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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jun 1915, p. 1

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bis/ii MB "t' oath lac - an; an: [In end th ch DC. null! Mort, " lhit , VOL. XXXVIII, N0. 22 Fresh Fish, Fresh Putt-Al- on hand. At the freezer, south end of the town. W 7 _____ __ -___. Miles Wilson " Inlwayl look forward for the Me. now may week an In Jot. A. Mchi! " Walpole. But" in moving her In". Att show in Guelph this you. " tho D-reclon have decided. thinking the panic hue enough calls on their libeulity chm strenuous times. A meeting of the Liberal. ot Durham will be held in Calder', Hall on Friday evening. Juno 4. All tadheeentaodiltr. eral principles are requested to attend, The following are the purchasers of Ford cars since last is“: from C. Smith and Bone: Rev. T. W. Milk. Dornoch; Wm McGowan, Durham; Wm. Hazlett, Allan Park l Rev. J. A. Matheson, Priceville; R. J. Wilton. Boothville. June, the month of wedding-in " hand. If you are a prospective hrido. or interested in such u "out. no the Hunt-2w reipudtntt your invitation. or unnoum-ementu. We carry the In.“ in Wedding Stationery and print am. in your choice of the new”: typofucu. For practice purpoees. an exhibition Immune game was pulled off hut Thur-(14y night between the male! line-up exclueive of two or three eb- eenteea. and u picked team of other player: and the latter captured the game 11 to 7. The regulare‘ blood we. roused and they chnllenged the second team to another - on Monday night. when they turned the tables. winning hy s to 2. Under the nuepiees of the Valley Urantte. An "p-to-di picnic will be held in Mr Wm Canon's bath on " day, June 18th. Mr J, J. Merriam, .ecretarr of the Farmvn’ Geo-Opera. live Co. of Toronto. is expected to be present m give .m Addie-o. which wilt likely be nloug (‘o-Opentlvo hues. A lwe committee are making full prepar- ations tor a jolly good time. Admits sion tree. Kindly bring baskets. Ev- our body welcome. <2" J C':','):!,,.,)).',.,:.!., 'i-il-ali..:.'.:',.:,,.,-.)...".'?.'??:?)) Sir-DAV Scrum. cosvtva'rsotc--TtMr Annual Sunday School Convention tor the Association district compoeed of .lrnelg and Durham will he held this your in Burns Church. Rockv Summer) on Wednesday. 33rd June. R. T, Ed. wards Is President, Thou. Allan. Beer. Thole will he seldom afternoon end evening and an interesting program. thy outside expert being Rev. Aguila Lucas, Iuterrmiionat Secretory tor the West lndiee and Central America. See-ions open at 2 and at 7.30 p. m. Roux. Winn Laousa' cgIoggt.-- This band at right you)“ ladies with their condaettem', Madam Hugh" Thomas. appeared here Tuesday night and while I“ were pleased with thew numbers it was felt they were trading on the good impreeeion left while here . few yours ago. The Iopuuo artiste had voices of greet "use and power but quite too much of the some ti.- hre um quality to m-ihe a varied pro- gram. The deep oontrelto tones of enact the puny were used with ex- cellent can! in the part gouge end thle lame lady's rendition of the prieon Iceue. “Le Miserere" from Il'l‘ron- tore, Verdi's famous open. I” well rendered behind the scenes. Their choruses showed close lamina and the quick "aectstu time us much " nnrod.also the humminz chorusot "Kilian-hey" with obligato. The Put- hytorian thatch than the cones" was held was well titied and the Lad. tes' Aid netted 870 u a malt, halt ot which - to the Weld: :boir. Cantu. Amman-no In BAlovu -From In. Hanover Post 1 " the Hanover Boy Scout. Association in to tw congratulated on its good fol-tuna In securing tor the evening of Empire Day, the Uurh "" Ghoul Society in a the rendition ot " The Nautical Knot.” e From heroine to chorus girls. the en- ' tire