West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Jun 1915, p. 1

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her lb. per lb. st n 391.5 s. St 'ttt xxx-:4 on arha r bus. ith CXI " " dh l-I 1'- BREE . Ont. d of .40 er lb. idd bus. " only pg MW; got = Mr" 0! 'IIDAY JUN: lhn- The Donn- .“ Uu'y. of Toronto Ltd . Canada’- fon-ou hut-goods designers sud III-hetero". will duplay and demo ,gqnunu a ample stock of udietr'qttnl- - itr but good. sud gentle-Don't loop”: and wigs II the Hahn Home. Durham A In. demo-station ot In] olyle is offered to anyone igttet and. Romulu- - the date. Fridny, June 18th. It In opponune time now that the bot ”.500 in nettingin, to draw the stamina of uh citizen. once more to the iwportance of having their prom- luo moronsbly cleaned up-tWd., callus. wells. churns. etc. There an 00-0 can: of typhoid already and there may be more unlm every human vlder l-ynlly does In. part to help .m- Rum of Ebralth Io pat the u... Itt an \ "11tsrr a condition be pouihlo. l mu hailing the publii In tar supply tested and would “I the lord physicinnl to report ail ouch en- es in writing. stating nation and wo- tam supply whether from woll or water- works. J. a. Humor, M. O. M. WALIII’I'ON Co-s.-- liar-Id- m: "A than“! Knot." a III-tied was when Im toll of monthly. by. and Ionian. wu N on " the -v Dalian Ghoul lode” in “no". I... no" on Friday night and. the de-llmm. 1.0.D. . The ploy m ”lo-did. the crowd Mr George Water. lormorly con- ductor on the U. P. I. height. bot who [no lonely been running I tum out. of Toronto. bu when the place of Mr P. J. Bunion I! conductor on the C, P. R. P"""!".". on the local branch and commenced his dulle- on Monday. It water will move " lounly to Wulkorlon in ttre immodialo future.-- Tale-cope. Giulia“ m U'-.9Uhot, Dow. liou has announced the following change. m Inmilton Diocm: Rev. Dun lolly, Mount Forest. to be Dean of Arthurnd paler od the parish; Rev. U. P. Renee. Konilwonh. to be -tor of Mount. Fotest ; Rev. T. Fer- guson. of Mat-hide. to be pulor of 'Geutworttt l Rev. J. P. Doherty, [my tor of A: War for twenty-seven yum. has resigned and mu been p0. unused te retire. Fresh Fish, Fresh Pish- Always on hand. At the freezer, south end of the Ma. rho “mu-I Inn-mung of the Red Croat anther; mu beheld Ill the " mour, '. than: my. June " m 3 p. In. All luv a an uvued u) AJUan A full Mr mg is m "red. that m1“. of out. Lmr- Supper will in do mused m the Prruhywrinn Church nu Sumlny an! " morning Denice. Tn. usual pupal-Mot, oer- Vico will be held on Flimsy, lllh inn" .0 I p. m ' when Rev. W. I. “human. " Hanover. will presets. Juno, the monlh of wedding-in at land. " you no a prospective bride. or handed in and: an "out. see the 'tB- reg-"hug your invitations In announcement. We carry that-mt. in Wedding Butane” and mint - in your choice of tho new”: typo he”. Ann Bgtotuts.--ln returning near hone late Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs Jan Atkinson met With a seven Incident. The horse shied at a pool of Prater, and overturning the buggy threw both out, Mrs. Atkinson getting her left arm broken between shoulder and elbow. Me Atkinson received a shaking " but no material injury and held on to the rein throws; the horse over, when he soon unharnessed it. Little damage “done the Uuggr. We trust Mrs. Atkinson will rapidly recuperate from t T injury. . Miles Wilson " in manned that the total loom of the can...) (on... in lune. up to We prone-u mil tench ulna-t to the III) mart. This includes tilled. would": and unsung. like Omens-s. the "amt cut, " 26 Por cont " durum the month or Juno. At Central Drug anon. I. o. P. Church parade on Sand-y main. m June to Prosbyteriun Ch, land in unpnuinncu. Visiting hotb- as welcome. Sena ml. banana in new Wail Pup". " M-scl'nrhnel. - 12bte paper. lot Ty and “c. Jul! in. ' Pr".. Holding gifts at Narmada. Durban Band Inc boon com for Merton m of July "uttmtiqo. WAlTh0.