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Durham Review (1897), 10 Jun 1915, p. 8

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”9.3. w u w t." in! n H w w w w i)t"Tt'"'""""""""'"'tf.i 9‘! CENTRAL DRUG STORE it We are in the mute: totmy ereun I sweet or sour, " the highest 'lt?,',') price. We supply two one free to each of our puma, ply nu unreal charges. pay twice each month, l ck equee payable " par. Receive, cream any day in the week, can each , can received, end send our patrons . I tsuuttettt ot seine. Write for can. a At give our creamery a trial. Re‘ feremtar-snr bank. ', TRELEAVEN & RAMON, Palm Creamery, Palmerston, Ont Payment on Ilith of each Month FARE $59.2 3 I mt, ..._ -__..._-.uv - uni-nhv ll‘l‘lV-III I-v.. hlIVGI-III. vane " . LUCT.kui'2'2e. ce'C'is"rNad==:rLaae=GWrrT.iG='rrialgtrA= Notice r, Itring your hogs to as every Tuesday! we pay soon as you arrive, not having I wait on bank unless you desire to 2/ r. Highest market price paid. Tun & Dowullo CREAM WANTED The Central Drug Store ill W Ba" o.o..ai..asrsa-,'st G. T. R. Ticket Agency Gardenand Flower Seeds it, J2 Abraham Go. l!efLEysLAND a BUFFALO TRANSIT co., Clovelud. Ohio There isn't a member of the family need luff" ftom indigestion, lick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, ete., if he or a e will take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels, and stimulate the liver to healthy 'tttIIE and tone up the whole system. T ake one at night and you're RICH in the morning. Ali-eh. 2Se, " br unlu- Cit-aide]: Medici-o Cal-pony. Tomato. 16 worth up to $1.75 each. If your size is here, you may have any one of these Blouses for. .... .......--. Come to-day for first choice. The Store that Sets the Pace The Cut Price Sale of Daintifunx err.rcrvrt M‘ctmlml puma dun IM'm. both exterior Ind interior of The Greet Ship "tV'.F.ANtiu'iy' sent on nevi": of Mn Pen?! to cave 'retetatre Ind uniting. Also uh for our 20-” pmwinl m_t"Ldmserirativt, bonnet tree. Remember I Keds Seeds fleedsr,),'.! White Lawn Blouses Red Clover Mammoth Red Clover Alsike Alfalfa and at Lowest Timothy Seeds Prices Continues all axis week, See samples in our Window Sweet Peas by the oz. or lb. Your Choice of a dozen 2 EDAILY BETWEEN ,::..:% BUFFALO GI ““‘l‘xf‘WVFLAND FINE SHOES Pauenger service via the Great Lakes Canadian P-ttie route from Port MoNicoll will boresumed, com- mencing Sunday. May 22nd. The scvice this leuon will be mnintnined by the Steamers " Keewatin " sailing Tuesdays, ., Manitoba " Wednesdays. " Alberta TF Thursdays and " Angina- boi» ' on Saturdays from Port MeNie. all at t.00 p. m. The "Mamtoha" sailing Wedneidays will also call at Owen Sound each sailing date " 10.80 p. m. Special train will leave Union Station. Toronto, at 12.45 p. m., nrriv- inn Port McNicoll 4.00 p. m, daily ex. cept Fridav. For reservations or other informa- tion regarding this service, consult any Canadian Peuritie Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Ravager Agent. Toronto. Resumption Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Service Buy your tickets here. ABRAHAM SQUARE IE As ahere were no other changes or additions, J A Ftrgmmn--w Fergu- "tr-- that the Court of Revision now rise and that the Asa't Boll " now revised be fittuly peeled end the Air, Ieuor he paid $35.00, bnlnnoe at al- "r Curried. Council renamed. I Br-lor No 301 to appoint . Town. l ship Clerk was passed. David Allan was "pointed Township Clerk. Re- solved that the following accounts be paid l Jae W Hunt, for tile, $21.00 ; Somme] Robb. sheep killed. $16.00 ; Hurry Watt, sheep injured, $1.00; Wm Tabby. for gravel. " eta ; Mnn'l World "pollen. $6.71; Clerk.