company showed careful Reining , and no mean ability. Mrs Lauder I (Julia) and Miss Zeta Black (Nance) in , widely contrasting solos. with their l lucky .. lovers“ Messrs J. L. Stedsnen l (Barnabas been and Mr J. ll. Herding 1 (Joe Stout) deserve perhaps speeiel t mention, end yet one cannot pass the j catching suing and singing of the l Barnstspeole girls. Misses M. Hunter l V. Caldwell and L, Welter. whoee _ watt sea eweins looked well in white and blue. Bhe srtists’ elm-ts to show " their wares were es isngheble es they were unsuccessful. To Mr J, A. Cook. whose stat leg Ind nimble tongue kept the audience in roars of laughter and who so ebly performed the erecting duties of sage hunger and conductor, and to kiss Rite tr. win. whose uniformly plush; end sympethelic pleymg gsye the import- out leishing touches to s secessstll concert. ere due speciel cones-emis- tioes. The encore aeeorded the junior srtists for their splendid hornpipe wee indeed well a-ed. Their intense earnestness um only eta-soiled by the anished quality at their perform-lee. All through the operate. strong as my choruse- been "Bal she to theses!!! am -t." ” iiht iiiiiiltfi,tjl, the Methodiat Church in a body Int Sunday morning, when a special service wan held by the pntor. Rev. W. W. Prudham. 46 of the " members were Goon tutattr.--Me"" Andrew sud War. Derby diupeud of ten m tattle on Tue-any. the latter rullxlng use for two nears. while the Brgt neared bud eight ever-gin; about 1199 euh. which at I eta 31b. was "no some meney. Mr Ju. Wilson is the buyer and he is certninly turning over some money for the funnel-I this lemon. annex) WALK-non Emma-n. -The Uherel Society received e meet eordiel reception in Welkerton lat Friday evening. both in the presente- tion of their operette " A Nautical Knot " and in the heerty welcome eceorded by the Deughtere of the Em pire, under whoee eusplcee the concert wee given. The member- were met by eeverel of the ladies on arrival " the town hell and out " one extended teble in the 1artte dining room of the hall, where the I. o. D. E. eerved e eplendid eupper. After the entertain. meat ell were again enterteined to e 1dainty lunch followed by e dance in the main null. which wee enjoyed by the young people of the town and oth. er visitors, as well no the Durham com- pany. The members much appreci- ated their visit. dim-ding es it does opportunity of fraternizing with the young people of sister towne. The proceeds of the concert Were over 880, of which the l. 0. D. E. wilt have heve over " clear to devote to Red Croee purpoeee. ZION CONC-.-) grand success throughout was the Zion Women's In. stitute concert held last Friday night 'in the Tp. Hall for patriotic purposes. Mr Jno, Neil made an able chairman, and Messrs George Binnie and R. T. Ed. wards delivered addresses. The ladies of the Institute rendered an Institute song. " The Maple Leaf " was sung by the audience in opening and splendid recitation. were given by Misses Bessie Smith, W. Greenwood..Miss Annie Rob. ertson of Moleaworth and Mr McArthur of Priccville. Thos. H._Bi‘nnie favored with a couple of his popular songs. l while the feature of the program outside of the sale ot the quilt, was a humorous play " Ma's new boarders " given by Misses Bna McN ally, Mary Peart, Jen. I nie Cook and Mina Edwards, Messrs Stewart McNally, Thos. Cook, Wm. Wallace and Emerson Peart, which was cleverly presented and aroused much merriment. The autograph quilt, with over MO names, was bought by Mr R, T. Edwards for " and the total pro- ceeds amounted to 861. The members of the Institute wish to thank all, and especially the outside talent, who took part in making the concert so success- ful. The Girl Guides in uniform “tended Rev. Dr. 1'arqtsharson sends us the following