-09ml Iona". Ap. " to In Wu. Cub-n In, your Bheep Dip at the coma] Drug Store. Double strength. half -i_o.aoaot-tauos,W got-into “19°.” at tho Ttlure 3-00. mud by the Durha- Otter. " It» in the '01- lull no Filthy ov- oning under auspice. of the Daughter. at the Bani" In- In“ unaided. The amln un- up" mud and m owl], "tiorrd " the gallon... Tho "em- unto all ”and and 'esnt'alli,"g'ltl'lr,t1'ltlf.P' VOL. XXXVIII, N0. 23 ' "'A Natl“! CHORAL Dumattmr.-...At n Meineu meeting of the Durham Choral _Soci- ety Tuesday evening, the baiaaee re. maining from the eeverul concert; given after payment of director’s tees end all other expeneee, amounting to about 830, rue granted to the Public Library to be devoted to improving the grounde. In addition to trtruettt- ting its ittdivtduatmembem mleicnlly end eociully, the Society hue also rais- ed mo. which hes been granted for patriotic. purposes in outside towns. The Society passed votes of thnnke to their Pianist, Mien Rite Irwin and Seem-Trea- .Miu Walker, tor 'heir untiring servicee and also to the triende who eo kindly supplied their core for trips to outside points. intense sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs Geo Matthews in the deep grief they are called upon to suffer by the death of their eldest son, Wm, J. at the Me of lo years. The cause of death was typhoid lever, complicated by pneu' monia. The deceased lad was a boy of great promise and had won for himself in the factory where he was employed a splendid reputation as a skilful consci- entious workman and enjoyed the con- thience and esteem of " fellows to a marked degree. In the home, clouded by his death his memory will always be green. His sister Blanche is employed in the telephone "Ice and s younger brother remains to comfort the parents. Funeral today, Thursday to Durham Cemetery. Under the nuspicos of the Vin-nay Grungv. an undo-date picnic will be bold in Mr Wm Canon’s bail: on Fri- day. June lath. Mr J. J. Morrison, 'eerehtrr of the Farmers’ (Jo-Openl- Lin Co. of Toronto, is expected to be present. to give an Adding. which wilt likely be along (Jo-Operative lines. A luv. committee no making full prew- “ions for n jolly good time. Admits. uion nee. Kindly bring baskets, Ev. erymdy welmmo. FAIIWILB 3rrtur,-- Ptou. Percy Bryan and John Weir were home over Sunday from Nun.“ Camp. return. ing Monduy. Thin is their and via“ before departure " they. " 2 of 19 picked from Grey Co. battalion, left Niagara on Wednesday as reinforce' menu for an unknown dutination, pnhahly Eng'and. 260 In all left Nisan: to be near the scene of uclion. On Wednesday, 2nd of June, 1915. the above gentleman passed oven-to the greater number " the home of his son-in-luw, Mr Colin McArthur. 11th C'ort.,uieneitr. He had reached the venerable one of 83 years, yet up to lat March he wee constantly employ- ed. In that month he was at Wiar- ton on a contact. and In moving to Shallow Lake on the but day of the month, he felloil e eleigh receiving eome liruieee and a shock to the sys- tem from which he never recovered. m, In when to o. Sound Hospital end utter two weeks was removed to the home of his daughter. Mrs McAr- than when he received much! nurs- ing. Anti-oh of pulnlyeis huteucd the end. Mr Hill was borne " [stone near Tan-bu in Arttriessttire, Scotlmd. and came to Canada with nlstivel at the use! 12 yen". At the age of 22 he an married to Mm Mary Cairns and to them nu born A family of tour sons and (our daughters. one daughter dr. in infancy. He is survived by his med partner and the sons we John in Ohio, Robert in Neepawa, Mosu., Nil- liam " home, Peter in Durham. The daughten at. Anna. Mn Alex Spear: Mono hills, Mugglo. Mrs McArthur and Janet in Winnipeg. Rev. Mr. Prudlum it ie now certain is leaving the Beht of his labor: for the lat three year- and will go to Wilrton. Hi. “can”: is a Mr. Meyer and we hope he will prove an wotthy a servant of the Master and " good a citizen of the town as Mr Prudham has been. Later we will have more to nay. Deceuod In: B mill-wright by trade 1nd bin duties took him to many pull of the country. He was an adherent of the Presbyterian Church and Rev. Mr Whtloy. Presbyterian minister of button. conducted appropriate ter- vim It the funeral. mated by Rev. Mr Duchy. The [anon] took plan on Fridny to Durham remotely, the lull-bearer- being his cumin-luv. Mr Colin McAuhur. Don. sud Archie " Arthur, sundae». Alex Spurs. non- ln-hw. John leviathan. I “have Ind-on Peter. In Spoon wu .100 " the found. loath this minor. lulu-Inna luvs them 81 and up. Pm. Groom nod white Hollebore, tholoweot price. -. 7 -- _ Buy your examination tnhlet- " the Variety More. Mr And In chnhur desire to that kind: for kindly words Ind deeds of ”apathy during the last in. no“ and a death of tttq departed, “so b It Ilium. {at tho pr! " at tirqrth tht w tatN him. iiht it WILLIAM J. MAI-man's The Roll Call. ROBERT HILL The REVIEW to New Subscribers to anuary l9l6 for only Fifty cents. Cantu! Drug Store. r?,a-iiuittitlt"try, qr» r', ' T6 8, The report of Secy.-Treas. Binnie was a unique one. He narrated the etrorta he had made to have complete returns but the meagre reaults eon. vlnced them that the Liberal party wns Bead with a capital D " far " organization was concerned and ap- pealed to all to see to it that improve- ment took place. Mr Dan Knechtel after some years of efficient service as President re- tired and the position was given un- animously to Mr Wm. Calder, Ward. en of the county. Mr Binnie was re-elected Secy.-Treas. The Vice Presidents are [st John McMillan, Artemesia, and Walter Hastie, Egre mont, 3rd Dr. Fortune, Ayton. no. The funeral 500! - at wann- iam- s,it,' “mg: 'n"'tlti', W: ' tt _ Bttgtalt bum-so. "g"l'lliht The speech throughout bristled with facts, interspersed with the hu. morous touch of which he is master but turther reference It? this week im- possible Space this week and on publishing day forbids lengthy notice of Mr. Millers speech as well as that of Hon Mr Graham. The latter made an ex- haustive resume of the points at is- sue between the parties, and sustain. ed his great reputation in the eyes of fair-minded men. as one of the ablest statesmen in Canada to-day. Sir Wilfrid, he said. would be delighted to learn that Mr Miller would again be in the field, one of the moat in. dustrious, capable and conscientious men he ever sat with. Mr Calder on taking the chair thanked the delegates for the honor and briefly outlined the political sit- uation, and the necessity for hearty unanimous co-operation with the can- didate. Following Mr Graham‘s address. brief speeches were made by Mr P. McCullough, Markdale, who said our cause was much stronger than in the past and hoped for victory. Mr R. J. Davis, of Euphrasia, well known in the east of the Riding, made a clever speech, Be used to be a Conserva- tive, but had never paid membership fees to their organization. $g thought they could steal enough." He advo cated organization and getting in personal touch with the electorate, Mr C. Ramage, thanked all who at last contest had stogd firm and re. joiced that again Mr Miller was in the field. Messrs Norman and Thompson, of Osprey, spoke of con- ditions in the east and thought new associations would enable them to do better than ever before. Dr. Fortune was sure his district would be found true. Dr. Mearns, who had nomin- ated Mr Miller, had to go early " did several others who were called upon. well able to