“- ege. $6 00 ; Jno IcArler. Iheep killed, $l0.00; Jno til Furlnim, sheep lulled. $9.00 ; Wm Gm. ”kind. $4.00; 100 Mm. l The members of Court subscribed to require declarations, after which the following appeals were considered, There were only two appeals on Land Assessment. that of Wm. Calder. Pres. N. P. Cement 00, Pas 8.4-5, Con 21 end 22, reduced from $900 to $600 end Wm Dickson 1-2-3 of 16, Con l, no reduction. The following parties declared they had no dog, therefore assessment for dogs was re- moved: Harry Watt, Jno Drimmie, 8r, Mrs Whyte, The: Moore, Micheal Burke, Fleming Raid, Jno D Drimwie Edwin Wells. Jae Ferguson, Den O‘Connell. Wm Rogers, And Henry. Names added on 1loll l Geo Beckett“ M F, lot 12, con 5, Raymond Premey‘ M F, lot 17, can IO, Thee Vipend M F, lot 10, can lo, Jno Marsh, M F lot 24, M S; west, Holstein. Bob: Smeil. M F, lot 18, con 17, Ghee Small. M F, lot 18, can 17, Joseph Wilson, M F, lot 8, can 29. Property change .' Thee Atkinson H E, lot 18, con 17, Thos Weuliie. E 18, con 17, N D Lawrence, pt lo, con 10. By-law No 300 to appoint a Sam- lary Inspector wan passed. .Wm Aberdem was appointed Sanitary In.. specter. W Ferguson-Gordon That we now form ttCourt oi Review: with the Reeve in abut. Carried. Geriion-1tobb That By-law No 802 to transfer 17 electors from Poll. mg Subdivrsion No 5 to l oiling Bats division No 8, in being more oonyeni. ent. for said electors to poll their you: at Polling 8u'rdititi,d No 3 be now read a third time, signed. sealed and engrossed on By-law book. Csrriod. A petition was presented by Geo Hunt with 17 signatures, asking that they be transferred from Polling Sub- division No ti to Polling Subdivision No 8. Gordon-Robb That an order be drawn on Trans. in favor of King Bd. wud Sanitarium re Herb McLean. amounting to $'30,00 for month ot April and $31.00 for month of May. Carried. J A 1hrrguaon---aotdon That each Oomr'e appropriation be $250.00 to apend on his division for road im. provement and thateaeh Comr pay his own operator on grader in his dur. ision. Carried. The yearly agreement between P V truatevs and the municlpality was gone over. The amount due village is $172.22, which was agreeable to both parties, W Ftrrgason--uordon That Comr J A Ii'ergisaon'g report on winter work be ado Quad. Carried. Come J A Ferguson reported that on request. of mm! camera, he engag- ed Samuel McMutdo to disc siderond 25 at a cost of 2.00. Gordon-g A Ferguson That the Reeve's report be adopted and he re. ceive 60 eta Com tees. Cursed. The Reeve reported Thus Diugwall rep culvert, lot 47, con 2, $1.00. W Ferguistm--1tobt, That Comr Gordon', report be adopted And he " ceive $3.00 Com fees. Carried. Comr Gordon reported he W Hunt delivering tile. $6.00; Alex Currie, rep naive rt, 16,00 ; David Potter, reps culvert, 6,00; Peter Hattie, 00 rode wire fence, 15.00 ; aideroed. 15.00 ; Rob: Patterson, 4O rode wire tence. 8.00 ; Tho Devndion. 72 rode wire fence. 18.00; David Halliday, GO rods wire fence, 14.75 ; Wes Hel- liday, 34 reds wire fence, 8,50. W Fergastm...t1oriion That Comr J A Ferguson's report be adopted and be reoeiye $1.00 Com fees, Carried. C Mann's-I; ii iajiririiiiiiii'd 'ii; ii,' C Meltobb 191-1. $11.75. Comr J A Ferguson reported Geo Welm'oley. 593111 _wire faucet $10.00; Gordon-W Ferguson The: Comr Robb'e report be Idepted. Come W Ferguson reported " Brynn, rep budge Verney eideroed, $2.25; All Tucker, 100 rode wire fence, $25.00; Alex Aitken, I7 rods wire fence. 4.25; And Henry. 146 rode wire fence. 