West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 May 1915, p. 1

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68C bun-h mew 91:3 IOU) " ANTON NTED L333 iii rston 10 Ont. bu In)! It!) Ont Is this May? Cold chilly weather with sharp night Iron: is dehyinl "notation nod not trading to improu the fruit prospects. Has been . uplan- did spring for the farmers genius 'hrough work. DINTAL Mums“ "cet-c--. The I’euulll of Dental Couette exam» lppoond Salmday and in the lat are P. Hunld Aljoo and Thor. Holt " farmer Durham boy) who have now completed their third your and Fred Laidhw who has suecestdully made the Brst yen. Congratulations. De Burt, I?!) W 1Wh St. Owen Hound Sputum“ in Diseases of the Eye. Eu, Noee and Throat. will be at the Grand 00m"! Hotel. Duudnll, for consulta- tion, Wednesday. June 2ad. Eye. tested and glasses supplied. Appoint. Icon for Durham patient. undo to wit. s. P. R. trains. Tho annual telephone picnic will be held in ROM. Brigham" grove. Allin Put. on Ttturtsday, June 3rd. the King's birthday. Alun Park and South line will phy football And a haan mud: any Itlso be otttted. Everyone welcome. Ladies kindly bring refreshments. In a. postcard we received from Cecil Wolfe. Lieut., A. V. c., from Alex- and". Egypt. he my: " Don't know how long I will be he". latte of but and and here and very little water." Knv "is FLAG FLtttNu--Mr. Colin McDougall. caretaker of the Armories, has instructions to keep the Bag flying a long as the war lane. "When worn out another will be furnished." Our town has not gone in for much flag tlying, though HS patriotism is marked, but I little more color would not be who. Mr Peter Reid has about completed the sale of his house and lot to Mr John Stewart, the price being "o. Fresh Fish, Fresh Piah- Always on hand. At the freezer. south end of the town. - Mouse TO TORONTO.- Conductor P. J. Bunion of the C. P. R. pustular: thin here in laying with his family " the and of this month for Toronto. when he has secured a passenger run between that city sud North Bay. As VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 21 ho it . counmua and capable elm-in! his remand from the Dnrhmu branch in "melted. Beginning on Monday next, lgy II. a new time, table goes into ethret on the C. P. R,, tnough only slight that": en are made on this line. Tho morn. in. train est-t leaves Durham 7 min. enlist. at 7.00 instead 017.1.7 and " "moon train at 3.55 p. m.. 3 min. earlier. The noon train westbound arrives 2 min. ttsterr,-at 12.13 p. m., and night. train as usual 8.50 p. In. A SAM: "r".-Maror Hunter and l Constable Arrowsmith. anxious to l prevent the excesses in the we of Bre. works thot marred the 19U celebra- tion. had hills waned of a Cautionary nature. The result. run very satisfac- tory and on Saturday and Monday our I street. and public places Were or or- l derly its one Could wish. The small I boy and his bigger brother in back I yords and out-of the-way plate”, cm I iored themselves of course with crack- , on. thunderbolto and rocketr. l Much sympathy it felt for Mr and ' Mrs John Marshall over the sudden death of their 13 months' old baby boy which died on mm inch. alter about l halt a day's illness from convulsions. The little form, angelic in in beauty. was interred in Durham cemetery on Friday. Rev. Mr Whitley conducting on impreorive service amid many mourners and sympathise”. Mr and In Marsh." desire to thank many friends and tseighborn for help and oyrnpathy in their sorrow. Monutso G. T, R. TRAIN Now.