make good speech- The people of South Grey have thus again before them the ablest man in political life in the county and who in a seven years trial gave such service to this riding as it never had before nor since. He is facing a large new electorate from whom in the past came an adverse majority, but conditions change, the great blunder of the 19tl election is now generally admitted and the men and the party who tried to make "well enough " better are looked upon now inadifferent light by the masses. especially by farmers. It is a safe guess that the cry "Let well enough alone" will not be repeated now in view of the situation the country has been brought to by the successors of the Liberal Party. The Town Hall was filled with delegates veeterday coming from far distant points in this big riding of South Bast Grey, comprising 9 town. ships and , urban centres, They came with only one man in mind, credentials were not needed, H. H. Miller was the unanimous choice and amid much zepplause the chairman handed him the nomination. Large attendance of Delegates B.n. Miller Unanimously Nomi inated for the Commons Reference to Mr Miller’s fiual speech must be held over. About a dozen ladies took in the main speeches and their appreciation was keen. We hope the day will come when they will get lecognition in the polling booth. Fon JUNE Bmmttt.--Cut Class and Fancy China at 25 per cent discount. Central Drug Store. DEA-tn OF Mine E. DAVEY--Mt, H. R. Mount, Batst 4th Avenue. received a telegram on Friday morning announ. cing the death of his sister. Mrn Ern. eet Davey of Walnwright, Alta. Mm Davey!) death occurred m Edmonton Maternity Hospital. Damned was a daughter of It and Mrs Thou Monet. of Port McNicoll, and was in her 23rd year. She wee born in Durham where aha lived with her parents until they moved to Owen Sound. she being then about four years of age. Mn Dnvey’e maiden name was Anna Pearl Moth: and she :wae married to her now aor- rowing husband only about one year ago. She was a resident of Owen Bound until three yearn ago when [he went west. to take charge ot the gov- ernment’s telephone station at Waits. ri ht where ehe hos since resided . As ML “omit. deceued was very pep. ular with her many Owen Sound friend. when she attended public school and Collegiate Institute. Be- side her husband and parents. Mrs. Pyer it "1"ng ter. one brother. Mr H. R. Mom: of this town and Mrs. Wm Wuhb-Irn of Wainriglv. Altu. One out". Mrs. B, Andaman. Wore) Leduc. Alta, died there a YJat'il'. no. The lunenl took place at ain- mht. _ The uipgerg 'ryrpttttr trf Yr, Liberal Convention 9.139%; DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1915 aluminum tiltgi,tttt With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader V Application; for the position of Coutw ty Clerk will be received until Friday evening, June 18th. Give tteesent oc- . ctttratlod.attd. ndclmu. I W. CALDER. Warden tlrant--Wolre--That Clerk be instruc- ted to furnish collector with list of parties liable to poll tax Ind also list " parties on Assessment roll liable to dog tax. Calder-Lloyd-That report of Spec- ial Corn, re street lighting be adopted. Carried. . This provides for removal of six in. stallments and provides 4 new ones. and work.-......,...,,............ 18.00 Geo Whitmore, three 16in tile...... 3.75 Geo L, Burnett, fire practice..,... 17.25 C Ramsge & Son, printing.......... 