86.50; Walter Fergu- son. 180 rode wire fence, 45.00. Bobb--t1erdon That Com: Fergu- son's report be adopted and he roceive $1.50 Com fees. Carried. Come 0 W Robb reported Arch Me Euhern 26 rode wire lance on Proton and Est town line, 86.60 ; Jae Wag- ner. 40 rode wire fence Proton Ind Est townline, $10.00. Council met June lit. manta “opted. J A Fat "on-W Inga-on That the Run 1. instructed to no path: interested in Growl drain 3nd find out if it in their wish to hue the En. gineer go on: said drain mid tenth it and corrections " awed in his eommanitatior" to Clark. Carried. I-ItyLsi"li'ii?rj"'j"i'i'ii""'j" "ffCi"ia'i"!Ci""s""r'"j'l"_""jii.tR Emmont Council may 13m wx Jun " m Dug! lay an. 1915. NOTICE in hereby given to all parties indebted to the Estate of the Ute John Brown ttiloutsrin, cattle buyer. deceased. that they new settle their indebtadnue within one month tram thin due with the under- eigned ; otherue the claims will be trtited, in court fer .01an without rther notice. In the Estate ot John Brown to hold the next annual meeting at Holstein. The following otBeert, were elected J Hon. Presidents. Mrs Young Clifford ;_Mrs Duff Morriroo, Mt. For eat; Mrs James Piulin. Mt. Forest; President - Mrs J “In: MeMurehie, Bowman: Vac Pieoidents. Mrs Mc. Nmnara. Dayton I Mrs Reid. Arthur; Mrs Mean-r. D m am ; Mrs Robson, Conn , Tress" b in Kate Young. Glit- ford ; See , Mrs I. 'R, Soon. Olitrord l Secretary of Supplil'l. Mrs It. J. Dixon Mr, 1'oritt.r. Asgjamut-L Mrs Metin and Mrs Giles, Mount Forest; Mea- Ionger Secreury. Mics Thynne. Pum. emlon I Stranger t'igt,t,tgdlin Mor- rison. Arthur; Minion nd Bacte- tary, Mum E. Stevenson; Holstein. ‘ The twenty-eighth annual meeting ‘of the Sdugeeu Preebyteriat Society was held on Thursday in the Presby- terian church, Drayton. As this was the first annual meeting since the amalgamation of the Home and Ifor. eign Missionary Societies. the attenu- ance was a record one, nearly every auxiliary Within the bounds ot the Presbytery being represented, in some instances by huge delegations. Mo, James Mehhuchro, of Herriston, pre-‘ sided. The chief sprnkel' of the day, was Rev. John (“with of Honun,t China, who gsve very interesting and i instructive addresses at both afternoon l and evening sessions. It was decided S. S. No a Eunmxox’r JvCtt--Jeat, K-rr, Lizzie Woods. Sr 3rd-Irene without. Ruby Mc- Meekeu. Jr 3cd-iuea Meade. Reta Birbour. Willie Kimball, Alviii Nob. la and Uwiel Ker. ell. Sr 2ad--Ber. sie McMeeken, Elli Wilson, Cecil Mc. Meeken. Minniu Pollock. Pr. A-- Kenneth Allan. Pr It-iii:, Noble, Jessie M stwt,ltnli. P.- b'-Molet Kerr, Minnie Lennox. Alice Lennox. E. J. 510G133. Teacher No. i), EGREMONT Jr 4'h-Douglass McPhee, Josie Whyte, Juhu Axles, Clifton Rogers Margaret, Ferguson. th. 3rd-Tena Merchant, Annie Aberdein, Baa Reid Hylda Waite. E lmn Reid. Jr i'hd-.. Mamie McPhee, Huber Allen. John Ferguson, Lela Schmw. Br 2nd-- Reta Rogers, Ethel Ailes, Jun Ellis. Elgin Scbem k, Elmer Ross. Jr 2ad- Ettie Ellis, Willie Long. Jr 1qt--Jitn- mie Brown, bluiwhur Ferguson, Violet Aberdeen. Jo,ar Whyie. Ew- art Alles, Pii "er-Myrtle Ross, Mary Eccles, Jean Eccles, Bertha Bilton, Ella Ellie. 1 Much to our relief the guns beside ‘ue had silenced the Garments. so We got the wounded out of that hot place and took them into the village about three-quarters of a mile further on. where we considered we were oat of the range of the German gum. The tirgt day we went up we we“ lying in 3 held beside the road when a shell struck the ether side and the cap of it came whizzing theough the at: and dropped about three feet from me. I thought it too risky staying there, so moved further up the road with the rest. After we went about two hull-i dred yards, we heard some shells ”teeming our way, so we ducked our heads until they lend passed over