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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jun 1915, p. 5

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â€"»* (QJuality Pharmacy ¢ Pricovitte‘s VYew Senerat Store yoâ€"â€"â€"***** e 37« Delicious Light R " summer Desserts E [ pricEVILLE, _â€" _ OMiâ€" ATTRACTIVE TRIPS TO Muskoka Lakes _ Lake of Bays CIUJRURE ECCE PPBEIET CCE Georgian Bay Algonquin Park French River Kawartha Lakes Maganetawan Riv. Timagami, ete. You can Enter any Day ‘ at the â€"A, MNORTHER <Z )1 HEIAICOLNCG NewFishingTackle Split Bamboo Rods, Silk Lines, _ Gut Leaders, Front Hooks, Etc. Various kinds Disinfectants Metal and Silver Polishes, H Houseâ€"cleaning ? Our Drugs and Stationery DURKHAM PLANING MILLS JUNE 17, 1915 The undersigned begs to an o residents of Darham and sut ng country, that he has hbis t Mill and factory fully e(vnpped prepared to take orders for We are prepared to pay the highest pri Washed or Unwashed Wool. Yougwill dopw?llfit,: get our prices before disposing of your Wool. Bring it out to us, and be sure you‘ll get all the Wool is worth. .'\1‘0, reston‘s _ Jelly Powders SASH, DOORS. and all kinds o HOUSE FITTINGS Shingles and Lath always 08 hand at right prices. Custom Sawing prompSy attended to We can do this only on account of special contract Brander‘s Old Stand V is WH P PMPPUETOIM For interior of buildi better and cheaper than lath Mm Kasy to handle Cuts with a saAW Easy put on Cannot fall off gaves fuel No dirt or muss Call and see for yourself \Iso Sole Agent and Dealer :am and vicinity of the DURHAM. ivos Toronto 10.15 a. m. daily, exâ€" Sunday for Muaskoka W bart, Alâ€" uin Park, Hunisville and North Connections are made at Musâ€" . Wharf for Muskoka Lakes and tsville for points on Lake of Bays. irâ€"Libraryâ€"bufftet car toAlgo-(Sxin : P rlorâ€"Libraryâ€"Cafe car and first ; coaches to Nortb Bay. Full parti~ rs and tickets on application to WM CALDER. Town Ticket Agt. 1. TOWNER. Ticket Agent PRICEVILLE on wWOOL WANTED 3 MUSKOKA EXPRESS NEW FIBRE BOARD 1 trip tourist tickets now on im certain stations in Ontario at w fares with liberal stopâ€"overs. ZENUS CLARK 11NG, FCA _ G. D. FLEMING pal for 35 years â€" Secretary h aal instruction. Oar own y building and 34 successâ€" of experience. Expert inâ€" produce the very best Catalogue free. nder every corner and the house sanitary and OwEN soUND £%, use nd kept so Thus <t and best value v at 10¢c a Box Unusually High Prices for Butter and Epgpos We want your business. to announce ad surroundâ€" his Planing unved and is ONT. ONnTaARIO . & Aarstedt for Durâ€" Hear Dr. J. A. Macdonald at Pricevilie Patriotic Concert Everyone for miles around should plan to attend the great Patriotic Concert which will be held in the Presbvterian Chaurch here Taesday, June 29;b. Dr. J. A. Macdonald, editor ot the Torouto Globe, will be the speaker, and a good musical proâ€" gram will also be rendered. Entire proceeds in aid of Toronto Base Hospital. W hat is so rare as a day in Jane Then, if ever, come perfect days, Then beaven trys earth it it be in tune And over it softly her warm ear lays. â€"Lowell. Mr and Mrs McKinnon have reâ€" turned from Toronto, where they were called quite suddenly last week to see their son Heek betore he left for Valeartier, as he does nut expect to be able to get home again before leaving for the front, as his company may sail at any time Mr Joe Harrison, we are ple ased to bear, is able to be up and around again. _Mr Hales, of Flesherton, is spendâ€" ing a few days with his daughter, Mrs A. Sinclair, at the station. Our High Sehool contincation class is writing on their exams this wee\‘ in the basement of the Pres. church. Oar Prineipal, Mr M‘lier, has quite a large continuation class, also a large entranee elass and as we are sure he bas been very dilligent in his preparâ€" ation for these exams, we trast that a large percentage of his pupils will be successtal. The Eatrance class will write next week. The Insttute ladies held a very | h successful mesting on Tuesday last. | ; The delegate, Miss H, McMurchy, gpok_e very nicely on woman‘s work ? in time of war, making many sugâ€" ' gg.s@ions on what we might do and t giving us some new ideas as to ways of making