18.00 The half-price Furniture Sale still continues at Lambs: & Mekeehnier'er. Important meeting of Public Library Board on Saturday it 8 p. m. Reeve Calder sold his 1 ow was the same as yesrs , one of antagonism to grunting wn money to the cemetery. Not much more than 50 per cent it any of the inter. ments :there come from the town. Many townspeople used other ceme- tel ies near by and a wide area of Glen- elg and Bentinck townships used the cemetery as well as the town. Mr, Lenahan took the same view But ex- pressed his willingness to aid private- ly, Mr Grant thought the collapse of the company after all they had done gratuitously for the cemetery would be a. serious thing and ended by moving that fimuuOt Msistlnce be granted to the extent of '100. This was seconded by Mr Cochrnno but on the vote being taken it was lost. The following accounts were paced l Geo Arrowsmith, May tsalary...... $50.00 " for plants, hud- ware, &c for streets............... Clerk, May salary and pootage..... s. Grey Registry once, registra- tion of By-laws......... ............ 4.00 A Davidson, prem for insurance on Furber Co. premises........,.... 44.50 Wm Collinson, for 'treetr.tatering June Horse Fair falls on Thursdny of next week, the 17th inst. A good fair is looked for as horses are now getting in good condition. SUNDAY SCHOOL Lv9Nvtttmom-.-The Annual Sunday School Convention for the Association district composed of Glenelg and Durham will be held this year In Burns Church. Rockv Snugeen on Wednesday, 23rd June. R. Tl." Ed- wards is President, Thou. Allan. Beer. Thole will be sessions afternoon and evening and an interesting program. the outside expert being Rev. Aquila Lucas, International Secretary for the West Indies and Central America. Sessions open at 2 and at 7.30 p, m. Mr. J. P. Ieitord repreeentingthe Cemetery 00. made e toque-t fore grant of money from Council to mist them in Bouncing. He pointed out that it was becoming], increulngly dimcult to make end: meet eeeing that the revenue from ale of Iota wee decreasing n the community cot eup- plied. Mr. J. J. Smith lupported the request pointing out the: the Ind come to a point where b 'tg' got to be done if they F" 'i' to throw it up altogether. : . _ out, that the cemetery T"ciiltTiar 1utdanomimxtiomU. . .. On request the use of the Malt was given free for the purpose of a patri. otic lecture. After "may: and npproving of minutes Tron. Julian reported re- garding comm “In for am" of tues now imminent. It In: moved and seconded an ulel be postponed for one month. ' $25 85 more appear-I in the following list, atutal to date of 8115.65. Any who wish to contribute to the fund, which is sent to the Toronto News to purchase tobucco and chocolate for our soldiers at the front, kindly call and pay at the Secy's ottiem Mr A, B. Jackson. In Gore Bar last week the Indus had a box social and sent in 816280, as Mr Jacksonwts it: " The boys must nip up. e cannot let Gore Bay beat us out." Met in regular meeting on Mbndny nigh} and member: att present. Wm. Vessie. Robt. Noble. Jno. Mc- Kenzie, C. E. Dunsmoor, Alex Morton, Jno. Sharp,Thos. Scarf. Thus. Davis, Joe Noble, Alex Allan. Bert Oyne. Jno. Stewart, Albert Smith, J. W. Blyth, Jno. McGirr. Wm. Pickett. Ruhr. Pick- en, David Davis, Duncan McLean, Phil- ip Eva, Jas. Sm.th. Jno McNally, W.G. Greenwood, Geo. tstewart, Jno. Bailey, Archie McArthur, Geo. Webber, Jno. Queen, Thus. Ritchie, Jae. Hopkins, Je. Wy.... . .... n .. . Those g'g.tt:irt1i.nMilgy Jno. Ferg- uson. Rocky, Thos. ailer, Rocky, Wm. Jaques. H. McLean, Chas. Petty, Mark Willis, Bentinck. Those contributing 60c I C. Ramae, Jam Mack, M. G. McGrath. Sam’l c- Comb, A. Ford. J. N. Murdock, Mill Park, A. B. McLellan, Jan. Matthews. Alf. Murray, Wm. Wilson. Egremont, Wm. Martin, Alex Alexander, Wm. Paylor, J. Petty, Wm. Carson, Dan Mc. Lean, J. H. Harding, Wm. McCracken. Sam’l McCracken. Those contributing Mc: Thus. Mc' Knight, A Marshall, . J. McNab, Geo. Ryan, Ar., Herr, Volltth, Wm: Voll_e_tt- Applications for County Clerk C. P.'Kinnie, 30c; Thar. Pollock 10c and work..................' Tobacco Fund Town Council. , - hint. to 'ili'j, _ My “hand” ow tiemre,%e of M. 26 