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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jun 1915, p. 8

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$6 â€"6 &# i The Central Drug Store n We are in the market to buy cream sweet or sour, at the highest market price. We supply two cans free to each of our patrens, pay all express charges, pay twice each month, cheques payable at par. Receiye cream apy day in the week, test each can received, and send our patrons a tatement of same. _ Write for cans and give our creamery a trial. _ Reâ€" ferenceâ€"any bank . Payment on 15th of each Month C EEEEEPEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEELE & _ CENTRAL DRUG STORE * TRELEAVEN & RANTON, Palm Creamery, Palmerston, Ont Bring your hogs to us every Tuesday â€"we pay soon as you arrive, not having to wait on bank unless you desire to do so. â€" Highest market price paid. Teaise & Dowrino FARE $3°¢ CREAM WANTED 1 Abraham Co. worth up to $1.75 each. If your size is here, you may have any one of these DBIOGUSCS fOL. . «««t¢e«ar*asces G T. R. Ticket Agency The Cut Pri Sale Remem Gardenand Flower Seeds 3 White Lawn Blouses 1\ eeds Seeds Seeds & Red Clover Mammoth Red Clover Alsike Alfalfa and at Lowe Timothy Seeds Price Continues all this week. See samples in our Window. of Notice Sweet Peas by the oz. or lb Come toâ€"day for first choice. The Store that Sets the Pace Your Choice of a dozen \~â€"DAILY BETWEEN ‘"‘a_. â€" RBUFFALO & Passenger service via the Great Lakes Canadian Pawific route from Port MeNieoll will be resumed, comâ€" mencing Saturday, May 22nd. The service this season will be maintained by the Steamers * Keewatin " sailing Tuesdays, * Manitoba " Wednesdays, ©" Alberta " Thursdays and ** Assinaâ€" boia *‘ on Saturdays from Port MeNicâ€" oll at 4.00 p. m. The * Manmitoba " sailing Wednesdays will also call at Owen Sound each sailing date at 10.30 p.m. Special train will leaye Union Station, Toronto, at 12.45 p, m., arrivâ€" ing Port MeNicoll 4.00 p. m, daily ex. cept Friday. For reservations or other informaâ€" tion regarding this seryvice, censult any Canadian Pacific Agent or write M. G,. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Resumption Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Service Buy your tickets here. ABRAHAM FAIR at Lowest ;i\ Prices M SQUArgE CLARKE & MOON Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Money to Loan at Current Rates Office over Skales Bookstore, Mt.Forest In the Estate of John Brown, deceased NOTICE is bereby given to all parties indebted to the Estate of the late John Brown of Holstein, cattle buyer, deceased, that they must settle their indebtedness within one month from this date with the urderâ€" signed ; otherwise the claims will be ?laced in court fer s@llection without arther nutice. Mary Browx Janues Lewis Dated May i4th, 1915. The Review to New Subscribâ€" ers to Jan. Ist 1916, for only 50c Subscribe to:day. The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" Yooute fOF L YORL... . . sccrerrrrcrres TheReview and Canadian Farm The Review and Weekly Advertisâ€" Or fOF ONO YORF.....ccsssrrrsrere eer 644 The Review and Toronto Daily GlObG@ LOK 1YOMR.cesqesseeseseesee+++ The Review and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire for 1 year...... The Review and Daily Free Press TOR I YORKs.ssuu.ssexcrarrenspexrs es ses The Review and Weekly Free Press for one year.................. The Review and Farming World The Reyiew and Weekly Mail and Empire for 1 year.................. The Review and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness The Review and Woeekly Sun for The Review ard Toronto Daily Newsfor one year.................. The Reyiew and Toronto Daily Toronto News upon his speeches, deâ€" claring that for some time back, the editor had not had things all his own way and Bad become irritable and «unâ€" kappy : "I hope he will be as happy for all eternity as he has been unhapâ€" py for the past few years." Mr Miller followed showing among other things, that bhorsemen in the States benefitted by British purchasâ€" Ing, because Britain did not want to injure the Canadian government in fitting out their cavalry and kept away from here,. The government‘s naval policy came in for review especâ€" ialiy the purchase of the submarines Chile was to pay $750,000 for two satâ€" isfactory submarines. They were