letter, dated 9th May, writ. ten from hospital in Rouen, France. Many friends here will rejoice with the home " Agincourt that Jim is again "tit," and hope he may longbe able to say "Why should I worry"? Dear Home : Was not in the battle at Ypres, as I was sent to hospital the night betore _ it began, with bronchitis. Am now at Rouen where the doctors have pro- nounced me fit, as I start back to battalion to-morrow. First of all I have to go to the Canadian base to be Atted out with new kit and it may be several weeks before I reach the bat. talion. I have no doubt bronchitis saved my lite, as the chances were rather against coming out of that death trap alive. The papers have rather underestimated our casualties I think. but it will be months before the pnhlie will see the true lists, at the rate they are publishing them. Bill Baker, my best chum. is killed i alter being made a corporal for brav- err. In fact on! regiment was al. moat completely smashed. It did its work and kept the Germans back till reinforcements came up. The bat- talion was almost completely sur- rounded, owing to the hurried retreat at the Algerian troops. They Went back " the double. enving our left ’totelly unprotected. People in Can. ada can laugh at the first, contingent Fit a "iirliiriUThiFpute bin it cu: "lst as well as any troops living. Our othteertt showed lots ot p?,y,it and 7 - - A l A Lo! A Jim Farqullarson Escaped. qu Venn-sew “av"-.. .-._ "e" . seercely e man wavered. The bri- gede cheplein. Canon Scott, charged with the nth and stopped only when some wounded claimed his attention. The hospital " Ypres where I first went, was shelled out and we were sent further heck. At that time .Ypres was e shambles and they say It got worse every day. In hospital I sew Iota ot men " erlng from gas. It is e new disease. but you can scarcely imagine e more horrible one. It looks like e case at slow drowning end quite e number ot ehepe died from its elects. Why the British won't ellow the use of turplnite I don't know. es the Omens have violated every hunter: law. Well I go to our bese tomorrow end will probebly get bee! in time to get Into another battle. So long so I en not made e prisoner end beyonet- ‘ed essoueMlowsere. whyehonid I a... 9 -1“ jumble Eileen of (in. fl _ The REVIEW " New Subscribers tts, January 1916 Iftt'irf' only Fifty cents. 0n Goes the New High School. After many delaye. ehietlr owing te the methode of Education Department to whom pline have been submitted three ti-ee, authorization came on Saturday last and on Monday the Board met and opened tendere. Three of the tenders were very cloee but the lowest came tron: our own town-men and the matter was at once settled. The Board in a body visited the grounde. roughly outlined the elte of the building and Mr Xelrord will make exact meeearemente to-day and ex- cavation may begin forthwith. The school wili be on Imposing "ruettrre, even though certain modi. tieatiot" from the original plan .-whictt proved too expensive-have been made. It: construction in in the hands of men who will take a pride In giving the town I firieiaes job. and when the building in up and grounds laid out citinnl will have something to De proud of, Mr. Chas. N. Uochraue, Professor of Crack and Anew-m. History in Toron. to University wss in town Tuesday as on advance agent of the Provincial Fatliotic League. His purpose was to get an organization here affiliated with the ureer ortraniastiort and to take charge for one thing of a meeting in the near future to be addressed by one or more prominent publicists. He has s large list of so or 00 nuues to select from smongst than being Canon C'ody, Hon Wm Mulock, J. L. Hughes and other prominent men. The purpose underlyinar the eitoO of the Patriotic League