 7' . -7, - - aeaidp her sorrowing husband and aged parents, she leaves four brothers, Donald, Angus, Hugh and Neil, five sisters, Mrs McEachero and Mrs Mc. Phail, near Pricevillc l Techie. Toron. to '. Sarah and - at home. lam: tttttttapt tit mm John Snell spent Wednesday in 3.1m; their attention possible, obliging THE PUBLISHERS Obituary. Toronto this week cf goth Con., sister. Mrs Wm !'ttgtii With which I! incarnate! {be Mttatetn We: _',==riiiiriiii'Erir'", MAY 6, 1915 geen cemetery on Wednesday. No other particular. at time of writing. lens. A. J. Gun“: On Homloy, Hey M, Mrs. A. J. Graham, formerly of gamma. posted! may from pneumonia at the home of her son Johnston here, aged 60 years, I 3 moo. She bod intended making Durham her home and was here only a week. She was A member of Trio ‘ity church and the {aural will take place to that cemetery Thundhy. A lingo family survives. her son John- ston being well known here as G T R brakesman. The Ladies’ Guild of Trinity church at their homemade tuksng and white- wear sale on Saturdsy Inst. made the bundeome amount of (85. New Books at Mtsebrtatseu-Pollr Anna Grows Up, Billy Sunday and his message. Polly of the Hospital Staff and Pep. Bee our the list of 3125 books for 50.: Met in regular monthly meeting on Monda‘r. 3rd May. All present but Councillors Lenabun and Wolfe. Accounts were passed as follows ; Durham Furniture Co, wood - supplied Mrs Sharp.... .... " oo John Whittaker, teams to fire at Davidson'a.... ...... .... 7.00 J. P. Telford, account for legal - services touter..... ...A. 100.00 Clerk, tra1ary&e..v.e..v...: 35.38 G. Arrowsmith, sal. for April 50.00 repairs. .... ...... ...... B. McDonald, firing at Fire Hall.........,.....--. Librarian Elvidge presented are- quest on behalf of the Board for one third ot the amount contributed to Library by the town. After discus- sion the council decided that they would pay the amount twice a year only. A more serious discussion took place over the signing of the agree- ment between Council and Mr McIn- tyre re the purchase or release price of the present plant or at least the town portion of it. A committee of council some weeks ago came to an agreement to give Mr McIntyre $800 more than the hqor. voted on and carried by the town. This agreement came before council on Monday but it has not been ratified, the Council dividing as follows. Messrs Calder, ‘ Lloyd and Grant for ratification, Saunders, Cochrane and the Mayor against. This equality of course nisgatived the proposition. The objection gto ratifying the agreement as We understand it was that certain clauses are incorporated in it which might involve the town. Mr McIntyre offers to turn the plantl over to the town at tst July but will run it still until such time as the Hydro is established, he to have the revenues as usual, but the town to take responsibility. That is it any transformer say should be burned out by lightning, the town would have i to make good. The objectors tear also that there! may be unexpired contracts which they would have to make good. We know nothing of this but think it is highly unfortunate that the transfer could not be made with the best of good will. The resources of good sense and loyalty to the town should make it possible for both partierto reach a satisfactory solution. Bee, Mr Cameron. of Toronto/ spoke In the interests otHome Mia eion work in the Baptist church Sno- day evening. Mr Wallace spoke on Temperance the Sunday before. Mr and Mrs Will Ahrene and fam- ily cf Hanover, accompanied by him George and Muse Sadie Brunt, were guests of Mr and Mrs Wm. Brown one evening last. week. -ii, Ic,. Redford is .seriously ill with erysipelaa. Dr. Gan and Nurse Derby are in attendance. - Mrs It. Barclay spent a few days wuh'friends in o. Bound and Anna. Mr and Mrs Wylie, at Durham, were guests ot Mr and Mrs Fulton Thursday of last week. Mr and Mrs Will Clark and Mr and Mrs McKelv-c. of Hmover. auto- ed here Sunday to visit their father, Mr Thou. Redford. THE '"if'ijiii)")lt)j.fiiip BANK Just passed Town Council clap, signs ind MULOCK a! ik , ti TheA,B,Cof Banking E t Annotate Security I Best of Service 'it. Courteous Treatment 3 We solicit your account In our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT DURHAM BRANCH,I ir. g an Established aver Forty“ Year ' ASSETS ovum 7E1 'tW,", 206.18 into Stock 25000" Envelopes of Various _ Qualities. 