not satisfactory, were refused, and then Canada bought them for $1.100,000 and the lid covering scandals had as yet only been lifted a little. There were many eyidences that there was a revulsion of feeling in the country against the incapacity shown by the men in power. As to the revelations at Ottawa which had shocked the eountry, the government had no business to resent the part taken by the Liberals in bringing about the revelations : they, the Liberals, had donea serviee to their country, The man responsible in the G@nal analysis was the prime minister. _ As late as last October, he was warned by the Manufacturers‘ Association that the system of governâ€" ment eontracts was on a faulty basis, yet the system went on with the scandalous results. The Review and Toronto Daily He dealt with the " misleading and untruthful document " issued by the investigating Railway Commussion, and his familiarity with the wholo sitâ€" uation seemed to justify his willingâ€" ness ‘ to meet any man any where " to prove his points, aud would prove even by Mr White himself that the Railway had been built from revenue. He reiterated again, that the Senate did not defeat the Dreadnought scheme : all they did was to ask that the country‘s opiaion should be taken. and he declared amid applause that the policy of Sir Wilfrid Laarier will yet be the policy of Canada whether grit or tory is in po wer,. With business booming in 1911, the the expenditure was $100,000,000, now with business depressed, Expenditure was $140,000,000, Increases in tariff, blindly made, bad cut off revenue while not relieving the consumer. Liberals had offered to let the 74 per cent increase go if they would keep hands off the British preferente, but they had added 5 per cent to that and killed some British trade. The Liberals, as freely as Conservaâ€" tives. have voted the great war conâ€" tributions, but don‘t let Mr White say we are furnishinz the $150,000,000, Eyery cent is borrowed and we and our children will meet the interest for many years, The selection of the Purchasing Commission was also a reflection on Mr Borden and hbis governments : it was first given to ana taken from the Minister of Militia, then given to and taken from a government committee, then a new one had to be formed, twoâ€" thirds composed of cutside men. SOF 1 YORKscrsescrarccresrerrers srstrerst 1OK¢ L YORK.scceercsstrnssarsingats en IYOAP .cc 666 60 66668 ee8 eve reneet re + fOK 1 YOBY:s...soerserecessessrrenres re WOEKE FOF _ YORE:â€"vesssessccasssriess Star 1O I YORE:ssirisseerssriascesres HOLSTEIN . ~LEADER A. 8. CLaARKE J. B. Moox Continued from Page 1 Grabham and Miller Clubbing Rates. } Executors 8 90 2 50 1 59 1 90 1 75 No 90 Numerous autos dash through our Main St, without so much as by your One of our respected young men has the image of a lady on guard on his premises, Is it to frighten you girls? But you are not so easily frightened. No Sir. Mr J. W. Hunt and sons, of Holâ€" stein, with his cement outfit, passed through our Main St. on Monday, bound for bridge building in Minto township. Mr Wm. Tyndall cut his foot while splitting wood in his yard some time ago. Now a man who will split and carry in wood for his wife deserves gympathy ifhe meets with an acciâ€" ent. Mr P. Kelly is recovering from his recent accident. Mr Orrie Hunt‘s house caught fire recently and only for energetic neighâ€" bors, Orrie wouid be like the poor people at the front himself, Miss Gardiner of St. Thomas, and Mr and Mrs C. W. Gardiner, of Torâ€" onto, visited their brothers, Messis Edgar and Edwin Gardiner, some time ago. Mr and Mrs Eurig and Mr and Mrs S. Cowan visited at Mr Chelton‘s, Normanby, on Sunday of last week. Now Juneskies are blue and lovely, Scent of blossoms fill the air, Birds are warbling their praises, Nature is so fresh and fair. But thirk of the cannon‘s awful work In lands beyond the seas, And the deadly gases floating round On the balmy sammer breeze.! Mr and Mrs J. D. Roberts, of Holâ€" stein, were late yisitars 2t Mr J. Durâ€" rant‘s. J. White, of Normanby, did the work well, he is a hustler, working through wind and rain, Mr John Euriz has improved his property by erecting wi‘e fences. We are getting stylish at tae Bend. Mr Tussvoay, 22ND JunE.