--a change in time-table on the Grand Trunk Railway goes into etfeet on Sunday next. May 30. The morning train lemme here at 7.05 instead of 7.15 10 min. earlier. while the incoming mixed due st 12 noon. is to be o p... - and mail only, arriving 40 min. .oonqr--at It 20, which will he a de- cided adv-atop. The afternoon trail in will henceforth be the Mixed. arriv- ing at 2.90 p. m. The alterncou cut- bound will otill have " 3.45 And the night min arrive " tr.66. Arum-n "In Cos-ac-our ever vigilant constnble had the unpleas- ant duty on Tuesday evening to run a rtrongcr. Wm. Higgins. one of the Hr dro gang, into the town lock up. He had been imbibing too freely of rome- thinl stringer than local option beer, nod woo echoed to go to his room but intend noel abnoive lounge to the constable. The latter promptly oeiud him and placed him under arrest, and on showing resistance floored the chem deg where he continued to “mule. Mr with promptly. aware in r c- ial Mahler. who minted in 'tlliefi him to the loch-up. Thio brazen viole- tittq .1 lowwill we hope leadtothe auogiheaieq at the constable’o hands, “a hoobould receive every mourne- - "ibis iron the authorities and aim molly. Later-At o Police Whitman held neat day. only a. 'iiitltrrat t'drg'a't 'g,'dl; ”a. w tatt 'tttlat on at no T out. nape-rd. :3 , 7i".i,,,M2,t.trJ.tliiji9 (iiiiillii.icii.)8lTl?ii'i! {SEER Ei' Miles Wilson Carr. Musonova Wouuoao. - A wire from Capt. Muegrove received by his wife in Hanover Sunday, stated that he had been wounded. It read " tol. lows: "Nasty wound but not dangerous" A Hanover man, Pte. Herman Monte. recently reported wounded, has since died from his wounds, according to a message received in Hanover Monday. The Zion Branch of the women's In- stitute will hold a Patriotic concert in the Township Hall]. Glenelg. on Fri- day. May an. commencmg at 8 o'clock. A program: eomsistintt of songs. recitation. and a play will be given. Alan the autograph quilt will be cold. Admission 10 cents. The Mudduugh Home front has been improved by the install-non of I large plate glau Window to the eouth of the main entrance. and mth the removal of u partition between the rooms. . ttne commodioue lilting and waiting room for Irnvellere end guest: hue been formed with abundnnce of light. Canny MAD Bm DA t--Bitr crowd: were present. or. Uhesley‘s annual day of upon ts Monday, the day's entire pic- ceeds going to the Brigian Relief Fund. Several from Durham accom- panied our lacrosse team. who lost their first game to Chosley by a score of 9--s in a good exhiniliou. Dur- ham’s line-up lion: goal out was-Mc- Encheru. H. McDonald. Bert McDono aid, (in) Kearney, Kern. V Elvidge. U, Rife. ALSmuudels, M. Saunders- Kerr. Guy Kenruey received the only injury of any account, a cut above the eye. requiring three stitch- es. P. Gaguon iefereedl Uhesley trimmed Wiartou also in baseball I2 -t. the horse races Were interest.. ing events, Rosie Mu, owned by Joynt, Lucknow, winning theii min. class in 1.13} and l Is, while Daikey B., owned by Minorttan, Sanford. won the 2.40 in LIB 25 and l 13. Hmovsn’s CELEBRATION - Under) Boy Scout auspices a large crowd att-' sembled to witness the Victoria Day sports in our sister town and while the weather and numbers were highly sat- isfactory with gate proceeds over 8200, the sports were not as exciting as look- ed for. Hanover easily trimmed Pais- ley 18-5 in lacrosse and in the 5 mile nee, Schwark of Hanover dropped out while the Indian, Joe H. came second only, though taking the three mile event. The Hanover Band furnished delightful music, The Durham Choral Society presented their play "A Nautical Knot" for the evening concert to a 862 house and won many appreciations from the audience who gave rapt attention. Mr Percy Harding of Orangeville, i talent- ed soloist, contributed two fine numbers " well as a trombone solo of which in. strument he is a master. After a tour of