is to educate and to rouse public opinion to the gravity of the war situation in the Empire. Canadians have not. yet quite grasped the seriousness of the Empire struggle. unwound m Id. not: we the Common. Mr. Arthur Jackson is provisional Secy. and due announcement of mesh lugs will be made. The League asks only that the transportation and en- taltainment expense of the lecturers be met locally. Obituary. I JuHN Funny: I Away back in the far none year of 1825. John Falleile was born in Jersey, one of the Channel Islands, near the coast of France and thus at his death in King township last Thursday. 27th May, he had attained the patriarchal age of over 90 years. He was ill for on'y about three weeks from some inward growth and his removal cuts another name from the lessening list of those who did pioneer work in this countv. He [untried in 1816 Elinheth Few- ens and shortly after came to Canaan. living in Hamilton tor some years. M veara ago he came to the 4th con. Glenelu, settling near the present Township Hall site. He was 3 brick. layer and m won and he it [was who built the present English church, the Maanrlane block, the Old Post Ottice and other town buildings. Twelve years ago. shortly after his mic died, he moved to King Township to be near his daughters and at one of their homes he died. To this couple were born tour dangh- l cars and two sons one of whom, Mrs. ( Wellington Banks died in 1881 The others are Mrs. Jos. Boakos and Mrs. ttobt Bonkes in King Tp., Mrs Hed. terne, Muskoka. Their two sons are well known, Wm in Glenelg and John in Durham. Deceased was an adher- ent of the Anglican communion and was Conservative in politics. His re- mains were brought to his son John's home and from there interment took iii':] on Saturday to Zion cemetery where his wife lies. To Rouse Public Opinion The tlest sittmg of the Court of Ro. viuon of the Township of Olenelg for the year 1915. will be held " the Town. ship Hall in “id township on guard”. the rub day of J une. 1915 at the hour of 2.80 o'clock in the after- noon. ot which all parties having busi- ness at said Court will please take no tice. The Annual Mmstiug at the above Institute will be held in the TOWN BALL, DURHAM, on Saturday, June I2, l9l5 " In. In. Members are earnestly re. qnoued to attend as questions reluu’ng to the reorganization of the institute. and other Agricultural organizations, will be diacnoud " the request of the Superintendent. -- -- I _ _ Al ~.n-6 ._,_,._-__,, Election of ofBeera, places of meet. ing and treuerat business will be trans- acted. and this 16th day of May, 1915, J. B. BLACK, Clerk. Women’s Institute will be held in lower hall on same date J. W. BLYTB. GEO. BINNIE Pm. ia,. tilenelg Court of Revision South Grey Farmers' Institute with which 'qecerre the lot-ten Leach Fianna“, JUNE; , 1315 , t As A". ntriiGrsm--wtsiu re- turning from Am one do, lent week Mr Durance Geller. John Brown and - Dobeon. of Ruin. hed en exper- Ience they Ive-hi not wish repented. They pueedepertyon the reed who were looking over then- our, and Cler- ence lapped end got out to odor help it ueceuery. Bruin and Dobeon. left elene. tAmtttM - would try e little run the-admin! "annexed to cart l It, but (out “doubt to their horror. _ they coullnot atop It. On It went, in the excitement very likely the wrong I l levers were used and it tterrurn. Uler- l, _ ence and the other partlee gave ehue ', to the runaway. but failed to overtake . them. A sharp turn in the road wu ahead, but the machine went etreight L ahead, struck the fence and turned . turtle, hind and foremost. wheel. in I the " and will going. Brown got " I safely, Dobson we: caught under the , car but was soot1pe1etxaed, not, much , the worse. Heritage of about “0.00 , was done to the car, and