â€" On this date Isaac Hooper, Administrator of the John Edwin Wells Estate, will sell by Public Auction at Lot 25, Con. 8. Egremont, the personal property of the said estate, consisting of valuable live stock, impleâ€" ments and household furniture. $3 and under, eash ; over that amount 12 mos. credit. 5 per cent discount for cash in lieu of notes. Sale at l o‘clock. Mr and Mrs Donald U:quht, of Detroit, are viziting the formen‘s sisâ€" ters, Mrs Hostetter and Miss Ada:ns, this week. * Mrs Gow, of Hamilton, is a guest at the manse this week. s Mrs Markle, of Elbow. Sask., is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Jas. Hunt. It is with profound regret we learn of the death of Mrs R. M. Tribe, which took place on Tuesday mornâ€" ing of this week, after a long and serâ€" ious illness, Mrs Tribe was a faithâ€" ful member of the Methodist church. Her life and example will not soon be forgotten aud she will be greatly missed by her many friends. Mr Tribe has the sympathy of the whole community in his sad bereavement. The funeral will be held on Friday at 2 p. m. from the Methodist church to Mt. Forest cemetery, (Omitted in last week‘s issue) The Willing Workers Mission Band of the Presbyterian charch held their roth anniversary on Friday evening, June 4th, in the Presbyterian church, A splendid program was given, conâ€" sisting of solos, choruses and recitaâ€" tions. Mis (Dr.) Ferguson gave an excellent address on a trip to China. She had with h ra very interesting collection of curios, which she dis played at the close of the evening. The Band presented Miss Stevenson, their President, with a goldâ€"headed parasol and basket of roses, Miss Stevenson has been President ot the Mission Band aince it was first orâ€" ganized. A treat of homemade candy was provided for ail. The Egremont Sunday School Conâ€" vention will be held at Orckard on Tuesday, June 22nd. All Sunday S:hool workers will be interested in this. The Women‘s Institute wiil hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Petrie on Thursday, June 17th, Roll Call will be " Sunday desserts for Summer." On Weduesday of last week, Mr and Mrs Walter Morrison, of Holstein, received an inyitation to the marriage of their grandsor, Mark H. Hutchinâ€" son, of Andes, Montana, to Miss Laâ€" vina Langton, of Lawton, N. D. He is the first one of their grandsons to leave the ranks of single bliss. Mrs McLean and her father, of Tonawanda, N. Y., spent a few days of last week with Mr and Mrs J. R. Philp and other relatives here. â€" Mrs McLean left for her home on Friday, accompanied by Miss Lena Rice, who expects to spend the summer with Mrs McLean. Mr John St:ele, manager of the Mt Forest Carriage Factory, and his brother Harry, President, were the unfortunate yictims of a motor acciâ€" dent near Listowel Friday last. While passing a waggon and team they failed to notice a block of wood which threw the car upside down. The former is dead as a result and the latter seriously hurt, though thought likely to recover, LOCAL AND PERSONAL $ THE DURHAM REVIEW sOUTH BEND Sale Register D.McPHa1L, Auctioncer. ONTARIO ARC TORONTO Mr H. H. Miller of Hanover, without any preparation, spoke upon the organization of the Red Cross, of its inception by Miss Florence Nightingale, "the lady of the Lantern" as she became known to the soldiers of the Criâ€" mea, who.lived to a good old age, 90 years, and who saw the fruits of her movement. He referred to the unity of the colonies of South Africa, of the great change there from 15 years ago. He dealt with the social advantages accruing to Russia from the abolition of vodâ€" ka, and also of France. The unâ€" ity of parties and less of partizanâ€" ship was noted in Britain and was strongly advocated here. A fine speech, clearly and lucidly given. At the close he auctionâ€" eared a whirlwind canvass to raise $200 in 10 minutes. Dr. Sneath headed the list with $50, Robt. and Mrs. Alex. Taylor and Robt. Renwick each gave $25 and The patriotic concert at Droâ€" more under the auspices of the Patriotic Club was a fine success on Friday last. Dr. Sneath ocâ€" cupied the chair and gave an exâ€" cellent opening address, setting forth the claims of our patriotism and the steps which led up to the holding of the concert, gave a clear resume of the war and the call it gives to us. _A speaker from theâ€"Dominion Alliance took the service in the Hall Sunday evening. Mr Geo. Craig from near Branâ€" don, Manitoba, a brother of Mrs. David Hamilton, arrived at her home on Saturday on a passing visit on his way home from Kingâ€" ston, where he had been as a commissioner to the General Assembly. Mr Jas. Geddes recently purâ€" chased a manure spreader which gives good satisfaction. MrJohn Hastie after nearly five months‘ visit among friends here, leaves Wednesday for his home near Fort Frances. A good sized deer was seen by Mr Wm Ramage on Major Eecles farm Monday night. Others in the district have also noticed them. Miss Florence Renwick arrived home on Friday last from Stratâ€" ford Normal School‘and met with a hearty reception from her many friends. Mrs Wm. Moore is improving slowly, though attacks of neuralâ€" gia occasionally afflict her. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery . Mr David Hamilton has recentâ€" ly had a silo built. MrW.J. Mcâ€" Fadden is busily engaged hauling material to follow suit. MrW. A. Lawrence has his about half way up and progressing finely under the efficient management of Mr John McBeth. MrJames Whitmore is improving his propâ€" erty by the erection of wire fences Mr David Hooper has crected a fine new wire fence in front of his property which improves the appearance immensely. In this connection we might add, many a fine job is marred by the litter of brush and broken rails left lying around. â€" Clean up, gentleâ€" men, just try it and feel the satisâ€" faction throbbing all over you. Mr Jno M. Lawrence is having a new shingled roof put on his barn. It was here in making preparations for hauling up the shingles, that Mr Austin Hann essayed to go down the rope, which no doubt he could have acâ€" complished had the scantling to which it was attached, been seâ€" curely fastened, as he thought it was. Instead, along with the rope he had grasped, he dropped about thirty feet to the barn floor, causâ€" ing him very severe injuries, in addition to a broken arm and several ribs detached from the back bone. The wonder is he was not killed instantly. Much sympathy is felt for the family and for him over the accident, as he was always of an obliging disâ€" position and ready to lend a helpâ€" ing hand to anyone. At this writing he is resting easily and doing nicely. Mr W H Hunter recently shipâ€" ped personally his herd of fat cattle to Toronto, and realized a good figure, His estimable partâ€" ner leaves this Tuesday on a trip to the West and is accompanied by Mr and Mrs Wm. Hunter, Sr. Mr J. J. Morrison, Sec. of the Dominion Grange, will address an open meeting in connection with Tartan grange on Friday evening of this week. Mr James Hooper was taken suddenly ill on Wednesday last, and under the Dr‘s care, is imâ€" proving slowly, though still weak Mr Jas. Ford has treated himâ€" self and his wife to a fine new buggy of a staggered spoke, bicyâ€" cle wheel, rubber tired pattern. It is a dandy. Mr Robinson of Chesley, is at present on a visit to his sister, Mrs Jacob Halpenny, and was present at the services at the Hall Sunday evening in company with his niece, Miss Mary Halpenny. NORTH EGREMONT NOTICE is bereby given that purâ€" suant to See, 56 of Ohap. 121, R. 8. O, 1914, The Trustee Act, that all persons baving claims or demands qnfl:olt the estate of the said John Garson, deâ€" ceased, who died on or about the 10th day of April, 1915, are required to send by mail post prepaid or deliver to John M. Findlay and Kobert Renwick or to the undersigned their Selicitor, on or before the 28th. day of June, 1915, their christian and surnames and addresses with fall particulars in writâ€" ing of their claims or demands and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) beld by !them, duly verified by Statutory Deâ€" | claration. with sums ranging from $20 down $210 was totalled in nine minutes 2 Carpets, Linolems, Oficloths The musical part of the proâ€" gram was given and well sustainâ€" ed by a quartette club from Durâ€" ham composed of Misses Ida Wilson and Zeta Black, Messrs J. H. Harding and J. P. Telford, the latter contributing as a solo, "The Death of Nelson." The numbers were all firstâ€"class and Well rendered, "Moonlight on the lake" "Come where the lilies bloom" and ‘Come where my love lies dreaming‘, the latter perhaps being the finest given in rythm, imelody and harmony. Duetts were also sung by Miss Wilson and J. H. Harding and by Miss Black and Mr Percy Harding, the latter contributing a solo with its encore and a duet with his brother "After the fray." _ Miss Margaret Hunter was an efficient accompanist. To Mr Ed. Mcâ€" Clocklin great praise is also due for his fine histrionic efforts. His recitations given in dramatic manner were well received and appreciated. His "Dublin Fusilâ€" iers" and "War" were fine numâ€" bers. _A most retentive memory and intensive delivery won for him the remark that we might go along way before we hear as good. All will be welome back again. fi 24009 OTIOP INGOS, DFHCOOS.