inspection of their the modern town i hall, in both seating Ind stage equip- ( ment, with fire hall beneath, we dropped a sigh of regret that it or a counterpart was not situated about 10k miles fur. ther east. A rumor was current around town last week ttAt Jim Fsrquharson and Milton Mills, the two former Durham hors in the flrst contingent, were ta- ken prisoner and wounded at Lange- march. Both happily are yet unin. jured. A field post card received yes- terday by Rev. Dr. Farquharson, at Agincourt. from his son Jim, dated Aprilamh reads " l have been admit. ted Into hospital sick, and am getting on well," which is cheerful news to the busily and bis friends here. As will be seen by his Letter on page 4, Milton Mills came through the big "ht safe and sound as well. Ma'y their good foe tune continue throughout. More Money for Tobacco Fund Those oontributing $1.00 l Val Hahn, J. " Robertson, Jan. Livingstone, N. McIntyre Sr, Those contributing 50c ; Thea. Allan, E. A. Hay, A. s. Hunter, Geo. Arrow. smith, Thos R Whelan, W N Collinson. J. D. Abraham, Robt Burnett, John Pickem lady friend, J. C. Adams. Alex. Orienon, Geo Kresa, Geo Noble, A. A. Noble, Sant'l Langrill, Thou H. Binnie. M. K. Richardson, A. Cameron, W. P. Patterson, J P Hunter, G & J McKech- nie, C. Ramage, Wm Weir. Both Old Durham Boys Safe Those contributing 25c l Ben Woods, Holstein ; Geo. Meikle, w. C. Vollett, Robt McMeekin, Jag. G. Wilson, Jno. Smith, John Whittaker, A. D. Noble, Chas Chislett, Thos Daniel, Geo. Ryan Sr, Miles Wilson, R. Aljoe, Thou. B. Tucker, H. W. Hunt, R. H. Isaac, Ali. Redford, Irwin Reilly, Alf Noble, T. W. Lawrence, David Donnelly, Wm Moore he Matthews, Jno. McFayden, Robt. Whitmore, Jae Allan, D. McKenzie, Mrs Thou Turnbull, Mrs Robt Ector, Chris Firth, A. G. McComb. Hugh Mc- Donald. Thoe. H. Brigham Mc The amount: so far paid and the date are no follow. ; 28th April ...... $22.60 tttth May ...... 23.") tsth May ...... 20.45 nth May ..... 23.85 Mr.Jachon. the moving spirit, I: Moo to make it 8100 and willato iiht Biitrtittiii tilttritttt ----_qi------ The REVIEW to New Subscribers to Janqary I916 Mr Jack Davidson, Kingston. wan home over the week end and returned on Monday afternoon. Mina Era Mdckler. Toronto. spent the holiday cannon with her relatives in Upper Town and met many old friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigs motored from Cayuga on the 24th to visit the latter's mother, Mrs Fletcher, Bentinck. Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison were in Owen Sound one day last week. Mr and Mrs Thou. Allsn in their new car went to Grand Val!" on Saturday to see Mrs Allan's mother and return- ed on Monday. Mr and Mrs N. W. Campbell and family motored to Port Elgin on Bat- urday to visit relatives. The three war recruits from this neighborhood Meson Kelly, Weir and Bryon had their goodmye visit to their homes here last Week and left Owen Bound Tuesday for Niagara-on. the-Lake to undergo a broader tram- ing than is possuhle in Owen Sound. From there thev will go to the front. Mr and Mrs Avery and the latter's brother George Robertson nutored from Anuow on Saturday to spend the week end with their relatives, Mr and Mrs A. I). Browning. Dr. and Mrs. Smith and Mr Morrison Smith of Dornoch accompanied by Misses A. L. and Margaret McKenzie of town motored to Eugenia on the 24th. Mr Erie Kelly, now at Blenheim, spent, the holiday at the home of his parents here. Mr and Mrs. Nichol, Toronto, have been vipiting at the latter's brolhero. Messrs E, D. and T. H. McClocklin. Mrs John Dunsmoor is at present, the guest of Holland Centre relatives. Mr Wm. Hoig, of Markham, was a guest ovu‘ the 2ith at Mr J, P.Tel- ford's. Mrs J. Towner is spending the latter