Rev. Thos. Farr of Blyth, wife and family, motored to town on Tuesday and Ipcnt two days with relatives here. Mr Michael McAuliffe is very ill with an attack of typhoid fever. N arse Mc- Donald of Priceville is in attendance. Mines Bessie McQueen and Kate Mc" Millan of Fleaherton accompanied by Mr Clark McMillan drove over to visit their cousins the McQueen family of town. Freeman McFayden, son of Mr. and Mrs W. J. MoFayden, hue line, Glen- elg, underwent a serious operation by Dr. Groves of Fergus on Friday last for bowel trouble. Since then the little patient, 6 years old, has been making marked recovery and good hopes hre now entertained for him. Mr. N. W. Campbell occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday morning last during Rev Mr Prudham's absence at Conference. Mr Geo Harbottle is on Jury at Owen Bound this week. Ktmmgng-ADLAM A quiet wedding took place in Tor. onto on Wednesday. 37th of May, 1915 when Miss Laura Adlam, daughter of Mr Rom. Adlam of Hanover. became the wife of Mr, Earrv Kennedy of Toronto,Rev Mr Btatteur being the omclating minister. Mr Frank Davis, Toronto, was groomsman and Miss Zetta Marshall of Durham, cousin of the bride was bridesmaid. The young couple took a short trip to Hamilton, Buthuo and other points. They will reside in Toronto. MgLBas--HtgNnEngutr A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs Geo. Henderson. when her youngest daughter Grace was married to Mr Hugh McLean. son of Mr and Mrs Hugh McLean, of Dur- ham. Rev. W. I. McLean performed the ceremony. Miss Gertrude Cor- bett played the wedding music. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr Wm.W. lendereon, was wearing a gown of white embroidered yonle and carried a bouquet of white rarnatious and maiden hair fern, only the immediate friends of the interest- ed parties being present. The bride's itravelling dress was black silk with white hat. The happy couple will take up their residence in Durham, where they Will be at home to their many friends. Mrs. J. W. Crawford visited relatives in Egremont the past week and attend. ed the funeral of the late Jas Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas of Owen Sound and Miss Edna Limin, motored from Owen Sound to visit " the parental home a few days. Mrs. F. G. Green and daughter Mar. ion left last week to visit old friends in Regina. Mrs John Graham, Mrs. (Rem) Wy- lie, Mrs. Stevens and Mr, D. McLean are in attendance this week at Ches- ley at the Owen Bound District Bap- tist Association. Gunner Sidney Baker visited a day last week at R. Torry's preparatory to leaving for the front. Mrs. J. I. Smith and Miss [label Mc. Kenzie are guests of Hamilton friends for a few days. Mina Mary McQueen, assistant in Abraham's store, is laid up with ,an at- tack of inflammatory rheumatism. Dr. and Mn. Park and two children of Hamilton are visiting the former's mother for a week or two. Mr. Percy Harding of tlranterili.e, u ttpending a couple of weeks with hll brother J. H. here. Min Kate MeFayden and Miss Zeta Black visited at Mr Hugh Firth's in Mukdnle over the week end. “6575511 Funds, 09.50. John Morice 81.50. 00qu Mgugtay} MN, BShursh. Wm Ritchie Sr.................-..., 85.00 James May ................................ 5.00 Thos McFadden......................... 5.00 Knox Church, Normanby Contributions Contributing MO ', Alex Smith Contributing " ; Jas. Watson, Matt. Barber, Wm. Allan Sr, J. J. Wilton, Jas Mcllvride, Jno Marshall Sr, W Thomp- son. Jno Marshall and family. David Marshall, I W Birth, Jan. Peter, Don- ald Mcilvride, Geo Peter, Min Mar. garet Marshall. Contributing 84 ; R. R. Watson Contributing $3; Harry Wilkinson, Wm Grant. Andrew Stewart, Andrew Marshall. Contributing 8t; Walter Ferguson, Geo Sharp, Archie McDonald, Thee. McAlliIter. Andrew Picken, Jno Lcith, Richard Barber, er Keller,. Wm Allan Jr., Robt Gadd, Mm June Mchan. Jul McVean. Mn ergaret Grant. Wm Canon. Jno. Love, Geo. Lewis, Alex McVean, Jno Thump-on, Sam Kerig.. - _ - _.