money for the various | 4 kinds of reliet work, also giving us | J valuable advice as to the directing | ; of our en ergies into helpful and useâ€" | ; ful channels when the necessity of war work would no longer be needâ€" : ed. Mr Matheson gave us a vory § encouraging talk on the value of the € work that women have been doing I and whatit was possible for them still | | to do. Mrs U. B. McLean gave a ; splendid patriotic solo, while Mr J. A. I McDonald told the ladies how much || talth bhe had as to what they were | able and willing to do and telling us || how sorry he was that he was too old to go to the war. Mrs D. Campâ€" bell gave a very interesting reading, Mrs Matheson told the visiting ladics what the institute had been doing and what they hoped to be able to do in the future. The meeting closed with the Institute marching son§ and a splendid lunch was served oy all | the ladies. We believe there were something over Sixty ladies present, | as well as a number of gentlemen. A nomber of the Priceville ladies . | attended_ the Swinton Park Ladies‘ Aid at Wm. Paton‘s amnd report & large attendance and a very belptul meeting. Mrs Mathesn gave them the substance of some of the best reâ€" ‘ | ports taken down by her at Hamilâ€" ) ton, where she attended the Misstonâ€" ary eonvention as delegate. Wecan e | only say if the real addresses wore â€" | beiter than the reports, the CONYONâ€" L | tion must have besn a buge success Mrs Rev. Drâ€" McCQlure will give an address on her work in China at s | the W. F. M. Sâ€" Thankâ€"offering S@r+ vice next Sabbath, Juse 20ih, The Missionary Society count themselves very tortunate in being able to §eâ€" ery tort80®"" "<rmp McClure and PRICEVILLE VILLAGE The heaviest rain of the season came on Mondasy afternoon, the 7tb inst. It didn‘t rain but i; poured and low land that was dry a short time before the shower was all covered with water in a short time. However the rain was needed badly, as the high winds of the past week was beginning to tell on‘ the growing grain and meadews. Quite an acreage of corn is sown this spring by the most of farmers. We are told that Arch. Mc Cuaig, of Top Clhff is putting in two fields, Fall wheat looks fairly good in general. The worst of it is that so little of it is sown by the farmers. It% is strange how cheap potatoes are when flour is so dear. Wouldn‘t it be a good act for those buying beth to make what our mothers and grand> mothers used to make in olden times, potato scones, done up some way with flour and potatoes worked up togethâ€" er. Perbaps some good old lady is living yet who will give a prescription of bhow to make potato bannocks. Some of our young cooks cam teach the old cooks of olden times how to make Johnnie cake, but we must not forgat to tell onr young good lady cooks that their poor old mothers and grandmothers had not so much materâ€" ial at their disposal to make the cauke as palatable as their grandâ€"daughters can make them nowadays, for they could only afford to make them with meal and water in gemeral, while our young ladies can go to the cream crock and use some fresh cream newâ€" ly separatsd by the cream separator, We heard an old lady tell that she often, when first in the bush, pulled a lot of cow cabbage and boiled it and seasoned ~with salt (if any) and mada a meal of it for the family, How glad the family would be if they had a good suaply of potatoes instead of cow cabâ€" bage food. June is telling us that the longest: day in the year will soon be with us,. We remember working with an old highlandman down the country when in our teens and once the days turned like the tide, he would call his men and boys out, saying * Boys, be out quick to your work, the day is only a blink now," in the midale of July at that, but the days kept growing short and long all the same after the greedy old highlandman was mouldering in the dust from whence he came. . Tha euit do dbaona beo agus tha iad a smuaintin gun glachd iad an teaoghail agus gach ni a thann. Nuair uz:‘ch PRICEVILLB AND LIMITS faidh iah ach 3 and 6 nuair & DaS / aiehidh iad, Arch. MeDonald, of Portland, Oreâ€" gon, is spending a while amongst his old friends at Top Cliff at present, It will be 17 years next October since he visited