and then turned to lock back to see some explode an the egot we bid Just left. We had many similar experienoel. Well t must close. MILTON b‘EIM Jen urmy can keep up with so runny coming in here. I like this work much better then our last three deys' and two mgho' work carrying Cane dine and Euglllh wounded under heavy shell fire about a mile or more to a dressing station (on old building and a shed). later th shell some tmush.. ing into our dressmg station. followed by more shrapnel and we bed to curry _ all our patients out of there " u shel- ter from shell flee about hell a mile down the road with shells soreeming all around us. no one was hit but many had narrow eseupes. Our but: tery was stntioned beside " end the Germans found it and sterted throw ing their shells Into the battery, but our artillery men redoubled their fir. ing and we wetohed the duel With in- tense interest, but when I shell hit on. the other side of our dressing station and sent splinters of the tile roof fir.. ing amongst us. we hugged the earth. tor that woe the only thing we could do. Both-g A 1rartpuon-TUt we now Idjourn to meet on Today. J Inc 29th for genus! business. Curried. We ere having beet of weather here. We no busy loading wounded into the ambulence thins down It the nation We work (our squad) from 8 o'clock till noon and you would wonder how Ihup Impoutér. 3175'; ' dodioiiléii' [my about, $15.00. From Milton Seim at the Front up of room. $2.00; Je Bilghir' Saugeen Presbyterial THE DURHAM BMW B, F. .URQUHA RT, Tencher School Reports DAVID ALLAN, Clerk. Fume. May 16th, 1915 ) Executor: TORONTO And take notice that utter the uld 8th do! of June 1915. the aid Execu- (on w ll proceed to distribute the newts of the and deceased unions 1-,... persone entitled thereto. hem: regard only to the chime of whit: they or their laid Solicitor shall then new notice. end the aid Executor. will not be liable for the told one". or any part thereof, to my person or per-one of whose claim notice the" not buve been received " the time of such distribution by them or their aid Bol- mime. Dated It Mount Fore-t this 26th dar of Mar, 1914. B. o. KILGOUR, It. tom? o t 50119-me iiGiGiUd 2. on or before the 28m day of June, 1916, their christian and nun-names And Midtown with tah particulars in writ. ing of their claim- or demand. and gunmen“ of their uncount- md the altar: of the securities fitanr) held by them. duly veritied by Summary De- cluntion. _ - --"'"dF v --'uu‘-"""' deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that pur- sunnt. to Bee. Mt of Chap. 121. R. B. o, 1914. The Trustee Act, that all panoni having claims or demands mninot the ettate of the aid John Gu-on. de- ceased, who died on or about the 10sh day of April. 1915, are required to tend " mail post prepaid or deliver to John M. Flndlly and Robert. Renwick or to Up .undefgigngg their Solicamr. In the matter of the estate of John ee?',ohlahe at" the Pee? ip angre- Among the guests were thezgroom'u sisters, Misses Belle and Bessie Weir of Toronto. After 'eontttatuutlont, a dainty lunch was served and the pop- ular young c0uple left on the 11.3) train for their Toronto home midst showers of rice. confetti and good wishes from a host of friends. The bride was given away by her eldest brother and was becomingly attired in ngown of white ehitron wife“ and tulle veil and carried: shower boquet of 10883 and IillieI of the valley. They were “tainted by the bride’s sister and brother, Miss Hope and Mr Barry Naylor. Wseut--Nxvr.oR ‘ On June 3rd at 8 p. m, a pretty wedding was solemnizvd at the home of Mrs. John T. Narlor, Jersey City, N. J., when her youngett daughter, Louise was