half ot this week with Toronto rela. lives Miss Lucy McKelvie. of Toronto. spent oyer the holiday wit h her father here. Mr ROM. and Miss Matthews visited at Mr Jno. Lawrence's. Egremont, for the Nth. Mr Geo. Canon spent the holiday in Mt. Forest. Mrs J. Levine holidaved this week with relatives in tit. Thomas. Miss Hazel Caldwell visited with rel. atives in Guelph over the 24th. Mr Fred Laidlaw haves next week to take B position on the boats plyng between Toronto and Montreal, tor the summer. Mr Thou. Allan, Jr., has been suc- cessful in passing his Pharmacy er ams. Congratulations. Mr and Mrs Jae. Leuahan, of Owen Sound, were guests of Durham and Glenelg friends oven- the holiday. Mre Jon. birth, Upper Town, visited over Victoria Day in Guelph with her sister, Mrs A. Dumeld, The Misses Calder of Calderwood, Normanbr Tp., are moving to town this week. having rented Mr Alfred Redford's residence on Bruce St. Miss Mary vvas presented with a purse oi money from the church eonzregation at Calderwood for her services as or- ganist for many years before leaving. Mrs Wm. Calder went to Toronto Tuesday to see her daughter Marion, who is convalescmg nicely in the hog. pital there, nnd will.rem.1in there till Marion " able to come home. We were pleased to see Mr his. Isaac’s name in the list of successfur students of 2nd year University exams but Friday. U'omrratulatiomr. Mrs Ethel Green accompanied Miss Mockler to Toronto for a short hate. Miss Gladys Search is conyalescing nix'ely new. bux her little si Mar Marion 5 yea" old is ill with some klnd of fe- ver with trained nurse in attendance. All sympathize with Mr and Mrs Search in their prolonged trouble. Mr John McAuliffe who for a number of weeks was proatrated with an acute attack of rheumatism is making a rapid recovery which he attrib.ttets to the use of some nature remedies. THE STANDARD BAN K DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915 Ti"i7 ii"ii"ir'ir"ifiE KN c H, lr, am: ____.__1 Established aver Forty-one Years J,',?,,',. Accounts are a Cod. venlence. Keep a Savings Account, and Li,'; Your Money Accu- ulate. m We solicit your ttccount in our SAVINGS DpNiTMEy.T The A,B,C of Banking ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 OF CANADA With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader Mina ttfo McUoskery is spending» few any. in Toronto this week. Mrs Adam Brown left on Wednu- day to join her husband near Parry Bound, after dimming of her bounc- hold effects here. Mr Neil McKinnon, of Brampton, is spending a week " his sister’s. Mu Geo. Arrowsmith. and other relatives at Pticeyille. During the week there has been 1 slackening of the number responding to the statements we sent out asking for a settlement of arrears of subscription. We regret that not quite 50 per cent of those reminded by letter have remitted or even made mention of it. This cannot go on. We have no win that the other half should incur costs, but as we announced thh will surely be the result if placed in the hands of the Adjusting Aisociation. We look foraction this coming week from all who received our letters. If not convenient to pay now talk it over with us. We asked last Week when announc- mg 32 com at 930 each provided for, to 6t make it to." We are glad tn any that this number Is assured and the interest is by no means waning. This means that over 32000 from Dulham and neighbor hood will he sent to pro Fide comfort, and comforts to Cana- adinn soldiers wounded in the great snuggle for justice, liberty and right- eousneas. We announce again that Mr S, Hughes of the Royal Bank is Treasur- er, Don't wait to be asked. " He gives twice who gives quickly. The need ts great. It is Canada‘s war as much as Britain‘s, and our giving all tends to make surer'tbat the Union Jack shall continue to fly over our fair Dominion. All of us feel like Mr Dan- iel Knechtel that. " the tlag of Ger- many firing over Canadian soil would be a catastrophe sfhrt?tinR the freedom liberty and privileges of every citizen of the Dominion." The receipts this week are as below l Mrs Begga and son and daugh- ter Guy and Annie Kearney.. $50 00 Mr and Mrs Tiles. McGirr, Br., and family...........