the Incident t should be a warning for all novices to a keep .. hauds ott," At the residenca of the bride's pur- enu Mr and Mrs. Zeuus Clark, a. quiet Wedding was anlemnized at EM a. m., Wednesday. June 2nd, when their only daughter, Eva Florence. became the bride of Mr. Albert June: Saun- ders, third son of Mrs. T. Saunders of this town. The young couple were unattended, Rev. W. W. Wylie, her pastor. tying the nuptial knot, while Miss Evelyn (Janus rendered Lohen- grin’s “Bridal Chorus." Only the grooms mother and the bride's parents were present. The bride‘s suit was of fawn faced goods With large white hat with tulle brim. Amid a shower ot confetti and good wishes from a number of friends who had gaunt-red. the happy couple left by the morning G. T. R. for a honey- moon in Toronto and Buttalo for a. few days after which they will reside here, With their many personal friends the Review joins in rushing this popular young town couple much joy ’an'd hauiaeim throughout their wedded lite. n More Hospital Cot contributions We must. congratulate B. B. No. 9, Gleuelg. for the very liberal response they have made to the appeal from the Red Cross Society for Hospital Cots. This section has new contribut- ed the mttgaitieept wtalof two hun- dred and isixtr-fie dollars and 'ttr cents. besides sending one of their gallant sons to the front, which is a gift; that cannot be measured in dol- lars and cents. The South Line. Bentinck. the Edge 1 Hill section and ts. s. No. 9, Glenelg, [ are the only country sections that have as yet made a systematic can- yass of their communities and their etforts have met With a very hearty response in all cases. We understand a. canvass is at present being made around Knox Church, Norman y. and ave hope another country section will take up the good work. The money is hadlv needed and we should all be willing to do our shore. By contrib- uting to the funds of Canadian Red Crow Society, you are helping Brit- ain to defeat herenemiee and bring i the war to n speedy conclusion. Mr B. Hughes, Manager of the Boy: a1 Bank, is trusurer of the local branch and contributions may be civ- on to him or forwarded to him by mail at any time. Albert and Chas. Smith. Glenelg Wm. Smith. Bentanck and Jan. Smith, Holstein, I cot.............850 00 The " Cheer no " cot............- " 00 Mrs Chas. MeKinnou, Basia-o, Mrs Tod Knight, Durham and Mrs Dr. McMillan, Toronto 1 cot.......-...---- 50 00 i Zion Branch of Women's lnsll- " M Zion Branch of Women's lute. 1 ttot.....,............- James Matthews, Sn. town Alex Grierson................... Archie MeLellan............... Wm. Mountain...-........, Gen. Arrowamith........... .. W. J. McFadden, town...” James Webber, Sr............ Mrs Wm. Young............... Jesse Hughes.,.-.........., Members of L. o. L. No. 1192. Glen- elg, who have contributed to the Hos. pital Cot Fund: RJ McFadden " Alex Alice........ 2 Alex Bell.......... g Joe Brown ...... 1 John McGirr..... 4 Thus Bell......,.. 1 Albert Hann..... 4 Reuben Watton l W J McFadden 8 Thea Whitmore 1 Alfred Heather 3 Geo 1Whitrpore.. 1 John Arnett...... 2 Jno Ritchie...... t ‘Jas G Wilson... 2 Jul Lawrence... t W R Watson... 2 Geo Hopkins.... 1 W G Lawrence 2 G A Watson...... I , N Whitmore.... 2 I DWatson...... Mk iie, Brown....... 2 1 Rob Lawrence Mk lJan Hopkins... 2 _ Ceo Allan...... 50t Herbert ththxe 2 An. Lawrence 25t I J & W Crutchley 2 I W Jacques-tlo Robt Lindsay ...to MrsA MCKIn'un .5 Jan Atkluson... s A McClocklm... 5 Jos Atkinson..... 5 GeoNcwclL...” a Mrs Jno Bell... s Sam Patterson 5 Mrs. Jos. Sharp 5 Wm Nichol...... 5 Walter Nichol.. 5 Miss L Scott.... 5 Miss A. Scott... 5 Murray Ritchie 5 Jas Ritchie....,, , Adam Watson... li N, McCannel..... 