+,++++++>. ++ ++ s ++ ++ Kok 2 LADIES! In Muslins, & Hosiery Special A vote of thanks closed the meeting with ‘God Save the King‘ Proceeds by admission amounted to $28.80. In the matter of the estate of John Garson,late of the Township of Egreâ€" mont, in the County of Grey, farmer deceased. Dated at Mount Forest this 28th day of May, 1914. R. O, KILGOUR, Mt. Forest, Oat Solicitor for Executors of John Garson, deceased, %EMEEHEEEEEEEEEE&OEEMM And take notice that after the said 28th day of June 1915, the said Execuâ€" tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, huving regard only to the claims of whic they or their said Solicitor shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assete, or any part thereof, to any person or Eersons of whose claim notice shall not ave been received at the time of such distribution by them or their said Solâ€" icitor. Notice to Creditors The largest range we ever carried and the pricc suit the most careful buyer. Now these are a fow and only a few. Let show you the many other lines. Taylor & Co. Ladies‘ VeSts ranging from:........,10€¢ to Season is at hand for Wool and we are as usual prepared to handle any quantity. We are ready with the Cash or if you wish to trade it out, weare exceptionally well stocked in all lines and we are here to oblige you. It‘s our business to do so. Clothing Blankets HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL PRODUCE Bring us your Wool, Butter and Eggs Galateas Cords, Shepherds Checks, Shantungs, Rice Cloth, Silks, we can supply you with anything you want or secure you any shade you wish . Let us accommodate you in any way we can . Purity Blanket, guaranteed pure wool No. 127 X Blanket, extra heavy......... Flannellette Blankets, large size........ 3 w e 11 x 4,@t.:..;,..; Many other lines, prices The prices are so low you can hardly notice them . In the Tailorâ€"madeâ€"goods, we measure you and guarantee satisfaction, WOOL P C3 ared ues ie m ‘The recent showers have made the farmers smile and crops look better. u‘l’h:‘ Seventcenth annual Ouv:l': on of Bgremont Bunday School sociation will be held in the Methodâ€" ist church, Orchard, on Tuesday. June a2nd. The afternoon SerS!On will begin at 2 o‘clock, evening 8667 sion at 7. 30 o‘clock . Coliection will be taken at both sessions to defray expenses. Refreshments will be pro vided for all. Everybody welcome. Mrs R. Robertson, Mrs W. T. Pinâ€" der and Master Redvers visited with Rev. and Mrs Ward, Conn, over the week end. _ The Orchard Sunday '§ch‘ool' p"ieui'c. will be held in W. T. PinGer® bush on Wednesday, June Don‘t forget the date, Mr A. Aitkens, of Holstein, his son Will, of â€"â€"â€". spent S day at W. T. Pinder‘s. Mr and Mrs J. R. Wilson and Miss Ida Wilson and Mr M. G. Wilson motored to Collingwood to visit friends. Mr and Mrs R. Knox entertained the young people last Thursday eveâ€" ning. Mr Willie Knox and his aunt, Mrs J. H. Richardson returned from Luckâ€" now . The Ladies‘ Aid met at Mrs W. P atton‘s. Mr D. McCormack, Sr., returned i0 his home. Mr and Mrs W. G. Lawrence visitâ€" ed Mr and Mrs D. McCormack. * Mr and Mrs A. Lawrence, of Glenâ€" elg, visited for a few days with Mr and Mrs W. G. Porter. Mr R. Hannam is laid :f.:t presâ€" ent. Mr Jno. Aldcorn is under the doctor‘s care. in our community. REV. T. H. IBBOTT, Ph. B,, â€" Pastor REV. D. B. MARSH, Sc.D, F.R.A.S, Pastor Money to loan at lowest rates, and tertds to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thoronghly reliable companies, _ Deeds, Mortâ€" gages. Leases and Wills executed on shus vest notice. â€"All work promptly attengded to. Sunday School at 10, _ Services at Hâ€"~ a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Week night seryvice Thursday at 8 p.m Sunday School at 10. Service at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. Tuesday at 8 p. m, Hplstein Conveyancer Wedding bells are loudly ringing Presbyterian Church Methodist Church SWINTON PARK