-......... MO 00 Edge Hill Gifts totalling $160.00 or three cots are as follows I Harry Williams " Jun. u. Firth 810 Dan Edge......... 10 Herb. Edge.., 10 Mrs Robt. Edge 5 Arthur Edge. 5 John Moffat...... 10 Joe. McNally 5 Thos (“enemas 5 090. Ritrhie.. 5 Thos Greenwood 5 W. J. Ritchie 5 W. G. Firm...” 5 A.J.Groenwond 5 Chas. Cotton..... 5 Mrs It Eetor.. f, Robt. Ector...... 5 Thus. Ritchie 5 J. D. McFayden 5 Mrs D. Firth . 5 Adam Anderson 1 Earl Ritchie... 1 Mrs R, Banks... 1 Jus, Healip.... 5 Hugh Vaughan 5 Arch McArthur 5 Jam. McArthur.. 5 Miss Mortley , MISCELLANEOUS Mrs Gm Wilson 10 J. A. Graham E. A. Hay....... 10 Mrs Hank... Ed. Watson...... 5 It. Cochran?" Wm, Moffat,.... 2 Thus. Pstty.. Jae. Mather...... 5 John Milligan Mrs A. Corbett 5 H. Johnston Alex McLean... 1 Mrs Levine.... T. R. Whelan... l ttrMatthssmr., E. T. MoOlooklin l Geo. Meikle... Arch. Park 5 Besides thee there are three more 850 groups in sight and perhaps more. Announcement on this page, and posters, will be hint enough to mun- icipalities to get busy electing dele- gates for the Convention in Durham on 9th of June. The first sitting of the Court of Revi. sion for the Municipality of the Town ct Durham will be held in the Town Hall at 8 p. m. on Monday, May 31, 1915, 0 which all parties having business at said Court will please take notice. Dated this 19th day of May, 1915. WM. B. VOLLB'r, Clerk Hospital (lifts Still Coming The Liberal Convention. That Pointing Ha nd Court of Revision Over $2000.00 THE PUBLISHERS 10 The Concert Treat of the Season COMING! Tuesday eve., June 1 in the Presbyterian Church; Durham, on This Choir appeared in the Presbyterian Church a few years ago, and all who then heard them were delighted with their sweet music. Admission, Me. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross Work. Te' An Evening of Pleasure and a Help to our Soldiers Hanover! Holstein! Neustadt t. A proposition, emanating in somel brain not overly well balanced, hnsi been made to change the German‘ names of some Ontario cities, towns) and villages, because of the barbarism shown by the Kaiser and military mad Germany. That the proposition has; fallen fiat speaks to the good sense of Ontario. Certain it is the names of old world places reproduced here carriesl not with them the old associations nor is a German name iq Ontario more lik- ely to produce disloyalty than would be London, Dublin or Edinburgh. Come to think of it some English speaking people objected strongly when ex-Post- master General Pelletier tried to change the name of Blind River to a French one. Why r, Bgremont, council and citizens, would dare you to meddle with 'Holstein' even though Germans are few.and far between! To how mnny does 'Durham' suggest the Durham of England. or 'Dromore' the Irish village? The tjst coalition Government fot about 100 years has been formed in Bntmn. M, Asquith is still Premier and First Lord of the Treasury. Sir Edward Grey still Foreign Secy. Kitchener still Minister of War, Winston Churchill is Chancellor {at Duchy of Lancnslel. Arthur Balfour taking his place thst Lord of Admiral- ty. - .. . . . .. - “Bonn Low, Colonial Secretary. Lloyd George, Minister for Muni- tions, a new position created to give theiittle Welshman