the old home, south Glenâ€" elg, and he found many changes had taken plece since father and mother were living there. The old home, where once a family of sons and daugbters, is now lonely only occuâ€" pied by the owner, Aungus McDonald, brother. _ Ia giving a look through the old graveyard in Priceville, there Archie could only see the names of his dear parents on the monument that marks their resting place, so he could repeat as one of old said, that father and mother is gone and now they calmly sleep in yonder tomb. The funeral of the late Alex Mcâ€" Arthur, of Priceville, took place on Friday, the 4th inst. Mr McArtbhur was one of the old pioneers of the south line, Artemes‘s, coming there | with his ather‘s family some 62 years ago, now the property of John Burn ett, 1 robably the Priceville eorresâ€" pondent will be giving a sketch and we will not say much at this time, Mr McArthur overlapped the age limit being 82 years of age, born in the Isle of Tyree, Sootland, a quiet, inâ€" offensive man, a Baptist in religion, being baptized by the late Rev. Robt. McIntyre over forty years ago. Rev. w t C Te C LABCE : K lvkm ReemEnc C 2 Cou 0 Camite t) C Mr Matheson officiated at the house and grave . The Rey. Mrs Dr. McClure will preach in the Presbyterian church, Priceville, on Bunday morning, the 20th June. It is a rare thing to bhear a lady preacher and we presumeé that a large crowd will be out to hear her, as she will have some interesting disâ€" cussions. The Rev. Mr Leece will be preachâ€" ing his farewell sermon on the last Sunday in June. It is four years since Mr Lesce came to Priceville as pastor of the Methodist body there | and during that time Le made many friends and we vouch the sentiments of many besides his own congregation that will regret his departure from this place. The gaelic servige in the Presbyterâ€" ian church lass Sunday was well atâ€" \tended. Miss Charlotte McDonald received her diploma as & trained nurse, Hector MceKinnon, one of our brave boys, will be leaving for the front in a tew days. The prayers of his numerâ€" ous friends and well wishers go with him that the Great Protector may see fit to return him to his old home again. _ Anmother of our brave lm{a of old, Donald Cameron, on of the late Ma‘â€" colm Cameron, was killed in action, A large gathering of ladies and a few gentlemen met in the Presbyserâ€" ian church on Tuacsday, the 8th inst., to hear Miss McMurchy‘s lecture on the war. Miss McMurchy is a plain anvd good speaker. Mrs Sackett is president of~the Ladies‘ Aid Bociety and she makes a good one. The laâ€" dies gave an excellent luneh after the meeting was oyor. ng ) cnc ach 3 and 6 nuair a bas Mr Lane, our doctor‘s brother, is viating at his brother‘s, in this town at present. Mr Lane is studying for the ministry, We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mr Alex McLean, but we hope to hear better news shortly, Misa Jessie Martin, of Dundal*, is visiting her friends, the McLean‘s and sister at present. Jessie was a Priceville girl gome years ago. Geldwin Pattersor, son of Henry Patterson, con, 4, Glenelg, left to prepare to face the enemies at war, braye young boy. Goldwin is only 18 years old yet. Mre McLean (Anna James) sang a beautiful soldier‘s song at the Woâ€" men‘s meeting on Tuesday. Mrs McLean still holds her fine voice and manner of singing. We wrote the fore part of this budget with the intentions of getting in last week‘s paper, but our new mail man whe carried it in his posket whilse atternding the Convention in Durbam, forgot all about it till he found it in his pocket after ccming home. So here it goes this week. Miss Charlotte McDonald, nurse, was called to attend a patient in Durâ€" ham last week, Mrs Norman Molntyre ana MrS Hector McEachern, of the south line, are visiting friands at Owen Sound this week. The Rev. Mr Matheson held prayer meeting at the residence of Mre Heeâ€" tor McLean at the Corner, where he had a good attendance. Mr Colin MoelLiean, Priceville, lost a fine mare from lockjaw a few days ago. He could have got $800.00 for the animal some time ago Many will be pleased to hear that Mr Miller has accepted the nominaâ€" tion to repregent the Loberals at the coming election. Mr Arch. MceDonald, who