Issuer of Narriage Licenses W. J. SHARP and the prices to W. T. Pinder‘s bush 30th. Ry VOL. XXXVILI, Berger‘s strictiy pure English Pa Green MacFarlane‘s Drug Store, Fake a Kodak with you on y« vacation, 81 and up at MacFarlan Msht”. Durbam and surroundiog Ora lodges will celebrate the 12 h in O« Bound chis year, No party tunes be played but only patriotic airs . Three more Ford cars haye b disposed of by C. Smith & son«,. . Gun and A,. K MeArtbur, Glen haye purchased touring cars and . Dargavel of Rock Mills a runsbou Dr. J. A. McDonald, editor of Toronto Gilobe, will spesk at a patriotic concertin Priceville on T Guy, June 20, Make it a point hear him. FurNITUORE goR SALE . â€"Coal he Gasoline stoye, Sigeâ€"board, Se Machine, kitchen table, botb sle Apply to _ l es ; Tuos, SrtiNngoX, Aibert Street, Dur The members of Court Dark C, 0. F. wili avtend gervice in To Uhureh in a body on the evenin Bunday, 27th inst, Brethren are uested to assemble at Odd Fel hwrmo 45 p. m . ‘ ~OPICS Glenelg Oentre Boptist Chur hold their annuual Garden P« Friday evening. July 200. at th dence of Mre Jas. Metillivray usual program of refreshments, amusic and addresses will be . OuL. Man« PresExtarionâ€"At a ; held by the Ladies‘ Aid of the M dist church last Friday afcernos the Show grounds, Mrs,. (Rev.) | ham was the recipient of a hand silyer bake dish accompanicd mddress to which she appropr replhied . Dundalk trimmed Shelburne » the latter village in Q. A . L. A mediate lacrosse, the same day ham was winniog from Oran: bere, Shelburne‘s prospects < appear rosy, when they lose g;mn. Durham‘s next game elburne July Ist, and the; doubtiess repeat the doss, a Garden Party is to be held at ney on June 20 h. We are expe to best the record made last : The services of a professional « tainer from Toronto are being se and several well known spesket expected to be present. Tea w served from 6 50 1o 8 _ Price 25 a gents, Mirs Clarice Spencer, P al of Elocution Dept., Toronto re.o of Music, has been securet the occasion, Goop CROPS iN Sask, â€"I1 his sub., exâ€"reeye E. V Glenelg, now of Sask., wi look for the Revi®w com It reaches McGee on Mon« so you see that we are noi We are quite interested in ing on in that part of the 1 ure looking fine in this par lots of rain lately, «0 the rank growth, no frost to d thing, not even garden «t u all in the best of health." Rixx is To 60.â€"A de completed whereby J« disposing of the Durh McGowan, of the Rob | Co., who will utilize it and cooper shop. Mr endeavoring to sell or r welr or more, as he est, but could not g parties to purchase to : continuance of our win to be regretted that no gould be fouud to take as it well can be made investment. by M. U, H . to the Prov, B far analysis the following gults, The specimen frowm the residence of Mr. K. D. which is nearest the Ar supplying the town sligh the Colon bacillius or ty was shown in 50 c c of the yzed, The specimen from on the hill supplying the i hacilius was found in 25 . analyzed, thus showing $ lution from the eprings th fowing well as germs w the lesser quantity of wat The analyst in a footnol while these tests show sou lution it is now suffisgient the water is the cause of cases lately reported an other sources such as 1 wells, &c. The specim cement plant flowing wel der all tests. £_ ForEsTEES AT CHURCH . â€" I y the Band, the Independel Foresters, about 45 strong, to the Presbyterian Chaurch or eyening, where they and a congregation attentively liste excellent discourse from Me Whaley, â€" Me believed thei service to be a recognition L require more than man car need God‘s guidance and « He took his text from Deu!t * For the tree of the Aeld life." Comparing man to reminded his auditors how 1 trees and forests were allude Bible and stated Divine should be linked with earthl 5.â€" The discourse was an el the six classes of Biblical t ferbidden tree, barren trei tree, river tree, righteous tre ree of life. He highly co the Order in such provisions lu and caring for the sick viding for dependents, Bev Dornoch iodge were present Durham brethren in parade Of interest to house wive ial notice is given to buy strawberrics now, _ Have : ser secure Niagara Peninsu kind,â€" now at their best quire less sugar. Goo about ready. Speak to you FRUIT BULLETI Hot M vatt 11 there W () l far wh : t Bd ng 140 M ane the H H

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