scope forms enex- gy and Reginald McKeuna :becomel Chancellor of the Exchequer. Arthur Henderson, the Labor Rep- resentative is President, Board of Ed- “cation. will hold their HON. GEO. P.'GRAHAM will be present to deliver an address on the question of the day. Do not fail to hear one of the best Railway Ministers Canada has C?', had. H. H/MILLER and others will also deliver addresses. THOS. H. BINNlE, Secretary. Durham, l The Welsh Ladies Choir The British War Cabinet Shall we Re-name Them , On this basis we SOUTH GREY LIBERALS Cotton Hose, all sizes and colors for ladies, girls, gents and boys, at ...r............". 15e pr or 2 pr. for Me Lisle and Cashmere and Silk ankle hose, all colors, for ladies, girls, gents and boys at.,.........:.....'....,) Lisle Stockings and Sockq for in- fants at..................... 15 am. 25c pr Gents‘ Summer Socks, speeiai...10o pr Gents' Fine Bssltr..............15 and Me Gents' Invisible Suspenders . . . . . . ... .Me Infants' Muslin Dresses, made up..25c Children's Rompers......................25c See our Granite and Tinware for only Fifty cents. We Can Save You Nptta ANNUAL MEETING (b, CONVENTION SPECIALS Hosiery confidently invite your trade. THE VARIETY ' STORE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO it , Particular attention is directed to min-cull.” 6r write M. '0. Mar l the remarkably low Round Trip Fares I). P, A., Toronto. 'f, g.'t,"ftgioaCi/l' tHati'tt,,edt'" EL. ------_------ , mrsioni to esiterrt an». 3. via CM:- . . Indian Pseitie Railways. l mend: thntrt of ievision Tickets Ire on sale each Tuesday un'l The first ailing of ' he Can: t "t ti! October Mth, inclusive. and are I \‘lslou nt' the Township of (“men good to xetum within two months: the year Nils. will he held at, ty.. 1 .. on auto of sale. 'ship Htsll in said towmuip on The C. P. It. offers the finest possiblej tiaturduy, the 5xhdny..f Jo Ir, " tuuipatent and fastest, train iiiir7il.ii/lat the hour of 2.3) o'ulnrk in the i' via one of the moat scenic routed m I neon. of which "llptsrtii'tivvi..s, V 'ue world. ttters at mid Court will "in ‘s. like u " tho on“? line nnnratinu thromzh tice. -- tionteseekers' Excursion to Western Canada lt is the only line operating through airman! and Tourist sleeping cars. niso Dining cars to Winnipeg and S. F. MORLOCK God Save the King! CLOTHING The Label that has made Canada famous for reliable Cloihing. We would like you to see our complete range of Suits now in stock. We can assure our customers of satisfac- tion by buying our Clothing. The Goods aw undoubtedly as good value as can be had: Made of fine Tweeds and Worsted Serge, and lined with the Best Twilled Satin lining-- everything the best. We will give a good pair of Suspenders with every Suit purchased. The Store of Honest Value rogress Brand 5.? Noth- ing over 2 5 cents Glass Berry bowls........,..................-... Ph, Glass Fruit Servers..............................5cea. Glass Sets, consisting of Bugar, Cream and Glass Vases at 15c. [Spoon Holder for Me Here are some interesting quotations Published Weakly a 01.00 s "a. C. BAIACI t 803m Stamped, Centres, Pon"! Awith -rGVaric,.,.,.urorn m to Me Stamped Cushion Covers, from, Stamped Doylieg with flos) for. working cbmplete ior.......,.10n Laundry bags, stamped.15e each Guest Towels stamped....25c pa. Stamped Goods SPECIALS Vancouver. All equipment is o and operated by the U. P. H... a: ing the highegt form 91’ eMcueyfy tr such a. trip in undo: Lam-side". apply to any U. P. It. Agenl for psrttctduv, or write M, G. Mar D. P. A., Toronto. Tiuted this [an day of M . D. KNECHTEL. P The Set Price More BLACK, Ch 15 to 250 Town I 10e I'CFK i915 w a H

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