5 N19 Mgfquane a Mai tIre/e...... _ 3" . _ q T of. mm ‘BMBIU "'t U l . I _ . Satntdttrs--.clark o 9, GLENELG D Thos C. McGirr 5 I) Jus McGirr ..... s 5 Thus McComb.. 5 it Danni barman... 'o' 5 Mrs Rum. Bell.. 2 5 Fred Horst...... 2 5 Geo Hopkins..., 2 s Jas Hopkins ..... 2 5 I .lns Patterson... 2 5 Mrs Andrewsl.50 5 Mrs T Davis l.50 5 Wes Arnett...... I 5 Goldie Lawr'ce t 5 Miss McDonald 1 5 Miss C. McNab l 5 Mrs W. Alice... 1 5 Mrm w Law'ce t 5 T t"ggns'h2,'1' I 5 en " $0c 5 I A rand ...... 2h Joe Brown ...... 1 Thus Bell.........' Reuben Wntlon I Thoa Whitmore l Geo 1Whitrpore.. I Jno Ritchie...... t Jll Lawrence... 1 Geo Hopkins.... 1 G A Watson...... 1 D Watson...... 50c Rob Lawrence 50c Ceo Allan...... 50c An. Lawrence 25c Mr Neil McGillimy. of Niagara Falls, N. Y., was visiting hi: cousin, Mus A. L, Make-lie. this week. Min Zeta Mush]! in spending a few up with Imam relatives this week and and a bridesmaid Wednete day It the undue of her cousin. Mia Laura Adina. to Mr Harry Kennedy, of that city. - _ Rev. and Mn Fairful and Mrs Penne. baker of Clinton, were guests of Rev. nnd Mu Wylie Monday, the former ad. dressing the B. Y. P. U. Monday eve- 'sing. The, are attending the Walker- ton Dilt. Conference at Mt. Forest Tuesday to Thursday of this week. Ml Baht. Hughes, of Owen Bound, "ited his due" here our Sunday. Mill Essie Noble, of Toronto, is hol- ldtying with relatives in town. Hill Zeta Blue]: spent over the week and " in home in Paisley, laying from the concert in Wulkertou. Mr and Mn John McKenzie Ind two children, of Milton, arrived Monday on a visit to his father, Mr Duncan Mc- Kenzie, and sister here. Mr McK. re- turned same day while Mrs Mek. and children are remaining a couple weeks. Min Beanie Milligan left on Tuesday for Regina, Salk. Mr Chas. Pilgrim, I young English. man, who has spent a year or two in town and was a band member, leit Tues- day to go " across the pond " to enhst for Britain. We wish him all good for. tune Mr and In Arch. Malaw visited friends in North Gray “at wool. going by Durham: and Owen Sound and re. turned on Monday. Mr and Mu Hugh Firth and three children of Markdnle. accompanied by Miss Katybel Black of Berkeley, mo- tored to Durham the baginning of the week to visit his brother, Mr Wm. Firth and her brother, Mr Wm. Moors here. Mrs J. U. Nichol and Min Florsbnl visited watkerton friends a. couple days last. week end. Rev. Ir Prudham iett on Monduy l for Hamilton, when u A member of the stationing committee of Hamilton Conference he has some preliminary work. Mr Prudhaul is just ttttuhm. his third year here and it would grat- ify many if he could nccept a fourth yen. Pew, it any of his predeeemsots hays made as deep an impress on con- gregation and community as he bu done. Misc Joan Campbell of Toronto came Monday to visit " her uncle’s, Mr. N. W. Campbell. Miss Parker of Turunm visited her cousin Mes Dr. A. Gun a few days on her way home from Owen Bound where she has been waiting. Mrs J. H. Harding and two children left Tue-clay for a month's visit with relatives in Hillshnrg and Orampsvilte. Mrs W. F. Dunn, of Moose Jaw, Sub, and little can arrived Monday on a visit to her parents, Mr and Mn W. Laidlaw. Mr an d Mrs Alex McIntosh, agent for the Renfrew Separator Co., left on Tuesday by auto for Finch. near Ottawa, where his duties will henceforth lie. Mrs Hopkins accompanied them " far as Toronto. Rev. Mr Morris left Wednesday to vilit an old college friend in Toledo, Ohio. Miss Rita Darling, of Simcoe, is vis. iting her father and brother here. Mr and Mrs MeCrac. of near Guelph, who have been visiting his brother here, returned home Monday, accompanied by Miss Irene Ritchie. C Mr and Mrs W. Buckney left on Tues. day for Toronto, from whence she will proceed to the old home In England. Ru. and Mrs Wylie are in