united in manage to Wm Orauston Weir, second son of Mr. and Mrs John Weir, North Egremont, Dr. John Francis Morgan of (Hermann! Presbyterian church omcintmg. five and one half fidr, iGGi GG the business to Messrs W. R. Kitsch & Co. ot Alvituton. Bays the Toronto Daily Telegram ",-- "The country weekly and the small town daily can establish the dignity and value of local Ide. The villages. towns and smaller cities of Ontario have not rewarded the work of their own newspapers. Ontario has failed to encourage the editors of local week. lies and dailies to till a place that can never be tilled by city newspapers.." Remember the Banana-split Social at Yeovil on Tuesday evening, June tsth. The football match will com- mcnce about 6 p. m. and after tea the Rev. Mr Ibbott will show his "ereopticon views on his trip to the British Isles. Admission 25 and 15 cents. The Hepwotth Progress has chang- ed management, Mr O. M. Seim who has edited the Progress for the past e.., __.I ---- " .. - - _ Egremont township will we no sure he pleased that the Clerkship bu fallen into the hmds of Mr David Allan (we had almost written 'Us") who will make a worthy successor to his father of the same name who for 32 years filled the position so creditab- ly- Miss Ella Cripps, of Thombury, is visiting Mrs Mather and other friends in Holstein . Rev. Dr. Marsh spent a couple days of last week in Toronto. Rey. Mr Wallace preached morn- ing and evening in the Methodist church in the interests of the Domin- ion Alliance on Sabbth last, also at Yeovil in the afternoon- Mrs (Rem) W. Hunt, of Norvel, and children are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs Pettigrew and other friends here. Mrs Harding and child, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs Smith and other relatives here. The Women's Institute will hold their monthly meeting " the home of Mrs Petrie on Thursday, June 17th. Roll Call will be " Sunday desserts for Summer." Notice to Creditors Miss Gladys Pettigrew, we ere sorry to report, is quite ill. Dr. Ferguson spent Sundsy and Monday in Toronto.' Mr James Ross died at his rest. dence on 14th com, Egremont, on Tuesday, June rst. He was one of the tinet settlers of the township, " moat 96 years of age, a Presbyterian In his religion. The funeral was held on Saturday to Reid's cemetery. Mrs Gammon. aged 96 yesrs, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs R. T. Nelson, on and con., Egremont on Monday evening. Ilia: Tucker in having a apecid sale of her millinety this month. Mr John Ron, of Dakota, and Mr D. Rouge! Minnesota, attended the funeral of their father, Mr James Rosa, last week. “is: Annie Rogers, we axe sorry to report, is ill with appendicitis, LOCAL AID PERSOIAL ', fit the thniiti, -irfiirTi,"tiA'iirr 'lfifhtiittiiiiiiiiii m Hymeneal IVE§ It A. Tuck bad 5 raising on Hour day to nice I driving shed. Walker-ton has a population of 8160 and alarms to he thelnrgest town in Bruce, with Kinordine second with I population of 2368. Eamxmmfim Mr and Mrs Ed. Bun. of Therm). and Min J. Roy, ot Holstein. attend. ed church Sunduy md viuiud In A, Tuck. A meeting will be held in the church Satin-any evening to "was. for a picnic and make "nonmetal! for S. 8. Convention, which will he held on J nae 22nd, Mr and Mrs Dickson and Mrs Ar. thura, ot Drew, apentoue dly Int week at J no. Kirby's. Mr and Mrs Jno. Kirby “undid Mn Sockews funenl at Drew Bau- day. The remains were interred on titrt- urday Int in Reid's amour], Ion-vices being oonductod by Rev, Dr. Math and mnny friends paying the last tribute. Those from n dimnoo were his sons David and John J., aloe " grandson Cine. from N. 1Jak. Ind Mrs J. W. Crawford, Durban. 