is visiting his old homs and sister, Mrs McLean, from Portland, is making good use of his time, as he has visited many old friends and acquaintances already, He intends to stay till the middle of July before he returns. Mrs Thos, McDeugall is staying at the old home yes at Donald McDougâ€" all‘s, south line, Glenelg. Mrs â€"â€"â€"â€"(Rachel Stothart) and her husband are visiting at Mr John Stothart‘s for the last couple of weeks, We did not learn the gentleman‘s name, but we were well acquainted with Miss Stothart. Sandy Murchison, north line, says he is 76 years of age and he put in a large crop this spring. Some of the old chaps are smarter than some of the young ones. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice,.ete. Don‘t die in the House, 15¢ and 25¢ at Drug and Country Stores. J {o ic Ao e Ae ce ce h cheaecte TE . % & e just in â€" well worth ofe h your inspection. Also #° .. &Ladies’ Boots is â€" and Slippers * i +8 C. L. GRANT xi lkike :. J + ME PEiqmminl 3 x Z%: McFadden‘s Old Stand, icz Durham g Ip h pipip pippipipptT Th RERAARAMMPPRAPMPPMPRNRRDRRRRMARDRNE®AORRARS: .“mm.mmwmm: TE DURKHAM REVIEW We have a nice lot of s# Men‘s White Pique Shirts and Silk ‘Ties. Ladies W aists The five minute wind, hail and rain storm did considerable in this community. Our qua'rtette assisted with the proâ€" gram at Proten garden party at Proâ€" ton Station Wednesday evening. Mrs Burnett, of yodr town, is visitâ€" ing her sister, Mrs A. H. Burnett. Miss Mary Shand returned home Friday, having spent the past week with her sister Agnes. # Miss Belle Dixon, Promore, i iting her sister, Mrs ;. Sinclair. The annual convention of Bethany Chapel opens on Thursday 3 p. m., serviee each day at 3 and 8 p. m., continuing over Sunday. Special speakers will address each service. Everybody welcome. Mr' nna Mrs W. Nelson, Yeovil, motored over to Mr Will McKachern‘s Monday. Mr Riddell has his mill again in good running condition, having inâ€" stalled a new boiler. Homeseekers Special Train June Ist, 1915. For accommodation of Homeseekers‘ and general tourist traffic to Western Canada, through train carrying Tourâ€" ist Sleepers and Colonial Cars will, commencing June Ist, leave Toronto 10.45 p. m, each Tuesday until further notice, running through to Winnipeg. DUSTLESSâ€"â€"â€"By opening dust damper and direct draft damper when shaking Sunshine Attention is directed to the remark« ably low round Trip Fares in connceâ€" tion with Homeseekers‘ Excursions to Western Canada vic Canadian Pacific Railway. â€" Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October 26th, inclasive, and are good to return within two monrths from date of sale. F ' all dust is carried up arnace smoke pipe. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. s Sold by J. H. Hardiag Apply to any C. P, R,. Agent for fkil patticulars or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, leaves Toronto 10.45 p. m. each Tuesday, commencing Musical Instruments Must be Disposed of I have purshased the stock of W. J. MeFadden and moved my present stock to McFadden‘s stand. The store is now filled with Pianos, Crgans, Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments of all kinds in the highest and best grades. We must have more rooin, and to get it, our big stock must be reduced at once. _ If you are looking for a snap in an instrument, or anything in our line, call and see us and arrange your own terms. You will find our prices right. H. J. SNELL HOPEVILLE MClary‘s Two Businesses in One is visâ€" Buy Farm It is bound to increase in value. Men in a position to jadge say that no farmer living to-dny will ever again see cheap beef. This certainly means an early increase in the seliing price of farm lands, I kave for sale ; . 100 acres near Dromore, convenient to school. â€" Splendidly improved, only $1000 down, balance at 5 percent, Price $2500, 100 acres con 18, Egremont, well preâ€" seryed w or wWith another 50 acres, k 100 acres Egremont, near Mt. Forest. (Good farm, worth more but offered $4000 or trifie under for quick sale. Steamers Jleave Port _MceNicoll Taesdays, Wednesdays, Tharsdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste Maric, Fort Arthur and Fort William. Tho steamer ‘Manitoba‘ sailing from Port McNicoll on Wednesdays, will eall at Ower Bound, leaving that point 10.30 p. m. leaves Toront; 17!7.45 p.m. daily, except Fri (1.