attendance at the Baptist Convention in Mt. Forest this week. Congratulations to Mr Chas. F. Law. rence of Vickers, who has passed his ex: ms at the Faculty of Education and been granted a permanent Rrtrt-ciatrs certilcate and an interim High School Alsietnnts' certificate. HAVBNI - In Durham, on Saturday, May 29, to Mr and My: Frank Havens a daughter. will hold their Durham, Wednesday, June HON. GEO; P. GRAHAM will be present to deliver an address on the questi< of the day. Do not fail to hear one of the beat Railway Ministers Canada has C', had. H. H. MILLER and others will also deliver addresses. THOS. H. BINNIE. Secretary. SOUTH GREY LIBERALS ANNI.JALO1Li.fi'L'Ufi, ty CONVENTION ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Town Council met on Monday night! " a Court of Revision and " a special I meeting of Council as well. The former! body unstained the appeal of Mr S. l Hughes in regard to "aeasment on in- l H uéhes come. Hull]:- The Council took up the question. of H ydro street lights and adopted a scheme submitted by the Company " ith some variations as to the sites for w‘rcet lam”. There are to be about 90 lights on the streets about double the number at present in use. This surely IS a generous supply and should prose satisfactory . Applicatiotts for Gounty [typiicntionl for the. position, ty lerk will be rcccwqd um cvening. June 18th. Give pl cupation and addreu. -- A - . --rt ll ttev-tSoto-Part-Ott May Mth, at the nsnse of Knox Church. 031- wu'y. by the Ree, Dr. Clark. Mr Ju. Henderson. of Luau-den. Sui” to line Lizzie Park, daughter of Ir Thom” Put. of Hanover. Ontario. Twin. as Many Street Lights Established aver oneYeam I THE 'itiiiiiiiii)fi'iiii'f BAN} " l ei' . rh'Tin CAT'" pr: "‘7 a ASSETS OVEI IP, Eff! The ARC ' vi? Mai,',',?"", " (tttiq , Ln Never Defer S ih'if , Se . "m) ki it) ll Ord." vm 1'Tf2 We solicit your F..TNN 'aatger, EAYENSES DI CLOTHING F . F. MORLOCK "; The Label that has made Canada lamous for reliable Clothing. We would like you to see our complete range of Suits now in stock. We can assure our customers of satisfac- tion by buying our Clothing. The Goods are undoubtedly as good value M can be had : Made of fine Tweeds and Worsted Serge, and lined with the Best Twilled Satin lining---- everything the best. We will give a good pair of Suspenders with everyLSuit purchased. hN' God Save the King! The Store of Honest Value iii." CALDER, Warden rdgr'égs' Brahd ' IARIIID. DURHAM BRANC " position of Coun-l ved until Priduri Give present oc. I Nail?” Defer Saving, but 177 Open a Savings Account too dnv. ”in. We solicit your IcoOunt in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT mom tt4htttNMr0tt Numwmlg “OI-00:108. . . c. was t """"""tik" B,CofBanking Saved is Money A 1Eetropolio Daily and you: orite t't2ttg at a 5pm . Clu hing [Late Since the opening ol the. 'r', European war lest August, tl o e sermce m the Globe, Toronto. ha. (meted attention from one en Canada: to the other owin;, to he C pleteneeo and reliatrllitv. Ev day the cable new“: condensed interpreted on the (rent my lil- thomleet "The War Summa' This [suture nukes Mn and in. luiblc whet would otgorwise be tuning to the reader. The G' monument: mutton no "Com- 1',i',iiiiii, N-per," as is pr" I by the [not that its circulation ol 87 , in much Inger then tint , 1 my ot (2llllll'llt paper in the Dominion. Elsewhere in this issue appear: a advortiumont ot the tglolse, ol, , _ the paper sent to my tsudseq in t Ida for 83 pct " n A speck? z'~ bin; old- of the Wuts, In" 'Y V the Dublin Ravi: .: one yes: $3.90 is now We thus ensur’x'g but metropolitan daily and he locsl - It . cut rue. The Latestlirom the l ron D. KNECHTEL. President Mil v in . " Town Hal "

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