60 your: in Egremont mule e nem- for himself " e warm-heated neigh- bor end friend, end of unbendmg In- “gnu. Hie peesing um weaning needy e century of yeere cell: not for grief, but it is I break between prel- ent end put the: compels "iuoti" thought : " Here we hue no continu- ine any." Be retired 21 yeere ego. but still lived on the home farm now owned by ha Ion Alex, m is unwind by his wits end ell the funny, five eon! end We daughters. The” ere Cherles. South Bulkley. B. (3.. Jeane " Della, Oregon, David It Thief River Fells, “mm, John J. at Ben- neh, N. Deb. end Alennder. In A. M. Duane]. Wolseley. Seek" end Jenn no home. Doceued wu devoudly Prelim.“- l!Pr Liberpl ip, politics auditor almou On Tnoodoy. lot June, 1915. ot the homo of " eon Alex. thio proooor of Emmott: - owoy in " 95th been boring hoonhorn in Minion. Scothnd, on 19th July, 1890. Abor- doen woe " homo all 1855 oxeegt for o yeor end o half ho opont " bu (rode of otone cutter " Bolmorol Cutie. 1n the loot mentioned you he come to Conodo, loading a Golt. Hora he married Margaret Koy in 1866 end shortly otter the yoong couple loft for " the bush " out! otort. ed on hie form neor Yeovil. In win- ter he eleored the land end in can. mer worked for the Into Wm, Web. etor. controctor of hit. Booidoo " ocoupotion " former in Egnmont. he oometimeo did moron work. It which in doyo ot bio strength he woo on expert. -- There will be no sorvioe Sand”. Now these are a few and only a, few. Let show you the many other lines. Taylor a ttii, Carpets, Linolems, Olhgoths, Ladies' Vests LADIES ! In Muslins Hosiery Special Season is at hand for Wool and we are as usual prepared to handle any quantity. We are ready with the Cash or if you wish to trade it out, we are exceptionally well stocked in all lines and we are here to oblige you. It's our business to do so. Clothing T Blankets HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL Bring as you: Wool, 3mg - Thebtehmllou. The largest muse we ever cam suit the moat careful bun- ed ttttd the price- to Galateas Cords, Shepherds Checks, Shawna. Rice Cloth, Silks, we can supply you with anything you want or secure you say shade you wish. Let us accommodate you in any way we can. Many other lines, prices Purity Blanket, guaranteed pure wool.., No. 127 X Blanket, extra heavy............ Flanngllette Blankets, Luge sixth........., The prices are so low you c In the Tailor-made goods, guarantee satisfaction. ORCHARD WOOL moat cireful inGi, ranging from no tux ALL PRODUCE low you, can hardly notice them FL; 11 l 4, ii) "In“ " ”a” clean out Rah. licewetc. Don't die in the Home. 15: and Sik " Drug sud Country Btorea. The people of Knox church have collected enough for three hospital cots. Mr Jno. Motion sold 3 tin. young horse to Mr Alf. Vollott last week. lgllgliytlliilllElXllglllt)lailtgtgt8) r Wool and we are as any quantity. We aye f you wish to trade it well stocked in all lines u you. It's our business il on can hardly notice them. it ods, we measure you and and pure wool............ “.50 I I.heavy..................... 5.75 tresize.............,....." 1.0 1 x 4, at-..........,...., 1.50 " 2 pr. for tlk I Huslms, tits Checks, Blunt , Bi ply you with summing '/r, shade you wish. Let u. r wnv if. n... - -- Mr and Mrs J no. Marion visit- ed recently with Mr and Mrs Geo. Lewis, of Blyth's Corners. Mrs Robt. Mountain is buy this week mingling his barn. Rev. Mr and Mrs Rutherford and little daughter, from the Tu- lego Mission, South India, is vil- iting his sister, Mrs T. Mcuieter. this week. Mr Rutherford is to give an address in Knox church this Tuesday evening. Sorry to report that Mr Gordon Hustle, who has