{ making direct conneetion with steamer at Port McNicoll on sailing days. Partieulars from ____ P.MecFarlane, Agent, Durhan: or M G Murpky, D.P.A,, Torents GREAT LAKES Steamship Service STEAMSHIP EXPRESS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Property Now D x$ | Lace Gurtains 24 yas long, 40 in wwie BIG 4 ",i¢° NEW SPRING GOODS ** long, 42 in wide 75e pr * ?yyd‘l'lon:... 47 in wide Li pc ** 3 flu long, 47 in wide L® pr All Curtains have the new finished top . fancy, at................15¢ per yand Table Linene. ..25, 50 and 60c per yard Grey Cotton Sheetimg 2 yas wide 25¢ yd Heavy bleached Sheeting 2 yds _ _ Fine English Cotton Crepes, white and MIMLGE, :+ . an asainraesarsns es «4 MOG yA Heayy 11x4 Fiannellette Blankets white and grey........ ...1.00 a pair Heavy 1214 Flannellette Blankets, white onlg.......... ......1 85 a pair Qur New Spring Prints now in. Call and see them, W. H. BEAN Patrons of summer creameries and cheese iaciories, we want your cream during the winter months, Highest prices paid for good cream. We sup ply iwo caus free and pay twice each wmouth, _ Wriwe for cans, J, ARTUUR COOK is now giving lessons in Voice Production and Hinging, at the home of Mrs 8. F. McComb, every Tuesday, from # till 7 p.m. Appointments now being booked. Licensed Auctioncer for County of Grey,. Terms modcrate, Arrargemenks for sale dates can be made at Review Office or at my residence next door, Phone call to No. 6, Durham wil: be promptly attended to. D. McePHMAILLs* #@r Mr McPhail hes a elepbhone in his © dence in Ccylon, Jt GO HU[’EJN.-’I-D., CJ .fl Terms moderate. Arrangements io v‘&“ # to datés, «c., must be materi she Reviow O &Dflfllflm. sou" Afirfl,.‘ popdence addressed , or to Ceylon P.0., will be promptiy attended to, Terims on &pplitavion to Member Oouqu'hylw:m and burgeous ntario OFFICE: Over J. P. Teliora‘s office, meariy opposite hegisry ODoe RBSIDENCE ; Resoné hguse somih of horisicy o&:e on east ae o(,hrn Kt. ODPWW1 HOURis 3â€"11 a, & â€"4 pm. 7â€"# p. o. Telephone c.wlmn‘ol betwoon @flee aad e1@@ al all bourk. 44 duate Roya‘! Coliege Dental sar3toun. Dentistry in tfnu\ wfgzhu Officeâ€"Over Jeweliry store a1 opp> site Post Office, W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L D3 HONOR GRADUATE of Torono, University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Rooms Ovyer J & J bUNTEXN‘B New Store Barrister, Solicitor in Suprem Court Notary Public Commissi¢acr Money to Lean, flice on Lambron St., upposi! O Waipole‘s Stables, ARTHKUR H. JACKSUODN Licensed Auctioneer tor Co, Grey Insurance Ageni,. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A geu eral financial business transacled. ONOR GRADY ATE Teronte Univ UNDERTAKER and Funeral â€" Disector J. F.SRANT D. D.8&., L. 0. S. Embalming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice sxowRoomsâ€"Across from Middaugh Reer â€"Fi c Ccirpiccs Blitkenth Shop. Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in teach ability, in chemical and electrical suppic® % nmmm full Junior Leaming and ) wurice ulation The following competent a e are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, Princi 1 and Provincial hiodâ€" el Bchool Temcher. "2at Class Certtfcate Intending mmm enter at the vegin ning of the term if possible. m""b:.“,ff reasonable rates. Durbam is a Y tained at reasonable rR®C®. 00 ""0 0 _ aogirable tained at reasona DC FBRT. _ "00" monke dogirable and attractive town, making it a 1ost desirable Notary Public, Commissioner, DURHAM, ONT, (Lower Town DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ace for residence. The record of _the Bchool in past Cream Wanted J. P. TELFORD, R, H. ISAAC Fall line of GCatholle Robos %:r'a' i{&'f&afi’g‘ifii’a Cap D. MecPHAIL, Ceylon orwf. RflAGE. Darham CONYEYANCER. &e. SINGING R. H. 1SAAC, Durkam pBC, . M MTTUTTIO TLA Lan ht :h.:ve cv;y.odv »‘l;'n:t:c ope! -“Mmflmlmw Paim Creamery, Palmerston, Ont FEES:$1 per month in ad racc« DCC. [ the Bchool in past years 188 The trustees are progressive edug BELL raisaxx«A0¢ ya Dik. J. 1. GRAKT, wouth â€" of 14

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