- -. ... Contributing 82 i Jas Petty, W E Mc. Allister. Thou Wallace, DavidaLeith, Albert Marshall, Bd Fee. Julius Keller, Jan Marshall Sr. John Beer, Jno Me. Kechnic, Louis Kreller. More Red Cross Contributions Jo, Doug” Mountain SOC, B Church- "d 599. In M. B. Backus 50c. Jno Local Contributions Hymeneal ,1: " a HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Form 3--R. Eccles, E. Edge, Ir. Me- llraith. Z. Crawford, M. Findlay. Form 2-.-C. MeSirr, G. Campbell. L. Teaedule. J W McLeod. n Stewm. Form I-R. Campbell. A. Ciitr, A. Knox. A, Stewart. ll. Meade. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPT. Sr lib-S. McCrae, J. Lawrence. H. Sharp. C McGirr. M Koch. " tth-P. Lawrence. 0. Buaehleh, Clittord Buschlen. B Abraham. Sr sm-u Snell. W Koch, K tv'ofBeld A Brooke, C Wylie. Jr 3rd--E. Search. A, Bhur, C. Wig- gins, 0 Iuechlen. W tuteli, Jr 2nd (to-E Levine, M 0m, U. Ile- e'rirr. E Willis. E MeComb. __ "%a-w. Vollett. P. Walsh, B. Pilkie, A Irena. W Trarnor. Jr 2nd tb)--V. Ryan. K, Hugh", M. Cratahloy, M Mitchell, M Saunders. Jr I-M. Brown, M. Yirrs, M, Me. Coughey. A Hewitt, F Kress. Senior Primary Division Class A--Emily Smith. M Mountain A Veuie. Clue B-E Milne L MeUlocklin. Sr lit-F Hopkins. A Lawson, M. MoDonsld. I Saunders. F Mekny. THE STANDARD BAN k; S. F. MORLOCK. Durham School Report THE VARIETY STORE We have just received a crate of some direct from England THE PITCHERS THE CUPS & SAUCERS Are all shapes and sizes. are the best value we They are extra value and have ever offered. Good nobody should miss get- shupes and qualit y. - Are all shapes and sizes. are the best value we They are extra value and have ever offered. Good nobody should miss get- shspes and qusht y. ting one. tlt, 10, Me , - Me If you need either of these lines, do not fail to come early before your pick is gone. Here’s Your Opportunity to buy Pitchers or Cups and Saucers We can assure our customers of satisfac- tion by buying our Clothing. The Goods are undoubtedly as good value as can be had ', Blade of fltte Tweeds and Worsted Serge, and lined with the Best Twilled Satin lining---- everything the best. We will give a good pair of Suspenders with every_Suit purchased. The Label that has made Canada famous for reliable Clog/ng. CLOTHING We would like you to see our complete range of Suits now in stock. DURHAM BRANCH, The Store of Honest Value '3ulterAte"eAN-Ett TORONTO rogress Brand Establisheé aver fGrirons TheA,RcofBanlag Perfect Safety; Quick Aunts. Reliable Service I We solicit. your “at in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT move: “8.000.000 I OF CANADA Publi-bod Wald: it 01.00 um. C. amen * 508m- cunt, c-v Marshall, M. A’nztl M Pettigrew, N h'alkintrtuun. Junior Primary Divmiou (Jim A-h' McGirr, V. Brooke, Jacob. F Ryan. C Fawn. Clue B-N Bench. G Haw. ll, B Venie. M Boyce. Clus c-c Mush-H. .5i “an Pickeainz h J Elwdge eq. V/ .. m and L, McComb W. 1. Sum“ I'ENTY Inns Ib' (hum/.- t ' ci-On Friday we had a cr.' Thomu Davis, ex-reeve V f kr: Township. He is agent of 'l "l , rett'te Aid Society and “an lot that the inure“- of the seven and girls who have been puma , tOster-parents in this town hr ' i _ He found the children were u" ' ' in; tite in comfoxLable hrotr.em. Daria hum-0min“)! fume: " t elg Tp. and wunmember of ll e r cipll council for 20yenrs. Ile , Ichoolnste of our lownamnn. . Black. on whom he called. The l est rehtionahip we could trace u, Dnvia in tin his cousin was our L: or-lI-lnw. the In: Mutthew Pi, Welwyn. Baak.---thtetiler Enterpl' Mm” "er I'd l I " M

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