been laid up with rheumatic fever for some time. in still unable to be around, but we trust for a speedy recovery. Several from this community are attending the Liberal Con- vention on Wednesdey. The Dromore Patriotic Society are planning for a grand concert on Friday, J une 11th, in Russell Hall. An excellent program in being prepared. Admission " Mr and Mrs John Kerr. of Var- ney. spent last Friday evening with Mr and Mrs W. Backus. iL%r.riirup, aooornranio!1 by other country jurors. motored to Owen Bound on Tuooduy. Rev. Mr smith visited Mow. day north of the church. A meeting for the prep-nan ofbendsges, etc.. is to be held " the some home on Wednudly; to which nil ladies on invited to attend and also all those having Spore cotton or linen, suitable for the some. are requested to Mint them. Mr John Hutie. sitar on ex- tended visit in and around here. returns to his home in Fort Frenc- es this week. - In and Miss Mary Taylor no in Toronto this week. - and is-oe" their monthly mm a no homo of the Pro-idem. In John Melinda. on WM but. Exoouent pspon won than t Punetualitr by Mrs John Benton and 1ureetts of homo Irsfhg- on Moral and Political Life. The Mum'- 1eitytt NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY ' we measure .........10c to um It, 1915 w.) I a! :53? ' VOL. XXXVII youngest N 'Mb 7 f t bunches all but] been 1 broken hon Mow the sh, the should. A mc, Sun-mam. Indy workers of the tot, foul-wed I large can: tothe but hospital at included '" rolls band: do. u the malts of tl ‘9 Sheets. " swam: “inlets. " took tiv carry the shipment Own SIX MONTH Court held in Owen Mean J. Mckenzie Were given six month up for causing Gertrude Walk, welt racing a r March of last y hunched into a l eryhody welv " Gudeu I my on June: to tseat the Tho mica miner fro and never expect ed on ved fro u lama were! pres“ likely Ilium for n rem- A .ILUKKN An and not With M "r, Humid I an; on to I. (h but. the mum 1.“wa bridge t [might brute w) gum and the r with the can rlw in humor a t m ttte entre" Inche- further toqpled down "in: Wu Will on Mar track " the euthound - “that 85 m Rev. B. E. Ncwnhar the end of this month t Clthcrincc District. a mud by Rev. Guy Bu my. Orchard and Vick“ wishes will follow Mr ti new fleld, no he has sin flithfulneu in " Work held in (we l pad ol lege a the " For tide t A ttood round drt) 7. for me. alone buggy. and Oman- moving and ttasa, nu one [or Mr. Apply I". B. E, annunm} FUINITUIE you SAL: ' -- I and Osmium: Move, Ride-Imard,1 Indium. kitchen mule. huh A"!!! to _ All EYE To Bl hlSl-Jm- .. [or rout thochta Sandy " . - Speech lulie tin-r he: -aed silent [or I white. " "plied. "tae lell ye the .u jml. thinking how tine " Rye wont-eaten.- a we») replied the lush ummplIy, u trim, . munching has right '“W at I lime otte ventured nnolh umr-" An' what are yo think} the uoo y Another In... " Mae, nu. qu'iv." he ""on put miom." Bhe heath-d n dd] Inked?“ An' what I U Bondy?" "I Wu jun I - - Howl). " that ll m - yo were pain; In that ttea. Ohm for the June Horn-lune} de an awry. t.artnso.-tienerat Sen». ply to Mun Wat, In, Four Ohm-p Dip M the ”rug More. Unable- slum price. I. o. P. Church [nude on eventing in. June to l’mhyu Band In attendance. Vitiittt, can welcome. Take t KMAK with you leina. .1 mad up at Marl but. more. - rm. is to tuAitr .tte HM. M Human. l’enunuu [ 'S-beer'""' are and) nut! [2-3. It'.oft .tth'.yh'th'lt $1111“: i' 15qu Uris; “NNING. Pure ordere I - cut yooggrgcrr. Under m nuns- -triiiAWDeititt BULL fl m t to give he Along matinee Mt An " It Wm M M int: , th uh h Mali ttt Em“ Tur " S. STINH “he” titr pe In lb Us M ti "

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