4.30 TIN if " Quite a. number in Durham have been thinking of late. The terrible toll taken by the enemy from the Can. adian forces at Ypres, has lett a great many sick and wounded who no no doubt bemg well cared for, but the question is forced home " Are WE do- ‘ing our best to help ? " Durham, here . little and therea little, has contributeda considerable sum, yet we have not handled the problem as we should and as the situ. ation cells tor. The appeal of Protests. or Jas. Robertson. Chairman of the Red Cross Society which appeared in the Review two weeks ago. is still be. ing made. He tells us "" will furnish one hospital bed with the giver's name ‘over it, Durham and neighborhood should be good for 20 beds, that ll there should be 20 donors who Will give 850 each for this laudable pur-l pose. Five or an: we already in sight: who will swell the list? It may require a. saertfice, but a "eritlee not to be compared to that which our brave lads are making. There will he more lighting, more losses, more wounded. Who will put their names on this 850 honor roll? Are there 10 farmers who will ttive 9 In Durham Presbyterian Church Sunday, 9th May, 1915, at 7 p. m. All denominations in Durham w'i11 unite at above time and place. to commemorate our te1toeCanadiatta who have fallen, and fallen glorious. ly, on the fields of Flanders. They have given for their country the full measure of devotion, let us at least recognize it. Rev. W. Prudham will preside and the other clergymen will ad- dress the gathering. The collection will be in aid of the Red Cross Fund, Wrire or Lelephona to the Review Quiet: that you want to be on the list. One hospital bed with your name on it, will meter and gratify some wound ed Canadian. Let it stand in the fam- ily name it you like tt Mr and Mrs "j'suifi)%d family? with address. A meeting of all interested mil be held at the close of the memorial ser- vice on Sunday evening next. The ladies of the Hed Cross Society purpose having a towel shower in the Armory on Saturday, May Isth, from 2 to " o'eiock, All ladies who read this notice and all others are requested to bring something even if only one pair of towels. Patients' towelv-86 by " inches. made of linen hack. Surgical towels--30 by 21, of plum glass Lowelling. Docton‘ toweht--coarse cotton buck lt by 18 inches. . Dish toweis-ordinary size and ma- 1tel-m. i All come. Hume GANG m TowNc-9oe wou- men on the new hydro line to be run from Eugenia. to Durham and on to Mt. Forest. came to Durham lust Fri- lat tsnd camped " the foot of the Rob Roy hill in Glenelg, from when as headquarters they have been an- gaged digging postholei. and in other preliminary work. They me at work ,in town to-day. Wedueeday. There are about two dozen in the group. in. ' eluding several town boys. All honor to Cheeky. She had a tine days sport arranged for the Nth, but a sense of the uttfttaetss of such in the midst of so much narrow in Canadian homes has led the committee to cancel Can We Not Do More , it. Towel Shower ------ 0" '9'! To w N.-Ahe work. S6 by " inches, orrrhruo KRCHIVES TORONTO She had a fine Somehing New New Embroideries for Summer Wear By our Pricet 2 Crepe Cloth Ladies' Collars Our goods will “and the town. Try It. The Set Price Store New Plumbing 2 yam for 260 Price: from 10c to Me Do not {nil to In our “normal. of SUMMER ROSIERY We hove taken over the Agency for Deming Implements in thin town and hove also in connec- tion with the implement lino, started a Plumbing and Tin shop, with all cave troughing facilities end would say that all Repair Work and Orders will be promptly attended to, at lowest prices compatible with good work, We have a good line of Steel Ranges at rock bottom prices. Every Stove Guaranteed by giving 30 days trial. 82$ ., F. MORLOCK Any width, we have what you The Store of Honest Value THE VARIETY STORE NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ,latotrn Stand, West of Middmugh Boa * DICKSON & SON taken over the Agency for Deming n this town and huve also in connec- mplement lino, started a Plumbing with all one troughing facilities md l all Remit Work and Orders will he Ye Shall Know Us ip Waists '! 8, Middies l We have just received a nice assortment of Ladies' Waists, in Raw Silk, the newest styles. Also Fine Muslins in all sizes. Call and see them, get your size and choice. The prices will suit. We have something new in Middies for the girls,-- White Linen with blue and red trimmings. Paul-M'tu “has“. 0. ma O MNewaaaa- If you need anything in IN eske, lpecinl........ 4 for ll Clover lent Cape Ind Smears .. 2pkgs.Envelopea for... __......"" 20 qt tin Dial: Inn----- 14 qt. Guam Duh pan .......r.'. Goodqusllt, Brotmtr..........., Ladies' Summer Vests We bun just nomad . large noon meat st prim that ml! utoniuh yc-J and "pin Shop “Tut of Cotntmruon" with any Nothing over Me will want. 'rtitl' 25c Me 5O Ge be Gt, tl H